I 1lllTfll1ljlill , FEED Ell, Clll, _ 3 Locust Avenue Build a Home L535 Lubscription Canvassers Wanted C Are You Interested in Bonds Brpwn's Copper & Brass Roll- _i, ing Mill is the Pioneer and Lab _"l' gist Mill of its Kind In Canada, Land is (Located in blew Toronto ,ot owners, develop your ideas of T itauiuers/i-iLriFiiiir, TTritt E. fl, SAVAGE DUNDAS STREET 50 ib. bag" . . l . . .$2.95 Stewart-VVilliam or Ayl- 100 lb. bags . . . . . . .$5.85 \ mer Jami, Black Cur- Stock Food, Poultry Food rant, . Raspberry or . . . . . . . .25c,, 50c, $1.50 Strawberry, Yk lb. . .25c We still have Comfort 11b. pails Raspberry or Soap . . . . . .12 bars 90c / Strawberry Jam . .$1.00 Bull Dog Ammonia 3 pkg. 4 lbs. Marmalade, Wag- . for '."........... Mc staff's .... ........85c V These Goods are positively Cash or C.O.D. Here is an oil can that never fails, the best of material. It's just what you need. The 5 gal. oil can and 5 gal. of best Amezican oil for ...$3.25 It's the time for Calf Meal EW'T257X1b. bags $1.50 and BARLEY WANTED No better anywhere for. the same money. ' As every person is aware, Brooms are high. Here is GOOD VALUE in Brooms, 80c, 90c, $1.00 $1.10 and $1.20. N BANK OF HAMILTON BUILDING, TORONTO, CANADA bu're Looking for Bargains-See List Vina/aim IS WHAT THEY SAY TO OUR SERVICE AND THE QUALITY OF OUR LUMBER AND _v,--rri:v'irrri'irse, WORKMANSHIP _,., . I' w-v-irc'"-" ' _ TRY IT. J _ WRITE, TELEPHONE OR CALL UPON US AND WE WILL SHOW YOU SOME THAT WILL INTEREST YOU. Patterns of Every Description in Wood, Metal or Wax MACHINE AND ENGINE PATTERNS A SPECIALTY W. Redpath, Proprietor 109% ADELAIDE STREET WEST Prepare to build now, n: MOUNT DENNIS Alterations and Repairs a Specialty. Call us on "iiriiiiiion Pattern Works . F,, HOPKINS LAKE SHORE ROAD, MIMICO . Burgess tt Company i on phone and arrange as to Prices, Quality, Etc. ‘. S. WARN Junction 850 Phone 30 Builder a comfortable home into a reality . For estimates see: --""-"'"'"r Wm... when], Seeded, 3 lbs. for ".42c Aylmer Peas, per tih 15c Aylmer Corn ........20c Aylmer Tomatoes, tin 20c Stewart-William or Ayl- mer Jami, Black Cur- rant, . Raspberry or Strawberry, y; lb. . .25c 11b. pails Raspberry or Strawberry Jam . .$1.00 Overalls and Smacks; still at the same price, $2.00 $2.25 and ........$2.50 GROCERIES Good value in Black Tea, bulk:.... .........50c-. Extra value in Black 'Tea, bulk .... ......'...65c Raisin-s, _ CErlffin_ Skelly, ISLINGTON , New Toronto Hydro are making preparation for an improved lighting E system on 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 14th, 15th and 18th Streets, which when in- REE; 1stalled Wiil add. much to the appear: ‘ _ lance of the district. rvFetr Major Streight gave a very interest- ing address to the members of the A. Y. P. A, of St. Georges Church on Monday evening, speaking on the life and conditions of German prison camps. He brought very forcibly be- fore the people the heroism of the boys who had been forced to endure privation and indignities, gelling to the heart of every British subject. Service will be held in St. Church, Islington, Thursday at 8 o'clock. ‘ Commencing at 8.45 Thursday even- ing', March 27th, at the close of the regular Lenten service a meeting will be held in the schoolroom of St. Georges Church to consider the ques- tion of the church's share in the side- walk, which it is proposed should be built between the villages of Islington and Lambton Mills, along Dundas St. It is urgently requested that all mem- bers interested in this matter will be present also come prepared to discuss _ the question and give an opinion as to what action shall be taken by thel church. "The Crucifixion" will be given by the members ot St. George's Church on Good Friday evening. Particulars later on. k I With the removal of the old stone tavern on the corner of the Eaton Road and Dundas Street, one of the oldest landmarks in the vicinity,J1as disappeared. The workman found it quite a proposition to what a building of modern times would be, it being ‘built 'with timbers 18 inches square and the outside walls measured 2% ft. solid stone. At one time it was used as one of the posting houses on the Dundas' Street, when the stage coach operated as a means of trans- portation in that section, and if walls could Speak would doubtless recall many interesting incidents. Up till two years ago it was used as a dwell- ing house, but of late has become so l dilapidated that it was considered un- 1 safe. l Pte. Brennie, Pte. A. Tr. Edward, 'and Pte. S. Rogers were all welcom- jed home last week. The reeve met Pte. Brennie personally at exhibition grounds. Twice this week our reeve has been to meet men, and, on both occasions they did'not turn up. As Mr. Lovejoy is a very busy man, sure- ly definite information should be 'sent as to whether the soldiers are com- ing or not. It seems as it there were some mistake somewhere. We are all 4rlad to drop in to our own show now and we all thoroughly enjoy its Mr. Haecker has given us a beautiful roomy theatre' in which to enjoy the best pictures, and a good pianist and violinist would add much to the popularity of the show. We are never satisfied, are we? 'Now we have our show we dare to suggest the Inu- Meal part of it. But we all desire our own theatre to be second to none. There will be a grand concert giv- ‘en by the Odd FeHows' Lodge at their social on Thursday evening, the 27th. We understand that several real good musicians will 'contribute. Mr. Hahn, the famed cellist, and Mr. Garrett, our well known violinist, will be among the number. It isiot often that New Toronto enjoys such a musical treat as Mr. Jlabu will give us. Through an oversight last week we omitted to mention the great treat Miss CMrrutherts gave us at the Meth- odist church choir. Her song, “Irish. Eyes," was resifiered in a most pleas- ing manner and was much enjoyed by the audience. , We apologize to Miss Carruthers for bur omission. l On Wednesday End, a. new organi- zation will be inaugurated in’ New Toronto known as the Teachers' and Parents' Association. Problems deal- ing with the social and moral welfare of the ‘child and the responsibility of ,the parent Wil be discussed. It is confidently expected that this Society will have a beneficial influence on the youth of the community and be a source of help to all connected with it. A Rebekah Lodge ig being organiz~ ed 'in connection with Westpoint Lodge. Installation will take place on Wednesday, April 16th, of the follow, ing officers: Mrs. Dyer, N. G.; Mrs. Yerex, V. G,; Miss B. Maxwell, Sec; Mrs. Ruggles, Treas.; Mrs. Conn, Fi- nancial Sec. The New Toronto Horticultural As- sociation will hold a meeting in the School Auditorium on Friday evening, April 4th. Mr. McLean will be the speaker for the occasion and will give a talk on "Soil Preparation." The public 'are cordially invited to come and hear this practical talk on the foundation work of gardening. The memorial 573mg}; for Private Holdenby Was held in Mimico Pres. Church on Sunday night. His lodge, the I. O. F., Court Derwent 3976, at- tended from New Toronto and all wore' a White carnation. The Rev. air. McKay preached the funeral ser- I men, taking as his text the 18th verse of Chap. 26 ot the acts of the Apos- tles. He made feeling reference to young Mr. Holdenby, who was belov.. ed by all who knew him, and who now lies buried in far off Edinburgh. Mr. Gould, a lite long friend of the family and who has known the young l soldier from his babyhood, also spoke of the loss to his parents and of the high and noble character of his dear young friend. _ Mrs. Reveley proved a perfect host- ess to the Ladies' Aid Society When they met at her home on Thursday last. The usual business of the Soci- ety was done after which everyone en- joyed Mrs.' Iteveley's tea and cake and all had a happy time together. The Ladies' Aid have almost paid the debt off on their church now. They cer- tainly deserve great praise for their "st1clrativeness." The quilts are work of art and not exhorbitant in price. Next month is the annual meet- ing and it will take place at Mrs. Whitlam’s, when the offieers for the ensuing year will be elected. Steve Maik, 6th St.. wa for drunkenness and taken Millard, J. P. He was fine costs. Perhaps this will b that intemperance does not NE“? TORONTO ISLIN GTON NEW TORONTO 1al service for Private held in Mimico Pres. nday night. His lodge, curt Derwent 3976, at- 6th St. was arrested 3 and taken before Mr. He was fined $10 and Georges evening be a lesson l pay. "Oh, yes," she said, with smiling lip, "It I can be commander,†_ And so they framed a partnership, And called it Alex-and-her. t --MeGill Daily. He had his dear one and she came, And lovingly he scanned her; He asked her would she change her name, A ring did Alex-hand-her. He mixed his goods with cunning hands, He ups a skilful brander, And since his sugar was half sand They called him Alex-sander. r There was a. chap who kept a store, , , And though there might be grander, ‘ He sold his goods to all who came, 3 His name was Alexander. J The Life-Saving Scout Movement was re-inaugurated last Thursday night, March 20th, when 32 out ot a total of 39 boys turned out, showing their appreciation of the _ starting again of the troop. ‘The troop will be taken over by Captain MacLean (late officer of the Mimico Corps) who will hold the position of scout leader. The evening was spent in mak- ing plans, for the future, including the bugle band, physical training class, and the appointment of Alex. Brunton assistant leader, and Herbert Elana as secretary-trea-er. Other officers will be appointed in due course as the. troop progresses. After a few remarks , from the leader and assistant leader, I the Girl Guards served coffee and' cake, which was appreciated very much by the boys. A vote of thanks was offered by Herbert Bland and Fl-. : roy Roffe. The regular scout meeting ! will be held in the hall every Thurs- : day night at 7.30 and the gymnasium every Monday'night at 7.30, Plans and specifications may be seen and al obtained at the school or at my office, 18 Toront to, or from Mr. Jos. Wooley, Mimico. Each tender must be accompanied with an a cheque for five per cent. of the amount of tender, The lowest or any tender will not necessarily J. Evans, Aldc. Free and John Knox all Mimico men, are expected to ar. rive from the front this week. ' Sealed tenders, whole or for the separate trades, endorsed "Tender," and by registered letter only, addressed to the Sec- retary of the Board, will be received until noon on Saturday, March 29, 1919, for the erection of an addition to the MIMICO PUBLIC SCHOOL The members of the Epworth Lea- gue of the Methodist Church were visited on Monday evening by officers of the Toronto West District League. Interestiturrapdresses were given by the visitors. There was a good atterw dance. f ‘The following are the successful tenderers for the Work of building the L.O.L. memorial hall to be erected on Mimico Ave.: Brickwork, Mr. Robt. Herod; carpenter work, Mr. J. M. Davis, Toronto; plastering,Mr.’ T. Fish: plumbing, Mr. J. H. Doughty. The cor- net" stone is expected to' be laid Von Good_Friclay, Mr, W. E. Savage is the architect. , ' _ Mr. A. H. Parker, Church St., has returned from a holiday in Florida. The tierrible,state of the, Mimico roads caused the local teamsters to withdraw their horses fer several days, and no deliveries were made. Two men report that. their horses have fallen sick on'account of the hard strain put upon them in getting through the mud. The members of the Young Men's Class in connection with the Method- ist Church, held a social evening on Thursday. The evening waSI 'spent pleasantly with games, etc, tor which prizes were given. I Pte. Bert Turner arrived home on Thursday after two years' active ser- vice abroad. Pte. Turner was warm- ly welcomed by a. host of friends. to tea at the Humber [B3377 Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Forbes Godfrey entertained the ladies ot the Union Jack Chapter The funeral of the late Mrs. Pet- tinger took place on Wednesday from the residence of her son, Mr. Wm. Pettinger of the Victoria Industrial School. A number of Mimico men are ex- pected to arrive here in a few days. Mr. Jas. Free has been meeting the trains consistently and bringing the returned heroes home in his car. Mayor West is decidedly anxious to remedy the state of the roads in Mimico, and in spite of the tremen- dous call upon the council's finances by the school trustees, will endeavor to have permanent roads laid on Church St. and Mimico Ave. ’the county and district officers were present, including the County Mas- ter. A special feature of the evening was the presentation of illuminated charts to the, mothers of four of the members who had been killed in the great war. The ladies honored were: Mrs. Hockney, Mrs. D. Davidson, Mrs. Arthur Coulton and Mrs. Wood of Macdonnell St., one of whose sons re- turned this week. A good program of songs, recitations, etc., was given, and refreshments were provided, the meet- ing coming to a close at 11.45 p.m, Wor. Master Bro. C. King presided. l St. Patrick's Day was a red letter day in the history ot the Sir Edward Carsom,Lodere, L.O.L. 2515,when twen- ty-five new members were initiated, amongst whom were several promi- nent business men ot Mimico. The meeting was largely attended and all i. A. SCOUT DIEETIN G ALEXANDER TENDERS IMIMICO JOHN KAY, Sec.-Treasurer, _ (Mimico P, s may be seen and all information my offige, 18 Toronto St., Toron- Inn on Communion service will be held in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday, March 30th. All members are urgent- ly requested to be present, and partici- pate in this Divine service. Members of J. R. Finlay Sr. No. 2734 ‘L. O. L. are putting on a raffle for a handsome satin hand-painted cushion at the Lodge Rooms on Mon- day evening, April 28th. Tickets are now on sale at 25c. Pte. W. E. Beck, 5 Cliff St., Mount Dennis, is among the list of passengers on the steamer Cretic, which docked the early part ot the week. The friends of the Presbyterian Church are now publishing a monthly paper, which contains all the activities of church, both social and spiritual, as yet a name has not been selected for the paper, and a prize is offered for the best name sentvin. Send in your suggestion to the Editor,.Mr. A. Gilbert, 1056 Weston _ Road, during the coming month. A very pleasant evening was spent at Kodak Hall on'Monday night under the auspices of the G: w. V. A., eu- chre and dancing providing enjoyment for tht large number present. J. It. Finlay, Sr. Lodge L. O. L., held their regular monthly meeting Mon, day night in Goddard & Marshall's ‘Hall with a good attendance of mem- bers. Three candidates were iniatated and the third degree conferred upon, three members. Arrangements are being made for the holding of a euchre drive sometime in April. Watch tor date and particulars later. Mr. Stokes, a representative' from the G. T. It., Toronto, will come out on Thursday to meet a delegation from the Board of Trade and look over the situation with a view to lo- cating the site for the erection ot a station. ', On Sunday evening, March 30th, Jid Mount Dennis and District Branch of the G. W. V. A. Association will at- tend the 7 o'clock service in the Meth- odist Gnurch. The jastor, Rev. W. N. ChantIar, will occupy the \pulpit. The Ladies' Aid Societypf the Meth- Odist Church will hold their monthly meeting, at the home of Mrs. (Dr.) Sprou1eson VVedngsday afternoon, Ap- ‘ril 2nd. I _ in pure thankfulness because children have risen lip and ‘them blessed. And all these bl are :within reach by taking t five years beforehand and Thrift Stamps to-day. [ i There is a sequel to that table" but the sequel depends on those who fol- low directions. A boy of fifteen can slave enough to giye himself a hand-' some little nest egg just when he needs it most. Likewise the girl ot fifteen may have, a comfortable little sum with which to cary out her pet ambition. Father or Mother in five years will needmloney even more than they need it to-day and by the help ot/the little table they will not feel themselves a burden. Even grandtath- er or, grandmother will end their days , Here is an inte1:esting little table ‘you will like to "go over" in your mind. . A penny saved is a penny earned. Twenty-five cents saved is a Thrift Stamp. Sixteen Thrift Stamps is a War Savings Stamp. One War Savings Stamp in five years becomes Five Dollars. l necessarily be accepted We are missing a great opportuni- ty if we are not teaching practical thrift. of February. New Torcfators fiéurés are given by themselves: Jan. deposit, $216.83; Feb. $203.10. , Teachers here and there are begin- ning to secure results through the War S.'S., but concerted action is needed. The following schools have had fhe ‘Penny Bank established tor some time: Silverthorne, New Toronto, Swansea, King George, Lambton Mills and George Smile. The report of the Penny Bank before me for Jan- uary and February shows that the first four of these stand ahead of all other schools of the Province in the, average monthly deposit made by each pupil, Silverthorne having to its credit an average monthly deposit per pupil of 136 cents. These schools de- posited over $1500 during the month with at} accepted bank The Minister of Education is strong- ly urging the teaching of Thrift in the schools, and more strongly urging its practice. Boards of Education, Trus- tee Boards and Teachers should un- dertake the work, at once, it not al- ready begun, and place it on a pro- perly organized basis. As far as I am concerned, it is my aim to have every schqol systematically practising thrift within the next few months, either through the Penny Bank or by the purchase of Thrift and War Saving Stamps. It may be of interest to th to know what the schools I York are accomplishing along of Thrift in these times W. practice of saving is espe( necessary. THRIFT TABLE TO DATE THRIIWI‘ IN MOUNT DENNIS nest egg just when he st. Likewise the girl ot have, a comfortable little A. L. CAMPBELL, P. S. Inspector npusning along the line these times when the n up and called all these blessings by taking thought P. o.) g is especially THE SCHOOLS est to the public schools of West buying their E.A. Crowhurst FLORIST Church St., North of Queen St. Phone Parkdale 1947. WEB BAY Phone orders promptly _ attended to. Thus. Douglas PARCEL DELIVERY Prompt Service at Moderate Charge Motor Truck Express to Teaming, etc. STOP 27, LAKE SHORE ROAD Sunday Morning Services-ll o’clock Sunday Evening Services--? ’o'clock. Sunday School and Bible Study, 3 p.111. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 8.15 p.m, B.Y.P.U. Meeting, Wed., at 7.30 p.m. E. J. \Vhan, IhmeIle Cottage Stop 26 .. Lake Shore Road Toronto .. J. 3650 _ Wm. Gair Holy Communion every Sunday at 9 a.m. and on second Sunday each month at 11 a.m., and on Holy Days at 7.30 a.m. Dealer in Sand and Gravel, WEDDING BOUQUETS CUT FLOWERS FUNERAL DESIGNS 11.00 amr--Morning service. 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7.00 p.m.--Evening service. Epworth League meeting every Monday at 8 p.m. Public Sundav'services, 11 a.m., 7 Sunday Schooi, 3 p.m. Soldiers' meeting. TTretfraaxn BURLINGTON ROAD MIMICO Masses, Sunday, 9 and 11 a..n Sunday Evenings: 7.30. Car Stop No..15. , Rev. G. E. Doherty, Pastor. Morning Prayer Sunday School 3 Evensong 7 p.m. SALVATION ARMY Mimico Ave., Mimico NEW TORONTO CHURCHES . Century) Methodist Church Rev. J. A. Walker, B.A., Pastor, Sixth Street Teaming Contractor Women’s Missionary' and lst Tuesday of the mo Meeting for P Young People‘; Society, Monday, 8 nm blic meeting, Saturday, at 8 CAPTAIN F. M. SIBBICK Macdonnell St., Mimjco LONG BRANCH CHURCHES Baptist Church Prayer Meeting at 8 evenings. Epworth League at 8 St. Leo’s Church Morning 1 1 Sabbath school Sunday Services: Morning Prayer, 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer, 7 o’clock. Holy Communion every Sunday at 9 ann., except on lst Sunday in month when it is celebrated at 'II o’clock. Sunday School 10 aan. Cor: Mimico Ave. and Church Rev. G. J. Mackay, M.A., Mini A welcome to all. Seats free, Sunday Services 11 a.m. and 7 Dna. St. Margaret's' Church ' resbyterian Church REV. J. W. MORGAN, Pastor Mimico Avenue Methodist Church Soloist-Mr. Ellis Evans MIMIGO CHURCHES Christ Chm ch meeting, Wednesday, at 8 Winter, Choirmaster, Sunday Schoél MIMICO a.m. ‘rayer, Wednesday, 8 evenings, 1 and Adult Bible Class 3.15 Dun. 11 a. ',. and Church St. ind Ladies' Aid month at three D-m. Wednesday Evening 7 D-m. Monday .., Minister City PAINTER AND DECORATOR Stanley Avenue Mimico J. Barnum Have Your Home Decorated Remember we repair your old shoes also. BOOTS MBTOR CAR SUPPLY Co., Limited Telephone Parkdale 377, 378 Ontario Seweeribe And provide for good draft bruse of V EXCELSIOR TOP 1521-23 QUEEN STREET W. (1 block from Sunnyside) REPAIRS A SPECIALTY A. E. STEPHENS, Proprietor That will give satisfaction --try our store. _ When Building Your Home ' CANDIES, CONFECTIONERY NEWSPAPERS, PERIODICALS Call Here For Phone Park. 1321--4756 Livery Cars Day and Night Guard against fires by ‘ lining your chimney with VITRIFIED _ CLAY FLUES (Either square or round) OFFICIAI WATCH GRAND TRUNK Formerly Chief Trlsty MEN Seamless Wedding Rings N. J WATSON 1500 QUEEN wjssh, Before you Clean Up 1506 QUEEN Phone Park. I.W.ROYCE: l o a , ' Sheffield s THE NEW TORONTO STATIONERY STORE Stop 21, Lake Shore Roar Special attention given b ners. Lessons given a1 borne if desired. Terms reasonable Stop 12, Lake Shore , Mrsfranyrouns REAL ESTATE Office, Church Street, Mimico, Phone: Local 78. WEDNESDAY, MARC Ask for Estimates -From--. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER _P" Phones .' r Park. 2950, Park. 1054 1255 QUEEN WEST NORMAN A, " CRAIG 1fapuftystured by 'top 12, Lake Shore Road MIMICO BEACH P. O. . Chapple WOMEN CHILDREN Plan to --for--. 11) TRUNK RAILWAY Chief Inspector, Canadian, Elgin Watch Co. Teacher of Piano J EWELER WATCH INSPECTOR ST. w., PARKDALE 4793. Open Evenings Shore Road \ Issuer of Marriage Licenses» H 26TH, 1919 to begin- fit pupil’s