Is) V td l l ft Lt) This oil gets into the brush and contacts, either insulating them from each \other'and causing missing or causing arching. Arching in turn burns the oil and forms soot which soon gums things up badly and also pro- duces heat, which disintegrates the carbon brush and causes it eventually to crumble. “In the Sinai country it is very sandy and it is Quite a common sight to see a Ford running along with two rolls at wire netting secured to the toot boards. When the car gets to a place where the sand is impassable, the-driver unrolls the, netting over the roadway and thus an easily pas- Sable wire road is constructed; in fact in some parts of the country permam ent .wi-re roads have been made and over these the car runs along easily and smoothly, at thirty miles an hour." Excessive oiling of a magneto caus- es the surplus oil to be thrown into the distributor and works much mis- chief. . Some have a centiY revolving brush and stationary contacts in the cover and others a revolving contact and individual stationary contacts in the cover. The brushes in either case areattached to small springs and n'iay be slipped into or out of their sockets by hand. Absolute cleanliness is im- portant in both forms. _ Mr. Massey also stated that the Ford played no small part in help- ing to "deliver the Holy Land and Syria from the Turks" and that his old "1080 Ford was the most wonderful car in the war." So highly does he regard the merits of the Ford tar that he asked permission to address the men of the Ford factory, who make Ford cars, to tell them his ex- periences and thank them for their good work in building sdeh reliable motor cars. This wish was certainly granted. ‘Magneto manufacturers make their distributors so that they may be re- moved easily and wiped with a dry, clean cloth. Some magnetos, toyin- stance, have their distributors held on by three little clips retained by three thumb .nuts. These may be loosened by hand. Others have three screws or simple spring clips to retain the cover. . _ MUCH OIL IN MAGNErro . \VILL CAUSE MISCHIEF As a result of the war England is overstocked 0n heavy trucks, but there is a shortage of one and one- half ton trucks. When telling of his experiences; he says that he "used a Ford in many a journey trom Beersheba to Jerusalem and ,to Nazareth, Damascus and Aleppb," and that "in Allenby’s final push, this trusty car took me more than 4,000 miles in six weeks, and I believe Within one year it travelled bver 30,000 miles in a country where roads are few, and the worst in the world." _ , AV. T. Massey, noted British Journa- list, now recording the Prince of Wales' tour through Canada and the United States, for the London Daily Telegraph, of London, was official war correspondent with the English Army, under General Allenby. which wrested the Holy Land and Syria from thet Turks. T After a. car has been in service for some time there is a tendency of the Spring leaves to fit somewhat tighter together, owing to the smooth sur- tapes that have been produced. This makes the spring d little more com- pact bi a few thousandths ot an inch, but this is enough to loose the springs clip. These latter parts should 'fifi"tt'r' tore be drawn tight after a thousand miles or so of travel in the new car. Emergency Cable Repair In cases of emergency it is possible to 'iittaxut a cable to the battery' by stripping back the insulation for two or tttree' inches, prying apart the strands and then placing a washer on each side ot the cable, after which the nut is scfewed down, holding the cable firmly in place. 's _ i _ Oversize Tire Mileage The custom of using oversize tires is becoming popular, and it may be well to, remind car owners making this change that these larger sizes one inch bigger in wheel diameter and three inches in wheel circumference, make a, difference in speedometer registra- tion. The' recording instrument will turn up Ifewer miles with the larger tires tha with standard sizes. A thir- ty-in'ch tire will drop a mile in every thirty travelled, or in other words. Will_record Only twenty-nine miles in- stead of thirty actually travelled. To Loosen Valve Caps Occasionally a valve cap will stick and refuse. to yield to ordinary efforts. In these circumstances run the engine tor a few minutes until the cap is heated and then pour a little water in the recess of‘the crap. This causes a sudden contraction, which allows the cap to be unscnewed. TIGHTEN S PR1 xc, CLI PS IN THE HOLY LAND MOTOR NOTES You buy,a tractor for power-lots of power-never-failing power that can be depended upon every minute, through the hard spots, over the knolls, up the grades-bull dog tenacity that maintains nor- mal speed through the peak loads in threshing when the boys feed the separator a little too fast-live,' throbbing, eager power that keeps an ensilage cutter hungry' and yawning for more. The New Hart- Parr delivers just that kind of power/on kerosene. ' _ Sit on a New Hart-Part and feel itsrquick, pbwerufl response on your touch-feel the eagerness of this steel 1i,t,t?; alive at your‘fin- ger tips-it will thrill you-you will then' know vhat we mean when we say it never fails, it always sees you through--you will under- stand, too, why New Hart-Parr owners are so enthusiastic-why so many farmers are trying to get New Hart-Parr; It is rated as a 3-plow tractor with 30 horse power on the belt--- the size that has proved most profitable. It easily delivers its full rating. Then, too, it has that necessary reserve power for emergen- cies. At the last National Power Farming Demonstration the New Hart-Parr delivered over 31 h.p. at 732 revolutions of the crank shaft per minute. Such public tests prove that the New Hart-parries not have to be over-seeded-hence not over-heated-to develop its full rating. . The "Ford Educational Mreolily and Monthly Films" put out by the Ford Motor Company have earned for that Company the largest circulation of motion pictuyes in the world." Ford films are run in 5.5208 theatres in the United States and Canada each week. They are also distributed throughout Europe, Asia, South America; Africa, Australia, New Zealand, India, New- foundland, Dutch East Indies and many other islands. The Ford pictures are viewed by more than ten millions of people in motion picture theatres each week. But they are also in demand outside of the theatre. Churches, colleges, the Y.M.C.A., public and private schools and Even many ot the coun- try's largest penal institutions find Ford Films particularly valuable be- cause of their high moral and educa- tional value. _ Besides being susceptible to control by wireless waves, the electrical steer- ing machinery may also be actuated by the beams of a Searchlight Acting on selenium cells. Selenium has the property ot controlling propelling 11m- chinery by means of light, as demon- strated by a device known as an “elec- tric dog." This itra box mounted on th.ree wheels, containing a motor op- erated by a storage battery, with any other motor which actuates the stem: ing wheel.. At one end of the box are two bull's eyes of glass, with "awpart'I- tion projecting between them so that liéht shining into one of the eyes does not reach the other. Behind each bull's-eye. is a screen of selenium. When a light shines into the right eye the steering; .wheel is turned so that the "dog" tuttns to the right, and vice versa. This curious contrivance will litrllow the light of a lantern at night, training along behind the person car- rying the light and turning corners as though it were alive. A petition has been presented by farmers in Brant County to the County Council urging the purchase of the Cockshutt toil road at as early a date as possible. TEN BIILLION FORD V I \ vs I V U w A Waugh“ 'e 'liilCi28 " i% iilllLalj tlah "iilfiiill? 'ca afll, RM ghigdttB, :3 Mt' tN EiiE - 'IE .. .z- ieg Jig ~, ALB, "111% AE ith,, Mlh BS, Agih Jliah J3 42m. JflT, ' " Eu. 'SEN Motor News of Interest (6K9 New Write for Catalogue and particulars to Local Agent, PEOPLE PICTURES \YI‘IEKLY W. J. SMITH POWER . BOX 367, BRAMPTON, ONT. The County Council of Northum- berland and Durham has fixed the ap- propriation for County roads at $120,- 000 for 1920. The Department of Highways will be asked to take over the road in Cavan Township between concessions 7 and 8 as a County-Pro- vincial highway. A motor truck has been invented for farm use that ioads, hauls and scatters fertilizer, Elsing the same power tot all three operations. In .view of these facts, the Board of Directbrs laid before the meeting: a special by-haw and Recommendation that the. capital stock of the Company should be increased to $500,000.00, that a 50 per ceht. stock bonus be given to all shareholders and the past earnings be kept in' the business to handle the output of 1920, and to in- crease the plant as required for the volumeof orders already booked, and the business which will be_offered during the season of 1920. Several opportunities of very profitable export business hag been offered the Com- pany, as soon as they are in a posi- tion to handle the same. In the discussion which followed, several shareholders expressed them- selves as gratified with the capable management and splendid success Which the Company has been able to users of those highways Special Shareholders' Meeting Hercules Rubber Co. Ltd. meeting of tho above (‘ompany was held in the factory at Brampton on Saturduy last. Ifel’n‘uary 21st, at 3 p.m. Two hundred and twenty-five share- holders were represented either in person Or by proxy. The reports of the. auditor and man- ager' showed that the Company has been milking splendid earnings up to date, and has over a.half-million dol- lars of orders booked tor the year of 1920; J _ It is announced that the long, ex- heated absorption of the many toll- roads ih the Ottawa district have been accomplished by Carlton County. The abolition of these ton-gale barriers will be joyful news to farmers and shareholders' Company was Brampton on At the inaugural meeting of the Council for Ontario County, held at Whitby, a. resolution was passed re- questing the Legislature to have the Provincial Highway between Toronto and Oshawa constructed of concrete, and not macadam. Edouard and Andre Michelin, noted French tire manufacturers and pat- rons of aviation, have attracted wide- spread attention by offering a prize ot $100,000 to the person who first evolves and demonstrates a heavier- than-air machine which will rise and land vertically. _ With $1ty,000,0i)O voted by the Que- bec Legislature for highway construc- tion and $5,000,000 tor colonization roads, the users of the highways should be jubilant over the prospects of good roads in that Province. R. C. Stewart, President of the United States Motor Truck Com- pany, has offered to any employee ot the company to whom a. male baby is born during the year 1920, a present in cash of $50; to any employee to whom twins may be born, of either sex, a present of $100; and should there be born to any employee triplets during the year, a present of .$400. Simcoe County has appropriated $300,000 to be spent on highways this year. Of this amount $252,500 will be 'expended on county and county- Provincial roads and machinery, and the balance on roads in different towns and villages. The village ot Exeter, in Huron County, will build 1 3-8 miles of con- crete road this year at an expenditure of $32,000. weninerton County Council will pur- chase a stone-crusher and feeder for road work this year and to build four bridges. The Suburban; Area, Road Commission will spend about $18,000 on roads near the city. Fifth avenue and Park avenue in New York City are to be made one- way thoroughfares, the direction of the traffic to alternate morning and afternoon. Announcement is made that anoth.. er Canadian-designed five-passenger touring car is to .;uilt in Ontario, with a factory located at Amhertsburg. Dr. William F. Park, Mayor, and W. R. Stantell are President and vice-Presi- dent respectively ot the newly-form- ed company. The town of Ayimer will co-oper- ate with South Hull Council in re- gard to facilitating the purchase of that portion of the Aylmer road, sit- uated within that town, from the Turnpike Company. British Columbia' Government will pay 75 per cent. of the cost of con- struction and maintenance on main or primary roads, 50 per cent. on the construction of secondary or semi- trunk roads, and 40 per cent. on maintenance. Local highways or lat- eral’s will comprise such roads as are not in either of the former two classes. make in so short a time, and parties,. larly With the hearty reception with which the Company's products have been received 'by the tire trade throughout the country, It was points ed out that the Company was fortu~ nate in having all the rubber and can top which will be required tor the year's output purchased at very much bel'ow the _ present market prices. Without a dissenting voice the By-law was carried unanimously. . It was suggested by the. sharehold- ers to the Board of Directors, that in the new issue of stock contemplated, that only the present shareholders should be given the privilege of sub, scribing‘ for the new issue of stock for a, limited time, and that if any imsold balance should remain, it be offered to the public at ti, premium. On this understanding, a number of share.. holdersput in their applications for the new issue of stock, immediately after the meeting. a With a modern plant equipped with the latest rubber maehiner.v, tree from encumberance, with no mortgage, bonds, or debentures; over' halt a mil- lion dollars' worth of orders on file, with business being constantly orrcr- ed; raw materials already purchased for the year's need, it would appear thabthe Company should have a very prosperous new year in 1920. More than 120 motor-car owner's in Montreal will be deprived the privi- lege of securing this year's license, owing to flagrantly disregarding the Motor Vehicle Law, in that Province. SPARKS EGraham & Carton, Dealers I' Farmers on the Bay of Quinta have had to cut .holes tar out from shore to find water for their stock, on ac- count of the severe frosts. The combined ages of the Parks' family of Prince Edward Co., compris- ing fiVe men and two women, is 557 years, the oldest member being Mrs. Elizabeth Windover, of Chatham, aged 86 years.' . Both the Collegiate Iristitute and the Public Schools of Picton were forced to close on account of the flu epidemic, A thief stole 25 beaver skins valued at $1000 from a Bancroft dealer, leav- ing six of the least valuable skins in the place. All the rural mail routes out ot Picton were blocked for three days by a storm that filled the country roads. I LIVE ONTARIO NEWS WIf ARE Ford Dealers in this distri& and have formed an _ estimate of the number of cars we will require to meet the needs of this territory. We cannot get enough cars to fill that estimate because there are not enough cars being made to fll all dealers' estimates throughout Canada. SPRlNG is almost here and you will want a Ford Sedan, Coupe, Touring, Roadster or Ton Truck The demand will be great and the supply limited owing to abnormal conditions. The wise man will place his order with us NOW for immediate or spring delivery. Hundreds were disappointed last spring because they didn't place their orders early. Cars ordered now will not be delivered until March, and deliver- ies will be uncertain throughout the year. If you do not want to wait for summer or autumn' delivery, come in and reserve your car ly signing an order today. 167 The number of cars we can get depends upon the number of orders we send in and the early date at which we send them in,as the Ford Shipping Department follows the principle, "First Come, First Served." Motor Sales & Machinery Co. Limited w A (llhll G Genuine Service q "lltggNM!tltlgl llllllt%S, Take our advice and Port Credit Interments at Milton have been de- ' ------ _ ferred to the fourth day in several Guelph citizens are urging the nee,iRt cases owing to the, difficulty experi- of a mortuary chapel at the cemetery,. enced in digging graves with the ex- a need emphasized by the very severa'r: treme frost. weather conditions of this winter. DO IT NOW Three men were arrested on a charge ot assaulting Dr. Peart, ot Burlington, while he was on his way in his Ford coupe to make a sick call. The school teachers of the Oak Ridges' brick school, noticing smoke coming through the partitions, march- ed the children out and with the aid of volunteer help from the neighbor- hood, extinguished the fire. Dufferin County Council is impos- ing a mill rate to provide money to erect memorials to the soldiers in Orangeville, Shelburne and Grand Valley. The members of St. Jude's Church, Oakville, subscribed $11,000 to the Forward Movement as against their original objective of $4000. DISTRICT FORD DEALERS WRITE, CALL OR PHONE Phone 130 The little son ot Mr. and Mrs. W te., Sibbald, ot Trafalgar, who fractured his skull when he fell into the cellar†is dead as a result of the aecidenC u A hearse taken to a. funeral! m Hal; ton County got stuck in the deep snow, for several days, the funeral taking _ place without it. t _ Butter is only 5002; pound at Wren-x. v. _ I ton and eggs 60c per dozen. I Messrs. Beardmore & Co., of Acton†intend opening a store for the purpose . of selling staples to their emptoyem., thus acceding to the request ot nearly!“ every man in'their employment; When Dr. Forge examined Vincent~ Holmes, of Lion's Head, he found that _. the lad's illness waé caused by his: . heart being two inches out of place. Em. I451? 237% r: