.\’ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26TH, 1922 Phone 530 This is the season of the year to roof. We will put on that new roof with the very best quality of roofing. WHAT ABOUT YOUR CONCRETE WORK? THE B. GREENING WIRE Oth, unman GREENllNG'S "__" I LAY FLAT POULTRY FENGE I'll Show You A Silo that will boost your farm earnings You can take pride in the appearance of your poultry yard if you use Greening’s Lay Flat Poultry Fence. It doesn't buckle, bag nor sag. It makes a fence that is not out of glance in the fiinest surroundings. Keep your ck yard as neat as your front yard-- use GreeningU. Heights from 12 to 72 inches. Said by good hardware dealers. If you want a good job at the right price, get in touch at once with TINSMITH AND FURNACE SPECIALISTS MAIN STREET, WESTON Phone: Office 263W; House’ 263] and 269 (Shop over Oldham's Store) ROOFING BURGESS BROS. HAMILTON " CANADA Easy to control it-lays fat when you unroll it. CONCRETE CONTRACTOR E. GRAHAM ROOFING 3rd Ave., Westmount R' (liashN It is the purpose of the new owner to give the best of service. All Laundry hand.led here will be Tell washed and ironed. 26 Main St. North WESTON C. S. LEE has taken over the business of the Laundry opposite John Street. Single Comb Light and Dark Brown Leghorns setting eggs, $3.00 and $5.00; Single Comb Rhode Island Reds $2,00, $3.00 and $5.00. T. HARRIS 219 King St. WESTON STOCK AND EGGS FOR SALE Main and Dufferin -Sts.,ireston PHONE 490 All work guaranteed to be well done. Goods called for and delivered. Family Washing Given Special Attention Main Street North WESTON Why Worry About Your Laundry ? WORRY KILLS j When you can send, mail or phone 17-5 and have your laundry collected and delivered on any day that is suit- able to you. Rough dried or ironed. Quick service. For prices, etc., apply . Repairing DYEING & REMODELLING Ladies' and Men's Garments NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Blanche Hilton, of the City of Toron- to in the County ot York in the Province of Ontario, Clerk, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof tor a. Bill of Divorce from her husband, George Edward Hilton, ot the pity of Toron- to, in the County ot.York, in the Province of Ontario, Plasterer. on the ground of adultery and desertion. Dated at Toronto, Province ot Ott- tario, the 3rd day of April, 1922. BLANCHE HILTON, By her Solicitors, Harris & IGeacliip, 26 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE Ftd"e1ihr 7‘60, br." 'iGdris"itraneh Laboratory in pridgeburg, Ont., for trial package tablets. J. GILBERT Over fifty years ago this noted physician gave to the world a Pre- scription which has never been equaled for the weaknesses of women. Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N.Y., long since found out what is natu- rally best for women's diseases. He learned it all thru treating thou- sands of eaifeg. The result of his studies was a medicine called Doctor Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. This medicine is made of vegetable growths that nature surely intended for back- ache, headache, weakening pains, and for the many disorders common to women in all ages of life. Women who take this standard remedy know that in Dr. Pieree's Favorite Prescription they are getting a safe woman's tonic so good that dmggists eve where sell it in both tablet and 'cilWor.i1,e. Among the notable professional men of this country who achieved %reat success 'tT strictly legitimate ines was Dr. R. . Pierce. Devoting his attention to the specialty of women’s diseases, he became a recognized autl1orityjt1 that line. A Successful Man R_owntree Building, Upstairs Main Street North. WESTON (Near Massey-Harris Works) PHONE 17-5 LEAVE YOUR WASHING AND LAUNDRY WITH US Cleaning 450 eggs from 20 pullets November and December Note the Address: MAPLE LEAF DRIVE ELVERSTON PARK WESTON NOW Rhode Island White CHICKS ANNOUNCEMENT Dual Purpose Fowl il H. WHITLOCK CHARLIE WING BRED TO LAY ORDER YOUR Eagle Block Mrs. Neish LAUNDRY cs. LEE Pressing O-t»1 TIMES & GUIDE. WESTON The manager of one company was able to give a very concrete idea ot the present position of low prices. He said: "We make a practice ot selling the complete outfit for construction of a, thoroughly well-built home. Last year, take for instance, this home would have cost $3,648.80.' We have just set our prices for 1922. They stand at $2,577.66; or, in round figures one-third less than last year. Here's another-last year $2,237.99, and this year $r,557.79. The reason is that lumber prices have hit bottom--- in fact, are trending higher again. Other minor necessities are still due for a slight tall in prices, but anyone who waits for all prices to reach bottom will get nipped. because of the up- ward tendency of the lumber market .--tor lumber is the major element in construction of a home. Lumber prices on the upward trend will more than offset the small gain in cheaper gen- eral supplies." ' His judgment is upheld by the trade in general. Renewed activities of contractors and builders throughout Canada would indicate that they are preparing for more building this year. / Millions of children in the famine districts of Russia are dying by inches because of the apathy of many well- ted people who say: "Russia is a long way oft and charity should begin at home. And anyway, Russia, deserves her chastisement.†Why should Canadians who came through the war and its terrible atter- math better off, perhaps, than any of the belligerent peoples refuse to hear the piteous cries ot women and children in whatever country they may Be placed? The sufferers of the Volga contributed nothing to the causes which have made the Soviet a pariah among the nations ot the earth. For those who have been turning over in their minds during the last few years the momentous question of building a home, the lumber and building supply men have some good news. Many have been, kept from building during 1920 because of the falling market of lumber and sup- plies. Yes, charity should begin, but not end at home. Then why should we be content to flourish in a land which flows with milk and honey while innocent babes, many of whom were unborn when the war began. are left to wither and die for the lack of the nourishment that a few pennies will buy? The Russian famine is the concern of every man. woman and child in Canada who is moved by charitable impulses every individual numbered among the chosen on the right hand of the King to whom shall be said: "Inas- much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethern, ye have done it unto me." . The Canadian Save the Children Fund which the committee has spent on food and supplies purchased in Canada. There‘is no doubt about these reaching the child- ren, for distribution is made through British channels., which guardance that the children get the food. Sub- scriptions may be sent to Sir George Burn, Treasurer of the Save the child- ren Fund Committee, Elgin Building, Ottawa, Ontario, or they may be made through your local organization. Costs Are as Much as $1,000 Less Than a Year Ago on a $3500 Home, Say Building Supply Men. Scales have another side besides the acquiring ot technic It the pupil is old enough. the formation of scales, the difference between major and minor, should be shown before the actual playing ot scales commence. Scales should be "practiced pemem- bering this formula: The minute that you are not interested, or tired, or are performing mechanically-quiet! Stop right away, because anything you do after that is not helping you. Remem- ber 50 per cent of piano study is brain power, 25 per cent is knowing how and the other 25 per cent actual practice Scales should be practiced with the mind concentrated and the ear alert for the best tone and perfect equality. Five minutes daily of practice like this will do more than hours or what some pupils think is practicing. Why do we study scales? As some students practice them the question would be very difficult to answer. But scales have a purpose it considered in a reasonable manner is not forcing the pupil to practice scale for so many hours. How do you prac- tice scales? What ‘is_.the important thing. Do not try to outsing some one else. The loudest voices do not always pos- sess the best carrying power. If the organ has an interlude, or the other parts come in alone, do not take your eyes off the music. You may not be ready when your turn comes. Don't wait for your neighbor to sing first. All must watch for a giyen beat if the start is going to be good. Don’t think only ot the music. There are also words to be interpreted. Feel that you are telling something; if the anthem be in, the nature of a prayer, feel that you are making a prayer. If you are capable of taking a solo, and he asks you, acquiesce cheerfully. If he does not ask you, don't feel badly used. Perhaps the other singer hasn't had a, solo for some time. Do not think'of other things when singing. Lt is fatal to sincerity ot ex- pression. Keep that for other times or for the intermission. V Do not grumble at what he selects. Remember he has many to please; do your best with the new compositions taken up, and they won't seem tedious or "dry." Watch your part carefully. and fol- low the leader's baton. Although rests are not to be sung, neither are they to be ignored. If you have been invited to sing in the choir, consider the honor ot the position. You are~taking alfactive part in leading the service of song. Be punctual at rehearsals. Much time is lost in going over" things again for the benefit of late comers. When arriving, do not always wait for the leader to greet you first. Show that you are as pleased to see him as he is to have you there. The following is an extract from "The Etude" by H. C. Hamilton which may interest and help those who be- long to that fearful yet wonderful or- ganization the Church Choir. FOR PIANO STUDENTS BUILD YOUR [IO/DIES IN 1922 "Unto The Least ot These†TO THE CHOIR BIEJIBL‘R By H. C. Hamilton Technic Scales AND MUSIC LOVERS c.v.K Your wife will also find it handy in putting up her tomato catsup, etc., in the fruit season, or bottling orange or lemonade for picnics. There's a hundred uses for it around the house. No home should be without one. V Saves you Money. The Capper costs you only $2.00 (with caps $2.50) and will save you many times that amount by cutting out waste and breakages in your bottling. Get one to-day. You can't lose! You men who bottle your own "home-brew" know how neces- sary and difficult it is to get it air-tight. Get a Red Beat Bottle Capper and your troubles are over. The Red Seal Capper does it "right," does it air-tight and does it without wasting the contents or breaking the bottle. _ Lasts a lifetime. It is strongly made of tough iron, heavily enamelled. and has a polished wooden base. The Capper comes to you in an attractive carton, ready to set up. Four screws are sup- plied which are used for fastening down the upright to the base. It can be set up or taken down in a jiffy by anyone. Caps any bottle. The Red Seal Bottle Capper is equipped with two extra cork linoleum mats, which with its unique adjusting feature insures perfect air-tight capping on 33 sizes of bottles, rang- ing trom six inches to fifteen inches in height. Uses any Cap. The Red Seal will operate perfectly with any standard make of cap, but we recommend Red Seal Bottle Caps, which fit all standard bottles. One gross (144) of these caps will be enclosed with Capper tor an additional 500., their cost price. SALES. OFFICE: 2850 DUNDAS ST. WEST, TORONTO. JCT. 1836 WORKS AND LABORATORIES: 130 SPEARS AVE., MOUNT DENNIS Why do this? It's dangerous. It's expensive- it breaks bottles, as well as wastes the contents. It's not air-tight, It's unscientific. It's unclean. Stop taking chances-Order a Red Seal to-day. Od Cd a (st, A KAPPING KLIMAX 'C)) t"i,fily C...), ' The RED SEAL improved a iii-i-i-iii-i-tiii-f-ii), BOTTLE CAPPER Starting and Electric Lighting on Chassis and Open Models $85 extra. - r,:'" Standard Equipment on Closed Models. All Prices F.O.B. Ford, Ontario. G . A . G R A Fil A lllMlll Let's go THE OLD “OUT OF DATE" WAY PHONE 292 We are in a position to make immediate delivery of any model-easy terms if you wish. " No sooner said that done when you own a Ford. It may be a drive into the country, or it may be a trip to town. It may be to hear a sermon or to see a famous "movie." It may be to visit the old folks, or to see your young folks. But no matter where it is or what the object the Ford will get you there and bring you back. l _ THE OLD WAY THE RED SEAL AGENCIES SAFELY Chassis Runabout Touring Coupe Sedan THE RED SEAL GUARANTEE If the Red Seal Bottle Capper does not prove satisfactory in every way, and do all that we claim for it, your money will be cheer- fully refunded on its return to us. It Solves the Bottle Capping Problem Ford Garage Service Station Main Street This Guarantee Protects You QUICKLY ECONOMICALLY THE NEIW “RED SEAL" WAS-The Better Way It's sate. It's economical in cost. It's simple to operate. It's capping is air-tight. It's sanitary. It's dependable. It's practically unbreakable. Read The Red Seal Guarantee. . The New Red Seal Way $445 $495 $535 $840 $930 WESTON Mailed to any address in Canada, post paid. send Post Office Order, Express Order, Marked Cheque, or Money Order-latter' pay- able at Bank of Montreal. West Toronto. PRICE COMPLETE $2.00 PAGE SEVEN