'pi'i"it"tt' kic't'ii'vlE1 q W, '2» . a I D l I we th' I El! wa, Is a luxury. Why not use Electricity, thereby reducing your heating expenses by half, and enjoy the same comforts by in-. stalling a cooking range, hy having a maatel or other heating C apparatus in those chilly rooms, We do the work and supply . . the, equipment at the lowest prices, togetherwith the most effi- . dent workmanship. ". . Ty1.i?yyvt,i,rr, Power, Heating, Repairs and Alterations a 'sits specialty'. We are not engineers, but we are mechanics. ‘5 Why yiitst, Cl Mon Avenue St. Albah’s Park GEORGE STREET Goal Headquarters for C.C.M. BICYCLES, SECOND HAND and REBUILT BICYCLES, all makes and models--guar- atoteed Bicycles Plumbirig THESE ARE ALL IN OUR LINE AND WE GIVE YOU GOOD ‘PRICES AND ESTIMATES ON THIS WORK THE WESTON BIBYBLE fllillfll Convenience, security and economy are secured by the use of Travellers' Cheques issued by this Bank. They enable the bear.. ler to identify himself and are readily converted into the current coin of any foreign country. 323 THE, CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 1| _. , . l f ' . "s, i'l, _ 211$. Barton mikes up Floral Designs on): may It has been a special line with us. N hen you are in need, just give the phone a ring and call 21, or visit the greenhouse office, A full line of ACCESSORIES on hand. OLD BICYCLES TAKEN in part payment for New REPAIRS of all kinds a specialty, Lawn Mowers, sharpened. .,/,,!!,.,rilie..,?r. BAoiit)ri)t, English, Bros. & Mound PAID-UP CAPITAL RESERVE FUND Hardware Merchants Plumbing and Heating 1150 WESTON ROAD, MOUNT DENNIS WM. WHITE, PROP., 8 MAIN STREET TRAVELLERS' CHEQUES WESTON BRANCH, C. B. Millar, Manager. SIMPKIN BROS. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS :t . N‘JWESTON 'fig Tinsmithing Furnace Work $1 5,000,000 $1 5,000,000 Phone Md RC. Box 259 WESTON hr .i.iiirit1pt,s,rs,ii,t..._iFaittto The Commission has made special arrangements to have, the pumps working at the pumping station Irom the hours of 6, to 8 p.m. This was done ISO-that there would be full pressure tar those who are complying with the request 91; the Commission to do all the watering of their lawns and gar- dens during that hour. But while this is still on the order sheet there should be no wasting of water permitted. Don't let the water run away. Make every ounce count. Remember that there are a. lot of people and indus- tries depending upon our supply and proper conservation means much to all. Books, papers, magazines, all have gone up in price. Still these are the great and important mediums by which the majority of ideas and thoughts are circulated. With the great increase of prices it has meant that a number ot the better books have not been read, More people have used the libraries. Still, it is a very important point that the people should be encouraged to read the best of books. It this is done, there will be spread over the whole of this country the proper ideas of life. Our librarian has done much in this town towards this end. There is, however, a very important notice on the back page of this paper that those who are desir- ous of forming a library should read. It is very advantageous. Have you noted the splendid work that this society is quietly doing about our town. The latest is the planting of flowers at the various churches. This is indeed a move in the right di- rection and will beautify that part of the town. This year there have been planted some hundreds of trees about the town, which will add to the, beau, ty of Weston. There have always been hundreds of pounds of seed dis- tributed about the town among the children and the adults. This means that the whole of the town ls directly benefiting from the efforts of the Weston Horticultural Society. Still there are some people who have not as yet seen the good work being done and have not eo-operated, What is wanted is the foliokup work of this society, The citizens can do this by seeing that their lawns are kept in the neatest state possible, that the street boulevards are cleared and kept clean, that the vacant lots are cleaned up; in short, the citizens should co- operate fully with the Horticultural Society, so that the Town oleeston may be made the prettiest town in On- tario. Will you help? On Monday, June 7th, Mr. Thomas Kersey, Main St. North, celebrated his 85th birthday, and received the con- gratulations of his many friends, also several beautiful floral bouquets, the fragrance of which conveyEd in a very tangible form their messages of re- membrance, and congratulations that he had been spared to enjoy the beau- ties of nature and home for so many years. Born in Vaughan Township, near Coleraine, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Kersey, he attained manhood and carried on in the vocation of bis father, living on the homestead until fifteen years ago; when be retired from active world and removed with his wife to Weston. During his resi- dence in town Mr. Kersey has made many friends and the best wishes of all are tendered " him that he may enjoy many days of health and hats- piness in the future. There is a very important meeting of the Weston Fair Board called for Friday night of this week, It is the desire of the president that every member of the board be present at 8 o'clock sharp. This meeting is called for the purpose ot hearing Mr. H, P. Eckhardt. There has been some lit- tle talk at the annual meetings year after year after the stock that Mr. Eckhardt gene to the Fair Board. As the desire of all the directors has been to understand Just what there is com- ing to the board. By your attendance at this meeting you will be in close touch with the whole matter. There are other matters that will come up it consideration at this meeting, so make this the special meeting of the, year. Come out early and be ready to take up matters that will be to the best interest of our fair. WESTON RESIDENT ATTAINS THE 85 LIILESTONE IN LIFE OUR HORTIC UIIK‘URAL SOCIETY CONSERVATION OF WATER FAIR BOARD MEETING BIG BOOK SALE font-Im- ' Irc) _ V for 87 Years afraid-Apmd ceturteousr-iee. ., T areas iitio. V "tt 's",, ashis, milil'nesytttrt,ets,,at)fiogtteife'gT, , more so. iiidepidenee, the: fand'tna' of WEST YORKS NEWSY WEEKLY Your Savings Mean, Muth I / Have yon noted the speed with which the contractors are building the new road along St. Clair'? This is without doubt one of the best pieces of work that has been accomplished in this section of the country {or a long time. Now that the St. Clair Road is open it is time that the Wes- ton Road was put into a proper state of repair. People would use this road it lot more With this repaired or a good road built it would mean dollars and cents to bur town and merbhants Many of those who use cars find that the road plays havoc with the cats. The short, rough bumps and the big holes make this road worse than many of our country roads which receive only a few loads of gravel and a sec- tion thmaster to do the road build- ing, pi‘vlth the advances that have been made in road building, the ma- chinery obtainable and the materials that are on the market, there is surely a road that can be built to stand up better and give service that will give better value tor the dollar than the present road has done, High prices are paid for engineers on the road. They are supposed to be specialists and should have all the facts and de-. tails on road building. It is their job, We are now at a time when this prem- ier section of Ontario, this point from which all things practically radiate, must have good roads. This town pays enough for a better road. York Town.. ship has paid for the road that they have and should have a better road. " we are to meet the pressing needs of the day, than efforts to have this road should, be made. It is reported that the road Will be built, but when will it be commenced? Will the con- tract be held up till the bad weather sets in and then who will be reerpon- sible for any bad work? Will the weeks be allowed to slip by and the road be closed twice as long as it should be? These are the things that should be considered. .The strip that the Commission built between the city and the Black Creek hill was spoiled, not by the contractor, but by the de- lays caused through the Commission and its officials. With the example that has-been set by the contractors and officials incharge of the St,, Clair road, there must bone falling .down on the Weston end: Let there me enough pressure trrouirht to bear upon those i114 charge of affairs, thatrthey will do' his piece of work right and quickly., V T On Wednesday evening of next week there will be held the induction service of the new rector of St. Phil. lip's Parish, Etobicoke. The ceremony will be conducted by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Reeves, assistant Bishop ot Toronto, at the hour of 7 o'clock, This marks a aew.rperiod in the history of this section and there are sure to be many interested persons who will at- tend this service. In opening this new parish the Church of England is put- ting forth extra efforts to meet the growing demands ot the section. Mis- sions will be held in the Community Hall at Westmount every Sunday night and there will in all possibility be another mission started in Thistle- town. The Church has an opportus1i- ty to-day that demands careful, tact, fol consistent, and persistent work. Westmount is a growing district, and will have enough people in the district to support a church within a short time. Thistietown section, while not growing so rapidly, will nevertheless develop, There will be a big centre there, but possibly not for a few years. It is the Church that gives solidity to a district. Therefore do all that is possible to support this new parish in its important work. CAN YOU BEAT IT? The best that has been heard tor a long time comes to hand.this week. After the return ot Mr. A. Corbett from a trip to Grand Valley he makes the statement that the whole trip was made on five gallons ot gaso- line. This is a trip of one hundred and sixty miles. It means that the car averaged on the trip 32 miles to the gallon. It is a Maxwell car and they say that this is what it will do any time. " there is anyone who has a. good trip we will be pleased to make it known. ' Any person wishing to contribute to the Graniell Mission bale, which will be packed ready for shipment on Sat- urday or this ,veee,'are asked to leave their donation at the home of Mrs. Briggs, Jtosemount Ave., Groceries. canned goods,, second hand clothing in good repair or articles of bedding are all acceptable. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1920 INDUCTION SERVICE OUR ROADS It looks as it the citizens of Weston and the whole of the .Humberslde will have a meal gala. day on the first of my in our old 'Weston part, We say this because ot the inside information that has come to hand shout the elab- Hate 'yreparattons than: ars‘lbeing put forth to make this so real day that will tre the talk ot the whole country- side. "You have seen the war people in the olden days {looked to see the big games on the hoiiibti, _. Well, (that, is what is being i'o'lt1)'l?lirw'ih' to by. the Weston Branch ot,this G. w. v. A: In the first place gym going to make this the day ttrt some fast cc1tsuppionsgpis bicycle‘fgh'es, foot races' and, Jumping. p it cahlbe done there Will be tr ten mils foot" 'ra‘co pulled oft, that will ha.ve some bt 'the stars en- tered. On the whola‘rwhiie the de- tailchave not been fboppleted, the boys certainly are putting forth an et- MtrrtrthM,.ppeaks a! 3. reid day. This should luterest the athletic spirit ot the old and young once more.' All who can should'get the. old musN.es in Shape once more andsoé if you tfan- not take home one ot-ilie fine prizes that will be coming tout way it you sulfi’n’ave the'oid spool; Boys, get :dmn'itto, its takeo, tip,' train hard tor the events, because tired rims will be worth something. It ‘yvifl also be the starting at your athletic life. By hard training you can improve. yourself and become one of the stars. The first halt-holiday has been observed by the Calvert-Springfield Club, with a full attendance at a community gathering. other such gatherings will be held weekly. The idea is spreading and meeting with almost universal approval. The Huron Club of the U.F.O.. near Forest,Lamb- ton County, has adopted the scheme with variations, and will take Friday off instead of Saturday. A thorough trial is to be accorded the plan in each locality. The idea was originally tos, tered in the Calvert-Springfield Club by Thos. Merrick, and he, with the assistance of President Ted Warmol and Clifford Dodd, urged the scheme 'on the members of the club and on the whole community. The concert Btaeeill in the Town Hall last night by the Standard Effi- ciency Classes of the C Methodist Church was a splendid success trom start to finish. The work as demon- strated by the boys showed the value pfrphytsicae training. Full details next week. At the close Mr. and Mrs. Pearson were presented with a hand- some bouquet toy the boys r', (by T. R. Elliott) A widely prevalent feeling ot dis, satisfaction among rural workers with a state of affairs which permitted ev- er shorter hours for the city dweller, while farmers were condemned to the same old long day of unstated hours, was the Chief factor in bringing about an experiment in weekly halt-holidays on the farm, now being tried tor the first time by clubs of the United Far- mers of Ontario in Lambton and Mid- dlesex Counties, and meeting with such success as to indicate a possible nation~wide adoption ot the plan. Members ot we Calvert-Spring. field Club regard the idea ot an Sight, hour day on the farm as impossible of adoption, but believe the weekly half-holiday is entirely feasible, and may do something to lessen the con- stantly increasing call for "better farm conditions" and "equal, privi- leges with the city worker," which has been heard to the detriment of farming life in general in Ontario; Mr. Joseph Boulton, vice-president of the club, says the time has come when a farmer is beginning to realize that he can do a week’s work in five days instead of six, working the long hours be does. _ ONTARIO FAIUHERS TO TAICE HALF HOLIDAYS CUTuHAN--JoHNBToN--At the home of the bride's father, Humber Grange, by the Rev. Dr. Harmer, on _ Wednesday, June 2nd, 1919, Elwood J. Culhan of Malton to Elva L. Johnston, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Johnston, Thistle- town. 5 Morrison-Gagnon The marriage of Miss Angelle M. Gagnon, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. Gagnon, Sutton, Que., to Mr. Ephraim Morrison, son of Mr. W. Morrison, Malton, Ont, took place at Westmoreland Methodist Church, Rev. Dr. Speers officiating, The bride was groomed in white crepe de chine, with veil of tulle caught with orange blossoms, and she carried sweetheart roses. She was attended by Miss Pearl Proctor as bridesmaid and Miss Kath- leen Partridge as flower girl. Mr. Beverley Carberry acted as Trooms- mam After a reception at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Partridge, Ma- jor Street, the happy couple left for a brief trip to Meaford. Afterwards they will reside at Melton, Ont. With the publishing of the names ot the successful students at the re- cent examinations in medicine, the io- cal students did well. This year those in charge have been most exacting in their marking and weeding out. All the boys in the town who have tried have been most pleased at the results as they have been given out. Those who passed are: Fred Cruickshank. G. Bull, Howard Charlton, and G. Moffat. We can be proud of their successes when there were_so many plucked in the different years. U.F.O.'a.nd Labor Meeting, At the request ot tour U.F.O. Clubs in West York a meeting was held Bat, urday by the Labor Representative Committee to discuss the selection ot a candidate in West York for the Fed» eral election. Reeve J. G. Whitmore, ot Vaughan Township, told the mem- bers that the outlook in West York for the EEO-Labor alliance _ was bright. He extended an invitation to Labor organizations to attend 3. UR Q. picnic at Woirdbridge on June 19. It was decided that a joint convention would be held during the suiumer to select a candidate. ' T _ BIG DAY LAID OUT WEST YORK WEDDIN GS OVER IT PAYS to get your old wagon carefully overhauled before it is too far gone. _ New Wagons Are Costly LECTURE : Hear what Jesus and the prophets have tosay abéut our day and the great changes now in progress. _ INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION Seats Free No {Collection . Let us look your old one over and give you a price on making it like new. Seasoned Tongues, Shafts and Axles always on hand for quick work. I I he Cruickshank W agon Works PHONE 41 Sunday, June" " Our Day in Prophecy: 2 JOHN STREET Opposite Post Office Norman J. Seal Dominion Day _ _" A WEDDING GROUP PHOTOGRAPH The souvenir appreciated by all. A PICTURE OF THE OLD HOME OR THE NEW HOUSE just finished, brings pleasant memories to _ absent friends. WE SPECIALIZE ON BOTH Don't have the sun shining direct on subject, Have it at an angle to get good results. AT THE JEWELLERS, WESTON 10 Main Street South Director of the Consolidated Realty Co., Weston, handles all kinds of Insurance, and would be pleased to do your Insur- ance Business. Call, phone of write. _ - , WHY GO OUT OF TOWN? VETERANS OF WESTON 'WILL ENTERTAIN YOU HERE. SEE ANNOUNCEMENT INSIDE. Let us supply the wedding ring. Quality and finish are superior. V When "tying the nuptial knot," one of the very necessary ar- ticles is the plain circlet ot gold which is worn on the third finger of the left hand. A lecture of deep interest to all thoughtful people will be given an _. ' TOWN HALL, WESTON), , t j by MR. YE SPALDING OF TORONTO We have gift$ for the Bride, Bridegroom and attendants HENRY BOWEN June Weddings F. R. FREY The Watch Specialist Phone 354 THREE an. SUBJECT N. J. SEAL Auspices '. MAIN ST., WESTON Near rest Office WESTON WESTON , E34 if} I I Fas, I