ty. FOR SAD6-r-Aa 8-roomed brick house on John St., Weston, next to The Bank of Montreal. All convenien- ces. Few minutes' walk from the car line, post office and both sta- tions. Apply to Mr. A. E. Mather, ' corner Scarlett Road and Dufferin St., Weston. ) MEN'S CLUB OF ST. JOHN'S ANGLI- CAN CHURCH NOTICE is hereby given that a By-' law was passed by the Council of the Council of the Town of Weston on the 10th day of February, 1919, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of sixty thousand ($60,000) dollars tor the purpose of purchasing a public school site and erecting a school house theon, and that the said by-law was registered in the Registry Office for the East and West Ryding of the County of York, on the 12th day of February, 1919. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first publica- tion ot this notice and it cannot be made thereafter. BERT LLOYD in his latest successes WANTED TO ItFNW.-6 roomed house in Weston with modern im- -ppovements. State rent. Apply P. O. Box 248, Weston. 3t. waNaaiar---Tenor' singers f0r New Toronto Methodist Church. Apply tor information. Robt. Winter, or- ‘ganist. FOR SALE OR ItENE-- Blacksmith shop and tools and comfortable 7 roamed house on one-quarter acre of good garden land in the village of Claireville, 3 miles from Wood- bridge car line. Easy terms. Pos-, session April lst. S. J'. Dickin, 27 ‘Sommerset’ Avenue, Toronto. 1919 PAGE FOUR uNaSaS2gS2gS2gS2aaS2W=aMMM "sdl' j. THEE», glllllll1, V Big Entertainment - and Concert Miss Dorothea Charlton spent Val- entine week end at O. L. C., Whitby. Miss Madge Robinson, of Hamilton, returned home with her for a few days. FOR SALE AT WESTM0UNT, Wes- :ton--6 roomed frame hpuse, two storey, with verandah, "coal and fruit cellar, soft water cistern, pump Vand sink in house, hard water- well at door, electric light, a number of cherry and plum trees, large hen house and shed, 10 minutes' walk from street car, all well fenced. Ap- I ply to Box 362, Weston P.O. 29-3t Special entertainment to be given by the Horticultural Society on Thurs- day night in the Town Hall, will af- ford lovers of flowers and music-an excellent opportunity for pleasure. Miss M. E. Blacklock, Etowincrott Gardens, is recognized as one of the best Canadian authors on perenhia1, flowers and shrubs. Her address will be illustrated by numerous hand cyor. ored flowers. Miss Clarice Pack-ham, vocalist pupil of Mr. Arthur Blight, is an exceptionally pleasing singer of great promise. Miss Georgia Coulter, accompanist. Do not think because ti', entertainment is free, it will not e of the highest quality. These en- tertainers are true lovers of their art and have generously donated their gifts tor this occasion. The Horticul- tural Society confidently anticipate a large appreciative audience. _ Mr. and Mrs. G.i, M. Lyons, Main Street, received a telegram on Tues- day that their son, Lieut. G. M. Lyons, had arriived in Halifax and would reach home the latter part of the week. Durham and Lanark Judging Class, Which was to have been held at Mr. Wm Clarkson's on Wednesday, has been" postponed for two weeks. he "Story Hour†at the Public Lib- rary on Saturday wil be for the older children and is taken from the Arab- ian Nights, title, "Ali Baba. and the Forty Thieves." FOR SAIm--A span of heavy dradght 3 year old fillies, well matched, 16 1- hands. Apply T. Baldock, Thistle- town, Ont. Lieut. and Mrs. C. F. Moore left last week to spend a month in Flexida. Master Billy Moore and nurse are at present in' Meatord., On the return of Lieut. and Mrs. Moore, they will re- side in Toronto. _ . RANKING EGGS -.-. Thoroughbred Buff Orpingtons. Best winter layers and table bird,s. Two breeding pens. The pick ot over 100 birds. $2.00 and $3.00 per setting of 15. Eggs guaranteed. W. Kaufman, ,12 Mill St, Weston. ' FOR SALE-Flemish bucks, Belgian bucks, young Siberian does, and common does, also a dark steel grey i Flemish buck. Apply Mr. Webb, 182 Lambton Ave., Mt. Dennis. $6.00 PER FOOT UP-Escape the ‘ high tax rate by buying one of these low' priced lots just outside the town limits, Will build small house. to suit purchaser. Terms very easy, Apply N. Purkis, 252 Main St., Wes- ‘ton, P.O. Box 358. - J. IE. TAYLOR, Clerk. DATED the 12th day of February, given under the auspices of the Tickets 350, 250, Children 150. Vocal and Instrumental Music. PATRIOTIC PLAY WESTON FOR SaIar--5(r acres; frame barn; no house. 1 1-4 miles from Weston. Apply Mr. McCollum, 14 Chriscoe St, W'est Toronto. FOR SALES-one good family cow, due,March 8th. Apply N. LaRose, Scarlet Rd., Weston. FOR SAEag--Frame house on Melrose St., Mimico, containing 5 rooms, ve- randa, lot 25x125. For further par- ticulars apply to thegAdvertiser Of- fice, Mimico Avenue. ." 2t QUALIFIED NURSE-Open for en- gagements, maternity and sick chil- dren-M. B. McCutcheon, 26 Deni- son Ave., Weston, Phone 330, P.O. Box 304, care of Mrs. Van Alstyne. 4t. WANTED TO It.ENE--In Weston by FOR saldC--Bred to lay strain of White Wyandottes (Fisher's strain) hatching eggs $1.00 per setting. Day old chicks 20c each. R. Slut- ton, 39 John St., Weston. a young business lady. Furnished room in éentral locality. Apply box 25, Times & Guide. Gents' Furnishing and Tailoring Store MAIN STREET, WESTON T PHONE NO. 2 EVERYBODY NEEDS RUBBERS--BUY THEM HERE REPAIRS-save your old boots, bring them here and you will have a new pair after our repair man is finished. \ Special attention paid to workmanship and given pfomptly [ on time. ' N Men's Heavy Boots It is the one way to keep your high cost of boots down WllNDSOR'S SHOE STORE 1050 Weston Road _-1 quality fitted for thig weather' with the best of material at IT'S VALUE YOU WANT-ITS VALUE YOU GET W. E. COLEMAN Order That Suit At Once You get the advantage of some bargains. PRICES ARE GOING HIGHER You will SAVE MONEY when you deal with LOW PRICES This Can Peas, per tin ...........14c Corn and Tomatoes, per tin 19c 4 bars Soap .............,..30c Pumi Soap,the Great Hand Clean- er, per jar ...............20c Mel Ceylona Tea, per lb. . . . .60c Jelly Powders, 2 for .. . ' . . . . .250 202 Main St. N. Special This Week FOR SAEair---3 acre farm, bordering on Weston, 15 minutes' walk from C. P. R. and G. T. It. stations; good garden; acre of fruit; artestan well; rain water cistern;- small frame dwelling, 24x22; good cellar. Apply Nurse Mourant, 4th Ave., West- mount, Box 289, Weston, or phone 334. . 9 lb, Granulated Sugar ....$1.00 Choice Potatoes, per ’bag “$13.5 Mrs. F inegan Don't _ Count MOUNT DENNIS Phone 265 WESTON The policy of the Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, to sell its cars for the lowest possible price consistent with dependable quali- ty, 'is too well known to require comment. Therefore, because of present conditions, there can be no change in the price of Ford cars. j The Hygienic Hair a Scalp f Specialists _ (Ill-ll. Cousins FORD PRICES RUNABOUT - C - - - $ 660 TOURING - - - - $ 690 COUPE - - - - - ' 875 SEDAN - - - ' - - $1075 STANDARD CHASSIS - - - ' 625 ONE-TON TRUCK CHASSIS - - ' 750 These prices are F. O. B. Ford, Optario. All prices subject to war tax charges, except truck and chassis FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED FORD - - ONTARIO I _ WESTON'S HARDWARE STORE MAIN STREET PER The "Flu" Plays Havoc i With Your Hair i Then consult us. We have helped others, we will help you. Each scalp trouble requires a special remedy. There are many different conditions of the scalp to be treated and many different causes for such conditions. » We will give you the benefit of our years of study, and will treat all hair or scalp troubles in a scientific way. C)LDfHAlv1'fi; Write for our free booklet. It will interest you DO YOU WANT THE BEST‘ADVICE ON YOUR HAIR? I PLAOLA PIANO COMPANY LIMITED Oshawa - Ont. 39 Yonge Street Arcade TORONTO 'i, ALL TREATMENTS BY MAIL 10 beautiful styles in rare woods. On sale without dealer MAIN STREET, WESTON Weston Representatives Phone 292. USE A LITTLE PAINT to brighten up Get Busy «Now \ the‘ house inside and oat. Our stock is good. Our price is right. Deal Here. PART OF A MUSIC-LOVING CANADIAN PEOPLE CALL PERSISTENT INSISTENTLY PHONOGRAPH PHONE NO. 14 $ 660 $ 690 ' 875 $1075 ' 625 ' 750 Victor Chamoisette Gloves for street wear, warm, soft and well fitting. They are also easily washed, retaining their fresh ap- pearance, in color grey, fawn, white, and black. Special price per pair ............/.....81.00 Phone 30 Gloves I have several good village pro- perties and farms for sale Stock and Dairy Firm at Klein- burg, 100 acres, lots of water, gra- vel .road. Price $6500.00. 100 acres in Vaughan, one mile from Woodbridge, good water, excellent grain farm. Physician, Surgeon, Etc. Office: Weston Road, Mt. Denhis Office Hours: 8 to 10 a.m.; 1-3 and 7 to 8.30 p.m. Phone: Weston 87 Office: Coleman & Hackett Block MAIN ST., WESTON Opposite Bank of Nova Scotia DR. J. A. MELDRUM Bank of Nova Scotia Chambers Phone 152, Weston Money to Loan on good First Mortgage Securities King St. and Rosemount Ave. Telephone 15 Wagon, Ont. Practical Plumber Repairs promptly attended to . A Trial Solicited Address: Maria Street, East of Fifth Ave. or Box No. 79, Weston Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public 2922 Dundas St., West Toronto (Above Moon's Hardware Store) Real Estate Loans placed at Current Rates. I handle none but the best FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE Office and Residence, East Cor. Dr. HarriscnCl Roos DENTAL SURGEON Office: Bank of Montreal Bldg. Main and John St., Weston Phone 295 C. Lorne Fraser, MA. V Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Agent for Fire, Lite, ‘Accident. Auto- mobile and Plate Glass Insur- ance in safe companies and at best rates Dr. H. D. Livingstone EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Marla Sn, Weswn, Phone June. "" 332 Bloor W., Toronto, Pb. Gol. 2602 Consultations by Appointment. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. _ Residence: Rosemouht Avenue DR. J. T. HACKETT Dentist G. M. LYONS Mornings and Evenings Toronto Office: Gray & Gray 301 Crown Office Building North-east Corner Queen and. Victoria Streets, Toronto. DR. W. E. PEARSON Telephones Main 6353 Diet. 4045 W. A. TITLEY G. HOWARD GRAY 120 Roncesvalles Ave. PHONE PARK 402, TORONTO Real V Estate and Insurance Office JOHN MILLS Telephone-Junction 991 "HP-"*maawayd sll,l,,ii,l,f,) F. B. EDMUNDS PUBL , ACCOUNTANT ANI, AUDITOR 9123?; aa Richmond St. W. f 4045 TORONTO E. J. MUSSON Physician, Etc. ED. W. BROWN, WOODBRIDGE Office and Residence A venue WESTON WESTON Main Street WESTON WESTON Box 33 FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE St. John's Road Tel. MI For PUMPS, WINDMILLS, & GASOLINE ENGINES. Established 1830. is still doing business in the old stand. Be sure and address all communications to THE G.W.V.A. LADIES' AUXILIARY Mt. Dennis and District Branch 987% Weston Rd. Phone 377 The wives, mothers and sisters of the C.E.F. are welcome. . A dance will be held every Thursday. night. MRS. F. WAINWRIGHT, Pres. MISS NEWTON, Secretary. PHONE 67 J. K. McEWEN tit SON N = are welcome. , A dance will be held every Thurs- day night. JAMES ARMSTRONG, Pres. S. JACKSON, Secretary-Tres SMITH'S MOTOR DELIVERY Baggage and Express 22 St. John's Road, Weston Phone 305 City phone. Adelaide 1618 Mount Dennis & District Branch 987,% Weston Road Phone 377. All members of the late C. E., F. JOHN T. ANDERSON Piano and Organ Tuner 200 Beresford Avenue, West Tot-on" Telephone Junction 72. PIANO INSTRUCTION _ Monday and Thursday, th0 ' p.111. Studio, Bank of Nova Scotia Buildinl Pupils prepared for Toronto Conner- vatory Examinations. HAMBOURG CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC _ West Toronto Studif Branch 200 BeresfordrAvepue Phone Jet. 72 Studios at 27 Cloverdale Avenue and 18 Wright Avenue WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 6TH, Graduate Toronto Conservatory at Music mano-Teachers' Normal Course. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conscr- vatory Examinations. Studio: “The Bungalow" " Maria M. EVESTON - It. It, 2, WESTON O. E. LaRose MAIN ST., WESTON Agent for Fairbanks & Morse Gas Engines, Pumps, Etc. Stone & Wellington Fonthill Nurseries. Phone 268 GENERAL TEAMING Band, Gravel and Filling Always on Hand. Moving: Promptly Attended to. Phone 79 at 6.45 a.m., 12.45 noon and 6.45 pan. Walter Lmgstadt WALTER LONGSTAFF Margaret R. Gillette Licensed Auctioneers for an Counties bf York, Peel and Simcoe Terms Reasonable MRS. JNO. T. ANDERSON W. J. WARD 25 Years' Practical Experience. tro any place. Drop a. can. CHARLES GELIS Stella V. Rowntree NOTE THIS WELL I MOTOR EQUIPMENT JOHN HARRIS Or other if desired. Residence and Chapel Phone 168 Main Street, Weston Undertaker and Embalmer or Phone 285 G. W. V. A, Principal. Tel. 301 ONTARIO WESTON PHONE 8-4 Weston I I