3%: WEDNESDAY, MARCH I.IIIllIl‘IIII‘IIIIIIIIIIII“In!!!“IIII“nun!“IIIIIIIIIquIIIIIquuulunnluuullIIIIluluIIn"I‘IIIIIInIIIIIII-nululullununuu CANADA LUMBER COMPANY LUMBER Always locked out when you put Higgins Weather Metal Stripping on your doors and windows. No cold air, or winds, or snow can come in. You save the price in fuel. llllllllllllllllIll!""InnulunulIIIlullnlIIIIIlIIuIIlIIllllllllulluuluu"um"IIIIu-nIIIquun-nlIlium"nluluuuluuuqu Phone 105 YARDS AND OFFlCE: Ever Locked Out ? Bones marked A and B are-out of line, pinching nerves, and faiosing headaches and eye troubles. V Adjustinrg these bones is d Chiropractor's work. Our training has fitted us to locate and adjust the cause of disease. When given a fair chance we will make you healthy and keep you healthy. This seems a large order, but try us and find out for yourself. We wisp to thank our many customers tor the favours given Us "in the past, and we hope the same will continue in the coming season. “Now is the time to bring in your car and have it gone Over before the mash starts. We repair and rebuild all makes of cars, also carry a full line of repairs and accessories, RE-OPENED 921 College Street. Making regular calls in. Weston 'and yicinity. A postcard will bring me. PHONE 3 r 13 IR GEORGE R; BAIRD Y00U GET GOOD ENSILAGE I HANDLE the Toronto , Hip Roof Silo because I want to gwe my customers the biggest value. You can't have good on. silate unless you have a good silo. And Toronto Silos are good silos. Made of wood-the best non-conductor of heat and cold. Sm. _ daily built from double For All Building Purposes THISTLETOWN GARAGE B OPEN TO SUPPLY 29TH, 1922 B. GRAM What is With a "ri:"ii'rlrgm Silo e Wrong With This Spine? l: CHURCH ST., WESTON PHONE 175 G. E. A. ROBINSON Weston, Ontario THISTLETOWN tongued and grooved shaves of selected spruce impreg- nated with creosote, they give adequate protection against air and frost. Their special Hip _ Roof provides more space for filling. I can show you where a Tor- onto Silo will mean more pro- duetimtpatple, bigger profits, a more valuable farm-dollars in Your pocket. Let's talk it over. 126 Main St. North 'hsalth is the Most Valuable And LYou Have. You, unnot Afford to Neglect It Crofton, B. C.--"1 was troubled tor years with inflammatory rheumatism and rheumatic fpsu" Q fever. I tried sev- Bl , eral cures tor {magi rheumatism, but a - "4-; did not receive 1t2i any benefit trom C, any of them. I :\/,‘ - tia,? been in the 1", 5 xix ospital for 'Y ( Ril 1tsi1',1 months, being un- // ' 57 able to walk. A h o friend advised me to try Dr. Pierce’s Anuric Tablets. After taking the first bottle I began to improve, and after taking six bottles I had no more rheumatism. I think Dr. Pierce's Anurie is the most wonderful medicine that any one can take for rheumatism. I have recommended these tablets to several ot my friends and they, too, have all been benefited by them."-- Melville Collinson. f†“a "I i! PC ,/ :‘M 'titll-hi t, o 'p"" People are realizing that the kid. neys, Just as do the bowels, need to be f1us1ted occasionally. The kid. neys are an ellmlnative organ and are constantly working, separating the poisons from -the blood. Uric acid backs up into the system, caus- ing rheumatism, neuralgia, dropsy and many other serious disturbances. CREDIT AUCTION SALE The undersigned has received in- structions from FRANK PEARSON, Weston, to sell by public auction at his residence, Humbermount, Weston, on SATURDAY, APRIL Ist, 1922 at 1 p.1n.. the following: 1rIOItsES--f3ay' mare, G.P., 8 yrs.; grey mare, agricultural, S years;blaek mare, rising 5 years, Percheron; black gelding, rising 4 years, Percheron; bay filly, rising 3 years, by Lord Ron- ald; grey gelding, rising 2 years, In- tellect; grey colt, rising 1 year, In- tellect. This can be avoided by stimulating the kidneys to increased action, and because ot its tonic street on these organs any one would do well to get Dr. Pierce's Ammo Tablets which ms to be had nowadays at almost any drug store or send 10c to Dr. Pierce's Laboratory in Bridgeburg, Ont., for trial package and write tor tree, con- ttdential medical advice. CATTLE-Jersey cow, calf at foot; black cow. calf at todt; black cow, full flow; Jersey cow, due in August: Holstein heifer, due in April; red and white calf, 10 mos old. IMPLEMENTS _. Cruickshank spring wagon, spring wagon and box; market gardener's team wagon; mar- ket gardener’s one-horse wagon; light spring wagon; buggy, cutter, set bob sleighs, Chatham fanning mill, Massey Harris mower, riding plow, Frost & Wood spring tooth cultivator. International 14 plate disc, seed drill. land roller, hay tedder, steel hay rake, 9 it; root pulper, Wilson scales, 3 section barrows, Chum; set double driving harness, new; set team har- 'ness, set plow harness, hay fork, complete with track and ropes; barn, 54' x 50'. TERMS--Barnt"and all sums of $10.00 and under cash. Over 4 that amount eight months' credit will be given on approved joint notes. Why \Vorry About Your Laundry I? “'ORRY KILLS When you can send, mail or phone 17-5 and have your laundry collected and delivered on any day that is suit- able to you. Rough dried or ironed. Quick service. For prices, etc., apply Rowntree Building, Upstairs Main and Dufferin Sts., Weston _ Repairing DYEING & REMODELLING Family Washing Given Special Attention All work guaranteed to be well done. Goods called for and delivered. Main Street North WESTON Main Street North. WESTON (Near Massey-Harris Works) PHONE 1 7 -5 / J. GILBERT Cleaning Pressing Ladies' and Men's Garments MANNING McEWEN, Auctioneer, LEAVE YOUR WASHING AND LAUNDRY WITH US RHEUMATISM? k Also Pony and COWS HERBERT BROOKS All Kinds Of Chickens for Sale or Exchange CHARLIE WING ALBION PARK LAUNDRY Mrs. Neish PHONE 490 Eagle Block “PRAISE THE OPERATOR, SAYS BOSTON GLOBE . IT'S GOOD BUSINESS" When the telephone operator has been helping one through a difficult call connection and the conversatian has been successfully concluded. it makes a favorable impression to call her up and say that you are much ob- liged for all her trouble after having first ascertained that she is in condi- tion to stand the shock. TIMES & GUIDE. WESTON To call up the operator and say we appreciate the courtesy shown is, first ot all, good manners. After that, it is something more. It is an investment which pays inner dividends ot a coin which does not tarnish. He-LDid you tell your father rover the 'phone that we were engaged? she-Yes He-What did he reply? She-l don't know whether he re- plied or whether it was a breakdown on the tine. when ybu telephone?" "Sure; Other day a man called me and said, 'You don't know who this is talking do you?" '"Didn't that heat you up?" "Yep. But I simply said, 'No, and I don't care,' and hung up the receiver." They're talking about a raise in telemhone rates. _ "Well," commented Farmer Corn- tassel, judgin' from the entertainment our folks get from Iistenin' in on a party wire, I shouldn't be surprised if the service was worth it." HOW TO WRITE A STORY , FOR OUR AMERICAN MAGAZINE (by Abel Carpenter) If you are contemplating writing long or short stories to American ma- gazine editors, your chances of having bald stories accepted. Will be greatly enohanced by following the tips here- with given. If the story is one ot "high so- ciety," your hero may be a scion of the "Old Families," or he may be a "Napoleon of Finance" and talk in terms of millions, but he must be clean cut, square jawed, tall, strong and noble and of sourse he must have been through the war, won the "Croix de Guerre," and other numer- ous decorations, and must have been kissed on both cheeks by Foch. This can, happen to the hero at either the Argonne or at Chateau Thiery. Special Note: It is fatal to the suc- cess of your story to mention any other battles of the great war, unless by a happy thought you made your hero enlist at the first sound of the bugle and go "over there" with a crack Canadian regiment, or better still,' if your-hero happened to be in Paris at the outbreak of hostilities and joins the foreign legion, Under these circumstances, reference to Ver- dun or the battle of the Marne is per- missable, but only then in order to ex- ploit the extraordinary valor of the hero. He must be modest and refer always to his numerous war decora- tions as a pile of ju'nk. This fact the writer, must impress thoroughly on the mind of the reader. The heroine must be "one hundred per cent." American, must have gone through the war as a nurse, must be beautiful, sparkling, full ot wit and“ slang. “Myst. have refused at least half a dozen foreign noblemen, Who have requested. her to marry them i (being after her Papa's millions) and as a duty toihe democratic principles of her beloved U.S. (don't write it us) it must be intimated at least that she had to tutn1 ttown the P. of W. If you have to use a policeman in your story, be sure he is Irish, and if i. villain is necessary, you will score high if he happens to be an English- man. Outside of the villain the only other Englishman acceptable to the American editor is a lord, and he must lisp like a fool and be addicted to saying, "Haw, I beg your pawdon." By f6llowing the above tips you are almost sure of success, but to make assurance doubly sure, you must ip- troduce a foreigner, preferably a French lady. who will worship the hero, and repeat at intervals, "Oh you Americans, you are a wonderful peo- ple," and with tears in her eyes tell him that the heroic Americans are the saviours of her beloved France. Good grammar, spelling or any- thing else that is considered the proper thing in literature can be sate- ly scrapped if only these tips are utilized to their fullest possibilities. EVERY SCOUT A LANDLORD l WHY NOT? There are enough birds to go round. The making and putting up of the bird houses is one of the best of Good Turns. Some troops have regular bird programmes, devot- ing tor example, the month of March to building bird houses, with a birdl house exhibit for the public early in! April; putting up the houses a few days later in every suitable spot ---yard, parks, private grounds, every where; in May bird hikes in June ass- embling data concerning eggs and nests; and then after the birds have ceased n’estling. collecting various types of nests tor study and exhibit; in July, writing accounts of what has been done, And so on. October is a good month tor exhibiting bird feed- ing stations, November for erecting them instead of bird houses. Work out such a programme for your own troop. Start now with the making and erec- tion of bird houses. Every Scout a l landlord! . A RECENT issue of "The scout" contains a suggestion which may prove very useful to any troop pre- paring to give a variety concert. Very often between the different acts there is a noticably long wait while the scenes are being shifted or the actors changing their costumes. To brighten these odd moments. when an audience grows restless, have one of the boys attired as a Herald (a description of the costume is given in most books of early history of England) come before the curtain and announce what the next feature on the program will be. In some cases it would prove more effec- ive it a little description is added. For instance. when announcing a camp fire scene, he might say something like this: "Having enjoyed the bread cheese and cocoa provided by the camp cook a number of the Owl patrol' will -roir, you with a little Scouting sing-song until the bngfer sounds Lights Out" This woafd most certainly be a little. brighter than' just making ill bt a camp Cmmrsctme e '0 " statement that the next? icem' ydu always keep your temper A CONCERT TIP Prices are f.0.b. Ford, Ontario. Government Sales Tax extra. [ Starting and Electric Lighting' on Chassis, Runabout, Touring: and Truck Chassis $85.00 extra. - Starting and Electric Lighting are standard equipment on Coupe and Sedan. RUNABOUT $495. , TRUCK Gh%B $575. If you want service, come to us. We have Ford mechanics, Ford methods, Ford prices, Ford parts. C. . GRAHAM D0 f()lrNlilil) h USED the NOW? If You Own itTnak-- If You Own a tar--, Maia St. North PHONE 317 THE VALUE OFFERED IN FORD CARS AND TRUCKS HAS STIMULATED DEMAND TO SUCH AN EXTENT THAT ONLY BY MAKING RESERVATION NOW CAN YOU BE ASSURED OF GETTING YOUR CAR OR TRUCK WHEN YOU WANT IT. TO BE FAIR TO EVERYBODY WE MUST FILL ORDERS IN THE ROTATION IN WHICH THEY ARE RECEIVED. HAVE YOU PLACED YOUR ORDER YET ? Eagle Garage PHONE 292 We wan? you to know that we are here to give you service. Repairs, overhauling, gasoline, oils, greases-just call us and We will give you Teal service at the right price. Let us give your car or your truck a thorough overhauling so that you can put it on the road this spring as good as new. , For the real car and truck doctors, call We are sole agents forthe Traffie Truck. If you wagt the truek for service and value-let us demonstrate the superior value 111 aTRAFFIC. '/ ,' ,1, T . 1 m-.-".-,,"' 7 '. Batteries Charged Russell LaRose FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED We have all kinds and makes and these cars Ire well worth looking over. These cars were all driven by first-class drivers and afe in excellent condition. We guarantee these cars to be in perfect mechanical condition. The Garage Man Phones.' 427 Gar age, 361 Ford Garage Service Station Main Street ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE Phone Weston 427, House 361 THE TRAFFIC TRUCK F. BEND, Manager TOURING $535. 361 House Repairs and Accessories SEDAN $930. WESTON COUPE SW). PAGI SEVEN WESTON in i241 Weston 5m lit, 1-,. trn 33$? "