_eiiitljiq $3 ble: 2222 Jiiliil, (id v If, i"it The vote was taken yea and nay, as follows: Yea, Councillor Elana and /Councijior Harlock. Nay, Reeve Bry- er, Councillor Johnson and the May- or. Amendment defeated. , The Mayor put first. The resolution was then put and carried by the year of the Mayor, Reeve Bryer and Councillor John- Alon against the nays of Councillor Harloek and Councillor Eland. The meeting then adjourned. _The action of the members of the town Council in rescinding at a spe- oial meeting the resolution passed at _ e regular meeting ot the Council on onday, November 25, and substitut- "i, tr, another resolution therefor, sets back the possibility of Mimico POS- sessing a fire engine at least one month and probably more. "s,': The American La France Co. Were prepared to deliver the engine in 30 days, whereas the representative of the Chevrolet required at least ten days in which to deliver the truck to Woodstock, to' the B. S. Bickle cd., and theR. S. Bickle Co. require from 3.0 to 4rdays to equip the truck and deliver at Mimico. This means that it will be near the end ot January and probably into February before the engine arrives, and in tht meantime in the case ot fires occisrrirur,' 800 ft. of tire hose will be lying useless. An amendment was moved by Councillor Elana, seconded by Coun- cillor Hemlock, that the resolution re purchasing tire equipment from the American La France Co. passed on Novemtoer,25 be Irphtyrea to and the contract with the Ahrdrican La France Co. be carried out. 1ittiii, action taken also involves an expenditure of $125 more than the or- iginal resolution called for in the ijurchasing of the American La France engine, and it also means that the Mimico council has gone back on its given word and possible a charge of unfair dealing. _ The honor of the Council should be as jealously guarded as the honor ot individuals. _ , ~“It was evident that as the discus- gigg proceeded that a rescinding ot the resolution ot the previous meet- ing would take place, and after two or three hours had elapsed, Reeve Bryermoved a resolution to the effect that the resolution passed on Monday ejrenins, authorizing the purchasing of a chemical fire engine from the American La France Co. be rescinded, and that the Corporation of Mimico purchase a, Chevrolet truck through Mr. Lamphier at the price of $1675, and that the truck purchased be sent to Woodstock to be equipped by the BickIe Company with chemical fire engine, etc., according to specifica- tions submitted in May, 1918, at the price bt $1050, making a total of $2725. . , l The resolution was moved by Coun- cillor Johnson. The regular meeting of the Elp- worth League was held in the Meth- odist church on Monday evening. Mr. S. Batstone occupied the chair and Mr. Wm. Le Drew of Toronto was the principal speaker, and gave a very in- teresting and instructive address on “Seventeen Years' Service for the Lord.†The'address was much appre- ciated and Mr. Le Drew added to the pleasure of the listeners by singing a solo. There was a.' good attendance. The young Salvationists of Mimico are enthusiastically rehearsing for their annual Christmas entertain» ment. Capt. McLean, who is at pres- ent in London engaged in the million dollar drive campaign, expects to be with the Mimico Corps by Christmas. The street railway company came in top a lot of adverse criticism on Fri- day and Saturday by the crowds who W'é're delayed on their way home from vibrk and some who were on their wiiy to work. "Power oft" was all the e,oirsotation they got when asking why. PAGE FOUR The discussion then became general, during which the representatives of the Bickle Co. and Chevrolet gave a repetition of what their had given at previous meetings. A special meeting of the town coun- cil was called by the Mayor and held in the Clerk's office on Thursday ev- ening, November 28th. The Mayor, in opening the meeting, stated that he was not satisfied with the action taken at Monday evenirur's aneeting with regard to the purchas- ing, ot an American La France chem- ical fire engine, and had called this meeting to reconsider the whole situ- ation. ' Miss Irene Elgnd, daughter of Mrs. M. Eland of superior Avenue, enter- tained a' number of friends and rela., trlrsr km Saturday evening in honor or her twenty-first birthday. The young lady wrrs the recipient of many beautiful and valuable presents, and th‘é' congratulations of her friends. A pleasant evening was spent. The members present were Reeve “Bryan Councillors Johnson, Harlock ami Eland. _ The, Mayor then asked Mr. King of the Bickle Co., Woodstock, and Mr. Lamphier, a representative of the Chevrolet Co., to address the Coun- cil. Councillor Elana protested that the matter was closed and that the reso- lution passed on Monday was passed in open meeting by a majority, and that he saw “no reason whatever for calling Mr. King from Woodstock or, :e-opening the matter at all. t ‘The Mayor said in reply that he was not satisfied with the American Lgs- Francq equipment and wou.ld abso- lute‘ly refuse to sign any agreement or contract with them. The home ot Mr, and Mrs. C. Fer- rier, Main Street, Mimico, was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Fri- day at 7 p.m., November 29th, when Eulilie Stuart, daughter of the late Robert Rutherford of Glasgow, Scot- land, was united 'in marriage to Cap- tain Gordon John C. Ferrier, R.A.M. c." The bride, who was dressed in white crepe de chene with a bridal veil fastened with orange blossoms and carried a bouquet of white car- nations, was given away by her bro- ther-in-law, Mr. George Nicol. The ceremony was performed by Rev. G. J. MaeKay of Mimico Presbyterian Church and was assisted by Rev. J. Morgan, Mimico Methodist church. The bridesmaid was Miss Irene Fer-. rier, sister of the groom, her bouquet being pink carnations. The grooms- man was Lt. Manley Chisohlm, pri- vate secretary to General Mewburne. Miss A. I, Ferrier played the wedding march. The groom's gift to the bride was a beautiful pearl and amethyst pendant and to the bridesmaid a pearl ring. Supper was served in the home and immediately after the bride and groom left amidst well wishes and confetti. Capt. Ferrier has served in MIMICO the amendment In'the highway motor court held by Magistrate Davidson a charge. of reck- less driving was brought by Peter Kissack of New Toronto against Wm. Montgomery of Humber Bay. Kis- sack claimed that he had been crowd- ed into the ditch with his car, but after hearing both sides, the magis- trate dismissed the case. A by-law to submit the question ot taking a vote of the people as to whether New Toronto should take the status of a town, was also passed. Accounts amounting to $1161.49 on the Village and $5822.09 on the Water and Hydro-Electric systems . ( were ordered to be paid. ( Mr. W. Gourlay has the contract for the alterations and improvements' to the municipal chambers, and ex- pects to have the building in shape for occupation by the council and ready for the accommodation of the, various lodges in the town that may desire to use the large room for lodge meetings.- " Prepartions are to be made toy the ladies of the Soldiers' Comforts Asso- ciation for the reception of New To- ronto’s heroes upon their arrival from overseas. According to our cor- respondent a reel genuine affair is to be made of it as nothing' is consider- ed too good tor the New Toronto sol- diers. A by-law was passed to issue deben- tures for the sum ot $35,000 for ex- tensions to pump house. Close upon a hdndred cases were tried for speeding, fines varying from $1.00 to $10.00 and costs in proven cases. Mr. George Scott appeared before the Council and stated that he had written Mr. A. J. Anderson, offering the sum of $100 in full payment of the costslevied against himself and the Board of Trade in the matter of the injunction against the, Corpora- tion, the street railway company and the good roads commission, and un- derstood that the Reeve had receiv- ed a. reply from Mr, Anderson and asked it this were correct that the Reeve produce the letter from Mr. Anderson and read it in the. meeting. The matter of the incinerator was brought up again and the Clerk was instructed to write the Corporation of Mimico as to their intentions, and also to ask tor a. meeting of the joint com- mission to be arranged, in the near fu- ture. The Reeve refused to comply with the request to read the letter, but in- formed those present that as head of the executive, he had instructed Mr. Anderson not to accept the offer made by Mr. Scott. Thanksgiving services were held in the above Church on Sunday. In the afternoon at 3 oclock the pastor, Prof. King, conducted the service (in the absence ot the Rev. Mr. Paul, who was expected to preach, but was unable to be present.) The pastor took for his text Jeremiah 1:7, "Say not, I am a, child." He spoke of the possibilities that lay dormant in the; prophet and also in the people of to, 1 day, and how these possibilities were' brought out in usefulness and activi- I ty, first by responsibility being thrust) upon us, second by love of God and humanity, and third by illumination, The enlightment orthe Holy Spirit working upon- the hearts and minds enabling us to see the needs of others brought out, the possibilities that were in each. The Islington choir led the singing and rendered 'a special an- them and Mr. Galloway, 'a member: of the choir/sang the solo, "When 1 Survey the Wondrous Cross," l in a very feeling and sympathetic manner, while Miss Evans presided at the or- gan and rendered a voluntary in' a Grery pleasing way. The special offer; ing in the afternoon amounted to fit- ty-four dollars. In the evening at 7 o’clock Prof. McLaughlin, D.D.,of Vic.. toria College, Toronto, conducted the service and preached a very impress-. ive sermon, taking as his text Psalm 46, "Goa/rs' our refuge and Strength, a, very present help in trouble.†He spoke of the comfort and) help that God'ss'peopté' had received tram, the assurance of his text during the per- iod of the world's war,’ fer surely if there ever was a thirin the world’s history that, we as a people needed the help. and the ristugefit had been in this greatstruggle "for righteous- ness, liberty and justice. How many had been able to go to that refuge and receive the help that they need- ed to bear up under the sorrows that had come and to find it just what the Psalmist found it to be, a refuge and help in every time ot' trouble." The sermon was one that was much ap- preciated and one of comfort and help to many of his hearers. The home choir led in the service of praise and sang as a special selection, "Sing to the Lord of Harvest.†Mrs, J. A. Hewitt, conductor, and Miss ‘Harris, organist. Special offering (amounted to sixteen dollars. The i, thanksgiving social in the church was held on Tuesday night, when a good ltime was spent by those present. Mr. Harris Saville was appointed janitor of the municipal buildings at a salary of $80 per month, duties to commence on January lst, 1919. . The Clerk was instructed to write the village solicitor, Mr. A. J. Ander- son, for advice re the cutting off the water sapplrot the Graham Ltd., on account ot an alleged nuisance. The Clerk was instructed to check over the names of the owners of the properties affected. A resolution was carried granting the sum of twenty-five dollars to the west end branch of the G.W.V.A. to- wards their proposed Christmas tree for the children ot the soldiers. A resolution was also carried ask- ing Mr. T. Lowes, engineer, to sup- ply plans and profile of a. storm sewer service in the village of New Toronto. A. petition was presented to the Council asking for sewers to be laid on Seventh Street from Lake Shore Road to West Point Promenade. The regular meeting of the Council was held on Monday evening in the Council chamber, Reeve Lovejoy in the chair and present Councillors Mc- Knight, Shackleton, Dyer and Mc- Cullum, with Clerk Millard. The minutes of the previous meet- ing were read and adopted. the Royal Army for thirty-one months in Mesopotamia and Palestine and will leave far England for further service on Thursday, December ti. The father of J. M. Denyes, in- Spector of Halton, passed away at Odessa. The meeting _ then adjourned, NEW TORONTO HUMBER BAY Dr. Bull, as Medical Health Offi- cer, sent in his report, which was very gratifying, showing that the com- munity was free from contagious di- seases. A few cases of diphtheria and scarlet fever had occurred in the year, and during the recent epidem- ic there had been 15 deaths in Octo- ber. He found the odor from the turnip factory caused considerable annoyance to residents in that section, but did not like to issue an order closing it on account of the commer- cial value of the same. The cider fac- tory he also found was a source of an- noyance to many. Steps would be taken to have these two factories run on a, more sanitary basis. A By-law was also passed, -dediqat- ing the piece ot land purchased tor the widening of the road at Grubbe's Hill near Thistletown. The final meet-l ing of the council tor the year 1918} will be held on Monday, December' 16, in the township hall. The sale of work under the auspi- |c.es of the, Women's Auxiliary last Friday afternoon was a great success. "Elie booths were prettily' decorated and carried a supply of articles suit- able for Christmas, whether useful or fancy was desired. In the evehing a short programme was rendered ind a. iildasant social hour "enjoyed. The financial returns were very encour- aging to the workers.' A letter of appreffiation was direct- ed to Dr. E. F. Irwin regarding his work and care 1(11 the case of Miss Mills. i, Bi-laws were passed respecting the coming municipal elections for 1919, polling day to be January, 1919. Also the election of the Hydro Com- missioners for the year 1919. A communication was read, ask- ing tor a, rebate in the school taxes in connection with the. separate school at Lambton. This was refused as in order for any separate school to re- ceive a, separate grant of taxes, it is necessary to send in an application to the authorities before August lst, and this had not been done. The A.Y.P.A.’ held their regular meeting on Monday night with a good attendance of members, The Bible study hour is increasing in interest and the programmes from week to' week are 'very enjoyable as well as profitable. Next Monday the friends from St. Paul's A.Y.P.A. will visit the local society, and a pleasant time is assured to all. Come out and make one more. Mrs. Sutherland appealed against the high taxes charged her this year. But it was pointed out that the as- sessment had been raised this year from the nominal sum of $50 to $200, also the taxes of 1915 and 1916 were unpaid, In reference to taxes on the Kay estate a letter was received, stat- ing that the taxes had been paid into the Municipality ot Mimico, therefore a refund will be made to Etobicoke. Mr., A. R. Whitmore stated that he paid his income tax into the City of Toronto. The December meeting of the Wot men's Institute will be herd, at the home of Mrs. J. A. L. McPherson. Rev. C. Mr. Holdsworth is the,speakr er. A cordial invitation “small the la- dies is extended. _ _ The members of Etohicoke Town- ship Council met in the Township Hall, Islington, on Monday, and put through several items of business. In answer to a letter sent to the Subur- ban Railway Company, referring to the condition ot Albion Road cross- ing, the company is going to plank the crossing, thus putting it in good condition for traffic. The Council al- so feel that owing to the dangerous situation ot this _prossiner, a red light or some other Sign should be erected to warn the public of the location. The car of wood ordered by the tu- el commissioner for Mr. Dunn from the Kirkwood Co. has been shipped and should have arrived by now. Mr. Fitzhenry asked why the cheques for the school board had been going through the bank without first coming to him as treasurer. It was explained that no cheques had been issued lately with the exception of the overdraft on the bank, but in future care would be taken to have all cheques sent in to him. The Teacher Training Class opened for the season last Thursday in the schoolroom of St. George's Church with' a good attendance. The meetings wilt [continue regularly from now on. The Sunday evening service in the Methodist church will be of particu- lar interest to the young ladies of the congregation. The pastor is prepar- ing his remarks for their interest. Anniversary" seriiices in connection with the Methodist Sunday school will be held on Sunday and Monday, De- eemberr22nd and 23rd. The children are practising and 'a. very interesting programme is promised. The senior mission band entertains ed the married ladies last Tuesday night and provided, an interesting programme for their' visitors. The Epworth League on Monday night was well attended. The topic taken by Miss Isabella Anderson and a solo by Miss Mary McPherson was listened to with interest by all. Next Monday is missionary night and promises to be' one of unusual interest. The ‘pro- gramme is being put on' in the form of a dialogue, part missionary and part patriotic. _ Rev. Dr. J. C. Speers of Westmore- land Avenue Church, will preach at Humbervale on Sunday, December 8, at 2.30 p.111. Mr. Thos. Welwrbrth returned from a hunting trip up north last week. Miss Victoria Creighton spent the week end with friends in Brampton. Master Ambrose Chapman enter- tained a few of his little friends on his birthday last Friday. Games of various kinds made the time slip by. At the. daintily set table the cake was the main attraction and much merri- ment was caused by the hunting for the little souvenirs hidden. _ The Councils ot Mimico and New Toronto were Well represented at the complimentary banquet tendered to Warden Tom Griffiths at the Walker House on Friday evening. Reeve Lovejoy of New Toronto proposed the toast to the ladies in a. neat speeeh, speaking particularly of the valuable work the ladies had done in CoI1nec- tion with the war. BUMBERVALE ISLINGTON Morning " aan. Meeting for Women's Missionary and, Ladies' Aid 1st Tuesday ot the month at three Sunday Services: Morning Prayer, 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer, 7 o'clock. Holy Communion every Sunday at 9 aun., except on lst Sunday in month when it is celebrated at 11 o’clock. Sunday School 10 a.m. Sabbath School and Adult Bible Class 3.15 pan. Prayer Meeting at 8 Fm. Wednesday . evenings. Young People's Society, Monday, Masses, Sunday, 9 and 11 am Sunday Evenings 7.30. Car Stop No. 15. Rev. G. E. Doherty, Pastor. 11.00 a.m.--Mtrrhling service. 2.30 p.m.---Sunday School. V 7.00 'p.m.---Fvenintr Service. Epworth League meeting every Monday at 8 p.m. Epworth League at 8 p.m. Monday evenings. Holy Communion every Sunday at 9 an). and on second Sunday each month at 11 any, and on Holy Days at 7.30 a.m. Morning Prayer 11 am. Sunday; sqhool $3 ip.1m. _ Evensong 7 pnh. _ Presbyterian Church a", _"'"-" V -- "e--it_Vev_ --- STOP 27, LAKE: SHORE ROAD Sunday Morning 'Servicer-II o’clock. Sunday Evening Services--? o'clock. Sunday School and Bible Study, 3 p.111. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 8.15 p..m._; B.Y.P.U. Meeting Wed; at '7.3'0 bmi. Til. ir.' Wham, Fiild,' It Havie Avenue Womb v - J. 3650 Captain, McLean; Officer in Charge V V Phone Pérkdele 2494 Sunday, 11 a.nL--cHolit1ess Meeting. Sunday, 3 p.trr.--cfiunday School. Sunday, 7 p.m.--Salvation Meeting. Saturday, 8 tm.-epraver for Empire Monday, 8 p.rp.--Woldiers' Meeting. Wednesday, t 8 pmi.--Putyrus Meeting. Friday, 7.30 p.rn.--Band of Love. Thus. Douglas PARCEL, DELIVERY Prompt Service at Moderate _ Charge _ Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Ottiyy open on Monday and Thurs, day eveni-‘ngs, 7 pan. to " p.m., in _ BANKING ROOM or MERCHANTS BANK STOP 20, NEW TORONTO Toronto Office: 33 RICHMOND ST. W. Law Office STATION ROAD, MIMICO NEW TORONTO CHURCHES Century Methodist Church Rev. J. A. Walker, B.A., Pastor, Sixth Street Cor. Mimioo Aye. and Church St. Rev. G. J. Mackay, M.A., Minister A welcome to all. Seats free. Sunday Services 11 an). and 7 p.m. Sunday School St. Leo’s Church MIMICO Methodist Church Sand and Gravel For Sale REV. J. W. MORGAN, Wm. Gait MIMIGO CHURCHES Christ Church "REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY TO KEEP IT HOLY.†SALVATION ARMY Mim,iop Ava, Mimico BURLINGTON ROAD MIMICO Baptist Church St. Margaret’s Church Teaming Contractor W. B. MALE, BA. LONG BRANCH CHURCHES Pastor Mimico Avenue SUNDAY SERVICES A Welcome for All, Phone Main 7686 Prayer, Wednesday, 8 Evening 7 p.m. Lake Shore Lot For Sale Formerly Chief Inspector, Canadian Elgin Watch Co. TORONTO AND HAMILTON Seamless Wedding Rings HIGHWAY _ South side of Lake Shore Road HOUSE FOR SALE And provide for good draft _ by use, of I.W. ROYCE N. J. WATSON When Building Your House Ontario Sewer Pipe Co., Limited Telephone Parkdale 377, 378 MOTOR CAR SUPPLY Have Your Home Decorated 15.09 QUEEN WEST Remember, we repair your old shoes also. See Our Xmas Felt Display of SHOES RUBBERS PAINTER AND DECORATOR J. Barnum Stanley Avenue 1506 QUEEN ST. W., PARKDAIE Phone Park. 4793. Open Evenings REAL ESTATE Office, Church' Street, Mimico. Phone: Local 78. The Store That Satisfies Your Tastes If you like Candies. If you like Soft Drinks. If you like nice Confectionery If you like Smokes. If you want reading. _ Try the ‘ _ Stationery Store, Stop 21 NEW TORONTO A. E. STEPHENS, Proprietor For Infants and Children In Use For Over ao Years Always bears Signature of 1521-23 QUEEN STREET W. CASTOREA OFFICIAI WATCH INSPECTOR GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY A. J. Chapple Guard against fires by lining your chimney with VITRIFIED CLAY FLUES (Either square or round) KEEP YOUR FEET DRY ', and protect yourself fiom colds. UN DERTAKER AND EMBALMER NORMAN A. CRAIG Phone Park. 1321-4756 Livery Cars Day and Night Park. 2950, Park. 1054 1255 QUEEN WEST REPAIRS A SPECIALTY (1 block frtm Sunnyside) EXCELSIOR TOP HOUSE FOR RENT We have all qualities Manufactured by Before you, Clean Up Sheitiehi's on Victor Avenue Ask for Estimates -Frrom.-.' J EWELER Phones l Plan to Issuer of Marriage Licenses Mimico Are You Interested in Bonds ? Special Notice . LUMBER PRICES ARE STILL GOING HIGHER ' _ Don't wait for a drop ___ Buy now from our yards what you need. It will save you mod- ey to place it on Victory Bonds. LADIES-we have the latest Strap Purses for your We also have nice little Coin and Ticket Purses. Some of these are smalt enough for your mesh bag. GENTLEMEN---Let us make you a nice Bill Fold or, Letter Book. Special prices given to insurance companies for advertising. W. E. SALE, FANCY LEATHER GOODS MFG. 1604 Queen West Phone Pa Billiard Parlor _ Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobaccos --rt,, Concert Hall for Rent at Reasonable Prices ' _r,s, CORNER MIMICO AVE. AND ELIZABETH STREET? MIMICO Write for information to-day. 753-755 Dovercouft Roads ' Lake Shore Road See that d policy is taken and kept in force, even if you have t6 economize and struggle to do it. You cannot afford to neglect the provision. The risk is too great-too fearfully great. " _ BANK OF HAMILTON BUILDING, TORONTO, CANADA PARKDALE LEATHER SHOP, WRITE, TELEPHONE OR CALL UPON US AND WILL SHOW YOU SOME THAT WILL _ INTEREST YOU. [ Winter Term Begins January. 6 port trade willdemand the services of bright young people. W. H. Shaw, President. Getneitcatalogue to-day. Shaw's Business Schools, Toronto. Patterns of Every Description in Wood, Metal or Wax MACHINE AND ENGINE PATTERNS A SPECIALTY W. Redpath, Proprietor 10954 ADELAIDE STREET WEST Dominion Pattern Works HARRISON BROS. HEMLOCK, PINE AND HARDWOOD SHINGLES, LATH, CEDAR POSTS, DOORS, SASH Detail Work a Specialty . Factory and Yard, Stop 1854, Lake Shore Road Mimico - New Toronto Local 59 P. EL ALilUlllrAN Prepare now for reconstruction days. Our home and ex- "Ah-that certainly feels, good" Life Insurance, Sickness and Accident, Fire . Burgess tl Company BARBER SHOP LAKE SHORE ROAD, MIMICO INSURANCE BROKER GHAMBERLAIN'S LINIMENT The dullmthrgbbipg :3?) 'inththe t',ie din. appem ' e urmng em em a van way to ease and comfort-that'. the Se,',',., of rheumatism when the healing, penetzatintroiU in are allowed to do their work. Then!- M as" to suffer from irttumatorr or annual“ than. maiua. lame back or shoulder, ',h'e,tnt,e. nee sore muaden, strain; neuralgia. e - use Chamberlain's Iiniment. For can. but: wonpda, front bites, one†its aattirerptftt healing properties m very Mullah. . Getabottlotodny.nudugginh25q. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 191 TORONTO NEW TORONTO Phone Park. 3753 ItV, 1