l l 2860 DUNDAS STREET W. (Cor. Keele) _ F _ ftuilalis, films and Scipplies $1.00 Nuxated Iron . . . _ . . . . . . . 50c Chase’s Nerve Food . . . . . . . 600 (Em Pills .:................ $1.00 T%tterburJr's C.L.O. . .. . . . $1.00 Nestles food 'v.'."..','. $1.50 Scott's Emulsion . . . . . . .. $1.25 Pinkham's Compound . . . . Burdock Blood iBtters . . . . . . . . 31,00 Enos Fruit Salts .....c. . .. 35c Eagle Brank Milk ......... 50c ambuk I.........,...).... 50c Mentholatmn ............. 50c Thermogene ."........... 25c Snap hand cleaner, 2 for . .. ABE. & c. (100 in bottle), 2 tor 100 5 gr. Asparin Tablets , . . . . . . _ 50c Cascarets ....'.e......rw.. 50t Pape‘s Diapepsin ... . . . . . . .. 356 Sloan's Liniment . . . . . . . . . . Cuticum Ointment, . . . . .200 and TScAblcy'sSalts me............' 50c Mustoline .....W....e.mm_.. 35c 50c 50c 50c 25e > Gee N 5 - Watt - 24.. KN 1556’ . _ m, a. F Wm; . â€at a» W: a! > 31;; J†" BF. E. F' 53 w E m $31 W :71 " 3 3- $32: _ E a; N, I I 'it if ' ' - Bt " Blts, 55. 3:5 ‘ 'dgh a†" _ ..: 4m, tr R ' P m .3 x 1111:. . , cf, " ' , - r . . u I h. ME BGl Oh . " - AN "tt ix pr _ Hm ,. " t' as . r m a al 7-5312" 3533. " '" " Eits' E * " . . WN - A!» - rv _ s. m: a: a: - __ an» 'EW' v . " -- " warn . m; WB, M a. - k - " ' _ 5 . Tt ' . ly EY' " " ih ' ' , " i " R . t _ . is. " ltr . .. " " m. Fi " "t f 2 - a \ . m ‘ $~:'- . , _ f- gli, - MN,- - w" . r _ ' - WA t $1,; - - _ , Mlta _ ma. - ' ' " ' - ‘ fiiy1ilfr.sp,.pr.ls.ijlprR.i1te Drug Store t FW' 'E ' N Mt - "' - r" n 'ire) _ " ‘ >7 5 2AE, , _ AYE waq, \ ' itâ€; I; 3 N _ O * Ah n Rig»? . f iN GEORGE STREET SERVEE 2 JOHN STREET GET THE HASH THE.', CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ways on the job for group pictures, outside at famil) gatherings. _ Bring ydur films to us for development, No delays. Al We are glad to assist any responsible farmer who requires fi: ancing. 555 It is_not necessary tp go into the city when yeti want fldral W’ork. It can be done-right here by Specialists may develop and improve various breeds, but the standard of a eountry's cattle de- pends on the eft arts of the farmer in this direction. ARE YC Cl DOING YOUR SHARE? _ PAID-UP CAPITAL RESERVE FUND (1J'f RAW 33% STGRE WE SAVE YOU MONEY SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FEBRUARY 18TH AND 19TH PATENTS ’ 1 ' TOILETS WESTON BRANCH, THE RESPONSIBILITY IS YOURS PHONE' NO. 21 98c 99c 89c 620 24c 350 39C 24c 400 50e 39c 290 330 33c 29c 66e 34c 33c 650 290 Corson’s Orchid Cream 25c Peroxide Tooth Paste Minty's Tooth Paste . . . . Charcoal Tooth Paste, .. Woodbury's Face Powder 25c Djer ing Talc . . . . . Ingram's Milkweed Soap Lifebuoy Soap, 3 for Palm Olive Soap, 3 tor Nyal’s Face Cream 50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste . . . . . .320 40c Italian Balm .......,.......25c 50c Pebecco Tooth Paste . . . . . . . .290 250 Ingram's Tooth Paste . . . . . . . 150 500 M.S.C. Cocoanut Oil . ' . . . . . .19c 50c Ponds Dan Cream . . . . . . . . . .330 500 Orchard White . ' . . . . . . . . . .32c Cuticura Soap .................20c 500 Mennen's Shave Cream . . . . . .350 Armarurk Powder, 50c, 75c and $1.00 Ingram’s Cream . . . . . . . .390 and 750 50c 400 500 250 5. B. Millar, Manager. $15,000,000 $1 5,(j00,000 JUNCTION 5500 WESTON WESTON 35C and 650 500 150 25c 25c 350 19c 20c 25c 29c 150 19c 33c 32c Mc h? iiiiirpt.pt_sjiir.)iir_ilihtitt)ix On Monday evening Patriotism was the subject angler study at the Meth- odist Young People’s Society. _An excellent paper was given by Mr. G. Baldock, in which he outlined several important features of this important factor in our naéional success. An ir1- strumental duet by Misses Chapman and Baldock, piano solo by Miss Ruby Pusey, also a vocal solo by MisssPu., sey (Miss Dadgerow of Toronto act- ing as accompanist) provided the lou- sical program. The pastor gave a few remarks, in which he compli- merited the young people on' their work. The “7.31.5. held their monthly meeting on February 15th in the la- dies' parlors, Westminster Church. Following the devotional and business part of the program, two vey interest- ing paperswere read by Mrs. McLen- nan and Mrs. Sutherland, and a Bible reading by Mrs. Shelton. The attend- arice at these Auxiliary meetings is good and an active interest is taken by the ladies in preparing instructive programs, which are much appreci- ated and enjoyed by all present. Regular meeting of the Weston Horticultural Society held in the Council Chamber Thursday, February let, 1921. The President, Mrs. G. M. Lyons, occupied the chair. Routine business and the coming membership campaign comprised ’the business of the evening. The option committee presented their report for approval. According to the prospectus there will undoubtedly be a satisfactory report at the conclusion of the year. Mrs. Vernon Rowntree was remov- ed to Grace Hospital last week, suffer- ing from appendicitis. We are pleas- ed to report her condition as favorable and trust she will soon be able to re- turn home." A tractor frightened Bridgman & Simpson's delivery horse one day last week, and itltook the liberty ot going home without the driver; using Main Street as a speedway. Fortunately no damage was done. ' "Coming again," M. Parkinson with 168 new slides, showing "Canada from Ocean to Ocean," \to be given in West- minster Church on Monday, February 28th. Premier Meighen gywsed thrbugh town on Tuesday onN his Way to Wopdbridge to attend the funeral of the late Capt. Tom Wallace, M.P. "Aunt Susan ot Pepper's Corners" will be here March 10th and 11th in Westminster Church, at 8 p.111. Don't miss some fine fun. See front page advertisement. Mrs. M. Hassard, 98'King Street, was the hostess of a very enjoyable tea on Saturday afternoon in honor sf her sister, Miss Higginson. The rooms, prettily decorated with mart- golds and plants, presented a pleasing picture to the guests. _ Mrs: A. M. Old- ham won the dainty prize awarded for the contest, "A Musical Romance.†{an Thursday evening-February 24, the X.L. Bible Class will meet at the home of Mrs. Charlie Eagle. All in- terested in the class are cordially re- quested to come and assist with the work and enjoy the social hour. Miss Huldah Higginson of Caledon East was the guest of her sister, Mrs. M. _Hassard, King Street, last week. On Tuesday evening the usual social gathering of the Riverside Tennis and Euchre Club was held at the home of Mrs. Coulter, Humber Street. Seven tables of euchre were arranged, first games going to Mrs. Thomas and Gordon Dawson. Consolation to Mrs. Penny and Mr. Peacock. Next Tues- day the qlub will meet at the home of Mrs. Hammell. The play, "Aunt Susan) Visit,†will be'given in Westminster Church, Mar. 10th ind 11th, at 8 D.m., in _celebra- tion of one more anniversary' of that Chiarch. The play is clever and witty throughout, will be artistically staged throughout, and its characters adeptly represented by local people. The cos- tumes will be those of a by-gone day. Are you going to the travelogue in the Westminster Church on Monday evening, February 28th, given by M. Parkinson,.under the direction of the Young Pmple's Society? is the small details that make the whole town. What. we need is care- ful attention and the carrying out ot the instructions as given by the coun~ tyil, Our council is determined to do all they can to get the value for the dollar spent. They have under cons sideration new sidewalks and roads. On the whole there is improvement in.store for the town, The reFiijar meeting of the Grehfe11 Migsion will be held Friday afternoon, February 25th, at 2.30 p.111., at the home of Mrs. A. B. Moffatt, Church Street, A cordial invitation/ss extend- ed to all interested in the work. Another improvement is the fact that the water that has been stand- ing on our streets is bemarun off. Basins and drains are being opened up. It means that some attention is being paid to these small details. "sl't It seems that there is to be action by our town council in the matter of local improvements. The state of the crossings at the street car tracks has been put up with tor a long time. "Our councillors-took the matter in hand and have had the railway com- pany do the work. These. crossings are a decided improvement to the town. . Town Councilfors Are Strong on Doing Things to Improve the Town Generally M%luflffs EUR WW ill: i'iEfflli') WESTON, ONT. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1921 WEST YORKS NEWSY WEEKLY Weston Lodge, No. 200, I.Q.O.F., will.hoid their annual At Home. on Monday evening, February 28th, in the Odd Fellows’ Hall, Church St. A very enjoyable time is anticipated by all, It is proposed that these men will call upon you and find out how you are disposed towards tht whoie pro- position. Mre ought to do something, and now is the time. It the proposed organization is put across, just what does it mean, is a question that we are all interested in. In the first place the proper physical _ development of every indn‘iduai is a i direct benefit to the community. This tact has been established and is rec- ognized in every centre. The larger _ centres haVe been concentrating their efforts to give their young people the progranntor this' physmal develop- ment. It is well known that a ceo- tral committee Working with this ou- jective in view can iormulate plans, promote athletics, and do things in a big way when they have the whole community behind them. This OI'- ganization would enable this town to give everyone an opportunity to take part in and enjoy good sport. It means that the true ideals ot athlet- ics willbe presented to everyone. Not the idea ot winning at all costs, but the ideal is ot clean healthy sport. It would mean that there will be leagues arranged for the different sports, football, baseball, lacrosse, hockey, rugby, tennis, running and other athletics by this committee. The whole town would, be diVided up and tphvn leagues would produce the tal- ent for the bigger competitions. Does this plturappeat to you? it Will mean the greatest possible encouragement will be given to develop a true corn- niunity spirit and will help to keep at home our boys and- girls here in \Veston. lt will make this a centre that Will draw people to it. it is one of the greatest moves that" can be made it the people will tall in line and form this organization. It spells success tor the town. What Effect Will It Have on Athletics '? Some are afraid that the new or» ganization might possibly hamper the lacrosse club. It will do nothing or the kind. It the senior lacrosse club decides that they can carry on their work to better advanta:ge by rojtow- ing the old plan, then, that is what they should do. It will, however, have the effect of stimulating the younger boys and girls in different lines of sport. At the present time no provision is being made to give the boys Ot" the girls any opportuni- ty in playing the different games. Under the new association every de- partment will be promoted and grounds will Le carefully arranged/ and laid out: Our park is a town investment, and can be laid out to accommodate all lines of activity, Ifcur support and help on this 1t1at- tei' will make this town a real ath- letic centre and thus develop men and women of strong plinical type. They will have the strength to carry out their daily tasks much betwixt The committee who are looking into the details are Prof. Wade, chairman; i N. J. McEwen, secretary; Thos. Grit', fith. Garnett Rowntree, Fred Itov,m, tree, C. Dankert, H. Coulter. M. biol-. Jer, Geo. Jb'ainsbury, J. Harms, T. Farr, H. Cousin, C. McIntosh, J. Cara, ( eron, R. J. Flynn, M. Maliaby and S. ( Wilson. The meeting was desirous of form- ing an association that will promotes all lines of athletics provided that the citizens of the town will assist them in this work. A strong committee or 15 mens-Was appointed to look into the advisability of fonm‘ing an ass'O- ciation. They are to ascertain from the citizens if they will squKrt the new proposition. This committee is making a canvass of the town to se- cure the necessary information. All the citizens are asked to give them their opinions and, ideas on the mat- ter. sucFr -ee _ __ I There was only? a fair response to the public meeting called by the may- or on the request ot some-fro, citi- zens who signed a petition asking for it. The Mayor, B. 4. Flynn, toox the chair and explained the purpose of the meeting.' It was to form an ath- letic association for the whole town. Mr. H. Cousins/who has been taking a great interest in the work, then gave expression to his ideas. The ye- sult of some of the discussion looked as if the whole plan would be knock- ed before it was launched. _ This was caused by certain expressions made regarding the Lacrosse Club and their attitude towards the new association: Finally the air cleared and the greatpurpose of the meeting evolved out of the misunderstandings. A' Strong Committee is Formed to Arrange Plans for (ham- munity Athletic Agen, , hall at 8 p.or _ Tuesday, Mar. Ist-Monthly meet- ing of L.O.L. No. 2'16, in Church Street hall. q . Wednesday," Mar. ".?md--a1onthry meeting of C. o. F. in Church Street Monday, Feb. fr8th---ftegular meet- ing of I. O. O. F. in Church Sreet hall at 8 Fm. f Monday, Feb. "28th--Travelogue : "Canada from Ocean to Ocean," in Westminster Church at 8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 25tlr-Monthly meet- ing ot Humber Lodge A. F. and A. M in I. O. O. F. hall, 8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 25th---Grentel1 Mission at the home of Mrs. A. B. Moffat, at 2.30 p.m. _ Thursiday, Feb. '24th---X.L. Bible Class at the home of Mrs. Charlie Eagle. \Vhat It M'ill Mean to the Town ll, warms 1illifilila-iNilffii? CORLING “EVENTS Then we can have co-operating in maid] businessrclean-up. Cie dOWS, paint up the oui of the stores, pm in It make the whole place . from a business point a. regular general deal will stimulate big selli. What would be the general: gulproven: C m LC to force in the whole ' ship from the council do it well. 1Vill you be The one other great improvement will be the clean-up day or week. This has been tried and good was ac- complished by it. We cad easny make this a town clean-up week and thus our town will be. in a position to Show to the firemen of 0111:3310 that it has removed all dangerous ruub;sh' piles and eliminating poSs.ble tire rises of this nature. It is a good thing from several points of view to have the town [enter into a general Cietitn- up week early in the spring". Then we can have the merchants The N. L. Bible Crass will hold their regular week evening social at, the home of Mrs. Charlie Eagle on Thursday evening, February 24th. A hearty invitation is extended to all interested in the work of the class, Miss Annie Dickin attended the wedding of her c0usm, Miss Lottie .Dickin, in Owen Sound last week. Miss Theresa McDonald, Coulter Ava, pupil of Miss Reta Sosnowsky, passed with honoi-s’ her primary ex- amination in piano at the Toronto Conservatory of Music. f A very prefitable evening was held in Westminster on Mond;fir night, un- der the auspices of the Young Peo- ple’s Society. A discussion on the immigration problem by the different members and a few musical, selections provided an interestingprogram. Monday, February 28, I.0.0.F., Weston lodge At Home in Church St. hall at S p.m. VTempleton's rheumatic capsules and Raz-mah for asthma are sold here by Inch Drug Co., local agents. Call in for a sample. On Sunday morning, February 27, Capt. Jos. Lawson will address the Brotherhood meeting at 10 gun. in the Methodist Church. Capt. Law- son will also speak at the 11 o'clock service in the intefests of the Bt'oth- erhood. _ A few minutes after their return a call came in from C. C. McIntosh on Denison Ave., an overheated ehim- ney having caught on the roof. With the aid of chemicals the men soon had the.fire out, with but slight damage to the house. On Friday ot last week the local firemen had a cbuple of runs.‘ The first one was to Oak St., where the sheds of the Imperial Oil Co. had caught fire. By the prompt action of the brigade thd coal oil tanks were saved, but as building was only a small frame structure, and everything saturated with gasoline, they were un- able to save it, but with a line of hose extinguished the blaze before it spread any further. The apparent cause was a spark from a passing en- gine, which, ignited the grass and in turn the shed. C , On Friday night Weston lovers of music listened to one of the best con- certs ever given in the Methodist Church, under the direction of the choir. Mr. Harold Jarvis, one of Canada's most talenfted and noted tenor singers, was the' star of the ev- ening. Possibly the selections ap- pealing to the majority were "Some- where the Sun is Shining,†"He Lift- ed Me," and "Crossing the Bar." His accompanist, Mrs. Eva Galloway- rFarmer, also reflected credit on her- self and expressed her individuality in her instrumental numbers. J. H. Cameron, who had visited Weston on former occasions, was given a hearty reception, and as usual delighted the audience with his humorous and wit- ty readings. Encore, were given the three artists and all responded most generously. Net proceeds amounted to over $50. . The monument to Hon. N. Clarke Wallace, which stands just outside the church, was cracked and disfig- ured by the heat of the conflagra- tion. Plans for a new church are already being prepared. Just what the com gregation will do in the meantime is not decided, 1lev.,TI. B. Patterson intimates. The other churches in the village, Presbyterian, Methodist and Congregational, have offered tempor- ary accommodation. " A beautiful memorial window to John Abel, one of the very early manufacturers of the village; a mem- orial to Rev. William Evans, a for- mer rector, and tablets in memory of members of the congregation who had fallen overseas, were destroyed in the fire. The fire spread 504 rapidly that nothing could be saved. It was with difficulty that the local fire brigade prevented the, blaze from spreading to the adjoining rectory. The total damage is estimated at about $9000. Insurance amounted to only $3000, Christ Church was built seventy- tive years ago. It was a wooden building, wcll finished inside and Cru- ciform in shape. An hour before the time for morn- ing service Christ Church here was totally destroyed by fire. The blaze was discovered by the rector, Rev. It. 13. Patterson, about 9.15, when it had already made great progress. A tew minutes after 10 o'clock nothing was left of the historic wooden edifice. Fire Totally Destroys Historic Edifice at Woodbridge --Memorials Lost HEW {WES EHUHEH WEE WEEAT ABOUT A CLEAN-[T LI can do it and be in on it? 5%? ©a='st====zroizseazzrra=aso=tr, .3 I a e" g; Ri " B, . tt g» t h' " © :5: " " , " J“... Wu " INV, - Iii Tr B, 5; if :9 - é. - . r I p, ' r. is ' Bi . '1 ' r, , " '-. B a 9 K " e I I ay PHONE 41 Don't be misled. If you want your car painted so that it will wear and give you real value fur your money, bring it here. Our work is dune to wear, and the quality is there. The Cruickshank Wagon Works CAREFUL NOW Snow Flake Ammonia, 3 for Princess Soap Chips per 1b. Canned Pumpkin, per can . , Eddy's Matches 2 for . . . . . . . Brooms ......."..."...... -. Canned Corn 6 toils Wax Paper (inso WES? WEE YEMPERAME (1)lmhTli)ll (iatarday Afiemama at 13i) 'i'fllf; WEEKS SPEQEAES CASH GROCER ox=o==i==ao=io===i=aoeaor:====aorao THE REV. PETER BRYCE N will be the speaker of the afternoon l Everyone is invited to attend. Corner Main and Denison Weston A' “£42142: YGUR WEBER EN. TER THREE DOLLARS WILL DELIVERED _ TELEPHONE 181 ll a of all Grocery Sp ll times. =====To=o====, MAIN ST., WESTON 3 for altie 10c 25c 25c 23c 25c Mc 15c 25c "25%