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Times & Guide (1909), 9 Jun 1920, p. 5

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l l ' 12s'i"i/e', .7 f ADVERTISING TtATBS---Letral Notices, Sc per line tor first insertion, 40 per line tor each subsequent insertion. Business [meals or Reade”: IOC per line for each insertion. Church or Soelety Notices of .tn.,tt.rJh1?,ye'y),t,s.'a, . -u--., an nAmIacInn PP. mizsscnrPazo_N mLTES--$L50 per year in advance to any address in Cana- da. $2.00 per year in advance to United States. Single copies 3c. ADVERTISING TtATBs---Letral Nptiqesj ALL MATTER FOR PUBLICATION must be In the office not later' than noon Tuesday. This is absolutely necessary to ensure insertion in the issue of that w_eek. re Aaoclcxy uvuuvn u. H__-Nee"P""'e -eoncerts, etc., where an admission tee is to be charged or a collection Calc- -en. we charge 5c per line for each insertion. Meetings t .Announce- ments ot'ciub, organization or soci- ety meetirur!s,.5e per line for each insertion; minimum charge 25c. Re- ports of meetings held gladly insert- ed free. In Memoriam Notices and cards of thanks. is per line; mini- mum charge 25c. Birth, Marriage and Death Notices. no charge. Chins!- tued Advts., 25e per each insertion for ads. not exceeding six lines; over that 50 per each extra line. Profess .slonal Cal-gs ans! Email s‘tandilngtgd’s‘i The Times & Guide l, 6550p-cr'int Roomed House, lot 50x144, with drive, well built. Immediate possession. P ' '84200----Sis rooms, brick. Immediate possession. $800 cash. 81200---$500 cash, 4 roomed cottage for sale. 'i)2500--fix rooms, frame, light; water in the house. $500 axons: barns an}: sum... g._..-...u _ not exceeding 11/2". single col, $150 per year. Auction Sale Advenhdng. rates according to size and number of insertions. Display Matter Rates, on application. ' eash, Vacant Land in Weston and District for sale. We he a number of good buys. Be sure and see us first. Re alt y Co . WESTON BRANCH WEDNESDAY. JUNE 9, 1920 Ladies' Auxiliary WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1920 WESTON Published ev_ery Wednesday orawmiaG"srrrsuasrrrxq GO., Limited S. CHARTERS, President C. V. CHARTERS, see.-Treas. wea,,,gsiioadmirthatm-rourprrsgresshassxnsseso theptogressoftuse =ustomer% We are desirous of co-operating wih other persons and fbms for the upbuikhng of pan of the Dominion. Our service extends to all parts of the world. Direct wire may: maintained between Mmt Toronto, Winnipeg, Vanmwa, New Yak, ChicagoandSm Francisco ;; "sir-jg,,?,),':-';', . Many of these notably successful Canadians have [i"ytcli-i-'iicfj' been lifelong customers of the Bank of Mammal, and til 5’ they have been kind enough to say that their progress has been due in part to the satisfactory banking service they have ob; tained from us. [ ' ' N w, The preéident of the Auxiliary, Mrg. Foster, will be pleased to receive contributions of; P"" MADE BAKING for the Gr.W.V.A. Field Day) Contributions can be left at Mrs. Mauisou's, 165 Eagle Ave., or No. 1, Humber St, Weston, on the 30th of lime. BAN K OF MONTREAL 7-515; S. ivusos, Manager. Established over 100 years Total Asset in excess of $500,000,000 L HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL ' l N. J. SEAL, Director There are few towns that can boast of the advantages that this town has. I There are many towns that have pro- gressed much more rapidly with tarl greater handicaps than are known to) Weston people. What the trouble iSi many of our own town people do not appreciate, its location, its advantax gas. its general layout. Look at its location. Is there a suburb of the city of Toronto that is situated so well? In the first place we have a town on the banks ot the Humber, surrounded by a beauty of nature that would please the eyes of any ar- tist, and.arouse the sense of all for more beautiful things. It is high and therefore gives us a. most healthy con- dition about the town, as the medical reports will show. Then .We have an educational board that have given us schools that are second to none. Children who pass through the schools ‘here are ready for university and generally make a. name' tor them- selves. Then the transportation tacili- ties make this an ideal centre tor those who have their business in the city. You cannot beat this [or a town. Lei' your friend know A chance to secure' home made baking tor the week end without the work of preparing it. Visit the sale to be held by the Ladies' Aid of West- minster. Church Saturday ' afternoon. June 12th, \VESI‘ON AS A HODIE TOWN an about it Phone 410 can be ast We have A distinctly novel attraction has 1 now been provided in the C.P.R. ot.. l Pet windows at Charing Cross, arti extraction which has been much ad.. i, mired by the crowds who have ga- thered to make'imspectiom The rim Mndows usually devoted to the exhb ibition of things Canadian is being pccupied by an excellent model aero- drome of the Aircraft Transport and Travel, Limited, at Hendon, together trim scientifically accurate models t various types ot aeroplanes and 'rships. . Tl/ld a display in a railway and shipping office may seem rather un- usual at first sight, but is really a sign of the times. also marking much enterprise on the part of the Domin- l-ion Express Company of Canada. 1Realising the importance of main- aining a really "Express" service, gt its name is still to be justified, the omlnion Express Company, the remier Express Company in Canada, ade arrangements to act as Pas- senger and Parcels Agents for the ireratt Transport and Travel L1- ited on their London-Paris daily ‘r service. It is thus possible for either pas- ngers or parcels to be booked for onveyance by aeroplane to or trom ndon and Paris through any of the Dominion Express Company's offices in Europe, and these. in addition to London are to be found in "important cities such as Liverpool. Glasgow. Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol and Paris , f The advantages ot this arrange- ment are many. for the Dominion Express, holding as it does the ex- clusive right of shipping Express parcels over the entire ORR. sys- tem, as agents for the Aeroplane Service can ensure that an Express package scheduled to catch a certain ship actually reached its destination in Canada in the shortest possible space of time, As time is money nowadays. more than ever it was, it ls easy to realise what an important adjunct an Air Service is to an Ex.. prmw Company. q BY AEROPLANE TO PARIS. Two boys have been arrested In connection with the Mt. Dennis rob- beries, which occurred during the past week. Russell Smith, of 1157 Keele Street, aged 19 years; who will also face the charge of carrying firearms, as he had in his possession when caught a revolver. His companion, Allen Doyle, of Kenneth Ave., is only 15 years of age. The time-table shows that army 2% hours is occupied on the journey to DI' from Londbu and Paris-urgent letter's are carried at 2 shillings and 6 pence per ounce over the ordinary letter pate, w The C.C.M. employees invite you to spend Saturday, June 19th, with them by attending the annual picnic to Queenston Heights. A good program owfnéiuorts Till lie run off. Parcels for delivery in Paris on the same day have to be handed in at the London office of the Dominion Ex- press Company“ 62-fMr. Charing Cross, London. SNr., before 10.30 a.m. The parcels rates range from ii. 6d. to 25. Ui. per lb. according to quantity, yhilNsptcial rates Que quoted for large and regular eofsigr1ihenus. The :s1tttr.lCt1gCt'p,).,' passengers is 15 guin- tiiir'iir'h'rdi, 2176111595 a PM to convey the yes-vow?! to Jrcitshrw the. starting Irinw The D-hrfon Express (“Emil 117T.3”S ctfi‘izis at (Waring C-trs have welt; r€a=rn In believe that a large pyoprtrtiora of Cett"d'an visito" em Europe this year will take advantage or We pare Vim wh'rh it is run“ pos- sible to book seat-1 for a real flying visit to the Continent through their Mrice, In tact, if they so wisN'a motor car can pick them up in Tra- Sunday morning will be observed as Dominion Alliance Day in the Metho- dist Church and at the 11 o'clock ser- vice Rev. Mr. Kettlewell will speak in connection with the work of that organization. " is expected that Rev. Herman Moore, an old pastor new stationed at Barrie, Will occupy the pulpit in the evening: id’s-a? Swan. and in under three: hours they (a) be walking along the) Champs Elyseas. E ll Soll Deli'Anima from "RigoUtto." Barrientos and Hackett. 49616--t2.00 Polish Dance in E Flat Minor Percy Grainger. Piano Solo. A.6i28-i-$i.30 Eili, Eilr--Toscha Seidel. Vio- " lin Solo. 49526--8i.60 1 Know What It Mean. to Be Lone- some _ _ Aryrar W:23eorge Meader Me. I Never Kngw - _ LLasorge Meader J And Eight Hilarious jazz Hits by Art Hickman's Orchestra from the St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco: My Bahru Arms 1 _-rox-trot from - _ _ A2311 ‘ngllriers of 1919." On the Streets of tuirxr-One-step. pemrr--Fox-trrot. Tell Me Why Heaitatintr Blues --Medley Fox-trot--- Irttroducing "Beale Street Blues" and "Hesitation Blues." Tho.o Drafiia' Blue. --Medley Fox-trot. Patches-Fox-trot. Sweet and Low boys have been arrested in --FLetrot, -w alt; man Me. A-2812 Me. A4813 Mc., A-2814 90e. There certainly has been good work done during the past week by the oil- ing of a number of the roads. This is something that is real economy. It not only keeps down the dust and thus eliminates the damage that dust can do in a home, but also prevents those particles that are germ carriers being lifted from the road. Then again id preserves the road. Think of what) it means. Heavy traffic grinds and powders the small stones very fine. This lies loose on the top. Along comes the wind and it is all gone. With the oil on the road there is a substance that binds it to the surface of the road. Thus you Keksp all your road there. More oil should be used and our roads would be in better condi- tion. As it is the back streets in Wes- ton to-day are in fair condition. From a. business point of view every business man or merchant should ask himself, Am I making the most of my opportunities? We are inclined often to forget that business is the result of effort and persistent effort. We put forth effort, things come our way, than we take a nest. Something is needed to stir us up again into fresh activity for a more vigorous campaign, Weston is the centre of a rich com- munity. Within the town there is a class of well-to-do citizens. These peo. ple all require the necessities of life and use a great many of the luxuries. Therefore right in our town there is a good field tor energetic business. This is a business that requires a careful working out and handling, but it is there for the going after. Then there are the surroundings of the town. Many hundreds of dollars‘ Worth of goods are purchased by these same people week after week. some of it is left here, some goes into the Junction,_and a large amount right to the centre of the city. Thus you see that here also there is a large amount‘ of business that can be had by the merchant who goes after it. The great l question is, how can this business be l handled and "kept in Weston. Many of our townspeople coming in from the city get the idea that this or that can only be had at the big departmental stores. They figure that the local store and “merchants are' only of the _ , e-o mm" o‘cn get up.“ W “vs _ stores. They figure that the l(mallannum. I l r it - store and ’merchimt: arrenonly Iof tghe: ments that's 3619360 'iii::,?,,')?::?,',?,')'.; small one-stand (in ' Key £150 e . . - . , the idea that the prices charged lei, will be at a greatly i.eyt1'tlttl.tLt the local merchant are, higher thank - - those charged by the citybdealer‘s._ :1; J. K. McEWEN ti SON hese things require to e exp am . to the puglic, and it mustabe done Licensed Auctioneers for the by the merchants themselyes. In the COUNTIES OE' YORK, PEEL AND first place, ‘our town IS so situated that C many of the people only hit the CFi1- SIMCOE tre of the town once a week. They Terms Wank jump on the train or the cars or take? J. K. MCEWEN, Kleinburg. their own car anda'ust run through I Phone, Woodbridge 950 the trywr1. They don't have ammmg‘. A M McEWEN Richview in particular to bring them to Him . . Phone Weston 3-24 busines§ part of the town and thus fall to get ,in touch with the merchants: l _ Now the merchants have to reaclrSMITH’s MOTOR DELIVERY these people. They must put forth I? d Eat' special efforts to bring them down' aggage an XPICSS town and let them see the stores; 22 St. John‘. Road, Weston Wiiidows most be made very attrac- Phone 306 tive and inviting. You are judged by l the window that you present as to City phone, Adelaide 1518 what kind of a store yotrlutve. If it . -- is well dressed with some seasosrahle goods, then it will make an impres- sion. If it has an old out-of-date look i then you can only draw those people l who happen, to know you have better' l lines inside. If it is not tidy", than , I you can't expect people who are ac- ' customed to tidy, well kept stores and creens C windows to _come in and deal with you. 'Thep again, for the night my you must have your windows w ll llighted. Lights always attract atten- Before the flies get into your tion. It is one thing that we need in . the centre of the toivI1---mot'e lights.‘ house, store or office-- Last Week's little raih spoilt an ef-, Order the Fly Screens ' cellent idea of gathering the _rsetlf of the tostm together on Saturday. It made by ‘15 something to bring down to the centre. More efforts along this line should he pulled off by the local _mer-) R. C. Barrage chants. A good line of athletics would keep the men and the boys in Jiiii,cN0'ENTER AND BUILDER on" Saturdays and during the week. Itl / 'would also bring others in. It Wouldi 106 Rosemount Ave. v ti e to o "e, help to ad ens a: fish? 131.3,; F Phone 106 WESTON GOOD “FORK DONE WITH om ucny w T.NbNP_e_""' . this is a centre. These things could; be promoted by the merchants and, they ,wouid gef, the return in iucreags-l ed business, Then there should be concentrated efforts put forth by the merchants to let the people know that they are in business andxeady to (10' business on a larger scale. Let the Peo- I ple around Know that you can meet; the city" competition in good pricesl and that you can give them a better service, Let them have the up-to-date! methods of self-served stores and the cash and-carry system. Make a Spe- éial bid-for the country trade. All this requires ‘effort If, however. you Want more business, this is the way to go out after it. You can't expect to sit down and expect it to come to you without an effort on your part. l ciThuysdaa evening the regular work evening of the Mission Circle of; the Methodist Church will be held ati the home of Mrs, L. Coulter, Church' LOOK ! St. Grand Garden Party atuMaltog INTEREST io MERCHANTS Thursday Evg., July Ist Owing to our regular school grounds being used for purposes, we were compelled to hold this extra special concert at the Malton Presbyterian Church Grounds. ADMISSION: Adults BOc Come early and scour In case of rain or bad weather, the until one week from the above Under the ausphie? “lbw," -Fr%; Lindon," England. Versatile, witty, humorous. Introducing "Jerry," the talking doll. SOPHIA FRASER Contralto I ' , SANDY MACDONALD Scotch Comedian and Composer The Funny Man frae Glesca, Scotland. BERYL BOWLER Pianist _ ' AT EIGHT P.M, the auspices of the Elmbank Athletic Association The following artists will appear: WILL THIRKETTLE English Comedian, Conjurer, Ventriloquist - V l rp __, A a J or bad weather, the concert will be postponed veek from the above date, Thursday, July 8th. J. J. STEWART, Chairman Refreshment Booth on grounds EXTRA SPECIAL early and secure your seats Women of Canada Testify Darrr0htt.r-'T am more than Mease4 with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Preaeriptioa. I was rua-dom: and i - so nervous that I Arial A could not ever stay Eihi - 1i8 in the house alone ii . l in the day-trats and " " tried every kind of GW medicine I heard of .13: but got no result. " One of my friends "ff: Mgr " advised me to take 'as: MSh 'Favorite Prescrip- JP. - gang tion,' said that it %EEegRRg would cure we, and A5MiliW't it did. After taking 1 ..= “'" tour bottles I ielt .e..ritt like a new woman and it is also the very best mediqine for a woman bringing up a family. I will [800m- mend 'Favorite Prescription’ to any one suffering like I did."--MR8. JOSEPH BEAUDRY, R. R. 2. Tillsonburg. out.-"r found Dr. Pieree': Favorite Prescription an excellent medicine tor the ailments of women. I had become very weak and nervous. I was just miser- able when I began taking the 'Favorite Prescription' and it proved most beneficial, It so completely restored me to health that I have never had any return of this ailment. I do advise the use of 'Favorite Prescription' by womenyho suffer with womanly troub- Iir-ontg. GEO. WALKER, Pio. Box Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription is made oi lady's slipper root, black cohesh root, unicorn root, blue cohosh root and Oregon grape root. Dr. Pierce knew, when he first made this standard medicine, that whiskey and morphine were injurious, and so he has always kept them out of his remedies. Women who take this standard remedy know that in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription they are getting a safe woman's tonic so good that druggists everywhere sell it, in liquid or tablet form. Secure Their Teachers Chatham, June '--Trustees of the various rural schools of East Kent lost no time in making sure ot teachers for another year,-and have engaged the present teachers at sal- aries ranging from $900 to $1200 per annum. It is predicted that engage- ments that will be made later 0 will be at a greatly increased Saar; I'~_ ' t LN 'IKM '; llt GW J V “(\f- (‘1 SMITH'S MOTOR DELIVERY Baggage and Express . 22 St. John's Road. Weston Phone 306 City phone, Adelaide 1518 WEAK AND NERVOUS Before the flies get into your house, store or office--. Order the Fly Screens F made by g _ Hats Boaters that are up to the min- ute. Shap Rim, Panueand Can- tons for the field and garden, also Children's Straw and Linens. See them at _ " F Phone M being, uy?d fp.r building FOR THE HOT SEASON DON'T MISS IT Main St., Weston Children 15c (,j'li, Hats Municipality of Woodblddge The Court of Revision tor revising the Assessment Roll od the Village ot Woodbridge for the year 1919 wilt be held at the Public Library, Wood, bridge. on ' All parties interested are hereby Te- quested to govern themselves accord- ingly. _ - Woodbridge, May 20, 1920. NOTICE is hereby given (Ella; John Verner McAree, of the City of ‘orozr- to, in the County of York, in the Prov- ince of Ontario, Journalist. will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof, for a bill of " vorce from his wife, Etta Winnifred McAree. of the said City of Toronto, On the ground ot adultery and deser- tion. DATED at Toronto, Province ot Ontario, 3rd day of April, 1920, JOHN VERN‘ER McAREE, by his Solicitor, Edward Meek, ICC., Mail Building, Toronto. Take notice that a Court of Revision to hear appeals against the assess- ment roll tor the Township ot Etchi- coke for the year 1920 will sit at the Township Hall, Islmgton, on Monday, June let, 1920. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. All persons having busi- ness with the said Court are required to appear at the said time and place. fiftVrat%sii/urton this 31st day of May, 1920. In the Matter. of the Application of The \Voodbridge and Vaughan Tele- phone Company, Limited, ior au- thority to charge the following veo- tals for telephone service: For Individual Local or Residence Service, $3300 per annum. ForlLimited 2 and 4 Party Line Ser- vice,» $22.50 per annum; For Rural Party Line Service, $18.75 per annum. These charges to be subject to a discount of M) per cent. on all amounts paid Within 30 days of the date ot rendering the account for same. Appointment for Hearing The Ontario Railway and Munich pat Board hereby appoints Friday, the Eleventh day ot June, A.D. 1920, at at the hour of ten o'clock in the tore- noon (standard time), at the Town Hall, Woodbridge, ‘for ttesuriitg the above application. All persons having an interest in this matter and desiring to be heard are directed to attend at the time and place as aforesaid, Dated at Toronto this Twenty-sec- ond day of May, AD. 1920. (Seal) H. C. SMALL, wANWEO--To rent a house in Tires- ton, Willing to take a lease. No children. Apply ‘Rev. Frederick Robertson, Times & Guide Office, Weston. - waNvr?ED--offitee boy and messenger wanted. Apply Moftat Stove Co., Weston, Out. , _ THE ONTARIO RAILWAY AND MUNICIPAL BOARD (P. F. 5902) WANTED TO tuaNE-rn Weston or FOR SALE OR EUDNW--zk nine room- ed solid brick house, hardwood floor and trim; all conveniences; 50 ft. frontage; situated on LeMaire Ava, Weston. Apply 12 Lemaire Ava. W’eston, or phohe Weston 4,45. FOR salt-one lot on Daisy Avb., Lake Shore Gardens. Lot 50x125. Must sell, $15 per foot. Apply Box 38 Times & Guide Office, Weston. FOR SALEr--"Nater front lot New To- ronto. Ideal townsite, 60x185. Will accept first reasonable offer. Box 201 New (reroute. FOR SAIm--8 lots in New Toronto, ciose to Goodyear Tire Co. plant. $17 per foot. Reasonable cash pay- ment will secure this bargain. Ap- ply Box 39, Times & Guide Office FOR saLF-eCorzter lot on highway, New Toronto, 50x100 ft, with lane, Ideal location for: a store. This proposition will pay’you to investi- Summer Sessions' Fairss,aue 0F ETOBICOKE FOR saLTil--N quantity ot 4x12-14'tt, long, Georgia Pine in good condi- tion; also a quantity of 6x6-12 ft. long hemlock. Will sell tin blue or part. Apply Sainsbury, Weston. in Shaw's Schools, Toronto, from June 28th to Sept. lst, give contip, uous opportunity to qualify for a. good business position. Start any time. Write W. H. Shaw, 395 FORD CARS IgNaMFLLE10--Dor1e quickly and satisfactorily tor $25. Cruickshank Wagon Works. t Yonge St, Toronto J. J. HARRINGTON Real Estate 141 King St., Weston 6 rooms, brick, toilet, hath. furnace, good basement, with back entrance. Lo t 30x129. Side drive $4800, $1500 Earlscourt Ave, eitr, immediate, pos- session; 6 rooms, solid brick, square plan, balcony and verandah, newly decorated. Side drive. Detached, 36 ft. frontage, $5.000, $1500 cash., Market garden, 1 acre, 2 greenhouses, 75 ft. long, 4 roomed frame house. good well. fruit trees, greenhouses heated by 26 hp. Pease Tubular Boiler, hot water or steam. Wopld be sold separate to be removed. 86600, $2500 cash or nearest otter. MONDAY, JUNE) 7, 1920 ,TiiriT, Louse or 3 or g rooms. Ap- ply Box 38, Times & Guide office, Weston. Also Choice Lots on King St., for sale Weston 'saCririrakly, thulolsite Line and Tire Manufacturing Co. factory, Ap- ply Box tit, Times & Guide Office, Weston, COURT OF REVISION PUBLIC NOTICE S, BARRATT. Clerk of the said Municipality. COURT OF REVISION at 8 Wm, ED. W. BROWN, Clerk of Wortdtyridgrs NOTICE Secretary. Weston, Established 1858 Pastor, REV, FORBES ROBERTSON VVeuminster Presbyterian Church WESTUN METHUDIST (aillll Community Hall Rev. J. Wallace. Stewart, Pastor. N Residence, " King St. Phone " A. T. Mather, Choir Leader. Mr. Harry S. Reid. Organist Sunday, June 13th, 1920 _ x 10.00 an-Sunday School and Bi- 1 ble Classes. 11.00 amr-ftev. Wm. Kettlewell- t (Alliance Service.) 's 7.00 p.m.--flet Herman Moore. Bright Services. Good Music. Seats free, . I ', Sunday School in conjunction thé morning service. 7.00 p.m.--The Minister preach. organist-Mr. R. Wetherston. St. Phillip's Church Sunday, June 11.00 a.m.--The preach. . BAPTIS'I CHURCH _ Cross street _ _ Pastor: Rev. W. M. Mackay, BA. Residence: Erumbermount, Weston Phone 293 Rev. Frederick Robertson, Rector Residence, Coulter Are., Weston Phone 421 _ t 10 a.m.--Sunday Schoot. l . 11 a.rm--Morning Service. TOO pmr---Service in Westmount li),0f) aau.--Sabbath School. ”If 11 am1.-Moratirtg Worship., v vs/s'" 7.00 p.m.--Evenins Worship. , I " Monday 3 p.rn,--B. Y. P. It. ‘ , wednesday-Meeting tor Prayer and Praise. C . _ l HORSE ROUTES PROVE. Cr"P!"9..ENc-rThts, A .ppayy.iiyy, W. J. WARD Old Presbyterian Church étrrangers cordially welcome, Pastor, H. E. WINTEMUTE, RA Residence, King St., Weston Undertaker ttnd Embalmer MOTOR EQUIPMENT Or other if desired. Residence and Chapel Imp. Clydesdale Stallion o68g--lftt4yi', Proud Chieftain, the'propez'ty of Game; eron, Graham, Jamieson & MoCaugh-x. erty. Will make the route for the: season of 1920 as follows: Monday; May 3rd: Will leave his own stable... lot 34. con. 2, Etobicoke, and psr.t.yyy?Af,s, to Thistletown for noon and Woodag. bridge for night. Tuesday: John JN Harrisoa's, lot i), concession 9. 'L?p_poryei to Gore, for noon; D. Dale's, Woody} hill, for night, Wednesday: Royal Hoe. tel, Brampton, tor noon;H. Matthtwik' lot 12, 2nd line W., Toronto Towns ship, for night. Thursday:l John Walker's, lot 5, concession 2, Toronto Township, tor noon; John Ellis', leer, ry Homestead, for night. Friday: John MeDonaid's, tot e, p.ttqt?eesitrrr3, N.D.S., tor noon; E. Mi6iuebroNc'ii top night. Saturday: W. Lewis', Mal ton, for noon; home tor night. Th above route will be continued thrup out the season. health and weathej permitting. Certificate of enrollmen and inspection ' of the pure bra, Clydesdale stallion. Enrollment 'N 142, approved, form 1. Proud Chic; taln (Imp,), registered in the Can dian Clydesdale Stud Book as N 9684, owned by Cameron & Co. T Etobicoke. foaled in 1906, has ‘beg enrolled under the Ontario Stall Act, Inspected on the 14th day,“ October. 1914, and passed. The O tario Stallion Enrollment Board. Ito McEwan, "chairman; R. W. We. secretary. Dated at Toronto, Ontar the 31st day of March, 1920. Go until December 31st, 1920. Terms To insure a foal $16.00. payable cash or note January 15th, 1921. P. sons disposing of their mares bet realms; time or not returning th regularly to the horse will be eha ed insurance whether in foal or Ii Season mares $13.00, payable 1 round; single leap $10; cash at tl of service. Groom's fee 50c. All cidems at owner’s risk. 11-21- jji,sit'iii,ii; '.h, A.W.BARLETT Phone 168 - Main Street, Weston FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER “NEWER? MAIN ST., WESTON Motor Equipment .31" Ip I W,'%, M (/t w $liilii: "9 r 1’” "I N fi:“§i€5‘1¢$§#fifll3\653.375“M w, , iititt (e' Wywfiw fil6t31tit E Mm.if»iksrsiwArxmmmiJ‘mxafi. a: il Embicoke Lug Minister will Phone 28 Servicés 13th, 1920 . Minister- will conjunction with PAGE FIVE

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