_'ij,'ij:"(i't" T _ Nothing pleases like beautiful flowers. They cheer the "it/Lt",':, home and express kind feelings and sympathy. Have Barton ',"' £17 do your Floral Work. 'c'r,rtr" ALI? M BARTON . . I __ ADVICE that is Always Safe to Follow 'lvS' G', , a“ hr Tractors Barker a CO. _',lii,"il).!:.tjie"RAMsAv's PAINT for painting and _beautifying.' Q‘Aq’QErATE VARNISHING STAIN for varnishing floors, fur- 'i':r,irir'ijr'r niture and all 'kinds of wood work. Weston Hardware 2% V" KEEP THE! 3le FILLED f PHONE 16 @333, "i n L)iii'iiRii:iiiiiiiiii" com, E25 â€@353 _?,ijitfi,'d, Entrance Main St. North ;, Greenhouses, George Street Elf Jr ,- ,‘ (., WECAN SELL CHEAPER THAN YOUQCAN 'i::,', guy DOWN TOWN. Office and Yard: Oak Street Bjji)tirts'5",rltoiJR, SUITS IN YOUR OWN TOWN. WE E2k'iri; 'r.'ii,yc',r1., _ giNUFACTURE COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, Bll:ritttrt'tiis, . j 5hrii? _RBOX BROTHERS DUSTING CLOTHS, HANDLES, VDUSTERS AND FLOOR MOPS for dusting. These . mops and dusters are all "Chemically Treated" and re- l quire no oil or polishes. L9,; Office Phone 27 Irie? “Esau: Ldie' keailrto)har FOR SALE AT THE WESTON HARDWARE We Fe. BEST ATTENTION on special orders It is unwiseto‘l-et your @031 bins, become empty be- cause of the prospect fptap early spring. . Many spring days call for plenty of"heat and there is sometimes an early spring rush ‘of orders that makes, deliveries difficult. . ., _ _" _','-, , l , _ _ .' Place your orders today if your supply is running low, and be prepared for any tum in the weather. We make quiclcldehiveri.es of coal; wood; charcoal or kindling. l NORTH OF SUBWAY - PHONE 525 JOHN AYLING & SON src"":':, CEMENT IN'LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES Save\ Money for Easier! “SAY IT WITH FLOWERS†EAGLE AVE., near G.T.R. fracks . H. H. RUDOLPH, Manager, Weston. COAL AND WOOD YARD : THE PLACE TO PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR FUEL TELEPHONE NO. 21 Jas A. Yeo, [Proprietor Us About PROMPT DELIVERY 14 MAIN STREET Night Phone 23.6 EAGLE BLOCK E. @112 tihttttg & (lihtitte An Example A striking example of this came to the attention of the campaign man- ager yesterday. A gentleman called at the office to pay for a year's sub- Scription which he had promised one of the candidates. While the receipt was being made out he was asked, "Well, are you going to help your can- didate to the extent ot 80,000 votes or 15,000 votes, if you pay tor three years it will give her 80,000 votes. However, ifryott are only taking one year it will only give her 15,000 votes." "Well, you see she only asked me for one year and I expect she Knows what she wants better than I do. Very likely she has more votes than she will know what to do with." However, after talking to this party for a few minutes he decided to pay the three years. This gentleman has ‘taken the paper for years and will in all probability continue to do so for years to come. Moreover he has much interest in the candidate and if you will make your friends see that a sub- scription, for two or three years will give from four to six times as many votes as a one year subscription he will undoubtedly pay more than one year and the votes that he gives you for the three years may' mean the dit- ference between success and defeat ' Subscribers who have promised support to their favorite candidate should bear in mind that payments made on subscriptions now will count the candidate more votes than if paid next week. The regular schedules de- crease '10 per cent. after next Satur- day night and don't forget that by giv- ing your subscription this week you will help the candidate win the 2,000,- 000 prize vote ballot or one of the three $20.00 extra. cash prizes given tor the best work done dating from April 3rd to April 15th. Ask Largely.- Candidates should remember that in soliciting a'ssistance from friends that you get results according to your expectations. If you ask for a small subscription tor one year, your friends will think they have helped you as much as possible if they give you just what you ask for, ' That many candidates have made up their mind to be the winner of one of the big prizes in The Charters Publishing Company’s big circulation drive IS demonstrated daily. Scarcely an hour goes by that does not 'find contestants in the office asking for more receipt books or long distance 'phone messages requesting books or dates that certain subscriptions ex- pire, etc. Only a Few Days Lft--1hree Sli) Extra Cash Offers ase Saturday Felt Win he--bxial Prize Ballots for This Week, Make Sure of the Big he - Only Two Weeks left to Win the Big Sedan and the Joy of Being, a Birmer---hstle! Hustle! ' $60.00 In Cash For Someone This Week Ask Increase Previously the books of the town Were-audited annually and up until this past year's work, but in future they will receive a quarterly audit. Owing to the great amount of last y'ear’s work which had accumulated, 'the auditors who had previously con- tracted to do the work tor $200, found it necessary to give more time than they had reckoned on. They found that the stipulated amount was insufficient Co cover their cost, and they asked the town for a further $50.00. This the town refused to grant, treating the . matter in a straight, bus'rness-li1ca manner. Want TVater The Toronto General xTrusts Cor- poration for the Wadsworth Estate asked that water and sewer be 'in, stalled in the new subdivision which they had Just opened up. Quite a number of those lots have been sold, and it is in the, interests ot the com- munity that the water and sewer be laid in prior to butlding operations. Charity Donation A precedent was established when the clerk read a letter from the sec- I retary of the Blue, Bird, Club, enclos- ; ing a cheque for $10 for the' use of] wan/m MW n 1 iE'nMjfilNrl6 A letter was read from a ratepayer, wherein it stated that several youths were in the habit ot making the post office corner their rendezvous, and during their sojourn in that quarter they were in the habit of carrying on in a manner and with conduct quite unbecoming. h‘lippant remarks to passers-by were also mentioned. The night constable has had occasion to quell this disorderly spirit on sev- eral Occasions and in future he will be niore'severe, but only resorting to harsher ,methods when conditions warrant it. It will be well for those frequenting that neighborhood to con- duct themselves properly and so save themselves unnecessary inconveni- ence. _ owinty"to the illness ot Councillors G. Sainsbury and W. Monkman, and the absence of Deputy-Reeve Macyilin, the work of the council devolved on the other members. Despite this handicap, and Imuch work, every- thing was cleaned up by eleven o'clock, which is quite unusual, for- tunately everything broke right. A letter was received from the town sol- icitor to the effect that the Packer case was officially closed as per' the settlement mentioned at last council meeting. Blue Bird Club Donates $10 to Town-High School Extension will be Determined by Vote Boys Disorderly WESTON. ONT. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12th, 1922 WEST YORKS NEWSY WEEKLY Which class are you in; the easily daunted or the ever hopeful? Your friends will be aware of your attitude pt mind from your zeal or lack of zeal. Show them that you are in to win and that you need all their assist- ance that is within their power to. render you. Make every minute count this week. Win the 2,000,000 prize vote ballot and one of the $20 extra cash prizes which will be award- ed for the best work done dating from April 3rd up until next Saturday night. Candidates will have up until next Tuesday morning, April 18th, to mail subscriptions and money that they secure this week and you will receive credit on the special cash prize otters and prize-vote ballot of- fers for this week - HUSTLE! HUSTLE! HUSTLE! every hour from now until the closing. hour of the ex- tra cash prize oftersrand extra prize _ vote ballots. year paid, a candidate will receive 100,000 extra votes, or in other words they will receive six times as many votes as the first year subscription gives in regular votes-tret the second year and as many more years as possible as you will receive 100,000 extra votes on. each year you secure over one year. A little more effort and persistency on the part of the first candidate would have won this success which her competitor snatch- ed in the face of apparent hopeless- ness., Some candidates consider them- selves defeated as soon as the person approached mentions that some other candidate has been ahead of them. others-and those who look like win- ners see in this only a. good omen. It he had helped others, it augers well for his interest in the big drive, and consequently for the help he may give again. and he would doubtless have shown his interest in a more decided form had you been more persistent and ask- ed for more than one year. Help Yourself _ Only last week the records showed that in some instances where one can- didate had collected arrears, another candidate had followed them up by obtaining another year, and in this way a candidate who gets a, second pay or the second year receives six times as many votes as the first year gives. Get the second year. Second Pay Subscriptions A second pay subscription is a sub- scription received from a party who has already paid one year sometime since the commencement of the big drive. On every second Year or in other Words on every year over one Golf Club Plan Once again the plan of the pro- posed new sub-division'that the Golf CluU intends opening was brought before Council. About two weeks ago, the Council Visited the property involved and made a thorough inspec- tion of it. While. it is a splendid idea and will he confined entirely to the Golf Club and tor their sole use, still it has its features. It is ideally lo- cated and commands a splendid and unparalleled view of the Humber valley in that d'pstrict4srThe new road- way runs from the sub-way right ling tor the extension; ot the High Sch6ol, which will entail an exper1cli- ture of $115,000.00. This matter will be submitted to the people for a vote. It means-an uddition'to the school which will include a Vocational and an industrial Wing. The town soll~ citor was authorized' to prepare the necessary usulaw Whiohwill be pre- sented at the next regular council meeting and will theii be discussed as'to when the vote Will take place. The voice of the people will say whether we are to have this T1eces- sary accommodation or not. , Drainage A fewiplaces in town are affected by the accumulation , of water and which 'obstinately refuses to filter away. George St. has; tine spot that has become a terrorfto transporta- tion, also there» are one of two places in Vimy Gardens which will require attention. These plates will either be filled in with gravel or some other material or relief affected: in some other manner! the town for charity purposes. It will be gratefully acknowledged. During the past season ot distress the chairman ot the charity committee has had occasion to meet the work or this club and also that they had done very good work., Fortunately no over-lapping occurred. Will Erect Pines More telephones are fbeing; install- ed daily and the Bell TtVphone Com- pany asked that they be granted per- mission to erect poles l where they shortly intend to extend, their lines in order to meet the requirements of their new applicants tor? service. This will not be held up in any way. Sidewalk Petitions Two petitions were received tor sidewalks. one for an extension on Maria St. and the other from the ratepayers on Lemiare Ave., who pe- titioned tor a tour toot concrete side- walk on the south side. This peti- tion was fully signed and the neces- sary formalities will have to be com- plied with when action will be taken whereby the residents will have a sidewalk laid. They also asked that the Street line be determined in OP- der that they may plant maple trees. The town engineer will at once give the desired inforination. ' By-Law to Vote The Board ot Education sent their formal application to the Council asic- ing tor the extension' ot the High SeliOOl, which will entail an expertcti- ture of $115,000.00. This matter will New Garage Another garage is to be opened in \Veston .Mr. Chas. Marriott, who formerly operated the garage of Braker & Co., applied for a permit to erect a temporary edifice on the Trethewey property _opposite the C. C.M., but on the Main Street. This is the first step towards building in misdirection. . at once becomes isolated and his property at that end is valueless. However, the council laid the matter over as it is anticipated that an agr'ee- ment will be reached between the parties concerned and a mutual ar- rangement will be meted out within the next two days When-this council will hold a. special meeting tor the purpose ot dealing solely with this matter. around to within a few feet of Hum- ber St. It will be recollected that the new road in this part becomes very ragged and if it were opened up to the regulation width that part of it would extend over the crest of the hill. According to the plan, it will stop before it comes to this part, with the exception of a very small corner where the bank has a deep indent to the town." Mr. J. T. Farr has also a piece of property in this part. By opening this new Sub-divi- sion, and stopping as per the plan, he Divine service will be held in St. Philip's Church on Good Friday at 11 a.m. Special Easter' service on Easter Sunday. " The Misses Packham, John Sp, spent the week end with friends in Brampton. The many friends ot Mrs. (Rein) Ryerson, Joseph St., are pleased to welcome her home after her 10:13 con- finement in Toronto hospital. We know something ot the value of concentrated force. We. have seen it demonstrated to advantage. We realize. that to secure the best results in useing power there must be no waste. All must be concentrated on the point of attack. Is this not true in business? Have we not seen the great force that is developing the Danforth district. Have you noted the various centres that have a unit- ed business men’s association to bring trade to their centres? Well, why can't we do something along this line in Wéston? Is there a place that needs a strong organized effort ‘more than our’own town? If the men of Weston would get in line be- hind an organized effort to place Weston before the public and make this a real business centre, then we Would'set the pace for some of these other centres. Just think of what opportunities that there are in Wes- ton. Think of the rich country and district that webave surrounding us. Think of the trade that there is be-: ing directed elsewhere by persistent, efforts. "Will it still travel from us? Wilt welsit by contented and let it pass away? No, it is time that we realized that if we are to progress, then we must put forth a. strong front. Let the people see that Weston 1can meet competition. Let the citizens know that we are living in a, centre. that every citizen should be proud of. Let every effort be made to direct the trade to our town. If this is done, then Weston will be to the fore. What is needed is some definite" gath- ering of the merchants with this great objective in view. Why not just set to workand try the effort. Organize at once.) Weston Has the Men but There is no Concentrated Effort Put Forth These presentations were inter- spersed with a high class musical and literary program, the artists assisting being: Miss Margaret Newsome, so- prano; Miss Georgie Burgess, elocu- tionist; Mr. Leonard Morley, Violin- ist; Mr. A, S. Thomas, baritone. After a vote of thanks by the chair- man to all who assisted in making the occasion successful, all present ad- journed to the school-room, where a buffet lunch fit for a king was Serv- ed, bringing the evening to a satis- factory conclusion llljSllt The prizes, kindly donated by Mot- fats Ltd., were then presented to the successful captains by the following directors of the society: First prize: Miss Jessie Wright, by Mr. J. M. Pearen. Second prize: Miss Reta. Cal- houn, by Mr. John Harris. Third prize: Miss Agnes Moffatby Dr. Gunn. Fourth prize: Miss Constance Bur- ridge, by Mr. H. L. Seymour. Fifth prize: Miss Gladys Cooper, by Mr. L. Pollett. Sixth prize: Miss MacNeill (Wpodbrridge), by Mrs. IV. O. Duncan. A large attendance of enthusiastic horticulturists were present on Friday last at the Old Presbyterian Church on the occasion of the presentation of prizes to the successful captains in the recent whirlwind membership campaign. After a few introductory remarks by the president, outlining the work of the society, Mrs. G. M. Lyons, hon- orary president, in a few well chosen words, presented to Miss Savage and Mr. T'. L. Harrison, retiring secretar- ies, some Colport china and a read- ing,' lamp respectively, and to Mr. Mc- Donald, retiring treasurer, an lyotrf orarium. . His, Worship Mayor Flynn was then called upon for a few words, which were delivered in his usual pleasing manner. Presentation of Campaign Prizes .--Also Past Members Hon- ored for Their Services 1355 MEN Ef TUEETHEH 2860 DUNDAS WEST (Cor. Keele) _liNitlersprt)rtlpt-)ti1te Drug Store ' Mill “ ‘ . T, we 3., ‘ . . _ - - t - n , " u “but, “OVAL t n "-21, I ""u‘†‘ _ . 'm q tt S " .3. _ " BMI I Irks " iEiiilrlll ' . I It . . ‘ FN " - ~ tt - " Mt Ig _ - ' MIB " . , , r = ‘w " M) . . _ ‘ . " "" " .. v: r .. . ttt “.4. tim, . m. _ - gk " h éOcITALIAN BALM w.'.,.:............, 'i.0oIRONIZED YEAST .'.".-......, 60.: PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE ...., $1.50 NUJOL 'B"'"""-.-............, CUTICURA SOAP..................., $1.35 SCOTTE EMULSION ""...rste, $1.00 BEEF, IRON.& WINE'.......,... 25c StEEDMANE POWDERS .._. . . . . .. $1,00 DEXTRO MALTOSE ""...s..... $1.00 NESTLES FOOD 'e"...'-........ 1 LB. TINS TALCUM POWDER ...... $1.00 WATERBURY'S CL. o. .....T... $1.00NUXATEDIRON r.......)....... $1.00 KELLOG(i's ASTHMA REMEDY 50c THERMOGENE """.'.m.m.m.....w 25cBEECHAMPILLS...........I..... 25cMENTHOLATUM _.-.'m....r...... 85cJAD SALTS "'....s..r......s...... 50cPINEX 'r.".......'.-.-............, $1.25 PINKHAM’S COMP. P........'...., LIFEBUOyso'AP b..._m..rtet......... 10c THOMAS' ECLECTRIC OIL .b...... 50c PONDS' VANISHING CREAM ..... 50c WHIIAMS' PINK PILLS ._........ Sanderson's CUT RATE DRUG STORE- iri_"fi,r" 10 Main Sujeet South Weston C fer §uperior Serviee and Workmanship MAIN ST., WESTON 50 MAIN ST. N., WESTON The Cruickshank‘WagonWorks SPRHNG TBE, Think about painting that car. It will save you money to have it done now and it will give your car a new life and appearance. rGet our 1orices and have the benefit of the fine weather. lr q l WE SAVE YOU MONEY hseeial tima, for Saturday, hart Take all your 1epairrirtg---a watch, a clock or a piece of jewel- lery that needs repairing or remodelling to Frey’s and get the tCm-un'm n...) onukn.‘_¢~ . 7 - Penslar Dynamic Tonic, 7Kard $1.50 vice and satisatiod, you so much desire. u are the Home of quality Gifts at moderate prices . " Easter Gifts, Cards and Novelties For new stréngth that stays with you use enslar Drug Store The Watch Specialist EAST 'v"""""....-.....,... tBe DOTH PASTE '.."........... Me LSION "'"""'esmee....'....... 78c cW'1mr..-.........r...... 69c OWDERS "e".'...-........... 15c. JTOSE "r"'.'................ 74c .VI POWDER .......r.... 2for25c SC. L. O. ...r.T.-............ 62c STHMA REMEDY .'........ 60c, 3MP. .""'...".............. 92c . FREY Near Post Office Phone 354 .3for .l5th JCT. Jim PHONE 435 PHONE Al 31c 92c 21c 19c Me 1