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Times & Guide (1909), 3 May 1922, p. 11

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I last Us Do Your Job Printing ' l4 Kingdon Street GREENING’$, LAY FLAT POULTRY FENCE THE B. GREENING WIRE GO., LIMITED HAMILTON - CANADA Easy to control it-lays (at when you, anrolt it. Phone 530 WEDNESDAY, MAY JAB, 1922 WHAT ABOUT YOUR CONCRETE WORK? of roofing _ I t"5i'i"i"th'll'liliirdl Make Big Profits WLL DRILLS testeads: income in l '_L. "T K , M . 53...? "'NEiiiFzF'Fese"T i""""'"" 'il WW'M I T N945 Mala' " ileMiiit.ii-9lit!!i, l "Fee-. 4MWirf1. T) Riiiigt m _ . 35:37.3: (8tittii' Cement Blocks, Hole Centre, Rock Faced 8 x 16 Block Veneer with 8 in. return corner This is the Season of the year to roof. You don't have to fuss and fume when putting up Greening's Lay Flat Poultry Fen'ce. " unrolls straight and even-like a carpet. It stretches perfectly and stays in shape. Top rails and baseboards are unnecessary. It saves you time, material and labor. Heights from 12 to 72 inches. Sold by good hardware dealers. If you want a good job at the right price, get in touch at once with TINSMITH AND FURNACE SPECIALISTS MAIN STREET, WESTON Phone: Office 263W; House 263] and 269 (Shop over Oldham’s Store) BURGESS BROS. ROOFING ill put on that new roof with the very best quality . W. C. EVENDEN CONCRETE CONTRACTOR GEORGE A. It0BCNSoN Weston Let me explain HOW ROOFING 3rd Ave., Westmount Westmount Single Comb Light and Dark Brown Leghorns setting eggs, $3.00 and $5.00; Single Comb Rhode Island Reds $2.00, $3.00 and $5.00. T. HARRIS Family Washing Given Special Attention All work guaranteed to be well done. Goods called for and delivered. CHARLIE WING Eagle Block Main Street North WESTON AND FURTHER take notice that after the said 20th day of May, 1922, the said executors will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having re-, gard only to the claims of which they shall then have received notice, and the said executors will not be respon- sible for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not then have been received by them. Why Worry About Your Laundry ? \VORRY KILLS When you can send, mail or phone 17-5 and have your laundry collected and delivered on any day that is suit- able to you. Rough dried or ironed. Quick service. For prices, etc., apply DATED at Torontolhis 20th day of April, 1922. STOCK AND EGGS F OR SALE ‘11) the matter of the estate of Sarah Jane Weathrwiu, late of the Village 1 of Woodbvirtp,e, in the County of York, widow, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to It. S. O. 1914, Chapter 121, Section 56, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Sarah Jane Weatherill, who died on or about the 10th day of March, 1922, are re- quired to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitors for Hannah Elizabeth Topper and John W. Ellerby, the executors of the said estate, on or before the 20th day of May, 1922, their names and ad- dresses, and a statement' of their re- spective claims and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. Dated at Toronto, Province of On- tario, the 3rd day of April, 1922. F BLANCHE HILTON, By her Solicitors, Harris & Keachie, 26 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Blanche Hilton, of the City ot Toron- to in the County ot York in the Province of Ontario, Clerk, will apply to the Parliament ot Canada at the next session thereof tor a Bill of Divorce from her husband, George Edward Hilton, ot the City of Toron- to, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, Plasterer, on the ground of adultery 'and.desertion. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE Main Street North. \VEST( (Near Massey-Harris Works) PHONE 17-5 Sintaluta, Sage.--", have taken Dr. Pieree's Golden Medical Discovery for liver trouble and found it excel- lent and would not be without it. I suffered from congestion of the liver about six years ago and I always say that this medicine cured me. I have also given it to my family for colds and it cured them in a very short time."--Mrs, Enoch Mitchell, Box 129. Health It Kept, If You Observe This Obtain these famous medicines now at your nearest drug store, in tablets or liquid, or send 100 to Dr. Pierces Laboratory in Bridgeburg, 0nt., for a trial package ot any ot his 11eme- dies. Write Dr. Pierce, President Invallds' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., it you desire tree medical advice. "I teersate in recommending all ot Dr. Pieree's medicines knowing them to be good."--Mrs. Clifford Mitchell. '):rh 'CY" in our family at - home an d they "ear never failed to 'iF' give good results. The 'Golden Medi.. s :5, cal Discovery'was I if used as a. tonic pm, blood purifier also for bronchial trouble and it proved excellent. I myself have taken the 'Discovery' tor bronchial trouble and Dr. Pieree's Favorite Prescription to build me up when I was rundown, and they were both very beneficial. LEAVE YOUR WASHING AND LAUNDRY TRTT US Self Preservation-Nature/s / First Law-Heed It! 2": xx ' I , = rd Au if " "essvc lest, ' t if Dual Purpose Fowl BRED TO LAY 450 eggs from 20 pullets November and December Note the Address: 219 King St. How's Your Liver? MAPLE LEAF DRIVE ELVERSTON PARK WESTON SKEANS & HOOPER, 171 Yonge St., Toronto, Solicitors for the said executors Rhode Island White NOTICE TO CREDITORS CHICKS il, E WHITLOCK Preserve Your Strength ORDER YOUR Mrs. Neish LAUNBRY NOW Tillsonburg, Ont.-"Ever since I can remember, Dr. Pieree's medi- cines were used WESTON WESTON Members of the L. O. B. A. Waited on W. H. Hamilton, Carleton Place, with the gift of a life membership, in honor of his 85th. birthday, giving Mrs. Hamilton a handsome bouquet. Miss Stella Sly, mail courier in the Franktown district had a breakdown on the road, and bravely carried the mail bags' through snow and slush until she placed them on the train in schedule time. St. John, N.B.-A scheme that is intended to p'revent mistakes and facilitate the forwarding of unac- eompanied women and girls from their Canadian port of debarkation to their Canadian destinations has been arranged by the department of i1.mi.9:ration and colonization, and ‘will henceforth be adopted for all such nessentrers arriving on Can- adian Pacific ships at Montreal, Quebec or St. John. In order to prevent confusion when all pas- sengers are hastening to leave the ship, and to prevent inconvenience to women and girls, it has been arranged that the matron aboard the ship shall supply each unaccom- panied woman with a small ribbon for use as a special means of identi- heation. This ribbon will be Worn at the time of landing. A red rib. bon will identify those proceeding west of Ontario and a blue one those destined for that province. Passes. gers proceeding to any other points will wear white ribbons. When there are special government parties a yellow ribbon in addition to the red one will designate a party for Saskatchewan; sky blue in addition to red for Manitoba, and brown in addition to red for Alberta. In ad- dition to a staff of stewardesses on all Canadian Pacific ships there is also a matron whose special duty is to attend to the welfare of women and children travelling alone. i T. Rathwell of Innisville lost a valu- able horse through blood-poisoning, a. sore on one of its feet becoming in- fected. The sheds of the English church at Carleton Place were totally destroyed by fire last week, a loss of several hundred dollars. Around Collin's Bay, a few miles from Kingston, so many farmers and auto parties were stopped and looted that the city finally offered a hand- some reward for the capture of any gunman, dead or alive, Not a single hold-up occuring after this proclama- tion. A deputation will be sent from Gode- rich to press the Dominion Govern- ment for the necessary harbor im- provements. Montreal-Montreal harbor is one of the finest in the world, and it has a fine old custom of honoring the captain of the first trans-Atlan- tie vessel that arrives there when the shipping season opens. About fifty years ago Captain Howard, then harbor master, originated the Idea of presenting a tall silk hat to the first Captain to arrive with a trans-Atlantic ship of any kind, freight or passenger, or both, Das- scnger and freight. For about thirty-five years the custom con- tinued-the first captain to arrive every spring got his tall silk hat. About fifteen years ago silk hats lost some of their ponularity as fashions changed. At that time Mr. M. P..Fennell, Junior, now General Manager of Montreal Harbor, con- ceived the plan of presenting the captain " the first trans-Atlantie vessel with a itold-headed cane, ind discontinuing the old silk hat. The cane custom continues in vogue. The presentation of the srold-headed cane is an interesting event in Montreal shinning circles Last year the pre- sentation was made bv the president of the Montreal Harbor Commis- sioners on board the ship of the winning captain in the open air, where the movineP picture men could record the incident. MontrenU-The C. P. R. Windsor Station, Montreal, and the Grand Central Station in New York are now forty minutes closer to each other, as the Delaware and Hudson Railway have decided to accelerate the night train from Montreal so that the departure time will be 9 Fm., instead of 8.20 p.m., although the arrival time in New York will be the same, namely 7.30 am. The train will also be elevated to the dignity of a name instead of being as it has hitherto been merely a number, and will henceforth be known as the New York Limited. According to Mr. James Fitz Simonds, of the Delaware & Hudson Railway, pros-, peets of travel from the United States to Canada during the coming season are excellent, and the steadily increasing volume of passenger bust- ness has induced the management of, his railway to o to the additional; expense of JLit,'ratl'i,, the service', between Montreal and 'ide York. 3 : Tr. f,eiifieiif Pi,'dffgf 21:02:60!)- erehggqu d at Meg- il’v‘a af/g-YW"-, ',ij,'iifr,' thi 5% time to underta e yn' opera; Hang; Although there w? many 1tireeTi1 {min 1038: o 'Pgtt, handled f' tlye audio: " during the coming qtziniiri'r; ‘t . hctels will not be called upon I handle any heavier traffic than last' year, in his opinion. Tight money will tend to keep tourist travel down; he thinks. . l Vancouver. - Alterations to the Hotel Vancouver, about which tumors have been rife for several months, will certainly not be under- taken this year, declared Mr. An- drew Allerton, manAfer-imchief of Canadian Paeifie hate s. "The prev eat Inote] is quite ample to fitrfdg t e he“ w . o e ' I : Ci. 'jYitt't-i.' $311133 l? mastica- Toronto.-The employee: of the C. P. R. London Division in Toronto terminals gathered at the head of.. hee, Simcoe street. in order to show their respect for former Chief Superintendent F. M. Rutter. Rich- ard Malloy, who occupied the chair. referred to the importance of the occasion and called on A. Maynes, division master mechanic, and Chief Ihspateher James Wansbury who, in their modest manner, and in the language of railroad men, presented Mr. Rutter-who has been tram- feared to London-with a handsome go'd watch and chain and puts. of gold. . r TIMES d GUIDE. WESTON 2ail way News in Brief i open. Itll may o 'Pgtt, Edict! " ytziniiri'r; ‘t “ iled upon , [fie than last' Uses any Cap. The Red Seal will operate perfectly with any standard make of cap, but we recommend Red Seal Bottle Caps, which fit all standard bottles. One gross (144) of these caps will he enclosed with Capper for an additional 500., their cost price. Saves you Money. The Capper costs you only $2.00 (with caps $2.50) and will save you many times that amount by cutting out waste and breakages in your bottling. Get one to-day. You can't loser. You men who bottle your own "home-brew" know how neces- sary and difficult it is to get it air-tight. Get a Red Seal Bottle Capper and your troubles are over. The Red Seal Capper does it 'tight," does it air-tight and does it without wasting the contents or breaking the bottle. Your wife will also find it handy in putting up her tomato catsup, etc., in the fruit season, or bottling orange or lemonade for picnics. There's a hundred uses for it around the house. No home should be. without one. Lasts a lifetime. It is strongly made of tough iron, heavily enamelled, and has a polished wooden base. The Capper comes to you in an attractive carton, ready to set up. Four screws are sup- plied which are used for fastening down the upright to the base. It can be set up or taken down in a jiffy by anyone. Caps any bottle. The Red Seal Bottle Capper is equipped with two extra cork linoleum mats, which with its unique adjusting feature insures perfect air-tight capping on 33 sizes of bottles, rang- ing from six inches to fifteen inches in height. Why do this? It's dangerous. It's expensive---- it breaks bottles, as well as wastes the contents. It's not air-tight. It's unscientific. It's unclean. Stop taking chances-Order a Red Seal to-day. SAL.ES OFFICE: 2850 DUNDAS ST. WEST, TORONTO. JCT. 1836 WORKS AND LABORATORIES: 130 SPEARS AVE., MOUNT DENNIS THE OLD "OUT OF DATE" way Touring Car $535 All Prices are F.0.B. FORD, ONTARIO buy where your money goes furthest is just another way of saying -- BUY A FORD h, A. GRAHAM PHONE 292 THE OLD WAS. THE RED SEAL AGENCIES E BOTTLE CAPPER SAFELY It the Red Seal Bottle Capper does not prove satisfactory in every way, and do all that we claim for it, your money will be cheer- fully refunded on its return to us. It Solves the Bottle Capping Problem Coupe............ ....... 840 Sedan......... ........./930 Chassis ........ ... Runabout......... Truck Chassis ...... Ford Garage Service Station Main Street THE RED SEAL GUARANTEE A KAPPING KLIMAX The RED SEAL improved E The New Red Seal Way Starting and Electric Lighting on above $85 extra QUICKLY ECONOMICALLY Completely equipped THEI NEIW "RED SEAL” WAY-The Better Way It's safe. It's economical in cost. It’s simple to operate. It's capping is air-tight. It's sanitary. It's dependable. It's practically unbreakable. Bead The Red Seal Guarantee. . $445 . 495 . 575 WESTON Mailed to any address In Canada, post paid. Send Post Office Order, Express Order, Marked Cheque, or Money Order-latter pay-. able at Bank ot Montreal. West Toronto. PRICE COMPLETE ' 2 . O o PAGE SEVEN

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