J a murmur-nuns“! B‘IIIIIIIIIIIIIllillllllllllllllllllllIIllIIll‘lllllIIII"llIIIIlIIIIllllIIllI"IIllllllllIIII'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHII'llIIIllllIIIIIIIIlllllllillllllllll |IlIIn!llI'llIlllllllllllnlllllllllllIlllIlllllllllllllflllllIIIIIIIllIIllIIIlIllI"!llIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIllDIIIIIIIllIn"IIIIIIIIIIIIMIIDIIIIIIIIn! YARDS AM) OFFICE: CANADA LUMBER COMPANY New Cocoanuts, each 1 . . 2 lb. tins pure Damson Plums, tin 4 lb. pail Pure Strawberry Jam .. 4 lb. pail Pure Raspberry Jam ... 4 lb. pail Strawberry and Apple . ‘4"1b. pail Strawberry and Apple .. 4 lb. pail Raspberry and Apple .. 4 lb. pail pure Marmalade . . . . . . . 4 lb. pail pure Plum Jam . . . . . .., 4 lb. pail pure Peach Jam . . . . . . . , 2 lb. jars Strawberry Jam . . . . . . . . l Quart: jar Sweet Home Made Midget Bulk Sweet Mixed, per quart . . . . . . . . Eulk Sweet Gherkins, per quart . . . . . . 14 Kingdon Street WEDNESDAY, APRIT, WESTON AND 157 BAY STREET Building lots for sale on Connaught Crescent in Township of Etobicoke in vicinity of new consolidated school, each lot 50 x 118 ft. Also Building Dots tor sale on Maple Raf Drive and Handle Ave. in Alverston Park District, 20 minutes' walk from Westrjh ran- way stations. Easy terms to purchasers building on the lots. prices. Misses' and Children', Oxfords, Strap Slippers, Sandals, etc. All kinds of Running Shoes tor the whole family at the right T OUR SMEJER GOODS ARE IN STOCK NOW women's Strap Slippers, Pumps, Oxfords and White Canva's Shoes. Men's Oxfords in newest styles. Cement Blocks, Hole Centre, Rock Faced 8 R 16 Block Veneer with 8 in. return corner HENDERSON S SHOE STORE l LUMBER REPAIRS DONE ON THE PREDIISES "o""""'"'"""""""""""""""""""""""-""""""""--""") For All Building Purposes W. C. EVENDEN B OPEN Ti) SUPPLY BUILDING LOTS JOSEPH NASON l. CHURCH sr., WESTON PHONE 175 19 Westmount TORONTO MONEY WANTEo---On good first mortgages, highest interest paid. Gilt-edged securities. Apply Thos. Goddard, Weston Road, Mt. Den- nis, phone Jet. 4049, house 2415. FOR SAEM--Barred Plymouth Rock hatching eggs, $1.25 per setting, from Guild bred-to-lay strain. First class rooster for sale, $2.00 Apply Mr. Perkiss, Holley Ave. x-12-t FOR SALEr-130 Egg Incubator,de1iv- ered to your station; hot water heated; self-regulated. Send for catalogue. Georgetown Incubator Co., Dept, X., Georgetown, Ont. MOVING AND EtAISLNG-Buildings On account of leaving her res- idence at once, Mrs. Thomas Gal- braith will dispose by private sale of the bulk of her house fur- nishings, including chairs, tables, dishes, beds and bedroom furni- ture. Thursday, April 27th, 1922 FOR SAEsEr---Nice bay mare rising 4 years old. using car, no further use ----Apply to Fred La Rose, Scarlet Road, Weston. 0-T-2 WANWEIN-100 fat hens, good price paid. Telephone 513. Apply F. N. Hinton, Gordon Ave. FOR SALE-Irish Cobbler seed pota- toes. W. Barton, 5th Avenue, Ives, ton. 175 MARIA ST. Comer of Pine St. P1 JOHN MILLS WHITE oEtrINCroNS ' ----I have bred these birds for over 9 years from some of the best breeders ot Canada and America. Hatching eggs for sale; also hen hatched chicks, 30c and 400 each. Duck eggs and young ducklings for sale. Phone 537W or Box 79, Weston. Address Elverston Ave., 6 house east of 5th Ave., Weston. FOR SALE ROOMS TO ItICNT-Central location. For particulars apply box 10, Times & Guide office, Weston. x-T-l DUCK EGGS--For hatching, 13 for $1.00. Geo. Hull, Downsview, one mile southlof post office. TO R.ENW-A ground floor apart- ment, all conveniences, suitable for couple of adults. Apply Mrs. A. Coulter, 212 Main St. N., Weston. FOR SALE-le Leghorn hens and one rooster, good laying strain. Ap- ply W. Phillips, Thistletown. Mr. and Mrs. Higgins of the north end of? weston wish to thank the many kind friends of Weston and Community The Red Cross Society. X, L. Bible class and other Organizations who have so kindly and generously contributed supplies and Home Fur- nishings. To replace their loss by fire on Easter Sunday. FOR SA.LE0--15 Sykes Ave., Weston, detached, ir large rooms, newly decorated, combination heating; 50 ft. lot. Easy terms. Apply Jas. Aitcheson, 18 Hillcrest Road, Wes- ton. Phone 367. x-T.1 Mrs. _H. Fletcher ot Toronto visited with her Mother, Mrs. M. Seeley last week. Mr. J. Leggett was taken quite seriously ill last week but we are pleased to report is much better at time of writing. Mr. Charles Creighton visited in Brampton last week with his sister Mrs. Reid. District Deputy Attends Meeting On Monday evening there was a good turnout at the Odd Fellows' meeting. It was the occasion of a fraternal visit from Districts Numbers 37 and 38, with the District Deputy Grand Master of each district present. After the usual routine of work a so- cial night was spent. Splendid ad- dresses were' given by the visitors and by the local members. A great effort is being made to have more interest taken by the local members in lodge work. Progress is being made and the attendance at the regular meeting is being improved. The deputation that waited on the postal authorities at Ottawa has re- turned home. While their trip did not realize all that they hoped that it would, still they find that there is hopes. A full report will be given next week. Mr. Irwin Mather of Brampton spent Easter holidays with his friend Royal Rogers. The repeat of 'ACan't Afford It" announced last week to be given some time during the first week of May in 'Humber Heights Slchool auditori- um, has been indefinitely postponed. Keep in mind the date of the oper- ette given in the school auditorium, under the auspices of the Pastime Club, by the Mimico Y. P. s., on May 12th. The. many friends of Mr. T. E.‘E1- liott, principal of Richmond Hill school, and a former resident of Wes- ton, will be pleased to know that he is progressing favorably at Wellesley Hospital, from, his recent-operation, and trust he will soon be restored to full strength again. _ moved and raised, expert workman- ship. Apply to W. J. Davey, RR. 1, Malton, phone Brampton 321r41. on SAIiB---18 Barred Rock laying hens, 1 year old, bred to lay, Guelph strain, 216 King St., Weston, phone 460. CORSETIERE Representing the Spirella Co. 131 King St., Weston Phone 183 MISS M. SOSNOWSKY Household Furniture PRIVATE SALE HULMBERVALE Card , ---of-- or Phone 506 x-14-1t TIMES ANT) GUIDE. WESTON On Friday night next the Ladies' Aid Society of the Tomlinson Method- ist Church are going to the Fred Vic- tor Mission, Toronto, to give the mu- sical comedy, "The Busy Ladies' Aid," a tine hit. It the Ratepayers’ Association of Sunny Lea are going to do any good for the section, they ought to allow to all British fair play. Both sides have a periect right to their' own opinions, and should be given a square deal when they wish to express them, With- out being interrupted or hounded down, and the duty of the-chairman is to see that all get a fair chance when upon their feet and speaking in order on the question. lt this is done there Will be more chance of gaining a un- animity ot action in the community. There ought not to be any mud- slinging. It is a poor business any- way and at any time, and it sometimes becomes a boomerang. During the discussion it was very evment that any who raised their voice against the community hall did not get much show, while one ot the anus was upon the floor speaking to the.question, some were calling out, "Sit down" and Shut up," and oth- ers when they heard it said that those Who were opposed to the project would not get any show, so kept their seats. _ I The question of recommending pete sons for the formulating ot a board of management was taken up. The Community Halls Act, 1920, Section 8, reads thus: ‘LEvery community hall established under the act shall be under the management and control of a board appointed by the council com- posed as follows: (a) ’2 members ot the council and (b) 5 members select- ed by the council from among the of- ficers of the local organizations, etc. 3. The representatives of the council shall be elected annually and shall hold office until their successors are appointed, and every other officer of the board shall hold office tor two years from the date of his appoint ment." After several ballots were taken the following were to be recommended to the council as the members of the board: Mrs. Hert, Mr. Cunnings, Mr. R. Reid, Mr. A. H. Parker, and Mr. Crowhurst. On Friday night last the Ratepay- ers' Association held a social even- ins under the auspices of the social committee. The first part of the program was community singing led by Mr. Humphries, pastor of the Tomlinson Methodist Church, after. Which came a series ot moving pic- tures, scenes along the Humber Val- ley, depicting the production of vari- ous kinds ot garden products, and scenes along the Toronto and Ham- iiton Highway followed by Charlie Chaplin films. The operator and the moving picture machine were kindly supplied by the Ontario Agriculture Department, Toronto. Between the acts there was some discussion on the question ot a community hall for the school section. A petition has been circulated among the ratepayers for their approval of asking the township council to pass a by-law for the pur- pose of issuing debenture for the amount ot eight thousand dollars for the purpose ot buying a site and build- ing a hall. The committee incharge ot the petition claimed that the pe- tition in favor of the hall being built was signed by a large majority. There was also a petition against the pro- posed hall, which had a good many signatures. Both petitions will be laid before the council at their next meet- ing and no doubt the council will give them a thorough examination to see that no names are on either list that are not bona-tide ratepayers. Messrs. Rice and McLeod have 0p- ened their garage on Islington Avenue in the Straight building. This new con- cern will be known as the Station Gar- age and they assure their many friends that they will be in a position to give them prompt and efficient service at very moderate rates. Do not miss this! In full oriental costumes, the Islington community choir of fifty trained voices will pre- sent the sacred cantata, "Queen Es- ther," in the Community Hall, Isling- ton, on Wednesday and Friday even; ings, Maw 3rd and 5th, 1922. Come and enjoy one of the most beautiful cantatas ever written. Admission:-- Adults 500, children 25c. ' Mr. J. A. L. WPherson is building two new houses om McPherson Ave. It is reported that about one hun- dred new houses will be erected in the district this' coming season. It is well for the merchants to look ahead and prepare for events. On Friday the Boy Scouts will hold their concert in the Assembly hall. The proceeds will be utilized for the purpose of purchasing new equipment. Mr. C. Johnston formerly manager ot the Union Bank and Mr. Mattews also of the local bank are erecting an office on Dundas Street in front of F. Jeffersones Flour and Feed store where they will conduct a Real Estate and Insurance Brockerage. This is a new innovation locally and should be the hub for inducing many prospective buyers to locate here. Great Scott--- There is'a remarkable difference between running a grader and an Overland Car, _ , The association will meet on the last Monday evening of each month. Many questions relating to the welfare and improvement ot the com- munity are to be dealt with, and Judging trom the interest and en- thusiasm shown by those present the future of the Association will be a busy and successful one. Ratepayers" Association Fun-111ml. A well attended and enthusiastic meeting of the ratepayers ot Lamb- ton Mills was held at the old school on Monday evening last, when a Ratepayers Association was formed. The officers elected were: President, Fred Barrett; vice president, Robt. Bell; secretary, G. A. Court; treas- urer, Wm. Douglas; executive com- mittee, E. B. Sheffield, W. B. Clay- ton, W. Wrinch, D. M. Mainland, W. Green, Jos. Bannon. Remember this Friday is the date of the concert put on by the Lamb- ton Mills Institute. A humorous sketch, “How the Story Grew," in addition to a good musical program. April 28th, at S p.111., in the old school. Don’t miss it. _ . LAJIBTON MILLS SUNNY LEA ISLINGTON . mu G â€133% . .1; ways KELLOGG’S "WAXT1TE" CORN FLAKES than you ever believed could be put into a cereal-a taste revelation! ICE CREAM PARLOR in eonneetion-All the latest sundaes daintily serv- ed. Tee Cream Bricks at any time. Full line of Chocolates and Candies always in stock. MORE fun with Jungleland Movies than you can shake a stick at; more happy, sunny deliciousness in those big, Stispy - crunchy b r o w n Lovely Rich Fruit Cake, by the pound (reg 400) .. . Another whopping big lot of 1re11ogg's Jungleland Moving Pictures have arrived! More little folks who missed the joyous show earlier in the week can go to any grocery store now and get Ke1logg's Jungleland Moving Pictures-. FREE-with two packages of KELLOGG’S "WAXTITE" perfect Corn Flakes?. Is the place to get that good Bread and lovely home made Cakes, Pies, Pastry, etc. The quality is all that could be desired, and defies comparison in Weston or Toronto. The only favor We ask is for you to give us a trial, and we are confident you will be another of our 'satisfied patrons. PHONE 181 fknellhdehre Beef 1lkiaiitg,lh..........".......lSe Home Made Sausages a specialty. , " "m F' , Phone 340 Millions of children all over Also makers of KEU.0GG's KRUMBLES and KELLOGG‘S BRAN cooked and kmbbd 1stasks---.gti;,'f,ili), - u s'l',',1'iie,, tt,ri'iri- I â€1;? ‘i 'Abc _?iis,s,i's1',lt WEI?“ at. dull JOHN SHAKESPEARE Best Quality Meats it 1fiflilXTr'rE High Class Confectionery and Ice Cream Parlor in connection. . 1Ptnitchett ORDERS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED Phone Orders given special attention CORN FLAKES (MADE ON THE PREMISES) Successor to C. E. FRETZ SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Get Jungleland with every two packages of KELLOGG'S Corn Flakes for a limited time only-- it's inside the Waxtite wrapper on the EELLOGG'S Corn Flakes package! Ask for KELLOGGS "WAXTrTE", insist that you get KELLOGG'S "WAXTrrE"-and Jungleland is yours-FREN Right away-buy a package of K E L L O G GS “WAX- TITE" Corn Flakes and get KELLOGG’S Jungle1and Movies--FREEt Jungleland would cost 50c. in any book store! the nation won't eat any other Corn Flakes but KELLOGG'S "WAXTITE"-- b e c a u s e KELLOGG'S " WAXTITE " are not "1eathery," not hard to chew! WESTON rit c h e tt 's HIGH CLASS BREAD lil CAKE SHOP ..........25c 4 MAIN ST. S. 8 John St. PAGE NINE III-Illa