pc'W. 5:41 Job Printing neatly and promptly done i j q _"',-,,';-::,,', i i by the Times & Guide Job Work; Eepartiï¬genfï¬ PAGE EIGHT Mimico and New Toronto Branches, G. W. CONN, - - - - - - Fires Break Out Head Ofrice: Montreal., OF CANADA THE MERCHANTS BANK THE PASTIME THEATRE Lake Shore Road, Phone 87 The man who neglects his car is looking for trouble and taking chances on his life and car. Employ us as your car experts and protect yourself from that trouble. Look For Trouble Carmel Coal for Fire Grates Summer Season-Four Nights a Week Electric Fans Make it Cool and Pleasant Popular Artists Produce the Latest and Best Moxie Films THE g BEAVER GARAGE Star Cast in "PARENTAGE" New Comedy Weekly Tuesday and Wednesday, August 19th and 20th "WHY THE WORLD FORGOT" HEDDA NOVA and J. FRANK GLENDON Episode "-"FIGHT FOR MILLIONS" "A NYMPH OF THE FOOTHILLS" Epiisode 13-"FIGHT FOR MILLIONS" Friday and Saturday, August 15th and 16th Prices: 10c and 15c. War Tax Extra. J. LOUDEN BEST QUALITY HARD COAL Church St. and G.T.R. Subway Order by Phone Local Phone, New Toronto 15 City Phone, Parkdale 475 AND YOU WILL FIND IT Put it in The Merchants Bank," where it will be safe from lossy-- always available-and earn interest at highest current rates. and thieves break in. Don’t risk the first, or invite the second, by keeping money in the house. Wednesday, August 13th GLADYS LESLIE NEW TORONTO MIMICO BRANCH [NEE BUM. (Ill, (All sizes) LIMITED Established 1864, New Toronto Heating Coke Manager. - Miss Bertha Gordon, of Montreal, who has been visiting Mrs. Jas. Free, of Victor Ave., for the past two weeks will return to her home on Saturday. Rumors of a civic welcome, for Mimico’s war veterans have been whispered about for some time and now definite plans are being formed by the Town Council. The date tor the celebration has been set for Satur- day, Aug. 23rd, and an open meeting to discuss plans has been called for Thursday evening, Aug. 14th, at 8 p. m. in the Public Library. All rate,- payers are requested to be present and suggestions will be gratefully received by the Council. On Friday, August 7th, occured the death of Mrs. Joshua Walford at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Lubbock, Victor Ave., Mimico. Mrs. Walford, was the widow of the late Joshua Walford, who was well known in Mimico and who died two years and a half ago. Mrs. Walford was born in Leeds, Eng., in 1840 and came to Toronto seventy years ago where she lived until the past few years, when she lived in Mimico. Mrs. Wal- ford is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Lubbock, of Mimico, Mrs. Hep- ton, of Toronto, and a son, Mr. Jno. Walford, of Goodwood, Ont. The funeral was on Monday afternoon from the home of Mrs. Lubbock to Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. Many beautiful wreaths of flowers bore tribute to the esteem in which Mrs. Walford was held. Announce that their office, Connaught Hall, Superior, Avenue, Mimico, will be open daily from 9 a.m. . to 6 p.m. evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. Special attention given to children, City office Euclid ‘and Bloor, Coll. 4 5 3 6. Rev. Mr. MacKenzie and family have returned from a. summer vaca- tion at Beaverton, Ont. Mrs. Keezee,iot New Toronto, was quite badly hurt when the automobile in which she was driving last Satur- day was run into by a, motor being driven in the opposite direction. The car in which Mrs. Keezee was riding was driven by her brother, Ex-Private W. McCrimmon, who was driving slowly toward Toronto along the High- way. A car travelling west tried to pass between a car going in the same direction and Mr. McCrimmon’s car. The driver apparently lost control at the critical moment and crashed into Mr. MeCrimmon's car. Both machines were badly smashed. Mrs. Keezee is Regent of the Union Jack Chapter of the I.0.D.E. and is well known in Mimico. Card of Thanks Mrs. Lubbock and Mrs. Hepton wish to express their thanks to numerous Mr. Carol Hele is spending a week’s vacation at Honey Harbour. Dr. P. J. Watson (irDr.VV. M. McKay Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Johnston, Heath- er Ave, were pleasantly reminded of the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding, August 8th, when relatives from Weston visited them and pre- sented‘the happy couple with several handsome silver presents. A very pretty little wedding took place in Christ Church, Mimico, on Monday, August 4th, when Mr. Ralph Burnette Gillmour and Miss Grace Evelyn McKindner. second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McKinder, Wes- ley St., Mimico, were united in mar- riage. The bride was given away by her father and was attended by her sister, Miss Violet McKinder. The bride wore a blue travelling suit and carried Ophelia Roses. After the ceremony the bride and groom were tendered a wedding breakfast at the home of the bride's parents. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Gill- mour, Sn, Mr. and Mrs. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Jensen, of Toronto, Miss Margaret Balfour, North Toronto, Mr. Bert Hadley and Miss Violet McKind- er. After a two weeks' honeymoon in Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Gillmour will take up their residence in North To- ronto. . Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Briggs have re- turned from Point Balster. Mrs. A. Herod returned from the Western Hospital on Sunday morning. Mrs. J. A. Taylor has returned from Point Bolster. Mr..and Mrs. John Harrison have returned from Lindsay. Mrs. Stimson and family are visit- ing in Parry Sound. Rev. ll. O. Tremainé, with Mrs. Tremaine and Miss Helen Tremaine, have returned from Nova Scotia. Mrs. Sarsén and Miss Ena Sarson are visiting in Sarnia. Mrs. Obra Warner and family, of Brampton, are visiting Mrs. Warner, Cavell Ave. Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Woods will re- turn Wednesday from a trip down the St. Lawrence. Miss Sarah Hele and Miss Janet Skelton have returned from a two weeks' visit at Honey Harbour. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Burroughs, of Mimico, announce the engagement of their daughter, Edith May, to Mr. Jesse Hatton, of Buffalo. The mar- riage will take place the end of Aug- ust. MIMICO Mr. ,Calvert sold his bungalow on Fifth Street and is now beginning an- other one. Keeth‘s Ltd. are progress- ing with their houses and very nice they look. The two frame houses at the corner of Morrison and Fourth Streets were sold last week, also the Our welcome to our own returned men was postponed to Labor Day and we all want that welcome to be hearty and of the best. Our clerk ot the Council, Mr. Millard, J.P., called a meeting of the ratepayers for last Tuesday, the 29th of July, to arrange the form of the entertainment. It is very disappointing to have to report that the people responded so poorly, only 14 being present. Naturally, this was disappointing and discouraging to Mr. Millard, but a soldier's spirit is never daunted and he determined to make the Field Day a success if he had to do it single-handed. He has been most energetic and canvassed ev- erywhere for support in every way. Committees have been formed to look after the. different items and now we can look forward to a day of pleasure and entertainment on Sept. lst (Labor Day) which will be unequalled. Prizes will be given and all kinds ot sports indulged in and it is up to every one to appreciate Mr. Millard's efforts and be present with plenty of energy to indulge in sport and plenty of money to help the cause. Mr. Wallis, of Toronto, opened a new butcher store on Saturday in temporary premises between 5th and 6th Streets. By the end of the week, he hopes to begin his building opera- tions, a block . of two stores with apartment above, next to Mr. Wilson's Drug Store. Our new gent's furnish- ing store is ready for business, also the hardware store. It is to be hoped that all these new comers will be pat- ronized by the local people. It we do not circulate our money in our own home town we shall never make it prosperous. We have an enterprising Council, who do their utmost for the coming town and a Reeve who gives all his time for the benefit of his mun- icipality and we, ratepayers, ought to bear our share and this is one way we l can dot it. Buy at home. _ ( It might be here stated that the prizes given at the Connayght lodge picnic, which was so successfully held on the holiday, were all donated by friends of the lodge. There were 20 gallons of ice cream, 40 gal. of lemon- ade and 40 doz.,of pop consumed at the picnic. It is well that it was not any stronger. Mr. R. IE. Marrett, who is building on Struther St., discovered a sack con- taining eleven pairs of ladies' shoes whilst digging on his lot. Realizing that the shoes had been stolen, Mr. Marrett placed the find in care of Mr. Royce, who notified the authorities. The shoes were later claimed by an agent of the G. T. R., who stated that they had been taken from a car. P. C. Meyers is endeavoring to locate the thief or thieves. Corporal Fred Bush, who recently returned from overseas with his bride, is leaving Mimico to take up his land in New Ontario, having received clear title to 164 acres near Shillington. Dr. J. R. Serson is donating a chal- lenge cup for the tug-ot-war to be held at St. Leo’s picnic on Saturday next. Mrsgalford, mother of Mrs. Wm. Lubbo ', died at the home of her daughter on Friday last. The remains were interred on Monday, the Rev. J. W. Morgan conducting the funeral service. The Temperance people of Mimico held an‘organization meeting in the Methodist Church on Tuesday evening for the purpose of arranging a cam- paign on the Referendum question. Going Ahead Fast Building in Mimico has exceeded the most sanguine expectations during the present year. The value of the build- ings erected and in the course of erection is estimated at over $300,000 in private dwellings alone. Several stores have also been erected and others are contemplated. The close proximity to the city of Toronto and the ideal situation of the t0wn over- looking the lake has induced many who were desirous of erecting a per- manent home to select Mimico for that purpose. Crescent Point is being built up with first-class homes of pretty designs and very practical layout of rooms. Mr. A. E. Brunne has built no less than six of such residences on Symon St. and is also building on the Lake Shore Road. With a little at- tention to the road bed on Symon se, this street bids fair to become one of the best in the town. Councillor Ring has alsohelped the town along con- siderably by the erection of several of the very best residences that architec- turally are an acquisition to Mimico. Those in the know say that Mimico is the finest locality within a, radius of forty miles from Toronto. With the laying down of permanet roads on the main thoroughfares, the future of Mimico is assured as a residential town and one that its residents may well be proud ot. Toronto is over crowded all ready with Exhibition visitors, who are anx- ious to see the Prince of Wales and thousands are looking for accommoda- tion. Mimico is not too tar away to take advantage of the situation and Deople with spare rooms would have no trouble in filling them if they choose to do so. Miss Eva Brdeon, Lake Crescent, has returned to Mimico after a. three weeks' visit to friends in Meaford. friends tor kindness and sympathy in their recent bereavement. It is rgqported that Mimico is to have another,)ibutcher store, another hard- ware sédre and another dry goods store it? the very near future. The Oddte11ows' picnic to Exhibition Park held on Saturday last was a suc- cessful and very enjoyable affair. NEW TORONTO Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Open Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoons Corner Seventh Street and Lake Shore Rd., New Toronto 60 Victoria Street, Toronto ’ Phones Main 4120, 4121- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Office open on Monday and Thurs- day evenings, 7 p.1n. to 10 p.m., in BANKING ROOM 0F MERCHANTS , BANK STOP 20, NEW TORONTO Toronto Office: 33 RICHMOND ST. W. E.A. Crowhurst FLORIST o. F. MONEY With the exception of the game in the Lake Shore League and those in the City Amateur League circuit, Sat- urday's local senior baseball card was not of much interest. All the senior league winners are declared with the exception of at New Toronto, where three teams are in the running. In Saturday's gamedhe Simcoes finished on top of a 3 to 2 score with Duf- ferins, but it took twelve innings to settle the issue. Lewis held Dufferins to two hits, while Simcoe made ten off Turner. Benson of the losers'caught a beautiful game. On Saturday he had a, triple amrthree singles in five attempts and scored both runs for: his team. last one on the east side of Third St. It is perhaps a forerumer of these shacks being done away with, better houses being built. These unpainted or badly kept shacks are a great blot on the landscape and Mimico is show- ing us such an example in the beauti- ful homes being erected there we do Another very serious drawback south not want our new town to be behind. of the highway, is the very many va- cant lots, which are in a deplorably bad condition. Weeds, rank grass, four and five feet high, with all sorts of rubbish reposing on them is not a credit to us. Will the Council call tor a clean up day and have these un- sightly lots cleaned up and the rub- bish cleared away. "Smith always was a. lucky chap," said a friend. It's no wonder his luck has stuck to him to the last." "Yes," said another friend. "Yes," said the first, "Smith was operated on last week for the remov- al ot a, pearl he had swallowed while eating oysters and the pearl proved to be valuable enough to pay for both the operation and the funeral." All friends of Mrs. Smart,Rusholme, Third Street, will be pleased to know of her recovery from her recent severe illness. Mrs." Smart was able to go out for a short motor drive last Sunday and soon we hope to see her quite her own self again. Horticultural Society New Toronto Are you all getting ready for the Exhibition on Sept. 13th? The time is getting shorter and all the best ef- forts must be put forth to make it the success it has to be. The posters an- nouncing it are big enough for every- one to see, so there is no excuse. Keep that date, Sept. 13th, free and work to win a prize. SIBICOES NOW HAVE EDGE IN LAKE SHORE CIRCUIT Law Office Mrs. Lovejoy is visiting at Hamil- ton, theg nest of Mr. Lovejoy's sister. Downed Buffering in Twelve Innings on Saturday-Beaches Took Fall Out of Athenaeuxns. Church St., North of Queen St. Phone Parkdale 1947. , HUMBER BAY attended to. Phone orders promptly 'HEROD 51205; o,?,.,,),,',',,',!;')??,',,',;;',',,,, 3 'igiiii'iji' 'l' iiiiii1iiCtri) f Place your orders for CUT FLOWERS PLANTS WEDDING BOUQUETS -with--. I LIKE To TALK m) ABOUT TI-HS STORE’ THE)! SELLTHE ME ATS YOURE- LOOKING- FOR W. H. MALE, BA. LAW OFFICE Phone Main 7686 3...“--- New Toronto i'-iiii'j"riLii:" Your Engine i Knock Your Car Stop 14 The Prices of Boots Are Advancing... Church Street As soon as. you hear the first knock, bring your car in here and have 1t fixed up. This is the way to avoid car troubles. STOP 14 ' . LI m » "" li' Him t " - r ' ' var-aux M . P ilk R. p. w' 'd I m» ..., “as. "rm, . . ,_ MlY ;.. S11Bi© A . . " " Note the address ... [ll(Nllllf illlSfllll.l. LLAAALTI The Highway Garage T HE CONN GOODYEAR'S ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. Eff}: Stop 21,%, Lake Shore Road I In the face of this fact , We are offering BOOTS AT THE OLD PRICES Take a walk as far as Stop 14 and,' insptct ourKévindow. We carry a stock of DRY GOODS. Friday and Saturday VIRGINIA PEARSON in “THE 1:! Episode 3--"PER1LS OF THUNDER MOU Tuesday and Wednesday, August 19 an "DANGER ZONE," MADELINE TIM Comedy, Sunshine, "SON OF A HU . H. W. Wilson _ " "JACK AND THE BEAN STALK) EVERY SATURDAY TWO BIG FAST GAMES AT 2 AND 4 RM. WAN NER BRO Prices: 10c and 15c. War Tax Extra . _ tMrLilii'i5"i1)N Twilight Baseball every Wednesday at six-thirty sharp Also Dry Goods and Smallwares DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST READY FOR ANYTHING "The Store that Pleases." Wednesday, August 13th PHONE NO. 23. WEDNE MIMICO BEACH Lake Shore Road Mimi Mimico Beach I GEE {65