Hour Feed l Seeds Hay and Straw We have a complete stock of Choice Groceries and , Provisions Le Page's Grocery 415 Main St., Weston ' Phone 178 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26TH, 1922 Prompt Service given Orders called for and delivered New Spring Suits-That were $25. and $40. In plain and fancy tweeds. Good styles, $19 well lined and tailored. Sale Price ... _ New Spring Topcoats--kegu1ar $25.00 and $30.00. In greys, Donegal tweeds, etc. $19 Light or dark effects. Sale Price .... Guaranteed Blue Serge 8uits-s-Pure Indigo dye, hand tailored, beautifully made in every detail. Real $45.00 and $50.00 value. $39 Sale Price .........__....r.......... Smart Blue Serge Suits-Also worsteds, that were $35.00 to $45.00. Single or double- breasted styles, nicely tailored. Sale $25 Price.......... ......A.....'....... THE MOST REMARKABLE CASH OR CREDIT SALE EVER HELD IN TORONTO-IT DEFIES _ ALL COMPETITION. $19.50 51 9 50 $35.00 and $45.00 LADIES’ AND MISSES’ 51m LINED SERGES Mil) TRICOTINES -- Beautiful designs 4, JI, a _ l) . . _ fkys' and GIs' Reefers from . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . .) . . . . . . . $4.50 to $9.50 5,! - Men's Spring Suits and Top Coats---Boys' Clothing I Ladies and Misses Suits, Coats, Wraps and Dresses Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Irwin will be at home to their friends on Friday, April 28th, from 4 to 6 p.m. and from 8 to 10 p.m., at their new residence, 88 John St. _ All the members of the X. L. Bible Class are specially requested to at- tend the annual business meeting to be held on Thursday evening, April 27th, in the schoolroom of the Meth- odist Church., Reports from the vari- ous committees of the year's work. Election of officers will bethe two main features of the evening. The ladies of St. John’s_Anglican Church are arranging a home made baking sale and afternoon tea for Saturday, April 29th. Doors open at 3.30 p.m., held in the parish hall. Come and enjoy a social hour. A choice selection of pastry, bread and buns for your week end needs. In response to the appeal made for assistance for the family who lost so heavily in the tire, the Weston citi- zens have, as usual, responded most liberally, and a splendid collection of household comforts have been handed over to the family. . Miss Genevieve Lyons, contraltu. of the Redpath Bureau, is enjoying a few holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Lyons, Main St. The Canada Lumber Co., who some time ago announced their retirement from business, have placed large or- ders for lumber and machinery and will be going full force in a short time. They have faith in Weston's future. The Swastika Bible Class held their annual meeting and election of offi- cers on Thursday evening last at the home of Miss Cecilia Macklin. Fol- lowing are the officers tor the coming year: Teacher, Mrs. Walwyn; presi- dent, Miss Macklin; Lstivice-president, Miss Florence Rowntree; 2nd vice- president, Miss Doris Firr; secretary, Miss Gladys Armstrong; treasurer, Miss Alma Chapman. Mrs. Leggett, of George St., hap- penedHrith a painful accident on Monday morning, She \missed her muting on the verandah and tell off the edge and suffered a fracture ot the lower limb. In an article appearing in last week's issue the insertion of a com- ma in the wrong; place made it ap- pear as it Rev. E. Ryerson were sec- retary ot the Weston Red Cross, and not A. E. Mellish, who is the person holding the position at the present time. Every day on Weston streets is to be seen the small boy on his way home with a string of suckers, some 12" to IS" long. There is not a dam between Lake Ontario and Weston, and the river is full of suckers that have made their way this far from the lake. Terms of no money down Buy Your Spring Clothes NOW! Pay As You Get Paid. Everything is Reduced. Open West T'oronto Branch "tl/Tl/gf WESTON White Brothers White Brother? 'ttrs,rii,, "g: may we: a? and $12.00. tweeds, siiUcordtlrroy I and velvets. I"élMoving Sale Price .'. . . $4.95 Gabardine and Covert Cloth Topcoats-$35.00 and $40.00 values. Slip-on or belted $26 effects. Very newest styles. Sale Price T -', Butter Brown Suits far B_oys-,-llegular $10.00 Boys' Blue Serge Suits-Regular $15.00. In all sizes. Extra fine quality, several different styles to choose frdm. Moving Sale Price ........ /11n.1i..eo.v.i.n.e.t.1e.$7.9S Doors Open Saturday with Sensational "-----Nloving Sale Bargains------ On Saturday, May 20th, the Ladies' Aid Society of St. Andrew's Anglican Mission, Thistletown, purpose hold- ing a bazaar and concert, afternoon and evening. Keep this date in mind. Watch for further particulars as to this important event. Mr. S. J. Totten is to be congratulat- ed on his latest business venture. The remodelling of thte old May house into an up to date apartment House, the first of its kind in town. When eomc pleted there will be thirty rooms, di- vided in, four suites and a Janitor's apartment. They will be named "The King George Apartments.†Dr. G. R. Baird, graduate of 1911, making regular visits to Weston, 921 College St., phone College 6675. Remember the big entertainment in the high school auditorium on Pri- day evening, April 28th, under the direction of the Weston Amateur Ath- letic Club. Two plays will be stag- ed, "A Perplexing Situation" and "French Spoken Here." Everybody come and enjoy a good laugh. Mrs. Holleyrof Detroit formerly of Weston, was in town for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Brown of Bel- fountain spent the week end with Mr., and Mrs. D. MacDonald Main St, Ladies, take a holiday. .Buy your cakes and pies at the home made baking sale at St. John's Church par- ish hall, Main St., on Saturday, April 29th, at 3.30 p.m. Afternoon tea will also be served. Mr. and Mrs. Pheci R. Pike and in- fant daughter, Norma, of Toronto, are spending a few weeks with the form- er's sister, Mrs. Lorne McEwen, King St. Chiropractic is the simplest, most interesting and most successful ot all the natural methods. of regaining health. Pascoe & Ackrow, local agents of the Willoughby Farm Agency, put through a sale of farm land last week, selling the Wm. Porter home- stead at Claireville to Mr. Thomas Godlin, of Claireville. A good price was realized. On Thursday afternoon of this week the annual business meeting of the Methodist Church Ladies' Aid will be held at 2.30 p.m. in the school room of the church. A good attend- ance of members is requested election of officers and important business of interest to all. By our hands alone we remdve the pressure and irritation trom the health-conveying nerve' trunks. The cause is removed, the life in the body is free to flow, and then nature cures. Miss Edith Elliott, of Richmond Hill, is the guest ot her friend, Miss Genevieve Lyons, this week. ON THIS SATURDAY, APRIL 22, WE WILL OPEN A BRANCH STORE AT 2918 DUNDAS STREET WEST IN ORDER THAT WE MAY BETTER SERVE OUR HUNDREDS OF PATRONS IN WEST TORONTO AND VICINITY. IN THIS BRANCH STORE WE WILL HAVE THE SAME MERCHANDISE AND OFFER THE SAME STARTLING RE- DUCED PRICES THAT WE'VE BEEN GIVING AT OUR MAIN STORE ----280 QUEEN STREET WEST. AS HAS BEEN ADVERTISED IN THE STAR AND TELEGRAM, WE ARE PREPARING TO MOVE FROM 280 QUEEN STREET WEST AND. THE NEW LOCATION OF OUR MAIN STOREWILL BE ANNOUNCED LATER. BEFORE WE MOVE WE HAVE A $100,000 STOCK Oli' LADIES', MEN'S, BOYS', GIRLS' AND CHILDRENS WEARING APPAREL OF ALL KINDS THAT MUST BE DISPOSED Oli'. CONSEQUENTLY WE WILL OFFER THESE EXTRA- ORDINARY BARGAINS ON THE UNUSUAL TERMS OF No MONEY DOWN AT OUR NEW WEtyIyT0RoNT0 BRANCH AS WELL AS AT 280 QUEEN STREET WEST. _ BOYS' SUITS Don’t forget the Address-lk S are You Get the Right Store CANADA’S LARGEST CREDIT CLOTHIERS New West Toronto Branch TIMES AND GUIDE, WESTON e B uarii S iu I m - 'hlt ' PHONE 99 J. G. 2918 Dundas Street West SPECIAL PRICE , FIFTY DOLLARS CASH AND itler(llJhR'rllltIY WILL SECURE h LOT FOR YOU. THE FIRST TWELVE LOTS Ntfr'ro" BE $0tlrh)l412/)l) PER FOOT. THE PRICE WILL ADVANCE IMMEDIATELY THESE LOTS ARE nw.. SECURE ONE OF THESE LOTS NOW. WATER, SEWERS, ELECTRIC LIGHT; ARE NOW INSTALLED. MANY FINE Rlisr DENCES ARE ALREADY BUILT Olii" TIE. PROPERTY. IN PLANNING A HOME FOR YOUR FAMILY YOU MUST TAKE INTO CONSIDERA- TION LOCATION. h VERY DESIRABLE PROPERTY, HIGH, DRY, BEAUTIFUL VIEW, B NOW OPEN, ON BOTH SIDES OF ROBERTS STREET, WESTON, IN FIFTY FOOT LOTS, HAVING GOOD DEPT B. Tweed and Homespun Suits-In good styles, broken lines that were regularly $25.00. Sale Price ....teetee.q6. $12.SO French Tricotine Suits-i-Beautifully silk lined all through. Regular $55.00 to $65.00' suits, in all the ggwmgdgb: Rain tailored. $45 and fancy tttellis, Sale Price __H C. s",', JI ' Women's and Mtryyil tvhi,iifir---Rtéuliyr $25.06 and $35.00 lines. Plait? iirr,id belted back effects. Wide range of materials'. Sale Price $16 Polo Cloth and Tweed Coats-Half' gawk: fined] Regular $35.00 and $40.00. Plain and enithbids ered styles. Also some in velours. $23 Sale Price w..........).............. KING AND MAIN mm, WESTON at 291 8 DUNDAS This . Advertisement - Contains i"-" Only a Few J' Examples of the 4 Many Bargains. a-fa)"-"' Terms of no i/ money down Q $19.50 Tricotine and Serge Suits-All new styles. Regular $10,00 and $45.00 lines. Sale $29 Price 's....,rrr, e.,..,...'......,'...,,, , Berberry Type Coats-ln heavy English vel- 'our and Bolivia cloths. Some full lined, others half lined with silk. Plain or embroidered styles. Some are in loose cape effects with bell sleeves and the new style touches. t,3t, Regular $65.00 coats. Sale Price . . . . . tro Taffeta mi CriiirtnCsf (ir-sir,',-':):,',,':-;,::),; $35 and $40. rery newest b' tin J e _ects,, Wonderful bargain. Sale Tjl5, .. . . . . . $23 New York Sample presses-Only one or twd of a style. Very latest ideas in style and trimming. Easily worth from $50.00 to $35 $75.00. Sale Price 'rr'.............. IN JUSTICE til YOURSELE,.AND hs, YOUR FAMILY you CANNOT 1M AFFORD T0 MISS“ THIS -= ", OPPORTUNITY tt'ijitiht. " NEW CLOTHES:- OPPOSITE THE METHODIST CHURCH "A'iiWAii 313553.35 T. " £1: 'ry.i, PAGE FIVE '91 r522, lhl it