e S. s. Lesson Lessom in its Setthxg Place-The Sermon on was spoken in midsum- D. 28,Vin the second year ministry, probably on the Hattin/ a hill west of the lilee,. PS. 103 is assigned to the; Later Itestoration, All-Wise Creator rst chapter of Genesis, se tgth verses summarize, is most marvellous of all writ- ightly understood, it agrees 'r with what the twin sciences gy and astronomy have shown .g the origin of the solar sys- /ot the earth as a part of it, climax in the human race. ssible to see how an unin- ter,, )in those unscientific 1 have composed so acC'ur- ccount, of what science cent decades has worked I'd-UOUS toil. V beginning God. No grand- ;"could stand at the begin- - -rs.tN 1" S__,_., t__-,., yhl, and orderly introduction 'iir/d animal life, ever' ascend- k‘scal'e not being until creation text: "0m- Father Mchty art ,'ha.llowéd be Thy name. iiivtrp Strengthening. N 0 one 'i?taiature without coming to Jy','iirr is infinitely wise. The '~"j‘a.rms Lure underneath all if'they should relax for an f}; for instance, gravity ‘1'.;(for a single minute-- the l, for Instance,, gI-LIVitY ll for a single minute- the Werse. would meet disaster. trong arms never falter. Ityd'e strength comes mn‘s. part ot it, it we are willing we "wait upon the Lord." he Creator in Christ we is, overawed by the d 'power of the Creator, he r think of Christ. John tells : 2, 3) that Christ "was in hing with God," and that (itrt was not anything made Ede.†Christ himself said ever had seen Him had HEAVENLY FaTHFR--- 1-27; PS, 103: 1-14; Mat- 24-34. Frtiatot-. Look at Christ, il‘see that the ()umisciont tent One must also be lov, ly, a. kind friend and bro- he beings He has created. .m'cifnl Preserve}- thought of God as Crea- vise and all-powerful and ‘neseht, a thought that _ suw'lth fear and awe. Re to the thought of God as him} Preserver of what He tad. ‘Psalm 103 is a 1nrttch- J-es/Orr of this thought of rhf,'"itkrtctt ":'?u)1Na, ttlt the Bible. Science has '. able to show that mat- lcted 11p011 from without, ttrd, itself into worlds and tWd developed lite. Wonders of Creation riler. In the noble ’salm We have a pic- “the Creator, and also ’ulér- of all men. fr The Lor His goodness. His 'r) firm forever. Blessed ghose God is the Lord. Remy. This kind Rul- it. TIME TABLE Loing‘ Wgst R2 l y.'m. LIV Fly, daily. RECEIVED ting North except SI _ except m except SI ring; South linday. Sunday, East l‘CHED (, No. except except except No. 28. x’NO. 705. No. 31. ., No. 28. No. 707. No. 37. No. 34. received .10 .10 I30 TABLE BARKER, P.M, IE TABLE onto for Welton TY 20 minutes: pd 20 to. Leave r, 10 to anle daily .oon) 30 a.m. to 6.30 onto every 15 quarter past, at to. Leave quarter past. I to. lo on quarter save Bathum mo tor Wood.. t tint ear C ‘70 Wood- lut " mt. 29. 705 31. ‘OBICOKE 28 189 37. 34. d that the Sunday ) Sunday) Sunday ) Sunday) Sunday) Sunday) er of all med rules with justice and. yet with mercy. How His 'iiiiiy tempers His justice is shown Wa scores on Old Testament incidents. , The Loving Ipathte E All the disclosures of God made' in the Old Testament are taken up, combined, and glorified in tthe revelation of Jesus Christ set Earth in the New Testament. Our Lord interprets God the Creator, illustrates God the Preserver, makes viz'id the conception of God the Ruler of all men. The Son of God manifests the wisdom land power of God. TI-Iis kind- ness, justice, mercy, and holiness. There is no aspect of the divine na- ture that may not be seen perfectly in the portrait of Jesus Christ. But of all these aspects the Saviour chose to emphasize the Fatherhood ot God. No, man can serve two masters who are opposed to each other, as the It3reek iimplies. Yet cannot serve God and mammon. Mammon is a Syriac word meaning riches or wealth. Mammon, the least erected spirit that fell. The disciple who came closest to Jesus is the one who, in his Gospel and Epistles. does the most to illu- minate this thought of God as a lov- ing Father. He sums it up in the glorious expression, God IS love, the divine nature and the nature of love are one and the same; they have the. same Bounds, the same expression, so that whatever one may say of love one may say of God, and whatever one may seek from love one is sure to find am God. . WEYRE THE We're the nineteen ninettrerters - and proud of our name-- Who from distant dwel1ihgs to This- tletown came; Once Strangers, we've now become farm friends and chums And hope that ot knowledge we've picked,up some crumbs. Valedictory Poem of Thi,stltrtowat Agricultural School lington, too, We've gathered,our studies and games to pursue; And Woodbridge, and Weston, and Downsview are here, While Thistletown, Fairbank and , Edgeley appear. 'TwasrMalton who sent us Con'Slav-' in, a boy' " Who finds in the 'lactead dluid his joy; It sent us the Gardhouses, Leslie and Fred, ’ Who are always wen-groomed, well dréssed and well fed, t From Malton, Newmarkat and Is- Then Newmarket sent us her Clif- ford'to play, ' You see' his name's Plater, he's work- ed every day; Art Kingdom from Islington, joined F with us too, Best methods to ‘master, he'll follow . them through. John Johnston from Wobdbcidge, our hockey chief he, And ‘trim Hedley Cole and brave Charlie. Rowntree; Rob Plunkett and roguish Will IIattr- ilton add ' Their names to that list, and not one is a cad. Thence also Roy Petermam Rob Wat- son came-- The latter atoretime has won a good name; Also Edgar Phillips and Frank Troyer top, , With genial Lirne Cousins, who nev- A Itowntree's our president, and his name is Will With him are from Westpn a dozen more still; / Two Barkers-the sen’sible Percy and Lorne, And Erson and Wilbert, who Ward- laws were born. Clare Love too, and Nelson, with bon- nie bright face, V Garnet Devins and Freeman, both of a good race; Frank Kingdom, Frank Chapman and eke Harvey Clark, Who ne'er was afraid to go home in the dark. Russell Robb, Leslie Clarkson, swift Gordon Shaw, Also Harold Stonehouse, a youth without flaw; _ Albert Pearson, Clare Kellem, a Newton baned Nixon, Frdm Weston all came, and so did James Dixon. Paul Snider's from Downsview, a mighty fine boy, , Who with Art Buchanan, the rink V did enjoy; And so did Herb Jackson, whose merry brown eyes Someday a fair lady will win for ‘his prize. Good Thistletown' gave us Just three of her sons, So many are "Over There" phasing the Huns; They're young Elmer Underwood, rare Torrance Farr, And high Carmen Johnston, whom nothing can jar. From Edgeley Ross Anderson hails, we are told, The son of a councillor, popular, Earl Jackson’s from Fairbank, pom- ologist he, And bright as they make them, as any can see; So's Percy Mulholland, and Earl, too, all right, Whose form to set forth would a sculptor delight. bold; So does Percy Usher, who, like all the rest, At work or at play has, while here, done his best. Well, now our school's over, we'H soon be back home; For those who've been puttin' some sense in each dome, Our teachers, we mean Messrs. Steckley and Nerf, Three cheers and a tiger! Up, startle the dear. A Guelph candy store draws a. crowd to its windows by having a ar- tist paint pictures upon the glass. Melvin Burns, ot Rockwood, besides feeding a herd of shorthorn, and 11 tat cattle "oft 7 acres of turnips, sold $1012 worth of the roots. er gets tolde, N IN ETEEN [NINETEENEBS God is Love - W. ll. Adams. TELEPHONE co. LOOKS AFTER SICK EMPLOYEES The influnenza epidemic of Dictober Und November last served to 'empha- size, in very striking fashion, lhe bene- tit to employees ot big concerns of an enlightened scheme of sick benefits and pensions. The Committee in charge of the Pension and Sick Benefit Plan, inau- guarated in 1917 by the Bell Tele- phone Company has gust issued its Pe- port for 1918. "The influenza epidemic," says the report, 'greatly increased the number ot sickness eases, particularly be- tween October 1st and November 30. The total number of cases during two months was 1023, seventy-nine per cent. of whcih was influenza, while during the first nine months of the wear the total number of cases was only 917." The following figures from the re- port show the extent to which the fund is serving Bell employees:--- Pensions ......t_.e. ......$5,925.82 Accident Disability Benefits $8,428.65 Disability Expenses (Accident fits..........,....4..$102,962.6'7 Death Benefits (Including Expenses) "'"." ........$26,308.79 only) ......ti-. ........$3,63 Sickness Dinsability Benefits $102 Sickness Disabilty Bene- Gross payments from fund $147,20.26 The report concludes: "Your com- mittee has recommended to the Com- pany the inauguration of medical ex- amination of all employees entering the service ot the' Company after a certain date. This should appeal to all, as it is not only a benefit to the staff and to the Company," but to the applicant, as in some cases, it will doubtless be the means of dr;awing at- tention to ailments which, if treated in time, can be cured, and will also ensure that no one is given work for which they are physically unfit. Where it is impossible to visit a, school, the next best thing to Ho is to get a catalogue of the school. Here again we advise a comparison ot dif- ferent schools. Get catalogues from diHerent_schoo1s, When you have received the cata- logue; read it. Read it from cover to cover. Remember we are speaking of a catalogue from a business' school. If it does not untold its story in a. business-like way there is something wrong with it. wrong with it. When yOu have read the catalogue, it is a good plan to put the book down, and se what you can recal of it. Have you a clearly derined idea of the, school and its courses, or a more fuddle of fancies? The Shaw School catalogue is yours tor the asking. 3 ft has Just 32 pages, ordinary‘book site. From cover to cover, it is a butsiness-like book. Each page is used to convey informa- tion in which you are interested. Our history is' concisely given. Our buildings are illustrated. Our courses are outlined. Our rates are plainly stated. Ouristerences are Canadian and dependable. In the plainest way possible we try to let you know who we are and what we are doing. , If you are interested in business education you ought to have this book. Ttig yours tor the asking, with our compliments. Decidedly,mo de- cision as to a school should be made without reading this book. The Shaw Schools, Head Office, Yonge & Gerrard Sts., Toronto. RM. McIntosh, Principal; W. H. Shaw, President. opens March 3rd in Shaw's Busi- ness Schools, Toronto, and merges into Summer- Session from June 30th. No compulsory vacations. Free catalogue. Write W. H. Shaw, President. ', ' SIZING UP A SCHOOL Spring Term Built like an army tank-L. that's why the Cleveland is so efficient! The Catalogue HE ability to travel over Talmost any ooil--that's why the Cleveland always stays at work. That's why it gets so much work done. And it is small enough to turn around in the corners-to get into the farm lots-saves the waste ground that can't be reached by the ordinary tractor. A few good territories still open for live dealers. Write at once. . E. Gooderham & Company TORONTO $3,639.33 'reciassiPr. 962 79 money. The committee' have decided ‘to refund the money to any ticket ‘hblder who will present his or her ‘ticket to Mr. Millar at the Bank ot i Commerce on or before April 5th. Owing to unfavorable weather con- ditions of the winter now drawing to a close, the skating rink which the Citi- zens' Recreation Committee had hoped to run as a means of healthful winter sport for the children was not a suc- cess and the would be patrons were not able to receive value for their money. The committee have decided to refund the money to any ticket At the organization meeting ot the G. W. V. A. held last Friday night in the Town Hall the following officers elected pro-tem, Pres., ll. H. Mac- Innes; Sec.; C. F. Wacey. Eighty names have already been gathered in by the Secretary and the first annual meeting will be held at an early date after the big public meeting for the purpose of electing officers. A very interesting evening, closed the Night 1c,1"t'jlel Sessions whihh have been held in the High School during the past fall and winter months. An outline of the work accomplished was furnished the parents and friends of the pdpils. Inspector A. L. Campbell complimented both teacher and schol- ar and the progress achieved in the few months course and hoped that the same interest would be mknifested when the classes reopened next fall. The serving of dainty refreshments brought the pleasant gathering to a close. On March 7th, there was a sample of the Town water taken to the Pro- vincial Analysis Office, and the report signifies that the water was in a first class condition as'far as injurious ba, cilli was concerned. Since then the reports have not been as good and it would he well it the people boil the Water for drinking purposes until fur- ther notice. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Gorrie, of To- ronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. N, J. McEwen on Sunday last., Send for a Catalogue to br. Meldrum, M. H. O., Weston 2ditU7 . % c-s-tasa-tite...'-'.: WESTON Yet there is sufficient power and speed to enable it to get a great volume of work done. Pulls a two- bottom plow-at a speed of 3% miles per hour in medium soil. Plows 8 to 10 acres per day. Easy to operate-economical on kerosene-the Cleveland is a tractor for any farm. Thousands are now in use-building profits-- making farms more productive. Citizens come and hear the speak- ers at the G. W. V. A. mass meeting next Monday night and get first hand information. You are welcome. Mayor John Gardhouse will occupy the chair. Mrs. Martin, 43 Maria St., has re. ceived word that her son Sapper T W. Martin, of the 7th Railway Troops is a passenger on the steamer Minni. kabak docking at Halifax on Thurs, day of this week. ' 5N ,,itti.a" ruoauoooooouyoooooiooorr-i, *IH’WW‘I FGEk i'tfl I? T IT,, f??? EDITIONS. ‘ii‘g _if,i,i'i)j)s_iii'iii; WRITE for it“; 'C; specimen pages, Iii}! 5v ' illustrations, etc. bl g?†FREE, a set of Poely.st ‘4; Maps if you name this , paper. a tl. & c. MERRIAM' co., SPRINGFIELD, MASS. aFa"sat%s-7.lF2 frâ€??? REGULAR sh, 's'isii'?i"iiti23, AND iiitiiii,'i.)jlj'i 'ii.l'giifii, it INDIA- , k8.rs.tP2k1'iW, PAPER 231 Why MmmmmommiotmmlmliliMtt2 m; we" my - - W" v 17ml . AMlml1 Ba, ‘ h â€ELLE, ' Mlelllllt " . Ell CIti8ill . ‘ " . M. 4:14:15! c "Gift " I'd my} . IN " . I tm ‘5 ENN " I G r I . 'tr, . - " ' d , MIT " ‘ as' - Tawny. K Bilitl . P' - IlttlBltl' Ld 'tlr " . an . " . if 3: " 4w, , mr V" 'r ‘ , -r ea ' y I . _ I WESTON'S HARDWARE STORE MAIN STREET PHI, Eagle Block Gents' Furnishing and Tailoring Store MAIN STREET, WESTON PHONE NO. 2 faction. NAILS AND GLASS t Any quantity at right prices to all. READY ROOFING To, cover that old roof. Elastigum to fill the holes in that leaky roof or gutters. Everything in the hardware line sold at prices to meet the most exacting buyer. Give us a call. PROMPT SERVICE OLDHAM'S LivW†ms. c. tlt 43., Nt - " _ MM ._ - BINllt ' qe81 a illiBlti . Mg "Mlti0lt - ttg, IdrtNM, gr"'RIEht M M! (2h? , - ‘ any, X " , EiM a " " . t 2f Ik'gbr8 _ ‘ tt L L ‘ ' 8llgt -tlRtl1ll ‘ ' " . 1lilrillll '7 ggt MB, Ill iN . ~ SM liar, 'm J 5;. m if PERFECTION STOVES AND OVENS Get our prices on these goods, the stove that givertltjit, Get our Color Card. W. E. COLEMAN Weston Hardware Order That Suit At Once You get the advantage of some bargains. PRICES ARE GOING HIGHER You will SAVE MONEY Main Street G. A. McCLURE PAINTS USE A LITTLE PAINT to brighten up the house inside and out. Our stock Here. is good. Our price is right. Deal QUICK DELIVERY um amw Phone M, Weston PHONE NO. 14 l PAGE SEVEN s: ttfe' 37% iii? £32? FP, iii/i irtriir Es: Ff;