i THE MERCHANT IHEWESW Headquarters for CCM. Bitycles, Second Hand and Rebuilt Bicycles; all makes and models-guaranteed. . The banking requirements of .' merchants will receive full con- sideration by the officers of this Bank. Arrange to open a current, account and every banking facility is assured. ', 88A "THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE FOR CONVENIENCE IN PLACING YOUR ORDERS FOR COAL You can ring phones No. 252, Mount Dennis, or 27 Weston Office . ALL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY with the best . L. and W. Scranton Coal WW1 2x21223333! Old Bicycles taken in part payment for New Bicycles Repairs of all kinds 2 specialty eston Coal & Lumbpt Office Phone 27 Night Phone YUtt EAGLE AVE., near G.T.R. Tracks H. H. RUDOLPH, Manager, Weston full line of Accessories on hand PAID-UP CAPITAL " . $15,000, RESERVE FUND - - $15,000, WESTON BRANCH, C. B. Millar, Manager. DECIDE whether you want one which plays all records, or one which limits you to a single make-whether you will be content with old standards of tone reproduction or the better qualities afforded by The Brunswick. The Brunswick requires no exclusive artists. IT PLAYS THEM ALL-. AT THEIR BEST. MW . WHITE, PROP., 8 MAIN STREET (1lllf [ll)llffl Night Phone 236 IeKyeK,s4?iae=eiei1,C2feKyF' $1 5,000,000 $1 5,000,000 hl’_@§1¥1¥§ i.irfttittox On Saturday night last the first of a series of lectures planned by the lo- cal Horticultural Society was given in the Town Hall, Mr. H. J. Moore.head gardener' of Victoria l'ark, Niagara Falls, was the speaker and the Suh- ject taken "Roses." The president, Mrs. Lyon, introduced the speaker. who in turn introduced his subject with a recital of a poem on roses, which was a composition of his own. Before throwing on the screen his views he explained the cultivation/and care needed to secure good results. also the varieties best adapted for this section. The hydrid tea, although a profuse bloomer and a perfect rose in every respect was too tender to stand the average winter, the hybrid perpetual or a cross between the two givmg you a rose that. would give both pleasure and satisfaction. In planting a north or cast exposure was best, but in all cases shelter from the full force ot the wind was needed, shrubs or evergreens could be utilized and serve a doublefold purpose, that of protection and pt beautifying the home surroundings. In the choosing of soil a fairly heavy clay loam, light in color, would give teh best results, good drainage was also essential with plenty of moisture and air circulation, so as to keep the roots cool in Stlin- mer. Heavy fertilizer must be a- voided, using strawy substance or leaf mould, a mixture of red clay, sand and organic matter Would give strong and flowery roses. When planting, if the bark appeared dry and shrunken bury in well dampened earth for a few hours or longer if necessary till the inside wood had swelled to the outer bark, also handle bush carefully to avoid bruising it in any way. 41- ways plant with the bud two inches below the “Surface. Spring planting could be done any time between the middle of April and May 20th. Fall planting was at best only an experi- ment. i The contest for the euclu'c prizes 'was very keen and no small wonder. Mr. O'Mara, treasurer of the company, generously donated the prizes, which were a. very beautiful wrist watch for the winning lady and a smoking set lfor the gentleman. The fortunate winners were Mes. Foster and Mr. 'John Lee, both of Weston. . l'ndm- the Auspicvx 1 society Fully two hundred of the employees and their friends attended and a most enjoyable evening was spent by all. In the upper room of the hall, pro- gressive euchre was played from 8.30 p.m. tilP11.00 p.m. Dancing was con- fined to the main floor while euchm playing was in progress. Theneevery, one sat down to a sumptuous spread of dainty refreshments, during which the euchre prizes were presented and a short selection by Owen Smiley was charmingly rendered by Miss Veal, elocutionist, a, member of Weston Glee Club. Dancing was then in- dulged in to the heart's content of all until the wee small hours of the morn- mg. and organic matter iould give strong The local Veterans held a vcr.v in, and flowery roses. When planting, if tel-(sting meeting in the Town Hall on the bark appeared dry and shrunken Monday night, March 15th. The pres- bury in well dampened earth for a ident occupied the chair and the busi-' few hours or longer if necessary till ness end of the meeting was soon the inside wood had swelled to the concluded. The report of those in outer bark, also handle bush carefully charge of the drawing contest showed to avoid bruising it in any way. 41- that the tickets were selling well. If ways plant with the bud two inches l you have not secured your ticket yet, below the -gurtace. Spring planting i you will be well advised to purchase could be done. any time between the now. Atl monies over and above ex- middle of April and May 20th. Fall I penses will be placed in the building planting was at best only an experi- l fund. After the business was con- ment. lcluded, the rest of the-evening was PRUNING---You will always find given over to games and singing, etc., the wood in good healthy roses light l after which refreshments were served. in color and when pruning remove all These Social evenings will be held once the weak and dead limbs and cut back a month. The evening from start to to within about four inches of the ' finish was a decided success. All the parent stock on tea, roses and 8 ins. 1 old songs were revived. and special on the perpetual roses. Poses can be ('cy'rpy selections were sung as never raised from cuts with good results ex- before. All members should come cept in the' very hot months. Always and get in on these social gatherings. cut below the bud and take a slip If you have a mouth organ or a about 6 inches in length, plant in i Jewsharp Ot" a banjo or anything at light sandy loam in a sandy location, all,' bring it along. If YOU hr1vo (my During the winter protection is neCCs- troublPs pack them in your old "kit sary to insure satisfactory results in bag and leave them wherever you will the spring, a covering of manure pre- i and come along: and live the old days ferably cow is the best. g over again. Immediately after the Insect Rests are few in number or meeting the president and secretary kinds, but very annoying to all lovers left for Peterboro, 'where they attend- of roses, one kind that eats the leaves ed the Provincial Convention, after and one that sucks the bark, thus which they will journey to Montreal spoiling the foliage in one case and 'tol" the big federal gathering. Our lowering the vitality in the other. next meeting should be of special in- mach spots often appear on the Ieavos terest, for one delegate will bring back and will spread rapidly if not attend, ‘full _ reports of both catyentions. I ed to. 'have just received through the mail .-..- ------o--------- a program and souvenir of the annual K ge S DANCE {convention of the Ontario Provincial - . . =Command from Secretary J. Allen. __---.------ {The book shows that there are now Last Wednesday night (St. Pat- i seven hundred and six branches and rick’s Night) the employees of K. k , over two hundred thousand members S. Tire & Rubber Goods Limited held of the Cr.Mr.V.A. in Canada. This will a very successful euchre party' and show that those who think that the dance in the I.0.0.F. Hall, Weston. G. w. v. A. is chiefly a Toronto Asso- Fully two hundred of the employees I ciation are greatly mistaken. Rhodes Orchestra from Lambton supplied Cl delightful programme of music during the evening, the dancers especially being loud in their praise of the splendid time kept and the gen- erous number of encores given. Insect Rests are few in number or kinds, but very annoying to all lovers of roses, one kind that eats the leaves and one that sucks the bark, thus spoiling the foliage in one case and lowering the vitality in the other. mach spots often appear on the leaves and will spread rapidly if not attend- ed to. Last 1Vednesday night (St. Pat- rielc's Night) the employees of K. A: S. Tire & Rubber' Goods Limited held a. very successful euchre party' and dance in the I.0.0.F. Hall, Weston. Mr, (lmdon Holme, vice-president ROSE LECTI' RE WEST YORKS i of Horticulture 'all WIiuyNESDAY, MARCH 24TH. 1920 of the company, presented the euchre prizes and made a happy little speech to the winners and assembled guests, in the course of his remarks he men- tioned that this was not by any means the first gathering of K. & S. employ- ces, but it was the first big party that they had put over and now that they were ‘well started he wanted to see it wade an annual or semi-annual af- fair. He was sure with the experience the entertainment committee had gathered, that the next dance would be a party of some consequence, In concluding he expressed his satisfac, tion at the work of the committee and the splendid arrangements made, hop- ing that everyone would have as en- joyable a, time as He was having. Many guests from the city came out for the dance and appeared to enjoy themselves immensely, even thougn the floorwas rather crowded at times. of the prizes to the in the tioned The committee in charge of the, dance were Mrs. Dennis. Mrs. Peace, Mrs. Christie, Miss Westphail, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Dennis, Mr. Holley. Mr. Pedribk. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to them by the dancers at the close of the evening. Owing to the last car leaving at 12.30 pm, the company‘s big auto {Tuck was used to carry the. city folk norneward, and it must have been 2.30 11.111. when the last merry party ol 40 odd went sailing swiftly down Main Street, to the fast rec'edin’g air "Good Ntpht Ladies,†and Weston's most suc- ctsstsLu't little danoe was over. A 1rr'l'Y successful serving tea in connection with the work of the Lab- rudor Mission was held at the home ot Mrs. G. M. Lyon, Thursday after- noon, March 18th. The interest in the work is steadily growing, as shown by the enthusiasm of the 6-1 ladies present, who Were soon very busy sewing on the useful garments pre- pared by our' efficient committee in charge of this work. During the at- ternoon Mrs. F. W. Moffat read an in- teresting description of a trip taken by Dv. Grenfell in his boat "The Strathcona" up the coast of Labrador, caring for the hick and bringing cheer and goodwill along with him. A pleasing feature enjoyed by all were vocal selections given by Mrs. E. F. Irwin and Mrs. Meldrum, also piano selections were rendered toy Miss Francis Moffat and Miss Dorothy Lyon. Dainty refreshments were served by the gracious hostess and her daughter. Proceeds amounted to $15.60, which will be used for the purchase of more material, Mrs. 1Vis- her will be hostess at the next tea to YESTOV BRANCH OF THE GRENFELL MISSION G.W.V.A., “'ICSTON "RANI ‘H \JEWSY WEEKLY i 0 Real Estate News l The Consolidated Realty Co., Mr. N. IJ. Seal the local manager, has put Ithrough several interesting sales this }week. Mr. John Watson's home on E King St. changed hands to Mr. J. Kel- I lam, of Woodbridge for around $8500; er. Ben. Roberts' house on West.. i, mount was also sold this week; part of I Dr. Tyrell's property on King and I Rosemount wa sold to Mr. Lorne Mc- [Ewem who minds to build fronting lon King Street next to Mr. Watson's. home on \Villianr Street, A cordial invitation is extended by Mrs. Wisner to all the ladies to attend. During the afternoon the president announced that Miss Gillette, who, owing to professional engagements, has not been able to attend the teas, but who is intensely interested in the work, expressed a desire to give a re- cital in aid of the work. Proceeds to be devoted to this fund, the date to be announced later. d The K. & s. Tire & Rubber Goods) Company, Limited, Toronto, have de-' aided on very extensive plans for their 1 new home on Paton Road, West To-' route. The buildings, covering three. acres, will be fitted with the most} modern machinery and equipment, es- i timated at a cost of $165,000 for the' manufacture of K. & S. tires and tubes. Operations have already _ commenced and it is hoped that ani, departments will he in full swing very , soon, as spring orders to date show a, three-fold increase over last year. (: be held Thursday home on William invitation is exten to all the ladies u \VEDDINGS ii ( Pat"au--Be"as i, 3 A very quiet but pretty wedding " was solomnizerl on Saturday, March; 20th, at the home of Mr. and Mrsé George Bellas, Church St. Bramp- ton, when their daughter, Meta May, _ became the wife of Stanley Baggg second son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry) Bagg, Downsview. The bride, wt/ol, was unattended entered the room on} the arm of hu father to the straws: of the wedding march, played hy‘; Mrs. Frank Ramsay. sister of the), groom. Rev. E. R. {Brown conducted i the ceremony, after which the wed- ding party adjourned to the dining- room, where a dainty wedding break- fast Mas served, the tables and rooTi, being prettily decorated. Later in: the evening the happy coup'le left, amidst showers of Tr.1tetit and goodi wishes for a short trip to Hamiltonl, and other points. On their return', they will reside near Oshawa. ', Monday. Mirch 29--Regular meet- ing pf Weston Lodge I.0.0.F. in Church St. Hall at 8 p.m. who are entitled , and who grave addr" being in Military I requested: to apply fice at once. in the schoolmom on Tuesday night, March 30th, under the ditvsction of the vice-president, Mr. W. Hales. A good program is being arranged, and all the mun are urgently requested to join in making the mm‘Ting a success. Thursday, Mar. 25---Meeting of the XL. Bible Class at the home of Mrs. Nicholls, Rosemount Ave., at 8 p.m. Friday, March 26--Monthly meet- ing of Humber Lodge A.F. & A.M. in I.0.0.F. Hall, Church Street at 7.30 p. Monday, March 29--Parkinson Tra- velogue on Timagmi in Westminster Church at 8 p.m. Mr. Val D, Cottrill arid Mr. Robert Cottrill of Toronto are spending a few days this week with their aunt, Mrs. Cottrill, Main St. A large number of 1914-15 stars are held by District Record Officer, M.D. No. 2, at 149 College St., Toron- to, for discharged soldiers who can- not be located at their last known address. Members lot' the C,' E. F. Weston town hall was crowded to. capacity on Wednesday night last, when, under the auspices of St. John's Church, George St. the annual St. Patrick's concert was given. The pas- tor, Rev. A. J, Staley, occupied the chair and welcomed the large audi- ence. Little Miss Marion Burke, who was dressed in a green costume typi- cal of the occasion, gave a very pleas- ing exhibition of an old .fashioned Irish jig, and was heartily encored. A musical drill by the school children was also much appreciated. Hall and Brown, comedians, late of the 8th Brigade Concert‘Party, created'con- siderable' amusement with their witty remarks and impersonations. Miss A. Graffey, a former favorite of a Weston audience, received a hearty welcome. Vocal and instrumental numbers by Messrs. w. Clark. C Hall, ‘C. and T. Foster, Master E. Burke. iMisses Helen Barker, L. Burke, o. (Dickinson and V. Christie, all were {applauded and made a very pleasing entertainment. The Consolidated Realty Co. have also made arrangements to sell the old Shoddy row property in lots and it is proposed to eventually pull dqwn Shoddy row and put up modern hous- es there. K. A†S. lil'SlNEh‘S ()l'ADRl'l’LICI) Thursday, March 25-Monthly meeting of Methodist Church Ladies' Aid Society at the home of Mrs. Smithson, King St, at 3 p.m. The regular monthly meeting ot the Methodist Mens' Club will be held Peerless Timigami, illustrated by colored lantern slides and moving picture films at Westminster Mon- day, March 29th. The travelogue covers in both still and moving pic- tures, the fish and game, the Indian and the tourist, 'scenery and tent life of this marvellous lake-land. No lover of the beautiful in nature should miss this opportunity of visiting in imagination at least, this newest and most beautiful of Ontario's play- grounds. The regular work evening and so- cial gathering of the X. L, Bible Class, will be held on Thursday even- ing of this week at the Home of Mrs. Nicholls, Itogemount Avenue. A cor- dial invitation is extended to all mem- bers and those interested in the class activities to attend. Mission sewing will be furnished, also a short pro- gram. co3n NG EVENTS to this decoration "PSS on discharge as District No. 2, are t to the abovesof- April 8th at her cordial Give Your Car the Finish The Cruickshank Wagon Works PHONE 41 2 EA. the habit repairs. Fuel is high, but the cost of cooking is reduced when you use a Detroit Vapor Stove _ . HERE IS THE DIFFERENCE THIS IS THE BEST ON THE MARKET Its construction is such that it burns less oil than the ordinary oil stove. Is kept clean without any trouble of dirty wicks, and there is no odor from it at all. The styles are all ornamental and yet very compact. With the price Of fuel and the heat ot"ranges, there is no comparison. Once use this stove, and yotvvill sell them to vour friends. A little Paint and Varnish of your own selection well placed will give your car a better finish than it had when new. . HARDWARE MERCHANT Main Street, Weston Tc All Ford Parts carried. .Big Stock of Tires and other necessary l THE WATCH SPECIALIST 10 Main Street South Phone 354 N Reduce Your' Cost of Living Graham. & Carton Here are some of the things we sell-- Some of the things we do- zeezezeaems.maezeae% THE JEWELLERS, WESTON ou This is our daily work F ORD CAR Begiruterw Class Commences Monday Evening, March 15th at 8 O'Clock P.M. PRIVATE LESSONS MAY BE ARRANGED FOR get service and the best wh you are satisfied and alway Call and see us. WATCHES CUT GLASS FRENCH IVORY CLOCKS CHINA STATIONERY JEWELRY SILVERW'ARIC RAZORS For Further Particulars Apply at Her Residence WATCH REPAIRING ENG (‘LOQK REPAIRING GOL] JEWELRY REPAIRING STOP OPITCAL REPAIRING (all and See cs When in Need F. R. FREY FORDSON TRACTOR THE HOME OF THE CAR ACCESSORIES ENGRAVING GOLD PLATING STONE SETTING you deal here. Once you get ‘ome for your accessories and MAIN ST., WESTON Telephone No. 19 Near Post Office 'fee' rrd