Times & Guide (1909), 19 Nov 1919, p. 2

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i%§§ _ Try Our Mill For Your Lumber " I Boots Are Advancing ' Build a Home Special Offer to New Subscribiets, from now until end of 1920 $1S( WM. E. S. SAVAGE 8 Locust Avenue Lot owners, develop your ideas of a comfortable home into a reality. Prepare to build now. For estimates see: Cannel Coal for Fire Graies We have Men’s and Women's BOots from ..... Children's Boots at reasonable prices - A SUGGESTION - Give Christmas Gifts of Footwear THE g PAGE TWO Brown's Copper & Brass Roll- ing Mill is the Pioneer and Lar- gest Mill of its Kind In Canada and is Located in New Toronto Patterns of Every Description in Wood, Metal or Wax MACHINE AND ENGINE PATTERNS A SPECIALTY W. Redpath, Proprietor 10954 ADELAIDE STREET WEST For Advice in , Buying or Selling Bonds Consult Dominion Pattern Works J . COULTON’S Beach Boot Store ALWAYS READY Tty, SERVE AND GIVE YOU VALUE LAKE SHORE ROAD, MIMICO BEST QUALITY HARD COAL (All sizes) . Burgess d Company Stop 14 - Mimico Beach BRING YOUR REPAIRS _ LIMITED Church St. and G.T.R. Subway Order by Phone Local Phone, New Toronto 15 City Phone, Parkdale 475 E. S. WARN Bank of Hamilton Building MIMICO BRANCH [NEE (llll TORONTO Builder ........$5.oo_up MOUNT DENNIS Heating Coke Chief of Police Captain, $95.19. A total altogether of $666.83. There are several larger subscriptions promised and will come in during the‘next two weeks. The boxes were all brought to Mrs. Cle- man's residence, New Toronto, and opened and counted there by Mr. Sharp and Mr. Giant. In the seven-. ants Bank, New Toronto, in the pre- sence ot the Executive Committee of the L. S. Branch ot the G.\V.V.A., the money beting taken in charge by Mr. Shary and 'Mr. Grant. In the even- ing; all the members and workers _met in the Memorial, Hall, Mimico, and spent a scoiul evening. The Ladies" Auxiliary provided coffee and sand- Wiches. Burglary was attempted 'twice in New' Toronto within the last week. On Sunday night Mr. King, Mr. Hay’s manager, was awakened by a noise. and on investigation found that at- tempts haf been made to force the store door open. . Ott' Tuesday night the. same thing was done at Mr. Dunn’s Gents’ Furnishing: Store. In both cases the thieves must have store door' or the. same thi Dunn's 'Gents both cases tt Truant Officer, Poll T, The G. W. V. A. branch Lake Shore Road held a most successful drive on Tuesday, Armistice Day. The Cap- tains and their teams all worked well and the totalvamount taken in was $570.02. The following is the list: Subscriptions: Wm. Davies, M., $100; Dr. Godfrey, M., $25; A. D. Norris, M.,"$10; Dr. McLennan, N.T., $10; S. Robinson, N.T., $10; Herod Bros. M., $10; Dr. H. R. Adams, Long Branch, $10; Mr. Price, M., $5; E. McNei'ce, L.B., $5; D. H. Wilson, N. T., $5; C. Reveley, N.T., $5; J. Little- ton, N.T., $5; I. Whitlam, N.T., $5; Sheffield & Redan, N.T., $5; L. Cle- man, N.T., $5; I. Wallace, N.T., $5; J. ll. Buyers, N.T., $5; Peter's Lunch, $4; C. Levy, N.T., $3; J. Dunn, N.T., $2; Dominion Battery Co., $2; Long Branch Drug Store, $2; Dr. McKay, $1; 'Dr. Conn, $5; J. W. Royce, 'I- $255.00. Long Branch, Mrs. Ronery, Mrs. Herson, Captains, $55.27; Hum-, her, Mrs. Lomas Captain, $62.51; Mimico, Mrs.' Bickerstaff, Mrs. Lonch- bery and Mrs. King Captains, $59.27. Mrs. Bickerstaff received the $100.00 from Wru.'. Davies. Special teams, Messrs. Munson and 13ickecstaff, $55; Messrs. Cambery and Neil, $45; New Toronto, Mrs. L. Cleman, Captain, 3339.59; street. cars, Mrs. VVillerton The school children of New Toron- to School are doing excellent work with regard to the savings account, Penny Bank and Victory Loan. The school stood first of all schools throughout Canada, in May and June, the total amount per scholar stood at 90 cents per week. Miss Ellsworth’s class, the first book, had subscribed to the Victory Loan up to Wednesday last $1450.00. This speaks for itself. Mr. Mole introduced the Penny Bank and other savings accounts into the school and the scholars under him are learning thoroughly one of the big- gest lessons of life, the value of money and its judicious expenditure. The need of stiving and this lesson will, Drove most valueable to them when they grow up. _ Wilfrid Martin and J. Martin, of _ 182 Roxton Road, Toronto, were both seriously injured on Sunday evening at New Toronto. The brothers were in a side car and it came in contact with an automobile going in the same direction, driven by Mrs. Coblentz, of 86 Dupont St., Toronto. Mrs. COD- lentz's car had the steering gear out of commission and consequently the auto became unmanageable. It came in contact with the motorcycle as it was passing overturning it and tossing it across the radial tracks. Both ma- chines were going slowly. Wilfrid Martin suffered with a fracture of the ankle and is in St. Michael's Hos.. pital. J. Marten sustained a strained back and hip injuries. School Childmn and the Victory Loan A meeting of .the Ladies' Orange Lodge, No. 272, was held in the Lodge Room, Municipal Hall, on Friday, Nov. 14th. N. M. Sister Mauders be- ing indisposed, N. M. Sister Scott, of Lady Smith No. 6, took the chair. Af- ter the regular business of the Lodge was transacted, seven members were, initiated to the Scarlet Degree, the initiation was conducted by the De- gree team of Ladysmith No. 6, Sister Rowe of Unity Lodge, Prov. Grand See, and Sister Simmins from Clark Wallace Lodge, assisted. At the close of the meeting a vote of thanks was voted to the visiting officers and Sis- ters. Refreshments were served and a very pleasant and instructive even- ing was spent. . The Executive of the Toronto Con- ference of the National Campaign wrote to the Board of the Methodist Church, New Toronto, asking them to release the pastor, the Rev. E. Harold Toye, B.A., for three months in order to act as Field Secretary in the territory from Toronto to the Lakes. While this is an honor, we are glad the Board refused. Mr Toye has made himself now so absolutely essential to N e.w Toronto that his ab, fenct for three months would have been a great misfortune here although it would have proved of immense value to the' National Campaign. Mr. Toye will take both services in his own church next Sunday, using the‘ lantern at the evening service. The petition placed in the, Munici- pal Hall, New Toronto, has been sub- scribed in accordance with the Act and every signature added to it. It is now the duty of the Council to give the ratepayers the opportunity of voting upon the question of a. lib-. rary tor the Village of New Toronto. Very fine inducements can be secured by the Carnegie offer. The details and plans of the whole proceedings will doubtless be advertised and places before the people so that the voting will take place on the lst of January next. The need of this public insti- tution is great and with the rapid growth of the community becoming greater every day, a building well equipped with good reading matter and the latest and most progressive periodicals of the day is an educa- tional factor of which any community has reason to be proud of and it is hoped that in the near future New Toronto will have an up-to-date cir- culating library. nee ‘ity of incr d N EW TORONTO In t to pol on besides. It is q ;eriously consid the lookout oth not ble the polic Colactm be sev In. TN otectio ibl ot urer; J. Dallow, sears tive committee, Messr Orser, Godwin, Whan \Vatterson; auditors, J. Hillard; publicity com Hincks, J. Shavsner. the use of the school building for their meetings. The ratepayers hold that they' are working for the good of the district generally and that they therefore ought not to be asked to pay for the rent of a school room out of their onirn pockets. No replies had been received from Chairman Geo. ll. Gooderham of the Considerable discussion took place over the action of the school board requiring the association to pay tor the Highway west of Lohg said The financial report of the Long Branch Ratepayers’ Association was submitted at its annual meeting held in the school house last week, show- ed profits from the tall fair to be $158. The present Executive Committee feel they are more or less /a canvas- sing committee till the meeting in February when a re-election of Exe, cutive takes place that should be a direct representation of its members, particularly in view ot the number of members that have and are still com- ing in. These ideas in a general way are in the minds of the prime movers of this Association. Mr. Resident, again we ask you to take a normal in- terest in your own affairs, and en- courage the community spirit. Mr. Resident, what are you doing to assist this movement? Get out and join us, boost your own home town. The movement is one that should promote better citizenship among us, should bring home the responsibilities that rest on all of us for the better- ment of the community. After all the community is what the individual makes it and therefore should be the interest of all. A general meeting of New Toronto Ratepayers’ Association was held on Nov. 12th in the Council Chambers when 60 ratepayers were present, the chief business being the passing of by-laws on which the Association will work. The by-law of most importance is No. 2, which outlines in a general way the aims and objects of the As- sociation, which are the furtherance of the interests of all in New. Toron- to and to the benefits of New" Toron- to; to develop the community spirit in which all progressive measures should be developed to interest our- selves in the problems and possibilities of our town and so inform ourselves that we shall be the better citizens for so doing. It is by getting together with interchange ot ideas that we are able to progress in a orderly and def- inite manner. The Horticultural Society will hold a. meeting on Thursday, Nov. 27th. We ask for a. large atendance and all those interested are earnestly re- quested to attend and become. active. members. V The new intake pipe has been de- live\red at the pumping station and with favorable weather it should soon be laid and the old one removed. The new pipe is 24 inches and will increase the capacity to 1500 gallons a minute. The capacity at the present time is only an 18 inch pipe. Reeve Lovejoy spent the week end on a. shooting trip, aecompanied by a few friends. An enjoyable time was spent. The Town Council and the Soldiers' Comforts Association held a Joint meeting on Wednesday evening last in the Council Chambers. It was de- cided that the Soldiers' Comforts As- sociation should purchase a fountain to be erected as a, memorial to the boys ot New Toronto, who fell at the front. The Council agreed to a. site, being found at the corner of Eighth St. and Lake Shoré Road, and the fountain will be handed over to the Municipality after erection. The first general meeting ot the Ratepayers' Association was held last Wednesday, Nov. 12th. A number ot new members were enrolled, bringing the membership roll up to about 80. The President was in the chair. A canvass ot the residents is being taken and sd tar no one has refused to join. The principal business transacted was the adoption of a constitution. The annual general election will take place on Feb. 20th, when it is hoped that the membership will be so large that a splendid and most capable group ot officers can be selected. A whole organization depends on the of- ficers tor the success of the undertak- ing. The next meeting will be on Dec. 10th at 8 pm. T1 Shooting _ There sems to be a great craze at present among young lads to go about carrying guns and shooting ducks or any other thing without any reason. Do they stop to think how much harm they might do and how some one might be acidentally injured by their thoughtfulness? Especially among the houses along the lake front this is most dangerous, in tact these, boys come and comfortably seat themselves on your private property and shoot. I think I am right in saying that any one caught even carrying a. gun with, out a license is liable to a. heavy fine, if not imprisonment. It may seem to these lads to make men of them, but, they would prove themselves much more worthy it they would refrain from taking the life ot God's crea- tures merely for the sport and get down to honest work and help sup- port themselves. Scout Troop Mr. King, Manager for Mr. Hay and for many years Scoutmaster in the City, is forming a Scout Troop where real scout work will be done. The Methodist Church have graciously granted him the use of the basement of the church for the purpose. The Rev. E. Harold Toys, B.A., thorough- ly approves of the movement and Mr. King is sure to have a large. number of boys enrolling on Wednesday P.VCn- ing, Nov. 19th, in the basement ot the Methodist Church. All parents inter- ested in the real welfare of their boys W11 induce them to meet Mr. King on Wednesday. Mr. King has the inter- est of the boys at heart and is a thor- ough and most efficient Scoutmaster. We shall see a Scout organization worthy of every recognition establish- ed in New Toronto very soon. We wish Mr. King the best of success ii) his noble work. for 115 following officer the ensuing ye president; W. esident; H. F. ll: Commission LONG BRANCH Ratepayers’ Association iitors, J. Shannon, W ity committee, w. T, in McKenna Armstrong ment the Mi and uplifted portir they in turn to come and offering amounted to Rev. G. J. MacKay p: was rendered‘ by Mis and members of the Ji under him. Mr. Hale, whose health is not the best at present, has accom- panied Dr. Eorbes Godfrey, M.P.P., and Mrs. Godfrey on a short vacation to Norfolk, West Virginia, phasized th gether With his pleasant manner, won the admiration and friendship both ot the Munster who's secretary he was and of the entire staff who were _ The “To/men's Missionary Society of the Mimico Presbyterian Church held their annual thankbffering meeting When Mrs. Mitchell, of Honan. China, On Thursday last the staff of the Department of Lands, Forests and Mines met in the Minister's office and made a presentation to Mr. C. C. Hele, ot Mimico, on the occasion of his leaving the Department. The presen- tation was in the form of a hand- some engraved gold watch and chain. An illuminated address was read by Mr. A. Grigg, _Deputy Minister, ex- pressing their regret at losing their much admired co-worker. Mr. Hele has been Secretary to the Minister ot Lands, Forests and Mines for the past eight years. He entered the Depart- ment when Sir James Whitney was Premier of the Province. Un the death of Sir James Whitney the Hon. Sir Wm. Hearst, who was then Minis- ter of Lands, Forests and Mines, was chosen to be acting Premier. Sir Wm. Hearst was succeeded by the Hon. G. Howard Ferguson and Mr. Hele was left in the Department as his Secretary owing to the fact that largely to his ability was due credit tor the efficient manner in which the business ot the department had been dealt with, and under. the Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, Mr. Hele by a con- tinuance of his, efficient methods to- Dr. Godfrey, M.P.P., has gone to Virginia for 2 weeks and his prad- tice is left in the capable hands of Dr. Carlton, of New Toronto, Dr. God- trey's assistant. Word has come into this office from Mr. Ormsby that he extends an invi- tation to all lover of flowers to ViSit his conservatories. At the present time there is a most beautiful display of mums in full bloom. All should avail themselves of this generous of- fer and pay a visit at once while the bloom is good. Will anyone having items of news or notices of meetings, accidents, mar- riages, deaths or birth, kindly com, municate with Mrs. L. Cleman, phone 108, New Toronto, our local cores- pondent. Our correspondent with us Will take this as a very great favor and it will be an immense help in ev- ery way. All matter must be in our correspondent’s hands not later than 10 am. on Tuesday of each week for the current issue of the paper. We thank you in anticipation of this help and ask your kind co-operation with our correspondent. The usual services were held in the Methodist Church, Mimico, on Sun- day last. The Rev. Arnott, of Sutton, officiated at both services. The Rev. J. M. Morgan has not yet returned from his trip to the States. On Friday evening, NOV. let, the English Church members are holding a. meeting in the Church Hall for the purpose of organizing a men and boys' club. A full attendance is requested by the rector. Such a) club is a. good thing and will be ot immense help to the young men and boys of the vil- lage of Mimico. Come and take part in the establishing of such a, club. The usual services were held in the English Church, Mimico, on Sun- day. The Rev. Mr. Tremayne, rector, took both services. The Women's Guild in connection with the church will hold their annual winter fair on December 3rd in the Sunday School room. Be sure to keep that date open' and attend the fair. The Women's Guild are doing excellent work in Mimico and it is only right that all should support them and make a record turnout at the fair. Buy your Xmas gifts at the fair and so serve a double purpose. Banquet and Dance The Eir Edward Carson Orange Lodge held their annual banquet and dance on Friday evening, Nov. 14th, in the Memorial Hall, Mimico. Most in- teresting addresses were given by Bros. Gray, McNicol, Ferrier, Stick, Gauld and Boylin. The Master, Mr. King, presided. Most of the returned men, members of the lodge, were the guests of the evening. Mrs. L. Cleman, of New Toronto, has accepted the position ot reporter for the Lake Shore district and will take care of any items sent into her. In order to insure insertion in the current week all news must be sent to her address New Toronto BC). or phone 108 not later than Tuesday noon. Particulars regarding business changes or progress, church notices, social and local happenings or any other items of interest to the com- munity will be gratefully accepted. Your co-operation is needed to make the Mimico and New Toronto Adver- tiser a. budget ot weekly interest to all. Don’t be afraid to send in an item be- cause it is only a few lines. These little incidents help to build up a community spirit. on the objects of the Society, illus- trated by lantern slides. The By-laws had been previously adopted and a motion to confirm the same was passed. A committee pro-tem was elected, Mrs. Charles King, Mrs. Stew- art, New Toronto, P. J. Donovan, Humber Bay, Reeve Lovejoy, New Toronto, and Mr. Horner, to carry on the work and canvass for members. The Humane and Children's Aid So- ciety of Mimico held a meeting in the Town Hall on Monday evening for the purpose of organizing a branch of the West York Humane and Ch1l- dren's Aid Society. ' The chair was taken by Councillor King and J. J. Kelso, of the Toronto Humane So- ciety, gave a very interesting address The total subscription for the Vic- tory Loan in Mimico is $65,200. This does not include the employees of any of the firms but is made up of indivi- dual bond holders. a, most in .1 her.pe,1 lsionary is often c1: by the thought 0 influence thei Learn of the S it" MEMICO ld St 0C Th Me ftl The d On Seventh Street, New Toronto Visit it for satisfaction. _ OFFICIA]. WAECIE INSPECTOR [ GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY i' Formerly Chief Inspector, Canadian _ Elgin Watch Co. 1506 QUEEN ST. W., PARKDALE Remember our repairs save you money. Mo Seamless Issuer of Wedding Rings Marriage License. N. J. WATSON lihr A. ' J k Chapple This paper will be sent to any ad- dress in Canada from, now until De- cember 31, 1920, for $1.50. SPECIAL OFFER TO "We must establish our name for quality in live stock, as we have done for quality in grain. Quality must be our slogan if We are to successfully compete with the Argentine," says the Hon. S. F. Tolmie, Canada's Min- ister of Agriculture, in the Agricul- tural Gazette for November. "It is by better'sires, better feeding, and better finishing that we can obtain a, position second to none in the live: stock world. The scrub sire is doom- ed and is now being prepared for the block. An accredited herd system is being established with a. view to stamping out disease and insuring health in our herds. In whatever di- rection our trade develops, it is our duty to see that only first class stock, tree from disease of any kind, is ex- ported." I.W.ROYCE REAL ESTATE Office, Church Street, Mimico. Phone: Local 78. . Shoes Peter lord Phone Parko 4793. Open Evenings Send a bottle of water to the chemist at Dr. Pieree's Invalids’ Hotel, Buffalo,: N. Y.; and you will receive free medical iulvied "ass-to whether the "kidneys are affected. When your kidneytfget slug- gish and clog, you suffer from backache} tsith-headache, dizzy spells,w or twingeq and pains of lumbago, rheumatism or gout; or sleep is disturbed two tthrest times a night, take heed, before too late.' Get Anuric (ahti-urie-aeid), for it will pat new life into your kidneys and your entire system. Ask your nearest drug-' gist for it or send Dr, Pica: fan can“ forkialpackage. BARBER SHOP and' BIG BiLLIARD ROOMS is "keep the kidneys in good, order.", "Avoid too much meat, alcohol or teal Drink plenty “of pure water, preferably hot water, before meals, and drive the' uric acid out of the system by takini Auntie}: This can be obtained]" almost any drug store.) UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER ' its, :45 , a! qilllii%tiiri") 1 ' " MI ' - ':'l"Al5a ec, ' runs the BIG THREE-CHAIRED NORMAN A. CRAIG Phones : Park. 2950, Park. 1054 1255 QUEEN WEST "Sometimes it is in my arm. Merciful _Heaven, how my back hurts in the mom- T alt ingl'l It's all (2,htt, due to an over- IN" 'e " , _ * J abundance of Bll 3% that poison 1%; "t' called uric $i1Ml A , acid. _The kid-, gig: ttttri-tii) neys are not Et'; ifti:i:.iii:i_iii?:iiit)' able to get rid EY AilllWt)i:l of it. Such Fi . - - - . . l "lil ' _ condltlomdyfu W] .. - .. " . can rea 1 y ii.allRlll , Bl overcome, and JEli ' Pl"?..) ' B - prolong life by H as " l taking the ad- / vice of Dr. Pierce, which Ls "keep the kidneys in good order.", “Gee-WMZE How it Hume- a-The Pain in My Foot l" 1500 QUEEN WEST QUALITY IN LIVE STOCK GET THEM HERE YOU NEED A CHANGE OF J EWELER ad and Gravel. NEW SUBSCRIBERS Express to City ng, etc. J an tractor M U Masses, Sunday, 9 and Sunday Evenings 7.30. Car Stop No. IC. Rev. G. E. Dohestv. Holy Communion every Sunday at 9 a.m. and on second Sunday each month at 11 a..m., and on Holy Days at 7.30 a.m. Thus. Douglas PARCEL DELIVERY Prompt Service at Moderate Charge _ BURLINGTON ROAD MIMICO 1521-23 QUEEN STREET W. (1 block from Sunnyside) REPAIRS A HPECIALTY , A. E. STEPHENS, Proprietor co., Limited Telephone Parlrdale 377, 378 Ontario Sewer t'ipe Anrprovide for good draft by use of T . EXCELSIOR TOP When Building Your House Monday at 8 pad, Minister, Rev. E. Harold Toye, BA. Morning Prayer 11 aan, Sunday School 3 p.m. Evensong 7 p.m. STOP 27, LAKE‘ SHORE ROAD Sunday Morning Serviees--11 o'clock. Sunday Evening Services-t o'clock. Sunday School and Bible Study, 3 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 8.15 p.m. B.Y.P.U. Meeting, Wed., at 7.30 p.m. E. J. Wham, Dunelle Cottage Stop 26 - Lake Shore Road Sunday Services, 11 a.m., 7 Sunday School, 3 p.m. F Soldiers' meeting. Wednesd St. Leo's Church WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1919 Meeting for Women's Missionary and Ladlés' Aid. lst Tuesday or the month at three Century Methodist ' Church Cor. Mimioo Ave. and Church St. Rev. G, J. Mackay, M.A., Minister A welcome to all. Seats tree. Sunday Services 11 a.m. and 7 p.111. Sunday School ' 3 p.m. Young People'a Society, Monday, I Prayer Meeting at 8 evenings. Guard against fires by A' lining your chimney with VITRIFIED CLAY ,FLUES Morning 11 mm. $abbath School and 3.15 1 (Either square or round) Epworth League 11blie meeting, Saturday, at 8 pan. CAPTAIN F. M. SIBBICK Macdonnell St., Mimico Sunday Services: Morning Prayer, 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer, 7 o’clock. Holy Communion every Sunday at ' a.m., except on 1st Sunday in month when it is celebrated at 11 o’clock. Sunday School 10 a.m. SALVATION ARMY Mimico Ave., Mimico 11.00, 'v.m.--Morning service. 2.30 pan.--Eunday School. 7.00 pan.--Evening V service. Epworth League meeting every Phone St. Margaret's Church Residence: ‘resbyterian Cara; Methodist Chum; NEW 1rl0R0NTo REV. J. W. MORGAN, LONG BRANCH CHURCHES Baptist Church MIMICO CHURCHES Christ Church Manufactured by Toronto " Winter, Choirmaster Pastor Mimico Avenue meeting, Wednesday, at 8 HURCHES MIMICO Ate." Lake Shore Road and 9th Street Dohe.ty. Pastor. Park. 1321--t756 trs Day and Night Prayer, Wednesday, ' rue at 8 p.m. Monday evenings. WPRLY 11 Adult Bible Class p.m. Wednesday J. 3650 Evening 7 pan.

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