Weston Historical Society Digital Newspaper Collections

Times & Guide (1909), 6 Nov 1918, p. 5

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a» "c I I ",,,,_' What Do You Know? if I Welcome to Rev. Arthur It was a good congregation that ,greeted the new curate in charge of the Church of the Good Shepherd at the Sunday services. The rector, the Rev. Hughes Jones, was present both morning and evening. Rev. Mr. Arthur rreached in. the morning and made .a, very favorable impression. In the evening his lordship Bishop Sweeney Att Toronto was the preacher and gave a very/ effective talk to the members of the church. The future ot the ,church never looked better than it does at the present time. It is full of great possibilities. Mr. Arthur gradu- rated from Trinity College, taking his B.A. and RD; the D.S.C. he secured drom Queen‘s University and was at Oxford for theology. Thus he comes with‘all the theory, and has consider- qi,ble of the practical to back it up. He has spent pert of his time at St. Phillips and Holy Trinity Churches in The city under most able men. This kiistrict,is most fortunate in securing the. appointment of this talented young man. _ The” employees of the Brown's Cop- per ' Brass Rolling Mills were ad- dressed by the‘president, Mr. J. F. Brown, and Mr. Norman Somerville, ion the Victory Loan question. Mr. Brown. in a short but pointed address 'showed the advantages to the work- ing then and women ot Canada of an investment placed in Victory Bonds, apart altogether from a patriotic standpoint;- and stated that he hoped that the allotment made for the mills of $65,000 would not only be reached, but that a much larger sum would be realized. Mr. Somerville followed and spoke at some length, gave a stirring address and alluded to the methods followed by the Austrian government Jin raising loans, a method which was ‘tantamount to confiscation, and com- 'pared those methods to the freewill loans ot the peoples of Canada and the. British Empire generally. Mr. _t6"rne"rvine related a few personal ex- periences which happened in Austria, Where he happened to be staying when war was declared, bearing on the confiscation policy. The speakers were warmly applauded. ‘WEDNESEJKY, NOVEMBER 6, 1918 al-tqok place yesterday of Mrs. Louisa chairtntyn/.-sTttoti' death occurred af the' aroruryt'a'tNynerral Hospital on Sat- urday from pneumonia, following an attack of influenza. Her husband is overseas and was recently wounded. Deceased was a member of Mount peprtis Presbyterian Church, the min- }ister of which, Rev. ' Gowans, con- ducted the services both at Speers' chapel, Dundas Street, West Toronto, and at the graveside at Prospect Cemetery. The, Mount Dennis branch of the Great War Veterans Associa- jion was largely represented. The big question before the New Jotonto public just now is the one of a tbwn hall.. That some such build- ing is necessary no one will doubt, and it the whole of the' present build- inirirs which the council hold their meetings can be taken over and ailapatéd to the purposes of town hall and municipal chambers, it will be a Wise thing to secure it and make such The finest display of Canadian Made Instruments is now on view for your inspection, and you owe it to yourself to investigate before buying the imported article-Be Patriotic and Buy Goods Made in Canada. .Cahadian made Phonographs are being recognized as equal to any imported article and are very much lower in price, as the duty is saved.' . ' Do you know that Imported Phonographs carry about 50 per "cent. duty ?--which you pay when you buy. " Mount Dennis, Nov. 5.--The funer- About Canadian Made Phonographs GILBERT’S NEW TORONTO MOUNT DENNIS 1056 Weston Road This Model $85.00 A foreigner working on the new sidewalk at Stop 17 was struck by a passing motor Oil Saturday. He was removed to the hospital and latest re- ports as to his condition are satisfac- tory. Motor traffic was very heavy through the village on Sunday, an av- erage of 250 cars an hour. In most cases the drivers kept wen within the speed limits and very few complaints of fast driving were laid. New Toronto tax receipts for 1918 show up very favorably. Tot.al amount due is $71,000, and of this sum $20,- 000 has already been paid in. Citizens' in the vicinity of 22nd St. and Kipling Avenue still complaiTof the odors coming from the turnip tae- tory in the municipality. The creek that runs down meeting at the cor- ner of Lake Shore Road aad' Kipling Ave., lays more or less stagnant, and is a detriment more or less to the 'vicinity. Some drastic action should be taken and the factory people should be forced to run all their re- fuse water through a closed sewer to a proper outlet, thus eliminating this objectionable odor. What might have resulted in a seri- ous loss to Mr. James Dunn was pre- yented by the prompt action of a passer-by who, seeing a, blaze from a haystaék,’ succeeded in putting it out before it had spread. Two small boys playing with matches caused the fire to start. The Mimico asylum authorities have decided to lay a cement walk in front of their property. This will no doubt be welcome news to the citizens, as it only leaves that small portion fronting the Mimico property to be completed. Councillor Wm. Jackson having spent considerable in laying a good cinder path previous to the appointing of the highway commission, does not feel warranted in incurring further expense, especially if the property is to be laid out in building sites, as this would mean new streets put through the subdivision, N A New Toronto ratepayer in con- versation with The Advertiser the other day remarked that he had been on the look out for the meeting for the consideration of the question of amalagamtion of Mimico and New To- ronto, which was announced in your paper to be held early in October, but for some reason was postponed. Hes the idea been abandoned? was his query. If there is to be any vote taken on the question at the coming elections in January, someone will have to get busy'. use of it. The buying of a site and building a, new town hall would mean an outlay of many thousand dollars at a. time. when money is urgently needed for many improvements in other directions. _ Reeve Lovejoy is planning to con- vert the upstairs of the present muni- cipal building into a council room for the holding of meetings, etc., hoping that with commodious quarters the ratepayers may be induced to take a little more interest in the public at- fairs of the community. A number of local, societies are anxious to secure the use of the room and in this man- ner the co,st of renovating would be much reduced. A stack ot hay was set on fire on Saturday by a couple of young boys. Fortunately a man who was passing noticed the flames and put the fire out before very much damage had been done. The Regular; meeting of the council wad held on Monday evening in the municipal chambers. Reeve Lovejoy in the chair. CounciHoris McKnight, Shackleton, Dyer and McCulIum, with Clerk Millard present. The minutes of the previous meet- ing were read and adopted. / Several complaints. having beiin made by ratepayers ot an offensive nuisance alleged to be caused by the Jrahamto., Ltd., polluting ruimlng water, the Clerk was instructed to notify the said company that, uniess the alleged nuisance was abated. the Corporation would be compelled to cut off the water- supply. Full sized cabinet, equipped with best type double spring mo- tor and universartone arm, which plays an records perfectly. Jewel Needles Free to play Pathe and Edison Records. _ Instruments fully guaranteed by the Canadian manufacturers- even to the main springs in mo- tor. Sold on Cash or Easy Terms. NO INTEREST, which is a sav- ing of many dollars. ' NVe will accept your old Talk- ing Machine as Part Payment. Records exchanged 5c and 10c each. All sizes and models in stock BUY VICTORY BONDS MOUNT DENNIS, ONT. GET THIS Thedate, December 23rd, 1918, was fixed for the nomination of candi- dates for reev,e and council, and the election was fixed for January 1, 1918. ML'Wm. McDonald was appointed deputy returning officer for No. 1 subdivision, Mr. H. Seville poll clerk for NO/I; No. 2, E. Priestley, D. It. 0., P. Ailles, poll clerk. Accounts amounting to $691.60 on the village and $6401.50 on the Hydro and water system were ordered to be paid. _ Mr. H. Saville applied for the posi- tion of caretaker of the Municipal buildings. The application was laid. o'ver to the next meeting. '; Mr. Milliard, clerk of the Corpora- tion, asked for leave of absence. from November 5th to November 18th, in- clusive, tor the purpose of working on the Victory Loan, Mr. Millard pointing out that since his connection with the Corporation some three years ago, he had up to the present had no leave of absence, and felt that it was a patriotic duty to devote his time to the selling of Victory bonds., Permission was granted to the clerk to take the leave requested. Councillors Dyer and McCullum opposed the granting of the leave on the ground that they did not consider it particularly patriotic to sell Vic- tory bonds and felt that Mr. Millard should be at his office during this period when the tax collections. are being made. An impudent robbery occurred at New Toronto on Monday night or dur- ing the early hours of, Tuesday morn- ing, when the lock-up store and bar- ber shop of Mr. S. Robinson was brok- en into and practically stripped bare. The appearance of the store on the outside showed that the thieves had backed up a rig to the door and just about took everything in sight. The city police, as well as the local police, were immediately notified upon the discovery being made of the robbery, and it is expected that the thieves will be captured. Mr. Robinson had made arrangements to go on a shooting trip on the morning of the robbery, but had to postpone his trip. _ I In regard to the _payment of the costs laid against the New Toronto Board ot Trade and Mr. G. Scott, for the injunction action taken by the. Board ot Trade and Mr. Scott, the Corporation's solicitor, Mr. A. J. An- derson. was instructed to issue a, Writ of execution against the Board of Trade and Mr. Scott, for the recov- ery of the sum of $276.30 due the Cor- poration. In addition to this amount, there is against the Board and Mr. Scott, $264.10 tor the York Radial Ry., $295.10 for the Highway Com- mission's portion of the costs, making a total of $835.50. The sum of $200 was voted to the New Toronto Soldiers' Comforts As- sociation. _ A special meeting of the Councils of Etobicoke and Mimico will be call- ed to confer with the Council of New Toronto on the question of the street railway franchise. The meeting is proposed for November 18th, at 8 Residen‘ce Albion Road, R.M.D. No. 3, Weston; 'phone 58 2-1. SUNDAY SERVICES _ ' 10 amr--Sunday SchooL F _ ll ans-Moraine Service. E10131 Communion 4th Sunday in the month. q I Sunday Services 8 a.m.--Holy Communion and on the lst Sunday of the month at 11 mon, WESTBN jljlf]inhil" rtlillflilll Holy Days. 8 p.at.--Every Wednesday. All seats tree. Everybo come. Bright Services Seats Free a Welcome to All 2.45 p.m., Sunday School and Bible Classes. 7 p.m., The Pastor, “Hagar in the Wilderness." Rev. J. Wallace Stewart, Pastor. Residence, 35 King St. Phone 43 A. T. Mather, Choir Leader. Mist Marion E. Russell; L.T_.C.M., Organist I Quarterly Communion. 11.00 a.m., The Pastor, "The ‘Re- compense of Reward." , VVesmoinster Presbyterian Church Established 1858 Pastor, REV. FORBES ROBERTSON Residence, John Street. Phone 241 11.00 a.m., the Pastor will preach. 2.45 p.m., Sunday School. 7.00 p.m., Rev. S. B. Robold, illus- trated address on "The Holy City." Bright Services. Everybody welcome. St. Phillip's Church Cross street (Pastor) Rev. W. M. Mackay, B.A. Residence: Humbermount, Weston V Phone 293 surlasw, November 10th 11 a.m.---The minister will preach. Sunday school in conjunction with the morning service. _ 7.00 p.m.----TIte minister will preach. Mr. R. V. Beale, Choirmaster. Miss Stella Y. Rowntree, A.T.J.C.M.. Organist. Strangers cordially welcome. Rev. Walter Archbold, D.D., Vicar Residence. l Maria St. Phone 282. REV.5ROBT. A. SIMS, RECTOR 10.30 a.rn.----On all Saints’ Days and 3 pml.--Suruiay School. 11 amL---Matins and Sermon. 7 p.m.--Chorat Evensong and Ser- St.. John's s, Anglican Churéh Old Presbyterian Church Sunday, Nov. 10th, 1918 Etobicoke WESTON Everybody wel- GRAHAM& CARTON The best value, SE for $, youean get in the car line ( the FORD. ; Your expenses' of upkeep are small. V . Your service is always at ybur door. No long waits or parts PM "?iiiRlllllu,--"-iil,f HINDS FARM ENGINE The NEW 'l Fairbanks; Morse BUY NOW MONEY TALKS. You can't beat the Kaiser with shouting. You can't place Canada on a firm footing to grap- ple with the problems of peace with words. It's your money that talks. Money is the sinews of war. You make your mon- ey talk when you Buy Victory Bonds. WIN0S0R'S 1050 Weston Road FORD CARS (i, ACCESSORIES Come In and see It! The car is built to wear and give entire satisfaction. See our. truck, the greatest value on the market to-diy, A store full of accessories at prices less than in Toronto cosy FELT GOODS for the cold winter days "You can’t beat them." A big shipment has just arrived and they wil because they are H- _ Ist-Fine Stock _ 2nd--just What You Need 3rd--They are Low in Price BUY AT ONCE GRAHAM & CARTON While the lines are filled with the finest of stocks You see here the greatest pictures of the day on their second runs. It is one of the most beautiful and best fitted houses in Toronto. Look it over and you' will say the same. Thursday, Friday, Saturday WM. S. HART The Great Actor of the Screen, in, _ "RIDDLE GAWNE" This is a picture that you will like. FATTY ARBUCKLE and MABEL NORMAND _ ’ in the comedy "FATTY AND MABEL ADRIFT" MAIN STREET, WESTON ‘They are economical, light weight, substantial, fool proof construction. 1% h.p.. Engine, complete $90.00 3 h.p. Engine, complete.. 160.00 6 h.p. Engine, complete.. 275.00 Have you noted that there is a big shortage of cars? Place your orders at once. EVERY FARM SHOULD HAVE ONE OF ' ' THESE ENGINES Gun Barrel Cylinder Hose Equipped with Magneto. Leak Proof Compression. MOUNT DENNIS car line of to-day is will sell fast and nights for repairs DR. J. A. MELDRUM Physician, Etc. King St. and Rosemount Ave. Telephone 15 Weston, Ont. DR. J. T. HACKETT Dentist Office: Coleman & Hackett Block. MAIN ST., WESTON Opposite Bank of Nova Scotia Physician, Surgeon, Etc. Office: Weston Road, Mt. Dennis Office Hours: 8 to 10 a.m.; 1.-3 and 7 to 8.30 p.m. Phone: Weston 87 Office and Residence, East Cor. Bank of Nova Scotia Chambers Phone 152, Weston Money to Loan oh good First Mortgage Securities Marla St., Weston, Phone June. "" Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Residence: Rosemount Avenue WESTON Mornings and Evenings Toronto Office: Gray & Gray 301 Crown Office Building f North-east Corner Queen and Victoria Streets, Toronto. 332 Bloor W., Toronto, Pk. 00]. 2002 Consultations by Appointment. Practical Plumber Repairs promptly attended to A Trial Solicited. Address: 3 Maria Street, East of Fifth Ave. or Box No. 79, Weston Agent for Fire, Life, Accidqnt. Auto- mobile and Plate Glass Insur- ance in safe companies and at best rates Elsemere A venue FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE REAVESTATE St. John's Road Tel. 301 WESTON ONTARIO Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public 2922 Dundas St., West Toronto (Above Moon's Hardware Store) Real Estate Loans placed at oCurrent Rates. Telephone-Junction 991 I handle, none but the best FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE I have several good vj11age..pro- perties and farms for sale Stock and Dairy Fafin at Klein- burg, 100 acres, lots of water, gra- vel road. Price $6500.00. 100 acres in Vaughan, one mile from Woodbridge, good water, excellent grain farm. Yarn ! Dr. H. D. Livingstone EAR, NOSE AND THROAT DR. W. E. PEARSON Best quality Scotch Fingering in Black, Gray and Khaki, at $3.00 $3.50 and $4.00 per 1b. Saxony Wool, B. B. Brand, all colors, also Andalusian Wool in black and white at Mc per oz. BOMB BERLIN with your Money - Buy VICTORY _ BONDS Phone 30 1. Lorne Fraser, M.A. G. HOWARD GRAY DH. lllflllllll HIBKEH Physician and Surgeon Otftce and Residence 120 Roneetnralles Ave. PHONE PARK 402, TORONTO Telephones Main 6353 Jet. 4045 G. M. LYONS W. A. TlTLEY JOHN MILLS Real Estate and Insurance Office Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. JOHN HARRIS PUB], " ACCOUNTANT ANl; AUDITOR biggg; sa Richmond St. W. '.' 4045 TORONTO E. J. MUSSON '. B. EDMUNDS ED. W. BROWN, WOODBRIDGE WESTON Main Street WESTON Estimates given on all class of work. Alterations and repairs prompt- ly attended to. Residence: 110 Lambton Avenuo Phone: [18-3 For Your Driver A set of hand made brass or silver mounted harness will great- ly add to the appearance of your Full and Winter Equipment, when the Horses replaces the Motor. JOHN T. ANDERSON Piano and Organ Tuner 200 Berestord Avenue, West Tom-on“ Telephone Junction 72. " Years' Practieat Experience. W' go any place. Drop 8. out Main St. TEACHER OF PIANO Studio. Bank of Nova Scotia Build!“ . Tuesday and Friday Pupils prepared for Toronto Com vatory Examination. Graduate Toronto Conservatory od _ ' Music _ Piano-Teachers' Normal Course. I Pupils prepared for Toronto Conser- vatory Examinattong,t Studio: “The Bungalow” 87 Maria St, vatory Examinations. _ It. R. 2, WESTON PHONE 8-4 Monday and Thursday, 2 to 6 p.m. Studio, Bank of Nova Scotia. Building Pupils prepared for Torontox Connor- HAMBOURG 's CONSERVATORY OFHWUSIC , West Toronto Studio Branch 200 Beresford Avenue _ Phone Jet. 72 Studios at 27 Cloverdale Avenue and 18 Wright Avenue SMITH'S MOTOR DELIVERY PHONE 67 J. K. McEWEN tk SON Licensed Auctioneers for an Counties of York, Peel and Simcoe Terms Reasonable GENERAL TEAMING . Band, Gravel and Filling Always on Hand. Movings Promptly . Attended to. Phone " at 6.45 a.m., 12.45 noon and 6.45 pan, Meets every Tuesday night at 8 pan. in the basement of St. Margaret's Church, 6th Street, New Toronto. All visiting brethren are invited to attend these meetings. Sgipe the Hun with a Victory HELEN R. WILSON W. J. WARD Margaret R. Gillette MRS. JNQ. T. ANDERSON. WEST POINT I.0.0.F. NO. 425 Walter Lmgstaft CHARLES GILLIS MOTOR EQUIPMENT Or other if desired. Residence and Chapel Phone 168 Stella V. Rowntree Baggage and Express 22 St. John's Road, Weston Phone 305 City phone, Adelaide 1618 Builder & Contractor . Le GRAND Main Street, Weston PIANO INSTRUCTION Bro. C. W. Conn, Noble Grand; Bro. E. J. Appleton, Rec. See. Undertaker and Embalmer B. DEAKIN Principal C. Box e WESTON Bond lain Cylinders When ordering address communications to WAIII‘ER LON GSTAFF PUMP WORKS PUMPS WINDMJLLS GASOLINE ENGINES Repairs of All Kinds Brass, Iron or Pox-oe- ESTABLISHED 183. Opp. Post Office E 33 Weston or Phone No. 285 WESTON W 3:3: b:t,'i

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