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Times & Guide (1909), 25 Feb 1920, p. 4

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{673:1 $1 "MR, FIX-IT" . BIG V COMEDY British Canadian News Weekly [Monday, Tuesday, Mar. 1 and 2 'r,,'. ALICE JOYCE in V "'THE THIRD DEGREE" Seven part Vitagraph Special Serial Comedy HiEAPLE LEAF THEATRE F "Weston Rd. Cars Stop at Door Price: Adults 20c, children 15c Saturday Matinee 2'.30 Admission 10c F Amusement Tax extra [Ti,- ' Phone 194 'lt' l IMrs. Geo. Rose,' a resident of New- fmax‘ket for ovér 40 years, is dead as ;:',the result of a fall in her bedroom "t when she broke her hips. f ”-When Mix first read the storyahe Hiked the idea of stopping the run” (away, but balked at letting the horse , .throw him oft lest his admirers failed l .inp, stunt. But it was pointed out "'vk.that the fall was necessary for the sake of thegstory. So Mix agreed. thus _ "naking this scene in his neivest fea- iture more dramatic. “THE PRINCE AND BETTY" Serial _ Comedy Maple Leaf Theatre Wednesday, Thursday, M WM. DESMOND “IMPOSSIBLE CATHERINE" Seriar-'q3ound and Gagged" .Friday, Saturday, February 27th and Mth, DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS Wednesday, Thursday, February 25th and 26th PROGRAM FOR WEEK OF FEB. 9TH A'su‘anger taking orders for bottled goods in the neighborhood ,of Can- nington and Beatrerton is said to have gamed $700 in the neighborhood. though the subscribers are still await- ing delivery. Eva. Novak plays the girl whose pic- ture is found in the locket. Others in the strong supporting cast include Claire McDowell, J. Arthur Mackley, John COssar, Mollie McConnell, Lloyd T9acon,%id Jordan and Lucretia Har- ris, who wrote the famous play "Kind- ling." wrote both the story and the scenario, and E. J. Le Saint directed iettrrsroduct,ion. Chis stunt is called for by an epi- sode in the action in which Mix saves rtheJife of enemy feudists by stopping :2the runaway horse, but is thrown from athe animal and rendered unconscious. tThis paves the-way for the others to sdiseover a, locket around his neck in which he carries the portrait ot the Maughter of the enemy. / Many screen actors who are fond "of doing stunts can stop a runaway horse by running along with the horse and leaping to the anirual's back-a smatter comparatively simple for an neXpert horsemanl But Tom Mix, in “The Feud" on Wednesday and Thurs- alay at the Beaver Theatre, is the first "with sufficient courage to bow to the -demands of the scenario, leap to the back of the horse, and then permit Uthe horse to throw him off while the matyirnal is galloping at full speed. ~TORI MIX FIRST TO The scltemet"s present plan is to sturn the eyes of-the world ,in Mervo's direction by staging a revdlution arid the come-back of the Prince Royal. And who is the prince? Why, he‘s William Desmond. a penniless An1eri- an who aspires to the hand of a bean- titat herness. Mary' Thurman is V. “Betty. ' ' A" , In this picturization of Pelham T Grenville Wodehouse's widely read novel, Walter Perry portrays the role lot the president of the small repub- lie of Mervo. The President has an itdWing palm that finds balm in the good American dollars of a man who mever missed a chance, however wild and daring it might be, to make anoney. High Class Photop1ays Vitagraph, Pathe, Paramount Artcraft Walter Perry, that sterling charac- Mer actor, without whom no Jesse D. ‘Hampton production is entirely com- plete, is one of the important mem- tbers of the supporting cast of William Desmond's newest picture, "The "Prince and Betty." THE CHAR’I'EHS fcrsrasHrxo Co., Limited WAIII‘ER PERRY HAS I'I‘CHING PALM IN "THE PRINCE . AND BETTY“ ‘WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1920 .lnsertion; mmimum charge L'V. ite- ..pprts of mecung's held gladly insert- ved free. In 3Eeittor,iam Rout-es and cards of thanks, Gc per line; mini- (mum charge 230. Birth, Marriage. and Death-Notices. no charge. Classl- . fied Advts., 2.50 per eachhinsrevtion for ads. not exceeding six li.nes; over that {wiper each extra mm. Profes- sional Cards and small standing ads. not exceeding: 1%", single col., $7.50 Jper year. Auction S'rttte_.Advertis1ntT, mates according to size and number “of insertions. Display Matter Rates, ,, on application. mm; MATTER FOR PUBLICATION must be in the office nat later than f noon Tuesday. This is absolutely necessary tb ensure insertion in the issue ofythat week. .At the Maple Leaf March 3 and 4 SUBSCRIPTION in advance tc da. 51.00 pet United States ADVERTISING EB FOUR VIRGINIA PEARSON 8c per line for f line for each s Bushman Locals line tor each in Society Notices concerLs. etc., wl The Times & Guide ihtser.tion menus or Published every Wednesday --uy--. S. CHA PERFORM. NEAT STUNT WESTON S. WILSON, Manager RTERS, Preside t HARTERS, 'Jle.t!heas. . RATES--FL50 per year l any address in Cana- l' year in advance to l. Single copies 3c. HATEs---Letrat Notices, t' first insertion, " per i subsequent insertion. ills or Renders. 10c per insertion. -Cqu-ch or on» of entertainments. where an admission fee 'pcd or a collection talc- e Sc per line tor each ti) Se per line tor each Meetings t .Announce- t, organization or soci- Sc per line for each --" Emily is seen working her shapely fingers on the combination ot the safe. The processes try which the intricate The young star appears in several tremendously exciting adventures, the aim and purpose of which is the cracking and looting of a safe or the plotting for such projects 'with mem- bers of the high-class crook band to which she belongs) _ Misé Griffith plays the role of a high-class crook. She is known as Emily Cottrell, "The Princess of Dia- monds,"because of her dextrous skill as a, safe-cracker. A demonstration of wlgat members of crookdom and the olice forces know as "educated fingers" is given by Corinne Griffith, Vitagraph star. in her latest feature film, "The Tower of Jewels." This production will be the big attraction at the Mavety Theatre on March 4th, 5th and 6th. "MAle and Female" Latest Cecil B. ary SOCial siren who is possessed of De Mille Picture ; the beauty of Aphrodite and the mor- Contrast has much to do with the) als of Thais, takes. Eleanor and her exquisite dramatic quality of Cecil B., small fortune into his fold, to use both De Mille‘s latest Paramount-Ar/aft, for the betterment of his own posi- picture "Male and Female." which is tion. And this is the task lo which to be the attraction at the Oakwood Nancy has assigned herself: [the es- March lst 2nd and 3rd. Sir James trangement of Eleanor from _21en' ini- lM. Barrie’s ‘famous play, “The Ad- pending'fate. I . . _ " i mirable Crichton," forms the basis of Nancy's undertaking carries her the story which relates the thrilling through a labyrinth ot difficulties and experience of a super-intelligent Eng-' experiences, f,.?yley,','.rcrte.1n.f, compro- lish butler, Crichton. A mere menial mlsmg "al disheartening, but ,“n' in England Crichton becomes the daunted bl the odds and determined man of the hour when his master'sim her desire to lift Eleanor from ulti- yachting party is wrecked on a desertI Plate despair, she plies her traits of island. He rules the fortunes of the', inherent sweetness and purity of pur- group and wins the heart of his //iii'l pose to the ultimate undoing10fi the ter's beautiful daughter only to re-' intriguers and the resuscitation of fuse her for a, little serving maid Thei Eleanor who, now aware of the error sumptuousness of the English country' ot her way, Is glad to return to the home where the story opens contrast- ( clean. wholesome life she had left be- ' . . . . , . hind. ed with the rimitive tro ical isle; the magnificent ILady Mary End the hum- ( At the-Oakwood Feb. 26th, 27th and ble servant, Tweeny, who finally wins '. 28th. . Crichton's heai‘ttx; Crichton, the butler, ------o-----u. and Crichton, t e monarch. are excel- . . , lently brought out by the supreme ‘THEIHLRD DEGREE" A T art of Cecil B. De Mille. It is a lavish DRAMA WITH A MISSION realistic production throughout and --.--- Will gain new honors for the director "The Third Degree," when Produc- extraordinary. M ,m FT,., "mama" an,“ A- A.” -1: =r_.., Corinne Griffith Takes Role of, Clever Crook SAFE-CRACKER HAS Mr. Jackes is attempting to edu- cate Canadians regarding the vast problem before the Empire and the Church in the near and middle East. Aside from the educational merit his pictures are well worth seedhg as beautiful examples of colored photo- graphy. _ An Opportunity for Weston Citizens tb See the East“ On Monday evening, March Ist, Li' shows India, the great empire within ,the Empire. On Tuesday evening. March 2nd, he shows Mesopotamia, the Empire's new treasure land. This will be of particular 1interest as, amongst other things, it wilt 'show much of the material remains of the green Biblical empires' of Babylonia. and Assyria. On Wednesday evening, March 3rd, Mr. Jackes will show the Empire in Africa and the audience will see the great Cape to Cairo rail- way and how the British are bring- ing new life to old Egypt. A"bright.‘ running talk will be given each even-l ing. 1 Worttterfol Pictures Coming; to tht Town Hall Mr. Lyman B. Jackes, who is com- ing to the Weston Town Hall on the first three evenings in March, is done ot the most travelled men in Canada. He was a British Officer in the' East during the late war and has photo- graphed in no less than seventeen fitf- ferent countries. His lanterns' are amongst the finest in Canada and his pictures have drawn the most favor- able comment from leading 'l‘orontu clergvmen and educationalists. Ir','?- tore going overseas he was a photo- grapher on one of the large Canadian daily papers and has been given 27 medals and awards for his skill. On Monday evening, March 1st, hr: shows India, the great empire within MONDAY EVENING, MARCH lst, 8.15 P.M. (Rev. J. W. Stewart, Chairman) "mDIA"-.The Great Empire within the Empire TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 2nd, 8.15 P.M. (Rev. W. J. Forbes Robertson, Chairman) "MESOPOTAMtA"-The Empire's New Treasure Land WEDNESDAY EVENING, INIARCH 3rd, 8.15 P.M. (Rev. W. M. Mackay, Chairman) \ "THE EMPIRE IN AFRICA” N, Plan to come, bring others, tell Your friends. Educative Instructive Enjoyable ADULTS 25c, CHILDREN 15c twar Tax Included) IN THE THEATRES EDUCATED FINGER LndThis J7espite ho.ir ”Will Om’il‘ons and ms- erest as,' tic surroundings, Nancy has intuitively rill ;showi learned that city life, with its blinding; ins of the) machinations and alluring tomptu- Babyloniaf tlons,'aff01'ds deep and numerous pit- y evening,) tells Into which the average. girl of: show the kind is fill too apt to plunge, if thrown audience into the swirl of its social torrenis. Eairo rail-:1 It is into this dazzling whirlpool we 'b/Ing-) that Nancy's country cousin, Eleanor, A-bright, has been thrown through her sudden ach even-l possession of a $50,000 legacy, and i knowing the tendencies of the social . to edu-l currengrand the weaknesses of her the vast cousin, Nancy appoints herself the ', and thei moral administratrix of Eleanor's af- lee Easti fairs--unbeknown to Eleanor-and merit his) follows her to the city. TERNIST ' MAGNIFICENT COLO R E D IyISSOLVING VIEWS, POW- ERFUL DISSOLVING LAN- TERNS, BRIGHT, INTEREST- ING TALKS ON MODERN CONDITIONS IN THE BRIT- ISH EAST. . Weston Town Hall March lst, 2nd and 3rd CANADA'S LEADING LAN- LYMAN B. JACKES Cornwall is to have a linoleum and oilcloth factory employing 50 men. At ,the Maple Leaf March Ist and 2nd. Tom Terriss has brought out all the dramatic headlights in the story by his splendid direction and handling of lights, and Miss Joyce is given a sup- porting cast of exceptional strength. This drama. by its compelling force quickly tore away the veil shrouding the viciousness of such a system and lead swiftly to far-reaching reforms. Vitaitraph's screen version, with Alice Joyce starred in the role of Annie Sands, lacks none ot the gripping in- tensity ot the stage play. virons for the city and its brighter jthings of life, has married a mercen- 'ary social siren who is possessed of g the beauty of Aphrodite and the mor- iars of Thais, takes Eleanor and her , small fortune into his fold, to uge both for the betterment of his own posi- 'tion. And this is the task to which Nancy has assigned herself: [the es- tramtement of Eleanor from -’her hu- pending fate. ' "The Third Degree," when produc- ed on the speaking stage as one of the greatest dramatic triumphs ot the late Charles Klein, had a mission high- er than thrilling a'miliion theatre- goeis with its tremendous dynamic scenes. Its mission was to end the evils of the then prevalent police in, quisition known as the "third degree, ' under which by exquisite physical and mental torture confessions to crimes were extorted from hapless victims, regardless' of their palpable innocence. Nancy's unde/'taiiinir carries' her through a labyrinth ot difficulties and experiences, embarrassing, compro- mising "al disheartening, but un- daunted bl the odds and determined in her desire to lift Eleanor from ulti- mate despair, she plies her traits of- inherent sweetness and purity of pur- Eleanor's father, who long since had abandoned his wife and country en- Nancy Prieet Elaine Hammerstein) as sweet and plain as her name, owm and manages. successfully, one of the -best playing farms in Ohio audLat owl moments devotes herself to the‘moro arduous and never ceasing task of act- ing the mother-confessor to the neigh- borhood. [ ST o, mechanism the hidden sound and adept fingc vealed. inc yt' Miss Griffith pc ‘ective character Y OE film may be set in moti tumblers "felt" I: sensitized touch ( PS. to some extent PHI ISO!) co UNTit Y CoUSrN " rt r H in motion dashingl perforrr stern til: Mic t rent by of 1n tl the. Plays the roll of a dashing princess of diamonds;, who robs safes and conquers hearts. BRITISH CANADIAN WEEKLY BIG V. COMEDY COMING on March 18, 10 and 20, ELMO LINCOLN in the thunderbolt serial, \“ELMO THE FEARLESS,", and DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in his latest picture, "WHEN THE CLOUDS ROLL BY," on March 25, 26 and 27. Dancing in the Roof Garden every Saturday night at 8.30 p.m. NEW MANAGEMENT _ V NEW PRICES . "THE BEAUTY MARKET" . A Sensational Society Story 2nd episode of the latest serial, "THE GREAT RADIUM MYSTERY" TOPICS OF THE DAY LYON &_ MO,RAN COMEDY , Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 4, 5 and 6 -_. ’ CORINNE GRIFFITH COMEDY Trail of Octopus Main Floor 20c-- 25c Boxes 25c Bal. 25c--15c ALLEN’S BEAVER Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, March lst, 2nd and 3rd Cecil De Mille's Production "MALE AND FEMALE" "Don't believe the story books, Mary. Love isn't everything! There is Heredity and Tradition-and London !" A picture that seizes the creatures of a mis- fit "civilization," strips them of their false fronts and handicaps. flings them down in a land where nature rules, and says: "Try again, love again." Come and see what happens! . COMEDY “mutiny Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, March 1, Qand 3 America's Famous Screen Beauty' _ Direction 3 Jule & MATINEE DAILY at 2.15---Prices all seats 10c EVENINGS 7 PM. AND 9 P.M.--Balcony 15c, The girl of your dreams in the sweetest love story the' screen has cwr told WEEKLY J. Jay Allen Music: Orchestra under the leadership of C. Franks rices: Matinees 10c and 15c. Evenings 15c, 20c, 25c 341d 35c Matinee). Daily 2.15 p.m Mavety Theatres, Ltd. a. rogramme Week of March lst THE OAKWOOD THEATRE Mavety Theatres LIMITED " I The House of Good Pictures Matinee Daily 2.15 Evenings 7 and 9 p.m Cpr. St. Clair Ave. and Oakwood Phpne Hill 5300 Thursday,' Friday, Saturday, February 26th, 27th and 28th "THE WOMAN MICHAEL MARRIED“ Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 4th, 5th and 6th ANITA STEWART “MIND THE PAINT, GIRL" "THE COUNTRY COUSIN" ' KATHERINE MAIDMUTCH \\' EDNESDA Y ANI) THURSDAY TOM MIX "BETTER TIMES" Pearl White in "The Black Secret" ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN Saturdays and Holidays Continuous from 2.15 to “1' "THE TOWER OF JEWELS" FRI DAY AND SATURDAY THEATRE P TUESDAY BESSIE BARRISCALE Allen's Beaver Concert Orchestra Lower Floor 20c "THE FEUD" VISIT Comedy 111 1n In vening 7 and 9 p.m WEEKLY ‘1 1 pnal COMEDY Can. Pictorial Matinees Adults - 15c Children-loc Fest oronto SCENIC THE OLD ESTABLISHED AND LONGEST REALTY FIRM IN WEST YORK AND THEY If inconvenient to call or man will call upon you. ARE ASSURED OR QUICK AND PROMPT ING THEIR PROPERTY WITH Property Owners C. C. M. SKATES-AU sizes, Skates and Hockey Sticks, Pucks and Straps. l) _ Skates,put on your boots. is Headquarters for Sporting Goods, Guns and Ammunition kets and Whips. Full supply of Gloves and Mitts, lined and unlined, at 2 to suit you. Don't forget we sell the famous Moffat Stoves and Rang the Quebec Heater that gives heat and satisfaction. . SHIPPING OFFICES 911 ngle Street, West Tor Just at the corner of Dundas & Keele SNOW PACKS RUBBERS f _ Yes, you get them here and good quality at low prices. REPAIRING We can handle it with speed and dispatch now. Our solid workmanship-enable-s us to hold a big tradé. T q To England, Europe, New Zealand V'ou can get them and the very best service Holiday or Week-End Twig 1056 WESTON ROAD LIS THIS OFFER IS OF GREAT VA.LUE IT OVER RUSSELL BUILDING F Comer Dennis Ave, and Weston Road, Mt, Dennis Phones: Weston 18-1-2; Junc. 1520 and June. 2090 EAGLE HOUSE BLOCK, MAIN ST., WESTON Boys, we Russell a Russell STE.N TO THur-B, McClure’s . Weston Hardware HEAR THESE RECORDS GOLDEN GATE by BEN HOKEA ' LOVE WILL FIND A WAY, by VERA McLEAN BEN HOKEA and VERA McLEAN will be at the KODAK HALL on FEB'Y 27TH Keep This Date Open Ocean Bookings arid Sailings lnvitehYour Listings EAGLE BLOCK, MAIN ST., WESTON Quick Service---------"- Delivery Moore's Lunch and Ice Cream Parlor '10 THIS-ly the paying?,' down of One Dollar we will deliver to your home any Phonograph _ , you choose. _ _ T I" ir In Fruits and Candies Boxed or in Bulk--------- MAIN STREET, WESTON GILBERT' have them, and they wear, Here is a Special . GILBERT Shoo Does It . Ge RICE _ ON ALL LINES PHONE 16 write just phone and one of FOR THE PHONE 120 MOUNT DENNIS, 'w Zealand or Australia best service and information at WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1920 Toronto TO YOU. THINK SALES BY LIST- and Ranges and Call June. 5011 our sales- a price , Blarr- A, H I " I E l _ 1

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