'tii " , , " _ u . . ( ‘ M "" ' "I' " u _ " ‘ e I r " . u _ um 'm l j " ' ‘ Q " " " ' ‘ "ii' _ » . l tri 2 . ' cr . a u 7 , ‘ M 'll . - " " ? 'i' " 2850 Dundas fit. West Junctian 5500 10c Royal Olive Soap 4 for 25c PAGE FOUR $1.00 Nestle‘s Food MECCA 2 for 250 $1.00 YEAST VITAMINE 50c William's Pink Pills - 75.c" Florida Water Below' you will find a list of Patents and Toilets which we are offering you at special bargain prices. Note the savings and be sure to visit our store in your Friday and Saturday buying.' FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, AUGUST 25 & 26: 75c Elcaya Creme 4h 320 45c dh Me 25c 1192 ' Sanderson’s CUT RATE DRUG STORE SERVICE AND VALUE ALWAYS CUT RATE DRUG STORES. ' , ST. CLAIR HARVEY SCYTHES, PROP. 3 for 25c 50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste 25c Steedman's Powders 15c Bath Soap 25c D jerkiss Talc ascarets Sk 25c astoria SNAP lik 32c Mk 40c 130 20c PAROWAX Ilk Fruitatives Unscented Let us show you Kodaks from our complete stock; they are priced as low as $6.50 and they're all Autographic. "Barefoot boy with cheek of tan"-here he is-you'" meet him afterwards in your Kodak albums With " Kodak you bring the trip back. PEARS $1.00 Ke11ogg's Asthma Remedy 7 5c Abbey's Salts $1.00 Dextro Maltese 25c uticura Soap flik 32c KODAK AS YOU GO 4lk 17c 720 50c 25c (ifle 25c 250 Royce Avenue Junction 2962 . 60c -- Forhan's Tooth Pastp 25c Baby's Own Tabs 100 in bottle 25c Carter's Liver Pills 2 for 25c Parke'si Cocpanut Shyypoo 50c Z ambuk 98c 390 $1.50 Nujol Mk, 14c lh 32e AVE. nan tor more than you can do, Then do it. Hitch your wagon to a star, Keep your seat, and there you are Miss Murie Tushingham spent a few days with relatives in the city last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bracken visited with relatives at Caledon East on Sun- day, Misses Bernice and Edith return- ed home with their parents after a well-spent holiday with friends there. Miss L. Peacock is spending a‘week with Mrs. and Mr. B. Irwin and Miss M. Pacoek of Weston, at a cottage ab Rice Lake. Miss L. McBrien of Brooklyn, Miss G. Bartley and Miss L MeBrien of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Burke of West- mount, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Rogers on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, C; Rawson and baby Rawson of East Toronto are spending a few days with relatives on Scarlett Rd. [ Mr. Johnson, Mrs. L. Worgan and Master Jackie Worgan of Multan, visited Mr. C. Worgan and Mrs. Wor- gan, Sn, on Sunday. Mr. J. Creighton is spending a few holidays with relatives and friends in Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. H. Harris of were visitors with Mr. and Bean on Sunday. Mrs.' A. Arrnstrlsng of LocusE Hill spent a" few. days last week with her mother, Mrs.' D. Scott. "V Miss Mae Dickens ist Pinegrove is vis/tMg her cousin, Miss P, Chapman, Workmen have been busy during the past few weeks in placing new trans- formers for the Hydro Electric. on Church St. There seems to have been some carelessness on the part of the men in the matter of blocking the road and in placing their heavy ma- terial, have dug holes in the pavement. Could/ not some better methods have been used and in this Way saved the pavement, low trucks are available for carrying the material and by using them, much time and energy could have been sewd. A most enjoyable evening was held at the home of Miss Evans when a number of the Pastime Club members together to spend a social hour and make a presentation to a couple of their members, Miss E. Laver and Miss U. Prewett. “A short address was given and a handsome Cream and Sugar set given to Miss Laver, and to Miss Pre- wett, a cut glass Comfort Set. Fol- lowing this, a miscellaneous shower, given Miss Laver by,her friend, Miss. Evans. Real Estate is selling well. Many houses and lots are changing hands and the pleasing part is, most of the pur- chases are by people who are unmous to own their own home. The cry is for more houses of a certain type, C0i11- fortable homes running in the neighi bourhood orfrorn 4,500 to (5,000. The agents are beseiged with buyers for houses of this description, and have very few'to offer. Too many are building houses of an inferior grade or else too high priced for the average man to finance. With the demand is there not some way of supplying it, A company could take up this matter and build a modern house with good finishings and convenience to sell around this figure, thug supplying the people with what they "need and are looking for and at the same time have a paying proposition for the money ir1- vested. ' Sunday, Aug. 27th, will he held 4'15 Flower Sunday in the Methodist Church. The children are asked to bring flosirers by S.30 a.1n. to the Church where a committee will ‘be in charge. They will be used for to de- corate the Church and after the even- ing service will be 'talcea to the Sick Children'? Howital to cheer the little ones shut' in from the flowers and blue skies. Rev Dr. Crews will preach at both _ services. _ , t ' The Pastime Club will hold their re- gular meeting on the second Monday in September. Miss J. Pinchin has returned home from .a visit at Windsor. _ , Mr. Beamish returned home this week after spending a vacation camp- ing at Port Credit. ' The question has been asked by many ' Why does not an enterprising Druggist. on the look out for a lo- cation, come to Islington? With the growth of the-past few years, there is a splended opportunity for business. It would also be a convenience for the people and build up the business see- tion of the village. Business means growth. If any of your friends are looking for location, point put to him the advantages of Islington. A .most notable improvement was made on the Bank corner this week by the cutting of the wpedsraround the premises. Doubtless/in the near futu.re, a larger building, will be need- ed to carry on the business and the erection of a modern Bank. Rev, Ryerson Tourg is taking a va cation for the balance of this month. TOWNSHIP OF ETOBICOKE Miss Riley, of Emery, and Miss Louise Stewart, of Thistletown, left on Friday for a trip to the Catskills, New York. _ Mrs. Wm. Kingdom and children returned home last week after a holi- day spent at Dwight, Lake of Bays, Muskoka, Thistletown can now boast of two Radio Stations. Last week one of the stations tuned in on New York City and Syracuse, and heard some of their best productions. Every evening they tune in on the Star Radio. On Sunday evening, Aug. 27th, the Rev, Ben. Spence will preach in the Methodist Charch, the service being held under the auspices pt the Domin- ion Alliance . All interested in the temperance work of Canada will be in- terested to-note this fact. Mr. Spence is; a forceful speaker, one fully ac- quainted with the movement, its aims and achievements and will be able to give valuable information on this, im- portant national issue'. p Under the auspices of the' Athletic Club an ekceilent Field Dag of sports will, be held this Wednesday. The programme includes sports of all kind. On Thursday night the Epworth League friends are holding a corn roast at the home of Mr. Henry Barker. An enjoyable time is lacked forward too. . T HUMBERVALE THISTLETOWN ISLINGTON an chew; Toronto, Mrs. H. THE TIMES AND GUIDE Etobicoke Council held their regu- lar meeting on Monday last with Reev'e Gardhouse in the chair. Plans for the Wm. Manning sub division on Bloor Sto was approved and passed. The tender of Ed. Watson to build the local Pumping Station for the Township on the Church St., property, north of Qneen St., was accepted at 3,500. Contracts were also let for the grading of roads at Humber Bay. A resolution was passed to be for- J. T. Farr & Son, local agents for,| most plausible ( the Dodge Brothers Motor Cars, are‘ for, this imports going further afield for business, haw! trusted to Lloyd ing taken over the agency for the south most popular ac end of Peel County in addition to the} the camera todt Weston section. Headquarters will be to win the beeur at Cooksville, with Mr. Wilfred Farr while it looks a in charge of the branch., Offices and ing to succeed, showrooms will be opened shortly and and in a singul a complete service given to the' distrietl sets everything covered by this agency. These men| ‘Some of the feel they have a real car to give to the production are tl people and invite inspection and a I powered racing, chance to demonstrate their cars. three-storv build In addition to this is to be added the debenture rate/which is not com- piled as yet, But will, mean when com- pleted some of the sections are pay- ing nearly 70 mills tax rate. WESTON AGENCY A resolution was passed to be for- warded to the Council, asking that the City Levy be made at the regular meeting in February. The reason for this request being that as the levy is not made tiil the June meeting, the Township is forced to make a guess to the yearly rate in order to have their tax papers made out. As the rate varies from year to year they are unable to make an accurate levy and in many cases strike it too low and when the official figures are is- sued by the County Council, they, are forced to take this amount from the regular Township taxes. At a special meeting of the Council held last week, the tax rate was fixed for this year as far as 'possible. The Township general rate will run at 23 2-10 as follows; County, 6 3-10; Town- ship, 12 mills and Town School, 4 9-10. The trustees rates for the various sections will be as fonowsr-section I, 13 mills; Section 2, 6 6-10; Section 3, 11 8-10; Section 4, 2 3-4; Section 5, 23 7-10; Section 6, 5 4-10; Section 7, AL 8-10; Section 8, 13 7-10; Section 9, 5 5-10; Section 10, 9 5-10; Section 11, 20 3-10,"Sectidn 12, 19 1-2; Section 13, 5 7-10; Section 14, 8 8-10; Section- 15, 12 1-10; Section 16, 17 8-10. , coming season, All to go at . - $3.95 h large stock of YOUTHS’ AND YOUNG MEN’S “FIRST UNB" Suits, double and single breasted models, in hair-line stripes; fancy tweeds and worsteds, suitable for high school Wear. A quantity of juvenile suits, from 3 tir? years in tweeds, suitable for _ lllll 1lllrvellltlll eSharitrs School Opening Sale of Clothing 11111 :for Boys and Youths:â€" f1 EXTENDS TERRITORY BOYS' BLOOMERS , WESTON 'iiiiiii 5St,ili,,,sfli,l/,),r,,l,,i,l,]?p'5S C ' Aa/s tirdaysSliop T , $14.95 nSSllllf flilllllfllt (ll ANNEHE n POSSIBLE ROBBERY Man Found Unconscious Early Monday Morning and Indi- ' cations Point to Robbery powered racing ear,--the binning a? a three-story building and a rescue from Mystery surrounds the finding of a man in the early hours of Monday morning. The discovery was made at 12.30 n.m., when Mr. A.,Ruthven of 2161 Dundas St., and who is an ern- ployee of the Transportation Com, mission, was found lying unconscious on Annette Street. He was assisted to Number 9 Police Station, where evi- dence was obtained that he had ap- parently been robbed as the unfortun- ate man informed the police that he had a wrist watch and about $20.00 in ate man informed the police that he had a wrist watch and about $20.00 in cash. This suspicion was practically confirmed when it was discovered that two fo his pockets were turned inside out. Later he was able to be taken to his home and the police will further investigate the matter. ' _ Man Stricken Symptoms point to the possibility that the man was suffering from an apopletic fit, which may have been brought on as, the result of the at- tack, or that he was in this helpless condition when robbed, if such was the case and circumstances. ‘Some bf tfie Jig, moments " the production are the wregkiqg of a high- Mark and Thom, his young bride, played by Edward Hearn and Barbara Bedford. There/rs a villain-naturally ---and, in this particular instance, a most plausible and fascinating one-- for, this important role has been eh- trusted to Lloyd Whitlock, one of the most popular actors appearing before the camera today. He does his best to win the beautiful Thom, and for a while it looks as though he were go- ing to succeed, but Fate' intervenes, and in a singularly appealing climax, sets everything right. _ This great picture, which was adapted to the screen from the worlds famous nbvel of the same name by Johan Bojer, deals with the adventures and misadventures of Dr. Harold A rare treat is promised patrons of the Beaver Theatre by Manager Cav- anaugh, who announces with a great deal of pride that Friday and Satur- day he wil lshow "The Face of the World," Irvin V. Willat's newest pro- duction for Hodkinson release. E; 178 Two Bloomer Sits, mostly dark fall tweeds in greys and browns, including a quantity of fine blue serge suits for school open- ing; at _ S tt . tt s Si) Boys’ Tweed of better quality. Marked down to clear at 124 Boys’ Tweed Bloomer kits, values up to $13.50. Sale price TMt-r-rt T $5.75 For eur Boys? and Youths’ School Opening Sale we are prepared to Show a stock of clothing that cannot be equalled regarding quality quantity and price. Suits of all fabrics and patterns, i from size 24 to 36, from s SS s u p , the flarnes,--whieh by the way, almost cost Edward Hearn his life when the scene was being photographed. "The Face of the World" is one production which the good people of The District simply cannot afford to miss UNIQUE ROLE FOR Star Again Displays Remarkable Versatility in Her New Goldwyn Picture, "Always the Woman†_ , BIRTHS MALLABY--on Wednesday, August 16th, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Mallaby, corner Main and Humber St., Weston, a daughter. ring production made for Goldwyn re- lease, "Always the Woman," coming to the Beaver theatre for two days beginning lrednesday, is presented in the role of Celia Thaxter, a slangy Yew York vaudeville performer, who IS a member of u. troupe of entertain- ers en route to the Far East on a Mediterranean steamer. Other pas- sengers on the boat are Kelim Pasha, an Egyptian statesman; Reginald Stanhope, his personal jackal; an American suffering from shell shock, Boone by name, and his wife, and Mahm'ud, an Egyptian mystic. Mrs. Boone is taking her husband to the East because of her mad infatuation for Kelim Pasha. Because of his posi- tion Kelim cannot openly make over- tures to Celia, whom he covets, so he 1ireeiStarihope to win the girl for him. But the girl, 'although she con- sents to' marry Stahhope, is highly in- terested in the sufferings of Boone. Kelim and his companion learn of Mahmud's secret and Kelim agrees to organize an expedition to proceed to th hidden tomb, with a joint object of possessing both the treasure and the girl. When the caravan is well into the desert Kelim's true nature is re- vealed and he makes advances Jo Ce- lia. When she calls on Stanhope to protect her she learns that Stanhope is in reality only the miserable tool of Kelim. From this juncture the story carries the principals of the drama through unusually stirring and inter- esting action, and again brings to light Miss Compson's remarkable screen talents. Boone by name, and his wife, iii) Mahm'ud, an Egyptian mystic. Mrs Boone is taking her husband to the East because of her mad infatuatior for Kelim Pasha. Because of his mm: Mahmud recognizes in Celia the re- incarnation of the ancient Queen of Egpt, Neco-Tokris, and tells her that he knows the location of a hidden tomb in which the treasures of Neeo- Tokris have lain undiscovered for cen- turies. Celia, at first doubtful ot'_the probability of Mahmud's revelations, finally accepts his story because of the promise of sudden wealth. Betty C __ ,___V.w- W Always the Woman," coming Beaver theatre for two days $6.95 a Thaxtér, a slangy eville performer, who J. _troupe of entertain- BETTY COMPSON yd1Lu?.y.1ils_Dsfy, AUGUST 23RD, 1922 illilSlilllll SECRETARY WIIIIES IEIIEII Miss Warne Sends Her Apprea ciation of 1Veston's Hospi- tality During Her Visit Friends of the Grenfell Missio1uwlid were so delighted with Miss Warne's illustrated talk on June 25th on the work, will be glad to know that slit.) has written to express her very great appreciation of the hospitality she rea ceived in Weston, and the great pleas:. ure it gave her to meet the. members pf the committee on the occasion w thoughtfully arranged for by Mrs. and Miss Briggs. In her letter ‘she say i-, speaking of cor1ditioris down th‘erg "I am receipt of a letter from Mrs; Grenfell saying that she and Dr. Gran: fell are at White Bay, Nfld., at present where the conditions are most deplor- able. Though they took with them on the Strathcona, several bales of clothingdor distribution, they were still short and so intercepted the steam'er- North and secured two more. One of, these was the very splendid bale from Weston and Mrs. Grenfell says a better selection of articles etc., etc., could not have been made for the needs., Your splendid gifts could not have been better chosen." There is more in the same veiit which will be very interesting reading: at the annual meeting of the Weston Branch on the first Thursday in Not ember. Miss enclosed a snapshot of Miss Warne enclosed a snapshot of Coupton, who is certainly a fine 1oolry ing litd. A special effort will be made in October to raise the necessary amount and thus give interested; friends the privilege of, assisting. 'Too Arained," he said, "too strayin- ed. Don't think of each other en the, time. Just look pleasant." 7 A The photographer was baking a iiris, ture of a _newly-engaged pair, and there was some difficulty in getting the right experssion. . DALTON--MACKAY - At Dotret- court Road Presbyterian Church, on Tuesday, Aug. 22, by the Rev. H. / J. Mackay, assisted by the Rev. E: Morley, Margaret Boyd, side, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mari _ Mackay, of Toronto, to Frederi T Keith Dalton, son of Mr. and Mrs. J-J.. Dalton, of Weston. MARRIAGES