tiT: I VOLUME xx.-NO. 49 Saturday, July 19th A Public Holiday . TOWN Ji; HEWESTON J. H. TAYLOR, Clerk Dated at Weston this 14th day of July, 1919. In ",4'ccor'divith the Proclamation Issued by His Majesty King George V., I hereby proclaim Weitoh Branch All citizens are requested to observe this holiday and govern q themselves accordingly. ' J. M. GARDHOUSE, Acting Mayor _ of the Town. Get the habit---buy your I CANDIES AND CONFECTIONERY Nothing like a good Soda. You get the best here PROCLAMATION INCH-- Cut-Rate Druggist THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE A SAFE PLACE FOR SAVINGS I " KNtrliRNEmi "t _ 01% "‘ ff. 5.1M" ' " 2 A " I " _ . st.', t \ N A v R8 'tt \' 6t a. g . ' I , pk k l _ tC..',? . ~ ?j 93“â€: Lt At r' 'C,,' “p.15: ‘ y 'irit,rltjiii8iicil'i5 o . WEt W lkC5c.; (l v , Telephone 53, House 338. Sunday Hours 3-5. 8-9. CAPITAL PAID UP . $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND . . $15,000,000 Tr is as necessary to select a safe place for your savings as it is to save, yet few give this matter mach thought, and many lose their savings because of ignorance or carelessness in this respect. For over fifty years The Canadian Bank of Commerce has been serv- ing the people of Canada in in- creasingly large measure, until at the present time it has over 470 branches providing complete bank- ing facilities in all parts of the country. JUST TRY ONE in our store. B. Millir,M lanager 311 he iiii,.ittpt.,,ti,i,,i,i,irj,iliaitte TOWN TOPICS The regular meeting of the Weston Council was held on Monday night. In the absence ot the Mayor, the Reeve, J. M. Gardhouse, presided over the meeting. On account of another meet- ing he‘d the ("ouncil meeting was late in starting. There was a lot of cor- respondence and it was nearly ten o'clock before the Council got under- waydor a big night. Several plans were received and approved of by the Council for subdivisions. Mr. Par- sons asked for the. approval on re- turning to farm lands some 30 acres that was subdivided. This is situated on the 3rd line and at present the taxes amount to some $200. As the land_is worked as farm land they feel that they should pay taxes as such. The approval was granted. WESTON COUNCIL AFTER BIGGER INCOME', Dr. 11'win asked for the appo‘val of his subdivision in Mount Dennis by what is called Victory Park. This was granted. . The final plan for the subdividing of the Verral property was passed at the meeting last night. This will be gone ahead with/at once. Mr. Calhoun was at the council meeting asking for the band instru- ment that has not Been returned. Mr. Sainsbury will see the man in Toronto and have it returned at once. The Clerk has written to him but no no- tice has been taken of the letter. Mr. Flynn also asked on behalf of the band that they give them permit sion to change one of their horns. They have a flat comet and want in its place a flat alto. The change will be made. be made. The band are contemplating hold- ing a band concert in the town park on Saturday evening and they asked the Council to meet all the expenses in advertising this concert it held. They propose having one of the local choirs assist in the program. The CounCIl consented to' bear the expense and will look forward to the concert. The band will go ahead and make ar- rangements for Saturday night. If everythingscan be arranged the band will hold the concert. Be on the look- out tor the posters. A deputation from the Fair Board was present. Mr. T. Griffith present- ed their request. It was that the Town Council give them permission to erect an office building, make cer- tain improvements to the-entrance and have some of the grounds levelled tor the tents. They asked that these buildings remain the property of the Fair Board. This request was granted and the Council were pleased to as- sist. In the presentation, Mr. Pearen was called upon to say a word. He stated that the-Horticultural Society expected to do some work in the way ot beautifying the' grounds. This, however, would not be considered utr- til Mr. Moore. ot Victoria Park, Niag- ara Falls, had come. over and (looked the park oirer. The idea is that such improvement as will be made will only be the basis toy still greater work that wilrbe followed up from year to year. These plans will be looked for with with considerable interest by all the considerable interest by all the citi- zens of the town. _ Mr, Wright introduced a motion that raised a lot (of talk. It was that the Clerk be, instructed to prepare a By-law that all plumbersrdoing work in the town from outside of the town be forced to pay a license fee of $5.00 per year. Some of the Council thought that they should charge. all While oth- ers thought that it should be Just those outside of the town. The reason for bringing up this motion was that our. plumbers have to pay this license be- fore they can do a. job in any of the other places around here. They thought that the town was too lax.Th,,is opened up the whole question of per- sons from the outside entering into the town and not paying any taxes at all. Mr. R. J. Bull, speaking to the question, intimated that this was one of the best things that the Coun- cil had taken up for a long time. If -there was a license placed upon to- baccos, plumbers and others, who are not paying any tax now, 'it would mean $1,000 a year more for our trear. ury. The Clerk will prepare a By-law for the next meeting to cover all these items and the whole matter will be discussed. Mr. Crook’s request for two weeks' holidays was granted. Sergt. Haxby, of St. John's Road, was present and protested against the stand operated in Weston at the corner of St. John's Road and the Weston Road by Mackay and Nickle. He claimed that they should not be permitted to open there and sell at all hours while he was making money elsewhere. He claimed that they were taking away his living. This question resolved itself into, was the building erected with the permission of the Council. As it was the Council could do nothing. These persons are citizens of Weston and as such have the right to open up the store here. It was not thought that they had any right to keep open on Sunday. This matter will be looked into by the constable and if they have no right to keep open, the constable will order them to close on Sunday. In the matter regards the drain that the solicitors for Miss Bull claims was not done properly and causes the water to back up in the cellar of one of her houses, the Council did noth- ing. They consider that there was no damage done other than that caused by the exceptional rain tall. The letter from the West York Baseball League was laid on the table. They were looking for certain monies from the Town to reimburse them for their outlay on the grounds. They tried to show that the onus of leav- ing the Weston grounds were on the Lacrosse Club. This, ft was felt by all was not the case as the Council did everything they could to assist the league but that they desired to go to Weston The local lacrosse club have spent money on the grounds and are not in a position to make any grant to the baseball fellows. In the matter of the Bell Tele- phone rates, the committee appointed will keep in touch 'with the matter and WEST YORKS NEWSY WEEKLY \YEDNESDAY, JULY 16TH, 1919 be ready at the hearing to give their version of the reasons w,hy the Com- pany should not introduce the new rates. T The question of Weston withdrawing from York County was spoken of by Councillor Totten. He pointed out that Weston was paying out some $12,000 to the County and that they did not get any benefit from it. He cited the big amount used for roads. In doing so he stated that we are not getting value tor what we pay. This was not the feeling of the majority of the Council. They all felt that while the sum was large and on the face the benefit looked small still there was a lot of benefit derived from this organized co-operation ot the County. The next returned hero reception will not' take place till all the returned boys are home. This was the decision of the Council. They also decided that Saturday would be proclaimed a public holiday in Weston and instruc- tions were given to advertize the same. manager of the railway in referent: to the ten minute service and the road. Each had received the promise that something would be done. This did not satisfy Councillor Wright. He wanted no trainers. It was a ten- minute service that is wanted. The latest promise is that now that the legislation in regards the taking over of these roads has passed and the grants made Mr. Hanna. will have his men look the road over for the swit- ches. It requires patience when you are dealing with these men. The Council are in hopes that he will see to it at once. It was announced that on Saturday July the 24th, the Weston market would be opened tor the season. This will be received with considerable joy in some quarters. Last year there was a good business done in this way. Let everyone keep the date in mind. V -se was ruorted that the Mayor, the Reeve and' the solicitor had at differs ent times interviewed Mr. Hanna, the Thé questio-n ot opening John Street right through was discussed for some time and left over till the next meet- ing. IVhat is wanted to wake up the whole Railway Company to our needs‘ in this section is a, little action. As long as one or two make up a, dele-' gation to these men in charge they" can be put off. alt is when they once realize that these men represent some big interest and have the whole of the people behind them that they take no- ice.' Now if we are to get a ten min- ute service on this line there must be a whole-hearted appeal from ‘every one in this section. (Every organiza- tion shoulld prepisri"Its petition., Eve ery council ought‘to see that a reso- lution' is passed and forwarded _ to the management and the Railway Board: This will show those in charge that they will have to takenotice and act. This is a matter that interests everyone and as such.should have consideration from all. Do wharyou can to help. The sacred memorial and decoration services to be held under the direction of the Horticultural Society will take place on Sunday, August glst.' In the morning each church will have their own service which will be in harmony with the occasion. In the evening at 7 o'clock a. union out door meeting will be held. It may seem that We do contribute a lot of money into the Treasury of York County. This may at first sight seem to be a, needless expenditure. As you look into the detail you will, how- ever, realize that tor the development of the whole country the county sys- tem must be adherd too. It is the case of the strong helping the weak- er. Where would our roads be to-day if we did not have the county 'to un- dertake them? Where would the de- velopment that has taken place in York be if the County had not built the bridges, looked: After the general school interest and other detail? It Was the county that enabled you to walk. They carry you through your tender years. We in turn ought to be willing to take part and be a. part in the development of our own county. We must be willing to do our part in the building up. “THY LEAVE THE COUNTY? ACTION COUNTS NEAT LIBERAL LEADER OPENS HIS CAVPAIGN Weston Town Hall on Friday af- ternoon was the scene of H. H. Dew- art's, the newly appointed Liberal leader, initial utterance since his ac- ceptance of the position. It was the oc- casion of the meeting of the West York Riding Convention. ‘~A fairly good meeting was held with many representatives present. G. w. Verral, President of the Association, presided. On the platform there were the Lead- er, Frank Benton, Major Streight, IV. T. It. Preston and Mrs. Kelly. James Culnan. Secretary, was also present and read the previous meeting's min- utes. The purpose of the meeting was to elect delegates to attend the Liberal Convention to be held in Ottawa next month. Major Straight, James Cul- nan and Miss A. McNair were the representatives selected. Mr. Geo. Verral, Dr. J, W. Woods and Sarah Pearse were the substitutes of the above. This over the, chairman, in a very neat little speech, welcomed the new Leader home as he termed it. He recalled that Mr. Dewart started in West York as a boy and he was now opening his campaign as Leader here. The new Leader, in his opening re- marks, showed that he was right up on his toes. With his usual fine, style and great flow of language, he carried his audience from point to point He impressed upon all present the fact that now that the war was over there. must be a reckoning. Dur- ing the war many things had been done that would not be passed over by the people. He recited the tem- perance legislation, the Meredith in- vestigation, the nickel question all in full detail. He went after all with- cut gloves and gave his version in fine eloquent style. Many were the cheers that greeted him from those present. Mr. Preston also spoke at some length on the working of the government which was well received. The speeches made by Mrs. Kelly and Major Streight were very interesting and closely followed by all. All went home with a feeling that there would be big doings under the new Leader of the party. ‘ TAXICAB DRIVER was BEATEN AND ROBBED The county police are on the watch for two young men who assaulted and robbed Mike Magnalcc, 12 Clinton St, on the Weston Road, about midnight last night. Magnacc is in the Western- Hospital with a, fractured skull. " Two men at the Union Station en- baged Mike Magnacc to drive them out to the corner of Davenport Road and Lansdowne Ave, but upon reach- ing there they told him to drive to Mount Dennis, which he did. After tur'ning down Eglinton Avenue, when opposite the Humber Flats, the two men assaulted him at1d-bpatlip1 up very badly, also robbed him ot thirty dollars and got away. Mr. Spence found him lying in an unconscious state in the road and with the help of Mr. Raney removed him to Dri, Sproule's, who at once had the injured man removed. to the Western Hospital, where an operation was performed on him for a fractured skull. Latest re- ports are that he is doing as well as can be expected. On Friday night the directors of the Weston, York and Etobicoke Ag- ricultural and Arts Society held a good meeting. Reports were received. It was decided to abandon the usual first day programme for schooLchiI- dren and replace it with something else. Interest in this day has been poor the last two years. A strong committee was appointed to arrange for something big on this first day. The management committee will make several improvements to the grounds this year. They meet the council on Monday to get permission. It was de- cided'to,use the department judges as far as possible this year. Every- thing points to a greater Horticultural show this year at the fair. cThey’ de- cided to hold their show at the same time as the fair. This was good last year, but bigger things are looked for. The other parts will also be Just as good, if not better, than last year. FAIR BOARD DIRECI‘ORS MEET The Cruickshank Wagon Works: You can have your car CAREFULLY PAINTED, any color to suit. High Class finish. A job that looks the part, at a . ' REASONABLE CHARGE See our color samples. u “4 Phone 4113 A BUTCHER, with experience in the business, opens in Weston, i' Save the Odd Coppers on Each Pound. f CHOICE ROASTS OF BEEF, A1 quality, from 22c to 30c per lb. COOKED MEATS AND OTHER FRESH MEATS AT CITY] PRICES This machine, you will mite, is dustproof. All gears are covered. It is built to stand the wear by a firm that backs up what they say. W. G0GHRAlhllllE Main Street, Weston Daisy Tea Kettles,each ................. Clover Leaf Cups and Saucers, each ...... Fancy China Cups and Saucers, each 20c; 6 White Breakfast Plates, 2 for ............ Tea Pots, each 30c, 45c, 55c, 75c and ...... Carpet Beaters, each.................... FlowerSifters,each ..................... MopSticks,each ........................ k-String Corn Brooms, each .............. ToyBrooms,each w....................., Whisks,each p.......................... IOQuartTinPails,each n................ Tin Dishpans---10 qt. 35c, " qt. 45c, 20 qt. FryPans,each ......................... Store is at Burke's Corner, Main Street North, WESTON All parts and:service - Sutton's Special Prices WINDOW SCREENS AND DOORS, ALL SIZES GRAHAM & CARTON Screws and Door Hinges for same, complete, for 25c LOOK IT OVER 's Dundas Street, Toronto Junction Main Street, Weston, Store Coleman Block W. J. SUTTON Give us your Week End order for a trial Auto Painting The store that has the Bright Lights WATCH THIS STORE ~0m--“-â€---‘ can be had right at hand Main Street, WESTON 6 for ..........30<: ...........55c ...25cand30c ........20c ........59c ........15c 15cand25c Phone 292 . .35c . .20c $1.00 . .25c 95c 25c 15c