Times & Guide (1909), 15 Oct 1919, p. 2

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Wa" tEtf1; 53%; . Build a Home , r31; KR" F gi' F. COOK ' Locust Avenue ELECTRICAL FIXTURES, WIRINGAND CONTRACTING Lot owners, develop your ideas of a comfortable home into a reality. I __ _ Prepare to build now. For estimates see: Phone 87 Night Address 64 Sixth Street Estimates given on all classes of electrical work. Get our quotations _ and leave the business in town. WM. E. S. SAVAGE PAGE TWO Builders! Note This , Browp's Copper & Brass Roll- ing Mill is the Pioneer and Lar- gest Mill of its Kind in Canada and is Located in New Toronto Carmel Coal for Fire Grates See Our Offers on Debentures & Bonds MACHINE AND ENGINE PATTERNS A SPECIALTY _ W. Redpath, Proprietor . 109% ADELAIDE STREET WEST C. H. Burgess (3 Company Dominion Pattern Works IHE g Patterns of Every Description in Wood, Metal or Wax IS WHAT THEY SAY TO OUR SERVICE AND THE COOK BROTHERS Alterations and Repairs a Specialty. QUALITY OF OUR LUMBER AND LAKE SHORE ROAD, MIMICO BEST QUALITY HARD COAL LIMITED Church St. and G.T.R. Subway _ Order by Pl Local Phone, New Toronto 15 City Phone, Parkdale 475 New Toronto Bank of Hamilton Building Consult us if you want good Investments E. s, WARN Write us for particulars. Place your orders ftir MIMICO BRANCH TORONTO [NEE (lflll. an! WORKMANSHIP --..-' --with-. (All sizes) Builder TRY IT! MOUNT DENNIS Heating Coke C. G. COOK 'ii'ii'tiiijii a}. 23;; 'iitfii'r The St. Margaret's Girls' Club will hold a tea and concert on Thursday evening, 16th October. This will be St. Margaret's welcome to our return- ed boys. Local talent will furnish an excellent concert programme and there will be a sketch entitled “Hir- ing Maids." The caste includes Miss- es Carpenter, D. Barrett, A. Campion, L. Janes, B. Craib, D. Grimshaw and Mr. McCullum. This club supplies the altar with flowers and helps out in the work of the church generally. The club meets once a week each member taking it in turns. A big turnout is Ire- quested on Thursday evening. Come and help in the welcome to our re- turned men and show your interest in such a worthy club. The Poisoning Case, Everyone all over the country will rejoice. at the news of the two little childtem. who were dying in Chicago Hospital of slow poisoning. They will recover. It said in the article referring to them that the doctor's were mysti- fied. Surely there is no mystery. All know that with God nothing is im- possible and the prayers of the whole country have been going up to Him to spare the lives of those two inno- cent children. This is only another convincing proof that God alone is ever our refuge and help. Medical science failed but Divine Science prov- ed itself all-powerful. We sympathize with the father over his wifes condi- tion and rejoice with him over the restoration of his little ones. President Wilson's serious illness will throw the whole American na- tion into deepest woe. We trust for their sakes that the reports are exag- gerated. Just at the present critical time with many important national problems to solve," he is badly need- ed. The same Hand who healed the little children can heal him, so let an- other "mystery" be performed and re- store President Wilson to complete health and strength. He is only wait- ing to be asked. Next Sunday will be Children's Day throughout the Dominion. Special services will be held at 2.30 p.m. in St. Margaret's Church for children. High School _ There was a slight mix-up on the High School question in last week's issue. The High School is wanted in New Toronto, Mimico has no con- tinuation classes in her school. It is a question which must be decided at once and if New Toronto lets the op- portunity slip through her fingers, then it is a disgrace to us. Educa- tion is our biggest asset tor the tu- ture and surely we are Wide-enough awake in New Toronto to realize this, not only to realize it but to materia- lize it. _ St. Margaret's Church St. Margaret's Church, New Toron- to, held Harvest Thanksgiving ser- vices on Sunday last. There Was Holy Communion at 11 o’clock. The ser- vice in the morning was taken by the Rev. H. O. Tremayne, Rector of Mimi- co, assisted by the Rev. I. Martin, Long Branch. The choir sang a spe- cial anthem, the solos being taken by Miss Carpenter and Mr. Shackelton. The evening service was conducted by Mr. Heath, the present student in charge . The sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Colgate. Oar Library A prominent member of our every day lite in New Toronto, in speaking to a. ratepayer of Mimico, was given some facts regarding the library ques- tion. They have one in Mimico and the total cost to the ratepayers was something round $400.00 and it was said with great force that they could not buy it for $15,000. It had proved of immense value to Mimico and the Carnegie Library Building Fund will come right forward and do it tor us. All that is needed tis a petition from the ratepayers to the Council. Such a petition will be available for signa- tures in the public office of the Muni- cipal Buildings from next Friday until Lovejoy and Cameron John Cameron, returned Imperial Army man, was summoned to appear before the Magistrate last Wednes- day. He appeared before Major Brun- ton and the charge was "Using insult- ing and threatening language to one Reeve Lovejoy." Mr. Cameron was remanded until Wednesday, the 15th October, in order to procure further legal advice. ' Our Library We hope our suggestion regarding the above is being thought over by some enterprising members of our Council. Perhaps the Reeve and his Council will make it a New Year's gift to us. There must be a site some- where we could have and a. library is so badly needed. The Carnegie Library. Fund Trustees will do the rest. We shall all be willing as ratepayers to support such an institution, I am sure. Let us hive this seriously taken up. The Rink Winter is coming along and our young folks are beginning to look up their skates. Last winter and all pre- vious ones, we have had to go some distance in order to enjoy our winter sport. Now, the local band can do with any amount of funds. The more funds they have on hand, the more music we shall hear and the bigger selection they will have to play from. Would it not be a. most advantageous move on the part of the Band and most beneficial to the village if the Band seriously considered'and took hold of the situation. They could pro- cure space for a. good rink, have a shelter put up to be used as a band stand, heat it with an oil stove and charge.an entrance tee sufficient to pay them. They would make money and these days money is badly need- ed. The Band would be conferring an immense amount of pleasure on New Toronto and they would benefit themselves. They could play one or two nights a week, thus giving them.. selves extra, practice and we need the rink Very badly. When young girls and boys have to go to the city to skate it means anxiety to the parents and a long journey home Yor the young folks. We appeal earnestly to New Toronto Band to take this up and set about planning-for it. Givel us a good rink and we will all back you up. , The Ladies' Auxiliary of the G.W. V. A. held an Executive. meeting last Wednesday evening. Suggestions were heard and discussed for the en- suing winter's programme. [ The next general meeting will be held at Mrs. Cameron's residence. NEW TORONTO Sunday, October 19th, Will be ob- served as children's day in Christ's Church. The eleven o'clock service will be of a special character relative to children's work and place in the church and Sunday school. Singing by the children. The parents and friends are cordially invited to at- tend this service. W. E. Baker of Wesley Church, To- ronto, in the evening. On Tuesday a concert was held in connection with the services, and an excellent musical programme listened to by an appre- ciative audience. ‘The thank offering amounted to $400. _ Harvest home services held in the Methodist Church on Sunday, Octo- ber 5th, were very inspiring. Rev. A. J. Paul of College St. Methodist Church and chairman of Toronto dis- trict, spoke in the morning, and Rev. The two boys, Stewart Flannigan, aged 17, and Harry Smith, aged 18, who escaped from the Industrial School about a week ago, were ar- rested by Detectives Crowe and Win- ters on Sunday night, as they were preparing to enter a. house on Simp- son Ave. It is believed that since their escape they have broken into se'veral houses and the charges now against them will be housebreaking and escaping from custody. When searched they had in their possession a skeleton key and several articles of jewellery which is believed to be stol- ‘ $2.67 The above figures explain them- selves and give the readers a glimpse of what constitutes the high cost of living, and how prices have inflated in that time. These articles of food could be produced by people them- selves and give the readers a glimpse of what constitutes the high cost of living, and ~how prices have inflated in that time. These articles of food could be produced by people them- selves the same to-day as in 1868, and the prices go to prove that'only a small percentage of the population are producers now to the number in olden days. On Saturday afternoon last Mrs. Aikenhead of Toronto addressed a mass meeting in the Methodist Church in the interests of the Referendum. With the growth of the section there has been created an opening tor a physician along the Lake Shore Road. Dr. H. F. Conn has taken advantage of this condition and has established himself at Stop 17, Lake Shore Road, He comes with considerable experi- ence into the district. Graduating from Toronto University in 1914, he then spent a period in the hospital, then three. years at Agincoul't and 15 months in the army has qualified trim for his entry into professional du- ties in this section, As an athletic man in college he is considered to have great ability. This will also be an acquisition, as some one who has training along these lines can do much for the young people of the town. Mrs. Conn and their little baby boy are now settled with the Doctor in their new home. Have you decided to take your share ot the Victory Loan this year? Formerly Chief Inspector, Canadian ETrin Watch Co. 1506 QUEEN sr. W., PARKDALE Seamless Issuer ot Wedding Rings Marriage License. Time has changed the situation. Farms have been deserted for the city life and industry has taken its toll of the tillers of the soil. Now see what the prices are. 1918 Prices 1peckotpotatoes,........... 750 1 large loaf of bread . . . . . . . .. 220 11b.tenderloin '.'....s...... 700 ldozen eggs ............T... 500 11b. butter......,........... 500 N. J. WATSON I.W.ROYCE 1 peck potatoes .. . . 1 large load bread . 1 lb. tenderloin . . . . 1 dozen eggs ....... 11b. butter........ Sixty years ago agriculture was the chief industry and industrial lite was nowhere. As a, result of the situation that there were more producers than consumers in the world, or at least, a greater equality between the two, prices, were easy. Take a glance at these. 1868 Prices l next Council meeting. Will alt inter- ested make a point of signing this pe- tition? p ' It is reported that a large seizure of liquor had been made at the G.T.R. yards on Tuesday morning. Constable Ford was phoned for, but as he had left tot the County Court with the four men previously arrested, another Constable had to be called and full particulars are not available. Some people don't recognize all that is involved in securing greater production by sending more people on to the land, so perhaps a few tig- ures will be illuminative. The members of the New Toronto Brass Band wish to thank, through the medium of this paper, the ladies of the Soldiers' Home Comforts and others, who gave such valuable ser- vices at the Corn Roast held by the Band on Tuesday, Sept. 23rd, last. Constable Ford arrested Mike Kor- oski, Steve Braden, Mark Ererko, all of New Toronto, for being drunk in a public place and were fined $10 and costs for being drunk in public places. doper Markoe and William Dunn, all of New Toronto, were fined $10 and costs tof being drunk i rtpublie places. J. Andy was found-in Lord's base- ment with a bottle of whiskey in his possession. He pleaded guilty to drunkenness and was fined $20 and costs. q . REAL ESTATE Office, Church Street, Mimico, Phone: Local 't8. oE'PICIA1 WATCH INSPECTOR , GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Phone Park. 4793. Open Evenings SIGNIFICANT FIGURES J EWELER MIMICO 750 220 700 500 500 24c 4c 40 30 6c 70 RAILWAY (llliltllll8,9llllilllir, " POLLS I a" NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of The Ontario Elec- tion Act 1919, Section 14, a poll will' be opened on the 16th, 17th and 18th days of thy tober, 1919, from the hours of 6 o'clock in the forenoon to 5 o’clock in the afternoon of each day at Connaught Hall, Mimico, for receiving the vote of Railway Employees whose employment is such as to necessitate their absence from their ordinary place of residence and who have reason to believe that they will be so absent upon the day fixed Ior the General Election and the Temperance Referendum, namely, October the 20th, 1919. Dated at Weston this 4th day of October, 1919. To Wit : On Seventh Street, New Toronto Visit it for satisfaction. Remember our repairs save you money. lif0T0lil BAR SUPPLY Motor Truck Express to City Teaming, etc. Wm. Gair REPAIRS A SPECIALTY A. E. STEPHENS, Proprietor A. J. Chapple 1521-23 QUEEN STREET W. Dealer in Sand and Gravel. Peter Lord runs the BIG THREE-CHAIRED BARBER SHOP and BIG BILLIARD ROOMS Phone Park. 1321--4756 Livery Cars Day and Night UNDERTAKER AND EMBALM’ER NORMAN A. CRAIG Phones : Park. 2950, Park. 1054 1255 QUEEN WEST Teaming Contractor (1 block from Sunnyside) 1500 QUEEN WEST GET THEM HERE Shoes YOU NEED A CHANGE OF The Ontario Election Act The Ontario 'Temperance. Act, 1919 Ellljlllll'l Electorate District of West York Masses, Sunday, 9 and 11 a.m. Sunday Evenings 7.30. Car Stop No. tC. Rev. G. E. Dohe.:y. Pastor. Holy Communion every sunaiw at 9 a.m. and on second Sunday each month at 11 a.m., and on Holy Days at 7.30 a.m. Morning Prayer 11 am. Sunday School 3 p.111. Evensong 7 p.m. GOD SAVE THE Thos. Beugias PARCEL DELIVERY Prompt Service at Moderate . Charge When Building Your House And provide for good draft by use of Ontario Sewer Pipe co., Limited Telephone Parkdale 377, 378 St. Leo's Church MIMICO Sunday Services, 11 a.m., 7 p.111. Sunday School, 3 p.111. Soldiers' meeting, Wednesday, at 8 Public meeting, Saturday, at.8 p.m. CAPTAIN F. M. SIBBICK Macdonnell St., Mimico Guard against fires by lining your chimney with VITRIFIED CLAY FLUES (Either square or round) sALVATION ARMY BURLINGTON ROAD MIMICO Mimico Ave., Mimieo St., Margaret's Church NEW TORONTO CHURCHES f 1ilXthilLSIOR TOP Manufactured -by R "inning Officer for Electoral District of West York. KING F. L. BULL, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBEE 11.00 a.m.--Morning service. 2.30 p.rn._urtday School. 7.00 p.m.a--Evening service. Epworth, League meeting every Monday at 8 p.m. STOP 27, LAKE SHORE ROAD Sunday Morning Services-ll o'clock. Sunday Evening Services-? o'clock. Sunday School and Bible Study, 3 pan. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 8.15 p.m. B.Y.P.U, Meeting, Wed., at 7.30 pm. E. J. Whan, Dunelle Cottage Stop 26 - Lake Shore Road Minister, Rev. E. Harold Toye, BA. Morning 11 a.m. Sabbath School and Adult Bible Class“ 3.15 p.111. t Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. Wednesday evenings. Meeting for P Siinday Services: Morning Prayer, It o'clock; Evening Prayer, 7 o’clock. Holy Communion every Sunday at ' a.m., except on lst Surdata'a month when it is celebrated at 11 o'clock. Sunday School 10 a.m. Women's Missionary and Ladies' Aid lst Tuesday ot the month at three Epworth League at 8 p.m. Monday evenings. " Young People', "Society, Monday, ' Century Methodist Church Cor. Mimico Ave. and Church St. Rev. G, J. Mackay, M.A., Minister A webcome to all. Seats tree. Sunday Services 11 a..m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School Methodist Church resbyterian Church" REV. J. W. MORGAN, MIMICO CHURCHES Christ Church Residence: LONG BRANCH CHURCHES Baptist Church R. Winter, Choirmaster Toronto Past or Mimico Avenue .ce: Lake Shore Road and 9th Street tayer, Wednesday, I Evening 7 pan. J. 3650 1919

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