Times & Guide (1909), 4 Jun 1919, p. 4

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bt _ Miss Gartley, of Streetsville, visiting ts' her sister, Mrs. Charlie Bonham, Deni- .{ son Ave. this week. Miss Edna Eastcott, of Guelph, was the guests of her cousin, Mrs. W. Ir. Inch for the week end. On Sunday morning, June 8th, the Rev. Mr. Hackett, of Weston Rd.‘Bap- tist Church, will preach in the Weston Baptist Church. A cordial invitation to all. A very peasant social hour was spent on Monday afternoon in the Methodist Church parlors when the Wognen's Missionary Society eater-. taiiied the Light Bearers and their mothers, also the members ot the Mis- sion Band. Mrs. Coon, President of the W. M. S., acted as hostess and was ably assited by the officers and mem- bers. A short but much enjoyed pro- gramme, consisting of chorus singing, reeitationss, solos and music was rendered by the children. Then tob. lowed dainty refreshments and a, so- cial hour and the gathering broke up with the ties of friendship strengthen- ed and new friends made which adds much to the life and usefulness of any church. Remember the date ot the annual picnic of St. John’s Church to be held on the church grounds, George St. on Saturday, June 28th. Amusement tor all; games, contests, etc. Come and enjoy the day. Spr. L. ll. Rowat returned from 0v- ‘erseas on May 25th to his home 12 Centre Ave., Toronto. He enlisted in the Railway Battalion, going overseas in February, 1917. He is a, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Rowat, formerly oi Weston and a brother ot Mrs. E. War- ren, Humbervale. Another brother is still in France. Saturday, June 7th, is the date set tor the Township of Etobicoke annual Sunday School Convention which will be held this year in the Methodist church, New Toronto, at'10.30 a. 111., 2.39 p. m. and 7 p. m. Good speakers have been secured for all the sessions and all interested in Sunday School work are cordially invited. o. Y. B., No. 299, a, Past Master of Carlton Purple Star, L. O. L. No. 602, Past Companion ‘of Toronto Junction Scarlet-Chapter, Past District Master and the present Preceptor of Bethany A. B. P. of 1 No. 842. Mr. Nelson A. Boylen returned Mon- day from Smith Falls where he at- tended the 38th annual convention of the Supreme Grand Orange 'Young Briton Lodge of British America. W. Bro. Boylen was selected Grand Chap- Iain, At the convention he represent- ed the Toronto Evening Telegram and the Caadian Associated Press. w. Bro. Boylen is a, Past Master of St. John's Dvr. John Connon of the 7th Caval- ry Field Ambulance Crops, Calgary, who yeturned on Saturday after four myears’ service overseas, is visiting with his sister, Mrs. A. Varcoe, George Driver Roy Coulter, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Coulter, Main Street, re- turned home Saturday morning after three and a half years ot active ser- vice. He enlisted with the 41st Bat- tery, going overseas in February, 1916. Later he was transferred to the anti aircraft battery and went to ‘France with that unit. His many friends gave him a cordial welcome home. Miss Madge Robinson of Hamilton spent the week end with her friend, Miss Dorothea. Charlton, Rosemount Ave. Dr. John Sommerville, treasurer of the Presbyterian Church ot Canada, who died on Saturday last at his home, Toronto, was a former resident of Weston. He was one of the first elders of the Weston Presbyterian Church and was largely instrumental in having f resident minister station- ed, in the town. Rev. Mr. Fallis, a former pastor of the Weston Methodist Church, will otocupy the pulpit on Sunday, May 15. St., for a short time before risturniiigr to Calgary. Mrs. Johnston and baby of Calgary is spending a few weeks with her cou- sin, Mrs. Coulter, Beech St. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Cruickshank, accompanied by Mr. Alex. and'Fred Cruickshank, motored to Barrie and spent the week end with their son, Kenneth. The choir’of Westminster Presby- terian Church, will render a, praise and thanksgiving service of song on Sunday evening, June 15th. _ Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eley left for England this week after spending a few weeks with her brother, Mr. Geo. McClure, Beech St. Remember Wednesday night is"the date of ythe entertainment under the auspices of the Young Ladies' Club of the Old Presbyterian Church. The character sketch, "Afternoon Tea in Jpriendly village," given by the Wom- en’s Institute of Lambton Mills, inter- spersed with musical numbers, Prom- ises a splendid program. , Mr. Thomas Harrison spent the week end at his old home, Wallace- burg, with his brother, who has re- cently returned from overseas. SUBSCRIPTION ItATES--tL50 per year in Advance to any address in Cana- da. $2.00 per year in advance to United States or France. Single copies 3e. ' ADVERTISING RATES-Legal Notices, .iic per line for first insertion, 40 per ine for each subsequent insertion. Commercial Rates: Matter requiring to be set-under 50 inches spaCe-25c per in: over that and up to 100 inches ntract), 20ty per inch; over 100 in and up to 200, 18c per inch; ' inches and over, 15c per; inch. Local Advertising Readers: 2c Der word. Church or Society Notices of entertainments, concerts, etc., Where an admission fee is to be charged or a collection taken, we charge 5c a line for each insertion. In Memoriam Notices, " per line. Birth, Marriage and Death Notices, no charge. Classified Advts.: 25c per insertion for ads. not exceeding eight lines; over that 5c per line extra. All matter for publication should he in than 4, p.m. Tuesday to ensure inser- tion in issue of that week. TIIE CHARTERS PUBLISHING CO. Limited MIMiCO AND NEW TORONTO ADVERTISER Published every Wednésday S. WILSON, Manager WESTON â€"â€"â€" Canada has to remit to countries a sum of well ow million dollars a day simply t indebtedness abroad, accord: Canadian Trade Commission, A far greater trade in Canadian farm stuffs is done in our own cities and towns than is done abroad. This tact is mentioned by the Canadian Trade Commihgsion, not to minimize exports but to Show the unrecognized importance ot our home markets. GRAY-At her late residence, 32 Alma Ave., on Saturday, May 31, Mary Ann Ayr, widow of the late Wm. Gray, in her 80th year. Service at the above :address at 7.30 Monday evening. Interment Tuesday morn- ing at Woodbridge, on arrival of 9 o’clock train. in the evening Mr. and Mrs. "ires-t left for their new home in Weiston amidst showers of confetti and good wishes. Mr. George Dalby, Cross St., Wes- ton, wishes to thank the friends for their kind acts' and sympathy to his aunt, the qate Mrs. Dalby, during her illness and also to himself in his trow. ble and recent bereavement. DEATH-TO Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Death Burnhamthorpe Road, on Friday, May 29th, a, son. West-Hinds The Church ot the Good Shepherd, Mt. Dennis, was the scene of a very pretty wedding on the 24th inst., when Hilda Helen, eldest daughter ot Lieut. and Mrs. It. C. Hinds, was married to Joseph Henry' West, late of the It.. C. ll. A. The service was conduct- ed by the rector, Rev. A. J. Arthur. ‘The bride was given away by her ‘mother, between a, guard of honor formed by nurses of West Toronto Nursing Division St. John Ambulance Association, of which the bride was a, member, She wore silk taffeta and Georgette crepe gown. Her tulle veil was arranged in Juliet cap, and was surrounded by a wreath of orange blossoms, Corsage. bouquet of sweet- heart roses and carried a \white ivory prayer book, from which hung ribbon in true lover’s knots. She was attend- ed by her four sisters, Basina, Doris, Joyce, Agnes as bridesmaids. The three youngest little girls wore snow- flake voile with pale blue sashes and carried sweet peas and carnations. The elder sister, Basina, wore white silk taffetta and picture hat with .pale for- get-hae-noe, and. carried roses and carnations. The groom was attended, by Mr. Harold Evans. During the sign- l ing of the register, Miss Eva; Knight‘ sang "The Voice that Breathed O'er Eden," accompanied by Miss Maude Chambers who also played the Wed- ding march. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, 5 Orville Avenue. The couple’were the recipients of many handsome and useful presents. Later on the arm of an old friend, Mr. J.K. Kennedy, of Toronto, to the strains of Lohengrins Wedding March, played by the organist and as she. ascended the altar steps the vested choir sang Jeub Liata. She was unattended and looked charming in her travelling gown of sand colored satin with georgette ov- erdress and hat to match, trimmed with pale pink rosebuds. A friend, Miss Arnold, acted 'as,witness. The groom's gift to the bride was a hand- some set of mink furs. After the ceremony the happy couple left for a short Wedding trip and on their re- turn will reside at Morley Cottage, Rosemount Ave., Weston. A very pretty wedding was solem- nized at St. John’s Anglican Church, Weston, on Tuesday, June 3rd, when Miss Kate. Bookless became the wife of Mr; Percy Knight, Dr. ArchboLd or. ficiating. The bride entered the church IEmccaMriddup At the Riverdale Methodist Church Wednesday afternoon, the marriage ‘took place ot Lily, youngest daughter of Mrs. G. M.,Widdup, Toronto, to Mr. Reginald FII; son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hill, Weston. The mar- riage ceremony was conducted by the Rev. Dr. Long. The bride, who was given away by her brother-in-Iaw, Mr. N. ll. Reesor, wore a travelling suit of navysblue with hat to match and white tot fur, the gift of the groom. She was attended by her sister, Mrs. N. H, Reesor, and the groomsman was Mr. Arthur Hill, brother of the groom. During the signing of the register Miss Bessie Hill sang "All Mine Alone." Mr. and Mrs. Hill left later for Chicago and western' points and on their return will reside ar. Island Park for the summer. I cannot tell you anything else con- cerning this offer in these lines, but it must be something extra good for Mr. Secretary is quite enthusiastic about it. ' .All present members are asked to introduce a returned man next meet- ing. Please remember that the iAs- sociation buttons are waiting for those who have already been initiated. A confidential communcaton has been received from headquarters and I have been requested by See'y Serson to advertise this matter as much as pos- sible. All bargain hunters should be on hand to hear all about this offer. The Secretary hopes to have complete information for Friday night. This is for G. W. V. A. men only. Returned men should join us and receive any benefit tor the coming. Remember it is up to us to take advantage of any proposition that nirill help us to keep downthe present high cost of living. Comrades remember that we meet this Friday night, June 6th, at 8 p. m. sharp. The Dominion Convention has been postpone.d. The Executive com- mittee, Comrades H. MacInnes, Pres. E, Serson, See, II. E. Pearen, Treas., H. Bell, F. Sainsbury, J. Nash and C. Wacey, met on Friday night and at- tended to somer very urgent business. The J. D. Case tractor demonstra- tion held last Monday on the farm of Mr. Robert Wardlaw was a very suc- cessful affair. A large number ot peo- ple gathered from the various districts and all were well pleased with the work done. As a result, Mr. E. O. LaRose, the local agent, has several prospective sales in view and is cot1fi- dent that he has clearly demonstrated to the public the value of the tractor to the individual farmer. CARD OF THANKS Iinig1tt-Boordesss DEATHS WEDDINGS BIRTHS G. W. V. A. emit to foreign well over halt a . simply to pay our " according to the VETERAN. "After hearing of some of the good work Tanlac was doing, we got some for Jean and it has done wonders for her. She actually looks and acts'like a different child, and she's taken only two bottles of the, medicine. She com- menced picking up as soon as she started Tanlac and she has gained ten pounds. She never has indigestion now and eats just anything she wants, even such things as beans and other vegetable and meats of all kinds. Why, she ate corn for dinner yesterday and it was the first time in eight years she dared taste corn and she eats boiled bacon that's cooked with vegetables. She's not nervous nor bilious now and sleeps like a baby and we never hear anything out of her from the time she goes to bed until she gets up in the mornings. Her skin has cleared-up and her cheeks look fresh and rosy. You can just look at her amrteli she's enjoying good health." "When Jean was pnly seven years old," continued Mr. Snell, "she was taken with something like -nei-srous trouble, and there wasn't a day or night she didn't suffer, until we got Tanlac for her, and she’s now fifteen fears old. Her stomach was in such a, bad condition she had to live on toast and eggs and in1illc, and ‘she couldn’t eat any kind of meats or vegetables. She complained of pains in her stomach all the time and would spit up half digested food. She was nervous and would toss and roll all night, for she couldn't sleep well at all. She was bilious and her complexion was bad and she looked pale and sickly all the time. We gave her most every kind of medicine we could think of, but nothing helped her." "My little daughter Jean had gained ten pounds on Tanlac and now she's the very picture of hcialth," said Jim Snell, well known poultry' and truck farmer, of Raleigh, Tenn. C LITTLE GIRL N ow A Suffered Day and Night for Years- After Taking Tanlac Looks Like Different Child After spending a month’s holidays in the West, Mr. Railings and family Ire- turned home last week, and he re- turnef)ome last week and resumed wo-rk’at the G.T.R. tstation Monday morning. s, Anyone having donation of worn clothlng, etc.', tor the bale for Dr. Grenfell's Mission are requested to leave them at the home of Mrs. A. A. Briggs, 124 Rosemount Ave., not later than Monday, June 9th." Discarded table oil cloths or sacks will be very acceptable for the packing of the bale. Miss L. M. Osler of Da Bois, Penn., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hugill, Rosemount Ave. Miss Osler has just returned from France, where she served as a Red Cross nurse with the American forces. a Mrs. Ellerby and Mrs. Mallaby are attending the Grand Lodge conven- tion of the 00.01”. at Hamilton. V Used for making Dil hard and soft soap, for softening water, for clean- ing, disinfecting and for over soo other purposes. [Wm 1t7illrsrr"c'gtvu?ltii7ie Jes" TORONTO ONT. w gikylilit'rsi W E-W.60ErLg8d?Ayy, LMITEl) 'Wlnrou'mm REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. If with TrAVA.A may rICKIOI‘d and a pocket edition of Kidd, you had better be pretty Spry, peeaus body else in this section is coming, too! You can teach Genevieve lots o' things. When it comes to planting peas or picking Pickles-youve IT! But when it comes to applying the science of farm- ing to the picking of BEAUS~LEAVE IT TO GENE.. VIEVE! Tu?iojii6,' Biff, PICTURE OF HEALTH ontinuous performance every Satur< From 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Matinee Daily at 2.15 Prices-Main Floor 15c and 20c Balcony, 15c and 25c. Boxes 25c. Ila -I’uu mun-or: Monday, Tuesday, June 9 a1 MARY'PICKFORD in "CAPTAIN KIDD” F you want to come along and di Mary Pickford and a Docket prh‘f wednesday, Thursday, Weekly 'goo ENE! Ell 3 June 9 and 10 Woodbridge Cars leave West Toronto tdr Wood- bridge every two hours: first car a A.M.; last car 10 RM; Leave Wood- bridge: first car 7 RM. last 11 RM. Cars leave West Toronto for Weston and Mount Dennis every 20 minutes: on the hour, 20 after and 20 to. Leave "Weston on half hour, 10 to and10 after the hour. Lambton Cars leave West To‘onto every 15 minutes.. on the hour, quarter past, half hour and quarter to. Leave Lambton on the hour, quarter past, half hour, and quarter to. / bavenport Cars leave West Toronto on quarter to and after the hour. Leave Bathurst Street on quarter to and after the hour. 7.40 11.05 6.14 7.43 8.38 9.45 5.53 8.07 a.m. X. 10.22 a.m. X. 4.25 p.m. x. _ 7.05 p.m. daily. 9.10 pm. x. x Daily except Sunday. x Daily except , Sunday, Spring Handicap cup-F. IE. Little, T. Fisher; H. J. Church, o. M. Bird; W. A. Batty, F. It. Nicholson; S. Bruce, Morrison, Stewart Leitch; Harfy H01- land, W. Caldecott; C. E. Heward, C. L. Harmon; A. P. Reid, W. G. Hend- rick; L. A. McGibbon, Eh S. Fowkes; M. A. Stewart, M. Lindsay; C. El. John- son, A. G. McLaughlin; Rob. Bryden, Alex. Blyth; J. McLean, W. R. Dun- lop; ll. B. Morphy, Jas. Reed; J. Reekie, W. lp. Evans; Irving C. Weeds, F. G. Engholm; L. R. Young, N. B. Wprmwith; J. H. Thomas, J. E. Hut- cheson; John Lindsay, lt. ll. Ruther- ford; C. w. Fountain, Fame Sewall; ‘Ray Collings, Tom Maguire. First round to be played by 14th June, 2nd round by 21st June. DRAW FOR SPRING CUP AT THE WESTON GOLF LINKS a.m. 12 (noon) Despatohed _ a..m. 8.30 Office open trom 6.30 a..m. to 6.30 THIS’I‘LETOWN gy ETOBICOKE Comedy Ty, because every. ', too! SUBURB AN THEE TABLE a.m. (Daily except Sunday) a.m. (Daily except Sunday) a..m. (Daily except Sunday) Trains Going South , 7.05--G.Tt, No. 34. a.m. Daily O. P. R. TIME TABLE G. T. R. Tm TABLE Trains Going North dig for treasure 7.15-G.T.It., No. 29. 8.27-C.P.R., No. 705. 9.10--G.T.EL, No. 31. 10.22=--G.T.R., No. 28. 4.'45---G.T.rt., No. 189. 7.05-G.T.R., No. 37. 7.05--G.T.R., No. 34. 7.80-C.P.R., No. 28.' 8.27--C.P.R., No. 705. 9.10-G.T.R., No. 31. 10.22-G.T.R., No. 28. 5.53--C.P.IL, No. 707. 7.05--G.T.R., No. 37. DISPATCE’ED Mt. Dennis received a.m., 11.10 p.m., 6.10 Daapamhed Saturday, (Daily except (Daily except (Daily except may RECEIVED Going East 8.07 a.m. X. .0.22 a.m. X. 4.25 p.m. x. 7.05 p.m. dt 9.fo pm. x. Going West 7.16 a,m. x. 9.10 a.m. dt 1.11 p.m. x. 4.45 p.m. X. 7.05 p.m. x. 7.50 p.m. S a.m., 8.50 pau., 5.30 Received Weston Captain A. J. BARKER, P.M, p.m. Sundays only. g East daily. Sunday) Sunday) Sunday) _ 28. 189. 37. 34. 28.” 705. 31. Main Street, Weston A. M. OLDHAM '------'---------------d HERE IS THE DIFFERENCE THIS IS THE BESTSTOVE ON THE MARKET Phone 254 Ihg:roit Vapor Stoves BARKER ' CO. Of all the COM. bicycles made, the Massey is the wheel that all the boys like. See it in our window. For Empire Milking Machines you get niore results from your cows and help. "Work is made easier and more con- genial. Let us put one in on trial. Motor Sales& Machinery Co. MIB, N IEl8g " 7 - Hg; - ' ~ . . " . - - " ,~ .. _ FAWN, N1. 4. N " ‘ v _ Ir " . - gg lg " ttt 1!, ' . £10534 " - _ ' . "altl , --, ' " -- - - .5 ' . - . FT , . y, . . ‘ - , t Ta . e . - - , ‘ "‘J'i'z'» " - - - - .-= . FOR. MOTORS FORD l-Ton Truck Chassis _ Agents for DELCO ELECTRIC LIGHTING SYSTEM To light your home and supply power for light machinery Main Street Old wheels taken as part payment for new C. Cleveland. Saws filed and Gummed, Baby Wheels Repainted or Enamelled. Its construction is such that it burns less oil than the ordinary oil stove. Is kept clean without any trouble of dirty wicks, and there is no odor from it at all. The styles are all ornamental and yet very compact. With the: price of fuel and the heat of ranges, there is no comparison. Once use this stove, and you will sell them to your friends. A T Port Credit Payments made in c/rsh or deferred payments to suit you on Cars, Trucks, &c. . 13W: 2 _ :rn';'.:~»‘. up» "l,.' 1'1: Tr', m 5:c'r',",'cjr"', 'f 'A. . :"C'ir; "rr", _ ,' . $7,331? 1pf'y'rcir'c'rrv,1"- wer.y,,i,i/fjri's'sL'i1id'i 3»; 51135379.- :‘.;':":'531., '__',: "fr/j:'-'. _ ", _ ', /,," / _ 2u'.'iiueyicii,//itj1'",si"c' \6". T.Ccic, r,t'ti,r1'/1irr,, p T ' Cff,', 'rt/fc..:,:::")"'::-:,,?:')':.' "ii. 'P'rlt L' 1r'ii':jTf," f-rl.)? (ilr::?'irytir,-r_ _ Acts ‘L‘J‘Gy'3‘:“,§,§{“":~ /, W: 's' (cs/el' T lift/3': I 1sr',,r?f'rier'i)rr,t5i, _ ' i'ir,' _"' I'y1cin 'ue -_rr, mm? V,' ', "Cir-c' I' r'""r,i're ',," if, Fs", W7 _, Cici, ,"C'ijt' v, _ ra'ss-, _ f C,/'ir,',-sc,r:t ':tl1,c'J'yirbs'r'r, _ :d:yrlr,tFy,'rr,uycy-,: T CA tTtrEi 'ttPNC/IG/f E.,;R;seAgL-. c. AR; F B. T. EQUIPMENT. it is the labor saver of the age. Nothing has been found that gives equal sat- isfaction. V See our new plans. Art: yo_u_r£1§1_l:it_1g La, ghange in your stable? Install Is the Wheel Boys Ml kinds of wheels made to run like new We give best price for your used Ford car. HEAVY DUTY TWO-TON TRUCKS AND TRAILERS DON'T SALVE IN THE HEAT USE ONE OF THE Will demonstrate them for you. BOYS, BRING IN YOUR BICYCLE Fordson Tractors Agents for FAIRBANKS-MORSE LIMITED ' MACHINERY, ETC. P, TOURING, RUNABOUT, SEDAN AND COUPE CARS on hand for immediate delivery ----also---- Fitted with any body to suit you Hardware Merchant OPEN ALL THE TIME a M. WHETE THE GARAGE Opposite the Post Office Main Street, Weston arrlafr. Telephone No. 19 Phone I30 e Tires put on, Limited Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public 2922 Dundas St., West Toronto (Above Moon's Hardware Store) Real Estate Loans placed at Current Rates. Telephone-Junction 891 WESTON Agent for Fire, Lite. Accident. Antoa mobile and Plate Glass Insur- ance tn sate companies and at beat rates Elsemene Avenue WESTON Practical Plumber Repairs promptly attended to A/Trial Solicited Addres,s: Maria Street, East of Fifth Ave. or Box No. 79, Weston St. John's Road FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Box 33 For PUMPS, WINDMILLS, & GASOLINE ENGINES. is still doing business in the old stand. Be sure and address all communications to a PHONE 67 J. K. McEWEN & SON -11AIN ST., WESTON . Agent for _ Fairbanks & Morse Gas Engines, Pumps, Etc. , J. I. Case Engines John Deere Plough Co. Stone & Wellington Fonthill . Nurseries. Phone 268 SMITH'S MOTOR DELIVERY Baggage and Express 22 St, John's Road, Weston Phone 805 City phone, Adelaide 1618 GENERAL TEAMING Band, Gravel and Filling Always on Hand. Movinga Promptly Attended to. Phone " at 6.45 mm, 12.45 noon and 6.45 p.m. HAMBOURG CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC West Toronto Studio Branch -', 200 Beresford Avenue Phone Jet. 72 ’ Studios at 27 Cloverdale Avenue and 18 Wright Avenue . MRS. JNO. T. ANDERSON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4TH, 1919 PIANO INSTRUCTION -. Monday and Thursday, 2 to 6 p.m. Studio, Bank of Nova Scotla Building Pupils prepared for Toronto Comor- vatory Examinations. It. It. 2, WESTON PHONE 8-4 Graduate Toronto Conservatory " _ Music Piano-Teachers' Normal Course. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conser- vatory Examinations. Studio: “The Bungalow" 87 Marla. St. ‘ WESTON JOHN T. ANDERSON Piano and Organ Tuner 200 Beresford Avenue, West Tom-h Telephone Junction 72. Walter Longstaff WALTER LONGSTAFF Licensed Auctioneers for the Counties of York, Peel am Simcoe Terms Reasonable O. E. LaRose JOHN MILLS Margaret R. Gillette F. B. EDMUNDS CHARLES GILLIS W. J. WARD " Years' Practical Experience. . ' so any place. Drop a can]. NOTE THIS WELL ! Stella V. Rowntree E. J. MUSSON JOHN HARRIS MOTOR EQUIPMENT Or other if desired. Residence and Chapel Phone 168 Main Street, Weston Established 1830. Undertaker and Embalmer or Phone 285 Principal. Tel. 301 ONTARIO WESTON Weston

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