tht." And wow the book of oses at st1rai hat Jehovah M ,robably Joshua 1111 set i " not serve L “are and true holy God, bk rure anything hovah, our c, His voice q she people ii) a under the aces. Le cannot serve â€in your st: yxuult than you Jvu, v", presence of the heuuuu Ik'-' their midst would by a Con- emptatlon to the 151.;clg'tum 1d be almost ‘11111>os=mle 10 t hemselrts and tilUil'Clll\\i1"Q]\\ 7y separate from the heathen.‘ amp of the idol services would heirxcfiect', for the tabernacle e may have been simple in com- JO, and was only seen when the e went to Shiloh, not wnstumly eir home cities. Idols plCSUlllel sible, tangible, represenlutlon of od, While. their God Jellm'uh was , now, on Lu: cob'"'" 1e enough to consi xope and prosperity pended upon a w1o of Jehovah. for Me and My , i \Vill Serve Jchm' decision was wort Eiif,i,'i,'srlt'i Even it he and those tor xvi .sible should stand 10d, Jthovah. presence of the :J“* “anâ€? 'go Joshua a people tl lute and a Fblishing I n should V of Jr11 these bd 11516 confer? e mast they col obey Him. tell, however, . still usadecide _ years now be Ivsythtn, who nd, He there n'ger appeal to seem evil unto lair 1462mm, TTH""" Elna of His Lite. He died FAW- - s 110 years old. He had served a med ing the tendencies of the So the sei', {new well the character of less private, , and the peculiar dangers served his ' hey would be exposed. my menoton 1e determined to make be- a continuous one more appeal to them, there'was no ost solemn circumstances of ctuittir1g. been caught boarders ha s to a Great, Ayst of the t ', not of L A ot wars ion of the ti 1011168 and b hat Goa I EH11 cppter [and wond (Or 016,1er ' through 1 oecome sel LL'VLu, -_. still undecided. They 11am -- r years now been in contact the store at" 'rpy)te,e who still remained Ire, said with ma; He therefore makes a ner of his in user appeal to them. "Sh, wom seem evil unto you to serve 3 said to brag ; if, after having weighed all I to the hitch ,ments, you still think it wise I be seated hi other gods, then choose you ‘The biggest , nqw, on the spot. You have to be brougl :e enough to consider. Thei Maggie and one and prosperity of the Ira- mgiy, Bridg “A "an a. Thow-hearted introduced. “an: m sect L “V, __ ‘s,,wuas :25 years. Beecher tes B. C. 1458-1434. . religious capital was at es N. w. of Jerusalem. aembly for renewing the l Shechem, between d Verizim. _m-rN "MUN old, iirecrE,,vj1y good mo Joshua’s appeal of Jr11 these great favors 1 Mad conferred upon His _ trsctiH they could do was to [5. Lesson \ 'h.--orasren 23 gaiost cornprosnisce-- 23: 1-24: 28 , nearly 110 va.tts-serah, n {ARCH h In Its Setting er places the SM 1 the death of Jr we? Leader, swondeyful thing: epraelites from ugh the early tu',' 16 settled in the 559%" 'i"irii'iimrttp)yri' mew“! _ ot serve Jehcvah, 0 your strength; it i man you imagine.“ serve God unless th d true-hearted. Fl: 30d, and therefore ything impure or se " our God, will we se voice will we hear} ople made a threef er the most solemn CC" elm Int urcau W, the country took of uninterrupted wars intermingled the fields, and the and becoming citi- conquest, ua made a. covenant with‘ C that day, and set them a. 1 an ordinance in Shechem, l g “what in matters of reli- Id be with Israel law and d Joshua wrote these words sol; of the law of God, as Sinai wrote an the words Nah had spoken in a. book, a. papyrus roll. . took a great stone, - mm.†Evil com po morals.---1 Had Done l" Joshua I“ My . ass. A special L we are apt t ould have Writt en it they couV method was al order to keep of th? people ti n in peace, am s and Sabbath 19TH, 1919 “Swimming Is like trying to do a aux“. business without aduttei And It Is not expenslve l desk-able publicity by the printers' Ink. Our Cla 'Want Ads. cost Ilttle a and by nanny evcrycna. Try them as a genie: _ (Or your business. Mn! I-le Pte'. --- 0 ye not t C. wouid be to the Is ‘st imposs ma their 12y Council runny took qA.T."V _ interrupted! he mood not have m""r1e'et"1Cr'C,,] ntermingled ley felt nothfur but gratitude tor the ds and the man who relieved her of an old tsurd- zeroing citi- en, and the boarders would have said aloud What she did not express, that yas Drawing it was a good riddance. Indeed, one te. He died ot the girls said that the sergt. dn- 1d. He had served a medal for his act. ncies of the So the sergt. sought out the luck- character of less private, who was not happy as he liar dangers served his country through the drea- _ my monotony of grinding drills, and ' "WWW†from which " House, ellomh worthy Of an if they unwhonl h shechem E Joshua, that h, not con: Idols pre representat‘ ood Jehova tll Ne written copies 01 my could read them d was absolutely ne- to keep the laws ir' Vif H m mum accord- Beecher w ith things God from Alora- “1V ages, tilt ears old, tar from the lhe From“ rnion- rehearses re or selfish 11 We serve, e hearken. threefold ' solemn circ heathen 11a . the PCO- They had in contact remained makes a ok a great This stone Cor y of the they stood 0111 he was faithful to be a con- Isyaehtes. assible i0 lr children p, heathen ices would tabernacle e -tin they and have Mc, a God l, eteo "ye it is more Stream l MORE J' They they were For Ile is we cannot worship The sergeant um. We, vate tip that his friend, cruit, Pte. Matt Tooiey, t tered from a number f In the. picturesque law lieutenant, Pte. Tooley’s gesture of a Visit of the {spine had a, cunt. Th: him a suggestion of , should arouse the hatre thy minded Mick. "I lieutenant, "the worst him is his mouth. C exclaimed that officer,“ where behind his ears exclaimed where be: open." made up his mmu _ _ ripe for a little chumming friend, and also for a V" _-._ tret \'}pw o open." Sergt. McPhee, on hearing this, made up his mind that the time was ripe for a little chumming with his old friend, and also for a visit to the boarding~house in View of the fishing expedition he had promised himself.‘ The s"Gt-appointed recruiter had feltva little shy about calling on his old sweetheart, after taking her man away in such a summary fashion. But he need not have worried. Maggie Too- ley felt nothing but gratitude tor the I man who relieved her of an old burd- _ " “M hnm'ders would have said sn_,sr old sweetnC away in sue he need not ley felt not man who r, We been caught in some WM, My†boarders had made a fuss over i when he first appeared in the kh and Maggie had said it was the pro est and yet the saddest moment in life, he had not as yet figured on T he had been "had." C l Away the two of them went, sergt. loading himself and the pri with good things for the feast which he was a 2iinv"iteatlest, smiled to himself as he bought c: for the men, candy for the girls, 1 lobster, tomatoes for everybody, finally left a big order' tor ice-c to be sent in later in the evening the store at\ Maggie's corner. “l _ he said with a funny twist to the . ner of his mouth. "Sh, woman, s-s-h-h!" was 2 a said to Maggie, as he made hi: i I to the kitchen with, his parcels. a l he seated himself and gave his C "VV '7 «F Hip crow _ Away me sergt. loading with good t' which he wa smiled to hi! tor the men, lobster, tom mummy left ', to be sent the store he said W ner of hiE RECRUITING oF SERGEANT ter or in,†“4v“ "Sh, Woman, s-sn-h'." said to Maggie, as he m LO the kitchen with, his IT be seated himself and gm The biggest talker -:of tlr to be brought into the Ici1 Maggie and to entertain 1", ingly, Bridget O’Meara w introduced. "Now, put t girls to setting the table..‘ ‘Skilifuily he drew Brit him the names“ of the t he Iecl Matt and Magg them too, until he M2ew a 'the, inmates ot the housr “A'wn ‘an argeant had Deer that his friend: Je. Matt Tooley, t mm a number ( live day "It's Eddie Lonerg: king, for me this Cr "So Eddie takes the handkerchieij countex she goes with him 1 blows his Winnings 0 while she wants the in the shipping, and soldier boy, but is a queen." Sooo,. the big tab I two moards,' was reg _ shouted up the stair ner.’ Bridget gave Little Jimmie cheers for Dad m ey said she couh less she sat by D having a. great scrapping over brought in the s (instructed to dt with Him she we to the left and troduced Eddie, rooms, last, als' ceived instrucm d among 1 C>)x| My - = Tooley’s feet were Vlsit of the, ice-n1?n gt. Suusllu Nr'ee" who was not happy as he 'untry through the 'irti)cil y of grinding drills, and employment, from which l I escape by the simple act Pte. Tooley knew he had in some way, but as the tl made a fuss over him -st appeared in the khaki had said it was the proud- the saddest moment in her not as yet figured on how ad been friend, J u» . mines“ " the boarders .att and Maggxe to t: until he M2ew as much es ot the house as it 1 in er of langt gethel" long, f the house them for a counter 303†x him only , [1111355 on her nm the little 'n given' 1, the new No. 01.121, of edmpls d of any heal- pat," said the feature about “Good Lord," it means some- and is always xt tht 1d not erg-an, tile , trip," he the queen tabl n-hl" was all he he made his way his parcels. There rd gave his orders. [of the crowd was he kitchen to help tain him. Accord- McI’HEE I Bridg d {llan- Hts vas ab o ut Aor' that he of 23, sut- oiaints the rest ban t1 want (1 to ,,irys,fruit: For body, and ice-cream wn ening from er, “Bait!" to the cor- -et on to te araeis, the ' to talk l pr) ll -1~iding bécaus called and TI and all t scotchm po he h V Durihg'the. past u cidents in different community have be currence. 11m Ctv"" in some cases, whil less and careless dr sible. On one " ti on Dundas street, 0 the front axle broy jumped across the l mg to the present prompt action of t1 diately shutting oft er damage was do on Bloor west in tt trict stalled on tht II t of the street at this pomt Mme“ necessity of both voadbeds hail the same level. At this time of the year all r ists should see that their er steering gear, axles, etc., are " repair, showing no signs of t \or weakness. The strain on they are particularly heavy, and cars \have been running for a cons'u “we henome worn, breaking Dundas strem, Uu. front axle broke med across the c; to the presence have been runnmg time become worn, under the pressure cent condition ot r Look over your ca th ll te same level. At this time of the year all motor- _ sts should see that their engines, tearing gear, axles, etc., are in good -epair, showing no signs of friction yl? weakness. The strain on these parts we particularly heavy, and cars which rave been running for a considerable :ime become worn, breaking down under the pressure caused by the 1'e- cent condition ot many of the roads. Look over your ears and in this way do your part in protecting both your- self and the publie from danger. learn, we know that the right on their side, ( certainly' triumph tide. l ,-,-r-xzzrh1 await ‘oss the ear tl'acu 3 presence of Lion of the, driver tting oft the gas, a was done. Am vest in the Runns ad on the car tra coming along r; LOOK 01 CU REE} trouble W while in ;s driving the peace pact unconeern, r anxious its fe ten the Runnymede dis- xe car tracks and a along ran into it, Lble damage to the 'of the motor. Last three young fellows xxrogfnn attempted to out me ENT COMMEN sections C a commc p. was the jitne _ Another Runnymed The wheel: atk, but OW‘ f mind ant ver in imme Tas, no furth th e1 its features motor 5 respon ', runnim Lambton being on Allies n eels OTV- and car it} to If you see a g00c1 I crowd, A leader of men and proud, And you know of - telling aloud Would cause his l guish to be t irt's a pretty good 1 It's If you know of a, SKele‘ away In a, closet and guards from the day, In the dark; and whose sudden display Would cause grief and [ ' lifelong dismay,--- (It's a. pretty good plan If 1 It's Whose If you kn little Of you know a friend (And we cealed, , would pl Till the sh grievance 's a pretty Wh cause his proud he L to be bowed, tty good plan to fo are all ht d, world touching FORGET IT ood fella sham ofa on guarded Wit} spot in tale Whose skeleton _ hi w ahead robing fearle to forge tc showing sot'r id in tt of the