lh BQ Eggs: 32$; 3% MOVIE PR0tlRhrils FOR THIS WEEK V,T1;1e. infierior is shown! .It operatioris of where the um tleeced.) _ By deins of the turning of tables and drovaasle walls, an innocent look- ing .eal estate office is transformed int' a, 'rharuipoo1t." There the strang- 'e is invited to get someweasy mon- fi." _The appeal seldom fails to work. -rtatrtar Lyttte, a private banker, is fhis dupe.. He loses his own fortune and; that of his depositors, including the savings of the father of his fian- trys,,to the syndicate. His fiancee, a part cleverly played by Fritzi Brun- matte» vows vengeance and becomes a membor of the swinqling band to ac- AomNish her ends. q The story might have been based {upon wt,i,lze ievelations of Barney Bert- byti, theeryan brothers and others mrho have/figuredxin sensational trials against pcbuce officials of Chicago. ‘I'Tlge ingerior of a. wire-tapper’s nest is shown. .It is one of the centres of ober‘atioris of a syndicate pt' crooks where tire unsuspecting are led to be _“If /'Fsware of Strangers," the film Vshowin‘g at the Pastime this week, had vheen produced a few years ago, there perhaps would be many a richer and Wiser person in Chicago 'to-day. 1,t Meanwhile the head of the band, a palitiaken by Thomas Santachi, is be- mg watched by the federal authorities Hume are aided by the swindler's own daughter, personified try Bessie Byton. "Lyttlez, played by Ed Coxen, edge Joins the "ring," and, with Bertha Gibson, participate in the various forms of srir_1arrr1g,Tmpftn in Chi- cago before'the event of Mr. Hoyne. 'such. as trapping a trusting and af- fectionate‘millionaire in a compro- mising position, crairvoyancy and so on. _ . _ Gilson 'Willeta, author of the play, handles the delicate situations clever- 1f and without offense Cen to the most particular. The film is a Selig picture, directed by Colin Campbell., BIG SAND STORM No? Then you' have no idea just ‘f’i’hat it means to be far,out on the sand, away from _habi,tation, away from drinking water,' and have blind- prrrir partitples1'of sand beat raeratiesssly lipon you. 'You. can't conceive the effect of one of:these terrible storms of; the human mind and body. _- William Fox gives you a, realistic The climax comes after a pariicu- larlybig "haul" with the raiding of the richly furnished den of the swind- Jem and a battle with the police, in which ‘the flashing of revolver shots tidnish the only light. _' _ . Have you‘ever been in a sand storm in the desert? “BE‘VARE, OF STRANGERS†IN ALADDIN PICTURE F _ . , _ = :5 TBK" MP e I " ~ *" Mt Ir _ _ ‘ ' tn I I lk . " “f N O \ m rm ‘ F , “+0., 3" ., 'r q * Nflt c, l H K. _ " In. .rqb. - - M ' . I r . M " . y _m ' - r5 " I BRh . ab ' ‘ w: .3 I; , _ -hN B an M' a?†lb . w i; 5,, , Bt ilalh li, la, ' - '% . my ' BSI " m" A. Ir I I TM B' . , ~. ' , g tr I: ' ' au, Bg , _ . ' 'ill 1c.U'r" it " q " V ‘ C - .c, I I .. _ , l g V " I = f _ " . 'l +3 M 1?} Rt Nit . , a) ' ' , its: __ I . I, g» J. " l , . " . _ a. _ r " c ' Nt " D, 11.90 . A , 'l " y I = _ - _ T, _ ..- H . j Thr I - ' . Y td "Ping. .1: tll _ NM . i, R Th BE *9: . Bt 4, B, te - Fl H. _ ' uh 'r" , _ . t + _ ttedudtibn oif Cata1ogPrieeg Alda Bori Braslau Calvé Caruso Clement Cortot Culp DeGogorza Any "His Migter's Voice" dealer anywhere will gladly play Berliner Gram-o-phone Co.,Limited,Montreal r123 23RD, 1919 10cirrch side $1.25 i _ ', _ “1241143173 size $2.00 , l CioncertedNum1sers $/1.25 to $3.50 A " [$8.00 Records now priced $3.501 \ h 7.00 V 'f _' " " 3.00 I (SAME 6.00 " " " 2.50 >5??? 5.00 T " " " 2.001 U:".) . _ 3.50 a . " ' _ " 2.00] _ - 2.50 " " " 1.25 Masterpieces of, tht Woru's Music by the Worldvk Greatest Artists now placed wiialzin the reach of all. These popular prices apply to all records made by . the following exclusive "His Master's Voice" Artists: De Luca Homer Ruffo, . Desftinn Journet Sainmarco [an T Eames . Melba SchumanrrHeink é Elman Kreisler Scotti so Farrar Kubelik Sembrich 1ent Galli-Curci Martinelli Tetrazzini :ot Garrison McCormack Whitehill I Gluck Paderewski Witherspoon oqorza Heifetz Powell Zimbaligt ’. T " 'giBlmiW.h1,'92B8%S85. “an G, , aigiglgigW,ttisi', i','GsWdl? 9 aliiiBggtaW, - f», m k't; r I r .4. rrggi5Weh'g I. Mg V, _ P. = 'ttiiriil 5:737 _ v32; ' iNWrg' 't f.’ _thaliB, "t_:Bszee g.ra"tr'iiMiiiii? a: wr MtlEar, 'Fat.?..' . ' rim. “rim _ _ J ' a 57'; 'Pr=u7-kret 'dtl8g5E ltr Rat, ' r,T' 'att' "LCr; v-c-s-cies' :"iSitamBliif , - _ 'a-si-ttmai-ie., De Luca Desftinn Eames Elman Farrar Galli-Curci Garrison Gluck Heifetz picture of one of these storms in his beautiful and thrilling motion pic- ture, "Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp," at the Connaught July 25 and When you consider that this 'par- ticular storm was manufactured in California. you will realize to what heights the motion picture industry has gone. I This scene is not the only one that will make famous Mr. Fox's "Aladdin and the Wonderful 'Lamp.†There are many'more in this film version of that age-old story. The game, for instance. Have you ever pictured the. ugly genie that does what the pos- sessor of the wonderful wishing lamp commands him to do. 26th And, moreover, this genie does not walk into the picture. He arists from nowhere and return to nowhere. It is a magic picture of a. magic story. fa Tom Mix, the William Fox sthr who ranks foremost as a portrayal“ 9f dra- matic Western roles and is the screen's greatest dare-devil, will be.seen in an entirely new character in “Mr. Logan. U.S.A.", which will be shown for the first iime at the Connaught, July 29 and 30 The role that the intrepid Mix plays .in this newesst,Fox production is 11if- ferent from those that he has most recently apbeur,ed in, but the action Still takesplace in, the great West., "'M1YL6tran., U.S.A.," showsdhe ih-. ner Workings of the Secret Service against the activities of the great Ger- maispy plot to. cripple thegreat war industries ,of the United States. Jt tells ot \the work of thvo (Germans, os- tensibly affiliated with, a renegade labor organization; who try to cause a strike in ,one of the great tungsten mines which the War Department is, depending upoti,tiss a source fOr ma- terial for its mighty guns. DARE-DEVIL OF GREEN IN SECRET SERVICE PLAY Mix’s‘portrayal’ of ‘William Logan, the secret service mah, will keep one in suspense, throughout the picture. The photo‘play , abounds ip/patriotic th‘rills and a real Love story that en. gages oue's'sympia,thies for the man who is unable to justify himsel in the eyes of his, sweetheart untril‘ the 1211- expected finale. . ) F 'i"i/i,tu.I):,'i'ijiffi any music you wish to hear. IFollowers of the new Wtagraph ser: ial', “Perils of Thunder Mountain," will be interested in learning that the sixth episode of this sensational chapter- play Will be seen at the Beaver July 35 and 26. The episode. deals with the hero's discovery bt a secret tun- net which leadS'to a hidden gold mine. No serial to appeal completely to a young boy's imagination could be without tunnels or gold mines. There- fore this episode will undoubtedly prove especially attractive to the younger generatidt1--a feature which does not at all nullify the fascination the serial is exerting on their relaxa- tion-seeidng; elders. This picture gives Salisbury an op- portunity tor what might well be termed a portrayal of dual roles, so widely different are the characters of Tony Vallero, the slinging Italian im- migrant who' models in clay in New York, and the Tony Vallero of a year later, after the virile atmosphere of the1West has changed him" into a swashbuckling, dashing cattle baron. Tony's lifelong ambition has been to save enough money to go West and buy a cattle ranch. The day before he leaves, with $2,000 laboriously sav- ed American dollars in his pocket, Tony befriends a little newsie of the Italian Quarter, adopts the boy into htsuHections and takes him Nvest. “THE SLEEPING LION" AT THE UAK\VOOD JULY 24, rr While big Tony develops into a powerful fighting man, the boy be- comes strong and rugged. Life . in the‘West. however, is a. long series of obstacles. ' q-r , T Tony makes a friend of Col; Bo- havney, st/sterling old fighter, to whom he owes his instruction,in the ways of the West. _ r', Although Tony has promised to marsy Carlotta,' an Italian girl, back in New York; there comes into his life Katie Billings, played by Rhea Mit- che 1, daughter of the owner of ‘the Royal saloon and hotel, a girl who is both angel and imp. ‘According to the environment in which, she has spent her life, Kate Billings admires, "most of anything else Jrrure fighting strength in a. man. The story of "The Sleeping Lion†is replete with thrills and incidents of l most absorbing na- ture. . ‘1 _ BIG BREEDING FIELD _ 'One, hundred Vpedigree~ Frieslands recently aiyized $175,000 at an auc- tion sale in South Africa. The high- est individual figure, $11,500, for a young Soilt’h African bred bull,' is a rele6,rd there.' This stock, of Nether: lands ancestry, is being ussed_to breed Frieslands for export to Holland and devastated, Enrope, opening up' great possibilities for , a, Unidn pédigree stock tre/ding industry. _ _ _ [ SERIAL AT THE BEAVER FOR AmICAN ’STOCK 19194-501 26 PA. " ti If ydur ear could tell you when it felt ill you wouldn't be apt to run it until engine trouble or some other failing rendered it helpless." With the great dangers always at hand every part of your car should be in A1 condition. [ t - - - ----------"-' 'r---------------- l road., _ , l I _ Old Cars Bought anti Sold â€rm W134? V C.,';?:?..:),',"::,',':,';:,";'-' Mi, RatMP, b"h'tedE . â€an: may; 'fiitl3t'itP, WV _ w. Fm II. 1'éit,':5.t,'iir7.r'::':.((ij.:i 'swit â€if: ( iiitigiluh-:alll. .."grifirseciaMn'iii:'ii"/, at. ": I 1aF,tiRr:3s'.,lii' iiirs'iggii ilt5t'j"'i'c'i'ii'itk" _ .9 (ri:,:.,,))',...".""":,'.".;':-",.:-.'.,.':;.,'-"' 'r"rr.Ti'..!iii:. ,.‘ - . w“ H'WVE: a, 'iiiiii .ti..i:!iisi,iaiiii: ' 'll9 a??? 'i"i'7r'iagih illllri.:ts':,i'ii',,i".:'?'si IF CIE; 2 giiSilgll5it i'tEgElBi&ifs'iii') . , TF'" 'ar, 'iimmig%it%lhriilll2'i" . a v y Rr.w,,% B b"'retle,%i8RgiiNtl I â€w fwd" ariireli' BNiy. / N _ ‘ - I; v V _ . .W 1e,5riatam ng ALL READY Main Street The Wegmn Gartige .. " tw, 'riiii'i'iCitllll,'1 'i:ijiiii'i"ii'i'#lll, Phone 361 is still running the Cartage and Express Truck. During his hospital treatment the truck will b efficient hands. All orders taken as before. Phone City Main 3549 I Weston MA. Toronto Office: 159 Church St. or 22 Cobalt St., Mt.' s,,rjiti 'jii,iti))1f(t; NiEi ' 'ietiita ' ‘ fy1' 1ryftlisli,rsr C???, 72a ',nrg,ri ?icf,riit:-'i,it?:.5'iy' et uer1NSPECT YOUR CAR and make sure it is ready for the BRING YOUR LAWN MOWERS HERE FOR SHARPENING AND ADJUSTMENTS Saws Filed and Gummed Old WheelsrRepaired and made to run like new CCM. Cleveland Bicycles _ W m5 triii-'ifi4iaR5N d. w iiiir7.??Ctaruu'i' 'ji'l'iiiiiglt,ta,biti.ii,'ii'i T CAE WMt 't - , " 35:55:- 'ifllgilNllll-ii8iFW'c' , draw-$91555 ir@mit 'ia-l-fi-RNS Jlii%Eltalillt {a I Mrge,N1R1 l _ ' wwwm I // alrt'htiaiiii m.“ 'i,iij,i,tib"'i,i, _'i'l",eMii:.ii'tij'ilii,i,."i'i,"' Ft _ Jti "glRiigtri,,ii'i'ticii) 'su-,), 'l'i'dy2%ia':ii'r:"'iit' k i) RUSSELL LA ROSE . M. WHETE Opposite the Post Office Gasoline Engines Repaired What ', About _ Your Car l? Win] It Stand the' Test l r" Mairi Street 'North Mt. 'Dennis Big Line of" Summef â€Shirts, L / Collars, Ties. and Hats . V l Special redudion in Straw _ M Hats. l See them. _ _ u â€mmowo‘mmooomm Th MI . . I I Y, .41 n; tt I " "if .1 r .. F, t ti, Electrical 1virirrg"requircs considerable experience. It is' necessary that you get only the best workmen to do your work. It is dangerous to have it skimped. You can rest assured that the estimates given to you at our shop includes only the best and protects yoia/ ' _' â€g y cu can get ment here at jrust stit OUR DISPLAY OF GEp'riy.FirRNrsH1NGti. Main Street Are you paid in advance. The People's Shoe Store h? Machnnes ms. REPAIRING done promptly - ' _ SALE ON . C {CU lines in Canvas Oxfbrds, Bals and Pumps FLEET FOOT GOODS _ In all styles, Pumps, Oxfords Bals / SMART STEP FOOTWEAR Canvas Oxfords, sport heels, leather soles, also Sport Boots with high tops. SCHOOL SHOES Special line of girls' SCHOOL dXFORDs _ Electrical Engineers ayl Contractors ;Main Street, Weston, Phone 271 sri"J"ip"trr,, r... N h' . i Q i rir,iii:.iiiiiil,tr.t,,s,..,t,,,, it "it "l?,; o' _': HAM V " '.c :i?ir.'p'iii?FW':rit.'/i.iy.t 9 of ...§... HENDERSON'S your Fixtures and wholerElectrical Equip as good prices as in Toronto. Try us. one, two, three, burners and ovens: , 'dr" ll th I . " H RI it “I ‘ a; - M 'L " Ill ba! E ' A E MI â€.4. .n, V .1 u b' I 45% as: rr, i " Ill , '"": o li) 'lg . tl .. .4. . $l , 'Ll h†Hardware W a Il0 . , a t a :2 f'. I t 6.3-. Iiili, M ht is"? PHONE 16, WESTON and satisfactorily QUICK DELIVERY ItR, ___ 1'rk'r, m'szâ€"aaszmih'2:4»?2122435;with; " w y, Weston --- fig W l 'ft: 52E