I mime ( ', _ , BEGINNERS' CLASS COMMENCING 't . _ TUESDAY EVENING, FEB. 10th, AT 8 P.M. 'v/ii,', I For further particulars apply [ci, . ' at her residence, Fl' r*-CHURCH ST., WESTON PHOb' The l Cruickshank Wagon Works Phone 4116 i, Boys $999699 FOR HIRE is! VA? Something Fa; You FOR CLASSY SHIRTS REAL FINE NECKWEAR WELL CUT CLOTHING ttOR CONVENIENCE IN PLACING YOUR ORDERS ' FOR COAL Why we have always had one of stocks of Graniteware. Tinware. Pyrex, of all kinds. One call here will satisfy TAILOR AND MEN’S FURNISHER Main Street, Weston THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE _ , l T "Wk U NPR?ijfj,i'ii?fe,, 5%; Main Street, Weston MISS MOLLIE AMBLER “MODERN DANCING _ ‘eston Coal & Lumrttr. Office Phone 27 EAGLE AVE It adds to the value of your car to have it repainted or varnished. We do it every day. \ ‘ Bring your car here. You can ring phones No. 252, Mount Dennis, or 27 Weston Office .' ALL ORDERS FILLED PROMP'I‘LY T - with the bcst _ A bark account is an assistant in character building. It establishes the confidence, independence and pride which increases effort and paves the way to Success. Open an account to-day and be prepared. _ 74A PAID-UP CAPITAL RESERVE FUND “W rsgWielesierch"e W- E. COLEMAN Kitchen Utensils By the Day or by the Hour A CAR WITH DRIVER ---Apply to--- CENTRAL HOTEL, WEST9& Phone 278 't and W. Scranton' Coal WESTON BRANCH, C. Look tq"iisTf'itRiti's5csTCis; testestds>dkts'NdNAy;'g2, JUST STEP IN AND ASK t,asstiif,iiii a†9, 'iii'ji.i?51iirifiijii, EEC] E‘AELURE P TD A iF't]i-lia',DN]l')'vf'r) Hardwaie Merchant Avavmmdc'aw OLDHAM d WM ,liit.itiigitriis one of the largest and best , Pyrex, Aluminum and Dishes l satisfv vou of this fact. i Millar, Manager. ,is.'Ciiifi",ilfF MIAVAIAKSQ Main Street. 1VEST29, $1 5,000,000 $1 5,000,000 Telephone No. 16 PHONE 389 =rdsaNdbl; v, _ Y/ttyt 61V I ~11 (vi tiT iqrr: Phone 2 d'steesya,tSp,rt,utt y, Co', T, EE tact that the givrng ot only the small part of the money mum wor ewml in the uplift of ht 111 giving: their own selves rot' the It is men who can lead public op who can do business, “no can L lied upon to do the right thing have the solidity of church tea behind them that are now need take hold. Can you not spare a of your time to assist in the g1 uplift. of the community'? Ca] stand aside and see the boys w for a real leader? Can 30h con 1y stand by anti hear ot practio ing ou'that are degrading? Nt have the solidity of church teachinglis commonly known thrrmglioiili behind them that are now noedul toi (‘hristenilmn and l‘I'('O§:l'llZL‘d by many} take. hold. Can ion not spam: " littlclol~ the ('llurvhes (is the beginning oil of your time to assist in the. general , the Lenten Season. This year lil cal‘i uplift. of the community'? Cull ymHms gone forth from the Methodisti stand aside and see the boys waning l, Body, also some of the other (lenoni~ [ for a real leader? (‘an ycstl constant» millions, who have not hitherto kept} ly stand by anti hear or practices go- k this season as a time of special fast-l mg on that are degrading"? No, thistin: and prayer. to do so. With tho is the age when there should be a !amount of suffering the world has rc- still greater Forward Movement upon l cently undergone and the destitution the part of men exerywhere. Let \N'Cs- Iand sorrow experienced by many of ton take the lead in this work. iour fellow men at the present time, -u'---o--------- there is a need for self-denial on our WESTON BRANCH G. w, V. A. ‘part and.a careful examing ot heart --w-----. to see it we are helping in any way to On Wednesday night the above‘ make the world Better and relieve thé mentioned branch held a special meet- Liifii'eriiiir' of those around us. The self ing in the Town Hall.\ The altend- t denial exercised by those keeping this ance was well above the average. Ilcs- Iscason will also tend to develop the ignations, nominations and election oi spiritual side of our nature and build officers was the chief business. Aitst' stronger Christian characters in the President H. Mac-innis had oil-moi the I men and women who conscientiously meeting and the comrades had d;s- observe this Lenten season. cussed and completed son). ti 3cm. "p business, Comrade McGregor, All - to- .------0--- vincial Treasurer, took char, o, int. WESTMOUNT proceeding. The following rcslcn Mons. -Tr-. . were then accepted: Comrade ii. “any Churches Go Over TOP m the Forward Innis, President; Comrade E. Wacey,‘ Movement C. Trinkwin and F. Pearce of thel _ --------- Executive. Comrade J. Anen's t'esig-l \Veston, Feb. 16.----A concert was nation was not accepted so he con-lgiven in thy \VestmOunt Community tinues to be secretary-treassure: of the 'Hall arranged by Mr. Evan Charles- local branch. The new election vtysuJt.. worth, of Toronto, and some Well ed as follows: President, comrade K. known artists, including Miss Florence McKitterick; Executive, C. Wacey, P. McNair, Madame Betty Thompson Greenwood and fl. McInnis. After al- Mackenzie, Frank Lloyd, and Edgar lowing his name to stand and after Joselyn. Mr. George Liddle very ably proving successful in being elected to l presided at the piano. Mr. Charles the executive Comrade H. Mc1nni/siwovt.his recitations were greatly ap- again resigned and the vacancy will _preciated. Miss Florence McNair and be filled next meeting. Comrade Mc- l Madame Betty Thompson sang excep- Gregor then installed the newly elect- tionally well and altogether a very led officers and the President took l fine program was given. It is expect- charge of the proceedings. Speech- ed that quite a sum of money will go making occupied the rest ot the even- Ito the Hall Fund as theI result rhtlhis, ing. President Mcriittericli, in a bril- I concert. . "', _ 11am appeal, asked for the support oil -------o------ the members in up-building and GvubtMy-Btuiour - strengthening the branch, also help“ ing,' to make the branch an asset and The marriage ot Amy Evelyr a credit to the town that had usways)Balfour, youngest daughter, of the supported men. (The new l’resident’late Mr. C. J. H. Balfour and Mrs. received loud and continuous applause I b'alfotor, to Charles C. Grubbe, sor _, at the conclusion of his remarks. Tho iOf Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Grubbe, Wes- _ branch appears to have put Li progrcs- i ton, Ont., was solemnized itr St sure comrade in the chair and 'sitter- I John's Church, North Bay, Ont., Wed. esling meetings are looked torwardlnesday, February 11th.. The church coo. Comrade C. Wacey tlra11lceu the I was beautifully decorated by the mem- comrades tor renewed confidence in bers of the Chancel Guild, and 1h( re-electing hint to the executive. He 'bridal party came up the aisle whilt also appealed to th war veterans to the congregation sang the procession take an intcrcst in the children of tho a1 hymn: "Lead Us, Heavenly Faith comrades who paid the supreme sacri- er, Lead Us." The ceremony was con tics and to see that they more able to .ductef by the bride's brother, thi secure an education and training that, Rev. C. IV, Balfour, rector of th would make them skilled men and wo- parish. The Archbishop of Algom; men ot the future. Huge amounts of took the concluding part of the ser money has or will be voted for tho vice and gave a short address. Th erection of stone monuments to tho bride was given away by Mr. A. C memory of the dead, said the speaker, ftorabeck, and wore a gown ot whit but cold stones never ted or helped satin with overdress of georgeti orphans ot previous wars. Let the crepe and tulle veil fastened with money be expended towards making wreath of orange blossoms. She car the children living memorials of those ried a bouquet ot white roses, Th who have passed away. ‘bride was attended by Miss Morrisc __ . _.c "N..s-.rs-6-s -..Anm€...~ n MT.eN_'VptpN A8 no ht tihttttg & (lhtibt, Did Weston ev idemic ing th Comrade Upton, the lst vice-Prsi- dent, attended the meeting although suffering from severe frost bites. A postman's lot is not all honey when the thermometer Shaw's zero weath er. 11 who are 1nR. their 0 Comrade G. 1Vellbr presented hia auditing report for the previous year. The financial standing of the local branch is in a very healthy state. The executive will recommend that in future one meeting a month be given over to business and one to en- tertainment. We are glad to know that the Wes- ton Red Cross is still doing good work. Watch out for the G.W.V.A. Ice Carnvial, it will soon be here. One reason why ex-soldiers of the great war should hold together, read the tonowiiur. an tl' Kitchener, Feb. 14--ispecralr-- Penniless, hungry and on the verge ot pneumonia, Lieut. Stewart McDonald. a winner of the Croix de Guerre, the Military Medal and the D.S.O., stag- gered into the relief rooms of the Vic- torian Order ot Nurses here to-day and asked for a place where he could lied own and sleep. The young otti- cer declared he had come to Kitchen~ er over a week ago to secure work, but had been unsuccessful in landing a Job, He had not had any food for three days, and exhibited a bandaged hand, from which two fingers were missing, He explained that he had his finger: cut off while working on a repair job at a local garage where he received employment tor a few hours. The unfortunate war hero was im- mediately taken to the local hospital, where he fell into a deep sleep of eat- haustion as soon as he was put to bed The hospital reports it may be possible to save him from pneumonia. , 11 BREBN-At Weston on Friday, Jan. 30th, 1920, to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Breen, of Long Branch, a son (Mau- rice John). ‘ Van ALSTYNE--1n loving memory ot Irwin, who passed away February 16th, 1915, a life long sorrow. "Oh for the touch of a vanished hand And the sound of a voice that is still." ou kt RECENT CA M E‘AKGN th ign m C) 1 mnity 1nd distric In the girl in our "r that euc t we" that o all is Ill is tll T and hear ot practices' go t are degrading? No, thi when there should be l 1' Forward Movement upo WEST YORKS NEWSY WEEKLY on 10w eh' Loses Two Fingers .. It shows to follow th ‘s tha Di1rin IN MEMORIAM ivirlg ot the mo part of the we! \\'estoni that thc rht. , lie hol accoul icknes: ivin Mother, Brother and Sister. mud w D BIRTHS held a special meet Hallx The attend lit hut t1 tl 1il of 11 to 1ity if the t1 IA-' M w 11 chin m IN n t it UN BSDAY tc SN ()PPORTI'NITY FOR SERVICE I The marriage ot Amy Evelyn.g ‘Balfour, youngest daughter f of the, Hate Mr. C. J, H. Balfour and Mrs: Balfour, to Charles C. Grubbe, son& for Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Grubbe, Wets-i' ‘ton, Ont., was solemnized itr St; iJohn's Church, North Bay, Ont, wed-l. |nesday, February 11th., The church!, ‘n-us beautifully decorated by the mem- l bers of the Chancel Guild, and the! 'bridal party came up the aisle while) the congregation sang the "i/tull-vis/r/u-l, al hymn: "Lead Us, Heavenly Fiiii/ Ier, Lead Us." The ceremony was con- ducted by the bride's brother, the 'rtev. C. IV, Balfour, rector of the parish. The Archbishop of Algomztl took the concluding part of the sen1 vice and gave a. short address. The bride was given away by Mr. A. C. Rorabeck, and wore a gown of white! , satin with overdress of georgette', J crepe and tulle veil fastened with al, , wreath of orange blossoms. She car-’ 3 ried a bouquet of white roses, The bride was attended by Miss Morrisonl -10f Toronto, wearing a gown of ett 1 pink satin with large black hat, and r carried a bouquet of pink roses. Miss . Joyce Balfour, niece of the bride, was _ flower girl, and wore a white net dress over pink and carried a basket 'd of pink carnations. The best man was . Major T. P. Grubbe, brother of the i groom. After the ceremony the wed- ' ding breakfast was served at St. 1 John's rectory. The bride and groom 70 left later for Ottasira, New York and - Washington. Upon their return they ' will reside at "Brae Burn," Weston, . iOnt. \Veston, Feb. tier-A concert was given in they Westmount Community Hall arranged by Mr. Evan Charles- worth, of Toronto, and some well known artists, including Miss Florence McNair. Madame Betty Thompson Mackenzie, Frank Lloyd, and Edgar Joselyn. Mr. George Liddle very ably presided at the piano. Mr. Charles- worth's recitations were greatly ap- predated. Miss Florence McNair 'and Madame Betty Thompson sang excep- tionally well and altogether a very fine program was given. It is expect- ed that quite a sum of money will go to the Hall Fund as the, result cii Ibis tt 'e it tt ut thy 1i 1ch HAVE NOTED OUR ROAD with the ma XVhy-is it th T holes' acre: t1 that thi y the 1a 1 these snow storm that comes sees dway narrowed down. It is at t too narrow for traffic. Th6 111'S, it appears however, owns ad and can do as they like. now all the Show off the track 0 the centre of the road and to pile there. This takes up three feet and makes it hard i. It' anyone happens to get 2 car track they find that the xlt tl 1n IW BHUARY 18, 1920 if he drives there. avision in that centre may and the town tr d to keep their' trat et and makes it hard ci1 nyone happens to get th Mk they find that the an a road across the track at , and one is likely to m; if he drives there. Is th wision in that contract w] any and the town that be l to keep their' tracks m roadway and‘all filledl Pl that they are allowed tli 3r0SS these tracks and be the public, It is high or comparfy were niade _se v. Citizens have" to do at monle should do their gr wedsoes,d sh iVedn, roadway and ‘all fill that they ate allow :ross these tracks a the public. It is hi compariy were nia J. Citizens have" to ueople should do th t'C in n start 1 for thc and mal, this whole basis. tincti UFO} the not be increased. by giving an, ttltf real support thatyou can to our new assessor, there ss'rin be no doubt about the general outcome ot the assess- ment. We want to meet our just debts and as all share alike, all should be taxed alike in this matter, MONTHLY MrACTCNG OF" TH Fl \VESTON HortTiCUrTUHsAL sot i m J ipality in a)" into th y our asses ciiildlen as his remarks VVOuld be u. practical study of Bird Life and bei great eucational value to many of the| boys and girls. Another interesting fact brought forth by one of the (1618-. gates was the high percentage pf"; membership credited to Weston. Outi of a total Province of Ontario 'ily-iii-c) bership of 20,000 Weston had 1,741. Special mention was made of this at the Convention and the Weston So- ciety congratulated on their achieve- ment. This Society like the Red Cross and other good causes undertaken by the town citizens has gone over the top in the past. Watch for develop- ments this year.' They will surprise you. local Once more tt Ili The Forward Movement Campaign in the various Methodist Churches in connection with Malton Circuit has been carried on most successfully and the returns show enthusiasm and in- terest in the work. Malton Church has not been completed and returns made up to the time of going to press, but the other five Churches collected as follows: Thistletown $540, men- view $575, Bethany $500, Trinity $357, nt inc tt Sharon $200 out JW objections have We have) taken It must he Fen that our ass'essn :reased. At the r. l?t ASSESSOR IS H HA tty nt witl' 1n ll ssment. Thereto is ther etween 1'it 19 to ourgn and equ 1 hat is war tttal f( ll MAIJI‘ON assessor is I p1 :e the assessment Mr. James Clarke. some Years, is un- k. After all the men current about Jeans that the jot b this your; The ld nt sh SS" th w h MI sh is. If it xssesse i y h h " 3w- not f; Building a House P $41116 Irvin Lumber Company t "plvervthiru, for lke,itHitno-" TJMIThn ' On Monday evening, Feb. 23rd,' a social evening will be held in St. George's schoolroom at 8 pm. in the interests of the Forward Movement Campaign when it is expected all con- tributions will be handed in and a full account of the collections given out. All the members and friends of the Church are cordially welcome. The Forward Movement Campaign workers have been unable to make complete returns for this week's pub- lication but prospects are bright and it is hoped full returns will be forth- coming by the end of the week and announcement of the amounts appear in the next issue. - The social evening held on Monday night at the home of Mrs. B. John, ston, under the direction of the Ivo- man's Institute, was a very enjoyable Build a Home Branch Yard No, 2 Lot Owners, develop your ideal of a Comfortable Home into a Rea- lity.' Prepare to Build Now. For Estimates see: 8 Locust Avenue THE WESTIJN ll NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR TIMEPIECES PUT IN GOOD TIMEKEEPING ORDER. ALL WORK MUST BE DONE TO YOUR SATISFACTION. THAT IS THE WAY WE DO IT FOR YOU. SKATES SHARPENED REPAIRS A SPE( WM. WHITE, PROP., 8 MAIN STREET aiuable information at any time COnen allh Household Laundry and Contracts for Hotels, Factories, etc can be handled efficiently and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Get our quotations. Prices same as charged by city steam laundries. Four men on the premises ready to rush work through. On April lst Motor Truck Delivery will be installed. IN ANNOUNCE THE ENTERING INTO THE STEAM LAUNDRY BUSINESS ON A BIG SCALE STEEL ANKLE SUPPORTS BICYCLES $20.00 TO $65.00. SOME BARGAINS CANADIAN PHONOGRAPHS 1K VITA‘JSLT/i ' . I Yard No, 2 J. C. Irvm, Manager g POSTPONED n ere AGENT FOR CLEVELAND BICYCLES lSLlN GTON UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ANNUAL SUPPER AND CONCERT OF THE OLD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CROSS STREET, WESTON THE WATCH SPECIALIST 10 Main St. South, Weston, near Post Office "Everything for Building" LIMITED 139 MAIN STREET SOUTH, WESTON Phones Weston 74 and Jet. 237 and will gladly quote you pric sell cvérvthing in the Lumber and Building Ma Steam Laundry on build a house, there is no more vital point to l than the buying of Lumber Full line of supplies on hand SOO BROTHERS. F. R. FREY ONIVKZ E. S. WARN BUILDER and successful affair. Some eighty- six persons were present and the pro- gramme in the hands of Mrs. Clare Johnston, given by the Girls' Club, was run amidst much merriment. Solos, readings, instrumentals and a sketch by the Club members furnish- ed excellent entertainment. This was followed by the serving ot dainty re- freshments after which the company dispersed for their various homes, Be- fore leaving a vote of thanks was tendered the hostess and entertainers for their kindness and hospitality. ME ME?! Jack Frost paid another official visit to Weston on Sunday last and finding the temperature"too warm for his comfort, dropped it to zero re- gions once again, much to the dis- comfort of the early Monday morning street car travellers and others who were forced to breast the wintry blasts. REPAIRS A SPECIALTY hTfSCF MOUNT DENNIS