Col. Bickford said that Toronto rhil.. itary district had contributed over AzOEOQQ £1,911 to the war, and the train- hut of them so that they could sue- cessfully cope with the highly trained German soldiery was made possible t2e.i's, , b, The county has to raise $2,514.41 Ctor public schools, and the follgwing payments will \be made for High Vséhool pupils'. Weston, $1,275.00; _ Markham, $1,544.04; Richmond Hill, $1,073.42; Newmarket, $2,049.72; Au- _ fora, $1,127.68. A fine musical program was given by the regiment's brass band. About three‘hundred members of the regi- ment, returned soldiers and their friends, were present. Addresses in , praise of the war activities ot the 12th Regiment and its enterprise in estab- _qi'shing a club room for its returned soldiers were delivered by Mayor Church and Col IE. C. Bickford. Ma- jor A. T. Hunter, commander," and Lt.- Col. B, H. Brown also spoke. 7 A pleasing feature of the evening was the presentation by the Honor- ary Lt.-Col. Alex. Fraser ot the Long Service Decoration to Major A, T. Hunter, ,the officer commanding the Rangers, and the Long Service Med- al to Major F. F. M. Brown. Lt.-Col. B. H. Brown, who' presid- ed, conveyed the thanks ot the regi- ment to Mrs. H. D. Warren for her generous assistance in furnishing the club room. .He said that notwith- standing the many ways she was daily manifesting her interest in the Cana- dian soldier's welfare she still had found an additional opportunity of as- sociating herself with the splendid work undertaken by the York Rangers in carrying on the club. Mayor Church praised the war re- cord of the York Rangers, the suc- cessors of the historic York volun- teers,'and promised that any assist- ance Which the City of Toronto could give woafil be given without stint. in Canada by the organization ot the militia regiments and the strong back- ing of the civic authorities. When he was in France Sir Douglas Haig had told him that the Canadian soldiers were among the best troops produced in any portion ot the Bri- tish Empire. He hoped the return- ed soldiers would not divide them- seiVes into many little, organizations, but irstead be a. great body of men bound together through the spirit t'010- nected with their overseas war servi- The opening of the 12th Regiment York Rangers overseas_club room for returned members ot the regiment and all returned soldiers who went over- seas from the Rangers territory in the county, took place in St. Paul's hall, ‘Yonge St., on Friday night. For Infants and Children In Use For Over so Years Always bears Signature of YORK RANGERS OPEN On Thursday the Newmarket Indus- trial Home was visited, after which an adjournment was made till next week. CASTORIA - Tuesday the council and friends en- joyed their annual picnic. The steam- er Macassa conveyed the merry par- ty across the waters ot Lake Ontario to Hamilton, where a very enjoyable day was spent. Music furnished by the Nort Toronto band, under the leadership of S. J. Douglas, added ivery much to the enjoyment of the sail, and on the return trip an ovation was tendered them for their enter- tainment of the party. #1 "C"Tr' '"'.'.. 'f i-J t'r-.tyiStE1FrMe' deputation ot the county consta- bles waited on the council, asking for an increase in salary from $20 to $25 per week. The matter was referred to the finance committee, the coun- cil favoring the raise, as the consta- bles pay tor their own telephone, which they are compelled to install, and the high cost of living necessitat- es higher wages. ty, A resolution was carried, asking the board of highway commissioners to submit a written report of the work done at each meeting of the council. Wm. Keith then gave a brief outline. of the work to be undertaken, show- ing $150,000 was to be spent on good roads this year, $45,000 of which amount was contributed by the coun- The finance ‘committee brought in a motion to levy one-half mill on the assessment, which would net $30,000. Others were of the opinion that it should be raised to three-quarters of a mill. After debating the subject, it was finally decided to adopt the amendment and make it three-quar- ters, a total of $45,000. , The British Red Cross Fund came up for consideration, the members be- ing divided on the question of assess- ment or voluntary subscriptions. York County Council was in session last week and transacted several items of, important business. "Port Credit bridge-For a county bridge, $16,747.96; for a commission bridge, $20,798 (including $800 for engineering). "Etobicoke toridge-For a. county bridge, $9418.50; for a commission bridge, $14,863 (including $600 tor engineering). "'Mimico creek bridge-For a coun- ty bridge, $13,667.94; for a. commis- sion bridge, $23,649 (including $900 for engineering). "On May 31 last the board, having representatives of. the Toronto and Hamilton Highway, representatives of the County of York, and some mem- bers of the York County Council pres- ent, the following figures were decid- istl upon: A. B. Ingram, vice-chairman of the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board, takes issue with members of the York County Council, who lay the blame on the board for delay in appor- tioning the cost of bridges at Etobi- coke Creek, Mimico Creek and Port Credit. "In view of the fact that re- presentatives from the county were present when the figures were decid- ed upon, I am rather surprised at the complaint," said Mr. Ingram. "There are three parties concerned, viz_., the Toronto and Hamilton Highway Com- mission, York County and the gov- ernment. I understand the percentage each will be required to pay will be 40, 30 and 30, respectively. Adjourn- ments were made, not at the instance of the board, but because certain in- formation was lacking, and because the parties were give an opportunity of trying to come to some agreement between themselves. . DENIES THAT BOARD YORK COUNTY COUNCIL acr-tr'rvrm"'; I??? r"e?i5tTt'trozrr- TWO NEW CLUB ROOMS IS CAUSE OF DELAY All hopes centre on the 1918 crop of North America. Of all crops the wheat crop is the most vital. The Canadian wheat crop estamates tor 1918, issued by the Census and Statis- tical Branch, put the increased wheat area at 1,324,950 acres and 425,600 acres increase in oats. Unofficial es- timates from those in close touch with conditions in the West place the in- creased wheat acreage at over 2,000,- 000 acres in the Prairie Provinces alone. Given rain, there will be an immense grain crop in the West, in fact, increased grain crops throughout the Dominion. The only anxiety then will be as to the harvest. Where are the men to come from? Some will come from the United States,no doubt, because their harvest operations are over earlier than ours, but it is said that 50,000 men Will be needed in the West alone. People of towns will have to\organize their affairs so as to get out on the farms when the time comes. Otherwise the harvest will be only partially saved and every grain _pt_tpspts9,1ftst will be wanted. The acreage in Canada is the highest ever recorded. I feel that I express the sentiment of the Government at Ottawa and of the public at large, when I say the greatest credit is due the volunteer assistants throughout the riding, who have by their national and patriotic sacrifice saved the government thous- ands of dollars which can be devoted to maintaining Canada's share in the war. I must also/ express my apprecia- tion of the tremendous assistance I have received from Mr. J. Harrison, reeve of Mimico, the councillors and clerk of New Toronto, Mrs. G. H. Gray, and Mr. Dennis of Weston, Mrs. W40. Duncan and Miss Olive Wallace of Woodbridge, all of Whom in con- junction with the school principals, have successfully organized in their respective municipalities efficient and capable organizations of citizens to act as assistant deputy registrars, thereby offering the greatest amount of convenience to the public to regis- ter, and relieving me ot a great bur- den of work. Registration has been completed in the district of West York without the slightest difficulty, owing to the effi- cient and patriotic assistance of the school teachers and voluntary assist- ants throughout my district. It has been a, distinct pleasure to be met with ut1etinted and enthusiastic sup- port, whenever and wherever I have appealed for voluntary assistance. I cannot express my appreciation of the work performed by the school prin- cipals and trustees alHover my district, entailing, as it did, a_sacriticing of an enormous amount ot their time dur- ing their busiest season. Delegates to Niagara Falls cynven- tion expenses amounted to $26.30. Meters for light, etc., will bé plac- ed in all tents and summer houses where Hydro light is used. Mr. Bell reported on the conven- tion wgieh has held at Niagara‘on June 14th, and 15th at which Mr. Bell and D_ep.~Reeve Stubbs represented the Mimico Commission. The report wass considered satisfactory. Afecounts to the amount ot $590.04 were passed and ordered to be paid. Reeve Bryer later occupied the chair. Minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted. A Hydro Commission meeting was held on Monday, June 24th. Dep.- Reeve Stubbs in the chair. A resolution authorizing payment was duly carried. Council then adjourned. , Accounts amounting to $5817.62 were recommended by the Finance Committee for payment. _ A special meeting of the, council will be held on July 4th for the fur- ther consideration ot the building by- Jars, Eug‘iié In connection with the appeal of Mr. C. P. Smith and Dr. Davidsqn against their assessments, which will come up on Thursday morning, the 27th, Messrs. Clark and Swabey were authorized to act for the corpora- tion. V A deputation will meet Mr. Fea- therstonhaugh on the premises to dis- cuss the proposition with him on Thursday evening. Mr. Featherstonhaugh wrote again asking for something definite to be done regarding water service to the "Towers," which is being fitted up as a convalescent home for soldiers, and also regarding the providing 'electric lighting tor: the same building. Complaint received from Mr. R. Patterson re garbage collection. Mr. Derbyshire, when questioned, stated that the garbage was not placed in the proper place for collection. Mr. Patterson will be notified to place gar- bage convenient for collection.» Communications were read from the Department of Assessment re amend- ments to assessment act. It was laid over. _ Mr. McLean, representing the Mem- orial Institute of Toronto, asked for water service to be carried to their camping site'" on Mrs. Crow's proper- ty. The request was granted upon the Institute agreeing to pay the sum of twenty-five dollars for the cost of the necessary material and labor in- volved. After discussion, during which Councillor Johnson gave a short ac- count of how the railway company came to close certain crossings, the council came to the conclusion that the only remedy was to take the mat- ter up with the Ontario Railway Board, but in the meantime the mem- bers of the council will go over the situation. A BIG CROP IS HOPED FOR Mr. T. Riding headed a deputation of residents north ot the track, re crossing tracks. Mr. Riding stated that the residents have been stopped from crossing the G. T. R. tracks and consequently had to walk either to Church Street or Salisbury Avenue, and asked the council to take up the matter with the company with a view to having a crossing made be- tween the points mentioned. Minutes of Court of Revision and of meeting held on June 13th were read and adopted. Dep. Reeve Stubbs,CouncilIors John- son, Harlock and Bland also were present along with Clerk Telfer. REGISTRATION COMPLETED The regular meeting of the town council was held in the library hall, Reeve Bryer in the chair, Mayor Har- rison being in Montreal on business. HYDRO COMMISSION J. E, LAWSON, Registrar tor West York MIMICO COUNCIL LADIES' AND GENTS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS Style and Fit Guaranteed. Charles Levy, Proprietor SEVENTH STREET, near Lake Shore Road Look over our new stock and get our new prices. Our prices are reasonable, and our stock is good quality. Painter, Paperhanger and Glazier - Is Open for Contract or Day Work. Note the address: FIFTH ST., NEW TORONTO Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Y"re Money to Loan Open Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoons Corner Seventh Street and Lake Shore Rd., New Toronto 60 Victoria Street, Toronto Phones Main 4120, 4121 The Avenue Candy Store Ice Cream and Soft Drinks Season is now on. (Tiny the best is handled. l A choice selection of the finest Chocolates and Candies always in stock. th F. RODNEY STOP 14, LAKE SHORE ROAD, MIMICO George Peacock VICTROLAS AND RECORDS) George Griffiths, Manager Open Evenings A COURT OF REVISION will be held on the 10th .day of July, 1918, at 8 o'clock p.m. at the council cham- ber, Lake Shore Road, New Toronto, for the purpose ot hearing complaints against' the proposed assessments or the accuracy of frontage measure.- ments and any other complaint which persons interested may desire to make and which is by law cognizable by the Conrt. Dated this 18th day of June, 1918. W. H. C. MILLARD, Clerk of the Council and of . Shore. Emerald Crescent to 5th Street. 9th Street-Lake Shore to Emerald Crescent. ronto. 8th street-Emerald Crescent, to Lake Streets and Sections West Point Promenade-ith Street to 9th St. Birmingham-Oth Street to 13th St. 13th Street-Birmingham St. to New l Toronto. 4th Street-Lake to Burlington. 5th Street-Birmingham to New To- Take notice that the Council of the Corporation ot the Village of New To- ronto has constructed as a local im- provement certain works on the fol- lowing streets between the points mentioned herein. MRS. MCRAE New Toronto Tailoring Co. held on the 10th day of July, 1918, at eight o’clock p.m. at the council chamber, Lake Shore Road, New To- ronto, for the purpose of hearing com- plaints against the proposed assess- ments or the accuracy of frontage measurements and any other com- plaint which persons interested may desire to make and which is by law cognizable by the court. Dated this 18th day of June, 1918. W. H. C. MILLARD, ' Clerk of the Council and of Court. Streets and Sections On New Toronto Street from 13th Street to a point 400 feet west on 8th Street from New Toronto St. to Birm- ingham Street. On Lake Shore ltd. from 2nd St. to Eastern town limits. On First Street from Lake Shore ltd. to Lake Shore Drive. On Ninth St. from lots 145 and 182 to Lake Shore Road. On Lake Shore Drive from lst Street to 2nd Street., , Take notice that the Council of the Corporation ot the Village of New To- ronto has constructed as a local im.. provement certain watermains on the following streets between the points mentioned herein. * q Hardware Oils, Paints and Varnishes Gardening Implements S. T. MOORE Parkdale Victrola Parlors A COURT OF REVISION will bé VILLAGE OF NEW TORONTO Send Card to Box 223 New Toronto Pl). 1281 Queen Street West (Cor. Close Ave.) --for--. VILLAGE OF NEW TORONTO STOP AT STOP 21 LAW OFFICE Phone Park. 4753 and see the MIMICO Court. BANKING ROOM OF MERCHANTS BANK STOP 20, NEW TORONTO Toronto Office: 88 RICHMOND ST. W. STATION ROAD, MIMICO Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Office open on Monday and Thurs- day evenings, 7 p.m. to liy p.m., in Law Office For Money Values in'Boots and ShoesGo To Captain McLean, Officer in Charge _ Phone Parkdale 2494 Sunday, 11 a.m.-Htyliness Meeting. Sunday, 3 p.m.--Sunday School. Sunday, 7 p..m.---salvktion Meeting. _ Saturday, 8 p.m.--Prayer for Empire Monday, 8 p.m.-Soldiers' Meeting. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Publite Meeting. Friday, 7.30 p.m.--Band of Love. _ Prompt Serviedat Moderate Charge STOP 27, LAKE SHORE ROAD Sunday Morning _ Services-ll o’clock. Sunday Evening Services--? o’clock. Sunday School and Bible Study, 3 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 8.15 p.m. B.Y.P.U. Meeting, Wed., at 7.30 p.m. E. J. Whan, Pastor, 6 IIa), Avenue . Toronto .. J. 3650 Holy Communion every Sunday at 9 a.m. and on second Sunday each month at 11 a.m.,,fa"nd on Holy Days at 7.30 a.m. "j" Morning Etayexg-zlg. am. t Shnday Séhooi $ty.itt, C I. r'r _ Evensong 7 _1p.m. f Sand and Gravel For Sale Masses, Sunday, 9. and 11 a.m Sunday Everfings 7.30. Car Stop No. 15. Rev. G. E. Doherty, Pastor. Wm. Gair women's Missionary and Ladies' Aid lst Tuesday of the month at three Meeting for Prayer, Wednesday, 8 Young People's -societsr, Monday, 8 Thos. Douglas PARCEL DELIVERY 'NEW TORONTO CHURCHES Century Methodist Church Morning 11 a.m. Evening 7 p.m. Sabbath School and Adult Bible Class, 3..15 pm. Epworth League at 8 p.m. Monday evenings. f Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. Wednesday evenings. REV. J. JM. MORGAN, Sunday Services: Morning Prayer, 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer, 7 o’clock. Holy Communion every Sunday at 9 aan., except on lst Sunday in month when it is celebrated at 11 o'clock. Sunday School 10 a.m. J. COULTON BEACH BOOT STORE Stop 14, Mimico Beach Morning Service 11 a.m. Evening Service 7 p.m. Sabbath School 2.30 p.m BURLINGTON ROAD . MIMICO Rev. J. A. Walker, B.A., Pastor, Sixth Street SALVATION ‘ARMY Mimico Ave., *Mimico Cor. Mimico Ave. and Church St. Rev. G. J. Mackay, M.A., Minister A welcome to all. Seats free. Sunday Services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School 'resbyterian Church St. Leo’s Church Methodist Church LONG BRANCH CHURCHES Baptist Church Teaming Contractor MIMICO CHURCHES , Christ Church W. H. MALE, B.A. "REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY TO KEEP IT HOLY.†St. Margaret's Church Rev. Mr. Brunton A Welcome For All Phone Main 7686 Pastor Mimico Avenue MIMICO The cow jumped over the moon one night To have a look at the sky! But our prices will be found quite right- It's the quality that's high! Fruit and Vegetables Fresh Supplies Daily Gavel] Street MIMICO RICH NESTOR (hill SUPPLY Co., Limited Telephone Parkdale 377, 378 And provide for good draft by use of Ontario Sewer Pipe When Building Your House New Toronto's Ice Cream Parlor Ice Cream, Cones, Sodas, Bricks, Soft Drinks, Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobaccos" Candies. REPAIRS A SPECIALTY A. E. STEPHENS, Proprietor 1521-23 QUEEN STREET W. A. J. Chapple Formerly Chief Inspector, Canadian Elgin Watch Co. 1506 QUEEN ST. w., PARKDALE Phone Park. " 93. Open Evenings Seamless Wedding. Rings Has a good stock of the best Boots and Shoes in the mar- ket, at reasonable prices. Repairs are neatly made and receive prompt attention. Sheitieid's Stop 21, LAKE SHORE RD HOUSE AND LOT Central Location Will sell at $2,300.00 Several other big bargains in lots I.W. ROYCE Guard against fires by lining your chimney with VITRIFIED = CLAY FLUES (Either square or round) REAL ESTATE Office, Church Street, Mimico Phone: Local 78. Phone Park. 1321--4756 Livery Cars Day and Night OFFICIAL WATCH INSPECTOR GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY A (1 block from Sunnyside) UN DERTAKER AND EMBALMER NORMAN A. CRAIG Phones : Park. 2950, Park. 1054 1255 QUEEN WEST GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS . J WATSON EXCELSIOR TOP 1500 QUEEN WEST Manufactured by JEWELER Issuer of Marriage Licenses GENTLEMEN--Let us make you a nice Bill Fold or Letter Book. Special prices given to insurance companies for advertising. LApoyisr-1ye. have the latest Strap Purses for you. We also have nice little Coin and Ticket Purses. Some of these are small enough for your mesh bag. W. E. SALE, FANCY LEATHER GOODS MFG. 1604 Queen West . Phone Park. 3753 WM. E. S. SAVAGE Insure under one of the Monthly Payment Policies, which pays indemnity for every kind of accident and also DEATH BY ACCI- DENT, and which are issued by The General Accident Assurance Company of Canada - ' Fill out coupon for further information and mail to P. H. Allman, Agent for the General Accident Assuran,ce Co., New Toronto P.O. COUPON' Please send me further particulars of your Accident Policies. OCCUPATION....................................... Be Protected in the Event of the Unexpected " NEW TORONTO, ONTARIO Are Taken on Additional Help Daily A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR CAPABLE MEN TO LEARN VARIOUS CLASSES OF WORK, EARN- ING GOOD WAGES, STEADY EMPLOYMENT, AP- PLY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. Goodyear Tire ti) Rub= ber,Coriapany, Ltd. IF NOT, WHY NOT;." They are the safest security and most attractive interest return, ever offered bra Canadian Government to the Canadian people.. We can supply you with a limited amount at the issue price. Did You Buy Bonds of Canada's Victory Loan Westminster Hotel, Torinto ROBERT WINTER " ar w)", STANLEY AVENUE Estimates given on all classes of work is Interior Decoration, etc. Factory and Yard, Stop 18% Lake Shore Road Phones: Residence, Park. 4586. Mimico-New Toronto Local 59 PARKDALE LEATHER SHOP BANK OF HAMILTON BUILDING, TORONTO, CANADA Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., Ltd HEMLOCK, PINE AND HARDWOOD SHINGLES, LATH, CEDAR POSTS, DOORS, SASH Detail Work a Specialty LAKE SHORE ROAD, MIMICO Patterns of Every Description in Wood, Metal or Wax MACHINE AND ENGINE PATTERNS A SPECIALTY W. Redpath, Proprietor ' 109% ADELAIDE STREET WEST Dominion Pattern Works TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE Organnist Methodist Church Special Instruction for Adults or Children. _ Interesting and Rapid Tuition. STUDIO, SIXTH STREET, NEW TORONTO J. BARN UM . Burgess tt Company PAINTER AND DECORATOR WRITE OR T LUMBER PHONE ADELAIDE 1740 rices ELEPHONE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26TH, 191;; Right IN k in Paperhiulging, MIMICG i .