f 113ucres workable, balance pasture, _'? acres orchard. Tl) {ICI‘C‘R fall ploughed. 30 acres in meadow, IO acres fresh seeding. Black loam Soil, level. 1 Well andoa creek. Brick house of ll rooms. eel» lat, furVnace, 2 bank barns (i5x40. barn No, P. 30x23. tie-up 3 hora-s and 12-“(t21ttle Driving house, hog pen, hen house, silo. School 1 mile. ’Chureh lf/z miles. , Railway depot 2 miles. 'Possession ar- ranged.' Price $13,650. Terms arranged. 50 acres wdrkable. balance bush and pasture. 1 acre m-chnml. ll) acres fall ploughed, TO acres in meadow. 3 acres fresh seeding. Clos loamsoil, 2 wells and a creek. Frame house of fl rooms. water iv, side, cellar, cistern. Bank ham 30x33, barn No. 2 33x23, Hemp {.m- horses and 8 cattle. Open yard. Driving house, hogs; pen, lwn house, Silo. School on (arm. Rural mail and telephone. On C,ravcl Road. Church/T/f miles. Railway depot I', miles. Possesdnn 31> ranged. Price $7,700. Terms arranged. . _ 125 ACRES IN MARKHAM TWP., 1/2 MILE FROM STONE . . ROAD, 1% MILES FROM MARKHAM. 18 MELES _' l _ , FROM CITY LIMITS '. . Big Poultry Show POULTRY MEN, please take notlce of change of date of March f ' meeting, as the Town Hall is occupied during; the first week of l ' 'March. Everybody welcome. Free admission. T All wo kable, small orchard, 8 acres corn ground. 'di) acre meadow. (wells. Brick house of 10 rooms, cellar, elderly I 52x32, stab e 45x20, tie-up G horsesmwl 10 cattle. J)rivhop: heme. Tcn, héri house,' silo, Schodl yi, mile. Church 1 mile. lx’jxilmm pot r r-l miles. Possession arranged. Price $6,200. Tcrm:, ranged., . it HOUSE THAT #35 "'is')"'il,,av,i" BE PROUD TC) (ici),): "iss/r)")),:,.,,,,) 88 ACRESvIN EAST GWILL1MBURY TWP., 2% MILES FROM _ NEWMARKFT, 30 MILES FROM TORONTO 7611/2 acres workable, balancg pasture. IH, acres orchard. l acres falrploughed, 12 acres in meadow. Clay loam soil. (rm-i House of 5 rooms, ccllar. Barn 30x16, School If, milc, (Inn-ch mile. Pty9session arranged. Price $24t800. Tcrms arranged. 72 ACRES IN MARKHAM TWP., 1 1-4 MILE FROM MARE ' , TEAM, 16 MILES FROM CITY LIMITS L'All workable, 21/2 acres orchard. 30 acres' in meadow. (My loaf?!) soil. level. Three wells and a spring. Brick house of 12 rooms. celriijrjdistern. Bank barn 72x36. Barn No. 2, 55x30. tie-up (3 horscs and? v2feattle. \V'hler in stable. Driving; house, hogrpen, hen house, shetiphousd, silo. School 1 1-4 miles. Chui-ch " mile. 1 I-l miles from Eaton Farm. Possession arranged. Price $16,000. Vex-nu C) 12 ranged.' . l ' 62 ACRES, IN SCARBORO TWP., ON THE GRAVEL ROAD , 1/2 MILE FROM SCARBORO, 5 MILES FROM ' F CITY LIMITS pe Representatives 130 ACRES, IN VAUGHAN TWP., ON THE STONE ROAI l, MILE FROM CONCORD, 7 MILES FROM TORONTO THAT AMOUNT BUYS ALLTHE LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, DOORS. Sx CHEN CABINET, BUFFET, DINING-ROOM WOOD, MANTELS, aw: CCr'rrfrPLFYf' FOR PUTTING TOGETHER. THAT MEAN s ALL THE MILL WORK DONjl2, The Willoughby Farm Agency FARMS FOR SAL i iiLz1i,i,tir,"ie.'eisl, \\ (llllllll LUMBER (lil, a HEAD OFFICE. GEORGE'TOWICONT You 11g WESTON TOWN HALL IT EIGHT O‘CLOCK Wednesday, Math IC) "ascoe, N gincourt C, W. 'l%ronto: I Iurt: J. P, Denne Forster, Bolton. W. S. FARLEY, Secretary WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Look at This; you money See the compact layout. Every inch cf f fireplace in the living room, large dining r lighted kitchen and bedrooms. This plan and specifications go with a ".r Virtue. Hampton Newmarket ", " / I ' V i T t :3 _ ' , B, f " fl y , N ' _ ' , E L, “W IE ll W Soho p W1 mike mm: work? lo. dividuals? H6me, Dept given? 4. 'coul‘agemer problems. five, more hers include ot Home De (including N None you give 9 convention its have y< bout 6 0 11111 In :nt Supt ELI Segretary'S‘ Scarboro 1 IN mbery nt W ols h, tl To 'W. GALE County Hor LI W It WI’ISH (tl nun Give Did 1'sts oCrr?uye To churches 2: How me 2: How many talks ,on tment woik’ have you We any incidents of en- in the Work, pr state any Te hope to (add at Least lurches to our list this. " re p ort as' 1 6 with 1 F'A , II w n ‘16 schools with five t 17d babies Jaro1led, ‘partments- wipi" 101 feachers and Officers, ih it? i', n and H. i u attend NI H liél ie E; W. Moyle. KAITH, . 19 Dept. S'upt., Newtonbrook an H Ho din report to thir How many vis SASH, KIT 313% $5. H D {apartment 4.. To; is 7 talks .0: Lounty 1ttend )19 " lmbc mun tu st port tt D mt ff n Received from Markham Twp. (19 19) Scarboro Vaughan Twp. ' York Twp., . . . . . Etobicoke; . .'. . . W ti which Was paid in; some of it After the provincial books closed 'for 19T9, and was carri wart; towards this year's am ment. The appoftidnment tc year is $639.40, with balance O' (vei'e‘ $35.25, othe1\ items. $12.78 to help to make up pointments, printing and amountexljo $29233, makil expenditure of $65.18, Ieav lowed b)? ir round table conferenm led by~\Mrs, (Rem) Ttae., Mrs. Rae, i her opening remarks, pointed out th? the nations' of the wotfld ought t be Christianized. It was necessal to send out missionaries:- that the might be won tior the Kingdom of Glo and Christ, because if for no yeaso it, was gieelded. that we. shouldsilo f6i"'self= défence. Ot' course‘ th; should not be our only/aim, as tk natiOns needed the Goispel beeaw in every 5011001, n11 objects‘and; curiqs and bostérs, and thqy were in wants; them for School is a gr E) margin sented f) enriy much support on IT Irs LOUIE $50 OI D such enjoyed. In solo, after which 1-5011 ot the Y,M.( A4191 en" ork He M T1 01 0 1r khan: 0 paid n ti b & Association 11 Ft al tc ts a good place mphing and work as it that not so SC it mm, of to leav " th ts )hasm tivitie it women. york dor lit issi take t1 addreS: It sionm‘y papers by the scho missionary societies umor pf missimmtry gupepiutphclet citoo1, missiqn boxes, speci LES h o fir H nti n. $1( it b ir ol sting tl H at fiv 18 ogether srscussrorus brought methods of getting; 111 st so. Ot' course our only/aim, 1 the Goispel l the dark and missio the SC l on t ts U Irs and This w ich Mt ttw pl olled li M t vention in lot so many ot br fox-Amissio \Vas'it riot bee in Mission) h 11 ll made {or missiox at a 10 mary Iutol, ll 11 T. A. Halpenny Ottawa on the Rae kindly con- ti ll IN St it lC ffi ll y or missiol r, This con program," bu it Total sm ions, chart ll IH rri.ed for: lpportiong 11 Il tl ext nt raigssi 115 102 H 296 00 to .tOt 0 nst lin ason that t to they H that 90 nds tl o mt 00 (it) 00 It d Children Division, Mrs. W. o, um. Cedarhurst. Weston, RR. Young People's: Boys, Mr. loveless, Agincourt; girls, M Vood, Wobdbridge. Adults and Home Departrnen k, 11VGalbraith, Newton Brook \Missionary, Mr. E. W. Moyle, taff. CANADI AN CREDIT AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IBEPLEMENas, ETC The undersigned has received in- structions from ABRAHAM TOR- RENCE. Stop 33, Woodbridge Subur- ban Railway, to sell by public auction at Lot 38, lst Con. Etobicoke, on The Canadian milling industry has, since 1914, made progressive strides :.n.l flour exports between that year and 1919 increased nearly' tive times. Today this business has an annual" capacity of slightly more than 35,- 000.000 barrels a year and new mills are being continually added. In 1800 Canada exported 115,099, barrels ot flour' valued at $521,883. By 1910 this had increased to 3,064,128 bar- rels; valued at about $15,000,000. In the fisckl year of 1919, 9,196,806 bars rels were milledat a value of $99,- 830,606. _ . Great Britain has been by ,far, Canada's best customer tor flour, her imports from the Dominion of this commodity, for the last fiscal year, being equal to about 60 per cent. ot the totai, or $50)00,0()0 out of nearly $100,000,000. Fe cows-mack and white cow, calf by side; black»and white cow, due time of sale; black and white cow, due Mar. 20; black and white cow, calf by side; black and, Tote cow, due “Mar. ‘15; black and wlbite heifer, calf by side; black and white Joeifer, calf by side; black and White heifer, due Mar. 20t black and white cow, palf by side; black and white COW, due Mar. 18; black and white cow, due time of sale; black and white cow, calf by side;blacl; and white cow, due Apr. 25, black and white cow, in full flow; red and white cow, due Mar. 20; red and white cow, due time of sale; 2 heifers. GRAIN AND IIAY--25 tons timothy (ray, 500 bu. oats, 300 bu. barley, 6 bu. clover seed, quantity of white oak HOPusBS----Road horse; black horse, h.d.; bay horse,uh.d. Filly, Flora May Belle. registered (43266), rising-2 yrs., sire Mery Baron; Mace Lady Erma, registered (33397), 6 yrs. old, in foal to Proud Chieftain. by: side; by Side; D . 1iyIiptMENTTs---Gasoline engine, 3 li'Orse power, new; manure spreader, Cockshutt, new; Massey binder, 7 ft., new; Massey mower, 6 ft., new; Frost & Wood mower, 5% ft; Massey ted, der, wide, new corn cultivator land roller; horse rake; grain drill; Chat- ham mill, power attachment; two- furrow riding plow; gang plow; two single riding plows; three walking plows; scuffler; two sets harrows, 3 horse; set barrows, 2 horse;, 16-d,isc harrow; wide cultivator; cultivator. stiff tooth; 1 horse power; Jack, 10 horse power; two horse forks and rope?, GO gallon pot; sugar kettle; two dozen grain bags; scales, 1200 pounds; two truck wagons; spring wagon, luml 1t one o'clock the following St iecond viz onville. mperance, Mr. N. J. S. Black ville. / _ acher Training, Mrs. (Rev.) Lee ’fville. 'unty representative, Mr. s. J :las, 123 Glencairn Ave., Toronto. :retary-treasurer, W. S. Moss, 'eretafy-treasurer, W. S. Moss, her Bay. e evening session opened with service at seven o’clock, follow- I devotional service conducted by Mr, Baker. The address ofythe 111g was given by Mr. T. F. Har- instead of Mr. T. A. Halpenny, Ihis address brought. the conven- to a close. The spirit of the ention was very gratifying, while xttendance was not so large as 1 on account of so much siclts and the roads being blocked with TH'URSDAY, DIARCH 18TH t1 ports by countries for the last were as tonows:--Great Britain 70,225; United States $993794; sh South Africa $17,309: Neva riland $34,147,527; British We") IS' $6,329,527; Other, Countries £7,750. a Trade returns for the present 1 year show that, as yet, the its of flour are holding their though the European countries again engaged in (grain growing milling. In the last available od of "five months 4,928,164 bar. td flour were exported, as com- d with 4,461,313 in the same ad in 1918. Of, these 3.912.405 sis went to the United Kingdom; y.) to' British Guiana; 146,596 tt British West Indies, 297,845 tt Is went to the United Kingdom; t to' British Guiana; 146,596 tr 2ritish West Indies, 297,845 tt :9: 100,182 to Greece: 55,735 tt I 73,109 to Newfoundland; am ',4, barrels to 0th? countries ", Britain took a litt e more that 000 more barrels than.she an g the same period in 1918, am 000 more than in 1917. Othe: ‘tments of the milling industr: large also, as the followin; as show: oatmeal $4,032,567 ls $4,247,249; bran, etc.," $1,592, ifst on account of the' Chang mentions in Europe, the expor may fall off c0nsid,ert,rb1y, tht Man milling industry by tease] 3 activity produced during tlr 's in a very strong' position am tl he able to hold its own in ttr 1 of competition which is un iedly ahead, r, V-F II Is-calves, hay, grain, clover mber and all sums of $15 and 'tsh; over that amount seven credit on approved joint five per cent. per annum al- " cash. No reserve as owner . his farm. Wopdbrfdge Sub- Railway passes the tarm' at , Terrence Road. J. K. MCEVVEN & SON, T Auctioneers. Lek wagons; spring wagon, bank's: gravel box; open bug- sr’ed buggy. rubber tires; cut- r; set of _bobtsleitrhss; Daisy other numerous articles used MILLING Executive p INDUSTRY Wet St M (f Mr, artment, M W. O. Dun RR. 2. Liillike W Miss ll Dyke W git mg M calf due due calf due calf calf due 1t n SHIPPING OFFICES 911 Keele Street, West Tororyto Just at the corner of Dundas & Keele . . Build a Home Lot Owners, develop your ideal of a Comfortable Home into a Rea.. lity. Prepare to Build Now. For Estimates see: ', ' 3 Locust Avenue OUR WATCHES are the best values in the market. Ev- eryone is guaranteed,. You can get ideas here for that wed- ding present. ON ALL LINES To England, Europe, New Zealand or Australia l You can get them and the verv best service and information m 2892 DUNDAS STREET Holiday or Week-End Treats RUBBERS REPAIRING C T We can handle it with speed and dispatch now. Our' solid workmanship enables. us to hold a big trade. SNOW PACKS LISTEN TO THIS-ly the paying down of One Dollar we will deliyer to your 1101116 any Phonograph VOU choose. 1056 WESTON ROAD PHONE 120 MOUNT DENNIS. THIS OFFER IS OF GREAT VALUE TO YOU. THINK IT OVER EAGLE HOUSE BLOCK, MAIN ST., WESTON Marriage Licenses issued, Wedding Rings at all prices Boys, we have them, and they wear Yes, you get them here and good quality at low prices. W. J. SHEPPARD ANNOUNCES THAT HIS TOURING CAR IS FOR HIRE BY THE TRIP OR THE HOUR HEAR THESE RECORDS GOLDEN, GATE by BEN HOKEA LOVE WILL FIND A WAY, by VERA McLEAN BEN HOKEA and VERA McLEAN will be at the KODAK HALL on FEB'Y 27TH Ocean Bookings and Sailings PHONE 112r12 or 20 RUTHERFORD AVE. A. GILBERT Moore's Lunch and Ice Cream Parlor JUST WHAT YOU OFTEN NEED A GOOD CAR AND DRIVER In Fruits and Candies Boxed or in Bulk-------) GlLBERT'S MAIN STREET, WESTON Here is a Special T. G. RICE $1.00 Does It E. S, WARN R. YOUNG 77 FOR THE BUILDER This Dat Address here. lection of Diamonds' for Rings, etc., Ear Rings Stink Pins, or Pennants- You can secure a fine se- -o---u--------~----. Yen, MOUNT DENNIS TORONTO Call June. 5011 PAGE NINE E; K:, trt 313$ i5? 1 l