l, Tuesday evening about 5,30 p.m., r. :Wm. . Camppell was riding' down Mair; Street od his wheel. When .reaching King Street a large truck auto passed him'and he did not no- tice another car following behind, sol turned across the street to go up King. Mr. Nolan, of Church Street, the dri- ver of the second car, in an endeavor to avoid a, collision, turned sharply to, the right and ran"up on the library grounds. ' Owing t?, his prompt actiou, 'Mr. Campbell escaped with a few bruises caused 'by‘ the“ fall off his bicycle. ,3 ,. / Meets every Tuesday night at 8 9.111. in the basement of St. Margaret's Church, 6th Str‘eet, New Toronto. All visiting brethren are invited to attend these meetings.' _ Bro. Geo. Parkinson, Noble Grand Bro. F. J. Appleton, Rm. Sec. - Mrs. Kaake, 232 Main Street; wishes to thank her many friends, also the C.O.C.F. for their' kind expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral trr. butes in her recent sad and sudden bereavement. The beginning ot this week witness- ed the opening up of another bank in Weston. Under the management of Mr. e. B. Miller, a branch of the Bank of Commerce has been started in the store formerly occupied by D. Camp- bell, druggist. Although the fittings are only temporary, the staff are in a position to operate all departments in Conheetion with banking, and trust they will be given a share of the com- mercial and private accounts of the town and community. At the present time the _tw,o ‘local banks operating are of the West; and strongest tinan- cially in existence, and with an addi- tional one which ranks equally high in the banking circles of to-day, Wes-. ton is to be congratulated on the effi- cient service she is capable of render- ing the public. It is expected that the permanent fixtures will be installed in a. few weeks' time, which of course will add materially to the business ap- pearance and be a creditable asset to, the town. Mr. Miller, coming as he does from the head office in Toronto, has had considerable experience along all lines ot the work, and is prepared to serve his patrons to the best of his ability. , i , _ T l “Buqkingham Palace, 1918 - The Queen and I wish you Godspeed, a. safe return to the happiness ot home lite, with an early. restoration to health. A grateful mother country thanks you for faithful services. I Pte. Fred Sainsbury returned home lasti‘ni'ghhwlafter spending two years in France. It was indeed. a, great joy to his family-when this glad news was received. He joined the colors in May, 1916, with the A. S. P., and went to France in December, _1916. He has' been there till September of 1918. It is a pleasure t9 {be once more home, away from' the, devastation, that sur- rounds one in France, is his expres- sion.' Many great events have been viewed and part has been†taken trr there? lt, Ihim since he enlisted. He looks the" bicture of health. Halifax, N.S., Nov. M.--- Just tra- fore embaricatiop in Engiand‘ a let- ter trom the King and Queen was presented tTeach soldier leaving tor Canada on the Aqditania. which ar- rived here yesterday.' It reads: T An event which may work out to be of considerable importance for the future development of our town oc- curred at Vimy Ridge,' the property of Dr. B. F. Irwin, recently. Men di'il1- ing for water ran into a. vein of nat- ural gas. This was piped and after eight days is still flowing strongly. As to its possibilities it is rather early to predict very large results, but the doctor is developing the vein and if conditions warrant will immediately install a plant for natural heating and lighting. _ "i'-Trr1-r", gr, PsvtEN-ilt F "ii, Lilac, t1eaislifu Hospital, L§2§895 Englalggjl ' 'ryle on leave at one year 'df active service in ' France; I iSapperr Wilfrid Ferguson Pepert, younger son of Mr. 'and Mrs. J. M. Pearen, Weston, Ontario, aged 19 years. _ (Deeply regretted). . Laddle, beloved laddie. moirr soon would we cease to weep, Could tsre,1trlanqeCthroutth- the golden gateway _Whose keys the angels . keep; i. .. _ , . ' But love, our love, that is deathless Can follow you where.yqu roam. Over the hills. of God; laddie, the beautiful' hills (it home. ' PAGE FO UR In loving memory ot Elizabeth Jane Maben, beloved wife ot W. J; Smith, King Street, ‘Weston, who passed peacefully' away Sunday, Dedemtyer, t, 1916. It is well that the citizens of Wes- ton and vicinity take note of the great opportunities that the Board of Edu- cation is giving us. In the formation of the night classes at the school they have met with great success. This is the bestitove the Board. has made. It enables the citizens to secure know- ledge that otherwise they would never be able to get in touch with. Those who entered the classes last week are more than well pleased with the ar- rangments that have been made. The Board has gone a step further. It has arranged practical lectures and de, monstrations that will be of the great- est value to the people here. The first lecture was given last night and was well attended. The next lecture will take place on Tuesday and should have the interest of everyone. Both speakers are Well acquainted with their Work. Professor Bell will speak upon water supply and control, Humus, Bacterial Life in the Soil, Use of Lime, Soil Tillage. E. L. Patchet will give a practical demon- stration on beekeeping. These ought to interest all. . ANOTHER BANK FOR WESTON ‘WESTON SOLDIER RETURNS Peacegul. be thy rest, dear mother, 'Tis sweet to breathe your name. In life we loved you very pear, . la death we do the same. ---HustNuut and Family. WESTON SCHOOL ACTIVITIES WEST POINT I.0.0.F. NO. 425 GODSPEEI? ii, 'nEROEs CARD OF THANKS A BIG DISCOVERY IN MEMORIAM "(Signed) George R. I." DEK'r-h‘é ( T17 “It; an, Wtitreacperiencer ot/ttte war what struck you as the most wonder- 'sr11iti,'itii1/ilcisCiis,? 7rii"f',' " tell, ma'am," he said, "what struck me. most was all the bullets A#at missed me." [ H _ _ . 'rl, Walter Snyder and Sam Shelly of Conestoga caught five coons in a, tree they were felling. Walter Hill ot Whitchurch killed two dogs caught in the act of worry- ing his father's sheep. The south-bound passenger train on the C.P.R. struck a freight train at Palgrave, smashing a. gar in which Were a horse and buggy and dog, all ot which escaped uninjured. No other-women caught in "this great maelstrom of Hunnish fright-' fulness have, had the kind of burden}: to- bear that‘has been laid upon the worrienkof Elranc‘e; 'One may truth- fully say that; nobther women have had as heavy a burden. All that Eng- lish women have faced in solving the problem of dilution ot 1athyripass, been assumed by French womén.’ The horrors that Belgium has suffered be-. cause of invasion, France has suffer- ed as far as ,therHun has been. able to penetrate into her territory. _ Just what those, horrors have been and are at present' no one except those“ Who have, endured them can eVer dream. All that other women have borne through separation from father,' bro- thers, and sweethearts, all of anxi- ety and grief because of wounds and death, French syoiert,%ave,bort1e with the added terror of the Hun it their very gates and, at first,, hospitals yet; to be equipped and adequate help secured. “The .Eiun at the gatesl." is a terrifying cry,' paralyzing in its effect. A soldier who fought in the war ~Wibh conspicuous valor obtained af- ter his return home a situation' in the service of a lady in the south of Ireland. Que day; {his mistress awas talking to him aboutpjhis. military careel, and asked hitzi..iC'l ' i /; _ - Mark Tovell of Guelph paid a visit to that city after an absence of 35 years, and surprised his brothers, who had not heard of him for 21 years. Colin Blyth of Marden recently sold his roan Shorthorn bull, "Gainsboro," whose father, “Marquis of Lancas- ter," sold not long ago for $2600. The lady teachers of the Buck's Falls high school staff assisted in nursing ttu patients. The Newmarket branch of the G.W. V.A. has received gifts _of a desk, heater and pictures for their new quarters. . Sttreetssriiie had a. dental clinic, the first in Canada. F. Jarrett, poultry. fancier of Mir. ton, won 21 prizes at three shows with seven birds. Dundas Womed's Institute issued 221 baskets of sick room supplies dur- ing the recent epidemic, as well as sending food to nurses and patients in the hospital. _ Chief, Reid of Orillia aiscovered'a carload of 55 barrels of whiskey on a siding in the freight yards. Sherman Brock of Newmarket, a member of the 43rd Battalion, Cana- dian Cameron Highlanders, who was killed on August 27th, won the French Croix de Guerre. Jack Hannant, a small boy of Mil- ton, broke a bone in his'wrist when he fell on his hand. Dr. Leda Snider, formerly of Mil- ton, has gone to Chengtu, China, as a missionary. Several of the men from Milton were taken down with the flu While; away on a, hunting trip in Muskoka. 'Milton wants to tax the motor mov- ing vans from the city which take work from the local Carters. THE FRENCH \VOMAN’S PART B0Yfy B0tyll?fi1 These include about 25 pairs of Williams' Waterproof Boots, sizes 1 to 5. Regular price $4.00. Extra value at ..$3.25 Also Boys; Bodts, sizes 1, A, 4% and 5 .. . . . . . . .". ' . . . .-.$2.15 1Men's Hand Made Beets. Reg. $6.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5.45 Ladies' High Top Gunmetal Bals., Neolin sole and military rubber heel'....,.....,..........'....., Same only leather sole and heel C',"",'""'"""' Ladies' Brown Calf Bales.,' Neolin soles and rubber and ......a......u.............. .......... Same in leather sole A NIGHT FIREMAN FORE diiji;ENHousE. WINDSOR'S - SHOE STORE Apply Merchants RUBBERS Lifebuoy . ALF. M.,BARTON 137 Main. Street North, Weston _ Phone No. 21 l "rliViTirlirtfjiitiE SIZES l to 5 DATED at Toronto in the Province of Ontario, the 29th day of October, A.D. 1918. NOTICE is hereby‘given that Ralph Kerr of the City of Toronto in the County of York and Province of On- tario, machinist, will apply to the Parliament of Canada. at the next ses- sion thereof for a Bill of Divorce from his wife, Kathlene Kerr, ndw re- siding in said City of Toronto, in the Province of Ontario, on the grounds of adultery and desertion. Of the staff of Toronto Consggxggzory ' of Musiitr, _ 1jic Will teach in westiiti)iiir)sr_ Tu'il"s"aay: Pupils doached "i2ri1?'i')'i7'Fr"t, Oratorio a I aryl, opera. C C tudio: L656 jtosemouut Ava, “ v,:,isit, ' [WESTON _ feim : Apply 168 Howland Avenue, Toronto, or studio, Weston. soo BROS. Open Steam Laundry Shirt..........::. Undershirt I . . . . . . Working Shirt ... Quilts.,.......... Sheets...:........ Tablecloths, small ones according to Pillow Slips . . . . . .. Trovvels ........ ... Collars............ Handkerchiefs . . . . . A. J. ANDERSON, Solicitor for the Applicant, 15 weeks 2881 Dundas St. W.. Toronto TO CHECK CONTAGION. "Do not cough or sneeze without a. handkerchief before the face" Since the outbreak of influenza, how often have doctors, and others inter; ested in public health, advised us ot this, and yet how frequently is the warning, disregarded? k 'Phe failure to obey this simple rule is probably responsible for the spread of much contagion. Take tor example those in the early, ur1sus- peeled stakes of consumption-a sin- gle, unguarded cough may release millions ot deadly tubercle bacilli; to be breathed in by others around. MissEva Lyle Knight Until recent years consumption was considered incurable, but we now know that it can be cured if taken in time. The Muskokalree Hospital has proved this without a doubt, for thousands of its patients have been restored to health and lives of use- fulness. k One ex-patient of that hospital writes as follows: "Just eight years ago this Christmas time I entered your Sanatorium. I was a very sad and discouraged girl that Christmas Eve, but I have been home over seven years, and I can hardly believe that I ever had T. B. I look back to the days I spent there, With/great thanks to God and those faithful workers who understood our cases and needs, and ministered to us so faithfully." To carry on this great work the Muskoka Free Hospital for Con- sumptiVes is again appealing for help. T There is much to do. Will you lend a hand? Contributions may be sent to Sir William J. Gage, 84 Spadiro avenue, Toronto, or to George A, Reid, Secretary-Treasurer, Gage In, stitute, 223 College street, Toronto. '9roN,rl/N,Y, DEC. 16TH 25 'Main St. North, Weston Same prices 'as other steam laundries $3£§ DIVORCE NOTICE of Piano, Voice Production, and sterrirotation heels, (large size) . . 1"; $5.95 $7.50 $5.50 $6.00 10c 5c 5c 10c 5c 50 2c Ic Ic 1c MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES -- Set of double harness, set of single harness, market garden wagon. new; Fleury plough 2lo. 2; 2 scufflers. set light harrows, Massey Harris cultiva- tor, Fleury cutting ‘box; single box sleigh, wheelbarrow, set doubletrees, seed drill, New Model; 2 oak barrels, lt bushel_ bags, Jrerthoutts, 50 yards of chicken wire, quantity ot parsnips. quantity of carrots; Happy .gThought stove and pipes, double bedstead and springs. forks, rakes, shpvels, etc. ‘ I1?ERMS---cash. J. K. McEWEN & SON. . I, ( Auctioneers. FOR saEm--New laid eggs,from three to five dozen weekly. Dollar a doi. Allan G. Peirson, 14 Chumh Street, Weston, phone 128. FOR. SaLIIl---32 ft. lot on northeast corner of King and Pine Streets; at $12 'i'i;r foot, good neighborhood, water, sewer, electricity. Easy terms. I. N. Draper, 43 Pine Street, Weston. FOR SALEI--2 kitchen ranges, Crown Huron, used one season. Happy Thought with reservoir. Water front attachments for both. Apply to A. G. Peirson, [Church Street, Weston. WaNrEIF--Yourrg man, honest and reliable, for delivery rig. Apply to A. D. Norris, grocer. Stop 14, Mi- inico Beach. T F LOST-X gold‘ cuff ruh, "Masonic em- blem engraved. _ Return to Times & Guide, Weston. " , IMPLEMENTS T The undersigned, have received in- structions from Tirlt. ROCH to sell by public auction at lot f, con. 4 and 5, Etobicoke. near Islington, on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1918 At 1 o’clock, the folloWing; HORSES-Sorrel horse 9 years; black horse 12 years. FOR SALEl--Happy Thought range with water Jront, in good condition. Apply to 59 Main St. N., Weston. fiwtaYEo-A red cow strayed from pasture field at spl'tt11tieui. Please communicate ‘w‘ilth Garfield Ella, Smithfield., i. 51- Port SAIt--tyrie heater in good pony- .dition,i Will' I Sell 'chtsab' to make quicksalie. “ApplytJJ Bull;t gtjhrl! St, Weston. ' _ : EOE, SALE-win sell for $500 one 1917 Ford car, well equipped, run HOUSE FOR SALE---57 Main Street South, Weston, a seven roomed stucco faced dwelling, 2 good vein andas and electric lights on 14 ac. of land, 40 ft. frontage, side drive, stable or garage at back. Excel- lent garden. Quantity of fruit trees, Apply to Mrs. Thos. McLel, Ian, Weston, R.R. 1, phone 174-3; or Miss A. McLellan, 40 Springhurst Ave., Toronto, phone Parkdale 1124. LOST-A letter of importance ad- dressed to Margaret F. McKay,Wes- ton, P.0. box 286. The name and address of sender written on cor- ner of envelope. Will the person having this letter in their DoSSeS- sion please return to Weston P. O. or phone 143. . WANTED-Elderly woman or young girl to assist with light housework in small family. Apply to Box 30, The Advertiser. '?srfd17,Ti,ft1it, I. Lo. p. F. Hall for .privateipatrti s a/nd other purposes. Apply/tic themoblq Grand, George ‘ Pollard.‘ Westrod 7' FOR SALIC--Twin tubular brass bed- stead, li white enamelled» double bedstead, baby's wicker buggy, buff colored. Apply at once as party is leaving town. Mr1s,r J. M. Philip, care of Mrs. Wm. Banks, 57 George St., Weston. l SAWDUST FOR SALE-ive have a quantity of sawdust' for sale. To those wishing to secure same tor packing ice this is a good oppor- tunity. Apply to Gibson, McCor- mack, Irvin Co., Main St., Weston. FOR. S/um-wicker baby carriage in _ good condition, will sell cheap. Ap- ply to Mrs. N. VanZant, Lemaire Ave., Weston. FOR SADF--Fowl:24 hens and chick- ens, mixed breed. All sold in one, lot. Apply E. Wallis, 19 Myers Av- enue, Weston. WANTED-position as general 6y a. ’capable woman, aged 20. Apply to Mrs. J. Roney, R. R. No. 1, Aves, ton. _ *‘ 'li,- _ {MUN ',v. I' wuhBrrEn--A 'gbotrd,lirthiisrau C' , hon/IE4 keeper. Apply evenings. D. Rown- tree, Sr., 25 Eagle Avenue, Weston. HOUSE FOR SALE-Good comfort- able home, 19 Myers Avenue, Wes- ton, six rooms, water and electric light. Apply to Mr. B. Wallis, 19 Myers Ave., Weston. only a few thousand miles. Apply telephone 88. AND MARKET] GARDEN HORSES CASH SALE OF c' [Notice is hereby given that a by-law was passed by the Council of the ‘Town of Weston on the 18th of No- Ivember, 1918, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of sev- enty-eight hundred dollars ($7800.00) for: the purpose of extension of the waterworks system (by installation of threelfilters‘ and necessary valves) and that the said 'tsy-taw" was regis- tere’d"in the registry office' for the East and West Riding of the Coun- of York, on the 22nd day of Novem- ber, 1918. Any motion to quash or set aside the Same or any part there- of 'must be made within three months after the first publication of this no. tice,’ and it cannot be made thereaf- ter. 1 " Bt Notice is hereby given/tttat a By, law was passed by the Council of the ( Town of Weston on the 18th of No.. vember, 1918, providing for the issue Of debentures to the amount of four- taensthousatld dollars ($14,000.00) for the' purpose of extension of the waterworks system (by additions to pump and tutef house. installation of alum mixing apparatus and installam tion of heating system in pump house) and that the said By-law was regis- tered in the Registry Office for the east and west riding of the County ty of York, on the 22nd day of ?do: vember, 1918. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any iii)) thereof must be made twithin three months after the first publication of} this notice, and it cannot be ,madel thereafter. FOR SaIail--Pirmouth Rock hens and pullets; Rhoda Island Red hens and bullets. ' Also a ndmber of year old hens. These are laying. Also 3 Spaniel pups. MutiCbe sold at once as owner is moving away. Ap-, ply to Mr, Woods, Weston Brick Yards, near K, & S. Rubber Plant. Dated the 23rd day of November, 1918, Mr Dated thei'23rd day‘of November, 1918. _ rirs 7i‘AKE' iiibiidii: " TAKE NOTICE J, It, TAYLOR. J. IE. TAYLOR, Clerk. F591 Clerk. When you install the up-to-date equipment, it means a small outlay of money. This is, however, paid back and it increases your values. It relieves all drudgery in the stable. It means better farm conditions. All this is summed up in l _ .. You may: delay and pay more, but eventually you will get it. Why wait. See us at once. . I H: N. J. McEwen, Manager, B. T. EQUIPMENT MAIN STREET, WESTON, PHONE 254 & 251 at once. 'l'i1"jfii)ii'i'"lio'", Of 'Iii/folio/R-fic")"']'] REMEMBER ! that we have room to store your car for the winter in our warm ap-to-date Garage. Apply for terms V _ , USE OUR "ANTI-FREEZE" i.' l l The duly Safe Non-Freezing Solution Contains nopalcium chloride or other injurious chemicals. The systematic and con- sistent saving of money, is a duty which devolves upon every one of us. The Bank of Montreal will open Savings Accounts on receipt of $1 and accept thereon deposits of $1 and upwards. Consistent Saving Driyt up atttr,1et,"tit) fill y/pr radiator----) per gallon. ENGINE COVERS-That will, protect your Engine. WARM LAP ROBES _ _ STORE ‘YOUR'BATTERIES for the winter with us. J» BARKER & CO. FORD GARAGE, MAIN syrREEi,"iiiituh: ak, SAVE YOUR RAD. TALLEN’S Beaver Theatre Note This Stable Monday -Cuesdar, Dec. 9 and 10 D. W. GRIFFITH presents "THE GREAT LOVE" . Cast like The Birth of a Nation and Hearts of the World including Lillian Gish, George Fawcett, Robt. Harron, George Siegrnann, Henry Walthall, Maxfield Stanley, Rosemary Theby, Gloria Hope. GRAHAM a CARTONIU TIRE CHAIN S-A strong steel chain-AB.)) West Toronto's Famous Picture House "HIS MAJESTY BUNKER BEAN" "HEARTS OF ‘THE WILDS†_' RUTH, ROLAND "HANDS UP"--) Episode ._ Lyons Comedy Friday - Saturday, Dec. 6 and 7 2nd Episode of "THE IRON TEST" JACK PICKFORD Prices-Main Floor 15c and 20c Balcony 15c and 20c. Boxes 25c Wednesday - Thursday, De ELSIE FERGUSON â€"â€"â€"77‘ k a, ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS l ssse13Ct Matinee Daily at 2.15 .1 n. WEDNESMXY, DECEMBER 4, 1918 HEAD OFFI CE. MONTREAL. Ll ft Weston.