'. READ AND USE THE LOCAL PAPER t', "-s!b-, - TO BOOST YOUR HOME TOWN ', Stop No. 14 Phorfe College 4536. _ DR. P/J. WATSON, Dentist, office at Connaught Hall, Super- ior Avenue, Mimico. Open Tuesday, 1.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m., 7.30 to 9.00 p.m. Saturdays, 2 p.m. to 5.30. p.m. For special appointments GASOLINE, GREASE, AUTO ACCESSORIES FOR SALE 'r,,'", NEXT. DOOR NEIGHBOR: “I was down at the Beach Boot (?toertiiist night. _ _' _ I __ HOUSEHO'LDER: "WM, how did you get aiong?'/ _ 's ', {’NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR_: "Fine. I had ho idea they kept Such tcvittriety." _'. I l "s' fHOUSEH‘OLDER: “‘Didfyou purchase anythhig?" I C _ NExtTookNvcHBoR: "1 should say so. You Ought to have seen thé Parcel I had. The prices are so reasonable." BEACH BOOT STORE General Dry Goods Conversation PAGE EIGHT Brown’é Copper & Brass Roll- ing Mill is the Pioneer and Lar.. gest Mill pf its Kind m Canada and is Located in New Toronto THIS IS THE CAR THE HIGHWAY GARAGE Repairs made here give satisfaction. Try us SOLD AT THE HIGHWAY GARAGE ir., (WUT/ION MOTTO: GIVE US A TRIAL MIMICO BEACH Tooke's Silk Collars 40c each Stop 14, MIMICO BEACH Phone 55 Barrister, Solicitor, 'Notary, Etc. M Money to Loan ' Open Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoons Corner Seventh Street and Lake Shore Rd., New Toronto J. W. McFarland th F. MONEY Mimico Ave. Also ready to accept engagements for dances, and either orchestra or Piano. Farm machinery represents a finan- cial investment, and as such should be properly taken care ot when not in use, thus giving a dividend on the money invested. It is a recognized fact that machinery exposed to all sorts of weather depreciates more than from wear and tear ot service. The farmer that is careless in this respect pays money and receives no value in return. To house implements properly it may not be necessary to build a special shed, although this in many cases will be found to be a pay- ing investment. Many farmers are able to utilize an unused barn floor or some other building. Before machin- ery ot any kind is stored tor the win- ter it should be thoroughly cleaned and oiled. It also pays to renew the paint at regular intervals. Paint of good quality applied to a well cleaned surface is an excellent preventive of rust on all metal parts and preserves the wood from decay, as well as im- proving the appearance. It is also an advantage to attend to all repairs during the winter. This Will save time and much annoyance in the busy season. ' i _ Piano Lessons ,The nominating of a lady trustee of the public school is said to be a cer- tainty, whether the lady' nominated will be able to make the grade re- mains to be seen. ABOUT WINTER CARE OF ( _ . FARM MACHINERY The nomination meeting for the municipal officers will be held on Monday, Dee. 23rd, at 7.30 p.0L, in the Library Hall. -_-It is expected that there will be a large number of the ratepayers out at this meeting asuy numerous candidates will probably of- ter themselves for election. Accounts to the amount of $4682.33 were; ordered, to be paid on recom- mendation of Finance Committee. 'Meeting,' then adjourned. _ A lay-law to provide for the pur- chasing of Wood and the equipment of yards for the storage and tor the gen- eral handlirg of the business, author- izing the borrowing of a sum not ex- ceeding $15,000, to be covered by de- bentures, received first and second reading. This by-law is to be, approv- ed by the Ontario Municipal and Rail- way Board before being finally adopt- ed. The Clerk was instructed to write Mr. James Free rt breach of building bylaw a's reported to Coun- cil by building inspector. . u10r1z1r1g the Fuel Commissioner to contract with Mr. James Free for the handling ot the wood bought ly the corporation. The question of joining with New Toronto oh the incinerator was again-taken lap and finally, a reso- lution was carried 'whereby the Cor- poration pfcMimieo decided to go in on the in'cinerator On an equal basis. Minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted. Referring to the fire equipment, the Mayor reported that the truck had been delivered to the R. S. Biekle Company, and that the price ot the truck had been 're.. duced $100. A deputation of residents on Victoria Street asked that cinders be placed on the path where the walk had been.cat up by rigs being driven across it; Councillor Johnson was authorized to attend to this. Mr. Jno. Kaye, representing Mrs. Kaye, appear- ed before the council on a matter of assessment, showing' that the Kaye property had been assessed as lying entirely within the town limits, where- as 83 feet of the property was in real- ity/in the 'Township of Etobicoke, and that Mrs. Kaye was taxed bythe town and the township. The amount in- V'olved was $230.56. A resolution" was carried authorizing the Clerk to ad- just the matter -between the town and township. Mr. Massey submitted a sample of an honor roll for the ap- prov’al of the council, to commemor- ate the heroes ot Mimico who render- ed valiant service for King and Coun- try in the great war. A resolution was carried commissioning Mr. Mas- sie to proceed with the work. A let- ter Ewas read from the Food Control- ler acquainting'the‘ council with) the powers granted to municipal corpora- lions in regulating the prices of food. Theletter was received and placed on file. An appeal Was made by the Sal-' vation Army, through Capt: McLean, for a subscription to, enable them to carry on .their work in Mimico. A grant of $10.00 was made. Mr. C. C. Help reported that he had received complaints-ot short Weight in coal and recommended the advisability of in- stalling a public weigh scale, so that the public could be protected. Mr. Hyle also brought up the question of the delivery of the wood purchased by the" corporation. After discussing the matter a resolution was carried au- thorizing the Fuel Commissioner to contract with Mr. James Free for the The regular meeting of the Town Council was held on Monday evening in the Library Hall. Mayor Harrison in the chair. Present, Reeve Bryer, Councillors Harlock, Johnson and Eland, with Clerk Telfer. 60 Victoria Street, Toronto Phones Main 4120, 4121 LAW OFFICE MOO COUNCIL Given Daily meeting for the will be held on 1, at 7.30 p.m., in It is expected that Phone 117 The Toronto General Hospital is in receipt ot a. gift ot $500 from the Can.. adian Northern Railway Company Eastern Lines Employees' Accident Benefit Association. .. The contract for two large three- deck steamers at 10,500 tons, to be, built by the Halifax Shipyards Ltd. has been confirmed. The dimensions of the new steamers are: length BR 130 ft., breadth moulded 56 ft, depth moulded to upper deck 30 ft., depth moulded to shelter deck 38 ft., dead, weight capacity in tons, about 10,500. The smallest known rodent is the British harvest mouse, which weighs only half an ounce when full grown. The first blanket was made and used by Thomas Blanket, a poor Flemish merchant, in 1340. Will there be anything done this [year] about securing ice for 'the lake shore skating? It is a big mistake to send. all the young people to Toronto for all their enjoyment. As long as this is done there can Tye no hope of building up a comrhunityppirit. There are less hopes of building up any real, live, active business centre. Every' one of the merchants ought to get be, hind a movement to open a rink in Mimico. Last winter efforts were made' to have a link at the public School grounds. This agitation should be again started, I urrother step “has been taken to-. wards a united town of the lake shore. Both will share the cost of operating the new incinerator. It will only be a short time before the great advan, tages of a union of New Toronto and Mimico will be brought about. There is no place that has so much need for each other as these two centres. It will, however, require a diplomat of the first water to handle the subject. All these little united efforts show the great advantage, to be derived from such a union. _ Notices have been served upon some who refused to pay their taxes that they must pay at once or have in- creased charges added. This extra charge is to pay the bailiffs fee. Save trouble and expense and get your ar- rears paid up at once. _ ' Will the railway still do as they please? This is one of the vital ques- tion that must be closed up at this election. Those who are out for of- tice should, tie themselves to a policy. Their aim ought to be to secure bet- ter, car service on the lake shore road. This would indeed be very/popular with most of the citizens and rate- payers of mmieo. There is every rea- son to believe that a strong,, united effort Would win considerable consid- eration from the company. It is no small job, but a. man's work, to go after them. No doubt 'this will be spoken of. _ A very delightful evening was spent last Thursday at the Connaught lodge A. F. & A. M. It was the annuaria, dies' night and some big night it was. Everybody had a good time. Cards was the routine‘order of business. All the ladies enjoyed it' and are looking tor, ward to the next. _ I Election talk has not yet start2'd It soon' will be the order of the day. Our telephone system is now out to give this district service. For some little time, the service has been very bad.' Floitever,,under the new local operator in charge, the whole section has been put into excellent order. The district demands the best that the company can give. Efforts should pe made to have city connection made at a, lower rate,, or local call on the city phone and local phones made at- a smaller charge. There are empres- ent so many who have one or the oth- er of these phones that 'the district is not a unit. 1this could be worked out effectively by the company. , In the County Court before Magis- trate Brunton, A. Barry, ot Seventh Street,,was charged with stealing an overcoat from G. B. Roy. Barry plead- ed not guilty to the charge and stated that he had kept the coat because he alleged that Roy had robbed him by charging him .55 for a bottle of whis- key. The magistrate" considered the charge ot theft proven and sentenced Barry to. 30 days in jail. Nomination day is near at hand. What will it bring forth, is the ques- tion that all are asking. No one is ready as yet to declare themselves. Unity ot purpose and the development of New Toronto's interest is the pol- icy that will be pitted against selfish interest. It will be up to the rate- payers to decide, who will be given the free hand. In making the choice there is always the danger of some unqualified voters upsetting the cart. Every man Ought to be in a. position to know why he votes for his man. It is a very important thing. Elect the right man and all is sate. Elect the wrong man and you place yourself in a had fix. New Toronto needs careful administration at the present time. Care must be taken in all ex- penditures of monies. Work done must give results. In short, all ratepayers should become acquainted with the detailed working of those who are of- fering themselves for election. Don't make any heisty promises. Iterhembea"that the .merchants of New Toronto are depending upon you tor their support. If you will persist in buying itrToronto, what will be the result? Can these. men continue to give you service? No, they Will have to charge greater pricesyin order to meet their overhead charge. It is up to the people of New Toronto to give these men a fair chance. , Still there is no statement in regard to the 20 ft. on the' north side of the shore road. This is one of the great- est hpldups to the development ,of NOrTorroptp. Is there'no way that this can, be forced? Could not thelo- cal member seer.that it is settled by the Commission. They have the BU- preme power. ITEMS OF INTEREST NE W TORONTO BANKING ROOM op MERCHANTS BANK STOP 20, NEW TORONTO Toronto Office: 33 RICHMOND ST. W. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Office open on Monday and Thurs- day evenings; 7 p.m. to 10' p.m., in The Ontario Resources Committee, whichtcontrols the oil cake and other concentrates in the province, has de- cided to sell one-half of its stock to the farmers and dealers who have been unable to. obtain a supply on ac- count of restrictions imposed by the U. S. Government. Law Office The only business before the com: mission was the passing of the ae- counts, amounting to $174.47, and these were ordered to be paid. Meeting then adjourned. T The regular meeting of the Hydro Commission held on Monday evening in the Library Hall, Mayor Harrison in the chair. Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted, In this time of rejdicing there should be a general welcome from the officials of the town to every boy who has returned home. No such affair has yet been given. It is due to the boys who have done so much for us all. It is due to the. residents, as they have had no opportunity of express- ing their great joy at the safe return of the men. In Mimico there are a lot of men who have returned and who bear the marks of the War. Let us start something and hold a big re- ception to these heroes. Will Mimico give each returned man some little remembrance? This is what is being done in most centres. It certainly will be something to hand down as the town's recognition of their great bravery in the mighty world struggle. This is something that could be well taken care of by the council. Weather conditions have delayed the construction;work upon the Mimi- co Bridge. This has been a most try- ing piece of work. It has been most difficult to get the foundations laid for the base on the east side, Bad weather has washed the crib work away and detail matters twice. Now that the cold weather is petting in, it looks as it the work will not be completed; this year. All this work is started too late in the year. Plans should be laid in the winter and ev- erything got ready for construction in the spring. The Connaught VTheatre manage- ment is certainly putting on some great programmes at the theatre. They are doing all they can to build up the town and keep up the town spirit. You have the best pictures di- rect from the big dowz1-town houses at popular prices. It is your place 3:0 Show your appreciation of work done to build up the town. l F s', Do you give all the trade you can to your home, merchants and indus- tries? This is a very important feat- u're' in the building up of'a centre. Your merchants pay a. large part of the taxes each year. If you can se- cure a large business centre it means much to the town treasury. If, how'- ever, means) more to the citizens themselves. Competition is the life of trade. The consumer always gets/the benefit where there is keen competi- tion in business. If ‘you will boost your merchants this will be the result of your work. Therefore it\pays lo shop at home. Every dollar spent there is that much more kept right in the town. Figure this out for yourself and see if You will not be away ahead. A very enjoyable evening was spent in the school room ot St. George's Church Monday evening. The friends from St, Paul's came out in a body to Day a friendly visit to the members of St. George’s A. Y. P. A. Next Monday the programme will be in charge of the musical committee, following the Bible study. Owing to illness Rev. H. L. Part- ridge was unable to take charge of the services in the Methodist Church last Sunday. Prof. King occupied the pulpit in the morning and at night Mr. Phinnemore of St. Clair Avenue Church, Toronto, addressed the con- gregation. _ The annual Christmas services and entertainment in connection with the Methodist Church will be held on Sunday and Monday, Dec. 22nd and 23rd. The children are preparing a splendid programme. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. J. A. L. Macpherson on Thursday, Dec. 12th. Rev. C. W. Holdsworth will be in charge ot the subject. A cordial invitation toiall members and their friends to attend. _ Mr. J. H. Doughty and Mr. Wm. Kaye had a bit of luck on Saturday whilstout shooting, when it is report- ed they bagged. a fine red fox. Rumored that" one of Mimico’s most prominent business men is to enter the field! for the mavo'raity. Time will tell and in the meantime mums the word. _ Capt. Gordon Ferrier, son of Chess ter Farrier, superintendent of the Victoria Industrial School, Mimico,left St. John Saturdaymight, en rohte to Palestine, where he will be attached to the Imperial Army Medical Corps. He expects to be on duty until next September. Capt. Farrier, who only. had a few weeks' leave at home, has been three years in Mesopotamia. w, H. MALE, B.A. Phone Main 7686 ISLINGTON MIMICO Stop 15, Lake Shore -Road Every auto thathas run for the season should have a real osrtyti,. hauling. It ensures you against accidents and troubles. l,' i Overhaul Your Car 'Q 4 ‘" - K†' _ 'r' - 'r. . , 3%; " 0 V C . le » a E " ' , til , gt e - Mte , . a CA ' ' , t, pp l s N _ _ u, Mth ‘ ,. . _,s. l at' V T V t .. m. " ,5 ~ q m _ _ 's x T w J CAKES, TABLES and: TREE West End Laundry FRENCH GLEANERS . First/class ’ Butch and Grocerieg _ 1488 QUEEN STREET w, ", The only way to be convinced is to "'i' _' 'v, F GIVE US ONE TRIAL _ = “.535; '1- ...,. 78 SEVENTH STREET NEW, TORONTo-foim; I f John Veron, Proprietor. _ T f f "'r'/', Our wagon calls at Mimico and New Toronto twice a week, winter I and summer. _ D. W. H. WILSON" " THE CONNAUG Bring your car to PAULINE FREDERICK in “MADAME JEALOUSY" Friday, Dec. 12th JACK PICKFORD in "SANDY" 10th Episode of "THE WOMAN IN THE WEB" Comedy. Saturday, Dec. 14th J. STUART BLACKTON in "WILD YOUTH" 10th Episode of "THE WOMAN IN THE WEB" Tuesday, Dec. 17th "THE BRAVEST WAY" Starring SESSUE HAYAKAWA Prices 10c and 15c. War Tax Extra. WAN N ER BROS. Stop 20, Lake Shore Road, New Toronto WM; GIBSON & J. LOUDEN, Proprietors Phones: Park 5934, Loci 87' "Home of the Great Star Productions" DRUGGIST AND CHEMIS‘I' "See our stock and secure Moderate Prices-jest Service FRESH, CHOICE GROCERIES Wednesday, Dec. 11th We Clean Up , Everything FOR YOUR WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER ll, iiith'i PHONE PARK. 698 my Will be please/d ten call on you. Ph6pe,. drop a card, or hail the wagon. ', MIMICOW [I