K'i'it il,-, V . WWWeeeï¬wWa /i, 4‘ 60TH ANNIVERSARY g 'filit'ah' ith'ii' gawifg -, ---=-.MUsIC----- Everything that makes home homelike is valuable. Music gives pleasure to young and old. Have nothing but the best. With a Victrola you have the best instrument and we sell the latest records. Come and hear them at our store. No charge for this. A little money wisely spent here will give you this great pro tectibn. It is important to you, especially during this weather. VOL. xx.-NO: 35 MAIN STREET, WESTON tPrice Reasonable. Service Prompt. Weston Branch C, B. Millar,Manager MOVING P ON THE JOB BARKER & CO. GARAGE PROTECT YOUR HEALTH Telephone 53, House 338. Sundays Hours: 3 to 5 and 8 to 9 ----SATIsFACT1ON--- Use our Confectionery. It will finish your table off -'-cANDrEs--..-.-.-. To meet the approval of the most exacting. Phone City Main 3549 '. Weston 354. Toronto Office: 159 Church St. or 22 Cobalt St., Mt. Dennis Lorne R. Barlett UNiifllrfp(?jvrhand INCH w Cut-Rate Druggist THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SA Banking! Service then use a motor truck. Quick-Cheap-Reliable- You will find this the only way to handle all your Ex- press, Freight, Baggage., Automobile Repair Work Funerals conducted with the greatest'care at moderate prices. MOTOR EQUIPMENT WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE _ Residence and Chapel, Main St., Weston Phone 28 -____tdig11t Calls attended to promptly , An Expert Mechanic is Now in Charge of the YOUR banking requirements may kn ",.,G.,,,,',.sA +n +k:c pays“, 1n§+1n A. be entrusted to this Bank with every confidence that careful and efficient service will be rendered. Our facilities are entirely at your disposal. Ready for All Kinds of Phone 254 gm“ . b _ _. m _ o t 6 'iiii2p? Ij/ttttpat G: . ttt P. IA Bowling Club Season Once more the time is nearing for the opening of the grand old game. It will be the greatest delight to have the melodious voices heard once more singing ou,t their peculiar phrases. You can see the great spirit of fellow- ship developing among the townspeo- ple as they meet upon the green. Dur- ing the past year the club under the war condition had. a. very successful year. Under different condition this year should be the very best in the history of thiclub. It is one of the few places that the men of the town have an opportunity to congregate. You all know that man is a sociable being. To develop the very highest it is necessary .that he meets his fel- low men. Let a person stick to busi- ness closely 15 hours, ,meet no one outside his business and he/will soon lose all the energy and freshness that he ever had. Let the same person mix with his fellow men and he will develop other, ideals, thoughts and become a greater being. The highest development is achived through the intercourse with nature and living be- ings. Bowling on the green affords man this opportunity. It is a, great asset to this twon. Everyone ought to assist in the developing ot the club. It affords you the opportunity of meeting your fellow citizens under conditions that show you the true man. It gives you the outdoor exer- cise that is so necessary to man who is tied up all day long in office or store. It also gives you the centre of exchange for general ideal in the community and the town. Don't miss this opportunity but be, out at the opening meeting to be held soon. According to the reports ot the West York Baseball League the peo- ple of Weston will see some very fast baseball this year. There is every in- dication that no effort is being spared to make the league efficient in all the details of the organization. Our own local team which is the C. C. M. are out to get the very best team that can be had trbm the factory and the town. The notice that is in the paper asking that all ball players apply to the C. C. M. was put in with the view of gating in touch with the available material. The team will not be pick- ed from C. C. M. men only but from the whole town. With this in view the towns hould get in behind the team. It will be a, great, attraction for the town this summer. Does Weston need a new post of- tice? This is the question that has to be taken up. Our Council thinks we do; the business men of the town know that we do; the man on the street says that we do. Is this enough? It aparently is not. Letters have gone to Ottawa, deputations have placed the matter before those in power and have been put off. At the present time there is more business done in the Weston Post Office than in any other place in West York. It is not fair to put us off because some. other itowns or places are after a new of, 'fice. Our request is a necessity for the community. The efforts along this line should not be put off and allowed to drop. There is also another feature in this connection that must be dealt with. Weston is stretched out a long way from end to end. It is very in- convenient to those who live at the extreme end to post mail. As the car- riers pass these sections, could it not be arranged that they pick up the mail from boxes placed in these sec- tions. The cost would not be much and the benefit would ba great. These are points that can well be taken up and adjusted so that we as citizens of this town can enjoy all the privileges that other places have. In the matter of the custom office, this also, with the increasing de- mands, is required. There was a time when it was alright to have every- thing go to West Toronto or Bramp- ton for clearance. We did not have sufficient business for a oustom house here, With the advent of the big in- dustries this condition has changed. We now find that it is a big disadvan- tage to these firms to have to “clear all their imports to Toronto or in Brampton. With a new post office and custom house combined this would meet the requirements. 1lllhl "l.. WHERE WEST YORKS NEWSY WEEKLY It is time that the parents woke up to the danger of the children running behind and whenever: possible, catch- ing on to the auto trucks as they tra- vel up and down our main street, and if they cannot enforce obedience and put a stop,to this dangerous practice then an appeal' should) be made to the In the first place they selected an option list that has features that will appeal to every man, woman and child. While this list contains many of the seed and plant option as in former years, they are not the main issue. Two main outstanding options are placed before the public. Both commend themselves to everyone, without question. In fact, the Horti- cultural Society have endorsed them. These options are, first that you will give one dollar to assist in replacing the orchards, gardens and plantations in France, Belguim and Serbia, which have been destroyed by our enemies in this great war. Does this not ap- peal to you? Do you not feel proud to have the opportunity to assist in such a great work? Why every man Who realizes what destruction our enemies have created in these countries will only be too Willing to help and get his friend irron it also. “In the second place the Society are offering as an option that you give your dollar to- wards planting shade trees to Derpe- tuate the memory of our brave heroes. This is the year to do it. Let us col- lect a fund large enough Ithat it will stand out in years to come as a trib- utelto those who defended our coun- try in the hour of peril from the most barbarous of enemies. This will be a living memory of their great work. It will also add,to the beauty of our town to have these trees care- fully set out and planted with a, uni- formity that wil add beauty to our streets or the place where -they are placed. This, like the other appeals most strongly to every man who is interested in the development of our town and perpetuation of the names of those who willing gave up so much for us. It is these two big options that the Weston Horticultural Society art so anxious to see that everyone has at least an opportunity 'of assisting in the work. You can do it by joinging the Society. So that Weston will not be behind in this great work, there will be a special week's campaign put on for the membership. See the big display of prizes in Oldham's Win- dow. Keep your ears open for the details ot these prizes. T Our Sidewalks One of the great appeals that have been sent all over the country to councils drew special attention to the tact that they should take the initia- tive and supply work for the unem- ployed: This is one of the means of bridgeing over the great period that we are now facing. During the war much ot this work has been left un- done. Many little jobs that were nec- essary before the war and would have abeen completed before now are still undone. This is the state of affairs all over. Weston is no exception. We have a, lot of public work that will give work to many men to be done. As yet there is little effort being put forth to get this work under way. We require sidewalks on many ot our streets. At present they are nothing but mud holes. We require all the ditches cleared out and roads repair- ed and built. We need a. general cleaning of our streets, All requiring labor, still nothing is being started. Now is the time to set aside the money for these works and lay the plans. It this is dope then we will find that the winter wil not find us with our works half completed. Act will the demand is great for labor. N Horticultural Good ‘Work Weston Horticultural Society have always been leaders in the, beautify- ing of Weston and the) district. Much has been accomplished by this Socie- ty. Last year they were the prime movers behind the resource commit- tee. Their great work among the boys and the girls of this community will always be an outstanding feature of their work accomplishments. It is now known all over Ontario, but the present venture that they have now before the citizens of Weston and the neighborhood is their greatest. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1919 Stop This at Once ll WEEEIN One of the ways to increase the to.. tal tax income of our town is to allow the subdividing of all properties that are now in big pasture tracts or lots. The Town Council ought to lend every assistance possible to such plan. It is ot course necessary that they see that every, proper precaution is taken to have thestreet crossings and locations laid out 'so as to be uniform with the rest of the district. They must be careful not to grant plans that would be a detriment to the town. Still, on the other hand, there ought to be a willingness to meet all such propos- als. The plan presented to the council Persistent efforts are crowned with success. For some little time the great need tor a ten minute service onthe railway has been felt. The matter was given a hearing before the railway board. This resulted in that board ordering the Suburban Company to put in the extra switches, so as to give the increased service luring the rush hours. After a delay the. company decided that they would appeal the case. This has now been hanging fire for some little time The people have had to suffer during this delay of the Suburban Company. When the government took hold of the road there was nothing further done. By persistent effort on the part of Mr. Howard Gray, who has been mostenergetic in this matter, a delegation was appointed to wait up- on Mr. Hanna. He secured a. like delegation from York Township. Both delegations waited upon the president of the Canadian Railway Board last Saturday. The case in full tor both town and township was presented by Solicitor G. Howard Gray of Weston, Reeve Gardhouse of Weston, and ReeVe Miller of York, who made brief addresses, emphasizing the urgency of relief. A promise was received from Mr. Hanna that the matter would be looked into in the near future. "It is the first time that the thing has come before us," said Mr. Hanna; "and it is like a bolt from the blue." Refer- ring to Mr. Radford, successor of the late\Manager Royce of the Suburban Co., for explanation why appeal had been made, it was learned that the main reason was on account of finan; ces. "It meant the application of about $26,000." Mr. Hanna considered it unnecessary to hear of other reasons. "I think, gentlemen, if we have a lit- tle time to go into the matter, we can arrive at a reasonable settlement without going to law. We are as anx- ious to receive custom as you are to secure comfort, so there should be no council to prohibit the custom and make it a punishable offence. No ac- cident has occured as yet but one of these days a boy will be fatally injur- ed or maimed tor life with no one to blame but himself. Everything pos- sible is done to safeguard the public gates at the railway crossings, auto driv'ers made to conform to speed laws and keep to their right side of the roads, but the headless youngster endangers not only his own life but that of others by dashing out from the sidewalk and catching on to a pasing motor truck which on account of the load it carries is not travelling at a too excesive rate of speed tor him to overtake. The driver intent on his wheel does not see him therefore cannot order the child off as often happens in the case of a man driving a horse and rig, although the only thanks he is liable to get for warning the boy of his folly is to be called a. crank or a stingy old codger. Dan- gerous is this practice at any time, the slippery condition of the streets make ithnore so at the present time. ShouldI the boy fail to catch the outer railing or miscalculate his distance, he is liable to be thrown and should he be fortunate to fall clear of the car he started out to catch, another fol- lowing close behind may not be able to stop in time to avoid striking him and even this alternative may mean a skidding car br worse thereby en- dangering the lives of many. Healthy recreation in the form of running and outdoor sports is necessary to develop muscle and limb but surely this can be obtained in some other way than by boys trying out their speed against the pasing motor car. by G, W. Verral for the subdivision of his property appear on the face ot it‘to be a good one. It would give an increased frontage tax to the town ot some 600 feet all told. It would also mean that that part of our town would be built up. This is what we want. The hindrance to the plan is a, roadway across the town park. As the plan is laid out this road would cross/just at the present hydro station house. The rest of the park would not be injured in the least. At the present time this park is not used by the citizens of Weston. If it were there it is no doubt that the roadway at the upper end would not be a dis- advantage but an asset. While on this point of the park have you ever noticed the ideal location that the town has here for making a beautiful spot. With the removal of that un- sightly old power house and the grad- ing or terracing of the bank, and the seeding of the shore or driveway along to Eagle Ave., Weston could have the most delightful park accommodation for a pleasant afternoon or a ban concert. This would not be interfer with. either if the road was through at the top ot the park., worth consideration by our Every feature of the plan park is full ot developing The men who have done their bit ovur there met last week in Weston and it is likely that they will orga- nize a sub-branch of the great orga- nization. This will be a means of bringing together the men who we owe so much to. They have many questions thae require co-operation and unity on. They have every ma.- terially in looking after the interest of the returned men and the depen- dants of those' who have given up their lives for the great cause. They have enlivened many cases of distress that never came to the' notce of the puulic. In short they are an orga- 11124111011 that should receive a hearty endorsation in our town. difficulty G.W.V.A. Likely to Organize Sub-diviéion Next Town Hall The Cruickshank Wagon Works ' Phone 41r3 OUR CABS are the most convenient and comfortable, good Protec- tion from the weather. Suit different styles oflodies. When the Roads Dry Up _ The Bike Comes Out Blade Roast .......22c Tulibees .... .......14c Choice Rib Boil .22c, Salmon, red . . . . . .'. . .25c Choice Pot Roast ....23c Cod Fish, Boneless .20c All goods priced on this list are understood to be cash at our store or when goods are delivered, otherwise they will be at the regular prices, Kindly mention if you are ordering from special cash price list, so we may know which way to invoice your order. Especially if it is a smooth-running, easy pedalling, beau- tiful C.C.M. Bicycle. V ' I _ "MAsSEY" "CLEVELAND" "’RED BIRD" Montreal, Toronto Griffith Bros. Cash Specials TRUCK BODIES & CABS Wm‘w/ â€2W"? Vii-41M" 'gf/it l '1 ':;i:{"lf‘r;i.w l ‘ r.: a? J, 's 'rr.rriiy Fat), ti.i'a'1tijpy'li/j.li “) 'ii,iiii',iiii') , s'ilitkjii)":i): rLMawaxwfwwa‘Wffiuka‘é‘u‘ï¬w‘a l:"ililfir; 'arf-ri. (i'i/i))-)'/s5ts'rir)i': JPN l '.2eirir ':2l'iliiii _'ll,r,) 'lille', Na “b Trr/r/y' 1b , V srl/sr/KX, Per '.it'i8l',iffrii!l,li, 'iii)))'"; T" 2rce'gilr (;t:ih2;, '- raw†'dr :;.‘-%m~,mmp,qa aw ' v'yrijij"iiijrtEti,3'yf;'j?agrk,l 'iiiidl, '2tttii)ijlfi'ifi at 'giiiMEir73,i4Jiljjh', i?j,-ri' tf') 'r?liii'l ie"e-G Mrr ".7 21'9“ Ni.oeTa> - x. 235 , 1it"ti1fijri'?tsrai2frfzTr"LL] Canada Cycle (i, Motor Co., Ltd. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MARCH 21 AND 22 7,l,rtWsrhhTingtrpthirrept Canadian Food Board License No. 9-5325 iption Canvassers Wanted. ketums and Easy Work. /yk7 , , ‘EWQTEVWMWMWW p {JAR 'rft':tfriti.t?] 2Cn il,i(iii'ltl' ,rlifsfr'a Rm‘i-xggï¬ _!ifif,iii)i)i, mt?!» {it n. J..- am «a .,, _i)"s'j)r1,?il"r,'ii'riiri)si(C)2, r, 'it3tr,/'tif),'iti) 90 per cent. Made in Canada Made and Guaranteed by WESTON Winnipeg, Var1cpuver, 5EEiiEiENBt EiE5aig5iitgtiittiE5iEgEirre] T HE quickest,easiest, nicest m9thod of getting to work or wherever you wish to go is to hop on a bicycle. Main Street, WESTON h: