Weston Historical Society Digital Newspaper Collections

Times & Guide (1909), 25 Feb 1920, p. 5

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_cC:-,i'il", M SASH, KIT LES, DOORS, EADS ALL THE LUMBE R, LATHMEIEITIEES &c., COMPLETE R THAT AMOUNT BUYS DINING-ROOM WOOD, RK DONE. CHEN CABINET, BUFFET, a ,EAN s ALL THE MILL wo C TOGETHER. THAT M , / TTING ' P, (r. FOR PU Studio: 252 Main St. A HOUSE THAT YOU WILL . SE PROUD TO OWN WALTER LONGSTAF F .BANAUA LUMBER Ell, H11, WESTON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1920 L. L. T. Morley NOTE THIS WELL F A. GILBERT Teacher of Violin Wm? Box 33 is still doing: busi- ness 1n the old stand. Be sure and address all communications or Phone 285 For Pumps, Windmills and Gasoline Eneines Established 1830 WALTER LONGSTAFF ---to- WESTON Weston WHOLESALE AND RETAIL vatory Examinations. R. R. '2, WESTON PHONE b.- PIANO INSTRUCTION e Monday and Thursday, 2 to C pau, Studio, Bank of Nova Scoua Butldim‘ Pupils prepared for Toronto Conner GENERAL TEAMING Sand. Gravel and Filling Always o: Emmi Movings Promptly . Attended to. . Phone " " 6.45 a.m., 12.45 noon and 6.45 p.m. 33 Richmond St. w, VV . A.TITLEY CHARLES GILLIS Main 3289 Kenwood 3285 Stella V. Rowntree This plan and specifications go with every sale and save you money. _ See the compact layout. Every inch of space used. Large fireplace in the living room, large dining room, good, well- Jighted kitchen and bedrooms. Look at This Plan Public Accountant and Auditor Toronto, 91050 Weston Road Mount Dennis W. C. Burrage General Alterations and Repairs attended to Concrete Foundations, Cellar Floors and Sidewalks laid: BUILDER & CONTRACTOR 106 Rosemount Nyr, Weston Phone 106 . daily for qualified recruits. A course in one oCShaw's Schools will qualify you in short order. Write for patalogue and proof of demand for our graduates. Address P. McIntosh, Chief Principal, Yonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto. Business Calls a Fire Brigade: Dear Sirs: As it has become absolutely sary that order and method M ed so as to secure the best rest will permit us to issue a few sary that order and method be adopt, ed so as to secure the best results, you will permit us to issue a few rules Ht addition-to those in force at the pre- sent time, In choosing your officers you do so inithe interest of fire fight- ing efficiency and it is only right that they give the orders, and you will nu- derstaud the importance of each man carrying out the orders as given even though they may look wrong to him. Thereipre orders given by officers as per their sepiority and rank 1villjave to be carried out in future. NEW va'LES AND 1tFi6HtATI0N.c, _ or' THF, WFhc/PON VOLI'N- .. TEER FIRE BRIGADE Weston/Feb. 20th, 1920 Members ot the Weston Volunteer Fire Bligade: _’I“here will be on the fire muck smoke masks that you will have to try to use. also electric flash lights for use of those wearing masks, the offl- del's will supply Rhese to the men best filled to use them and secure the besit results, and your officers think that none should be removed from the truck unlesscby their orders. The taking charge of tho truck by driving of same has been defined to your satisfaction but the driver must go by the senior officer's orders on same {as to location and direction of route. It has also been thought that in the interest: of good fire fighting ability an effort be made to keep the general public clear of the apparatus that is being used by the firemen and if an officer should direct you to that duty you will be expected to do that only, and unless that order is cancelled by an officer or higher rank than the one Who gays you the command you will be expected to remain at that post. This will also apply to any work that is allotted to you. You will no doubt concur in this and will remember that it is not to show our authority that this circular is being sent to you, but as we stated above to secure the best results and highest efficiency you would like to see us continue to give to the town and at the same time to protect the public from danger which may not be apparent to them. It is our inten- tion to make an example of any per- son not complying with your request to keep back at a safe distance, We know that this will not deprive us of 501w great ability as a fire fighter, and we will be only too pleased to have you suggest any points of ad- vantage to be gained. ‘ But its the responsibility rests on us we think that the knowledge that we can rely upon you to carry out the task assigned to you will enable us to work along the plans we have in view at the time that you were placed on that duty. f On Friday morning last the trolley pole on the 8.10 a.m. car going to the city jumped. the wire and caught the electric light wire crossing over to Mr. R. Greer's house on Main st., tearing it from its fastening, but no serious results followed. In a few minutes the pole was straightened and adjusted and the car proceeded on its way. Also in a short time Mr. Green had mis wires repaired. Mrs. Charles Tottle The death occurred on Sunday,Feb. 22nd, at her home, 27 Woodside Ave., Ivest. Toronto, of Mrs. Tottle, beloved wife of Mr. Charles Tottle. For a num- ber of years Mr. Tottle and family liv- ed in Weston and during their stay made many friends and acquaintances. all of whom extend their sympathy to the bereaved family. She is SUP- vived by her husband and three" daughters, Mrs. Evans of Barrie, and Misses Madeline and Margery at home. Funeral services conducted by Rev. Mr. Strangways was held on Wednes- day afternoon. interment taking place in Park Lawn Cemetery. Hoping that we may havc your hearty co-operation in the future the same as we have enjoyed in the past, we are, Edward Lester On Friday, February 20th, Edward Lester passed away at his home, Wes- ton Road, aged 62 years.. Deceased was born in Etobicoke and had lived in the same community all his life, making his home with his sister, Mrs. Usher, on the farm north of Weston, another brother, James, living in Brampton. Funeral services were held on Monday, Rev. R. Sims in charge, interment taking place in St. Phillip's (Remotely. J u NI OR FARMERS The County President, ‘Mr. Clarke Young, presided. After calling the meeting to order he announced the public speakin g contest in which there were six entries. The speakers were very uniform and the boys who made their maiden speeches are to be congratulated on their good showing. Mr, Toole, president of the Aurora class, took the first prize on "Why a Young Man Should Stay on the Farm." He was followed in order of merit by Messrs. Bird, Williams, Kane, Ratcliffe and Dove. Mr. J. C. Steckley, district repre- sentative, spoke for a few minutes on the necessity of boys turning out to work tof the stock judging team. The George S. Henry cup, which is to be- come the property of the best stock- judger When he has won it "three times, is to Le awarded at the annual County stock judging contest early in March. No one has so far won it more than once. Mr. Clarke Young, ot Unionville, class won it in 1918 and Mr. Leslie Guardhouse, ot Thistletown, in 1919. It is also proposed to put on an inter-class stock judging contest, and a, series ot inter-class debates have been arranged. ‘The Junior Farmers' Improvement Association of York County held their annual meeting at Thornhill on Tues- day afternoon, Feb. 17th.' In spite of severe weather and _badly drifted roads, a good attendance of the Coun- ty was present, but the Aurora class of 1920 was out in largest numbers. The sum/her picnic, which has been an annual event for this last five years, is to give place to something larger. It is proposed to have a field day some time during the summer months. As the J.F.I.A. numbers near- ly tour hundred and they come from all parts of the County, there is no reason why the field day should not be a success. T Owing to the absence of several members of the Executive Committee the election of officers and further business wer e left over until the day ot the sotck judging contest. Yours truly, \VESTON F1811} BRIGADE, ' S. S. TOTTEN, Chief. . GEORGE FISHER, Capt MEET AT THORN HILL OBIT CARY bsolutely neccs Owing to sickness ladies' night of Humber Lodge, A.F'.' & A.M., has been indefinitely postponed. Notice of date will be announced Inter. On Thursday, March 4th, a "hard time" carnival will be held under the auspices of the local G.\V.V.A. in the Weston covered rink. Keep the date open. Everybody come and 'have 2 good time. Sask, and Mr. Jollt Louis, Iowa, were vi of Mr. John Dicliin week. Rev. Mr. Pearson of Ottawa spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Chapman last week while on his wartaTrancouver, BC. Mr. Herbert Kéllam ot/'streetssvill spent the week end an his home 01 King St. " Mr. J. M. Gardhouse shipped a car- load of horses to Inverholme Stock Farm, at7Ladner, R11, last wee.k. Mr. Wm. (flarkson took charge of the shipment. Mr. E. H. Stonehouse was elected president of the National Dairy Council at the annual meeting held in Winnipeg'on February 17th. Lyman B. Jackes rof Toronto, Can- ada's leading lanternist, will give a series of lectures in weston town hall on March Ist, 2nd and 3rd, deal- ing with India/Mesopotamia. and Af- rica, parlticulars of which will be found in, another column.. If you can- not attend all these meetings, plan for one or more. They will be in- teresting, educational and entertain- mg. At the first annual meeting of the Royal 'Agricultural Winter Fair As- sociation held at' Toronto last week, Mr. J. M. Gardhouse was appointed a dihetor on horses. '1 The annual meeting of the Old Pres- byterian Church was held on Wednes- day evening, the 18th inst., with a good representative attendance". Re- ports from all (organizations showed a satisfactory year. Substantial in- creases were reported in membership and finances. An increase for main- tenance and missions of t520, total re- ceipts from all sources amounted to $3605 and expenditure $3450. lThe pastor's stipend was increased by $200. T IMPLEMENTS _. Binder, Massey Harris, No. I; mower, Frost & Wood; horse rake; spring tooth cultivator, set diamond barrows, plow, No. 21 Verity, potato plow, set of double- trees, 2 neck yokes, grain? cradle, fan- ning mill, farm wagon with springs, Cruickshank: one horse heavy wagon, double horse market gardener's wag- on, single horse market gardener's wagon, 2 sets ot bob sleighs, long sleigh with box, hay rack, wagon box, double seated buggy with pole and shafts, covered buggy, steel tires; cov- ered buggy, rubber tires; double seated cutter, pole and-shafts, single cutter, double barrelled shot gun. TERMS-Fat steer, fat calf and all sums of $10 and under to be cash; over that amount 7 months' credit on approved joint noted. Six per cent. per‘annum allowed for cash. No reserve. as owner is giving; up farming. A joint meeting ot the Elia Fat-nr. ers' Club and the Elia Women's Insti- tute was held at the home of Mr. and MA. A. Stong on’Thursday evening, Feb. 19th, 1920. After the men had dispensed with the routine business, the question ot having an oyster sup- per in the near future was brought up. This was carried uanimously. A short business meeting was held in an- other part of the house'by the ladies. It was' decided to have a speaker from the Department for the summer series' meeting and also to pay the small fee asked by the President of the Ontario Federation of Institutes to defray ex- penses. Medical inspection of public schools, community kitchens and com- munity laundries were discussed. Miss- es Eleanor Buchanan, Edna. Snider and Vera. Jackson favoured the com- pany with music. Refreshments were served shortly before the meeting broke up. at 1 p.m. sharp HARNESS-set ot double team har- ness with breechings; double set of light driving harness, brass mounted; set of single harness; heavy saddle for single harness. The February meeting of the Rich- view Woman's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. John Hutchinson on Friday, the 13th inst. Through the kindness of the hostess a quilting bee was held in the afternoon when two quilts were finished. A Valentine tea, was then sesrved by the hostess which was much enjoyed by thaladies. Lat- er in the evening the gentlemen and their friends arrived in sleigh loads to the number ot sixty persons. fjo- gressive euchre was enjoyed and after lunch dancing was endulged in until the wee sma' hours of the morning. A hearty vote of thanks was tender- ed the host and hostess for their kind hospitality and the friends departed for their homes. FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in- structions from'FRANK J. CANNING, Scarlett Road, Weston, to sell by pub- lic auction at lot 19, Scarlett Road. 1-4 miles from Weston, on A number of Elia young," people at- tended the very successful dance held at Emery on Tuesday evening, Feb. 17th, 1920. IJonsEs-Bay mare, 8 years old; bay horse, a'.? years old, well matched team; chestnut gelding, 9 years old, 1300 lbs.; bay mare, g.p., 9 years old. CATTLE---Black cow, in full flow; fat steer; fat calf. W b H M I SATURDAY, MAR. lit plc Taylor Taylor of King of King St., w tynt'ined to theix fohn MCK ind Mr. J CREDIT AUCTION _ SALE weeks, are m ress towards ': J. K. MCEVYEN & SON ra Williton is cohf th the flu. V .r. John were vi: RIC H VIE IT ELIA a of Indian Cranswick itops at the Main Strec port th St. am 1 kin over 6th, 1 9 2 0 am haw Auctioneers e bot] for th atisfac 1t M rs. . Mrs Head, of St. home t, last or t0 ()rang'cmen Greet Conwmlcs I " cal- To commemorate their services in Secretar the war and to properly convey their; gratitude, the members of George} Syme, Sv., L.O.L.. 2619. Monday night! tendered a complimentary banquet to Take their returned soldier brethren. Aid. Elmeeting w. Maher, of Ward 7, was in the held on chair, and the usual toasts were giv- March, en. Other speakers were J. J. Wright, o‘clock W. Sims, Major A. L. Burch, J. C. gineers' Mrolner, D. Brunton, W. Pate and il, the City McEwan. I of consi EGGS FOR HATCHING-From se- lected pens of heavy winter layers. $2.00 per 15 eggs. Barred Ply- mouth Rocks, Guelph O.A.C. strain, White Wyandottes, Martin-Fisher strain, S. C. White Leghorns, Bar- ron-Young strain. Booking orders now for March delivery. Allan G. Peirson, 14 Church St., Weston, phone 199 or evenings 128. FOR EtENT-one hundred acres in Etobicoke, two miles from Weston. Mrs. Thomas McLellan, 322 Soraur-. en Ave., Toronto. FOR SiusEl--A gasoline tengine, 2% hp, nearly new, a largé size Fleury cutting box. Apply C. Smilie, Rus- sell Rd., Weston, R.R. No. 2. FOR. RENT-Five roomed unfurnish- ed apartment, and bath, all modern conveniences, newly decorated,hard- wood floor in dining room. Central Situation on good residential street WANTED-place for Ford cars, on good roads, for one, two or three months, must be central. Apply Mr. Ellis, R.R.M., Weston, No. 2, phone Weston 34-3. 1vaNTEm---A cook general. Apply to Mrs. F. H. M. trwin, 117 Rosemount Ave., Weston. 1VANTE0--A nurse housemaid, Apply Mrs. F. H. M. Irwin, 117 Rosémount Ave., Weston. FOR SNEsE1--Sliding bed couch in good condition. Price $9.50. Apply box 20, Times & Guide office, Wes- ton. w, FOR SALE1--An Edison phonograph, c%binet and B5 records, new; iron bed and springs; 1 baby cart. Ap- ply Box 19, Times & Guide office, Weston. _ WANTED-plain sewing, rates rea- sonable. Apply 37 Pine St., end of King St., Weston. J. h. McEWEN 8 SON FOR SALE-Ford touring car, 1919 model, self starter battery, shock absorbers, engine and tires in good bondition, run less than 4000 miles. 192iy license, a . bargain, $800.00. Apply box 21, Times & Guide. FOR WENT-Five rooms with veran- da. on both flats. Rent $25. Ap- ply 17 Joseph St., Weston. COUNTIES OF YORK. PEEL AND SIDICOE in Weston. References required Apply Box 388, Weston, Ont. Figured and Colorfd 619,35, Supplied GLASS, MUTUH SALES AND glllllllO GU. LIMITED Licensed Auctioneers for the A. M. McEWEN, Richview_ Phone, Woodbridge 950 Terms Reasonable. J. K. MCEVVEN, Kleinburg. Phone Weston 3-24 -George Meader J And Eight Hilarious Jazz Hits by Art Hickman's Orchestra from the St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco: My Baby': Arms -Fox-trot from A4,," , Huitating Blues -Medley Fox,.trot-- Inlroducing "Beale Street Blues" and "Hesitation Blues. rt Those Draftin' Blues -Mediey Fox-trot. Patches-Fox-trot. Sweet and Low "Follies of 1919." On the Streets of Chsiro--One-step. Fegtry--Fox-trot. Tell Me Why E ll 5011 Del1'Anima from "Riroletto." Barrientos and Hackett. 49616--82,00 Polish Dance in E Flat Minor Percy Graingtr. “Rhino fife. I Know What It Mean: to Be Lone- some -George Meader I Never Knew waysonColumbiaRecords. Here are some of thi month's releases of 'tnhlil latest, best, most beauti- ful nfusil.. Elli, EilF-Toscha Seidel. Vio- lin Solo. 49S26--tL60 J I TIE) latest, best, most beautiful music 1s al- Here's a List of Records for You--. H. O. OOUSINS SOLE DEALER WESTON glazing Orders filled _lhprpptly It UNNYBIEDI ---walt , 'ox-trot Aun 2tF--t1.S0 " l A4311 A-ZBI 2 A-2813 Me. A..2tt14 90c. 90c: Me. Me. to Order iWeston Golf Club, Ltd, 3 the City of Toronto, for the purpose I of considering the ratification of tho 2 following By-law, passed by the l Board 6t Directors: l, "By-law No. 25, being a Hy-law of iThe Weston Golf Club Limited: Secretary-Treasurer, A Take notice that a special general meeting ot the Shareholders will b6 held on Monday, the first tlay of March, A.D. 1920, at the hour of 8 o'clock in the evening: at The En.. gineers' Club, 96 King Street West, in Whereas it is deemed expedient in the interests of the said The Weston Golf Club Limited that the assets of the Company, including cash, accounts payable, horses, machinery, plant and equipment, furniture, leases from the owners’ of lands now in possession or the Company, and the option of pur- chase executed by the Toronto General Trusts Corporation dated January 26, 1920, be sold. _ Now therefore be it enacted as a. By-Iaw of the Weston Golf Club Limited, that the said assets be and the same are hereby sold to the Wes- ton Golf and Country Club Limited for the price or sum of five hundred and ninety-six dollars and fifty tents ($596.50), and the ratification of the following resolution passed by the Board of Directors: "That all the debts and obligations of The Weston Go18 Limited be paid, and that the: assets! be divided rateably . amongst the shareholders, and that application be made for the surrender ot the Charter and the necessary notices be adver- tised in the Ontario Gazette and in Thetreston Times and Guide." Dated this 14th day of February, A, D. 1920. Weston, Ont., 17th Feb., 1920. Take notice that the Annual Meet- ing of the Club will be held on Mon- day, 1st March, at 7.30 p.m. sharp at the Engineer's Club, " King St. West, Toronto. The Directors trust there will be a, full attendance of members at this Annual Meeting, as important business relating to the future policy ot the Club will be submitted. Notices of Motions must reach the Secretary on or before the 26th inst. Elsemere Avenue FIRE & LIFE IN,SURANCE REAL ESTATE i St. John's Road Tel. 301 WESTON ONTARIO Agent for Fire, Life, Accident, Auto- mobile and Plate Glass Ihsur, ance in Safe Companies and at Best Rates. Practical Plumber Repairs promptly attended to A Trial Solicited Address: Maria Street, East of Fifth Ave. or Box No. 79, Weston MILTON PRESSED BRICK . CO., Limited Manufacturers of Pressed" and Rug Brick, in the different, shades of Red, Buff and Brown. W. C. BURRAGE, Agent. Phone 106 106 Rosemount Ave. WESTON, ONT, 2922 Dundas St., West Toronto (Above Moon's Hardware Store) Real Estate Loans placed at Current Rates. Telephone-Junction 991 JOHN T. ANDERSON Piano and Organ Tuner 200 Beresford Avenue, West Town“ Telephone Junction Tlt, 25 Years' PracucaJ Experience. W tro any place. Drop 3. out. Full Stock of all sizes window glass also putty and glazing points WESTON GOLF CLUB Lro. Secretary-Treasurer, A. Tyrwhitt, Weston, Ont. The Weston Golf Club Limited, L. It. YOUNG, President. St. A. P. TYRWHITT, Sec. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public W. J. WARD JOHN MILLS MOTOR EQUIPMENT Or other if desired. Residence and Chapel Phone 168 JOHN HARRIS If. B. EDMUNDS E. J. MUSSON Main Street, Weston U ndertaker and Embalmer L. It. YOUNG, President Phone 34-5 k. TYR\\'HITT, WESTON, ONT. POR T CREDIT PAGE FIVE WESTON J l

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