Weston Historical Society Digital Newspaper Collections

Times & Guide (1909), 10 Aug 1921, p. 1

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tr',,M .7959: sF2?s' affé " PL', v.- Griffith Bros. ms G WHY FE ARE HERE Nate , $2500--Four rooms, 1 line. $300 cash, $7500--9even room s, sunroom HUMBERMOUNT HEIGHTS, the selling. Have you secured your lars down secures one. $1950--Four rooms secures this. PRESCRIPTIONS Y'1'AH TOILETRIES ”’SUNDRIES ’LEAVE YOUR FILMS; WITH US. You will be pleased. 50 MAIN STREET ALF. M.- BARTON Rlriilritr.1illf.i,i,tl1S FOR REAL ESTATE, LOANS (ht INSURANCE a to NORMAN J. SEAL, opposite the post irifite, Weston. Yes-BARTON'S is the placf to, plyyt NORMAN J. SEAL It is important when buying tr know that you are getting the and for your health. We buy and sell nothing but the beét. Two direct telephenes: Nos. 9 and 214 ,””W-m - 50 MAIN STREET NORTH, WESTON TELEPHONE NO. 21 mm; fyifljsii'Ti()lls Goods delivered on schedule system OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE rallikinds of FLORAL- WORK Remember, it's News Iii). 9 Mi) 214 PENSAR Store EXCLUSIVE AGENT Next Irwin's Real Estate , mce 53mm TO hu, B mm liii)TTO DRUG STORE Cellar, water and light in house, near car lot, near cars. 'i;'i'i'i,'_'j,'iij, _ tiht @imgaégé’éuihv all conveniences, $3000 the best for your money buy nothing but the best new subdivision, ls fait lot yet? Just two dol- meats or vegetables to Small cash payment your order for STATIONERY PHONE A35 cash. " TOWN (lllllliil1 SIMS HATE The long looked for rate has at last been struck. On Monday evening last the council held itsrregular monthly meeting, when the chief business of the evening was the tax rate for we Year. The rate will be 46 mills. This is an increase of two and four-fifths mills over last year, but we have‘ome- thing to show for that increase, Which has never been done for a long time. Whilst the rate may seem high, still there is the consolation that every item can be recounted with the confidence that it has been carefully dealt With, and in no instance can any reflection be cast on the methods employed. During the past year the council was placed in the ' unfortunate position right at the' outset, when the3twere confronted with the unemployment problem, which was at that time no small item. Of course, this meant either supply work or charity, and work to a greater degree was given. Work that had to bt'? done was cleared up and we naturally were benefited by that procedure. Relief work de- manded a considerable sum, and it was expended judiciously. Of course these items are not alone responsible for the whole tax rate, but they un- fortunately added -just that much. Had we been free of such expenditure. there is no doubt that the rate would have been considerably lower, and the same extensive improvements carried out that has added so materially to our town. The moving of the tracks to the centre of the road is one of the greatest assets that has ever been introduced into the town, and this council is alone responsible, and fur- ther, the cost is so low as almost to seem ridiculous, being only $1500.00. This low price shows good business principles, and also that the members are right on the job. When this tsub- Ject was first introduced: the Mayor left no stone unturned until he_had the matter definitely settled and the werk has been expedited accordingly. With the good road completed and the cars running up through the centre of the town, the way has been opened tor greater business and the greatest advertisement tor the municipality. Great Work Done During Sea- son Warrants New Rate --Bonds Sold C General Increase Each item presented showed the strain and accordingly an increase over previouswears. The county rate calls for $14,722.04, which is about fifteen hundred dollars more than last year, and the rate 6.2; High School is listed at $17,00, and requires 7.6; Debentures $26,678.62, for 11.3; Pub- ty pertaining to the Separate School and will not affect the town generally, This brings the assessment in this par- ticular case up to fifty-one mills and those coming under that category will be required to meet that rate. Debentures Sold A communication was read from the local office of the, Canadian Bank of Commerce offering 95,428 tor the $7,- 099.04, which was accepted. A cheque was-rieeeived from the Weston La- crosse Club for $50, being their con- tribution towards the new lawn mow- er, which has been used on the park grounds and has accordingly kept the field in A1 shape. A deputation from the ratepayers of St. John's, Road, headed by Mr. C. F. Wacey, approach- ed the council relative to a cinder walk on the west side of the road. Owing to the undulating nature of this side it will require considerable filling in, but the matter viill receive attention and relief will be effected shortly. The council decided not to send a delega- tion to the Ontario Municipal Associa- tion Convention, which is to be held in Toronto at an early date, as: it meant an expenditure from which there was no benefit, and further, that it would be difficult for any member to at- tend. Fue Library $1419.73, fpr .6; Public School $24.192.00, for 10.8; Public School debentures $4293.93, for 1.9; Town Rate $17,176.00, for 7.6, making a total of 46 mills on the 'dollar and an increase of 2.8 over last year. The total assessment for the year fs $2,- 366.226.00, whilst that for the sevlrr- ate School is $128,302.00. The increase is also perceptible in this instance, as an extra thousand dollars is required to meet the expenditures of the year tor another teacher who has been en- gaged. Of course this it'em will be levied direct on the assessible proper- Smoke Nuisance A petition was read from the resi- dents of Dennison Avenue and Main Street who live in the immediate prox- imity ot the Weston Dairy, complain- ing about the smoke nuisance caused by the said works. For about two hours each day they complain that they are subjected to a shower of soot which settles on everything intended to be kept clean. This state of affairs is rather unfortunate, as we do not wish to curtail the activities of our business people, but at the same time we want to protect our residents. A smoke screen was suggested and the matter will be dealt with to the satfs- faction ot both parties. Apply For Water Mr. F. Easto, on behalf of the rest- dents and ratepayers orthe territory now oecufimd below-the Canada Cycle & Motor Company's /area, between Eagle Avenue and Momnald Avenue, applied for the installation of water mains and sewerage. He mentioned that at the present time they were obliged to go to a neighbor, who has now threatened to cut off the supply, otherwise he will suffer a shortage. Mr. Easto also mentioned that he has had a well dug and finally drilled to the depth of one hundred and twenty: five feet, but has been so unfortunate as to strike salt water, which can only be used tor washing purposes. In the event of fire, tire hose would have to be extended to Maria Street in order to connect with the nearest hydrant. This is}; very difficult problem owing to the very g:reat expense that would necessarily be entailed to take the TS'a- ter and sewerage that distance. The matter will be taken up and Mr. Easto has promised to report back on certain questions relative to the matter that WESTON, ONT. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10TH, 1921 WEST YORKS N’EWSY WEEKLY Monday, Aug. 1itlr-meguur meet- ing Horticultural Society, Council Chamber. ' Monday, Aug. 15tr--Regular meet- ing Weston branch G.W.V.A., Memor- ial Hall, Elsemene ' Ave. , pl It seems verngteer tharthis office should be made the goat for handy‘ men, as this is the fifth time that it J1as been raided. Why pick on the Weston Coal and Lumber Co. It seems that the raiders just give the town an opportunity to settle down and then make another entry. How- ever, someone will have to give an account of his stewardship, as there is a pretty good impression of a shoe left which is a clue that is vnoiav being worked on/ and results, are expected in the course of the next few days. Monday, Aug. sttrrraetrular meet- ing of Weston Ctyeihci1 in Council Chamber, 8 p.m. . Tuesday, Aug. 9th-Regular meet- ing C.O.F. Court 528, Memogrial Hall, Elsemere Ave. Tuesday, Aug. 1,th-Regular meet- ing W.M.S., Westminster Church, 3 SNEAK WINES . AGAIN BUSY Make Clean Get-Away With the Contents of Safe-Left Clue. _ Monday, Aug. 8th-Retrular meet- ing I.0.0.F. in Hall, on Church Street, Tuesday, ing Ladies' Friday, Aug. 11th---Regular meet- ing Lodge Leeds, No. 48 S.O.B.E.S., Memorial Hall. . Saturday, Aug. 1llth-Championship Lacrosse, Senior Riversides vs. Wes- ton, Weston Fair Grounds. Wednesday, Aug. 10th-Regular meeting Grouse Hill L.O.L. No. 191, Memorial Hall, Elsemere Ave. Another robbery recorded on the police diary, and the extraordinary part-of it that it is the Weston Coal and Lumber Co. who are again the victims. This makes the fifth time that this place of business has been entered. On each occasion the win- dow has been "le porte" and "I'exit" as well. In this instance the culprits smashed one of the rear windows, creating a hole sufficiently large to permit the entering of the arm,thus allowing them to turn the catch od the window. This accordingly made their entrance a simple matter, as they merely had to climb in. and proceed. The safe was locked, but this little thing did not deter them, and they ransacked it, taking with them all the silver and notes that happened to be there, and which had been retained for use by the company as change, amounting to about forty dollars. All this occurred about five o'clock on Mondtry morning. The matter was immediately reported to the chief constable when he came on' duty at seven o'clock,' as" the night consialble goes off at half'an hour after id- night. ' 1/,i .. It has been general' conversation about the town since last week's arti- cle on the-(removal of the cement, blocks and timber from the town. The matter was brought to the atten- tion of the council at their last meet- ing and an investigation will be held to look into the matter. In bringing this matter to the attention of the public, we did so for one chief reason, namely, to have the matter stopped. It is becoming very unwise to leave anything about the town now unless you have it right under your eyes. There are many cases that have been brought to our attention since that shows that some drastic action is nec- essary. Those responsible for the re- moval of tools, lumber, tires and gar- age sundries should be apprehended and an example made of them. It should not be necessary to keep doors locked and watchmen posted to keep your belongings. "The whole question if dealt with will he a great benefit to the whole community. See that those who are responsible are taken care of. he Will inquire about in the meantime. Will Adjust Line For years the ratepayers of Maria Street, in the vicinity of Pine Street, have hah to contend with the diffi- culty of having their property survay- ed two or three times, and even now they have no real satisfaction, as there seems to be an overlap of about four feet first one way and then the other. The matter was left in the hands of the juvenile nouncill'or. who will en- deavor to have it straightened out for all time. 'Truck Supervisor T As the local Fire Brigade is com- prised of volunteers, they are severely handicapped on occasions, estcially when it means that they have to drop around to the tire hall in the early morning, just about the time that they are-required most by their employers, and although the said employer would willingly sanction such time off, there is, however. the possibility of a little irregularity in getting the time off at the proper period. To overcome any chance of something happening which would.detav the firememin hastening to a fire, Mr. R. Greer has received the official appointment and sanction as supervisor ot the truck. Mr. Greer has always giveCexcellent service in this capacity, and it was with regret that we learned that he had resigned his position. as it was purely vo1un- tary. However, he has been prevailed upon to assume fhat duty again, and we can rely on the truck being ready for service at all times in the future, and the citizens will rest more com- fortably how" that they knew that Bob is back on the job again. -.. SOME TALK ‘AROUSED COMING EVEN-Ts Why 1 five Times Aug. "h-Regular meet- Aid, Westminster Church. WESWN illll HER Mf n THE U Big Time Prepared and Good Accommodation Was Supplied It was spoken of as the very best by those who attended the twentieth annual convention V of the Ontario Firemen's Association. This great achievement was due to the splendid work that was put forth by the vari- ous committees and the hearty sup- port and co-operation that was given to these committees by the citizens ot Weston. The people of Weston open- ed their homes, arranged tor the feed- ing ot the people, decorated their homes, stores, streets and had every- thing in apple pie order. They also gave freely of their money and sup- ported the whole detailed arrange- ment set out. The result was a suc- cess. Never has the town presented a better appearance. The streets, with the nicely cut and trimmed lawns and the decorated houses with flags and lanterns and electric lights pre- sented a view to all who passed by. The fair grounds amid the natural beauty made an ideal gathering cen- tre. The one drawback was the un- completed roadway. Part was ready but the centre of the tracks, being left open, spoilt the.whole effect. The Fireworks and Band Concert Some 5000 people heard the famous 48th Highlanders', Bandfunder their great director, Capt. Johp Slatter. It was a real treat and the large number who gathered to hear this band shows their appreciation’by their applause. The soloists were all good and the whole concert was one that appealed tot all lovers of music. Then Nthe great display of fireworks was a feat- ure that was magnificent. Some 59 different pieces were set oft. Each of these had peculiar features that made brilliant displays of color, beau: tiful effects. The color effects were enriched by the beautiful background that the banks of the Humber sup- plied. It was wonderful the effect that was obtained and the picture that was presented to the' thousands who were there. Tttis to be hoped that on some future occasion arrangements will be made for another big display. It certainly would be a great thing for our fair board to put on during the second. night of the fair. The one great disappointment of the first day wasthe small number who stayed to take meals after the elaborate preparations that had been made for them by the town. The Parade was Fine ', There has not been a parade held in Weston tor many a long day that was equal to that of the firemen'. Many companies from various centres were here in full regala. Each had their own town band and they made a hit. The old veterans of Hamilton, one of the oldest companies in the province, twiticheir red shirts and helmets, and old reel, made a striking bi6tuire.'"q1'ft"iei" local boys' band that preceded them was also a striking feature of the par- ade, This band is not fully appreciat- ed as yet in our town. Those who heard the boys in the parade and again on the fair grounds during the afternoon were surprised at the splendid progress that has been made and their excellent rendering ot the various pieces played. We have in this Weston boys' band a brass band, that the_town can be proud of. In tact you can boast of it. Great credit for the proficiency is due to the untir- ing efforts of their leader, Geo. Sains- bury. Some other ten bands took part in the parade and our own band com- pared favorably with the best of them. Brampton won the brigade cup tor the best company in the march. Their uniforms and their pretty decorated parade reel banked in flowers made a good showing. The Games on the Grounds The vast crowd went to the tair grounds and there held a full after- noon of sports. It was a big time and the different competitions were all closely and stubbornly contested. Each contestant was eager to carry home the prize. Thus the lovers of sport were well entertained. The base- ball game went to the visitors, who had a strong team, and showed their strength when they defeated our team. The different booths oh the grounds added to the merrimeht of the crowd. The Weston band gave a concert during the afternoon. The crowds were there late at night and a splendid opportunity to increase the funds of the brigade was lost by not having a concert during the sec- ond evening. The different churches were all taxed to ,the limit to provide meals for the visitors. I During the evening the fairly quiet, when one th numbers who were there. was again back to its no when the last special trair about eleven o'elock with tired men, Mrs. W. C. Brooks and son left for IDurham,-where they will spend a few weeks' holidays with relatives. No more sneezing summer colds: Hay Fever yields to RAZ-MAH al- ways, just as' Rheumatism. Neuritis, Sciatica, etc., will to T. R. C.'s. Sold locally by Inch Drug Co. The prize list ot the- Weston Hora ticuliural Society is now in the hands of the printers and will he issued in the course of the next few days. two days later than last year. It is ex- pected that the Hon. Eh C. Drury will attend and open'the show on Thurs- dfy evening, August 25th. The special f ature this year will be the class Cor the Juveniles' in the decorated table competition, the exhibit being divided into two classes, the first for seniors and the second for Juveniles under eighteen years pf age. The prizes in both cases are the samiri,riz... Ist $4. 2nd $3 and 3rd $2. Already promises haye been received from several pro- minent growers of flowers that they will make the exhibits and assist in making the show a great success. women and children evening the town was hen one thinks ot the were there. The town :k to its normal crowd special train pulled out \'nlnnk with its load of colds $3.10 No $3.58 No $4.91 No, $10.95 M $12.02 N $16.02 S11.21 $19.49 $21.36 2860 DUNDAS ST THE Rllll1 LUMBER COMPANY, Ltd. A little money spent now will keep that finish on your car and preserve the ground Work. Money spent this way is money well spent, because you get value and have a real car all the time." Our years of experience has taught us,h0W to paint cars, wagons or buggies. _ " REPAIRING OF JEWELLERY and Timepieces/ls a service we are extending to more people every month. _ _ , Join the circle of pleased patrons, You will save money too. Trfrefruickshank WagopWorks PHONE 41 10 Main Street South Sanderson's Cut-Ram Drug Store CROS RIVERSmES vs. WESTON SATURDAY, AUGUST 13th Jo. 0 Brownie, reduced to .. . . . . . . .. Jo. 2 Brownie, reduced to .... . . . . .. Jo. 2A Brownie, reduced to . . . . . . . . . No. 2 Folding Brownie, reduced to . ' No. 2A Folding Brownie, reduced to No. 2C Folding Brownie, reduced to Vest Pocket Kodals, reduced to .... No. 1 Kodak, Jr., reduced to ... . . .. No. IA Kodak, Jr., reduced to ..... No. 2C Kodak, In, reduced to ...... No. 3A Kodak, In, reduced to . . . .. I, U M B E R " AND BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES CUT RATE DRUG STORE Game 3.30. THIS WILL BE THE TEST. COME. "EVERYTHING FOR BUILDING" 139 Main Street South, Weston Phones: Weston " and Junction 237 Branch Yard No. 2 Our name stands behind our work WE OFFER YOU EXTRA GOOD SERVICE $35.00 Auto Do WESTON FAIR GROUND WE SAVE YOU MONEY Isuaks, films and Suppliés F,, R . FREV BET w. (Cor. Keele) TEE WATCH SPECIALIST Phone 354 SENIOR O.At NOW IS THE TIME T0 buy that Kodak at pre- war prices. We carry a com- plete line of Brownies, Kodaks, Films, and Supplies. , Watch a. windows. J. C. IRVIN, Manager. MAIN ST.,' WESTON Near Post Office JUNCTION 5500 .$2.00 $2.50 .$3.50 .$9.00 $10.00 $13.50- .$9.00 $15.00 $16.00 $18.00 $19.00 , w: it? cft"it3 It' Ji: m

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