Weston Historical Society Digital Newspaper Collections

Times & Guide (1909), 10 May 1922, p. 7

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r I 'i'i',srit'i'r'tia.l, :0 WEDNESDAY, MAY 10TH, 1922 On Sunday evening May 14th. Rev. Dr. Seager Provost of Trinity College will occupt the Pulpit ot St. John's Anglican Church. St. John's Anglican A. Y. P. A. have decided to enter the Tennis League ot the Anglican, Church this year, and will also have a Soft Ball Team. The grounds are being made ready tor these important events. In the old Presbyterian church, on Sunday next Mothers' Day will be ob- served. Addresses by the pastor and music furnished by the mothers. All Mothers are urged to be present and assist in the service. The regular meeting ot the west- minister Womans Missionary Society will be held in the Church Parlors on Tuesday May 16th. at 3.00 p. m. All the Ladies of the Church are given a heart invitation. "Mothers' Day" will be celebrated in the Methodist Church on Sunday next, morning and Evening. Special music by the Mothers. and addresses suitable tor the'occasion. Mrs. Moore of Toronto spent the week end with her father, Dr. Charl- ton. The many friends of Mrs. John Tor- rance, Albion Road sympathise with her in her recent accident, in which she suffered from a. fractured elbow. She is improving although still con- fined to Grace Hospital. On Thursday Evening the May Quarterly Board Meeting of the Metho- dist Church will be held. A good turn out of the members is asked tor, as this is the closing meeting for the Church year.. Miss Gladys Jones of Ottawa was the guest; ot Mr. and Mrs. B. Gram Main St. for the week end. The A. Y. P. A. of St. John's paid awvisit to ,the Ontario Legislature on Tuesday Evening, and heard several of the prominent statesmen of our province discuss matters of national importance and interest to all loyal Canadians. The many friends of Mrs. Duffy, Rosemount Ave. are pleased to see her out again after being confined to the house for several weeks. Rev. Father William Kelly formerly of Midland, has been temporially ap- pointed Priest of St. John's Giorge St. succeeding the late Father . J. Staley. We extend a welcome to Father Kelly and trust his appointment may be permanent. On Thursday evening of this week the Methodist Mission Circle will hold their Study Class at the home ot Mrs. L. Coulter, King St. A most interest- ing meeting is looked forward to. The address to be given by Mrs. F. W. Moffat on Medical Mission work in the North West, promising an evening of both profit and pleasure. A hearty in- vitation to all the young Ladies. A ”than-- . _'"-'"- in St. John's Parish Hall on Monday Evening. with the Vicar in the chair. Important matters relative to the wel- fare ot the Parish were carefully coo- sidered and tiu1ly discussed. On ac- count of th importance ot these mat- ters and the limited time at their dis- posal, it was decided to adjourn the meeting till next Monday Night. At this meeting definite actions will doubt- less be considered. “\W “713' 'a 38 MAIN ST. NORTH EEEd Pulpit E h BLOW-OUT WILL SNil, mm HOLIDAYS - AVOID TIRE ' TROUBLE BY BRING- l Blil THEM Ti) special Vestry Meeting was held - " _ w," H. 15-..,1..." Personal Paragraphs" Kindly send or phone in the names of your visitors. We want all the news. No charge for items under this head. WEARE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED TIGER TIRES F A lifhfi's BUSINESS FAILED, SUICIDE WAS THE ONLY BM OUT. TO-DAY h FAILING BUSINESS MAY BE BUILT IP BY JUDICIOUS ADVERTISING. h FLOURISHING BUSINESS MAY BE IM- PROVED BY TIE SAME MEANS. TRY IT. USE THIS SPACE AND WATCH THE RESULT. IN THE OLDEN DAYS Where Workmanship is a Feature (Next Door to Longstaff’s) of the" West- The Weston Vulcanizer . Nicholls On Thursday Evening of this week, the Methodist Church Mission Circle will hold their regular Study Class at the home of Mrs. L. Coulter, King st. On Friday evening, May 12, a prac- tice of the Mothers' Choir will be held in the Methodist Church. The choir leader extends to the mothers of the congregation a most hearty invit- ation to attend this practice and come out and assist witlrthe service of praise on Sunday May 14th. On Tuesday evening May 16th. the Congregational "at Home" of the Methodist Church will be held from 8 to 10 p. m. This promises to be a very interesting event in connection with the years work. of the Church as it will include the re-opening of the school Room. after re-decorating and painting all interested in the Church are given a most cordial invitation to come and spend a social evening to-. gegier. Sunday being the Anniversary of St. Johns Church, special services were held for the occas10n. In the Morning, the Vicar gave a brief account of the history of the Church dating back and covering the period of its removal to the present sire. Miss Edna Ryerson gave a violin solo. In the evening the Rector of Holy Trinity Church gave an excellent sermon on the "Greatest Common Denominator ofour Life." Miss Keefer gave a violin solo and Mrs, Leo Smith a vocal solo. The weekly service of the Methodist Young People was held on Monday under the direction ot the Missionary Society, 'Mrs. McDonald gave the ad, dress taking as a basis of her remarks. China and her needs and our Responsi- bilities. China with her vast resources, and'larg'e population was literally dy- ing of starvation along spiritual lines and the knowledge of the saving power of our Saviour. It was our duty to ask ourselves to what extent, we were re- sponsible to them in sending them the gospel message. In speaking of the fruits of Missionary work, she told of of our citizens as confined to their homes with sickness. Their many friends wish them a speedy return to health and strength. Mr. Wm. Paris of Toronto who has purchased the Rollinson house on John St. and intends coming to town this month is well known Captain of the famous Christ Church, cricket team. Miss Maxine Wisner, and Miss Rhoda Williton, two of our 10ca1 young Ladies, we are sorry to report are confined to the Western Hospital Toronto. Their many friends wish them a speedy re- turn home. " a young girl, a, personal friend who on her dying bed spoke of the wonderful love of Jesus repeating the beautiful Hymn "My Jesus I Love Thee" also a little Indian Girl, who after a few weeks stay at the Mission House, when stricken with Tubercular trom expo- sure, insufficent clothing and sur- roundings whispered in her last mom- ents "Jesus I Like You" So~the mes- sage reaches the heart of rich and poor in the same way, only to be 'ex- pressed in different phrases, but with the same meaning. Musical numbers by Miss Alma, Chapman, and vocal selections by Miss Smith and Mr. Cross provided an excellent musical pro- gramme. Next Monday Night will be Citizenship Night and the address will be-given by Councillor J. P. Allan. . We are carry to report, Councillor S. Macklin and Principal A. Pearson two WESTON F. C. PATTERSON Scarlett Road Box 507 Weston Cement 8uildig 8loeks Standard Shapes and Sizes. We T also make special shapes to order. i0jl'l'flhcr()RS, ATTENTHON Pattersa's Bry WI System NT-ii-g-gl Take notice further that a tenant who desires to vote upon said question must deliver, to the Clerk not later than the tenth day before the day ap- pointed for taking the vote a deelara- tion under The Canada Evidence Act, that he is a tenant whose lease ex- tends for the time for which the debt or liability is to be created, 01' in which the money to be raised by the fnoposed by-law is payable, or for at east twenty-one years, and that he has by the lease covenanted to pay all municipal taxes in respect of the property of which he is tenant other than local improvement rates. __ And that the 27th day of May, A.D. 1922, at three o'clock in the afternoon, at the Town Hall, in the said Munici- pality has been fixed for the appoint- .ment of persons to attend at the poll- Ing places and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk. In'Poning Subdivision' No. 3,-to be held in Town Hall. Gordon Harris, Deputy-Returning Officer. In Polling Subdivision No. 4, to be held in Duke Bros. store, corner Main and Denison Ave. Charles Wacey, Deputy-Returning Officer. tiiN7IWm-Generral gardening. C. It Morley, 252 Main St., Weston. w HOUSE FOR saLE-0n William St., brick veneer, all conveniences, six rooms, Pease furnace. Close to high and public schools. Apply owner, 110 William St. Take notice that the foregoing is a correct statement of the question to be submitted to the votes of the elee-, tors on the third day of June, A. D. 1922, between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon, at the following places. F In Polling Subdivision No. I, to be held in Fred Watson's house, Main St. Fred Sainsbury, Deputy-Returning Officer. a In Polling Subdivision No. 2, to be held in Council Chamber, Town Hall. Pe,rcsr_qr:tsenwyop,, A?eputsr - _0ffi_cel'. _ FOR nlcNT-Unturnished bathroom flat ot three rooms and sunroom. 27 Holley Ave., phone 365. waN"1'EI9---A small furnished house, for part ot the summer, within a. short distance of Weston golf grounds. Apply box 12, Times & Guide office, Weston. LOST-A small beagle hound. _ Ite- ward offered. Any person detaining same after this notice will be pro- secured. Mrs. Booth, King Street, Crescent, Weston. FOR SaLEjr--One fumed oak mantle- piece with bookcase, artistic de- sign, suitable for den or library. Price $35.00. Apply C. L. Moffat, 195 King St., Weston. "Are you in favor ot the Municipali- ty of Weston issuing thirty-year de- bentures for the purpose of raising $115,500 for an aadition to the High School to provide accommodation for ordinary High School instruction and for Vocational classes organized under tht provisions of The Vocational Edu- FOR SALE-? roamed solid brick house with 1, 2 or 3 acres ot land, just north of Weston, on good road. Orchard, good garden land. Apply Bert Irwin, 52 Main St., Weston. catidn FOR SiALI4D--Blaek driving horse, 4 years old, sound and well broken; also set of driving harness. Call after 5 p.m. 1281 Weston Road, Mount Dennis. REAL IRISH 1toSEs--The Horticul- tural Society has a few choice Irish roses (just imported) for sale. Price 70c. Any person wishing to secure some of these roses, call 120 King St., Weston, or phone 223. FOR. SALF--lled and black Currants, $3.00 per doz.; strawberries, 10c per doz.; raspberries, 400 per doz.; Sweetwilliams and Pinks, 400 per doz., also a. variety of other flow- ers. Apply A. Finch, Kingdon St., Westmount. l x-T-Z MOVING AND ItArSLNG--Buirdi11gs m Ned and raised, expert workman- ship. Apply to IV. J. Davey, R.R. 1, Maltou, phone Brampton 321r41. FOR s'aLE----130 Egg Incubator,deliv- ered to your station; hot water heated; self-regulated. Send tor catalogue. Georgetown Incubator Co., Dept. FL, Georgetown, Ont. A useful iron pump for spraying. Three. dollars. _ A six-inch brass dinner bell. Three dollars. "p FOR SALE-Barred Plymouth Ropk hatching eggs, $1.25 ‘per setting, from Guild bred-lo-lay strain. First class rooster for sale, $2.00 Apply Mr. Perkiss, Holley Ave. x-12-t JOHN MILLS W'HI’I‘E ORPINGTONS --1 have bred these birds for over f) years from some of the‘best breeders ot Canada and America. Hatching eggs for sale;" also hen hatched chicks, 300 and 400 each. Duck eggs and young dudklings for sale. Phone 537W or Box 79, Weston. Address Elverston Ave., 6 house east of 5th Ave., Weston. B that silver plated comet in case, a very nice instrument, forty dollars, bargain. A full size iron bedstead, like new Two dollars. A six-inch brass electric heater to stand on the table. Five dqllars. New. . A plated two-gallon double coffee or tea urn with two glam gages. Four dollars. Bargain. Gurney’s side beam scales, weigh 10 lbs., six dollars. Like new. "aNrPEu9--By young girl, a position at light housework in Weston. Ap- ply box 14, Times at Guide office, Weston. . Apply Shaw, 8 William St., Weston, Act?? J. H. TAYLOR, Clerk NOTICE THE TIMES AND GUIDE, WESTON x-14-lt Phone 548 A. R. SNOW h Few 3f hr Week-end Specials Butttr, per 1b. 41c, 43e, and .r....... Sugar, per 1b. Lard and Shortening perlb. ..........20c Fancy Biscuits, per 1b. MISS M. SOSNOWSKY CORSETIERE Representing the Spirella Co 131 King St., Weston Phone 183 ..[......25c,32c,35c Raisins, per 1b. 25c, 28c Currants, per 1b. . . .200 Choice Oranges,per doz. ............ ... .45c Grape Fruits. 2 for 250 Good Big Lemons All makes of Soap per cake ........-.8e A full line of Canned Goods, Breakfast Foods, Fruits, Gro- ceries, Cooked Meats, etc., to choose from. 165 Main Street South WESTON 165 Main Street South Phone 548 NEW STORE OPENED a” , 'll I I WE IPR night, Ma Iltll, , questmg Ell ill ‘ mencing ( l' I Illil Sentemhe A TRIAL ORDER SOLICITED _ .~ 1. . "tiq . w - ' . Ill . Vt i " Tq - 6%e and 7c .. 3 for 10e Phone 548 .. 45c N YOU NEED h USED CAR MW? mmvnlmxam: 'fs <p0rf.2ptyt'sy.s"'tusWtry%s5iur,Gyrer:t_ Jraissi: To start this property r intend to sell a few lots only at Jiiiii Easy terms. h money maker. For pariiculars apply -iiiiN" > RIs M/ . . Fealillhi' I " 4;] a” A; l tiafel 1sti"c, PtTalItil L. " V Fy r . * " "CLC-it-rl-ic?-,:',); "irrgrei2% 1* - "icii-Ei'gii', 'a Isl' , I v Mim w y "3 . . "I " s "a"??? » 3 K, 2 . ller foot , -..',./\‘w ‘ 's'i1isiss" 'ff. . I Run“ A._ “I "iii't1?c,t?sit7,,S " =--- _ " Phone 410 gxiii-eston PHONE 317 New Pelmo Park Sub-division Eagle Garage We have all kinds and makes and these cars are well wort looking over. These cars were all dfiven bv first-cla and are in excellent condition We guarantee these cars to be in perfect.mechanical condition . J. tiiyliii(sAlll,,,',,,,, The Town Councilmest respectfully asks the hearty co-opera- tion of all classes of citizens in making a success of this movement. Preetahned pursuant to the instructions of the Town Council this 8th day of May, 1922. I To carry out this request of the Town Council it will be neces- sary that all clocks and watches be advanced one hour at two am. an Sunday, the 14th day of May, 1922. _ ROBERT l FLYNN, ESQ, MAYOR OF TIE , "ill"" A i _ TOWN OF WESTON ._"r' ,rr-w "m,', "'h, l CHANGE (Ill TIME FROM ' -. ' _ MAY 14th to SEPTEMBER 14th, l922 _ - WHEREAS the Town Council at its meeting held on Monday night, May 8th, 1922, instructed that a proclamation he issued _re questing the citizens to observe a period of Daylight Saving, com- mencing at two o’clock am. Sunday, May Mia, and continuing until September 14th, 1922. F. BEND, Manager R. J. FLYNN, Mayor can SAVE THE KING Opp. class FIVE! Resideneep1r3 WESTON i i: '. l 1‘ tf f- I 'e. x5. ' "r"-: a A 3.. _ I; F y: '. _"-- 1 xi F .5. I PAGE FIVE 1/

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