i' New Giant GER. Locomotive L Mrs. Kearfley and Mr. L. Vans have ssc,' recovered from their recent attacks -of influenza and are both able to be 4'5" The closing meeting of the x, rtl .‘iBible Class was held last Tuesday at 1 cthe home of Mrs. Gram, Main St., with ( “a. splendid attendance of members and friends. Guessing contests, musical, :reading and vocal selections ir1tersper- ted 'with social chat made the time mass profitably and pleasantly for all. Dainty refreshments were served and a the merry party dispersed for home after extending a. hearty vote of thanks to the host and hostess for “A "At Homes," forming the basis of the 'social activities of the class, have -'their hospitality. These semi-weekly did much towards cementing aspirit of friendship among the members. .Also considerable work was accom- plished during the winter months. The Bible study hour on Sunday will be T continued through the summer and the members hope to make bigger strides along social lines with the op- ening of the fall season. We notice quite a few residents tak- ing a pride in their gardens and front lawns. This is indirectly due to the {beneficial influence 0f the Horticult- _ ural Society and will be a great im- provement to our village. _ IDf only We had a severe Sanitary Inspector, T who would walk round the better 't residential parts and insist upon hid- Aeous outhouses and filthy hen-runs and-houses being done away with. Ajornee hicken coops are built so near the neighbors residence that the win- dows of the kitchen or dining-room cannot be opened, the odour is so foul. This is a very unsatisfactory arange- ment and causes no end of discomfort. ~One cannot be guarrelling all the time with one's next door neighbors, but really, etrpeciallymow, warmer weath- - The Reeve has returned from a _t,)usiness trip over the week end to :New York. l Last Tueéday evening Mrs. Kafack, fâ€;'I*th St., entertained a few friends at 5‘her home. about again Capt. Williams: 48th aHighlanders, took the service in the Methodist Church on Sunday night and gave a most interesting talk on the work ot the Y. M. C. A. oversea. The talk gave a. most minate insight into the Work of that institution. Pte. Dan Murray, who enlisted near- .ly three years ago with the 19th Battalion, Burke's Falls, and returned Jlomeg last Saturday, spent the week end with his brother; Angus Murray, 5th Ave., and.his sister, Mrs. Fred Burgess, Denison Aire., The Plunkett's Association manu- facturer's luncheon given in the West- minstett banquet rooms, under the auspices of Westminster Ladies' Aid last Tuesday was a decided success. The company sat dpwn to aéweli-bal- anced and asserted menu. Devilled ham on crackers, Campbell's soup, Scotch snack (made from fish), mac- aroni and cheese cooked in Klim, cocoa. with Klim. Ingersoll cream cheese, Squirrel Brand peanut but- ter, Dalton's custard and coffee serv- ed with white bread made from Puri- ty flour and brown bread in which the use of Egg-O baking powder was demonstrated, formed the ingredients used in the preparation of‘the meal. A lecture on the value of the ditterr. ‘ent foods was given, the lantern slides showing the process of manufacture. _ Mr. Dye? and his daughter motored :0 Bramp%n for the holiday. ex is here, it is very disagreeable to his: a chicken coop within four feet of one's living room or dining-room window. Will our council inforce the by-law and see that we live under bet- ter sanitary conditions. Mr. Avis Fisher has returned after tending a. few days at Newmarket. The favourable trade balance of $572,000,000 ot 1917 had already drop- ped to half that figure in the last fis- cal year. The Dominion may have to face an adverse balance of trade next falls, and taht is why the Canadian Trde Commission wishes the enor- mous importance of exports to be grasped even by children. WESTON THE SPRAYING OF PLANTS F0 TEE} PRVENTION OF INJURY (Experimental Farms Note) At this season of the year particu- lar attention should be, paid to the prevention of ravages by disease and insect pests. It is possible by a. time- ly application of the proper sprays to control ettedtively many of our worst diseases and bests. Spray materials may be divided into three classes. First, there are the fungicides, such as Bordeaux mixture, and lime sulphur wash, which are used to control or to prevent the de- velopment of fungous diseases such as Apple Scab and Potato Blight. Sec- ondly, there are poison sprays, such as lead arsenate for the control of biting insects such as the Potato Beetlte, Tent Caterpillars, etc., and, thirdly, the contact sprays, such as kerosene emulsion or nicotine sulphate, for the control of sucking insects like plant lice, By selecting the proper sirays un- der each of these three headings, a combined spray containing all three can be used and, thus, in a. single ap- plication, one has A fungicide and a, . .. 7,1.:.‘,.,: A rrrnrnrl puuauuu, _.FFAV no... -, _ _- complete insecticide combined. A good combined spray is made up as fol- lows: 4-4-40-Bordeaux, consisting"of 4 pounds unslaked lime, 4 pounds cop- per sulphate, and 40 gallons of water, to which is added 3 pounds of arsen- ate of lead or 2 pounds of arsenate of lime in paste form (if the dry form is used, use one-half this quantity) tor controlling biting insects and if aphids or plant lice are present, one-third of a pint of nicotine sulphate should be added or, as an alternative, the lime sulphur could replace the Bordeaux mixture. =. T"--, _-cr., .le LAvv “v.7.“ - -- the disease or pest has become evident. by its ravages, but make the applica- tion in time to prevent the damage. An application of spray is not a cure, it is a preventative. Do not think that one application is sufficient. Remember that at this season of the yeah foliage grows rapid- ly and a large amount of new leaf surface is soon exposed after an appli- cation is made and it is this new un- coted surface which is a source of in- fection. ‘Three to four sprays during the season will be necessary to keep the leaves covered and the plasts free from disease and pests. Make the applications thoroughly, drenching all parts of the plant with a tint, mist-like spray. A coarse spray is not as effective as a finely divided one. , If you have not already done so, make application at once to your nearest Experimental Farm or District mmsentative for a spray calendar or apply direct to the Central Experi: mental Farm, Ottawa. These calen- dars will give you full instructions as to mixing and applying sprays tor the control'of all pests and diseases. Don't delay. Do it now,, There are many homes in Canada to- day that are sad and weary with- out their loved ones, And their days are Weary for them. Who knew their tender care and love F trom day to day. l Their homes have never been the; same l smee their loved ones have gone for- _ weird, V we; , .-i e r. _ - Sacrifice all for their home, King and I country. I May their soul rest in peace in Elan-1 ders. Gone but not forgotten by the Brit-) .- ish Empire. The working man is closely concern- ed in Canadian export trade and the Trade Commission points out that working men are already realizing that steady employment and plain bread and butter are assured by more dollare coming into the country by ad- ded exports. Dominion trade is rapidly running back to pre-war standards. Yet the largely increased debt which was brought us makes it iinpelalive, says the Canadian Trade Commission, that thiss hould be prevented and that peace-time work can be on a war- time scale. BY INSECTS AND DISEASE not delay the application until President E. w, Beatty and Vice-President Grant trp, of the 0.11378; gnapped after inspecting the new engine. CANADA OF 1919 SUBURBAN TLME TABLE Weston IA Cars leave West Toronto tor Weston and Mount Dennis every 20 minutes: on the hour, 20 after and 20 to. Leave Weston on halt hour, 10 to and10 after the hour, Cars leave West To.onto every 15 minutes: on the hour, quarter past, half hour and quarter to. Leave Lambton on the hour, quarter past, half hour, and quanter to. Davenport Cars leave West Toronto on quarter to and after the hour. Leave Bathurst Street on quarter to and after the hour. Woodbridge Cars leave West Toronto tor Wood- bridge every two tfours: first car 6 A.M.; last car 10 PM. Leave Wood- bridge: first car 7 RM. last 11 Pai. _ a.UL, 8.50 p.m., 5.30 TESTLETOWN a ETOBICOKE Received sum. 12 (noon) Despatched a.m. 8.30 Office open from 6.30 a 7.40 11.05 6.14 7.43 G. T. R. T131717 TABLE , Going West 7.16 a.m. x. l 9.10 a.m. daily. 1.11 p.m. x. 4.45 p.m. x. 7.05 p.m. x. 7.50 p.m. _ Sunda: Going East 8.07 a.m. X. 10.22 a.m. x. 4.25 pm. Y. 7.05 pm. daily. 9.10 p.m. K. x Daily except Sunday. , Daily except Sunday. 8.38 9.45 5:53 Adopt the use of Classified Want Ads. They have proyed money '[naKCVSJQE 2tlytr1s., They "afitra'iiFtcirLGOd by th€ bigger. as they enable hjmito quickly locate theplaceihei'e he can find his tequire,mtnts Will hes find Lour, business repleserited? WYMRNIWE-F Mm) _ - g ADOPT THEM T.15--G.T.R., No. 29. 8.27--C.P.P., No. 705. 'y.10---G.T.Et., No. 31. 1iy.22--G.tIt., No. 28. 4.46---G.T.R., No. 189. 7.ty5---G.T.R., No. 37. 7.iyir--3.T.R., No. 34. Tstr-cpm., No. 28. 8.'.t-C.P.R., No. 706. g.ity-G.T.R., No. 31. 1iy.2'2--G.T.R., No. 28. S.53--C.P.R., No. 707. 7.05--G.T.R., No. 37. DISPATCHED Mt. Dennis received a..m., 11.10 p.m., 6.10 Despatched Trains Going North 1.111. (Daily except SI mm. (Daily" except Si mm. (Daily except Si Trains Going South 7.()5--9T-fl-, No. 34. a.m. Daily a.m. (Daily except S; p.m. (Daily except s, p.m. (Daily except Sl MARS RECEIVED Lambton mm 6.30 a..m. to 6.30 A. J. BARKER. RM. TIME TABLE hm. [ Sundays Only 28. 189. 37. 34. 28. 705. 31. Sunday) Sunday) Sunday) Sunday-), Sunday) Sunday) Mr. Tom Harris, King St., Weston, states that he will not be responsible tor any debts contracted by his Wife, Elizabeth Beatrice Harris, after May 20th,, 1919. Ko FOUND-Female Airedale. Owner can have same by applying to W. S. Pollard, 9th St,, New Toronto. If not claimed within three days, it will be sold. 1VANWFIy-Landscape garden work. Apply Box 41, Times & Guide Office Weston. FOR SALE-A Singer sewing machine (new). Wiil sell at a. big reduc- lion. Apply to box 34, Times & Guide office, Weston. FOR SALE--5 roomed house. Apply to Wm. Todd, Victoria St., Mimico Beach. WANTED-st good cream separator. State price. Apply Times & Guide, Box 41. HOUSE WANTED TO ItECNT---By June 1s? five or six roamed house in good locality. Apply box 40, Times & Guide office, Weston. - Mr. Man, note this! - ' ', "_.' _ _ You can order your Check Books here direct. ', Give us your order and we will give you service. Phone No. 26 - Good service, good work guaranteed. The e Times & Guide PROGRAMS - CONCERT BILLS FINANCIAL STATEMENT.AND BOOK WORK STATIONERY, LOOSE LEAF SUPPLIES BINDERS AND ACCOUNT BOOKS NOTICE Remember This Date In Aid of Memorial Hall, Mimico lig Tag Bay IVE TO THIS \VOBTHY EFFORT Slfflllllllll JUNE hq OFFICE . SUPPLIES You can get them at FOR S8ETD-Severa1 4 or 5 roomed houses for sale on easy terms, from $1500.00 and upwards, in the Long Branch district. Apply direct to owner and save commission. W. Jackson. EGGS FOR ILiJIEING-- From se- lected pens of bred-to-lay Barred Plymouth Rocks, o. A. C., Guelph, strain, direct. White Mryandottes, Martin's strain, $1.50 per setting of 15. Allan G. Peirson, 14 Church St., Weston, phone 128. WHITE ORPINGTON and Barred ROCK Hen Hatched Chicks, Me and 300 each. Orpington eggs for hatch- ing. Prices right. Reliable cluckers for sale. Indian Runner duck eggs $1.00 per dozen. J. Mills, Maria St., east of the 5th, Ot' Box 79, Weston HATCHING EGGS - Thoroughbred Buff Orpingtons. Best winter layers and table birds. Two breeding pens. The pick of over 100 birds. $2.00 and $3.00 per setting of 15. Eggs guaranteed. W. Kaufman, 12 Mill St., Weston. NOW IS THE time to get young rab- bits. Costs nothing to keep them. Fine lot ot Flemish and Belgian, old and young for sale. A large steel grey Flemish buck for service. Apply Mr. Webb, 182 Lambton Ave., Mt. Dennis. ( EGGS FOR HATCHING and Day Old Chicks Special Selected Pen of Extra Heavy Laying Single Comb White Leghorns. Apply 202 Main St. N. Ice Cream WILLIAM CHARBONEAU 136 William Street, Weston Mrs. Finegan NEILSON’S ICE CREAM NOW ON SALE Cones and Bricks General Groceries Phone 265 announces Give us a call. WESTON WESTON Sodas SHIRTS Complete lines of WORK SHIRTS at $1.00 to $1.75 each OVERALLS at $2.00 to $3.00 per pair. Our combination SMOCK AND OVERALL for men at $4.50 is T just the thing. See it. ' Phone 30 Physiéian, Surgeon, Etc. Office: Wepton Road, Mt. Dennis Office Hours: 8 to 10 a.m.; 1-3 and 7 to 8.30 p.m. Phone: Weston 87 Dentist Office: Coleman & Hackett Block MAIN ST., WESTON Opposite Bank of Nova Scotia DR. J. A. MELDRUM Physician, Etc. Office and Residence, East Cor. N. J. McEwen, Manager, Maria St., Weston, Phone June. "" King St. and Rosemount Ave. Telephone 15 Weston, Ont. 332 Bloor W., Toronto, Ph. Cot. 2602 Consultations by Appointment. G. M. LYONS or. 6th Si. and Lake Shore Rd NEW TORONTO _ DR. W. E. PEARSON Bank of Nova Scotia Chambers Phone 152, Weston Money to Low on good First Mortgage Securities DR. J. T. HACKETT Office: Bank of Montreal Bldg. Main and John St., Weston Phone 295 Dr. Harris: n QRoos DENTAL SURGEON CO., Limited Manufacturers of Pressed and Rug Brick, in the different shades of Red Buff and Brown. Phone 106 Dr. H. D. "Livingstone Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Residence: Rosemount Avenue WESTON Mornings and Evenings Toronto Office: Gray & Gray 301 Crown Office Building North-east Corner Queen and Victoria Streets, Toronto. MILTON PRESSED BRICK MNKOERLONIIEAL 5. Lorne Fraser, N. Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. G. HOWARD GRAY DH. (llfillllll flllliliil Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence “ 120 Roncesvalles Ave. PHONE PARK 402, TORONTO Public Accountant and Auditor Telephones: Main 6353, Jet 4045 33 Richmond St. W. TORONTO W. AleTLEY W. C. BURRAGE, Agent R. B. ANGUS. Em. H. R. DRUMMOND. Esq. LL-Col.HERBERT MOLSONJLC GEORGE B. FRASER. Esq, Rest . . . o 16,000,000.00 Undivided Profits . - 1,901,613.22 Total Assets (Oct. 31st. 1918} . 558,413,546.12 Branches throughout Canada and Newfoundland; in London, England, New York, Chicago, Spukane and Mexico City; also in San Framciseo-. BritisUA,ccrican Bank (owned and controlled by Bank of Montreal). DR. INGRAM Dental Surgeon WESTON, ONT. gapital Paid Up NOSE AND THROAT WESTON “PHONE 82 Board of Directors t SIR "SIR' VINCENT MEREDXTH, Bun.. President. _ SIRCHARLES GORDON, G. B. E., Vice-President. LORD SHAUGHNESSY. K.C.V.0. C. R. KOSHER. Esq. Esq. D. FOREZS ANGUS. Esq. WM. MQIASTER, Esq. DLSON.M.C. EAROLD KENNEDY, ESQ. H. W. BEAUC1ERE, Eu. Esq, COLONEL IIZNR‘I COCKSHUTI' J. H. ASHDOWN. EN, FREDERICK WILLIAMS-TAYLOR, General Manager. ESTABLISHED OVER too YEARS HVEHMLS Main Street 15 loéeph St. Established 1858 Pastor, REV. FORBES ROBERTSON Eesidence, John Street. Phone 241 VVesuminster Presbyterian Church . Residence Albion Road, R.M.D. No. 8. Weston; 'phone 58 2-1. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m.-Sunday School. 11 a.m.-Morning Service. Holy Communion 4th Sunday in the month. " _ WESTUN METHODIST i1illlM ttev. J. Wallace Stewart, Pastor. Residence, 35 King St. Phone .43- A. T. Mather, Choir Leader. Miss Marion E. Russell, L.T.C.M., Organist Sunday, June Ist, 1919 _ 10.00 a.rn.--Sunday school and m.. ble classes. 11.00 aan.--The pastor will preach. 7.00 p.m.-The pastor wiuireaxm. Good music. . Seats free. St. Phillip's Church Rev. W. M. Mackay, B.A. Residence: Humbermount, Weston Phone 293 n Sunday, June ist, 1919 11.00 a. m.--The Minister wiIl preach. . I Sunday School in conjunction with the morning service. _ 7.30 rj. . m.---The Minister wi11 preach. 7.30 p.m.---The Minister will preach. Mr. It. V. Beale, Choirmaster. Mr. R. Weatherston, Organist. Strangers Welcome. Sunday, June Ist, 1919 11 a.m.-The minister will preach. 2.30 p.rn.-Suryiay school. 7.00 p.m.--The minister will preach Choir leader-Prof. H. G. Hall. Organist-Miss Hazel Patterson. Everybody welcome. REV. ROBT. A. SIMS, RECTOR I handle none but the best FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE I have several good village pro- parties and farms for sale Stock and Dairy Farm at Klein- burg, 100 acres, Ints of water, gra- vel road. Price $6500.00. 100 acres in Vaughan, one mile from Woodbridge, good water, excellent grain farm. All welcome. Good music. Seats free. All welcome. BAPTIST CHURCH REV. DR. W. ARCHBOLD, Vicar ""p 4 Maria St., Phone 282. Old Pre sbyterian Ch urch Holy Communion, 8 ann Matins and Sermon, Iramr Choral Evensong and sermon T pad. MAIN ST., WESTON PASTOR-H. E. Wintomute Sunday, June l,, 1919 11.00 a. m.--The pastor will preach. 3.00 p. rm-r-Sunday School. 7.00 p. m.--The pastor will preach. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 p. St. John's Anglican Church Real Estate and Insurance Office Jas. Millen PLUMBER, ETC. Jobbing Work attended to-Estimates given on new work Address : Station Road MIMICO 8 16,000,00000 16,000,000.00 1,901,61322 558,413,546.12 MAIN STREET NORTH P. o. meets every Monday at SUNDAY SIilItTruF ED. w. BROWN, WOODBRIDGE Ecobicoke L-a-tss-m--' Cross Street Pastor I Weston.