FEE. "' _ ril'11l,frl.l1,p!,tptitrtirrs BANK bf, Joh Printing neatly promptly done T _ e _ by the Tirnes Guide - Stop 14, Mi,mico Beach ', It will convince you of its great vaue ytaderstand why this car is so popglar. A car to your door. ‘ . 'Ire, l F g, s; At 1 bl - . a " " . gi7am tr, , h bt ' _ 'm u " BI q s a . M " 'a m J " g " ' M rm R' y ‘ , - ‘. , . '" _ . . ‘L I - MttiE a a Pi d - Wd AA" E , Head emce: Montreal. ’OF senxNAairs," e'w V Mimico and New Toronto Bra: G. W. CONN, " - - - - -- THE HIGHWAY GARAGE PAGE C" EIGHT!5 THE MllNES GIAL (Ill, iannel Coal for Fire Grates Chevrolet 0&1? DRUGGIST AN D CHEMIST Stop 20, Lake Shore Road, New Toronto REPAIRS ARE OUR SPECIALTY Expert Mechanic Works on All Cars War Bond Interést Coupons and Cheques Cashed Free. 61 HAVE A RIDE IN THE BEST QUALITY HARD COAL (All sizes) Order by Phone C Local Phone, New Toronto 15 City Phone, Parkdale 475 Church St. and G.T.R The Merchants Bank will cash all War Loan coupons ‘or interest cheques when due, on presentation, without making any charge whatever for the service. If you have not a Savings Account, why not use your interest money to open one with This Bank , MIMICO BRANCH great vaue for the money. I You will UVAUAI Established 1864, Toronto Branches, rlne "N LIMITED l Subway or card will brine Telephone No Heating Coke Manager, 55 That Canadian cheese may go to Europe via United States ports, classed as American produce. unless'our pro- ducérs awake is information in pos- session ot the Canadian Trade Codi- mission. A huge market for Canadian farm: produce exists in Great Britain where according to the Trade, Commission, our imports only amount to 1% per cent. of the eggs consumed: 2%. per cent of the butter; and 2 1-4 per cent. of the beef. _ tht opinion of F In the year before the war 'sold tgorodsttlued at $835y the British Empire. Canad: tunity to get n 1nvous can“ r Park Space Needed (; Have yon noted that there great demand for park space 2 Toronto? Well, there is no til the present to make arrangeme the park ind town square. It vportant when laying plans tor toivn tTsee that there is Sp: 'parks.' Many of our large have paid dearly for this r. Will this be the case here? N, ronto should profit by the ex. ces of other centres. Secum town square and centre now range for park and athletic gr All have/a place in the develo1: a real centre. ronto new moronto can well be proud of the Goodyear grounds on the Lake Shore Road. This progressive plant is setting a pace for the rest of the town to follow. Their beautiful grounds are Well laid out and kept in per- feet order. _ It'just_shows what can be accomplished when you start out to gain an end. If the rest ot the town would only follow suit, evbn along the highway, it would be. the 1 greatest advertisement that the muni-' I cipality ever had. As you look along the street and see the dirty lots full of weeds, sticks, stone, papers and rubbish, it does not impress one as al place that you would like to live in. The whole of the street could be inn} proved with a little time wt - ~vvu Lu; Luil'cLLe in their selection of councillors and reeve. It may seem a small thing to have these men sit at the council ta- ble. But remember that they are the men who have made the thing go. Boost your coming town. Bring in other families, build houses, don't pass your merchants' by. Remember that they help to make the town, Give them a chance and they will build up a real town. Let everyone get the spirit. With the big increase there will be a greater demand for the co-operative spirit n the town. It is only by this hearty co-operation that anything worth while can be accom- plished in the work. l New Toronto is now on the Jump. _ With the computing of the census re- turns it shows that there is a town in view. 2551 is the actual returns _ from the cards collected. When you I take into consideration the large num.. ber who have removed from the vil- - lage, you can realize that there was at least 3000 persons in New Toronto during the past few years. It also points out the growth of the centre. A few years ago it was unknown. By dint of effort and much personal work the town has been built up. The industrial structures are secure and add to the stability of the town. The plants there now are building new additions. Mrith the completion of the highway, New Toronto has excel- lent transportation facilities. With the new harbor for the city, there will only be aismall haul tor their goods. With the city almost at hand there is always an abundant supply of labor. With the active housing commission on the job, the prepara- (tions are being made to take care of ‘the employees of these plants. That means a still greater centre. Some titty -houses are now under contract to be built by the commission and financed through the town. This gives ' New Toronto the right houses and I the right kind of men. Nothing can I stop the growth of this splendid cen- 1 tre but gross mismanagement. Again the municipality has been fortunate _ in their selection of councillors and :' reeve. It may seem a small thing to 1 112th +‘hnaA “An“ tr ' __ - V ".4...“ cruuuiuLB a lot of accidents. At the present time it is almost impossible to cross the road just when you so desire. It is necessary to watch very carefully for an opening on the road. When you have crossed, you can't stand upon the highway. It is most dangerous. (Still if'you miss your car, it means a direct loss of twenty minutes. If the doors were rearranged, it would be possible to board the car from the north side. Thus a person could cross when it was not so dangerous, and board the car from the north side without any danger to self or the traffic. This should be brought be- fore the attention of the railway board and have the company take care of it at once. i At Last They Have Started I It now looks as if the commission had at last got something into action. With the sand on the ground and men now levelling the road bed, there is an evident intention of actually moving over the railway tracks from their most dangerous position. With this accomplished is it now the Oppor- tune time to see if the company will not change their doors on the cars? If this were done, it would eliminate a lot of accidents. At the present than " 4., =.Y_____u . lent to the property along Some action should be de- the commission to state what they are going to do. does not impress one you would like to lil of the street could be t a little time. oemg made to take care of Wees of these plants. That still greater centre. Some es are now under contract It by the commission and large share of Hi Iada's action-tha the' Canadian Tr Some Central Park ed that there is a r park space in New there is no time, like uld not be held up in because, of these few the commission. " my wwvuu almost impossible to cross there is space, for our large centres for this neglect. se here? New To.. ‘t by the experien- res. Secure your NEW TORONTO centre new. ld. 1 athletic grounds the develéping of arrangements 'for men you start out If the rest ot the follow suit, evbn , it would be. the an that the muni-' As you look along the dirty lots full 341, you Can't stand upon It is most dangerous. iss your car, it means d twenty minutes. If rearranged, it would be e war 'Germany $835000.000 to Ianada's oppor- Ling or the census re- that there is a town is the actual returns collected. When you ities Guide Job Work Ihspartrnent v-,'. mat they are the the thing go. rwn. Bring in houses, don't by. Remember Of this is '---that is It is im- for a big ade The annual fin-$112193 I the Merchants Bank of C; has just made its apnea. mu stand out to our children as the living memorial to these men. The story of the war will" ever be before their mind' and the great price that was paid to give 'thcm,hapirness and peace, Yes, the object is one that ev- ery one should give to and give libeiu ally. Up to the present the work has: been paid for by the subscriptions that [ have been collected and this is your opportunity to do your part. Give on Saturday morning when the collector calls, or better still, you call upon the collector and give. The. list ot those in charge will be seen in the other columns of this paper. men a little rec'og will standout to 0 living memorial to story of the war TI their mind' and the was paid to give'th peace, Yes, the obj ery oni, should give ally. Up to the urn 1111.5 WUI cover the South Etobicoke 'disstritt and that of the municipalities of Mimico and New Toronto. Note the workers in your district. Give them your co-operation and help. Give the collectors on the morning your liberal support." TVhy all this? Because there is to be raised a, memorial hall in Mimico on Minlico Avenue in honor of the boys who gave up their lives toy the cause of freedom. Because by their great sacrifice/we are-enabled to live in peace and prosperity. Then you will note that von 2an T nvrn 'T,.ese..., Tag Day the 7th 7 Big returns are being looked the tag day to be held on Sa This will cover the. South Ett distribt and that of the munici w " Harold Burgessr'17 years of age, was drowned while swimming in the Humber. The boy dived from Dev- in’s Wharf and was swimming for the first pier of the radial bridge, a dist- ance of 30 yards from shore. His companions were standing on the pier when Burgess sank, some five yards from the pier and they immediately gave the alarm. Two of them dived to his assistance, but failed to locate the body. Mr. Devin’s put 'out in a boat but was too late to render assist- ance, since the body did not again come to the surface, Grappling irons were secured from the boathouse and lifesaving station notified. The men from the boathouse recovered the ‘ body after grappling for about forty- five minutes. The lifesaving crew took the body to Hicks' boathouse, _ where Dr. Allison, after examination, 'pronounced the accident to be due to heart failure. The ,boy was the son of NV, H. Burgess, secretary of the Ca- nadian Surety Company and resided at 53 Glen Rose Avenue. Purvis; 2nd home, rid side home, Alf. Tay101 Chuck Northcote. The Mimico and New Toronto La- Crosse Club played the Beaches at their home ground last Saturday af- ternoon, Mr. Waghorne refereeing. While our boys were defeated 7 to 3, they were up against the pennant win- ners for the Senior o. L. A. for last year. Their playing was, as usual, ex- cellent. The manager, Mr. Brown, ex- presses himself as perfectly satisfied with the manner, in' which the team played. The opening game of the sea- son Will be held next"Saturday after- noon at the Mimico field, Stop 15. The ball will be faced at 3 o'clock, Mimi- co playing Woodbridge. The line-up for Mimico. will be: Goal, Jack Neal; Point, "Toots" Harrison; cover point, "Red"'Santord; lst defence, Cecil Johnston; 2nd defence, Earl Smith;, centre, Archie Herod; 1st home Tmeq Prchaetrspa'iuc Good Year .._ 'N'e'iANN.r um, culu 1121: only recently returned from overseas The, guests of the evening included: Mr. Impy, of Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs, Edwards, Mr. Elliott and son, Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Boydell and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Austen and son, and Misses Mary and Amie Milner, of Mimico, Mrs. Brant and Mrs. Clarke, of New Toronto; Mr. Billie Warrington, Mr. Jimmie Hunt and Mr. Eddie McLean of Swansea. A dinner party and dance in honour of the English War bride of Mr. Wil- Iiam T. Jones was given last Saturday evening by his parents at their home on McDonald Ave. Mr. Jones was one of the few Mimico boys to join the navy when the war broke 011+ saerr9 G.,., England on the 12th of DeceinbeII, be- ing among the last of the 127th to ar- rive home. f Pte. Fred Archer arived at his home _on Albert Ave. from overseas last week. Pte. Archer went overseas in August of 1916 with the 127th Bath VVhile-doing construction work on the Ypres front he received a gunshot wound and was returned to England where he spent four months in the hospital. He refuses to tell any experi- ences overseas and merely says that he is lad to be home. Pte. Archer left England on the 12th of nemmhn» Gr, l annual financial statement of __N___r a - Steven Gloucester, of arrived home. last Saturn seas. . A number ot new books for the. Juv- _ enile section of the Mimico Public _ Library are now ready for circulation. The list is: "Tweedie; Mother Goose and her Goslings; The Lords of the Wild; Gas, Gasoline and Oil Engines; In the Days of the. Guild; Little House in the Fairy Woods; How to be Good Stories; Serbian Fairy Tales; Trail of the Cloven Foot; Span'ish Fairy Book; Mother's Nursery Tales; Carolyn of the Sunny Heart; Adventures of Old Mistah Buzzard; Adventures of Bob White; Happy Jack; The Trail Book; _ Little Jean; Book of Elves and Fair, ies; Kneetime Animal Stories; Twi- light Animal Stories; The Young Lion Hunters; Ken Ward in the Jungle; The Young Forester; The Young Pit- cher; The Boy Allies Series (17,vol- I nines); Every Child Should Know Ser- ies (8 volumes); Book of Brave Ad- ventures; What Shall We Play; Work and Play in Colonial Days; Action, Imitation and'Fun Series (8 volumes); Legends of the Springtime; In Myth- land; Stories of India; Leaves from Nature's Story Book; Plant Babies; Little Lucy’s Wonderful Globe; Sci- ence Ladders (3 volumes); Stories of Plant Life; Heath Primer. _ The selling of houses and lots still goes on apace in Mimico, Mr. Royce having disposed of several valuable properties for dttterent clients during the past week. The sale of a 10 acre plot is expected to be made in the course ot a few days. my 3.1; this"? Because there ised a, memorial hall in Mimico Avenue in honor who, gave up their lives Lee and prosperity. Then that you and I owe these redognition. This‘han be held on Satarday C of Canada. which appearance ‘sh0ws ank, some five yards md they immediately Two of them dived a, but failed to locate Devin’s put 'out in a I late to render assist- body did not again ace, Grappling irons m the boathouse and 1 notified. The men noyaeu and sons, Mr. 'en and son, and Misses tity Milner, of Mimico, 1d Mrs. Clarke, of New Billie Warrington, Mr. Brod; 1st home, volii e, Ted Harrison; out- Taylor; inside home, war broke out -and LL 1cester, of Newcastle St., last Saturday from over- u L11e pennant win- o. L. A. for last was, as usual, ex- er, Mr. Brown, ex- perfectly satisfied for on Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. t Money to Loan Open Thursday evening's and Saturday afternoons Corner Seventh Street and Lake Shore Rd., New Toronto _ 60__Victoria Street, Toronto BANK PM _ STOP 20, NEW TORONTO "m Toronto Office: 33 RICHMOND ST. , w" Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Office open on Monday and Thurs- day evenings, 7 p.m. to 1(Y p.m., in BANKING ROOM 9F MERCHANTS Law Office If you are a citizen of Weston, come out and stand‘ for Weston first, last and all the time, or else sell out, get out and stay out, for you can never expect to be to either social, religious, educational, civic, financial institu- tions than a snake in the grass. Boost Boost Boost Boost Cease Boost your town, and boost your friend Boost the lodge that you attend, Boost the street (in which you’re dwell- It was also announced to-day by the bank, that Lorne C. Webster had been elected a member ot the Board of Di- rectors of the institution. Altogether the outturn of the year's operations enables the directors to present to the shareholders and the public a highly creditable exhibit, re- fleeting continued progression along safe and sensible lines. Total assets have advanced during the year $25,787,860 over last year's figures and now stand at the imposing ‘sum of $166,725,404, of which $27,- 420,208 is in cash, the readily avail- able assets’being $63,116,188. In December last a special dividend distribution of 1 per cent. declared to the shareholders and the stock placed upon an 11 per cent. basis. It is to be noted also that the capi- tal stock is being increased to the ex- tent of $1,400,000 by the issuance of 14,000 new shares at a, premium of $50 per share. Current loans and discounts amount to $95,874,426, an increase over last Year's total of $19,680,410, showing that the bank continues to discharge its full duty towards the support ot the country‘s agricultural, industrial and commercial development, and at the same time contributing its share in the important matter of national financing. I Total .. . . ... " 1,821,543 ' 1,657,974 Divid. bonus . . . 805,000 700,000 War tax or air. 70,000 70,000 Contingent td. . . . . . . . .. 400,000 Write off bldgs... 300,00 ...... Officers' pension fd. 50,000 50,000 Patriotic fd. etc. 22,500 . . . . ' . . Balance ford. ..$ 574,043 t 437,974 Deposits have now reached the splendid total of $138,176,979, a gain of $24,780,330. Of this notable gain $15,958,008 was in interest-bearing or notice deposits, in other words in the Savings Department. 1/1ctoria Street, Toronto hones Main 4120, 4121 Net profits Prev. bal. Profit and loss account compares as follows: "verm0untmg operating costs were $1,383,569, or equivalent to 19.76 per cent. upon the laid-up capital of $7,- 000,000, as against last year's $1,363,- 680, or 17.66 per cent. ,or 9.88 per cent. on the combined capital and rest as against 8.80 per cent a year ago. that the bank's position and the pro-. gress made during the twelve months ended April 30, last, make an exhibit which should be gratifying alike to di, rectors, shareholders and the execu- tive. Net profits tor the overmounting operating LAW OFFICE '. H. MALE, B.A. Phone Main 7 686 . RQGNEY ever; BOOST 1919 ' 1,383,569 ' 1 . 437,974 ... 300,00 ...... .fd. 50,000 50,000 22,500 ....... ' 574,043$ 437,974 Year, despite DR. P. J. WATSON, Dentist, office at Co ior Avenue, Mimico. Open Tuesday, 1.30 p.m 9.00 p.m. Saturdays, 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. For Phone College 4536. 657,974 700,000 70,000 400,000 1918 236,681 421,293 'v-e-----------, Stop 14 Comedy -- Church Street This is the place, to taming, intellectual and THE PA§TIME THEATRE Vie ‘Supply Your Needs i Beach Boot Store _ " "hl "" . " WM yN1EBti8t1 #1.. * - - " m I a ' " “a R ;-;. H _ lg v». . MN M a: he; = " ' m e a - me 's . _ lg My wal Img he- idl Mef% an , , " " - ' - o iq . . "EMT? a; Also Lawns Prints Embroideries C Men's Fine Trip) (cpNNAirdiiiir Tuesday and Wednesday, June VIRGINIA PEARSON in "QUEE SUNSHINE COMEDY~“TIGI Prices: 10c and 15c. War Ta Wednesday, Thursday, J EDNA GOODRICH in Episode 3-"FIGHT FO WAtijypiiirjiiiijg rices: 10c and'15c. War T 7M. FARNUM in omedy---MUTT g Episode 7 Tuesday and Monday, Tuesday, June 9 aid 10 SEE PROGRAMME FOR LIST OF EVENTS Also "Home of the Friday NEW TORONTO sell Dr. Scho1ys Foot Ease Dry Goods and Smallwares :NUM in "WHEN A MAN SEES RED" MUTT AND JEFF in “EFFICIENCY†lay and Saturday, June 6th and 7th TOM 11r?r_in "ACE HIGH" to spend a pleasant evening, nd educational. "The 'tnnts Cottons Hosiery I :s Overalls Working Pants Fine and Working Shirts We _aim to please. Big V. Comedy PHONE NO. 23 Wednesday, June 4th ""------. Store that Pleases." A "L1GrrrNiiidTG"iioERs,, Great Star Productions" y, June 4th and 5th I in "QUEEN X." FOR MILLIONS" WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4TH. ', June 10th and 11th QUEEN OF HEARTS" J'TIGHT SQUEEZE" Var Tax Extra. Tax Extra. IATION FIELD onnaught Hall, Super- n. to 5.30 p.m., 7.30 to r special appointments 1n hootwerr 4 RM LIEU ill,', Mimico Beach It is enter- Mimico Avenue aces i, 1919. E3.) iii: