K; A number of the Institute members from this section attended the district convention held at Islington on Tues- 1a.ua. 77 'e, ' 'Thistletown Methodist Sunday Echop-l intend holding their annual strawberry festival on Saturday, July (ith. The committee in charge are planning a big programme. Further particulars later. _ On account-of the inclement weath- (er last Sunday, "Flower Day" was ajostponed till this" Sunday, June 16. Service will be held at 7.30 p.m., and " be of special interest to the young people. Efforts fibre being made to secure a speaker interested in this ararticutar line of work. A cordial ind yitation is extended to all to come and Enjoy the service and encourage the apuiur people in their work. The May meeting ot the Richview Fed Cross workers was held at the home of Mrs. Banks. Owing to the L‘busy'se’ason of the year the returns fell a little short of the previous month's, but a creditable-sized bale, Consisting of 7 pairs of socks, 1 day shirt and 4 pyjama suits, was sent to headquarters at Weston. A pleasant afternoon was enjoyed by the ladies and work distributed for the coming month. The Richview Farmers' Club and Women’s Institute are making big ayreparations for a garden party to be held in the near future. This event (will be conducted in the form of an 'open air band concert, interspersed with musical and reading numbers. It will be held at the home ot Mrs. Thos. McLellan, lot 21, concession 1, of Eto- hicoke (Dixon's sideroad). Full par- ticulars of this fete day will be an- pounced later ,so keep it in mind and watch for posters and tickets. Pro- ceeds in aid of soldiers’ comforts, so you not only spend a pleasant even- ing yourself, but cheer a lonely heart in Flanders, England, or wherever Allis great war has cast his lot. Messrs. Royden Devins, David Dev- ins, and Frank Locke of the Royal Dragoons of Stanley Barracks, Toron- to, spent Sunday at their respective homes. Quite a number ot apteu1turalists of this vicinity motored to ushawa to attend Dr. Farevell’s sale of thor- oughbred Holstein cattle. Mr. Morrow of Hamilton occupied the pulpit in Emery church on Sun- day, June 9, speaking in' the interests of the Dominion Alliance. Mrs. Gillies is visiting with friends at Niagara his week. The Hydro Commission met on Mon-. day evening with all members pres- ent. Mr. Bell and Commissioner Stubbs were appointed to attend the Hydro- Electric convention to be held at Ni-. .agara on June 14 and 15. Accounts to the amount of $4885.76 were or- dered to be paid. Mr. Bell, the Hydro Commission's engineer, was engaged to the end of the present year at a salary of $135 per month. . }DNESDAY, JUNE 12TH, 1918 Meeting then adjourned, HYDRO COMMISSION THISTLETOWN RICHVIE\V EMERY ‘ The Times "fl: Guide JOB PRINTING PHONE _26 For neat and up-tohdate Printing on Stationery of, all kinds, Book and all kindsdf work in this line, let us quote you a price before going else- where-Satisfaction guar- anteed on all Work. The annual meeting of Tomlinson Methodist Church was held on Tired- nesday evening, June 5th, in the ab- sence of the Rev. H. L. Partridge, su- perintendent ot the circuit, Mr. J. A. Hewitt presided. The members of the Ladies' Aid So- ciety provided a musical programme. Songs were rendered in a very pleas- ing manner by the Misses Nellie and Connie North, Miss O. Elford and Miss B. Rowbottom, and choruses by the members of the Society. The elec- tion ot society representatives on the official board'took place, when the following were elected: Mrs. A. H. Parker, Mr. W. A. North, Mr. G. Row- bottom, Mr. W. Crowhurst and Mr. Kenneth Parker. The annual financial report was presented and particulars were given by Mr. W. S. Moss, showing that the past year had been a very successful one. The total income for all church purposes, minister's salary and care- taker, wood, etc., amounted to $753.- 99, while the expenditure for the same was $717.65, which left a bal- ance in the treasury ot $36.34. The Epworth League had an income of $145.73, of which $125 was for the Forward Missionary Movement. The Ladies' Aid Society showed an income of $82. They had paid to the church stewards $30 and for other expenses $5, leaving a balance on hand of $47.- 77. They had also raised in various ways about $75 for: boxes of comforts for the boys overseas, and $25 for the prisoners in Germany. The Sunday School in all its departments, includ- ing the organized classes and Home Dept., raised $243.12. $30 was sent to, the Armenian Relief Fund, $23 for missions and $35 tor boxes fer the boys overseas. The report showed that the amount of $1407 had been raised by'the combined organizations of the church, which goes to prove that the people connected with the work of the Tomlinson Methodist Church are liberal with their gifts,and that their officers are efficient and interested in their work. The membership of the church is about 52. The number of scholars, teachers and officers in the Sunday School is about 90. The enclosed copy of a telegram received by Lieut. J. P. Allen while he was in England recovering from wounds received in France, is an in- stance of one of the many ways the Canadian Red Cross Society looks af- ter the Canadian wounded soldiers. The telegram is from Lady Drum- mond, assistant commissioner of the Canadian Red"Cross Society in Eng- land, and reads as follows: 70 Oxford St., London, o. H. M. S. To Lieut. J. P. Allen, CO., ELM. Batt. Please consider yourself our guest, Haddon Hall, Buxton, tor fortnight. Kindly tell us what day and present address. Red Cross Campaign On Saturday next, June 15th, the districts ot Richview, Thistletown and Downsview, will be canvassed for the Canadian Red Cross. _This campaign had to be postponed in January last, owing to the very bad state ot the country roads. Last year the contributions were very. generous in these districts. Rich- vierf contributed $905,, \Thistleton $615.50, Downsview $548. It has been arranged to secure enough volunteer workers to cover the whole territory in one day, and an even greater re- sggnse is anticipated this year. RED CROSS NEWS HURIBER BAY DRUMMOND, Canadian Red Cross, Elgin Limebeer, son of Mr. J. C. Limebeer of Alton, met with a very nasty accident last week, while haul- ing a heavy load of manure. The young man was walking beside the team, holding, the lines, and as he came to a gap through which he had to pass, his foot slipped on a stone, and turned sideways, far enough for allowing it to get in the track of the nearest wheel. _The foot was badly crushed, and the young man will be invalided for some time in conse- quence. Elgin was to have donned khaki in the near future, but his mili- tary service will be delayed for a rhile a! I 11 Trim i I flllflallllilfll mJgprmmEE(ElllBiilBTMWLlil n, K. Used for making , hard and soft soap, for softening water, for clean- ing, disinfecting and for over 500 other purposes. FthDiN CANADAI " T_--. “In mun gum Pr.oe, tsgvs,tairt'ro'si 11T.itri5 aginmgzï¬hgflgwixï¬Ã©gg/ J FKL=J 2s.e ..=4 ' ’~=k':;£~;.=a’4 Wiii NY .m- LLETT ' it70 i':?1ufWP/f'ci)rtf... ELM†WESTON w; 1t.,2i"Sit"?' _--. . .uITFl ENGILLETT COMPANY LIMITED _ rename. ONT. A REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. AIII‘ON -----"r= mu manna-o IN" - rtoo _ t/0 Sunday Services 8 amr--Holy Communion and on the lst Sunday of the month at 11 mon Holy Days. T 8 p.m.---Every Wednesday All seats free. Everybc come. illllilifllll 1l0llillSf tlillnll Rev. J. Wallace Stewart, Pastor. Residence, .35 King" St. Phone 43. A. T. Mather, Choir Leader. Miss Marion E. Russell, Organist. Sunday, June 16 10,_15 a.rn.-Sunday school and Bi- ble Classes. 11 a.m.-The minister will preach. 7.30 p.m.-The pastor will preach. Prayer Service on Wednesday even- ing at 8 pm. Westminster Presbyterian Church Established 1858 Pastor, REV. FORBES ROBERTSON Residence, John Street. Phone 241 SUNDAY, JUNE 16 10 a.m., Sunday School. 11.00 a.m., Communion Service. 7 p.m.--Thanksgiving Service. Pre-Communion Service on Friday at 8 p.m. Strangers cordially welcome. During the summer months the Sunday school will meet before the morning service. Rev. Walter Archbold, D.D., Vicar Residence. 4 Maria St. Phone 282. St, John's Anglican Church (Pastor) Rev. W. M. Mackay, B.A. Residence: Cor. Coulter Ave. and Cross St., Phone 293. SUNDAY, JUNE 16 11 a.m., Palm Tree Christians. Children's subject, "Children in the Market Place." 9.45 a.rn.---Suoday School. 11 am1.---Matins and Sermon Sunday School in conjunction with Morning Service. 7.30 p.m., "Entering the Cloud." Mr. R. V. Beale, Choirmaster. Miss Stella. Al. Rowntree, A.T.J.C.M., Organist. Strangers cordially welcome. 10.30 a.m.-On All Saints' Days and The undersigned has received in.. structions from_MRS. JOHN JACK- SON, to sell by public auction at 133 Main St. North,-\Veston SATURDAY, JUNE 15TH, 1918 At 2 p.m., the following: ,Kitchen range, kitchen cupboard, Dougherty organ, bedroom suite, dresser and washstand, spring and mattress, Moffat sheet iron stove, oil heater, tea kettle, 2 iron cooking pots, oak vinegar barrel,/50 ga1.; oak vine- gar barrel, 35 gal.; 2 oak tubs; 1 keg, 5 gal.; 2 lawn benches, wheelbarrow, walnut table, kitchen table, carpen- ter's work bench, tools, nails, Quantity lumber, 2 dressed doors, 3 large glass window frames, dozen hens and feed, six 1 year old, six 2 year old; some house plan‘ts, lamps, silverware and vases, quantity gem jars, number of pictures, number of home made rugs and quilts, 2 buffalo robes, and other articles too numerous to mention. TEftMS--Cash. FURNITUR ll," ETC. Everybody welcome OUR FEED is just what you need to make your cattle grow and thrive. We carry a variety of the Best _ FEED ' that we can recommend to you Try some ot the foods we offer that make poultry pay and watch the re- sults. MOODY BROS. MAIN ST., WESTON Phone 36 The House to? your Flour and Feed Supply and Chopping. Old Presbyterian Church tgktoElittlillll't “MIME!†I CASH AUCTION SALE OF r--Choral Evensong and Ser- J. K. MCEVVEN & SON, Auctioneers WESTON Cross Street Everybody wel- Y on kn o w h o w dangerous itis. You will want to check it, at once, of course. Rub the chest well with Chamberlai n's Liniment and give a dose of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The soreness and pain in Ile cheat will tro- e cough will stop- the danger pan. Chamberlain's reme- dies are safe and do not disappoint. 2%. a bottle From Winter Laying _Straitt, White Leghorn. Settings $1.50 Apply to E. C. CATTLEY EGGS E Island per se FOR f six r man FOR s-aii--Lot 25 or 50 tt. on Iver- der Street. Terms reasonable. Ap- WANTED-A good man to work on pumps and windmills. Steady job. Apply to Walter Longstaff, Weston, Ont. TO EtFNT---semi-detached brick ve- neer house on Elizabeth St., Mimi- co, 6 rooms and cellar. Apply to Advertiser office, Mimico. FOR SALE-The fourth lot on the east side, of Fifth Street, New To- ronto, fifty feet. For particulars apply to J. C. Johnson, 113 Ashdale Ave., Toronto, or to Mr. Calvert, carpenter, 3rd St., New Toronto. Mixed Fowl day old Chicks, nen hatched, 25e each, Pure bred White Orpington Chicks, 20c each, the kind that lay; selected stock. White Orpington Settings, $2.00 and $2.50 per 13 eggs. Clucking hens for sale; also hens and chickens. New laid eggs at market prices. l’ltUUU anuL‘lnLL" -..- ______,,A imported Clydesdale stallion, Proud Chieftain, 9ij84-14324, will. make the route for the season of 1918 as follows: Monday, April 27, will leave his own stable, lot 34, con. 2, Etobicoke, and proceed to Thistletown for noon and Woodbridge for night. Tuesday, John F. Harrison's, lot 9, con. 9, Toronto Gore, tor noon; D. Dale's, woodhiH, for night. Wednesday, Royal Hotel, Bram- pton, for noon; fl. Matthew's, lot 12, 2nd line west, Toronto Twp., for night. Thursday, John Walker’s, lot 5, con. 2, Toronto Twp., for noon; Uohn Ellis', Leary Homestead, for night. Friday, Wm. McCallum’s, lot 10, con. 3, N.D.S., for noon; 12. Mfds11tt,reok,',t 1for nig‘ht. --- t ,__;_. (Ert hm m. HATCHING EGGS, $5.00 PER Saturday, Wm. Lewis', Manon, LU). noon; home for night. The above route will be continued throughout the sea- son, health and weather permitting. Proud Chieftain has won many prizes at local shows. His stock always bring good prices. He has been eight years on the same route and same stands. Terms to insure, $15. Camer- on, Graham, Jamieson and McCaugh- erty, proprietors. f . RENT- private 1 Apply tc Jones, TN MUNICIPALITY OF NEW TORONTO Take notice th°at the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Vil- lage of New Toronto intend to con- struct as a local improvement a sani- tary sewer on Birmingham Street from Ninth Street to Thirteenth Street, the estimated cost ot this work will be $5424.88, which will be borne by the Municipality. _ ply to Mrs. Kirkham, Mimico. â€*u‘A‘VArw-Aw . _ Also a sanitary sewer on Thirteenth Street from Birmingham Street to New Toronto Street in the said Muni- cipality, and intend to-especially as- sess a part of the cost upon the lands abutting directly upon the work. The estimated cost of the work is $4434.20, $2571.80 will be borne by the said municipality and the balance, $1862.40 will be assessed for from the lands abutting on the work. The estimated rate per toot frontage is 80 cents. A petition against the work to pre- vent its construction will not avail. Large White Eggs 1918 3t Meets every Tuesday pight, at 8 p.111 in the basement itppit: 'Arareratret's Church, 6th Street, New Toronto. All visiting brethren are invited to attend these meetings. Bro. Robt. Dunn, N. G. Bro. W. M. Patterson, Rec. Sec. WESTMOUNT Milk Direct from Our Own Cows Delivered at Your Door in Riverside Cemetery will be received by the undersigned until Saturday, June 22nd. Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. Jas. R. Dennis, Secretary Treasurer. \ 1t -, - 7' If. A. MILLS Maria St. East of Fifth Avenue P.O. Box 79, men PROUD fpEe,"r,duNrt'.Wtt (magpie? Ready for any unexpected summons? It never does them any good to hang around soiled and out of shape. Why not send some garments to us regu- larly for our work in CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING And have your wardrobe in order in case of emergency. Phone Jet. 231 Signed atmlgew Toronto, June 11th, Horse Routes WEST POINT I.0.0.F. NO. 425 Offers for about seven acres of grass nd Reds setting. Weston. rooms, $2600 Cl, Burlington saLEr--A FOR R. ft. No. 2, Weston. t kas FELKER BROS. Tr-Lame a patties to the 1 Weston. YOUR Ccoirrrcg%sr GOOD CONDITION? Dyeing, Cleaning F Pressing . Troyer & Sons e. m.uu.\m.w.__ ___- _ Wm. lewis..'.,, Ma}ton, for HATCHING - [ good laying F. Fido, 158 , and Noble Phone 321 new H. C. MILLARD, Clerk NOTICE frame Apply " _ $5.00 PER 100 old Chicks, hen other T Grand, ply to I Mimico 2908 Dundas St the Municipal George St., 1 month strain, Main Hall for purposes. house Robert Rhode of 'ut-. $1 St. British North America Our service will help you to farm successfully. Weston Branch Write Weston Office or phone 26 The Wardell Monumental Works, established May lst, 1898, on a small basis, has, step by step, had a steady growth, until, to-day, we have the most up-to-date showrooms in On- tario, full of select Monuments. We attribute our successto our integrity and industry and fair treatment of our custom- ers, giving good value and one price to all. We have had no agents to misrepresent work for their gersonal gain-"COM- MISSION," having preferred dealing direct with our custom- er, and by so doing giving the customer the advantage of first cost. We believe that a word from a satisfied customer will mean more to you and to us than all the efforts of the usually unscrupulous agent, who has no interest in the business. M. G. WARDELL, Prop The Central Hotel Weston ' Wardell's Monumental Works Phone 278' Correspondents for The Times fr. Guide GOOD REMUNERATION PIN N IN G through the fresh air on an easy- S running "CCM." Bicycle gives one_the. gentle exercise needed to keep mind and' body alert and f keen. The advantage of choosing , a “COM.†Bicycle) that it will run just as smoothly and sweetly _.. (pr years as it ft) 'tts" ilii'iiviii,ti)) does when “ii†'tt "e-tiii?,.,',,,,, 'tity-iii' yosnswga- . -- - nun ' r . Look for These Nameplates V Wnto" "IL'."" _ “w, when choosing a Bicycle. All of es on, . n. . these well-known lines are Montreal Toronto Wiuaipeg Vancouver “C.C.M." Bicycles. 7-1il WANTED irst Class Stabling and Shed Accommodation Transient and Regular Boarders Receive Prompt Attention FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATION FOR ALL 2898 DUNDAS STREET WEST 1o WESTéN ROAD ANNOUNCEMENT The farmer who 11 relations with the A., and makes as men ESTABLISHED 1836 to permanent success. Made in Canada and Guaranteed by CANADA CYCLE & MOTOR CO., Ltd., N. J. McEwen, Manager C. W. WARDELL, Mgr. ' HOWELL, Proprietor. and maintains close Every "CC.M." Bicycle bears this design on the rear upright bar. -. ' THIS MARK IS YOUR PROTECTION substantial ti:i,i,ii,is; if PAGE FIVE its“; Wt