it"i,?ii_iiri,iiv,iisiir_ L a: 37"" 'atfgt 1“ _ , ' 3 li R, itt.?, rat“ 7,3: it si') L F53. _i)rfifg, y l FEE 2375 “a {if if “a m; 1MPpEMFNTS--Massey Harris bin- ~-der, 6 ft. cut, nearly new; Massey Har- _ris mower, 5 ft. cut, nearly new; Deer- fag horse rake, 8 It; Massey Harris hay tedder in good repair; Champion cultivator, 12 teeth; Champion Seed ,Drill, lg hoe; disc harrow, set heavy diamond barrows, 12 ft.; Fleury plow _No. Ir,' Fleury plow No. 12; Tinkler plow No. 12; potato plow, Cockshutt JEid Twin plow, scuffler, 2 potato moulders; turnip drill, .Willrinson, nearly new; potato sorter; narrow cart; Watson of Ayr cutting box; hay knife, 2 pair of ice tongs, grindstone; 2 light wagons, set ot new bolster "springs capacity 5000 lbs.; heavy plat- dorm spring wagon; Adams farm wag- on, nearly new; hay rack, root pulper, wagon box, wagon tongues, harness closet, buggy, old cutter, cutter in good repair, 2tr cow chains and fastenings, extension ladder; hay fork, 60 ft. of track, pulleys and slings, all complet/e; asi1tr,12 x 24, also a quantity of ensi- lure'; set of plow harness; set of team harness, long tug; set of single har- ness;pair of waterproof horse collars; buggy robe, crosscut saw, 6 ft. cut, pearly new; extension ladder, 30 Yt., nearly new; wheelbarrow, milk vat, quantity of sawdust, large roll of poul- try netting,'.3 fifty gallon barrels, 1 "silo fork, / T _ , GRAIN-About 700 bushels oats, Prince Albert; 5 bags of eating pota- toes; 4 bags of seed potatoes. TpmMS--Grain, potatoes, furniture, fowl, beef calves, and all sums of $10 and 'under, cash. Over that amount , months' credit on approved joint motes. 5 per cent. per annum allowed for cash. No reserve. ' 'HOUSEI-IOLD FURNITURE-- Bed- room ‘carpet; 2 bedsteads, mattresses and springs; 2 Washstands, 1 toilet set, Happy Thought cook stove; self feed- er,-King National; cook stove No. 919, Classic; Leader churn, butter bowl, 2 lb. prints, hanging lamp, parlor lamp, number of glass fruit jars, num- Eioer of crooks and flower pots, 4 win- pow blinds, 4 curtain poles, 1 clock, number of pictures, number of stove pipes, coffee percolator, 4 bread pans, milk pails, strainerxand plunger, 2 'creamers, 2 screen doors, 1 long table, 1,kitehen' lounges doubletrees, neck- yokes, forks, ropes and other articles too" numerous to mention. _ 1pOWL---Number of laying hens; thorough bred Plymouth Rock cock- "ere1. SATURDAY, MAR. IST, 1919 at 1 p.m., the following: 1EORSES---Bay mare, 8 years old, hay mare, 10 years old. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 6TH Horses,1Harnesis and Teaming Equipment The undersigned has received in-) structions from MRS. THOS. BAR-‘3 ‘TON to Sell by public auction the! following property of the late Thos. Barton, at his late residence, 11 Ray Ave., Mt. Dennis, on The undersigned have received in- stru9tions from MR. BENJAMIN BOYLEN to sell by public auction at Lot 13, Concession 5, West York,, on MONDAY, MARCH 10TH, 1919 _ At 1 p.111. sharp, the following: atjIts'Es--Ciydesdale mare 8 years old (Cora), sire Pentland 5072---12269 dam Floss; general purpose mare 9 years old. V cows - Holstein cow, fresh; red cow, calf by side; Holstein cow, calf by side; Holstein cow, calf by side; Holstein cow due March 25; Holstein cow due March 27; Holstein cow due April IO," Holstein cow due April 20; Holstein cow due May 9; Holstein cow 'due May 24, milking well; Holstein <uiw due July 24, milking well; Hol- Stein cow due July 9th, milking well; Holstein cow due July 11, milking well; 1 bull, beef. Set team harness, double; set single 'harness, 2 collars, pair of open bri- dles, pair spreads, halters, buggy, cutter, pleasure van, pair of bob :sleighs, pair ot sloo sleighs and rack, Hoosier wagon, team Wagon and box, 2 gravel boxes, 2 sets ot doubletrees, 2 sets twin neckyokes, logging chains, wicks, shovels, and forks, 2 crowbars, wagon jack, (pail wagon grease, set of horse clippers, brace and bit, axe, ‘~clevices, curry comb and brush, sur- cingle, bells, pair of horse covers; pair <d fly nets, 4 horse blankets, 2 robes, slush scraper,, 2 spring seats, whips, box of horse corks, 25 lbs. mixed mails. _ siTmNrrttitE--is kitchen chairs; 1 nritcirenwtatne; 1 Happy Thought stove (new); 1 washing machine (new); 1 bedroom suite (new); 8 blinds and 8 pr. of curtains; 20 yds. of oilcloth; 1 lounge; 1 boiler; 1 tea kettle; 1 buggy duster; 8 window screens; 8 curtain roles; 3 screen doors; lawn mower; Watering can. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE to creditors and others in the matter ot the estate of William Elgin Kellam, late ot the Township of Vaughan, in the County dd York, farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Statutes in that behalf that all creditors and other persons having claims against the estate of the above named William Elgin Kellam, who died on or about the lPweftty-setumd', day of June, A. D. 1917, are required to send-by post, prepaid, or delivered to the undersigned Solicitor for Ada Viola Kellam, the Executrix of the Said deceased, on or before the first day ot March, 1919, their names and tall particulars of their claims, duly verified, and the nature of the securi.. ties, if any, held by them, and after the said date, the said executrix will proceed to distribute the assets ot the Said deceased amongst the persons en- titled thereto, having regard only to the'claims'or interests of which they shall then have had notice, and the said Executrix will not be liable tor such assets, or any part thereof to any person "or persons of whose claims or interest she shall not have had notice. C. Lorne Fraser, Bank of Nova Scotia. Bldg., Weston, Ont, Solicitor for the said 1gxecutrix. - DATED the 11th day of February, 1919. TERMS CASH m Farm Stock CREDIT AUCTION SALE CASH AUGPION SALE AND IMPLEMENTS J. K. McEWEN & SON, Auctioneers J. K. McEWEN & SON, Auctioneers --of--- IIAEtNESS-Team set of breeching harness; 2 team sets ot long tug har- ness; 1 single plow harness; set of bug- gy harness; heavy Dutch collar; pair top collars; 4 collars. cows-grade Holstein, calf by side; grade Holstein, calf at by side; grade Holstein, calf by side; grade Holstein, due Feb. 15; grade Holstein in full flow of milk; grade Holstein in full flow of milk; grade Holstein in full flow of/milk; grade Holstein due Mar. 12; grade Holstein due April 19; grade Holstein due March 23; grade Hol- stein due April 8; grade Holstein, bred Nov. I; grade Holstein heifer, due on April 27; grade Holstein heifer, 2 years; grade Holstein heifer, 10 mos.; grade Holstein heifer, 5 months. IMPLEMENTS-Massey Harris bin- der, 6 tt. cut; Massey Harris 13 disc drill, new; Massey Harris mowing ma- chine; cultivator, I.H.C.; Massey disc barrow; set of diamond barrows; rol- ler; set light harrows; harrow cart; Iron Age scuffler; stone boat; Iron Age potato sprayer; plow, No. 3, TVil- kinson; plow, No. 21, Fleury; 12 ft. horse rake; hay rack, 16 ft.; 2 flat racks; stock rack; trench Wagon; Bain wagon; set sleighs, Bain; top buggy; cutter; Chatham mill; pulper; ha,y fork and car, rope, 4 slings; 2 binding poles; wheelbarrow; water trough; 2 oak water barrels; milk cart; extension ladder; hay knife: log- ging chain; scythe; 2 bushel baskets; 9 plow points; 2 sets doubletrees; sta- ble broom;2 neckyokes;stable lantern; barley fork; 2 pairs ice tongs; buck- saw; barrel and bag salt; hoes, forks, shovels, T etc. HORSES-Mare, bay, H.D., in foal, 8 years; mare, grey, H.D., 8 years; gelding, black, H.D., 14 years; gelding, bay, H.D., 8 years; gelding, bay, G.P., rising 6 years; gelding, bay, G.P., ris- ing 4 years; gelding, bay, G.P., ris- ing 3 years; roadster mare, 14 years; gelding, chestnut, good driver, 6 yrs. FRIDAY, FEB. 28TH, 1919 at one o’clock sharp, the following F PTGS--sow, bred; sow, due March 12; 9 young pigs 10 weeks old; 10 pigs 4% months old. Irv-Quantity ot clover hay. cnxfN--About 200 bushels‘of seed oats;about 100 bushels of mixed grain; about 50 bushels of barley; a few bus. of peas. . ItO0TS---150' bushels of mangles; a quantity of seed potatoes; Irish cob- blers and Dopleys. The undersigned have received in- structions from T. SHORTT, Weston, to sell by public auction at lot 17, con. C., Etobicoke, on FC)WIz---48 Barred 1tobk hens, pure bred. TERMS-pigs, fowl, hay, grain, roots, seed potatoes and all sums of $10 and under to be cash. Over that amount 8 months' credit on approv- ed joint notes. Six per cent. discount for cash. The undersigned have received in- structions from MR. W. WINTER, Malton, to sell by public auction at lot 1, in the 6th concession, Toronto Township, on FRIDAY, MAR. 21ST, 1919 at 12 o'elock sharp the following HORSES-Percherort mare 4 years old, good worker, black horse, g.p., rising 5, good in all harness; bay mare, g.p., 8, years, good in all harness. COWS~Holstein cow, calf by side; Holstein Cow, calf by side; 5 Holstein cops, due between September lst and October: lst; 3 blue cows, Holsteins, supposed due between September 1 and'October 1; 5 springers, due time of slale; Holstein cow, supposed due Nov. 1st; Holstein cow, supposed-due Oct. 3lst; 4 young tat Durham cows; 3 fat heifers; 1 fat bull; Holstein bull, Count Echo Pontiac 2nd, rising one year, Register No. 37747, a good in- dividual, with an official backing. PIGS--7 fat pigs, sow with pigs, 6 weeks old. These are an exceptionally fine lot of Holsteins, and anyone wishing stock would do well to purchase. IMPLEMENTS--M. II. binder, 6 ft. cut; M. H. moWer, 5 “it. cut; M. H. cultivator, new, never used; Frost & Wood cultivator, with seed box; seed drill, M.H.; set harrows;' M. ll. rake- bar hay loader, used one season; M. H. hay tedder, good as new; self- dump hay rake; roller; two Ahorse corn cultivator; M. H. scuffler; iron scuffler; McCormick corn binder; Bain wagon with box and springs, new; wagon with box; truck wagon; sloop sleigh; Wilkinson plow; two Fleury ptows,, good as new, with wheels; gang plow, Cockshutt; drill plow; hay rack; 2 buggies; rubber tire buggy with top; cutter, good as new; stock rack; set scales, 2000 lbs. capa- city; fanning mill, Chatham, with bag- ger; scalding kettle; Tolton root pulp- er; model hand drill; wheelbarrow; cutting box; churn; Happy Thought cook stove; heater; quantity of tur- niture; forks, shovels, pails, and other articles too numerous to mention. IExRNESS-u-rhree sets single har- ness, set ot team harness, used one year; set of team harness with br'eech- ing; set of brass mounted harness with breeching and long tug. HAY AND GEtAIN--15 tons of tim- othy hay; 400 bushels ot White Wave oats; 100 bushels ot barley; 30 bags ot potatoes. HENS~40 young hens, red. No resérve as the owner has rent- ed his farm. TERMS-Fat cattle, tat hogs, grain, hay, potatoes,, furniture and all sums ot $10 and wider to be cash. Over that amount 8 months' credit on ap- proved Joint notes. Five per cent. per annum allowed tor cash. -B. MCBRIDE, Clerk. J, K. MCEVVEN & SON, " Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the Engineer, El. A. James, B.A., Sc., 57 Adelaide Street East, Torontzb. Tenders marked, sealed and ad- dressed to S. Barrett, Clerk, Islington, Ont., will be received up to nopn March lst, 1919, for about five (5) miles of wire fence to be erected tor the Township of Etobicoke on the Malton Road. 2t Farm Stock TENDERS FOR FENCING FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS AND IMPLEMENTS AUCTION SALE OF TE J. JACKSON, Reeve S. BARRETT, Clerk. .UCTION SALE OF J. K. McEWEN & SON, Auctioneers Auctioneers structions tro-m MR. ANTHONY DEATH to sell by public auction at lot 13, concession 3, Etobicoke, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1919 at one o'clock the following property cp?IL12---White cow, due March 3; black and white cow, due March 2nd; black and white cow, in full flow; black and white cow, in full flow; spotted cow, in full flow; black cow, due May 16th; black cow, .due June 23rd; black-and white' cow, due June -6th; black and white cow, due July 23rd; blue cow, due Sept. 5th; black cow, in full flow, due Oct. 19th; black and white heifer, due time of’ sale; black and white heifer, rising 2 years; spotted heifer, rising 2 years; black and white heifer, 18 months; black and white heifer, rising 1 year; 2 black and white heifers, 6 months old; 2 black and white heifers, 1 year old past; 2 black and white heifers, rising 1 year; black and white heifer, 10 months old; registered bull, 2 years, Holstein; bull, eligible tor registration, rising 2 years. The' undersigned has received in- structions from A. W. DOBSON to sell by public auction, at lot 39, concession 2, Etobicoke, on THURSDAY, MARCH 20TH, 1919 MILCH cows AND HORSES Full list next week. BEN. FETCH, Auctioneer. TERMS OF SALE-Eight months credit on parties furnishing approved joint notes. Five per cent. per an- num allowed for cash. Owing to shortage of rough fodder, owner has to sacrifice these cattle. W. A. RUSSELL, Auctioneer. , The undersigned have recexvea 1n- structions from MR. K. BETTER- IDGE to sell by public auction at lot 26, concession 1, Etobicoke, on \ SATURDAY, MARCH 15th at 1 p. ITL, the following: _ CATTLE-ted cow, calf at side; Holstein cow, calf at side; blue cow, calf at side; blue cow, calf at side; blaclrcow, due time of sale; red cow, due March 15th; Holstein cow, due March 17th; Holstein cow, due March 24th; roan cow, due March 25th; Hol- stein cow, due April 2nd; roan COW, due May let; black heifer in full flow of milk, bred October, 20th; jer- sey cow in full flow of milk; Holstein cow, tat; Holstein bull, 18 months; black heifer, 18 months old; blue heifer, 18 months old; jersey heifer, 6 months old. The undersigned have received in: structions from THOMAS J. PALMER to sell by public auction on'the west half of lot 14, 5th concession, West York, 2 miles north of Weston on gravel road on , WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19th at 1 p. m., sharp, the following: Hofu:3Es-H3ay horse, H.D., good worker; brown mare, H. D., aged.' 21 Cows-Holstein cow, due April 25; red cow, milking; spotted heifer, 2 years, bred September 3rd; 3 black heifers, 2 years old; 3 Holstein heif- ers, 10 months old; 2 Holstein heifers, yeaqlings; steer, 16 months old; steer, 10 months old; fat bull. IMPLEMENTS - Lumber waggon with box; light wagon, 2 seats; 1 cart; heavy clod crusher; hay tedder, M.H.; alsike clover: table, M. H.; hay rack, 16 ft. cut, trood as new; pair ot bob- sleighs, good repair; set ot diamond harrows, 4 sections; Wilkinson plow No. 3; light wagon pole and double- trees; heavy logging chain. EIVNESS--set team harness, long tugs; 2 sets of plow harness. 1ptJRNITURE---Bedstead; 2 kitchen tables; 1 box stove; Singer Sewing ma- chine; clock. _ TEEtMS---Fat bull, veal calves', turn- iture and all sums of $10.00 and under; to be cash. Over that amount seven months' ' credit on approved joint notes. 6 per cents yer annum allow- ed for cash. ' q No reserve as the owner is moving to a smaller farm. J. K. McEWEN & SON, Auctioneers. Selected pens, bred to lay, Barred Plymouth Rocks, o. A. C. Guelph strain direct, and White Wyandottes, Martin's strain. $1.50 per setting of 15. , 14 Church St MILTON PRESSED BRICK ' V CO., Limited Manufacturers of Pressed and Rag Brick. in the different shades of Red and Buff. w. C. BURRAGE, Agent. Phone 106 Residence Albion Road. R.M.D. No. 3, Weston; 'phone 58 2-1. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 trun.-Sunday School. 11 a.m.-Morning Service. Holy Communion 4th Sunday in the month. HOLSTEIN CATTLE The undersigned has received in-. St. Phillip's Church 25 HEAD OF HIGH GRADE REV. ROBT. A. SIMS, RECTOR CREDIT AUCTION SALE OF CREDIT AUCTION SALE EGGS FOR HATCHING CREDIT AUCTION OF MILCH COWS undersigned have received in- Credit Auction Sale of FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS OF SALE-Eight months' parties furnishing approved s. Five per cent. per an- .0‘6 35 Joieph St WESTON, ONT. AND HORSES AND CATTLE HORSES Etobicoke elrson Phone 128 NIGHTWATCHMANWANTED PHONE NO. 361 ' Cross Street Pastor: Rev. W. M. Mackay, B.A. Residence: Humbermount, Weston Phone 293 Friday, February 14., Preparatory Service at 8 p. m., Rev. G. M. Dunn, of Toronto. Sunday, March 2nd 11.00 a. m.--The Minister will preach. Sunday School in conjunction with the morning service 7.00 p. m.--The minister will preach Mr. R. v. Beale, Choirmaster. Miss Stella V. Rowntree, A.T.J.C.M., Organist. Strangers cordially welcome VVesrminster Presbyterian Church Established 1858 Pastor, REV. FORBES ROBERTSON Residence} John Street. Phone 241 An Evangelistic Mission March 2nd to March 16th Services every evening except Sat- urday at 8 p. m. Afternoon meet- ings at 3 p. tit. except Monday and Saturday. Apply to A. M. BARTON, Phone 21 COMING! Miss 11 ARE YOU GETTING THE BEST FROM YOUR ENGINE ? It needs cleaning and tuning up. You will get more power and better results with less gas when you have it overhauled. The Weston Garage Old Presbyterian Church Sunday, March 2nd 00~Rev. F. A. Robinson. 45 p. m.--Sunday School. 00 p .rru--Rev. F. A. Robinson. " Niven, Soloist. Strangers Welcome. “BIRTH OF A NATION" THE BEAVER THEATRE MARCH 10 AND 11 _ ALLEN'S Beaver Theatre You Are Liable D. W. GR1FFITH'S BIG PRODUCTION “LIGHTNING RAIDERS†Episode' 6. Lyons Moran Comedy. _ d Friday-Saturday, February 28 and Mar. lst, Wednesday-r-Thursday, February 26 an.d 27 , ENID BENNETT M I "QUICKSANDS" Sennett Comedy, "The Village Chestnut" Weekly and Travelogue. . West Togonto's Famous Picture House Matinee Daily at 2.15 Prices-Main Floor 15c and 20c Balcony, 15c and 25c. Boxes 25c. "HAPPY THOUGH MARRIED" Monday-Tuesday, March.3 and 4 DOROTHY DALTON Have them replaced here. "A WOMAN'S WEAPONS" "IRON TEST"--); 14. Keystone Comedy. RUSSELL LAROSE ETHEL CLAYTON llllliSfllll lllffllllnif illlllfll1l Rev. J. Wallace Stewart, Pastor. Residence, 35 King St. Phone 43. A. T. Mather, Choir Leader. C Miss Marion F. Russell, L.T.C.M., Organist Sunday, March 2nd 11.00 a. m.--rhty pastor, "Lessons from the life of a. great man." 2.45 p. m.--Sunday School and Bible Classes. 7.00 p. m.--The pastor, "God's ap- peal to man's reason." , Prayer service at the home of Daw. id Rowz1tree, jr., 136 John Street. Bright Services . Seats Free A Welcome to All 10.30 a.m.-On all Saints' Days and Holy Days. 8 pas-Iver, Wednesday. All seats tree. Everybody wel- come. Rev. Walter Archbold, D.D., Vicar Residence. 4 Maria St. _ Phone 282. V Sunday Services 8 a.m,-F'iosy Communion and on the Ist Sunday of the month at 11 mon, St John's Anglican Church 3 pm1.--Sunday School. 11 amL-biatins and Sermon. 7 p.m.--Choral EVensong and Ser- SEE THAT YOUR CAR IS IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER. " _ f After a year's work parts become worn, linings need replacing, new bearings are fequired. PREVENT ACCIDENTS COMING! MAIN ST., WESTON WESTON “WW st: 30 acres workable, balance bush and pasture, V2 acre orchard. Soil sandy loam, level. Plenty of water. Frame house. Barn 40x 30. School 1,% miles, church JA mile. Nearest village 2 miles. Ru- ral mail and telephone. Price $2200. . r _ _ - .. __." 170 ACRES-GOOD DAIRY FARM--WHtTCHURCH TWP.--. TORONTO 21 MILES \ T 120 acres workable, balance bush and pasture, 3 acres orchard. Soil clay loam. Plenty of water. Frame house, 12 rooms. Barn No. 1 45x65, Barn No. 2 30x10. Water in stable. Driving house, hog pen, hen house. School 1 mile, 1,% miles to Yonge Street. Rural mail and telephone, Price $11,500. r" I _ 'b-.. __-, 85 acres workable, balance pasture and bush, l acres orchard. Soil clay loam. Plenty of water. Brick veneered house, 7 rooms. Bank barn No. 1 46x72, barn JNo. 2 25x60, tie-up six horses and T cattle, driving house, hog pen, hen house. School V2, mile, church: 1 mile.' Rural mail 'and telephone. Price $11,000. i 80 acres workable, balance pasture, 1 acre orchard. Soil clay loam. Good water. Brick house, 10 rooms. Bank barn No. 1 46x72, barn No. 2 24x48, tie-up six horses and 30 cattle, hog pen, hen house. School 1% mile. Priee $15,000. _ 100 ACRES ON GOOD RoAD-Yomf COUNTY-TORONTO THIRTY-THREE MILES 87 acres workable, balance bush and pasture, 1 acre orchard. Soil clay loam. Never failing stream, also well hard and soft water. Ce- ment clad house, 9 rooms, good cellar. Bank barn 80x40. Driving house, hog pen, hen house. School 1 mile, church 1 mile. Rural mail and telephone. Price $10,500. 's 100 ACRES-ON STONE ROAD-l MILE TO BRAMPTON--- TORONTO 18 MILES The Willoughby Farm Agency N. J. McEwen, Manager, BANK OF°MONTREAL This is a uestion you shod1d ask yo/urself before buying glasses. - _ Your eyes are the most delicate and most important organ of your body. ' They deserve the best attention you can procure for them. We do nothing bust examine eyes, and make and fit the necessary glasses to correct individual eye defects. We must give satisfaction or we could not stay in busi- ness. OPTOMETRIST AND MFG. OPTICIAN 2972 Dundas Street West _ WEST TORONTO 50 ACRES-IN YORK COUNTY-TORONTO 40 MILES Canada expects every person to assist in winning the war by the saving and production of food. _ This Bank is prepared to assist responsible parties financially in increasing production. 100 ACRES-ON STONE ROAD-M MILES FROM COOKSVILLE Let us care for your eyes when in need of glasses. Farms For Sale Save Your Eyes! HOW MUCH DO YOU VALUE YOUR EYES ? WE ARE OPTICAL SPECIALISTS FOOD ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS ' J. A. PASCOE, Representative Weston, Ontario. J .‘ A. MILLS tr, 'ae' I sf..?.' tlt Ili, ‘ CretCifA I'? g ':'gti--ifi _ _ i1 j:,?,?,, 2rli iii C'..,"":') 11.; , r , :.. li-iii,'-?:) il' = I I ' i i2h"liii' 'iis1i-reiit1 I Lu»? :3 yi-iii.? ca'Qh1iiiili!iill,lSl,l;'---,i:; Em; HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. Weston. PAGE FIVE Perl