fc. ‘35 L 3% r _ How to Save Money it NP, Headquarters for C.C.M. BICYCLES, SECOND HAND and REBUILT BICYCLES, all makes and, mpdels--rguar" anteed, . ' Bicycles THE WESTDN ll i A SAVINGS 'toe will positively close _ on May 29th THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE REPAIRS of all kinds a specialty {Lawn Mowers sharpened. A‘fuu line‘of ACCESSORIES o? hand. . QLD BICYCLES TAKEN inrpart payment for New PAID-UP CAPITAL RESERVE FUND It is always well to have a Savings Account upon which interest is regularly paid and from which you are free to draw " any time should you have a good oppor- tunity to buy stock or feed. A Savings Account is Ready Money. 78A IN ORDER TO REMODEL MY STORE, I NEED MORE MONEY ANO MORE SPACE TO WORK. SEE THE LIST IN aitgee,t, REALIZING SALE ON 7 PAGE 5 OF THIS ISSUE. WM. WHITE, PROP., 8 MAIN STREET WESTON BRANCH, C. B. Millar, Manager. c a giii' » i H. O. Cousins ACCOUNT GYM IEALEB $1 5,000,000 $1 5,000,000 ’11P. iiirit_tp..ippi_.)it....._fiittittto school and running from behind a wa- gon did slot see the approaching car and ran right\ in front ot it. The mot- orman, who had his car under perfect control, applied the emergency brake and stopped within halt the length of the car. But when the unfortunate victim was picked up it was found that the right leg was broken at the thigh and the left one just above the knee besides many internal bruises. Dr. Charlton was called and rendered first aid to the little sufferer, then had him removed to the Children's Hospital. A jury was empanelled consisting' of Messrs. _A. S. Macklin, R. Armstrong, A. M. Oldham, I). Rowntree, Jn.. N. Clarke, G. Pollard, Jno. Harris, D. Webster and H. H. 'Rudolph, Dr. Charlton presiding as Coroner, and at the inquest Monday night, after hear- ing the evidence brought in a. verdict - -- - __-__-Agra.-. fhn highly ot the efficient manner in which the motorman handled his car. A rider was added to the effect that the Clause be enforced to prohibit Peo- ple riding in the front vestibule of the car. A fatal accident tccurredbn Weston Ma.in'Street last Thursday afternoon when Vincentldiemfer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kemfer, of St. John's Road, was run over by a radial car and died a few hours later front his in- juries. The child, who was about 8 years of age, was returning, from “WESTON BOY FATALLY INJURED BY STREET cart “.15 uAAv V....V._-- V. - of accidental death, exonerating the Metorman and Conductor from any blame or responsibility,, also spoke Lanai'k and Renfrew have 26 mis- sion bands with a membership of 1256, contributing $2537 to missions. On Wednesday morning last, Mr. Todd, who lives in Shoddy Row, heard a, child crying outside his door and upon investigating found some person had left a fine baby boy of about two or three weeks old lying just outside the doorstep. The child had received good care and was well dressed, also a. change of clothing had been pvovid- ed. Constable Campbell was immedi- ately notified and started to investi- gate, but as yet no clue of the missing parents have been discovered. Al- though Mrs. Todd had a. family of six to care for, she cgnsented to take charge of the infa t until arrange- ments could be made and later .in the week a temporary home was found with Mrs. Hamilton, on Myers Ave. The annual meeting ot the Method- ist Cnusctt Sunday Senool was held on Monday night, with a fair attend- ance. she pastor, ltev. w. J. Stew- art. presided and called for the re- ports, all of which were very encour- aging and showed progress. one point brought out very clearly was the need of increased accommodation. even with three of the senior classes meeting in the auditorium. Space was at a premium in the schoolroom and the teachers handicapped in doing their work. Messrs. Campbell/Pear- son,Nic.holls and Peat'en were appoint- ed a committee to look into the mat- ly. A resolution was passed, asking the church board to provide some ad- ditional folding chairs, as the present supply of seats was inadequate for the number of scholazs attending. The secretary was au horized to send a letter of sympathy to Miss Jean Hut- chison, one of the teachers, ,who .has been absent several weeks owing lo illness. The present staff of teachers were reappointed with the exception of Miss b. Heron, who asked to be relieved,'Miss Hall being appointed in her place. Mr. Shelton and Mr. Gow- land were Appointed substitute teach- ers, and the superintendent empower- ed to add to these any others willing to assist in the work. Following are the list of officers: Superintendent, A. L. Campbell; assistant superinten- dent, A. Pearson; secretary, Homer Bull; treasurer, Lindsay Ward; libra- rian, Miss Marguerite Simpson; as- sistant librarian, Miss Bertha Scarce; Home Department supt., Miss Annie Kellam; Cradle Roll, Miss Dorothy Pearson; pianists, Miss Lennox', Miss Forsyth, and Mrs. Emberson; mis- sionary secretary, Mr. A. Pearson; committee tor picnic and special days, A. L. Campbell, Homer Bull, Lindsay Ward, Mr. Shelton and Miss Lennox. ANNUAL MEHTIsNG oe _ WESTON EIETHODIST s.hi BABY BOY DESERTED VVEST' YORKS NEWSYVVEEKLY lThe Girls of the A.B.K. Club held a very successful dance in the New School Hall last Friday night. It might be termed as the social event ot the season. One of the pleasing features was the presence ot so 'many of the older people who enjoyed the music and dancing. The dresses were very pretty and made the scene one long to be remembered, the combina-, tions of colors, artistic gowns and decorations of the room all added to the harmonious effect produced. The music was indeed fine, in fact could be termed excellent. time being per- fect and the selections better-than on previous engagements. Dainty refresh- ments were served and credit is due the girls of the complete success achieved an d the pleasure given to so many. Tlféroom certainly is an ideal place for the holding of such social functions and the town is to be con- gratulated on having such a room tor the use of the citizens. R. Flynn and Prof. R. W. Wade represented the Weston Board ot Edu- cation in the delegation that waited upon the Ontario Government last week in reference to changes in the High School maintenance. They asked that municipalities outside those in which High Schools and Collegiates were located pay the full 100 per cent. of the cost of pupils attending instead of the 65 per cent, as charged at pre- sent, "claiming that with the present rate children from outside sections re- ceived a cheaper education than the local scholars. Premier Drury stated that a change was impossible at this session, but the matter would be "gone into and an investigation made at once. i The 5th anniversary of their nved- ding day was celebrated by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fudge, of 6 St. John's Roagl, Weston, on Jrfay 8th, 1920. A very" enjoyable evening was spent in euchre and dancing, at the close of which about titty guests sat down to a. dainty supper. The happy couple were the recipients of many useful and beautiful presents, and received the congratulations and good wishes ot the many triendsfor joy and hap- piness in the future. A most successful sewing tea in connection with the Weston Branch of the Labrador Mission was held at the home or Mrs. A. A. Briggs, King St... Thursday' afternoon, May 13th. The splendid committee in charge, as usual, had everything in readineSs for the 37 ladies present. After a busy afternoon spent in preparing garments for the bale to be packed in June, dainty refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by her daughter. The collection amounted to $11.00 to be used for the purchase of more ma- terial. It was decided to have the quilting bee in connection with this work early in June, date to be an- nouhced later. The last sewing tea for.this season will be held at the home of Mrs. Robert Sims, Albion Rd., Thistletown, on Wednesday afternoon, June 2nd. All who are interested are invited to accept this invitation with- out further notice. Woodbridge cars pass John Street, Weston, at 2.20 p.m. This will be the'best car tor the ladies to take to go to Mrs. Sim's home. " Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Macklin accomp- anied by Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Coon mot- ored to Grimsby and spent the week end with friends, Pte. E. A. Russell, who arrived in town a wee kago last Saturday, is probably the last boy who enlisted from Weston to arrive home. In the summer of 1915 he signed up with the Army Medical Corps, going to Eng- land early in the fall. From there he went to Salonica and at the time of the signing of the Armistice was sepv- ing in France and received his tem- ‘porary discharge about six months ago. While overseas he married, his wife returning with him and at pre- sent they are residing in Westmount. Before enlisting he was engaged with the Irvin Lumber Co., and upon his re- turn started back with the firm on the following Monday morning. It might be noted that he is entitled to a medal, having been a resident of Weston at the time of enlisting and returning to take up civilian life again. He was also a member of the Volunteer Fire Brigade. \VES’IW , N BRAN CH WEDNESDAY, MAY 19TH, If20 GRE) N FELL MISSION Langmuir Mfg. . . 2 1yi1lys-over. Toronto Carpet. . . .8 Can. Kodak Can, AHis-Chal.. .. 2 Harris Abat. Steel Co. .......3C.C.M..-... Present Standing of the West End Y.M.C.A. Junior Industrial 1foLLiNGsHEA_v--rln loving memory of Louisa J. Duxbury, beloved wife of that late J. J. Hollingshead, Wes- ton, who died May 18th, 1917. Free from care she now is resting, Free from pain, her sufferings o'er; Resting in the arms ot Jeshs On that bright and glorious shore. Daughter Mae. At a special meeting of the Town Council held last week for the pur- pose of opening the tendersre Fire Brigade-Insurance, $1500 in an Auto- mobile Insurandk Co. was placed on the trubk and equipment and $18,0000 on the Fire Hall, Transforming Sta- tion and equipment. Permits were also issued for the building of two small frame houses in Vimy Gardens. Special Patriotic services will be held in the Islington Methodist Church on Sunday morning, May t3rdralso in the afternoons the school session will be of a patriotic nature. In the evening service will be withdrawn ow- ing to the Union Services being held in St. George's Church. The annual meeting of the Isling- ton Branch of the Women's Institute was held on May 13th, at the home of Mrs. Lambie. Reports of the year showed considerable, progress and were very encouraging. The motto for the season/had been "Assist in providing a. new School" and it was decided to continue in that work for another year. Total receipts amount- ed to $52.37, with an expenditure of $45.39, leaving a surplus fund of $6.98. The following officers were elected for the year: Pres., Mrs. B. Johnston; Vice-Pres., Miss J. Dunn; Sec.-Tceas., Miss E. M. Hill; District Director, Mrs. S. Barratt; Branch Di- rectors, Mrs. Lambie, Mrs. J. Reid, Mrs. Turner; Sick Com., Mrs. Clare Johnston, Mrs. G. Bell; 'Auditors, Mrs. Maginne, Mus E. Garbutt. A meeting of the institute will be held on Wednesday, May 26th, at the home of Mrs. Clare Johnston at 8 p.m. A speaker from the Department. Miss Gertrude Gray, will be present,and give an address. The members are kindly urged to come out in full num- bers and bring friends with them to welcome the speaker, the remarks of whom will also be of educational value and interest to all. - We are pleased to note that Mr. H. E. Mintemute, Pastor of the Baptist Church upon the completion' of his University year, is making Weston his permanent' home tor We summer months. made her home with Mr. and Mrs. Orr from childhood. Funeral services were held on-Monday, May 17th, from her late home. Rev. W. N. Mackay, of the Old Presbyterian Church, of which body she was.a faithful and most helpful member, officiated. Mes- srs. Watson, James Griffith, Joseph Griffith, Thomas Dudley, Fred Pear- son arid Welsh, all neighbors, acted as pallbearers. Interment took place in Riverside Cemetery. _ Mr. o. E. LaRose has made several long trips with his motor truck dur- ing the past tew weeks, covering the distance in record time. agent, N. J. Sea changed hands By the death Pf Mrs. James 011' on Friday last at her home near Emery. the community loses its oldest resi- dent. Deceased, who was in her 94th yea]; was born in Scotland, but came to Canada when an infant with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. McLain, and settled on a farm near Emery. She is survived by, her husband and a neice, Mrs, L. Espey, ot Weston, who The Consolidated Realty Co. still Keep up their average of busihess. Under the supervision of the local agent, N. J. Seal, four properties have Commencing Sunday, May 23rd, Sunday School in the Methodist Church will meet at 10 o'clock in the morning instead of Z.30'p.m. as usual, and will continue for the same hour during the t Mis. Sidney Norman and little son left on Friday night last en route for a three months' trip to England. . By N. D. Peters _ Life is like a ship that’ssailing’ I On a distant unknown strand, K Trusting to be safely guided, . We perchance might make the land. Derelicts, by the water's hidden, In our path upon ihe sea, Perils great are strewn about ‘us, We shall ne'er from them be free Thus our boat is slowly gliding Down the chasm deep and wide And in liféboats we are carried, Moving forward with the tide. God is He who rules the world With a strong and mighty hand, Rut to us is left the sailing,, Destiny is made by man. IN MEBIORIAM Mrs dawns Orr Eek ais a note of useful in, :0 all camera devotees will Ieekly. tur. Bowen is en- to give ,to the citizens of "venty-four hour service in This means a good service ISLINGTON summer months tyBITU3H Y LIFE DEVELOPING Why Yes I 2 JOHN STREET Keep the Finish PHONE 41 Weston Road, Mount Dennis The Cruickshank Wagon Works English Bros. t Mould _ 10 Main Street South AT THE JEWELLER'S,' WESTON THE SUPER-SERIAL SENSATION OF THE YEAR ---IN- C FIFTEEN MYSTERIOUS AND THRILLING EPISODES _ " AT THE . h Wednesday-Thursd’y / May 26-27 Why take you; filpeto,Toronto? You can get the best serv1ce in town. _ a _ We will develop your film and make your prints all ready in twenty-four hours. . " iujllll After experiments, and trials it has been recommended by thé experts that one way to preserve the finish on your car is by having it varnished when it is new. Varnishing is important and requires special attention, good light, dust-proof room, and one heat. An inspection of our Paint Department will reveal to you this equipment. We have the "Adam" pattern, or will get your favorite pattern for you. _ V Any pattern of any reliable make procured on short notice. What is nicer or more appropriate for the coming June Bride than l set of handsome "Community Plate" flatware? It wears so well and looks really beautiful MAVETY Announcement It pays to get our prices on your proposed work. We can give you the right pr1ce, do your work and glve you service. _ Givi: us a ring; and we will be on the job HENRY BROWN CAN YOU BEAT IT? Don't take snap-shots under trees. THIS IS THE ‘SERVICE F. R. FREY The \Vabch Specialist Phone 354 N GREY†MAIN ST., WESTON pr ear Post Office Phone No. 120 PRINTING WESTON