Times & Guide (1909), 26 Nov 1919, p. 1

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All' Kinds of Wagon Repairing: v l _ Tongues, Axles, Reaches Wheel Parts on hancr (ir, ' ' A bank account is an assistant , ' , in character building. It establishes the _ _ confidenee, independence and pride which _ V increases effort and paves the way to success. I tl, Open an account to-day and be i _ wr F prepared. 74A i I THE _CANADlAN BANK ' 4 " .r" OF COMMERCE Cr'hsilrCruicksha,nk Wagon Works Phone 4113 I UNPREPAREDNESS " I --FAILURE Your needs are supplied here. A fine baker, good substantial siste, perfect workmanship, and built to give satisfaction. 7 F ----Sold 'at the----- (l D. L. and W. Scranton Coal 'HONE RES. 359 tpen Evenings _'til h")),? V EAGLE BLOCK a . All your Houses and Lots with the new firm of Real Real Estate and Insurance Agents __;-,',".,),)-, A NEW RANGE Ill,,,,,,,,)".",""' _si'o1sss'iij) E 410 Weston Hardware DR CONVENIENCE IN PLACING YOUR ORDERS _ _ FOR COAL You can ring phones No. 252, Mount Dennis, or ' 27 Weston Office Office Phone 27 ‘7 Night Phone 236 EAGLE AVE., near G.T.R. Tracks H. H. RUDOLPH, Manager, Weston glfilllll J-jEAl (l GU. EQESB""'ES;'1”7 'Ef‘Lumber Co. 3; PAID-UP CAPITAL RESERVE FUND WI} wliis)iNiiiiir))i)'it)ir1ti. WESTON BRANCH, C. B. Millar, Manager. 'Wi? ALL ORDERS FILLED with the best Ml opt _ in v " 9: g fgEiMliE,hiEjri)i 'Y/ Main Street ,tii((tils" LED PROMPTLY PHONE 16, WESTON Main Street, WESTON $15,000,000 $1 5,000,000 Mi PHONE RES. 859 WESTON 'tsy"" (“s PHONE 410 It the merchants of the town are willing to get together Ind make a, special effort to bring the people down town, then the business for Weston during the Xmas week will be the best in the history of the town. Now, this can be done by every mer- chant coming in on the deal. Ar- range for the first appearance of Santa Claus in the town on Saturday, Dec. 14th, amid all the pdmp that can be arranged for. Have a. real parade with the various characters of the season in line. Arrange for a general welcome by the whole town at a cen- tral point and a visit to every store During the week arrange that he will be at the different stores on the dif- ferent days and hours. On Saturday evening arrange' for a free moving picture show down town out of doors. This will bring the people to town for the day. It can then be arranged that the business part of the town be well lighted, each store window well decorated and attractive. Each store should be made very inviting and ev- ery possible effort put forth to dis- play the goods to their best advan- tage. Special prices should be made known, so that the purchasers will see that they can get good Values for their dollars in Weston. The cost for the whole campaign could be borne by all the merchants and thus would not amount to very much. This is What is the first thing that comes into the mind of the fellow when there is something new or novel presented. In this case the same question is before the citizens of? Wes- ton, Can we make this town the cen- tre for this district? That is, Can we bring to this town all the countryside for two weeks’ special buying before Xmas? This trade is the legitimate trade at XVeston. It can be held here if we can only get the people into the habit of coming down town to shop. If we can only get the countryside to come into town for their supplies. It W111 require a. little planning;, con- centration, effort and expenditure,but it can be done and will be found most effective. In will, in fact, be the turning point in the history of the town. Now is the time to make a, bid for all this trade. With the great shopping Season of Xmas almost upon us, it gives us the necessary incentive to go out after bigger things. It is by special incentives that most effective trade relations are developed. Son1e- thing that everyone has in common make the season one of great pros- perity. Our trouble in Weston is that we as a'people are not getting'the full benefit of this trade in this com- munity. What we want is some means by which there can be gathered into the town a large number of these persons, who would otherwise be go- ing to the city. The effect of such a campaign would have a most lasting effect upon the district and the whole business community. If this is to be done the Retail Merchants' Association should call a meeting at once and discuss the matter. Much can be accomplished by a little effort. Get busy. Talk it up. Act for the whole community and reap the benefits all the year round. Once more the time for election is nearing. Another year will soon close and the present council, board of edu- 'tttttttt M m Won will all have to be re-elected. Our councillors have done very good Work during the year and have been very effective. Their administration has been one of careful economy. Care has been tak- en to get value for the money spent. While no great work has been done, still, the business of the town has been carried on in a progressive way. Efforts to secure better conditions from the transportation companies has not so far been very successful, yet the way has been paved for some effective results next year. The work upon the roads about the town has been well done and the citizens have received good value. Only those parts that were necessary were touched. The council at the beginning of the year faced a big question on the school debentures with a firm hand. Nearly everyone feels that their action was the right thing and we as citizens feel proud that they were strong enough to carry on. The make-up of the council is well balanced. We have those who are ready to jump at the thing or the hour, others who are very cautious of the steps to be tak- en, while there are still others who are always looking for what they The Men's Club of the Weston Methodist Church held their regular .Week night meeting on Tuesday last with a. fair attendance, although not as large as the programme warrant- ed. This progressive Club has the right idea ot increasing knowledge and stimulating interest in public af- fairs and conditions in other lands. Mr. Hallday, general Sales Manager, or the Canada Cycle and Motor Co., who has recently returned after a tour i ELECTION TIME IS N EARING Mr. Halliday, Sales Manager of C.C M. Addresses Weston Methodist Night Classes-Public and High School, at Weston High School, Monday (ir Thursday Evgs -----7.3(r9.3() P (i!Arttttjiiii CAN IT BE DONE? Church Men's Club The parents of Weston are requested to co-operate with the Board of Education and encourage their children to take advantage of this important avenue of advancement. MATHEMATICS, SHOP MATHEMATICS, AND ENG.-H. G. S. JEF- FREY, E,A., Math. Master, W.H.S. PUBLIC SCHOOL CLASSES-Arithmetic, Spelling, Composition, Geogra- phy. MR. H. J. ALEXANDER, Principal Weston Public School. These classes offer a splendid opportunity for the young men and wom- en to improve their education, put themselves in line for better positions and increased salaries. Classes open to all. COMMERCIAL CLASSES-shorthand, Typewriting, Book-keeping, Science. Teacher-A. PEARSON, B.A., Principal High School. WEST YORKS NEWSY WEEKLY, ( Several enquiries have been made in reference to the article of last week re the Boys' Council. All felt that they wanted to know a. little more about its working. Well, the idea is this: Many of our boys are notnot making the most of their opportuni- ties. We see them leaving school, believe is the best course for the com- munity as a whole: It makes a. good combination. No doubt all will seek re-election again this year. Our board of education under the capable leadership of the chairman has done the big thing of the year. Their et- forts tor the erection of the new school have caused the' members no end of work. Many are the hours that these men have spent going into the details of the school. They have had a hard row to hoe all the way, but we are pleased to say they are making a Job of it. Starting out as they did without sufficient school accommodation for the section, with a large number of ratepayers show- ing by their votes that they were op- posed to providing more accommoda- tion--in the face of all this they are providing the town with a fine, well equipped school, built w,ithin the esti- mates as firsbcalled for by the board. It was one of the great cries that the school would cost tisrice as much as the board was asking. Our board has shown what can be done with pro- per supervision. It takes a lot of careful attention and time. These men have given that up for the bane- fit of the town. They have also pro- vided an efficient staff at the High School and the Public School. These teachers have shown that the Weston average is as high as any centre. While these two great public bodies have been at work the water and hydro commission has been working along very quietly, but going strong. Alterations had to be made to meet the increases in'the electric and wa- ter consumption. New filters were in- stalled and the plant so equipped that to-day we have one of the best water- works systems that is,' to be seen 111 any small centre. Orr the hydro the many new plants have all taken up increased construction work. It is noted that this silent body of three have done a, lot otprood work with very little noise. In short, the:citi- zens of Weston owe a. lot to these three bodies of men for their faithful services during the past year. Give it to them. Many new items of work will have to be considered by the crti- zens and those in charge of affairs next year will have plenty to do. Strong men with a sense of public welfare at heart are the men to as- sume the offices. months' business tour in the interests] home, but promised at some future of the COM. through Australia and time to return and finish his travel New Zealand, was tho speaker, giv- talk. ing an exceptionally fine talk and practical insight of conditions in Aus.. ----0------- tralia and New Zealand. He preSent- The Editor ed his observations in a most inter- Times & Guide, Weston. esting-' way and as he is a. pleasant Dear Sir: speaker, keen observer and a most You might be interested to know practical analizer, his address was one that our first deal in real estate was of highly educative value to all pre- through an advertisement in your es- sent. He not only gave an insight into teemed paper inserted by us, which the commercial life of the country, goes to show that it pays to advertise but with his geographical descrip- in your journal. We trust many more tions presented many of the natural deals will be procured in the same beauties and resources of the country. way. Owing to lack of time Mr. Hallway Yours truly, was unable to bring his tourist party NORMAN J. SEAL & CO. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1919 THAT BOYS' COUNCIL entering industrial and commercial lite, without a full development of the physical, mental, social or religious life. These boys, because of the lack of taking advantages of these opp0t'- tunities, do not get the. best out of life. What is now thought to be the proper thing to do is that our church- es should take hold of the problem. Organize a, Boys' Council that will give these boys a programme to de- velop the boy four square. By doing this we. will be rendering to the boy one of the greatest advantages in his life. To our country we will turn out a citizen that will be a credit to the nation. To our community we will give men who will make for'the town a healthy, clean environment for the development of true manhood. Could there be higher ideals? Is there any- thing that IS more noble than the de- velopment of our future citizens? No, there is not. I What we want now is that each church in this town will ap- point a boy worker to meet and talk over the whole situation. It they think it advisable they may organize. The work of this committee or Coun- cil would be to conduct programmes for the different activities in the so- cial, physical and intellectual train- ing. Also to see that the Suroday Schools each have their own boys' classes to give these boys the neces-. sary spiritual training. This same line of work is being carried on co- operatively in the city by all the churches. .The boy's life is receiving attention from all direction,s and the work is meeting with great success. Big programmes have been arranged. We in “Weston can work along the same lines if those interested will see that their Sunday School appoints a man and sends his name in to this office, when the meeting will be call- ed at once. Don't wait, but do it now and let us help the boys. The need of some club Or place to spend an hour and get a meal is be- coming more apparent every day. We are losing in this town a. lot of great material. Much of this could be. used forothe further development of the town. There are a large number of men here who are Just full of ideas and plans. They have travelled and seen different things operated in dif- ferent centres. Their observations have been such that they could retail them to us with great profit to the town. There are others who have had experiences that would assist in the carrying on of the details for the development ot our town. These men have no opportunity to give expression to these ideas or get them into con- crete form. They talk of them as (Continued on page 5) You might be interested to know that our first deal in real estate was through an advertisement in your es- teemed paper inserted by us, which goes to show that it pays to advertise in your journal. We trust many more deals will be procured in the same way. NEED OF A CLUB tttmh Juuzulu Qarcunes 1n pure 011, z tms tor ..................18c Once you deal here. You will always deal here. Our Service, our Quality and our Prices will attract you and hold your custom. Just try us. When you can secure next Friday and Saturday the bargains quoted below on sale at the WESTMOUNT GROCERY STORE, Westmount? WESTMOUNT deposit Kellogg's Corn Flakes, three pkgs. for Campbell's Tomato Soup, two tins for Jutland Sardines in pure oil, 2 fins for and at same prices as at our head store 2912 Dundas Street, Phone June 12 Main St., Weston, Store Coleman Blk., Pk Residence Phone 327 , MOTOR DELIVERY now on SUTTON'S HANDY STORE? LOCAL PHONE M, WESTON COLEMAN'S BLOCK At Once " - sa, Irgt f tiNI " ami smug-:- "" H . Mtl MtNMiiag MN 'M', ~ IE, MINit " " _ "iili8 MIBrdRRilt r MMIII WM " "' 4" " 55?": T 'tIlia mix“ - it“; vim-y w: I mem ‘ A - a » , - Jim - SiEt V. " - In. 'r 'ttttlil-IE Mt - il" ' MR18RttWiN1 “V...” I' - ‘ .me.‘ . , M cr BM5 ' 17.1: , ‘ - - Bil qigliM IN ' , - 1% V - IEl - MI A I I T " " Ir - - , " " . . 3 '" [ - . " v , : w _ Movings, Cartage or Express work handled All orders taken as before. I _ OFFICE, 4 RAY,AVE., MT. DENNIS Phone Weston 354 . Goods can be secured for Christmas by paying a small Come and see FOR SPEED, FOR CAREFULNESS FOR LOW CHARGES, FOR SATISFACTION These Prices are for Cash Only till Christmas. Everything marked in plain figures Millar's Motor Truck / Mimico, Mimico Beach, New Toronto . J, SUTTON Correspondents for this paper in ANOTHER ATTACK ON THE AND AT WEST TORONTO EERE IS SOME MONEY EL C, L. S. WILSON Good money. Apply- BEATS THEM ALL . our windows for Christmas Presents PROPRIETORS . ROBERTS Phone Weston 238 nc. 7327 Phone Weston 274 Or by Letter WESTON 30c 34c f i J s22

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