Times & Guide (Weston, Ontario), 11 Dec 1918, p. 4

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:irijf? IE W A men's club was organized in the weistminsttsr Church, Weston, on Thursday evening last, to be known as the Westminster Club. The ob.. jects are for mutual improvement and recreation and the development of practical Christianity. Any person of 16 years and upwards are invited to toriand Will be welcomed. It is not only open to members of the congre- gation of Westminster Church and their friends, but to anybody of good character in the town. The officers are as follows: Hon. Pres., Rev. Forbes Robertson; Pres., Prof. Bell; Vice- Pres., Mr. A. Hershell, Mr. W. J, For- reister; Sec.-Treas., Mix N. J. Seal, Committee. Messrs. t C. Irvin, Pha- Jeri, C, L'Moffat, S. Smith, A. Smith and G. Roberts; The regular meeting of the Weston L. O. L. No. 216 was held in Odd Fei- Iowa' Hall", Church Street, on Tues-. day evening, two members. being ad, vanced to the Royal Arch Degree. The annual elections were then conducted and the following installed: Wor. Mas- terii. F. Ineson; deputy, S. J. Tot- ten; chaplain, A. J. Burgess; tinan, ancial secretary and treasurer, J, ‘Bell; _recording secretary, J. Humph- ries; director of ceremonies, Bro. Os- Wald; lecturer, A. Murray; commit- teempn/ Bros. 01then, Dunnitt, J obson, Baggs, Mallaby; auditors, Bros. Cotten and Burgess. ' F Those who have heard Mr. Parkin- son's travelogue "Ireland in Song and Story," may be glad to know that "msryse1Hreland" by Elizabeth P. O’Connor is among- the new books that have just been 'added to the Pub- lie Library. "Ot Irish wit, wisdom and whimsicality, of Irish temperament, the treasures ot old Ireland and ot Ireland of to-day, Mrs. E. P. O'Con- nor has written an entirely enjoyable and delightful account." "The Charm of Ireland," by Burton E. Stevenson, is another thoroughly entertaining book about Ireland that is to be found on the library shelves. A new war decoration in the form of a star similar in appearance to the Mons Star., with a ribbon marked 1914-1915 is to be presented to the returned soldiers who have served in a. ship of war at sea. and of the army and air; forces who served in any theatre‘of war before Dec. 31st, 1915. No one having the Mons Star will get the new one. It will go to all Cana, dians who fought at the second battle of Ypres, and those fighting at Neuve Chapelle, Festubert and subsequent operations of 1915 in France and Flanders. On Saturday afternoon last Willie I Lightgow, Gisorge'Street, had the mis- fortune to cut the ends of both his thumbs while using an axe to cut some wood. The Doctor attended the injured boy and he is recovering. The local Red Cross Society are thr, ishing up the Red Cross sewing which they have on hand, and will then ‘turn their attention to work, for the retur gees. Red Cross knitting will be con- tinued, but the amputation socks ire receiving the most attention, as the call for these is very urgent and the ladies are being asked to direct their energies in providing a. supply for the boys who have given -their limbs at the call of duty. E. L. Patchett will also give a practi- cal lecture pn beekeeping. The pub- lic are cordially invited to attend these classes. The speakers are men 'ot experience and a knowledge of the subjects under discussion. , ‘On Tuesday night, Dec. 17th, in the Weston High School, in connection with the Commercial Night Classes, a, demonstration will be given on the use of gas engines and their value. Anniversary services in connection with the Methodist Sunday School will be held on Friday, December 20, when the children of the school will tive a varied programme. of singing, recitations, fancy drills, etc. On the tpllowing Sunday the music will be r'endered by the school and the ad, dresses both morning and evening will be of particular interest to the young- er members of the congregation. Gordon Hoover, a Weston High School student, has been awarded the third Carter scholarship for the Coun- ty of. York in connection with the re.- cerit honor matriculation examina- tions.'. As, he spent only four years in the High School and the majority of honor matriculants take from five to six years for the work he took, he is to be congratulated on his excepa tionally high standing. PAGE FOUR Mrs. G. M. Lyons received word this week that herunephew, Charles Sid- ney Barnes ot the U. S. Army, eldest sim of Mr. S. W. Barnes of Chicago, fdrmerly of Westqn, had died of pneumonia in a, hospital in France. Nomination Day in connection with ‘municipal matters ‘will be held on Monday, December 23rd, in the Town Hall, at 7.ail, p.m. ' Misses /Bessie and Cecilia. Macklin spent the week end with friends in Toronto. Night classes started in Weston High School on Nov. 19th, with a good attendance and interest taken in the work. December 2nd reports show twenty-five attending commercial and fifteen on the general class list. ' Mrs. Nixon of Maple is spending a few days with her daughters, Mrs. R. CIRymas and Mrs. Hammell, of Holly Avenue. C " Sunday evening, Dec. 15th, a, me- fnorial service in memory of the late Sapper Wilfrid F. Pepren will be held in the Methodist Church, Main St. Captain Hurlbut, Mrs. Hurlbut and Master Dick left last week for a short visit to friends in Winnipeg. On their return they will go to Ottawa, where Capt. Hurlbut has been appointed on the Pension Board/ The weekly prayer service of the Methodist Church will be heldlat the home of Mrs. Gordon, Main Stréet and Rectory Road, on Wednesday, Decem- ber 11th, at 8 pm. _ Miss Duniop, of Toronto, who was spending the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Goulding, tav- ored the congregation of the Metho- dist Church on Sunday évening' with a. vocal solo. Mr I W. S. Hodgins announces that the total number of subscriptions to the ,Victory Loan is $1,067,879, and the total amdunt of money loaned is $687,077,570. The total sumlast year was $421,194,960. sHOItTr--On Saturday, Dec. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Shortt, Humbervale, & daughter“ _ Friday, Dec. 13-Monthly meeting of Leeds Lodge S. O. S. in I.0.0.F. Hall, Church Street, Weston. Monday, Dec. 16--Last meeting ot Etobicoke Council tor year 1918 in Township Hall, Islington. Tuesday, Dec. 17--Annual meeting of Richview Farmers' Club in Club rooms on Geo. Pearson's farm at 7.30 Had we asked Him, well we know We would say, Lord, spare this blow; Yes, with streaming eyes would say, Lord, we loved him, let him stay. -Mara and Dad, Sisters, Brothers and Auntie Millie. Single Comb Rhode Island Reds - Cock 4, cockerel‘ 4. Monday, Dec. 16-Regular meeting of the I.0.0.F. in Church Street Hall at 8 p.m. 1uCBl---In loving memory of our darling, little son, Cedric, who was killed in a jitney accident on Dec, 11th, 1915. PBARS0N--on Tuesday, Dec. 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Pearson, Humbermount, Weston, a. Son. Wednesday, Dec ll-Monthly meet.. ing of Grouse Hill L.O.L. in Church Street Hall at 8 p.m. Butt Leghorns---Col, 1; hen, 1, 2, 3 and 4; cockerel, 1 and 2; pullet, 1, 2, 3 and 4. Mr. Parkinson made his third ap- pearance before a Weston audience on Monday night in Westminster aud, itorium. This time he conducted his company on a tour through Ireland, as he said, not the Ireland of unrest, feuds and dissatisfaction, but the one given over to nature and man's handi» Worli for the highest and the noblest. Her fields greener than eye can imag- ine, lakes, rivers and woodlands more beautiful than mind pan picture; cas- tles, cathedrals, arurmotrasteries stat, lier and more picturesque than. tongue can relate, These were thrown on the canvas, and as each one appeared a short sketch of its history, some.- times humorous, often pathetic, but never commonplace, was given. Am. other feature which added materially to the enjoyment of those present were the solos rendered by Miss Gene.. vieve Lyons, as such historic places as Tara. hall and others were thrown on the canvas, Ireland is essentially the land of music, wit and mirth. Her flag is the only one carrying a mush cal emblem, and many of the, musical instruments ot'sto-day trace their ori.. gin to the Harp. Rev: MP. Itobert, son occupied the chair. Mrs. Meldrum acted as accompanist and Bryce Mot- fat operated the lantern. At the close a, hearty vote of thanks was extended to all who had assisted in the pro- gramme. - _ Mr. Thomas Harris was again very successful in winning twenty-eight prizes and a special tor best collec~ tion of chickens at the 8th annual poultry show, held on December-5th and 6th at the Union Stock Yards, West Toronto. S. C. Brown Iueghorrrs--Cock, 1, 2; hen, 1, 4; cockerel, 3, I; pallet, 1, 2, 3 and 4; also special for best collec- tion. Black Minorcas--Cock, lst; hen, 1, 2, 3 and 4. WESTON POULTRY MAN WINS AT WENT TORONTO I Rev. T. A-Watson of Toronto will occupythe pulpit ot'Cross Street Pres, byterian Church on Sunday evening, Dec. 15th. ‘ I ( Mr. S. Totten received word this week that his nephew, Lieut. Weir, had been killed in France on Novem- ber 28th. They were engaged in mak, ing hourly flights and, in some way the young officer fell ogt of his ma- chine. Grouse Hill Lodge L. Q. L. will hold their annual election of officers at the regular meeting on Wednesday night, Dec. 11th, in Church Street Hall. v. The annual Christmas entertain- ment in connection with St. Phillip's Sunday School will be held in Weston Town Hall on Tuesday, January 7th. A bay mare hitched to a top buggy in good condition was found late Mon- day night tied to a post in front of Reuben Longstatt's property, Main Street. It is evidently the same rig that three boys were seen with earlier in the evening at Bourlqe's Hotel, by Charlie Gillies. When spoken to they said they were on their: road to Mal- ton. Evidently they had driven a. lit- tle further and left the horse. The hostler at Bourke's being, informed that the horse was there at a very late hour,' went down and took charge of it. It is not know if the animal was stolen or the property of some careless youths. The owner may re- claim his property by going to Bourke's Hotel. The story hour is now an estab- lished feature oflthe Public Library work. The storyis told on Saturday afternoons. The door is open at 2 o'elock, but clases at 2.15, when the story begins. After this time no one will be admitted until the regular lib- rary hour at 3 o‘clock. This week the, story is about “Little King Mig- uel," and is for the smaller children. Representative dairymen of Peel County and vicinity and milk dealers of the city appea,red befpre Hon. G. S. Henry at the Parliament Buildings with, a. request that legislation be en- acted at the next session of 1egi.srla- tion which would regulate the testing of milk and cream in the province. From time to time our boys are re- turning homer and it seems impossible to keep in close touch with their ar- rival. Last week four of our local soldiers arrived and upon going to press we had' only knowledge of one, Fred Sainsbury. 'His companions are Pte. F. W. Pearce, C. Sharkey and T. Lennehan. The last named had only been promoted to sergeant. All are looking well, but pleased to be back in their native land again. COMING EVENTS IN MEMORIAM BIRTHS Shirt.............. ..... Undershirt .....e.. ..... Working Shirt .......... Quilts ........r.......... Sheets,.,.......-....... Tablecloths, small (larg ones according to size). Pi1lowslips...-.... Towels........ ......... Collars.....:..........'. Handkerchiefs...., Of the staff of Toronto Conservatory ot Music Will teach in Weston every Tuesday. Pupils coached for concert, oratorio and 'opera. SOC) BROS. Open Steam Laundry Studio: 66 Rosemount Ave., WESTON Terms: Apply 168 Howland Avenue, Toronto, or studio, Weston. Teacher ot Piano, Voice Production, and Interpretation " 7 p.m., Rev. T. A. Watson, M.A., of toronto, will preach. T Rev. W. M. Mackay, BA. Residence: m1mberinount, Weston Phone 293 Sunday, Dec. 15th, 1918 11 a.m., the Ministes)win preach. Sunday School in connection with the morning service. BUYS A $60.00 NEW WIL- LIAMS SEWING MACHINE Seven Drawers y; Cabinet. Get in on it. ' Miss Eva Lyle knight Established 1858 C ( Pastor, REV. FORBES ROBERTSON Residence, John Street. 5 t Phone 241 f Sunday, December 15th, 1918 Prayer service Wednesday at 18 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Gordon, Main Street and Rectory Road. Bright Sbrvices Seats Free A Welcome to an 2.45 p.m., Sunday' School and Bible Classes. 7 p.m., the Pastor, "The Grave in the Garden." Memorial Service for Sapper Wilfrid Ferguson Pearen. 11 a.m., the Pastor, "What Became of Joseph's Dreams." VVestminster Presbyterian Church WESWN ililifnllllif (lllllnll Rev. J. Wallace Stewart, Pastor. Residence, 35 King St. Phone 43 A. T. Mather, Choir Leader. Miss Marion E. Russell, L.T.C.M.. _ . . . Organist ' 10.30 amL--On all Saints' Days and Holy Days. . 8 pas-Every Wednesday, All seats free. Everybody wel- come. , REV. ROBT. A. SIMS, RECTOR Residence Albion Road, R.M.D. No. 3, Weston; 'phone 58 2-1. I SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m.--fiundaor School. 11 a.m.--Morning Service. Holy Communion 4th Sunday in the month.' Sunday Services 8 a.rrt.--5'ioiy Communion and on the lst Sunday of the month at 11 7 p.m.--Chora1 Evensong and Bers mon. a MONDAY, DEC. 16TH 25 Main St. North, Weston Same prices as other Steam laundries St. Phillip's Church Strangers cordially welcome. Strangers welcome Strangers welcome 11 a.m., the Pastor will preach 2.45 p.m., Sunday School. 7 p.1n., the Pastor will preach Rev. Walter Archbold, D.D., Vicar Residence. 4 Maria. St. Phone 282. , Old Presbyterian, Church 11 a.m.--Matir1s and Sermon $30.00 St John's Anglican Church GILBERT'S p.m.-Sunday School 1056 Weston Road December 15th, 1918 Cross Street "h Pastor:. Etobicoke WESTON (large 10c 5c 50 10c 5c 5c 2t lc Ic 1c One that has given entire satisfaction to thousands who have used it in the States. h It carries a guarantee that means something. In handling these engines we do so with every confidence in the manufacturers, The International Harvester Co. ,8 a The price is one thing to note. This is the cheapest engine on the market to-day that will stand up: f i T 1,% h.p. sells FOB. Hamilton for .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘.$89.00 3 h.p. sells F.O.B. Hamilton for o......,.....,.......,....)) 6 h.p. sells FOB. Hamilton for m.......................'. $254.00 You will make no mistake if you invest in one of these engines at this price. ' 1rFFF1rFFFtrtrFFFFFt+FFtrFFFFk4 HERE IT IS Sole Agent Main Street, WESTON HOCKEY B0OTs--McPherson's Famous LLghmmg Hitch, as well as other makes. RUBBERS-B1ack and tan, 15 styles, fit any boot i"iiibArRmG DONE SATISFACTORILY. For Christmas Slippers ' Night Classes in Commercial and _ General School Work WESTON HIGH SCHOOL TUESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS EVERY FARMER HAS BEEN LOOKING FOR IT All colors and sizes, prices to suit Henderson's Shoe Stem NAIN ST, WESTON in this district BARKER & CO. Fees 10 cents each night. 7.30 to Sh30 ’Phone No. Mt i G. M. LYONS Useful Xmas Gifts Dainty Cups and Saucers in English China. Phone 30 Ladies' Irish Linen Handker- chiefs in great variety, all prices. Pretty Tea Aprons. Good quality Stationery, beau- tifully boxed. perties and farms for sale Stock and Dairy Farm at Klein- burg, 100 acres, lots of water, gra- vel road) Price $6500.00. 100 acres in Vaughan, one mile from Woodbridge, good water, excellent grain farm. I handle none but the Joest FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE I have several good vi11age_prom WESTON Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public 2922 Dundas St., West Toronto (Above Moon's Hardware Store) , Real Estate Loans placed at Current Rates. FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE St. John's Road Tel. 301 Practical Plumber Repairs promptly attended to A Trial Solicited Address: Maria Street, East of Fifth Ave. or Box N o. 79, Weston Bank of Nova Scotia Chambers Phone 152, Weston Money to Loan on good First Mortgage Securities Agent for Firé, Life, Accident, Autos. mobile and Plate Glass Insur- ance in safe companies and at best rates DR.. J. A. MELDRUM . Dentist Office: queman & Hackett Block MAIN ST., WESTON, Opposite,Bank of Nova Scotia Office and Residence, East Cor. . King St. and Rosemount Ave. Telephone 15 Weston, Ont. C. Lorne Fraser, M.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Physician, Surgeon, Etc, Office: Weston Road, Mt. Dennis Office Hours: 8 to 10 a.m.; 1-3 and 7 to 8.30 p.m. Phone: Weston 87, Marla St., Weston, Phone June. 1218 --and-- 332 Bloor W., Toronto, Pb. Got, 2802 Consultations by Appointment. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Residence: Rosemount Avenue Telephones Main 6353 Jet. 4045 WESTON Mornings and Evenings Toronto Office: Gray & Gray 301 Crown Office Building North-east Corner Queen and Victoria Streets, Toronto. W. A, TlTLEY DR. J. T. HACKETT Dr. H. D. Livingstone EAR, NOSE AND THROAT DR. W. E. PEARSON G. HOWARD GRAY Real Estate and Insurance Office DH. (llflllllll HIEKEH Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence 120 Roncésvalles Ave. PHONE PARK 402, TORONTO JOHN MILLS Telephone-Junction 991 , E. J. MUSSON emu, " ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR fig-525 aa Richmond St. w. t. 4045 TORONTO F. B. EDMUNDS JOHN HARRIS Physician, Etc. ED. W. BROWN, WOODBRIDGE Avenue WESTON Main Street Tel. 301 O NTARIO WESTON The Queen Mary Hospital is doing a great work amongst the consump- tive children-nine out of ten of tttit early \cases may be cured it taken in time. Help is urgently needed to carry on the work. Contributions may be sent to Mr. A. E. Amen. Chairman of Finance Committee, " King street west, Toronto, by whom they will be gratefully acknowledged. The trail little mother is ekin; out an existence as best she can-- her one ray of sunshine a weekly visit to her little ones, now much im- proved in health. 6 Fortunately their plight was dig.. covered in time, and they were hur- ried to the Queen Mary Hospital tor Consumptive Children. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1918 The sad story of a once happy tam- ily has been brought to our attention. The father, ill for many months, worked away at his trade until tta- ally, broken down completely, he had to give up. An examination proved him to be in the, last stage of con- sumption. He lived but a short time after, leaving a legacy ot disease to his tour little children, all of whom were found to be infected. PHONE 67 GEMS MORE DEADLY THAN t GERMANS. Medical statistics reveal the starb- ling tact that 2,462 died of consump- tion in Ontario last year --trereu every day of the year. HAMBOURG CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC _ West Toronto Studio Branch 200 Beresford Avenue" _ Phone Jet. 72 Studios at 27 Cloverdale Avenue and 18 Wright Avenue I ' MRS. JNO. T. ANDERSON, SMITH'S MOTOR DELIVERY One-quarter of all who die between the ages of 20 and 50 are victims ot the Great White Plague. J. K. McEWEN tk SON It'has, destroyed more human lite than all the wars of the universe. R. It. 2. WESTON GENERAL TEAMING Band, Gravel and Filling Always on N, Hand. Movings Promptly Attended to. Phone " at 6.45 a.m., 12.45 noon and 6.45 Iran. Graduate Toronto Conservatory at Music Piano-Teachers' Normal Cantu. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conger- vatory Examinations. Studio: “The Bungalow" 87 Marla Sh, WESTON PIANO INSTRUCTION' Monday and Thursday, 2 to 6 p.m. Studio, Bank of Nova Scotla. Building Pupils prepared for Toronto Connor- vatory Examinations. Alterations and repairs prompt- ly attended to. _ t Residence: 110 Lambton Avenul Phone: 18-tt Estimates given on all class ot') Work. TEACHER 0F PIANO Studio. Bank of Nova‘Scotla. Building 7 Tuesday and Friday Pupiltsu, apared for Toronto Comm wary Examination. JOHN T, ANDERSON Piano and Organ Tuner 200 Beresford Avenue, West mom-- Telephone Judctlon 72. 25 Years' Practical Experience; , W' go any place. Drop a mi, Walter Lmgstaff [Amused Auctioneers foe an Counties of York, Peel and Simcoe Terms Reasonable Margaret R. Gillette HELEN R. WILSON W. J. WARD CHARLES GILLIS Stella V. Rowntree Baggage and Express 22 St. John's Road, Weston ‘Phone 305 City phone, Adelaide 1518 MOTOR EQUIPMENT Or other if desired. Residence and Chapel Phone 168 F Main Street, Weston Builder & Contractor Undertaker and Embalmer B. DEAKIN Principal. lain Cylinders When ordering addrem communications to PUMP WORKS PUMPS GASOLINE ENGINES WINDMJLLS ' . Repairs or an Kinds Brass, Iron or Pom ESTABLISHED 1830 LONG-STAFF E 33 I West or Phone No. 285 WESTON PHONE 8-4 @3553, l l I

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