4% RH _"ii"i"iitsiip))rtrpji, l I Wifi/lk, VOLUME xxIx.--No. 48 , Weston Coal & Lumber You WANT REAL VALUES You think these can only be had in Tdronto. You are wrong. _ Here is a Sample of our Prices: COMBINATION A. C. & D. C. DESK, BRACKET AND OSCILLATING All our Goods are Guaranteed 'omplete, ready to attach, will sell at the following prices Compare them. Ask The best place in the world to buy a lot or buy a house or loan a thousand dollars on first mort- gage. Nobody rents-everybody buys in . (:11 332?; IV ':i/fyci' ï¬â€˜mgiï¬tï¬Ã©â€˜ NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS 'O arid W. Scranton Coal ELECTRICAL FANS WESTMOU NT WESTMOU NT DR. E. F.-IRWIN If You Don't Believe it, Visit The Standard Anthracite Sole Vendors of Non-Oscillating Fans 110 Volt Diam. ot blade. Weight. 8 in. 10 lbs. & in. 10 lbs. 12 in. 32 lbs. ‘16 in. 35 lbs. I Oscillating-tto Volt 8 in. 16 lbs. ',12 in. - 36 lbs. (16 in. 40 lbs. Oscillating-io Volt, 60 1 '12 in. 40 lbs. 16 in. 42 lbs. 12 in. 36 lbs. 16 in. 40 lbs. ) Special (Diem Fans.) F 6 in., 110 volts, Brass . . . . . . k 6 in,, 110 volts, Black . . . "e ' About " lbs. $1 8.2 5 lbs. 32.45 lbs. 34.00 Volt, 60 Cycle lbs. $29.00 lbs. 37.50 lbs. 29.50 lbs. 34.00 I * E l P tii; - iD ;gr*5 4h, ' ti; T . 1tt10i?]fiiiidit . l 1 P C"L.U..cs,C,U",,.',",.,, ’ ' , a Price $11.00 12.00 25.00 30.25 $29.00 37.50 29.50 34.00 $10.00 9.00 Inwresponse to inquiries for a concise state- ment regarding the National Registration, the following facts are submitted to the public. It is hoped that they will be satisfactory answers to any questions/that may arise. _ WHAT?--The National Registration is the COMPULSORY registration of all residents of Canada over 16 years gd age. 2. So that labor may be obtained for the ES- SENTIAL industries - AGRICULTURE and MUNITIONS. 3. For the future enforcement of MILITARY SERVICE ACT, to ensure the speedy, easy and certain reinforcement of the Canadian Army. WHERE?---- ANYWHERE. Any citizen may register at any Registration booth in Canada." The follow- ing are the Registration booths for WESTON: WHO ?-All citizens sixteen years of age or over. In other words all citizens from 16 to 116 years, of age. _ WHY ?---This registration is undertaken to give the authorities complete information regard- ing the industrial ability of the citizens of Canada for the following reasons : . HIGH SCHOOL---prin. Alex. Pearson, Joe- puty Registrar. "V WHY YOU SHOULD REGISTER-- 1. Because it is your patriotic duty. 2. To escape the penalties. To refuse or to neglect to register is to become an OUTLAW. Any person who neglects to register is subject to fine and imprisonment. Cannot conduct busi- ness. Cannot obtain EMPLOYMENT. Can- not collect WAGES. Cannot travel on any TRAIN or STEAMBOAT. _ 1. Economical and wise conservation and di- rection of the supply of labor. gistrar. SOUTH END-Aitcheson's Store; Mrs. G H. Gfay, Deputy Registrar. _ CENTRE-public School; Prin. H. J. Alex- ander, Deputy Registrar. WHEN?--The town booths 'will be opened as follows: Monday, June 17th, 7 p.111. to 10 p.m. Thursday, June 20th, 7 p.111. to 10 pm. Friday, June 21st, 7 pinto 1b p.m. ' Saturday, June 22nd, l a.m. to 10 p.m. Registration at factories will be arranged by registrars of the factories. HOW ?- V l 1. Present yourself at Registration booth as early in week as possible. Don't leave it until Saturday, or you will be in the rush with the other fellow. FACTORrES-- Moffat Stove Works-J. K. 'Moffat, Fred Sloan, Registrars. hs. Canada Cycle and Motor Co.-). C. Roye, F Sinclair, P. Harris, Registrars. Toronto Structural Steel-T. S. Walton, Reg- istrar. Some of our citizens must look into the details of this registration. Some have the idea that it does not matter whether they register or not. This is a wrong impression to get around.? It must be understood that every person over ‘16‘ years of age will have to register. In the event ' of failure to do so, you will not be allowed to travel on public conveniences, eat in public ho- tels, boarding houses or restaurants, accept posi- tion of work with any firm, and you Virill be ar- rested when you caught if you have not regis- tered. Thus you will discover that this is no joke. It means business. As there is a lot of work to be done in the week, you are asked to register early in the week. Don't leave it till the last day. See the note on the page about the details and act accordingly. LOOKING BETTER ON MAIN STREET The response to the request to cut the grass on the boulevards has been splendid in some secs tions. Those places will note with much pride the improved appearance it has given their places. In fact, it has added to the value of the section. While the start has been made, there is a lot more to be done. Many of our citizens haye not seen the advantage. Evidently they are not in, terested in the improvement of the town. If that is their attitude. then the quicker they understand that the aim of the town is towards improvement the better. We want to develop the great ttatur- al beauties of our town. The trimming of your boulevard is one of these. Do it and assist in the work. It will only take a few minutes of your time. If you refuse to do so, then the council will have to send a man to your place to cut it for you. They will also charge you for the cut- ting. The charge will not be a small one, either. Again, is it fair to your neighbor to let your place continue in that untidy state? Answer the ques- tion straight. We all want fair play. You de- mand it of your neighbor. Then act with him in this matter. The town has all the work that it can handle without having: to go and cut your weeds and grass. It is your duty to do it this week. CANADA'S NATIONAL REGISTRATION new PW---“ . . . After the reading of the minutes and rece1y- ing of the communications the matters arising out of these were dealt with. The re.:gular meeting: of the town council was held on Monday night in the town hall. Mayor Charlton was in the chair and all the members were present. _ ‘ q. F .n . 1,- __,1 _,.AA2-. WILL HOLD A TAX SALE IN WESTON NORTH END-Has. R. Dennis, Deputy Re- REGISTRATION DAYS NEXT WEEK Municipal Matters of Moment As far as possible register in booth REST YOUR HOME or place of residence. A. PEARSON, Secretary Weston Board of Registrars WEST YORKS NEWSY WEEKLY WEDNESDAY, JONES 12TH, 1918 ' The fire bell will be inspected and care taken that it will be used for that purpose only, Some of the firemen were present and gave to the pouncil a copy of their constitution and by-laws. In presenting these Lieut. Mackay stated how che firemen had by persistent work at last made 3a place for themselves in the town. By the co- ;pperation of friends and the council Weston has ga brigade that she can be proud of. Most of the 'tquipmept is the result of their own Work. Licenses will be granted to all those who are willing to handle the government fish Two ap- plications have already been received, one from Griffith Bros. and the other from R. Wade. If there are any others they will at once make ap- plication to the clerk. In the matter of the wood supply, the com- mittee, Councillors Webster, Wright and James Gardhouse, have made several inquiries. As yet they have had no definite answer. The council, in harmony with other bodies, are trying to se- cure a supply of wood for the town in the case of a fuel famine. This supply will be held and used only as a last re/sort. Further developments will be forthcoming in the course of a week. A spe- cial meeting will be called to consider the report then. Tenders were received to supply the town with 40 tons of soft coal. The tender in reference to the breakwater at Eagle Avenue was laid over for one month. The advertisement will be continued and tenders re- ceived up till the first Monday in July. The ditch will be cleared, so as to take off all the water now lying on Church Street and Conron Place. T This was brought before the council by a let- ter asking that the council forward the enclosed petition, asking that the people of Canada be ask- ed at the next election to change the British North America Act in reference to-the Senate. Each of the municipalities are asked to do the same. Our own council are in accord with the idea and will forward the petition to the govern- ment. ' The Mayor, Dr. Charlton, Reeve J. M. Gard- house, Councillors A. E. Scythes and Wright, will attend the meeting of protest to be held in Toronto in reference to the moving of the C. N. R. offices from Toronto. It is felt that these of- fices should be kept in Toronto. It was decided'by the council that the Senate is a useless body and not necessary for the gov"- ernment of our country. . _. - - Mr. Terrell asked for an increase in his wages. At present he receives 35 cents per hour, but will henceforth get 40 cents. He is a good ser- vant to this town and all felt that he was entitled to the small increase. ' %-The Mayor and Reeve both expressed the ap- preciation of the council and the fownsp6ople to the firemen. The firemen are a valuable asset to our town, a protection to our citizens and their property, and are good citizens. / A motion was passed which prohibits the sweeping into the street of any dust, dirt or rub- bish. This is a step in the rig,ht direction. But is it of any effect? Will a motion stop them? Is it not necessary to pass a by-law to make this the law in our town? There is not the least doubt but that some of our citizens do throw rub- bish on the streets. They must be made to stop it if we are to keep our toivn clean. This can be fixed at the next meeting by passing a by-law. The road committee were complimented upon the condition of our roads this year. Never have we had them in such fine condition. The oil not only has eliminated all the dust, but has been the means of preserving the roads. The work done last year is not lost, b1atlas been kept in place by the assistance of the oil. Notice was given that the sidewalk at the cor- ner of Church andpMain Street encroaches upon the property some 18 inches. This led to the statement that some of the lots on the other side of Main Street were about ten feet on the road. As the road at this point is very narrow, action will be taken to have the proper survey made at these points. The council decided that they will hold a tax sale at once. All properties that are in arrears for three years or more will be sold by public auction. The treasurer will publish the list of such properties in the local paper and in the Ga- zette for the space of three months. All costs are borne equally by those having property in ar- rears. This action has been deferred since Feb- ruary, so as to give those in arrears an opportun- ity of paying up. They have not availed them- selves of this chance. Now they will have to pay up. The town is carrying a big overdraft at the bank. If this money is owing to the town, is dot the proper place for it in our account at the bank? It will be there. This will show those who are holding land at the expense of the town 'that we mean business. Our council is desirous of placing Weston on a solid footing, and they are doing it in the right way. r 713E370? want to cl'1t off 'the extra cost of ad- vertising and holding of,the sale step in at once and pay what you owe. With the number of autos that use our coun- try roads increasing every day, is it not neces- sary that all vehicles should carry a light? We have arrived at that time when for the protection of all this should be adopted. Is it not cheaper to invest in a small lamp that can be placed on your rig than have a lot of trouble with a smash up. It is not fair to the oher fellow who is us- ing the road if you do not try to avoid accidents also. What we want is co-operation on the high- ways against accidents. If you would make this small addition to your equipment on the rig, then you will have done something. It may mean that it will save you a long period on your back or a big expense for a new buggy, or even your own life. Think it out and you will see that a lamp Sig-the; back of your ouiit will help to solve thi, increasing traffic problems, F'-- A†Vw L133: WOULD IT NOT BE A PROTECTION Everybody's Doing It ! CAI' Montreal, Toronto The Cruickshank Wagon Work Phone 41r3 THE BARBER SHOP - " - To avoid any unnecessary delay, let us advise you when to send your car, so you may have it back just when you need it. The Use of Ice In the household is not only a direct benefit to the family health and comfort, but tends to reduce the cost of living. These three-fold blessings are embodied in our The Barber, and Wholesale and Retail Tobacconist Get your Tobacco supplies here. Always new stock on hand. 9 Main Street South, Weston IF YOU WANT GOOD ATTENTION IF YOU WANT GOOD TOBACCO IF YOU ARE PARTICULAR ABOUT THE CUTTING OF YOUR HAIR AND SHAVING You Will Get All These and Satisfaction by Patronizing A Word to Those Thinking of Having their Autos Repainted ', ARE PREPARED TO GIVE YOUR ORDERS PROMPT For full particulars apply to ' THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION 83 BAY STREET NADA CYCLE & MOTOR Co. Ltd. VACANT LOTS FOR SALE Lake Simcoe Ice To the garden, to work-Cahn-ever you want to go---there's nothing sexhandy and inexpensive as a gocd bicycle such as i C" MASSEY Weston Ict Co. Funerals conducted with the greatest care at moderate prices. MOTOR EQUIPMENT WITHOUT EXTRA ', CHARGE F Residence and Chapel, Main St., Weston Phone 28 - Night Calls attended to promptly LORNE R. BARLETT TOWN OF WESTON THE ONLY KIND WE HANDLE AUTO PAINTING AND CAREFUL ATTENTION ED. P. BEACH Undertaker and Embalmer Office: 139 Main Street S. Best residential part of town. Made and Gqatimteed by J. C. IRVIN, Manager WESTON RED BIRD CLEVELAND Phone 74 $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Main Street, WESTON Winnipeg, Vanucouver 1% 23)