Times & Guide (1909), 15 Oct 1919, p. 5

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'i' ‘ _, Mr. Irwin drarnrn, of. Niagara Falls /, , -Power Plant spent Thanksgiving holi- i'..: _'days at his home. r 'tre-tri' 'is9, :37 r}; ‘ Mr. ang, Mrs. S. R. Bews, of Milton cr n l. "qrpent the week end with Mr. and Mrs "l Arohn Dickin, Main St. ps' _r,' an " " fTr.r.rac'rC,"'rj' f Learn Wireless 3 When a woman complains of back- :ache, dizziness or g,iigf-it,1,.en, every- thing looks black fore her eyes-a dmiiiting feeling, with nervousness, she should turn to this "temperamse" herbal tonic. It can be obtained in almost every drug storeinthe land and the ingredients are printed in plain English on the wrapper. Put up in tablets or liquid. Dr. Pierce, of IEvalids' Hotel, Buffalo; N.Y.,' will sendatria1sizeofthit tablets for ten cents. , Rev. Gilbert Agar addressed the 'congregation of the Methodist Church ttt Sunday evening last in the inter- ests of the Referendum campaign. He spoke very forcibly on the reasons why, the ballots should be marked with No's A collection was also takenthterests of the cam- waign: After long experience in the treatment mf women's diseases, Dr. Pierce evolved a gamble tonic and corrective which he . ed Dr. Pieree's Favorite Prescription. 1this is a purely vegetable preparation yitglmut a particle of alcohol containea It» iireb1Uritles and as a resui't 313% Jun 1Tte,ttet': are more common than any one ut a physician in active pumice could suppose. A mistake occurred in last week's issue in the advertisement of the Wom- en's meeting to be held on Friday, Oe- tober 17th, for prayer and interces- sion on the results of the coming ref- erendum campaign. The meeting "will be held at 3 p.m. in the Method- ist Church, and will be addressed by Mrs. Annie Rutherford, l prominent ‘Worker and well known speaker along T Roads are shaping up in great style tow. With Church Street partly op- ttl, it shows what it will mean when "the whole road is completed. Get in Qine and fix up the boulevards and have everything in order for the apring. ' The regular monthly meeting of the Weston Horticultural Society will be held on Thursday evening, October Slhrd, instead of the regular night, October 16th, owing to the visit of Dr. Grenfell's visit to town coming on <retotrer 16th, this change has been made. Where is the Mimico Board ot Trade? This great body of local work- ers should be out on the job now. Many things need a little prodding along. A good live organization like the board of trade, if it were alive, would do much to help formulate great qyotioies for the town. TIM! tlllillllrlMtttlt lilo _ The Japanese Give Good Example _ Every dollar loaned to the govern- ment for the Victory Loan means “that you are giving the whole coun- ‘try an added prosperity. Arrange for "this loan, as it pays 5% per cent. Take all that you can and thus assist in (the work for greater development. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baldock and family have moved from Thistletown into their new home on Lemaire Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Braden, the former oc- cupants having moved into their 1home on thee orner of Church and Cross St, Mr, Russell Dickin, of the Bank of Montreal staff at Granby, Que., form- _ of Weston branch, is spending a souple of weeks' vacation with his 'Earents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dickin. Mrs. Whitmore of Harriston and her sister, Mrs. Heise, returned home .the latter end of the week, after Bpending a couple of weeks with Mr. «and Mrs. Clark Farr, Main St. _ Come and hear Dr. Wilfred, T. "Grente11, the celebrated lecturer and medical missionary from Labrador, -=speak in Westminster Church Thurs- Altry, October 16th, at 8 p.m. Miss Genevieve Lyon and Mr. Lorne Fras- er will sing. Mr. Malcolm MacRue arrived at his ‘home, 248 Main St., on Friday after- noon last after an extended tour on Y.M.C.A. work through to the Pacific toast. ' operating and win a good 53L ary. Shaw's School, 395 1 1' "_',tr St, Toronto,. has the finest set of modern apparatus and gives best instruction at small cost. Write for facts, G. W. Crew- son, Bee. 7 The second midweek evening of the Methodist Church Men's Club will be held on Tuesday, October let, in the, schoolrodm. A cordial invitation is 'extended to all the men. What about a new post office for ‘Mimico? This has been spoken of :many times and the increased bus1- mess demands more accommodation. The Weston Boy Scouts will meet 111? Friday night, October 17th, at 7.30 in the Westminster gymnasium. WDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1919 WESTON It is a. verb of 012% Blossom land that beapty_ of Mr. Halliday, general sales mana- ger ot the C.C.M., Weston, has Just teturned home after an extended trip to Australia and New Zealand. He spent 24 weeks on the trip and re- ports that things are looking good _in that part of the Empire. The main ‘pba'ent of this trip was business for the meal firm. - A very pleasant evening was spent by the members of the X. L. Bible Class on Tuesday night last at the home of Mrs. Nichol, it being the first of their social work, evenings which they purpose holding every twoireeks during the coming months. For the first hour sewing for the Deaconess Home, Toronto, occupied the time. This was followed by a. social hour. Before serving lunch‘ the class pre- sented Mr, and Mrs. Harrison with a. handsome tern, extending the good wishes of the class to the bride and groom for a long and prosperous life. Mr. Harrison has occupied the posi- tion of teacher for the past year, and at this the first open meeting a. cor-. dial welcome was given his wife, and it was hoped she would find her as- sociation with tgei class both pleasant and profitable, li tle Miss Marion Ni- chol making the presentation. Owing to the Men's Club meeting falling on the same night as the class rr-'"': which hindered some of the mem- bers from attending, it' was decided to change from Tuesday till Thurs- day. The next meeting: will be held) at the home ot Mrs. Mertens. Church i St., on Thursday, October 23rd. j _ Last Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Stewart continued his remarks along the great ‘Forward Movement cam- paign, which had been launched the previous Sunday, speaking on the need of consecrated workers and prayer. The programmes, prepared by the Methodist Board for the entire cam- paign, were distributed at the close of the. service. It is the pastor's 'in- tention to speak on the subjects each Sunday morning. Some have been in- clined to~look on the movement as purely a financial one to help out a proposed missionary prcganda, but a glance at the following statistics will show additions to church membership, _ 100,000 new Sunday School scholars,) 50,000 new members of young people's} societies, 200,000 enrolled intercessors, l 200,000 enrolled personal workers, 100,000 enrolled Christian Stewards, 5,000 volunteers for life service. For financial purposes the objective is $1,- 500,000, Superannuation Endowment Fund $1,500,000, educational $750,, 000, special fund $250,000 or a total of $4,000,000. l -on Tuesday night last the members of St. John's Church, Main Street, held a reception for the new vicar) the Rev. Edgerton Ryerson, his wife and family. ‘His Lordship Bishop, Sweeney was present and gave a splendid address that all appreciated very much. The ministers of the town," Rev. Stewart, Rev. Forbes Rob- ertson, Rev. Mackay and the rector of the parish, were all present and spoke kind words of welcome and co-opera- tion in the future work. The,1adieis, presented- the Vicar’s wife with a.' betsu, titat bouquet of flowers. The new, vicar comes into this parish with ar, splendid record back of him. His work for seventeen" Years in the mission fields ot Japan speaks in loud terms of his great devotion for his work. His experience in life and the Work en- ables him to come into this parish and will crown his work with success. Weston is to be favored with a sec- ond visit from Dr. Wilfred T. Grenfell, the well konwn Labrador Medical Mis- sionary. On Thursday evening, Oct. 16th, he will speak in Westminster Church. The work accomplished by him has made his name a household 'word in the homes all through the Labrador section. Those hearing him speak on his previous visit will be de- lighted to have the opportunity of hearing him again and others not for- tunate in so doing will be afforded a great pleasure in listening to his re- marks, It ir hoped all who can pos- sibly do 'So will come out on Thursday and give Itirp,a cordial welcome. He needs encouragement in his labors and your presence will in a. measure sup- ply it. Everybody come. In spite of the cold and damp of last Thursday evening a large number of the citizens gathered on the Town Hall green to enjoy the last open air band concert given this season by the local band under the leadership of Mr. Fred Jackson. This band has proved of great assistance in many of the social and sport functions held during the past year and especially in all receptions rendered to our re- turned boys and deserve the support of our citizens which we are glad to say has been generously given them in all they have undertaken. Everyone is watching the great building operations at Stop 17 and 18 with amazement. It is astounding the old pessimistsmf the town to find that this section is building up so fast. Not only the number of build- ings being erected, but also the quali- ty is very apparent. . In fact, there is no section around Toronto that is getting such a. good looking class of houses and citizens as those now go- ing into this section. Watch the de- velopment and get in line for more. and bigger things. The new garage erected on the Lake Shore by Mr. Coxhead for the highway garage is completed and Mr. Wanner is taking hold at once. This is an addition to this part of the road. It gives those desiring to use the station for repairs or for gas an opportunity to'drive off the highway without any great danger. It is most fortunate in its location, as it gives plenty of space on the north side of the tracks.- Enterprises of this kind built Up with solid buildings spells stability to these corners. On Friday night, October 17th, a public reception will be held for the returdned soldiers. The friends are again reminded of the importance of sending in the names of any of the boys who as yet have not been ten- dered,a public welcome. The council as representatives of the citizens, are anxious to welcome every returned boy, but unless you assist by giving in the names either to the clerk, Mr. J. H. Taylor, the mayor, orvsome member of the council, this will be an impossibility. temperance lines. It is hoped a. large number of the ladies will be present. FOR SALE-Mrs. McNally offers "for sale her beautiful, up-to-date rest, dence, cor. Rosemount Ave. and John St. Every convenience, 9 rooms, hot water heating, large lot. For price and terms apply to Dr. Ciuuhon, Weston. I FOR Sari-Detached brick bunga- low, six large bright rooms and bathroom, hardwood floors and trim ground floor, brick 'five-place, electric light, good furnace, taste-. fully decorated throughout, deep lot, 50 ft., large hen house, side drive, fruit and shade tree: Beau- tifully situated on west bah of the Humber River, opposite Ivestoa fair grounds, and commanding fine view of town. This is an ideal home' with decidedly rural 5111‘- roundings and yet within few min, utes" walk of street cars and rail.. way. Apply owner, Telford., l FOR satE---special to farmers, 15 extra fine Barred Rock cockerels, from $3 to $8 each. Get in on these quick, as they won't.last long. A. McLean, 34 Rectory Rd., phone 368, Weston. HOUSE FOR SAEW--S'even roomed brick house, No. 206 Pacific Ave., West Toronto, furnace heated, gas installation, double garage that rents for $12 per month. For price and terms apply to G. M) Lyons, Weston. LOST-From pasture dield a year old red and white heifer. Reward of- tered for .returm of same to Mr. F. Hill, Islington P.O. FOR SAIdir---Approximatety 200 ft. frontage by 150 ft. deep, on Gratton Fort RENT-m roomed house, 24 Cross St., Weston. Apply 24 Cross St., Weston. FOR SALE-Happy Thought range with hot water front; open grate stove, will burn either wood or coal. Will sell cheap. Apply 41 Holley Ave., Weston. , FOR SALE-A quarter cut oak side- board; enamelled bed and springs; a wicker baby carriage and sleigh. All in good condition. Apply Mrs. Martin Lindsay, Eagle Ave., Wes- $15 PER MONTH-II roomed house, half mile north from Masgey Harris, plant. Conveniently situated for any one working at north end of Weston. Fifteen minutes walk to suburban car line. Good cellar; hard and soft water handy. A snap for any one wishing to live on the, outskirts of Weston. Apply Box 1317 Weston P.O., Phone 13-17. FOUND-IP Weston a black horse. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Ap- ply Box 114, Weston PN). [ EgoST---A dark brown fur stole sur/, day eevning, October 12th, on Wes- ton Road, between Baptist Church, FOR sang-six roomed brick house, furnace, electric light; toilet, good chicken house. Forty foot lot. ll John St., Weston. Mr. O..LaRose has purchased a truck with the Olson attaqhrnent, and intends running a cartage busi- ness, making a specialty of moving furnitur'e and other articles requiring careful handling. He'is also open for engagement to drive pleasure par- ties or private persons Wishing to spend, a. few hours with friends in the country or towns, and would like to enjoy a. motor' trip through the country. at the same time. Special ar- ramrementsrirll be made for convey- ing large-numbers to their destina- tion and the return home of the same. This will mean much "to the , young people orthertown, as in the past it has been hard to arrange an outing, owing to the inconvenience ot secure img vehicles. I It was a grand day and there was a great crowd of people. You can thus spell success and a big smile upon the faces of all those connected with Woodbridge Fair. It was a record breaker that greeted the gatekeepers and ticket sellers. Cars of all descrip- tions, sizes, and condition, were to be seen in the continual line that passed by on the way to TVodbridge Fair. When you could get inside of the gate you were astonished at the number present. It was wonderful, The fakirs and all the side games were on hand to make i clean-up and they were all taken in. The hall, while not well tilled as well as,in some other years, had a good display ot ladies'work, vegetables, breadstuffs and fruits. The show in the ring for horses and cattle was very fine, It was one of the best that has been held around this year. The racing was rather a disappoint- ment, as the directors cut out the one class after the horses were there, Only one "race was run and it was a good one. _ _ T St. Finest residential section. Land high and dry. Will sell cheap. Ap- ply w. Banks, George St., Weston. My. Harry Gillmore Smith Accidentally killed at Parry Sound on Tuesday, October 7th, Harry Gill- more Smith, beloved husband of Thusnelda Kingdom, eldest daughter of James Kingdom, of Thistletown, Ont. Mr. Smith was well known in this vicinity being engineer on the construction of the Radial Railway from Weston to Woodbridge. He was also highly respected by the Canadian National Railway with Whom he worked for a few years, also with the Dominion Construction Co., in which capacity he acted as engineer on sev- eral ot their large contracts, the Goodyear building at New Toronto, the C.P.R. bridges at North Toronto and several bridges on the Canadian National Railway in the Parry Sound district. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife and little son, 2 years old, also his father and mother, one brother, and three sisters, all of New Bruns- wick. Funeral services were held from ‘ the residence of Mr. 1C1rtgdorr1 to Riv- _ erside Cemetery on Friday, October, 10th. The pail-bearers were ll. T.i Hazen, chief engineer of Maintan- ance ot Ways, Canadian National Ry., Eastern Lines, J. R: McKenzie, Asst. Engineer Canadian National Rly., R. C. Huffman, Manager of the Domin- ion Construction _Co., New Toronto, and J. T. Ewinarton, of the Dominion, Construction Co., New Toronto. ' Mt. Den\nis, and Buttonwood Ave; Would finder please return to 55 Buttonwood Ave., Mt. Dennis. FAIR SUCCESSFUL OBIE UARY A. J. Ingram Studio: 252 Main St. MAIN ST., WESTON Agent for Fairbanks & Morse Gas Engines, Pumps, Etc. J. I. Case Engines John Deere Plough Co. Stone & Wellington Fonthill Nurseries. Phone 268 I. V. MOUSLEY VIOLIN AND PIANO INSTRUCTION STUDIO, RUSSELL ROAD ETC. Bank of Nova Scotia Building Main St., Weston MONEY TO LOAN Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday Afternoons, Saturday Evening. 7 Toronto Office: 404 ORR. Building FURNACE WORK You can't do better than get Weston Meat Market H. A. Blake, Proprietor (late of the 4th C.M.C.) H. Wison, Manage: I is the place to get your FRESH MEATS Choice Cuts at Reasonable Prices Phone No. 84 South End Meat Market FRUITS Quality Good, Prices Reasonable Trial Order is all that is asked for. Our Service will bring the next. JOHN HUMPHREY CHOICE MEATS AND FISH FRESH VEGETABLES AND O. E. LaRose You (vin need PLUMBING, GAS OR HOT WATER FITTING TINSMITHING Obee and Black BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS 3rd St, New Toronto ' L. T. Morley Main St. South, Weston and his prices Phone Weston 303 Teacher of Violin WESTON BUILDER & CONTRACTBR 35 Joseph se, Weston, phone 103 General Alterations and Repairs attended to Concrete Foundations, Cellar Floors and Sidewalks laid. Barrister. Senator, Notary Public 2922 Dundas St., West Toronto (Above Moon's Hardware Store) Real Estate Loans placed at Current Rates. Telephone-Junction 991 Agent tor Fire, Lite, Accident, Auto: mobile and Plate Glass Insur- ance in safe companies and at best rates Practical Plumber _ . Repairs promptly attended to A Trial fiolicited Address: Maria Street, East of Fifth Ave or Box No. 79, Weston Phone 34-5 FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE St. John's Road Tel. MI WESTON ONTARIO WALTER LONGSTAFF st/ji:)").),)"': _ J. K. McEWEN S? SON Licensed Auctioneers for the COUNTIES OF YORK, PEEL AND SIMCOE Terms Reasonable. _ T. ll. McEWEN, Kleinburg. Phone Weston 3-24 SMITH’S MOTOR DELIVERY Baggage and Express " M. John's Road, Weston ' Phone 305 City phone, Adelaide 1618 Graduate Toronto Conservatory e Music Piano-Teachers' Normal Course. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conser- vatory Examinations. _ Studio: "The Bungalow" 87 Marla St. WESTON PIANO INSTRUCTION Monday and Thursday, 2 to 6 Fm. Studio, Bank of Nova Scott: Building Pupils prepared tor Toronto Conner vatory Examinations. It. R. 2, WESTON PHONE 2-4 HAMBOURG CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC West Toronto Studio Branch 200 Beresford Avenue Phone Jet. 72 Studios at 27 Cloverdale Avenue _ and 18 Wright Avenue MRS. JNO. T. ANDERSON RGENERAL TEAMING Sand. Gavel and Filling Anny- at Hand. Moving! Promptly Attended to. Phone " at f.AS nan, 12.45 noon JOHN T. ANDERSON Piano and Organ Tuner 200 Beresford Avenue, West Mum Telephone Junction 72. " Years' Practical Experience. W Ko any place. Drop a. cam A Stella V. Rowntree JOHN MILLS Margaret R. Gillette F. B. EDMUNDS CHARLES GILLIS A. M. McEWEN, Richview. Phone, Woodbridge 950 E. J. MU SSON MOTOR EQUIPMENT Or other if desired. Residence and Chapel Phone 168 JOHN HARRIS Main Street, Weston Avenue d Burrage Boat 33 Established 1830 is still doing busi- ness 1n the old stand. Be sure andiddress all communications Principal. or Phone 285 For Pumps. Windmills and Gasoline Engines THIS WALTER LONGSTAFF WESTOR PHONE 8-4 Weston W. C. BURRAGE, Agent. Phone 106 35 Joseph St. WESTON, ONT. MILTON PRESSED BRICK CO., Limited Manufacturers of Pressed and Rug Brick, in the different shades of Red Buff and Brown. Bank of Nova Scotia Chambers Phone 152, Weston Money to Loam on good First Mortgage Securities C. Lorne Fraser, h. _ Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. n A Dr.Harrison (2.Roos DENTAL SURGEON Office: Bank of Montreal Bldg. Main and John St., Weston Phone 295 832 Bloor W., Toronto, Ph. Got. "" Consultations by Appointment. Dr. H. D. Livingstone EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Marla St... Walton, Phone June. IS", Office and Residence, East Cor. King St. and Rosemount Ave. Telephone 15 ‘Weston, Ont. DR. J. A. MELDRUM Physician, Ete. Office: Colemasrt Hackett Block MAIN, ST; WESTON r Opposite Bank of Nova Scotia Physician, Surgeon, Etc. Office: Weston Road, Mt. Dennis Office Hours: 8 to 10 a.m.; 1-3 and 7 to 8.30 p.m. Phone: Weston 87 Underwear 1 Underwear ! Phone 30 48 George St Cor. 6th St. and Lake Shore Rd Full lines of ,Men’s, Women's, and Children's Underwear for fall and winter in mixed and wool goods at prices that cannot be repeated this season. , Public Accountant and Auditor Telephones: Main 6353, Jet 4045 33 Richmond St. W. TORONTO Agent for COCKSHUTT IMPLEMENTS SHARPLE'S FIVPARATOR AND MILKING MACHINES DR. J. T. HACKETT . . Dentist P llll (llflllllll flllll(ill t ' Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence 120 Rances'valles Ave. ngNE PARK 402, TORONTO DR. W. E. PEARSON W. A.TlTLEY G. M. LYON BANKUNWUNIRILAL The systematic and con- sistent saving of money, is a duty which devolves upon every one of us. The Bank otMontreaheillopen Savings Accounts on receipt of $1 and accept thereon deposits of $1 and upwards. Consistent Saving Phone No. 111 NEW TORONTO * PHONE 82 DR. INGRAM Dental Surgeon . McEwen, Manager, WESTON . Mitchell WESTON Main Street FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE I have several good village pro- perties and farms for sale Stock and Dairy Farm at Klein, burg, 100 acres, lots of water, gra- vel road. Price $6500.00. 100 acres in Vaughan, one mila from Woodbridge, good water, excellent grain farm. ED. W. BROWN, WOODBRIDGE _.' Pastor-al. ll W'JN'I‘EMUTE Sunday, October 19th, 1919 11.00 a.m.--The pastor will preach. 3.00 p.m.--Sunday School. 7.00 p.m.--The pastor will preach. Everybody welcome. B.Y.P.U. will meet on Monday at 8 in the evening. Prayer Meeting on Wednesday at 8 o'clock p.m. _ BAPTIST CHURCH Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, , Etc. Residence: Rosemount Avenue WESTON Mornings and Evenings Toronto Office: Gray & Gray 301 Crown Office Building N orth-east Comer Queen and Victoria Streets, Toronto. _ 01-055 Street / "I Pastor: Rev. W. M. Mackay, B.A. Residence: 1rumbeianount; Weston Phone 293 Sunday, October 19th, 1919 11.00 a.m.---Tha pastor will preach.' Sunday School in conjunction with the morning service. 7.00 p.m.--The pastor will preach. Organist-Mr. R. Wetherston. Rev. J. Wallace Stewart, Pastor. Residence, " King St. Phone 48., A. T. Mather, Choir Leader. "Mr. Harry S. Reid. Organist ' Sunday, October 19th, 1919 _, 11 am1.-The pastor, "Charactarta. tics of a Christian."- 2.45 p.m.--Suntiay School and m, ble Classes. 7 pam-s-Thanksgiving Song Service. The pastor, "Why 'Hy (trg the Refer. endum Ballot," r wl WESTHN 1il0llllllllif (lllllflilll Holy Communion 4th Sunday tat the month. preach. - a Choir 'Leader-prof. R. Organist-Miss Patterson, Strangers welcome. REV. ROBT. A. SIMS, HECTOR Residence Albion Road, R.M.D. No. I. Weston; 'phone 58 2-1. Sunday, August 20th, 1919 10 a.m.--8unday School. 11 aun.-Moraimr Service, the Rev. Canon Green. Established 1858 Pastor, REV. FORBES ROBERTSON Residence, John Street. Phone 241 Sunday, October 19th, 1919 11.00 a.m.---The Minister _ will preach. 2.45 p.mc-Sunday School and Bi- ble classes. 7.00 p.m.--The Minna“. m4" G. HOWARD GRAY I handle none but the best Real Estate and insurance Office St. Phillip's Church PLUMBER, ETC. Jobbing Work attended ttr-Estimates given on new work Add/ess: Station Road MIMICO Jas. Millen Old Présbyteriaq Church VVestminher resbyterian Church Strangers cordially Welcome. 'te EAD OPFt CE. MONTRW. p.m.--The Minister Etobicoke PAGB FIVE Weston. Bell £1215 E? (a, as:

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