l if , fi1AlE8PAC1l10til' riii,,'ripkrsansrs, xi-No. 1 9 Telephone 53,301135338. Sunday Hours: 3 to mm 8 to . For your House Movings, Baggage, Parcels, Coal, Wood, Lumber Anything you want moved will be done carefully and quickly if you use the new one-ton truck. Articles brought in and out of the City. Look ! New Wheel You will save this expense. Just send your wheel to W. M. White, and it will be all overhauled, cleaned and stored for the win- ter at a small charge, V Then you will have a new wheel for the spring. _ _ _ Old Wheels Rebuilt INCH King and George Streets, Walter R. Wilson. " _ Dear Sir :---Alhow me to thank you for your promptness in settlement of my claim ayising thrqugh‘my datythter'shle.at11 on March 3d. To'receive the check four hours after notifying your Agent was a great surprise to me, and it fully shows that The Prudential is a faithful company to its policyholders. Your promptness and courtesy are fully appreciated. Very truly yours, w, Golden Avenue, Mt. Dennis, March 4th, 1918. WALTER R. WILSON, 3 St. John's Road MOTOR TRUCK SERVICE Phone City Main 3549 : Weston 354. Toronto Office, 159 Church St., or 22 Cobalt St., Mt. Dennis. THE UP-TO-DATE GROCERY STORE Phone 55, corner Buttonwood, and Weston Road STOP R. NL _ JONES NOTE THIS WELL I FOUR HOURS, NOT FOUR WEEKS THIS IS THE ONLY WAY t. M. M. WHITE A. MILLAR GIVES ENTIRE Try Him Cut-Rate Draggist GEORGE KESSON. of the following: DRUG SUNDRIES FANCY XMAS NOVELTIES TRY OUR CHOCOLATES They taste like more that Satisfies. Magazines HERE- CONFECTIONERY FOR YOUR SUPPLIES and Papers WESTON P I I Ill ' lik Ji) 2,'ul d) . l _ o - - ._-__ _ 'AHIIIN " n-‘ I tn\l h A 'er""TP' \/ For a long time there has been a great need for some common meeting place in town. At the present time there is no place where men have the opportunity to meet their fellow men in comfort. You must occupy good space in someone's store or you have to stand on the street corner. This is something that should be avoided if possitue., There should be a room in the centre of the town where men could meet' each other. Another side ot this is the. great good that can be derived from the men getting together and expressing ideas. As long as a person keeps his ideas to himself nothing comes ot them. It is by the comparison of notes that the best results are obtain- ed. The other fellow often gives you the start that you have been looking for. Your suggestion may be. the nu- cleus for some great development tor humanity. Benefits innumerable are often traced to such beginnings. Therefore such a room would be a great benefit to the town. During the war it was not possible to advocate the forming of a men's club for the town, but the way is now clear. Efforts along this line should be encouraged from the town officials and churches of the town. They can be made a valuable asset in the solv- ing of the great re-organization that will necessarily take place after the boys begin to come home. We must be abreast of the times. With a good central room for the toan and a mem- bership list this room could be made the centre ot great activities. The present Red Cross rooms would be an ideal location tor such it the work at present being carried on were sus- pended, Think this over and send in your opinion. We have known tor a long time that there. would be great probgems to face as soon‘as the war closed. Still the end came with such suddenness that We are now caught unprepared to take an active part in the'great events that will follow the war. In this section .there are a large number of boys to return home. Some PA, them will have all their health and strength, while others are not so tor- tunate. The first class will be taken care of, if there are openings for them to be taken back to. In, this respect the town and the. Whole district should be organized, so as td see that work is provided for these men. During1 the war much has been left undone.‘ Labor has been scarce and materials) high. This will still be the. case in; regard to materials, but from now on i, there should be much labor to be had. 1 This, then, will be the opportunity of,; the municipalities to set about doing some ot the neglected Work. In the case. of the returned men who are wtrtrntseriritsomevt5efinite pol- icy should 'rbe formulated, to assist' them in being placed back into posi- tions that will make them indepen- dent of charity. They must be given every assistance to get back into civi- lization again. They must not be made to feel that they are dependent upon their fellow men tor their sub- sistence. / I Then again, there should tie/ir strong, active committee to aniang’e the details of a fitting welcome home to our men, The rl present, tlethod does not provilor a general turn- out of the citizens; This could be ar- ranged by a committee and every I1on- ort" paid to the boys when they arrive home. Think of these matters and use these columns to give expression to your views on the subject. For another year the taxes are paid by most of the ratepayers. AH who have not paid their taxes will find that it costs them an extra 5 per cent. for their neglect. It is well to bear in mind that taxes ‘not paid will be collected by the town. There has been' a great awakening in this town in this respect. It does not do to trifle with the payment ot taxes. They are a just debt. The government takes the necessary steps to assure their col- lection. You may beat your neighbor, but you cannot beat the town out of of taxes. It you have not paid up do so at once, before any more costs are added. TAX COLLECTIONS ARE OVER LET Us oo soMFTmNG WHAT OF THIS? WEST YORKS NEWSY WEEKLY ‘This is the result of the tax collec- tion for the year up to the 25th of the month. Taxpayers of Weston have done well, is the praise that is bestowed by the collector. He is well pleased with the response that has been made in the prompt payment of the taxes. Many have‘taken advan- tage of the discounts and to this sys- tem is due the splendid return of this year. There is still outstanding about $17,000. This money will soon be in the bank at the town's credit. The reason tor making this statement is that, according to the law, all taxes not paid on the date can be collected by taking household goods, rents and other assets that can be turned into money. In the second place, the Peo- ple of weston now realize that the officials in charge are bound to col- lect the taxes and will do so, with the assistance of the laW;Where necessary. This ot course means labor and ex- pense. It cost money 'to set the wheels of the. law in motion, and that money is not paid by the town, nor by the government, but comes from the per- son who does not .pay up directly. First, 5 per cent. is added to all taxes unpaid. Then the bailiffs fee is add- ed and other Jittle,extras. This soon amounts up. It is in fact a very ex- pensive way to let your bills stand out. I}? is much Cheaper to arrange with t e bank to advance the money and pay them. _ Some have overlooked paying their income and business tax this year. As the amounts are small, no doubt in many cases this is a pure oversight. Dont wait too long, for the bailiff makes short work when he comes out on the job. It also costs money to have him looking "Into your College- tions. After you have read this just look up your tax bill tor this year and see if you have a receipt, If you haven't get one right away and save a lot ot extra expense and Annoyance. It was a hard fight, but we won. That is, we have a decision made by the Railway Board. Is it like other documents that they pass? Is it worth the paper that it is written upon? Some action ought to be started to find this out. At the present time no effort has been made to have the bet- ter service placed upon this line. The same old conditions of last winter will have to be faced again this year. In fact the conditions will be much worse as there are prospects of another tac- tory starting operations here at once. The serviee given now is not meeting the demands. The Railway Board noted that, Now where is the delay that is holding uprthe enforcement ot that order? Jt means that some ac., tion has to be taken to have the rail-. way company? start in and make the alterations. It is up to our officials to bring this to n11‘ead~a~t once; Bet., ter bacarosportatfon has been heard at the nomination meetings for several years, and it, is still tar off. Would "rt not be a great thing to form a West York Hockey League? We have not any-material for an O. fl. A. team, nor have we the proper rink. The next best thing to do is to form a league of our own for the coming winter. Many of our indus- tries in this section and on the Lake Shore might be induced to enter a team. Ice accommodation could be secured from the new rink committee and this would be a great asset to the whole district. Teams formed by the Browns Brass Rolling Mills Co., Good- year Tire Co., Canadian Kodak,_ Can- Ma Cycle Works, Thistletown, and Weston, would make a' great league. The cars would enable the teams to reach the various places with, ease and at small expense. This Would mean a great season for the West York hockey fans. All that is re- quired is to get the ball rolling. Do so at once. ' You will note that great centres as they develop find that one ot, the greatest developers is a system of good roads. Hamilton recognized this tact some time ago. As a result they spent money to have their roads built so as to bring the people in, This ROADS ARE NECESSARY TO DEVELOPMENT WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1918 ‘WESTON COLLECTS $70,295.87 HOCKEY FOR WEST YORK WHERE IS THE DELAY? was the first means of building up the greatest market in that part of the country. They also set out to have all their railway centre in one place. Toronto Junction set out to build a great centre in West Toronto. With a close proximity to the city, they were, successful in building up a fine business centre. Weston can tol- low suit. First we must look to our roads. At the present time many people Will not come out this way be- cause of our internally bad roads. You cannot leave the city and reach here without raking your car over the bad toads or swimming through a slime that sticks close. This is a decided detriment to our town. It should be remedied. Action is required to have these roads fixed up at an early date. If Weston is to grow as she should, we.must have a. good road in to the city. To get good roads there must be a united effort put forth that will be strong enough to carry weight. Co- operation from evgii'"y source available should be utilized. We must have good roads between here and Toron- to. Ratepayers, Manufacturers, Bi1si- ness Men and Citizens, this is the greatest developer of this section, if you will go out after it. It will not come to you as a, matter of course. You cannot expect some other place to hand you this advantage on a sil- ver charger. No, we must unite and bring enough pressure to bear to have the roads built. Money enough has been spent upon these roads to build a decent road through to Toronto. It is up to the people. During the war activities certain departments were at a standstill,many organizations suffering considerably. Others have carried on. This has been the case with the Weston branch of the Horticultural Society. Under the most trying circumstances this society has been one of the features in the life of Weston. They have in the past years made considerable progress with the adults. Their greatest achieve- ment, however, has been the educa- tional work that they have accom- plished with the children in the sec- tion. There are few children that can not give you some very important point in the working and raising of vegetables. Again, they have in "the past been the means of beautifying our streets, vacant corners and road- ways. All this has been the work di.. rectly and indirectly of the Weston Horticultural Society. Last year when the call came for greater production, this body was again to the front. They carried on an active campaign for the produc-' tion of more foodstuffs and were very successful. Their work here again among the children was a revelation to those who noticed the excellent re- sults obtained. This has beep only the outside work they have accom- plished. . Ttwis.vestthtsyilr again have a big year's work'.to carry dist. To do this sucCessfully they must have the co-operation of every mem- ber of the society and of the whole town. There are some 500 members to-day. Are you one of them? It you are, your place is at the annual meet- ing which is to be held on Dec. 6th. It you are not a member, then come along and join at once. Every new member that is enrolled now will add to the force that are out to assist in the problems that will come before us for greater production of food- stuffs next year." Come out and help to make the annual meeting a great success. You owe it to the society, you owe it to your town, and you owe it to yourself. V You will note by the advertisement that appears on the inside page that the price of our paper will be raised to $1.50 at the first of the year paid in advance. The price has been $1.50 for some time, but those who paid in, advance got the price of $1.00. This price still holds good until the 31st day of December,1918. After that date all subscribers not paid up will have to pay the full $1.50 for their paper. It is, therefore, to your interest to note the date on 'your paper slip and pay, in advance at once. This will save you 50 cents on each year's sub- scription to the paper. Don't put it off, as there are only 34 more days left for you to make this payment if you want to save 50 cents on each year's subscription. ' The question ot providing a, new school site will come before the Peo- ple ot Weston at the coming election. What do you know of the require- ments of the mum in this respect?, What do you know of the situation of the proposed ground? What do you know about the proper buildings and accommodation of such tV school? These are all items that should be of interest to the ratepayers of-.Weston. You hear about the great -expendi- tures that have been made on schools lately around this part of the country. It is quite common talk that, all these buildings cost too much. In tracing such statements you generally find out that the persons making such have no information and are not in a position to make any criticism. Still there has been proven that in many of the contracts let, there have been big prices paid. This has usually been the case where little or no interest has been taken by the citizens in gen- eral. Now this can be avoided in our case if every citizen will only become interested in the great problem that now faces the school board. They are doing all that they can to carry on. They are working for what they con- sider the best interests of the town. If the ratepayers will come out and become a part of this work it will make the load a great deal easier for the Board of handle. They want to give all the information they can to the citizens and in return are look- ing for your co-operation. Give it to them, as this is the most vital queer' tion that any municipality has to face. Educate the child amid proper envir- onment and conditions it you will make a nation of strong people. Let every man do his part, come out and find out what is going on. GET TOGETHER ON THIS OUR ADVANCE IN PRICES ARE YOU THINKING? 91991616“. :le ll , Phones Weston 74 and Jet. 237 g The Cruickshank Wagon Works,---- Phone 4113 NOTICE Call fill order.s at once for SOFT COAL, CANNEL COAL, BUCK- WHEAT COAL, HARDWOOD AND SOFTWOOD, FUR- NACE COKE The Fuel Administrator says that the anthracite sitya- tion is acute and dealers must meet the situation by putting in a stock of wood and bituminous coal. Gibson, McCormack, Irvin Co. Get That Bicycle Now Don't wait till next spring, when everyone is wanting bicycle, and it may be hard to get just the one you want. Montreal, Toronto Enjoy the nice weather and good roads now, and be ready for the first fine days next spring by getting your bicycle now. t A F , 125% W 'iek)rei)K)l p v :ceecv _ v cte da&WHeleteNHeterite v¢ KW?, v “966% v9 THERE ARE NO RESTRICTIONS ON ANY OF THE ABOVE. WE CAN DELIVER PROMPTLY AND IN ANY QUANTITY. Don't Wait till we are rushed. Order now and [give us time to give you a good job. 2'ti?psrr)'-,a-git"'srf1)f" f W C: LULl. s"e2!1.fiti-v", Made and Guaranteed by . Canada Cycle (ir Motor Co., Ltd. Parties in arrears for Light and Water Rates are requested to pay their accounts at the Office of the Commission at once. Otherwise service will be disconnected at an early date and will not be con- nected again until all rates are paid in full and a one dollar charge for reconnecting service. Office Hours: 9 to 5; Saturday, 9 to 12 noon. Prices may also be higher then, MOTOR EQUIPMENT WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE Residence and Chapel, Main St., Weston Phone 28 Night Calls attended to promptly LORNE R. BARLETT Funerals conducted-with the greatest care at moderate prices. WESTON WATER, POWER AND LIGHT COMMISSION HAVE YOUR CAR PAINTED. A. G. Peirson, Superintendent. Undertaker and Embalmer Place your order at once RED BIRD-A. M. Oldham, Weston. CLEVELAND-H. cousiks, _ Weston. Choose; from any one of the follow- ing nameplates: t MASSEY--Barker & Co., Weston WESTON Winnipeg, Vancouver Main Street, WESTON LIMITED I