I I. , Miss Isabella, McBrien, Miss Lulu ", (Mitchell and Misses Gladys and _.' ‘Kathleen Bartley of Toronto spent a May with T. C. and Mrs. Rogers last _pt' week. Mrs. Barton of the"5th spent a few matwts last week with her daughter,Mrs. “Geo. White. t WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fletcher of To-. ronto visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Seeley Von Sunday. ' = Miss Beatty and Miss Delahunt at- tended the teaehers' convention in Toronto on Thursday and Friday last 'and then proceeded to their differ- went homes to spend Thanksgiving Day, Miss Beatty to Brampton and Miss Ddlahunt to Mooretield. Mr. Cecil Delworth :Delworth spent the w arientis in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. E. Seeley, accompan- ied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seeley, spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. arartin Seeley at Richview. A tire that is overinflated is as badly abused as the one which has not breathed deeply enough. We can give you advice about your tires and your engine and your gears that will be of assistance to you. Let us Vulcanize your Tubes. HERE IS THE DIFFERENCE THIS ISTHE BEST STOVE ON THE MARKET _ Its construction is such that it burns less oil than the ordinary oil stove. Is kept clean without any trouble of dirty wicks, and there is no odor from it at all. The styles are all ornamental and yet very compact. With the price of fuel and the heat of ranges, there is no comparison. Once use this stove, and you will sell them to your friends. Main Street, Weston AUTO MOVIES fly Ufie BARKERbCo. GARAGE. Fuel is high, but the cost of Reduce Your Cost of Living Our Public Service K Station IS Now Open open Daily from T a.m. to 11 p.m. i;a"illBelllllllllllNllllIllilifi. Open Daily from T a.m. to 11 p.m. MOTOR f1AIilliiilfiileillEACEEENER'Y 00., LIMITED .. PORT CREDIT HUMBERVALE g worth and Miss Hazel the week end with Open Daily from T a.m. to 11 p.m. Will demonstrate them for you. at the cost of cooking is reduced when you use a Detroit Vapor Stove . OLDHAM We have been congratulated upon the completeness of our service equipment by the Imperial Oil Company of Canada and others, saying there is nothing better anywhere. Our offices, store, showrooms, machine shop, garage also are the most complete and up-to-date type. These facilities to serve you are the very best. In taet Ford owners in this district now have the service available they de- serve and needed. Gasoline and Oil from our visible measure pumps to your car, served while you wait under our Perigola roof, free from hazard of traffic on the Hamilton Highway. We have tastily furnished lavat cries for ladies and gentlemen. We can serve you with Gasoline and Oil in tins ready to take home with you. We can give you grades of Polarine and Mobile Oils and Greases, or we can deliver you these and ordinary Motor Oils together with Coal Oil in barrel lots to your home. _ 15, 1919 Hardware Merchant Humbervale was well represented at Woodbridge Fair on Thanksgiving Day. All report a good time and the fair a. Success. Mrs. B. Bean' entertained friends from the city on Sunday. Mrs. J. lin spent pay with The harvest home services and sup- per held in the church on October i) and 6, was a decided success, the services on Sunday were well attended, and splendid sermons were given by the visiting pastors. All those who at- tended the concert and partook of the supper on Monday evening pronounc- ed it as one of the best given. There was a. large number present and the church was crowded. All enjoyed the good evening's program given by the Methodist choir of Weston, and spoke very highly'of the splendid way in which the details of the evening were-arranged by those in charge. No, No, No, on all four qt your ballot. Let us all in vale do our duty and vote l land this evil called Drink, Don’t forget that Monday, October 20th, is voting day, arid let every vot- er, men and women, go and vote No, 'S. J. Leggett and Mrs. Wm. A1- pent the week end and Thanks- with friends in Hamilton. Telephone No. 19 "idr'tar questions of , us all in Humber- . and vote out of our FORDSON TRAC “TANGLED LIVES†IS FROM A FAMOUS CUR\VOOD STORY Sent to prison by the testimony of'Ralph Connor's novel, "The Doctor." his society wife, whose name he Mr. Farnum plays the role of Bar- sought to protect in a. fight, Johnlrfey Kemper, who discovers that his Howland comes out sworn to revenge brother is a scoundrel only after he on the man. But his hand is stayed has found his own sweetheart in by a girl he has befriended and who Dick’s arms. He takes refuge from loves him, and before he can act, a, civilization among the forests and lightning bolt becomes his avenger does his best to forget everyone-his and lights his way to happiness. This brother, his sweetheart, even his God is the theme of “Tangled Lives," the --among the lumbermen. is the theme of "Tingled Lives," the Vitagjraph Blue Ribbon feature which will be seen in the Pastime, October 19 and 20. The story is by James Oliver Curwood. Harry Morey is the. husband and Betty Blythe the wife. Others in the cast are Jeane Paige, Eulalie Jensen, Charles Kent, Albert Roccadi, and George Majeroni. Miss Fannie Ward, who has been' described as one ot the world's clev- erest emotional actresses, recently de- parted for Europe. Just prior to sail- ing she, Witnessed'a showing ot the finally edited and titled presentation of “The Cry of the Weak," and pro- nounced it to be the best of all the motion pictures in which she has been starred, principally from the emotional standpoint. But Miss Ward also declared that here also were ideal values as to narrative quality and dramatic construction, faultless set- tings and skilled direction. V Ffs, Cry of the Weak" will be shown at the Allen Beaver Theatre on Wednesday and Thursday. "The Indestructible Wife," Alice} Brady's latest Select Picture, will be) seen on October 20, 21 and 22 at the Oakwood. The story deals with Charlotte, the strenuous bride ot Jim- my Ordway. She is athletically in- clined, while her husband is not, and he finds a great deal of trouble in keeping up with her. He meets Bran- dy, a professional athlete, whom he decides is the correct man to tire her out. Brandy falls in love with Char- lotte. Jimmy decides to. tame, Char- lotte as Petruchio did the Shrew. He kidnaps her and takes her to a boat- house. Brandy tries to rescue her, but Charlotte loves Jimmy and re- fuses to be rescued. Tamed Char- lotte and her tamer prepare to lead a less' strenuous lite. F JANE AND KATHERINE LEE BIG SUCCESS IN “SMILES†The picture opens with a surprise, and the odd situation is followed im- mediately by showing Jane and TCath- erine washing a dog in a bathroom. Their father is at the front and they are being cared tor by a housekeeper. When an aunt sends 'for them the housekeeper feels that a burden is taken off her shoulders. But instead of sending them in the usual way she economizes by putting parcel post stamps on them and turning them over to the postman. The 1utusekeep- er refuses to pay postage on the dog; but the wise animal hurries to the sta- tion, where Jane secrets him in the parcel post bag in which she has been plated. ’ The fun is rapid from that point on. The story has a touch of the war in it, and Jane' and Katherine do their part in helping to get spies and in bringing their auntwand. her sweet- heart together. It is a fine picture, full of fun and frolic. Dick Latham is sheriff of a so-. called bad town in the West, By de- grees he reforms it and succeeds in making gambling a misdemeanor. Even chewing tobacco is abandoned to humor the young reformer. As a matter ot course, Sheriff Dick's attention is called to a group of strangers, thought to be rich Eas- terners, who are gambling in a room at the hotel. Dick goes to the place, quick to seize the opportunity 'to make his authority" felt with the idle rich. He flings wide the door, lev- els his revolver and --looks into the eyes of his father. The situation is made amusing by the fact that only a few months be- fore Dick's autocratic parent had ta- ken him to task for not working, whereupon' the son set out to make a living tor himself, ignoring his fath- er's chagriv when Dick took trim at his word. _ "GO WEST, .YOUNG MAN" AT THE PASTDME OCT. " & 18 Of course the incident is made the most of by Tom Moore as the youth- ful sherict and Melbourne MacDowell as his durufounded father. SCREEN IbIaslIIEItPIECEl," SAYS ‘FANNIE \VARD IN THE THEATRES F3? _h.N.rl,C) MACHINERY-VN/e demonstrate them on request "The Heart of a Lion" is taken from Ralph Connor's novel, "The Doctor." Dick, however, has been awakened to his true self by his brother's an- ger. He makes up his mind to Stu- dy for the ministry. And when he is ordained, his youthful enthusiasm gains for him the place of clergyman in the same camp where Barney now lives. Barney discovers Dick's presence, but keeps himself closely hidden. When Dick is attacked by the leader of the woodsmen. however, __ Barney is forced to come to the front, tell the truth to his mates and do his best to bring his brother back to health. The long struggle against Death brings to the fore all of the spiritual 'qualities which Barney thought he had lost. There's no noed to praise William Farnum any farther than to tell the story ot the picture. Anyone at all familiar with his magnificent screen portrayals will be able to see in an instant how aptly and absorbingly he would act such a story. The Presbyterian Church in Canada has assumed responsibility, under the Comity of Missions, for the evangel- ization and enlightenment of 15,000,- 000 heathen, viz., 250,000 East In- dians in Trinidad and British Guiana, 3,000,000 East Indians in Central In- dia, 1,500,000 Koreans in Chosen and Manchuria, 1,200,000 Chinese, in North Formosa, 1,500,000 Chinese in Carr, ton Province, 8,000,000 Chinese in Honan Province, 20,000 Chinese in Canada. 22 Clearness of vision, 'intensity ot faith, wider sympathies, an applied Christianity that will heal our social wounds, the bringing of every nation- al interest under the control of Je- sus Christ-theme are among the uns mistakable needs of to-day, and these will in themselves constitute a For- ward Movement. At the Connaught October 21 and ‘y‘THE HEART OF A LION†In fact, we can supply you with everything you need. Ford Cars, Towing, Runabouts, Coupes, and Sedans, also Ford One-Ton Trucks. GENUINE FORD PARTS are kept in stock ready to repair and mis- hap that happens to your car, truck or tractor. We sell these parts to you as cheerfully as if you employed us to install them for you. able. Our travellers are attentive an d obligiiig, ' Phone us Port Credit 130, and they will cheerfully come and give you any information ad instruction. It is our pleasure to serve you this way. . sories. I An excellent method of cleaning spark plugs, or in fact any mica sur- (tace, is to wash them first in a 10 , per cent. solution of acetic acid, which is an infallible solvent ot grease and carbon deposits. The ‘plugs should then be washed off with gasoline and finally dried by rubbing them with-a cloth. "Sinr1apasehugy" the Indians of Utah Literally translated on that goes chug. attempting to coin plane. Occasionally it becomes necessary for the man who operates his own car to file a piece of cat iron that has been subjected to friction and has acquired a glassy surface of "skin." The best Way to get through this skin is to use the edges of an old file, Us using a good file on such surfaces will spoil it. The services in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening, October 19th, will take the form of an Ep- worth League rally. All young peo- ple are specially urged to attend. We have Tires and Tubes, all Sims, in stock, and full line of all Apees. TO CLEAN SPARK PLUGS haVe skilled mechanics at your service. Our charges are reason- USE MOTOR NOTES NEW MAVETY THEATRE, WEST l ORONTO’S NEW ULAYHC)CSE, ~SVI-IICH WILL OPEN THE LATTER PART OF OCTO BEIt--REFINED PHOTOPLAYS AND is the word that call an automobile it means "a. wag- â€. They are now a word for air- L"2ic2iUs',,a,,5. THE PASTIME THEATRE NOVELTY ATTRACTIONS Popular Artists Produce the Latest and Best Movie Films Friday, Saturday, October 17th and 18th TOM MOORE in "GO WEST YOUNG MAN" l COMEDY WEEKLY Monday and Tuesday, October 20 and 21 _ PAULINE FREDERICK in "ONE WEEK OF LIFE" Wednesday, Thursday, October 19 and 20 "TANGLED L1vEs"--Featuring Harry Morey and Betty Blyth Episode 'rr"THE IRON TEST" Friday, Saturday, October 21 and 22 Shirley Maye with CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG A Great Comedy ALLEN'S Beaver Theatre West Toronto's Famous Picture House Under Management of Jules and Jay J..Allen This is an Allen Year "THE CRY OF THE WEAK" _ Greater love hath no man than this, to lay down his life for his brother. NEW TORONTO RUNNING SIX NIGHTS A WEEK Continuous Prices: 10c and 15c. War Tax Extra. Wednesday, Thursday, Oct. 15 and 16 J. Stuart Blackton offers SYLVIA BREAMER-REWLINSON "A HOUSE DIVIDED" / Serial-.'") GREAT GAMBLE" â€ng Friday, Saturday, Oct. 17, M. or-' V .rs"' ETHEL CLAYTON in ifi/irvi) . "A SPORTING CHANCE" Monday, Tuesday, Oct. 20 and " v D. W. Griffith's Supreme Triumph "HEARTS OF THE WORLD" . --- - -_ -- .fsatyréng LILLIAN AND DoiioTHY GISH The sweetest love story ever told. Wednesday, Thursday, Oct. 22 and 28 FANNIE WARD 1tinuous performance every Saturday, from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Matinee Daily at 2.15 Prices-Main Floor 15c and 20c Balcony, 15c and 25c. Boxes 25c. m: if;