Times & Guide (1909), 12 Jun 1918, p. 4

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ts, aim _ _ Pure Paris green, hellebore and ar- , senate of lead at Campbell's Drug T Store, Main St. " Lt.-Col. Williams will give lantern viws of the war vessels and mercantile ships which are being used to trans- sport munitions, soldiers' comforts, and (the men themselves overseas, in his 'Iteture on Monday, June 24th, in the ' Westminster Church. C Miss Margery Briggs of London, England, arrived in town on Satur- day and intends remaining with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Briggs, Rose- mount Ave., for a time, The annual garden party of the St. Gtorge's Church, Islington, will be held in the orchard adjoining the church on Wednesday, June 26. Straw- berries and cream will be served from 5.30 to 8 o’clock followed by a splen- did programme of vocal and instru- mental numbers. A brass band has been secured and an enjoyable time is promised to all. .Pte. Heuliss of Whitby and Pte. C. Hill, both stationed at Beamsviue camp, spent the week end at the lat- ter's home on Coulter Ave. Mrs. A. iitewirt, “Coulter Ave., leaves this week to spend a week or ten days at Beamsville and Grimsby: The June meeting of the Islington Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Et.-, H. Tier on Thurs- day afternoon. Mr. J. N. Newton will give an address on the aims of the On- tario Education Department. A cor- dial invitation to all the members and their friends is extended to come and hear this important subject discuss- ed. , Havé your films developed and printed at Campbell's drug store. At the meeting held in the Parish House of St. John's Anglican Church on June 5th, Miss Constance Laing of Toronto spoke most convincingly on “Conservation ot Food," and the re- sponsibility which should be under- taken by all to make this important war measure a success. The exceed- ingly good display ot bread, cakes, scones, etc., gave persuasive evidence that war baking was tar from being a penalty. ‘Miss 1Ee1en"muichard, King Street, is spending a few days with Brampton friends, There will be a. big garden party oniednesday, June 26th,, at Rich- view. This will be run by the Insti- tute and the Farmers' Club. Both are putting forth big efforts to,accom- push something big. A good brass band will be secured. Keep the date open. It you do you will have the time of the season. Miss Dorothy Burfield of.Toronto is the guest of Mrs. D. Campbell, 7 Ma- ria St. The Weston Bowling Ciub will hold their annual opening on Saturday af- ternoon, June 22nd. Great prepara- tions are being made for this, the event of the year in Weston. Ten rinks are being invited to participate in the afternoon competition. Refreshments and entertainment will be provided for the club members and their many friends. Grace Rowntree, of 61 Eagle Ave.- nue, was the guest of her auties, the Misses Smith, Beech Street, for the week end. Keep Saturday, July 6th, open, and take in Thistletown Annual Straw- berry Festival. , ri" In the case of Cadet Percy Smith, the aviator who came down in Wes- ton Monday noon, a truck was sent over from camp to load the machine and return. An offiger, flying over to investigate the trouble, found this un- necessary, owing to the slight dam.. age done. He flew back to teaside and procured the needed repairs, which consisted of two wheels and the propeller, and returned to the scene, making the round trip in twenty min- utes. In a. short time all adjustments were made and everything was in working order. The two flyers re- turned to camp in their own machines. The formal opening of the Juvenile Community Garden will be held at 4 "o’clock p.m. on Friday, June let, in the Town Hall Egrounds. The Hon. Dr. Cody, Minister of Education, will be present and will deliver the ad- dress. The public are invited. Details later. T Miss Gertie Craven was in town visiting old friends on Tuesday. She is enjoying a short holiday before re- porting for duty at Whitby Military Hospital. Pre-Communion Service will be held in Westminster Church on Friday night, June 14, at 8 o'clock. Will the friends please note this announcement and endeavor to be present? Warden T. Griffith and several ptembers of York Township Council made a tour of inspection of the roads and bridges of the eastern section, commencing at Milne Hollow and ter- minating at Yonge Street, one day last week. They reported everything sat- isfactory and were much /p1eased at the large amount of building in pro- gress in the Woodbine section. The Registration Committee have been disappointed in securing a booth for the north section of the town. There we are unable to'Eiinounce the place of registration in this issue. The community and several of the vacant lot gardens in Weston are be- ginning to produce results, and the, amateur gardeners are fast learning that labor and concentration pays in this line, as well as in any other walk in life. In the evenings and half holi- days you will find the enthusiasts busy with rake and hoe, which are two essentials in removing weeds, the destroyer ot all vegetable lite. Mayor Charlton attended the annual conference of the Methodist Church held in Toronto last week, having been appointed by the Brampton Dis- trict to represent the Methodist body in Weston at conference. _ Mr. Wm. Barratt returned to town last Wednesday and resumed his du- ties with "The Canada Lumber. Co." The collection of boots for France Were packed and sent in to headquar- ters at Toronto on Wednesday. The committee are much pleased with the Siesult of their efforts. A number ot sturvityeabie, boots were sent in. WESTON The medal contest for the month of May resulted in Mr. ll. B. Morphy winning with the splendid score of 78 less 12. The results, of this competi- tion will net $3.50 to the Weston Branch of the Red Cross Society. This year 50 per cent. ot the receipts on all competitions are being handed 0V- er to the Secretary of the Weston Branch of the Canadian Red Cross So- ciety. It is a splendid, praiseworthy action and the golf club are to be congratulated for their unselfishness in giving up 50 per cent. of their pro- ceeds. A Friday, June 13-Monthly meeting of Leeds Lodge, S.O.E., in the I. O. O. F. Hall, Church St., Weston. Monday, June 17---ftegular meeting ing of the I. O. O. F. in Church St. Hall, Weston. TIEft--Kt St. Michael's Hospital, To- ronto, on Monday, June 10th, Eliza M. (Tisie), eldest daughter of the late, Robt. H. Tier, in the 54th year. (Funeral from her late residence, Canning Avenue, Islington, on Thurs- day, June 13th, at 2 p.m., to St. George's Cemetery, Islington. Motors. The schoolroom of the Weston Me- thodist Church was the scene of a very pleasing event last Wednesday afternoon, wseibthe Mromen's Mission- ary seciety entertained the mothers and little Light Bearers. The mem- bership roll of 49 was well represent- ed. Mrs. (Rev.) Stewart occupied the chair and conducted the devotional opening exercises then gave a brief talk on the food question of the day. Mrs. (Rev.) Moore of Meaford and Mrs. (Dr.) Long of Toronto. Two tor- mer pastors' wives were present --and spoke a tew words of greeting to the old friends and associates. Mrs. Long gave a, short review of the mission work in Riverdale church, her present field of labor. She congratulated the Weston Society on their splendid or- ganization, every branch being in good working order. Mrs. Rodwell of Weston was also present and assist- ed very materially in the social side ot the entertainment, and the musical (numbers given by the mission band members were much appreciated. Re.. freshments served by the, . senior branch brought the pleasant gather- ing to a close. Wednesday, June 12 - Monthly meeting of Grouse Hill L. O. L. in Church Street Hall, Weston. Monday, June 17-Monthly meeting ing ot J. R. Findlay Lodge, L. O. L., in Goddard and Marshaws Hall, Mt. Dennis. The monthly meeting of the Wes- ton library board was held last Thurs- day night. The new accession book was on hand and duly examined. It is designed to record the cost of all books and determine their length of life. Accounts amounting to $150.11 were passed for payment and the com- mittee instructed to purchase $150 worth of books. The government grant of $178.87 was received on May 1, making a balance in the treasury of $604 with salaries yet to be paid. The members of the Fleur-de-lis Club entertained ten of the returned soldiers from Davisville Military Hos- pital last Thursday night at the home of the Club president, Miss Elsie Cou- sins. A musical programme was giv- en and games of various kinds engag- ed in. The serving ot dainty refresh- ments brought the. pleasant A evening to a Close, and the boys departed for home after tendering a hearty vote of appreciation to their entertainers. The, trip was made by, motor, which the girls provided for fhe comfort and convenience of their guests. The Methodist friends ar arranging a splendid programme for the annual garden party on July 1st. Watch tor particulars. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong of Toronto were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bur- gess, Church St., for the week end. The Belgium Committee will hold a quilting in the Methodist school room on Friday afternoon, June 14, com- mencing at two o’clock. Any of the ladies wishing to assist in the work will be cordially welcomed by the committee. A silver collection to help defray expenses of purchasing thread, linings and batton will be taken. Rev. H. S. Warren of Woodbridge was appointed conference letter writ- er in the election ot officers, of the Toronto Methodist Conference held in Elm Street Methodist Church during the past week. Rev. Mr, cupied the Church on Itiv., Mr. and Mrs. Moore of Mea- ford were visitors with their daughter, Mrs. C. Eagle,during conference hveeir. Pte. Herbeft Kérllam" of Camp Ni.. agara spent the; week end at his home on King St. Mrs. Sitzer has returned to town and taken up her residence in her home on John St., to the delight of her many friends. Saturday, June 22nd, will be red let- ter day, at the C.C.M., when the an- nual employees' picnic will be held to Grimsby Beach. The committee in charge have arranged a splendid pro- gramme of sports, including races, ball games, etc. A cordial invitation is extended to all to join the party and spend a pleasant outing on the waters of Lake Ontario and visit one of nature’s beauty spots. Return fare from Toronto wharf, adults $1, children 500. Dr. Archbold of St. John's Church preached anniversary services in St. Barnabas' Church, Toronto, on Sun- day morning, June 9th. The rector, Rev. Hughes-Jones, conducted the service at St. John's Church in his absence. Mrs. Higginson and Miss Higginson of Mono .Road are spending a few weeks with Mrs. Hassard, King St. The Stringendo Musical Club of To- ronto were entertained at the home of Miss Stella V. Rowntree on Saturday afternoon, June 8. Brilliant sunshine ap.d, balmy air favored the outing, and quite a number availed themselves of the opportunity to see the country at its loviest. All reported a very en- joyable time. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Morris, for- mer residents,were. in town last Thurs- day visiting old friends. OOBIIN G EVENTS Site" of Shelburne oc- pul it of the Methodist Sunday evening last. DEATHS Mrs. John Atwell of the 9th con., King, died on Sunday after a linger- ing illness. Mrs. Atwell, previous to her marriage, was a Miss Elmer. The deceased was in her 59th- year. The funeral took place on Tuesday after- noon to the Baptist graveyard on the 12th concession of King. Rev. Mr. Burgess conducted the service at the house and grave. Week Beginning June 10th Wm. Banks vs. N. J.. McEwen. Prof. Wade vs. T. J. Maguire. E. Farr vs. W. J. Inch. A Greaves vs. Wm. Shiells. A. R. Smith vs. W. A. McEwen. Week Beginning June 17th Wm. Banks vs. W. A. McEwen. Prof. Wade vs. N. J. McEwen. E. Farr vs._T. J. Maguire. A. Greaves vs. W. J. Inch. A. R. Smith vs. Wm. Shiells. The above is the schedule of the Rink Competitions for the First Ser- ies. These games were supposed to have been completed on or before the 22nd inst., but owing to the condition of the greens, which prevented an early stave, one week's grace will be granted, so that all of the above games must be completed by the 29th June or else will be charged as a loss to each. Balmy Beach Aggitt......... Milton......... Brownlow. . . . .. Clark.,......., On Saturday afternoon 4 rinks from Balmy Beach Bowling Club paid a visit to the Weston Club. Our own little bowlers played the game well on their own green. It was a, good after- nobn’s sport and a big relaxation from the continual strains that come with the work ot the day. In these stren- uous times it is a grand thing to have an opportunity to relax. Bowling gives you that, These friendly games help, you. The exchange of opinions and ideas is also very fine. The boys from the east are a fine lot of fellows and play the game right. Our pets won the game by.16 shots. 54 70 It is to be noted that all the Weston bowlers were out on time, to play the game. "This is a most notable feature of the game. Of course some of the offenders in this respect were not pre- sent at all. One, on the gallery stated that all the good players were not in the game. The. Overseas and Fraternal Com- mittee reported that the new Club Room is almost ready and that the formal opening will take place on Friday, June the let. The Reeves of the county and the city council and prominent citizens are expected to be present. The object of the association is to provide a club room where any member ot the regiment and particu- larly those who have been overseas, will be made welcome any time they are in the city. It is also the inten- tion to hold re-unions from time to time throughout the county in order that old comradeships may not be broken. The organization also con- templates being ot assistance at any time in such matters as pensions, vo- cational training and land grants, BOWLING GAMES IN THE RINK COMPETITION At a meeting ot the officers ot the regiment, the plans for the summer shooting at Long Branch were laid, and will be announced at the regular drill Wednesday of this week. The 12th have always been noted tor their shooting prowess and the men are very keen marksmen. Regular prac- tise on miniature ranges has been kept up all winter. The spring churéh parade of the 12th Regiment, Major A. T. Hunter, Officer Commanding, was held on Sunday the 9th inst, to Holy Trinity Church. The Aurora Company was present for the parade. Despite the inclemency of the weather the attend- ance was very fair. 12TH REGIMENT YORK RANGERS First Series Week beginning June 3rd Wm. Banks vs. W. J. Inch. E. Farr vs. Wm. Shiells. A. R. Smith vs. Prof. Wade. A. Greaves vs. N. J. McEwen. T. J. Maguire vs. W. A. McEwen, D. MORRISON FIRST OF THE SEASON 318 Queen Street West Open Evenings-No Charge tor Alterations Toronto, June 10th, 1918 11 Keys .. .10 Greaves 16 Inch .. ,17 Smith . Weston ...20 ...17 ...18 ...15 BEAVER THEATRE E3 Men's Wear The men's wear we sell bears that unmistakable markof quali- ty and good taste. Summer suits that are smart and correctly tail- ored. A large range of models and fabrics. Prices range from $18.00 to $50.00 F - Women's Wear t Smart, well tailored Suits, Coats, and Dresses for summer wear. Blouses, Footwear, and Summer Furs, too--) large ex- hibit of fashionable modes. A complete range of sizes. Prices range from Our special charge account plan permits you to buy stylish new clothes on most convenient terms of payment. There is no logical reason why you shouldn't benefit by this modern method of "dressing up!" Make it your duty to take advantage of "Cheerful Credit" and have cool clothes for warm weather. Purchases Delivered on First Payment ALL ALTERATIONS FREE Good Music Henderson - Weston Summer Footwear West Toronto's House of Quality and Quantity Photo Plays Matinee Daily at 2.15 Two Performances every evening, 7.30 and 9.30 ' Popular prices, 10c and 15d. See the Window Display. Then walk inside. $19.75 to $65.00 WHITE KID AND CANVAS BOOTS, OXFORDS AND PUMPS Correct Style. All Widths and Sizes Mongiay - Tuesday, June 10 and 11 See Weekly Programme Wednesday-Thursday, June 12 and 13 Friday and Saturday, June 14 and 15 - ENID BENNETT "KEYS OF THE RIGHTEOUS” “THE HOUSE OF HATE" PEARL ‘WHITE Episode No. 10. "DOWN TO THE EARTH" DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS Comedy Comedy and Weekly ALLEN’S The Weston links are in excellent condition at the present time. Some who have been playing on the Lake- view and Lambton Club grounds state that Weston grounds are in very much better condition. This shows the et- fect of splendid work by the club. It speaks well tor the links. You will have to take care of all golf balls, as there is a shortage. The prices have already risen and will go higher. Demand and supply always regulates the price. If you will care- fully watch all the balls, it will mean a, general saving. Last yeaf the golf club bought a horse lawn mower through the Carter Seed Company. The firm decided to make no profit upon it, pnd as a re- sult the profits that should have gone to the cypagyare being turned over by the e§fon Golf Club to the local branch of the Red Cross Society. The draw for the McFadden Cup will be published next week. Watch tor it. _ WESTON An entrance tee ot 500 has been placed for all match or cup games. D. MORRISON Cash or Credit Weekly GOLF LF CLUB NOTES OF INTEREST Good Plays Phone 30 Our Sport Coat Admiral Smock and Candy" Stripe Middies are the very newest and smartest, also our Washable Skirts in syhite, Jean and Bedford cord, are right 'tip-to-date. WESTON I DR. J. A. MELDRUM King St. and Rosemount Ave. Telephone 15 Weston, Ont. DR. W. J. CHARLTON Office and Residence, East Cor. FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE fit. John's Road Tel. MI Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public 2922 Dundas St., West Toronto (Above Moon's Hardware Store) Real Estate Loans placed at Current Rates. Telephone-Junction 991 MAIN ST., WESTON Opposite Bank of Nova Scotia Office: Corner Rosemount Ave. DR. t. T. HACKETT Dentist Office: Coleman & Hackett Block and John Street WESTON, ONT. Office Hours: 8-10 a.m.; 6-8 p.m Sunday excepted. Agent tor Fire, Life, Accident. Auto- mobile and Plate Glass Insur- ance in safe companies and at best rates Physician, ’Surgeon, Etc. Office: Weston Road, Mt. Dennis Office Hours: 8 to 10 a.m.; 1-3 and 7 to 8.30 p.m. _ Phone: Weston 87 EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Marla St., Weston, Phone June. 1218 332 Bloor W., Toronto, Ph. Col. "OS Consultations by Appointment. C. Lorne Fraser, N Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Bank of Nova Scotia Chambers Phone 152, Weston MonexMto Loan on good First ortgage Securities THE CONSTANT CALL for Well trained stenographers and office assistants prompts us to continue our' work through the summer months, Enter any time. Shaw‘s Business Schools, Toronto. Free catalogue. W. J1. Shaw, President. TF Residence: Rosemount Avenue WESTON Walter Longstaff G. M. LYONS Dr. H. D. Livingstone Mornings and Evenings Toronto Office: Gray & Gray 301 Crown Office Building North-east Corner Queen and Victoria Streets, Toronto. Telephones M gin 6353 DR. W. E. PEARSON VV A. TlTLEY G. HOWARD GRAY lei @213 Barrister, S11icitor, Notary, PHONE PARK 402, TORONTO F. B. EDMUNDS R: (lllllliM flllll(lill Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence 120 Roncesvalles Ave. PUBL -, ACCOUNTANT ANI, AUDITOR phones sa Richmond St. W. ' 6353 . 4045 TORONTO. Middies Physician and Surgeon JOHN HARRIS E. J. MUSSON I Physician, Etc. Avenue e, Box 33 lain Cylinders When ordering address communications to WALTER- LONGSTAFF Weston PUMP WORKS PUMPS WINDMILLS GASOLINE ENGINES Repairs of All Kinds Brass, Iron or Porce- ESTABLISHED 1830 x 33 Weston or Phone No. 285 Main Street Tel. 301 ONTARIO WESTON Rear of Oldham's Hardware Store Main Street. Weston and give attention to all branches of sheet metal work. IF THERE’S A LEAK we'll find it and take care of it. At this season it is important to have your roof and eaves troughs care- fully looked after. Don't put it off. PHONE 67 Bought inhmy condition, $2.00 to $20.00 per set. Cash by return mail. R. A. Copenian, 2579a Esplanade Avenue, Montreal, SM1TH'S MOTOR DELIVERY Baggage and Express 22 St. John's Road, Weston Phone 305 ‘ City phone. Adelaide 1518 J. K. McEWEN (9 SON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12TH, 1918 Estimates given on all class of work. Alterations and repairs prompt- ly attended to. Residence: 110 Lambton Avenu. Phone: 18-3 - PIANO INSTRUCTION Monday and Thursday, 2 to 6 p.m. Studio, Bank of Nova Scotla. Building Pupils prepared for Toronto Connor- THE SADDLERY 21 Main Street WE Graduate Toronto Conservatory og Music Piano-Teachers' Normal Course. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conser- vatory Examinations. Studio: “The Bungalow" 87 Marla. St, WESTON T vatory Examingtions. It. It. 2, WESTON P111 GENERAL TEAMJNG Sand, Gravel and Filling Always t Hand. Movings Promptly Attended to. Phone 79 at 6.45 mm, 12.45 noon and 6.45 Dan. TEAOEHER Oli' PIANO Studio, Bank of Nova Scotia Buildin. Tuesday and Friday Pupils prepared for Toronto Conan vatory Examination. . JOHN T. ANDERSON Piano and Organ Timer 200 ‘Berestord Avenue, West Toront- Telephone Junction TS. 25 Years' Practical Experience. W" go any place. Drop a card. It Gives Satisfaction and Services BURGESS BROS. ' ' Sole Agent for Pease Waaan Air Furnaces 'annot be Surpassed for Wear & Durability. l Licensed Auctioneers for the Counties of York, Peel am Simcoe Terms Reasonable Margaret R. Gillette All Repairs made Promptly. HELEN R. WILSON 01d False Teeth Motor Funeral if desired. Motor Ambulance Service Residence & Chapel, 1311.168 MAIN ST., WESTON CHARLES GILLIS When Buying HARNESS - Get the Best - The Hand Made Harness Made by Stella V. Rowntree are Builder & Contractor EXPERT TINSMITHS . Le GRAND ‘. J. WARD Undertaker and Embalmer B. DEAKIN ”WESTON WESTON, PHONE 8-4 (ie 3% as;

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