Times & Guide (1909), 14 Feb 1923, p. 3

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I NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to “The Revised- Statutes _ of Ontario," I 1914, Chapter 121, and amendments ( thereto, that all creditors and others _ T..- .having claims against the Estate of the ' said William Thompson, who died on or I about the 19th day of April, 1922, are freguired on or before the 28th day of February, 1923, to send by post prepaid T {ordeliver to Messrs. Fraser & Thomp- son, Bank of Nova Scotia Building, " Weston, Ontario, solicitors for Arthur _ A. McFall and Henry Bteedon, Exeeu- xtors of the Estate ofthe said deceased, their Christian and surnames, address- es anddescriptions, the Juli particulars of 'their claims, verified by affidavit; _ and the nature of the securities, if any held éhy them. _lt,ijiyifyaTss' of meetings held gladly in- l serted free. In Memoriam Notices and Cards of Thanks, 50 per line; F minimum charge 25c. Birth, Mar- rxage and Death Notices, no charge. Classified Advts., Me per each inser- tion for ads. not exceeding six lines; over that 5c per each extra line, _Professlonal Cards and small stand- lng ads. not exceeding IW' single COL. $7.50 per year. Auction Sale Advertising, rates according to size and number of insertions. Display .. Matter Rates on application. L' ALIA MATTER FOR PUBLICATION must be in the office not later than _ noon Tuesday. This is absolutely necessary to ensure insertion in the ' issue ot that weektd “H -- Gertrude Irene Wood, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, and Province of Ontario, married woman, will apply to the Parliament of Can- ada at the next Session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from .her husband, Jeffrey Malcolm Wood, of the said City of Toronto, Bond Broker, on the grounds of adultery and desertion. AND further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Ex- ecutors will ;proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased-among the par- ties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claimsaof which they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will, not be liable for the said assets " any partlthereof to any person or persons of whose claim noticeshall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. gnawed tor -dash. 7 t MANNING McEWEN, Auctioneer. IN THE MATTER of the Estate of William Thompson, late of the Town of Weston, in the County of York, gentleman, deceased. DATED the 26th day of January, 1923. V 63 Queen St, Ottawa, e x-u-tst Solicitor for said Applicant. VEHICLES-Rubber tired top bug- gy, rubber tired Open buggy, rubber tired open» carriage, steel tired open buggyLS cutters. Dated u the City of Ottawa, in the Province of Ontario, the 18th day of November, 1922, GEO. P. MACDONNELL, FOWL--75 hens; 100 pigeons; 4 ducks. HARNESS-set single harness, new; 1 set single harness. MISCELLANEOUS - Daisy churn, inew; International cream separator. , TERMS-All sums of $10 and un- der, cash; over that amount 6 months' credit on approved joint notes. 5% .0-13-3t WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28th at l pan. the following: HORSES-I bay mare, 5 years old. CATTLE-Red and white cow, due in March; black and white cow, due in March; black cow, due in March; black heifer, due in March; black and white heifer, due in March; red and black heifer, due in April; black and white heifer; black heifer; Nanny goat. All good milking strain. SWINE---White, sow, due April 23; white sow, due May 3; white sow, due May 10; white sow, due May 21; white sow, due May 25; white sow, due June 6; 40 young pigs, two months old; 7 store pigs; 7 fat hogs; fat sow; hog big, 2 yrs. old; lot of bacon type hogs. ' 1MPUNENTs--cutting box, Peter Hamilton; cultivator, hand seed drill, root Jy1letr,_lytg_tryfir. ,_ _ . _ CREDIT AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS i The undersigned has received in-. structions from THOMAS JOHNSON, Burnhamthorpe Rd., opposite Eaton Farm, to sell by public auction at his farm, lot 22, concession 2, Burnham-. thorpe Road, opposite Eaton Farm, the following, on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1923 'HORSES-Roan mare, G.P., aged 7 yrs.; roan mare, G.P., 10 yrs; black mare, G.P., aged 9 yrs.; black horse, aged, good Workgx; - at 1 _pm The undersigned has received in- structions from MRS, FRANK EA- GLE, Eagle House, Weston, to sell by public auction at the Eagle House, Westgn, on -V-e- -- -.. _ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1923 , WESTON i'ubushea every Wednesday by THE CHARTERS PUBLISHING co., LIMITED \ F S. CHARTERS, Pres. [ C. V. CHARTERS. See.-Treas. SUBSCRIPTION ItATBS--$2.00 per year In? advance to any address in Canada. $2.50 per year In advance to United sates. Single copies 5c. AWERTISING RATES-Legal Notices, li-per line for first insertion, 4c per line tor each subsequent insertion. Business Locals or Readers: 100 . C C line Josreaeh insertion. Church -, Society Notices of entertain- ; _ is, concerts, etc., where an a ission fee is to be charged or a _ epilection taken, we charge 5c per , line for each insertion. Meetings: Annoupcements of club, organization or society meetings, 50 per line for -"treh insertion; Tr.tinimytr,1,chettr,e, Mc. TIMESANI) GUIDE ‘. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that FEBRUARY 18TH, FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT 8.00 a.m.-Holy Communion. 11.00 amo.-Mattins. Preacher, "The Vicar." 3.90 pam-Sunday School and A.Y.P.A. Bible Class. 7.00 p.m.-Evensong. Preacher, "Ren S. H. Childs," Secretary of Trinity College. Organist: W. A. Greaves, Rectory Rd. Telephone 583w NOTICE OF APPLICATION l, FOR DIVORCE V FRASER & THOMPSON, Bank of Nova Seotia Building, K Weston, Git. Solicitors for the said Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS CREDIT AUCTION SALE ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH S: >WILSON, Manager. Main Street North REV. E. G. HUTSON, L.TH., VICAR [may 14, 1923 lcaug _ ya“ u; Euuu Aluluv LuinuAm WAGONS-rord truck, stake body, 1920 model, like new; market wagon, Collins axle; Bain wagon, gear; milk wagon, light; corn truck wagon; sulky cart; cutter; set of sleighs; McLaugh- lin buggy, steel tired; McLaughlin buggy, rubber tired. IMPLEMENTS - Massey Harris binder, in good order; Massey Harris disc drill, 13 drills and chains; Massey Harris team corn cultivator; Massey Harris three-horse cultivator; Massey Harris team cultivator; [pole truck for binder, new; set of barrows, 4 section; set of two section harrows; mower, McCormack, in good order; Massey Harris 1% h.p. gas engine; Iron Age team potato sprayer, six row attach- ment, new; o. K. planter, potato; Hoover digger, I-horse attachment; turnip drill; 1 land rollecrgarden drill with wheel hoe attachment; team horse hay rake, new; Fleury plow, No. 21, with Tinkler wheel; Fleury .plow, Na 21, without wheels; old plow; Massey Harris disc; set of wagon springs, 4000 cwt.; Chatham fanning mill with bag- ger; set of scales, 1200 capacity; root pulper; boiling Jrettle, 80 gal.; corn rack; hay rackdnew; horse cultivator; 3 rain barrels; vinegar barrel; Water trough; f? water barrels; ~corn planter; corn schellar; De Laval cream separ- ator, new; butter bowl and spoon; Daisy churn, new; 2 butter crooks; 3 pair ice tongs; 3 logging chains; 2 crowbars; wheelbarrow; several sets doubletrees; 2 feed boxes; 2 ladders; easilage fotlc; three 5 gaL oil cans; hay knife; Ji5 grain bags, cotton; bus. boxes, large quantity; gg hotbed baskets, new,; 24 lbs. of arsenic of lead; 2 pair of good horse collars. iirRNEss--set of buggy harness; set of team harness. FURNITURE - Bedroom set; 2 tables; lounge; sideboard; washstand', cupboard; big oil lamp; cook stove; Quebec heater, new; coal oil heater, new. CATTLE "r" Thoroughbred, _Bessie Aeltze Dekol 2nd, full flow, due July 12th; grade Holstein cow, full flow, due Sept. lst; grade Holstein cow, full flow, due Sept. 15th; Hol- stein cow, full flow, due Sept. 10th; Holstein cow, fresh, due Oct. 5th; Ho)., stein,cow, fresh, due Sept. 25th; Hoi- stein cow, fresh; Holstein cow, fresh; black cow, fresh; black cow, fresh; Holstein bull, 1 yr, old. GRAIN--300 bus, American Banner vele1t1; quantity of bay. , “A TERMS-man Grain, Fat Cattle and Fowl, cash; truck, half cash at time of sale. All sums of $25, and under," cash; over that amount six' months' credit on approved joint notes. 6 per cent. per annum allowed for cash. FowL---g0 Ancona fiGs, -faised from prize winning stoek; 1 pair guinea fowl. - __ - _ _ - FURNITURE-kitchen table, cop- board; churn; milk pails; strainer; plqngen. . _ A _ FOWI}:3 geeie and i gander; 100 Plymouth Rock hens and 4 roosters. HARNESS-set of road harness; 2 sets plow harness; 8 horse collars; neckyokes, whiffletrees, forks, shovels and other articles too numerous to mention; a number of empty bags. IMPLEMENTS - Massey Harris binder, cut six crops; Massey Harris mower, in good repair; cultivator; 4 sectiohs of barrows; 2 scufflers; Ver- ity plow; International 2-furrowed plow, new; Fleury plow; Adams wagon; set of farm trucks; cutter; hay rack; 2 pumps; set of 'ropes, slings and pulleys; hay fork; flat sleigh; hay rake, Cockshutt; wheel- barrow; fanning mill. The undersigned has received in- structions from GUS FOWLER, to sell by public auction at his farm, Lot 13, Concession A., Etobicoke, 1 mile north of Islington, on Many other ariticles too numerous to mention. A qtiantity Jt hay; a lot of cut straw; a lot of long straw; 10 bags of seed potat?ts; 35 toy of -erysilage. _- No reserve, as owner is giving up farming. __ TERMS: Fowl, Hay, Straw, Potatoes and all su mot $15, and under, cash; over that amount 8 months' credit on approved' joint notes. 6 per cent. al- lowed for cash. JlORSES-Black gelding, G.P., 7 yrs. old; bay gelding, GR, 8 yrs. old; bay mare, G.P., 7 yrs. old; roan horse, aged, G.P. _ CATTLE-Holstein cow, fresh; Hol- stein cow, calf at food; red and'white cow, fresh; Ayrshire cow, in full flow of milk, due July 13th; red and white cow, full flow of milk, due Sept. 5th; Holstein cow, due April 9th; Holstein cow, in full flow of milk, due July 2nd. THURSDAY, MARCH IST, 1923 at 1tm.,,thtforlowi1w _ -- Sold in "plilll,ji'fi,rtlfflllk . aiiliiiiii'iiirrir, caucus-com menu-urns MONEY BACK GUARANTEE MANNING MeE WEN, Auctioneer MANNING McEWEN, Auctioneer. CREDIT AUCTION SALE 12 Church Street, Weston Weston by Inch Drug Company, T. E. Richardson. S. H. Childs," Extension of the things that your sister Daisy said about you were evidently right. It is a case of a ring at any cost! I'm glad I have found you out. I won't break my heart any longer. I’ll find a girl who can give me all that you have refused!" Tom started. This was taking the wind out of his sails with a vengeance. "There, Thelma!" he said. "Or are you going to keep that ring of mine, my girl, and see if I eaa't give you the best time a girl has ever had? Go back to your shop if you want to, wait for him if you want to; but tell him to keep away if you are going to be Tom took a sharp breath. He stared at her for a moment as though to make quite sure that he had heard her properly, and then he laughed. Yes, he laughed with the bitterness that was scorching his very soul. "Right you are, Thelma," he said. "I accept your verdict. I have misjudged you. I thought you were made of bet- ter stuff. But I see I was wrong. Some "Thelma, are you going to take this rich man," Tom went on, ignoring the other, "and spend your life with a man who can't possibly be a companion to you? Are you going to throw away, your beauty, your youth, your hearts for the sake of the wretched gold he can give you, or are Fou going to do. as women have done from the immem- orial and wait for a mate-a mate whose years are your years, whose soul is your soul, who can give you at least youth, strength for strength? Thelma, I shall never ask you again. "Finished?" said Rathbone. "Yes" j "Well," Rathbone said quietly, "per- haps I'll be permitted to say a few words. Are you going to keep your promise to Ine, my girl? No. I won't put it like that. I'll give you back your promise. Yes, I do! Now! All your promises! Take this young chap if you want him.” my wifel" Thelma got to her feet. It wasn’t fair of Tom, she felt. That, of course, was her woman's way of excusing her- self for the thing she was about to do. “7‘21"“? LAS, Tam," she said, quietly. A've given my promise to Mr. Rath- bone, and I am content ttt stand by it.? "You're being an infernal young scoundrel!" growled Rathbone, coming suddenly to life. _ - _ And again the sharp, shooting sen- sation of shame and dislike ran through the girl. ' Yet, was it fair? "Now, look here!" said Rathbone, his voice much more quiet, using his cigar as a baton almost as he spoke. "What do you want?" / m, Ju"" 'FLVAAV'. / , "I had an engagement with Miss Dea-, con at twelve,” said Tom; "its ne’arly that now!" "An engagement! What right have you to----" _-_ - 7, - __ _ Tom. Rathbone turned to the girl. ( "Now, Thelma," he said, "just tell me this, my girl. Is there anything you want to say to this young chap which you don't want me to hear?" "I'll answer thatl" said Tom. "Eh?" demanded Rathbone, eyeing him furiously. was very grimly pale. What was go- ing to happen now. She was almost ready for anything else these days. "What do you want," Isaac snapped, taking his cigar from his mouth as he recognized Tom as the young fellow who had been at his house the previous evening. "Who are you?" "I'm Tom Goodwin l" said the boy. Rathbone gave a start and straighten- ed up. _ _ Tom looked at him for a moment dressl" and then said very quietly, and withi Thelma started. the utmost contempt in his calm young) "What?" she exclaimed; voice: I "My sister-Lady Tiverdale, you "Take your steps and be"--he glanc- _lrnow"--he always pronounced the name ed at Thelma-"and be blowedl" ifrom the bottom of his unctious snoir. Thelma gasped. Rathbone opened bish soul-" she's going'to be there. his mouth, and while he stood in open- I Her dressmaker and she's going to help mouthed amazement, Tom gave a silent you choose it! Now, only the best look. And to Thelma it seemed as l and the finest in the land fan you, my though there was something in that dear!" look-something calm, contemptuous,, Thelma sat up and began to take no- amazed, very proud-that was akin to tice. the glance that the old magistrate had She was a woman and the talk of a given Isaac in court. 1vei'iiiniii'riis was a thing that could "itiow look here, young fellow!” he ed to her for some strange, inconsir shouted. "I've had enough of you, and tent, feminine reason, the hardest part so's this young lady! I never heard of it all to endure. anything like it! You are always haryr-l "Buck up, deariel" said Isaac, glanc- ing around and bothering. And you’veling at her with shrewd, narrow eye, got to stop it! I'm not going to have and understanding that this was l ticlo. it! You leave this young lady alone! lish moment. "Can't have you looking or I'll take steps!" llike death when we order the wedding- Tom looked at him for a. moment? dressl" "I'l1 answer it, You are quite right., There is nothing I want to say to Thelma and there can be nothing that Thelma can want to say to me that you can't hear., In fact, you’d better hear it. And there-over here, we can be alone!" His mouth was open, listening, Isis eyeglass in one eye was absurdly crooked, his cigar was in the comer of his open mouth, his shoulders were, round and bent, and his chest seemed to be in the place where the drill-ser- geant doesn't like to see it. _ _ "Look on him," said Tom in a mo- ment, "and then on me. Oh, I'm nut much! But can you do it, Thelma? I'm being frank, l’uLb-eing vain if you like----" "Look at me, Thelma," the young man said, "aad then at that!" 1 It wasn't kindly put, it wasn't tut with 'all the delicacy andg modesty that, it might have been. As Tom Good- win said "Look at that!" he turned and pointed to humane. I Chapter 13. At that moment Isaac was not att his best. [ He pointed to a bench on the other side of the lobby of the court. Pebple had moved away on their own business now and they were mqre alone. “Now then," he said, when they were seated, "what's the game? I tell you, I'm a dangerous sort of a chap to fool about with, young fellow, and youll better understand once and for all that Thelma's engaged to me!” Tom drew a long breath. "That's just what I want to under- stand, Mr. Rathbone, That is why,” he said, in a quieryoice, "I came up and spoke to you now. I want Thelma to look into her own heart now and ask herself that question. Thelma, look at "All right}, said Iththbone, looking at Thelma, and strutted across towards the bench. mel" The girl turned her head. She was hating it all, and hathurherseH more than all else. Why was all this neces- sary? Why was she always in this kind of trouble? She felt the ring beneath her glove, and she understood that those who set their hearts upon a ring at any cost must realise that "any cost" may mean a great cost! C "Well, that's a nice civil-spoken "I'm her oldest friend!" broke in l After all, she was doing this thing of [her own free will. There could be no "iquesti.or1 of that. Try to deceive her [consciousness of things as she might, lit was the fact. Again that very morn- ‘ing Isaac had given her an opportun- ity of backing out, and again she had not done so. She must be fair. He was ite,i,,r,1g generous in the extreme. Many men would have been furious about Teacher of Elocution Pupil of J. H. Cameron 20 Church St. w, She was a woman and the talk of a wedding-dress was a thing that could not be passed over in the moments of utter 'eG1pr1cation like the present. Be- sides, she glanced at Isaac's face and saw how pleased-and happy he was, and a certain sense of shame entered, her heart. fellow !" said Isaac Rathbone, as the Rolls-Royce glided away from the court-house a few minutes later. "I should think that you have done your- self a pretty good turn in losing him, my girl!" Thelma was white. She tried to smile. But she could not, Her heart was throbbing very bitterly. Tom had gone and his last words-the threat that he would find another girl-seem- ed to her for some strange, inconsir tent, feminine reason, the hardest part of it all to endure. O-M-ph Teacher of Piano Weston Branch Conservatory of Music For particulars apply 251 Church Street, Weston Phone 531W the different troubles her family had got themselves into. True, it was the mais inherent vulgarity of soul that made him quite oblivious to anything of the sort, but she wasn't treating him very fairly. 1 Madame, the head of the establish- ment, was out, and a' new girl showed (the dress to Thelma-a vetry pretty, fair little thing with rather curious green eyes and a clever quick way of speaking. F She put out a hand and rested it on his knee for a moment, almost the first spontaneous action of regard she had ever shown for him. "Isaac," she said, "you have been very kind to me. I want to thank you for it ali!" He started, coloured, and for a mo- ment the best that is in every human heart came to the top. "That's all right, my little girl!" he said, without looking round. "You just be happy. That's the best way to thank your old man!" Lady Tiverdale was there waiting for them, and she showed, atUny rate, that she had no false ideas of spending her brother’s money. She had tried it on for the last time, and then one more small modification had been needed and she had realized, as she looked at herself in the glass, that even if she did not deeply love the man she was going to marry, she would at least go to the altar looking ‘a lovely bride. And after all, that is something in a girl's life. The new maid was in many respects quite satisfactory, but the mistress had observed that Biddy, in her dusting operations, always missed a beautiful statue of Venus " "Be jabers,” replied Biddy, "I have been thinking for a long time, miam, that she should be covered with some- thing." So they came to Bond Street, and, just off, to Lady Tiverdale's dress, maker, Thelma had, of course, heard of the place in her own business days, and she knew that is was generally re- garded as the best in all London. "Its a lovely thing; madame!" the girl said. "You ought to .be very proud of it!" Thelma nodded, "I am!' she said. ' "And yet," said the girl with a little sigh, “I suppose that it doesn't mat- .ter what you are married in so long as you love the boy you are going to marry!" Thelma started, blushed a little, and looked down at the girl. "You sound as though you were in love," she said gently. / The green eyes flashed dangerously. "I am," said the girL "Oh!" laughed Thelma.' Again the green eyes flashed. "Biddy," she said/one day, "why dop't you dust this figure? She could stand a good dustipg.I' _--...- _A_ _ It was a dréam of a dress they or- dered,and the only thing that Isaac had to say was.. . . _ Thelma was quite struck with her, and not at all annoyed when she found her disposed to be slightly talkative. After all, is wasn’t very long since she herself had been trying hats on ladies. "You must hurry it-hurry it! We'er going to be married at oneel" So it was about a Couple of weeks later that Thelma went" alone to have a Jook at the dress for the last time before it was sent round to her home. STUDIO: 195 John Street, Weston Phone 504W. O-IO-IN GEORGINA BURGESS Kathleen (l Rogers TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for University Examinations GLADYS BURSLEM (To be Continued) Phone 269 Weston Family, Washing Given Special , Attention All work guaranteed to be well done. . Goods called for and delive%d. CHARLIE WING Pastor: Rev. W. M. Mackay, B.A. ,Residenee: Humbermount, Weston N Phone 293 11.0'0 a.m.-Public worship. Sunday School in conjunction with morning service. 7.00 p.m.--Puto1its worship. Organist and Choir Leader R. Weatherston. Everybody Welcome. Phone 585 17 Main St. N. Public services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School 3 pam Wednesday 8 p.m. Prayer meeting You are invited to attend New Branch of Toronto Conserv- atory of Music opens January 3rd, 1923, Bank of Nova Scotia Building, Main Street, Weston. Instruction in all departments of Music. ' - Principal Mrs. M. R. Demorest, L.T.C.M., may be interviewed Wed- nesday, 10 a.m.--t, pan. Saturday 11 a.m.--8 p.111. I Is holding a class in Modern Dancing every Thursday evening at 8' o'ploek in the Weston Separate School Hall. All the latest steps will be taught. Argentine, Tango, Luperne, Fox Trot, Ritz Waltz, etc. V Phone 374 or call 110 Rosemount Ave., Weston. C Over fifty years ago this noted physician gave to the world a Pre- scription which has never been equaled for the weaknesses of women. Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo,N.Y., long since found out what is natu- tally best for women's diseases. He learned it all thm treating thou- sands of cases. The result of his studies was a medicine called Doctor Pieree's Favorite Prescription. This medicine is made of vegetable growths that nature surely intended for back- ache, headache, weakening pains, and tor the many disorders common to women in all ages of life. Women who take this standard remedy know that in Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription they are getting a safe woman's tonic so good that druggists everywhere sell it in both tablet and fluid form. Meets every Monday at 8 p.m. in I.0.0.F. Hall, Church St., Weston A Successful Man Send "10e G' br." i'rlareaCjiraneh Laboratory in ptidgeburg, Ont., for trial package tablets. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS Among the notable professional men of this country who achieved great success altT strictly legitimate ines was Dr. R. . Pierce. Devoting his attention to the specialty of women's diseases, he became a recognized authoritygin that line. Visitors are cordially welcome. Any person wishing to secure Assembly Hall apply to Trustee. Miss Eileen Moffat LEAVE YOUR WASHING Mil) LAUNDRY WITH US 195 KING ST. Old Presbyterian ihmh MISS (lI,hl)fs COOPER Baptist Church Pastor', A. S. McGrath, B.A. Services THOMAS SIMPSON WESTON Weston Lodge No. 200 ANNOUNCEMENT SUNDAY SERVICES Teacher of Violin HEM Cross Street PHONE 92 I’mmimmlnlIIIIIllnlifllIllnqlmgmmnnyuluumnIIIIIIIuIlnIIIIIImngnmJ t51 WESTON Weston Overland Touring Car with care- ful and capable driver 163 John St. No moving too large, no moving too small; Rev. I. B. trranerar, BA. Residence, M King St, Phone 43. A. T. Mather, Choir Leader. Marion A. Russell Demorest, L.T.C.M. Organist Sunday Services Public worship 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. 2.45 Sunday School Wednesday 8 p.m. Prayer meeting Brotherhood \10 a.m. 2nd and 4th Sundays. Moving promptly attended to by ex- perienced men. Prices reasonable. Touring car for hire with careful and capable driver. 145 John St., Weston Phone 156W GENERAL TEAMING Sand, Gravel and Filling Always on Hand. Movings Promptly Attended to. CARTAGE Motor or Horse Drawn Vehicles. Excavating, ‘Local and Long Distance Hauling. I Ford Touring Car for hire. 32 Main St. S., Weston. Phones: Local 808W. FURNITURE MADE TO ORDER-. REPAIRED OR REMODELLED Hardwood Floors Laid and Finished General Cabinet Work Window Screens - Upholstering Shop: Rear 42 Main St., WESTON Phone 285 P.O. Box " Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of York, Peel and Simcoe Terms Reasonable. MANNING McEWEN, Weston, Ont. REV. FREDERICK ROBERTSON. Rector The Rectory, Rectory Road, Western. Phone 467w _ ' _ . Sauces ' 10.00 am1.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.---Morriing service 3.30 pus-Service in St. Andrew's ' Hall, Thistletown. 7.00 pms.--styrvice in Westmount Community Iran" Everybody Welcome Elsemere Avenue Agent for Fire, Life, Accident, Auto. . mobile and Plate Glass Insur- ance in Bate Companies and at Best Rates. FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE Phone " at 6.45 a.m.. 12.45 noon and 6.45 p.m. Weston Methodist Church SUCCESSOR To o. E. LAROSE MOVING AND CARTAGE Long Distance Moving a. specialty. CHARLES (ilu,G CORSETIERE Representing the Spirella Co. 131 King St., Weston _ MISS M. SOSNOWSKY ST. Pfllu,p's CHURCH Insurance Office A cordial invitation to all. Real Estate and MANNING McEWEN MOTOR LIVERY J. C. McLELLAN E. J. MUSSON ED. W. BROWN WOODBRIDGE I). ll. LaROSE ED. DECHERT A. MACKAY Phone 268 Phone 183 EltobieoIce. for hire City Park. 7449W. Weston VOICE PRODUCTION :5 INTERPRETATION 7 Open for a limited number of pyptht For appointment.. _ Box 221 Office: Coleman & Hackett Block Nurse in Attendance-Extraction Gas 176 Church St., Weston 176 Church St., Weston Phone 101 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Hours 4 to 6 pan. Evening by Appointment ( MAIN ST., WESTON Opposite Bank of Nova Scotia BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. 301 Crown Office Bldg., Toronto (Cor. Queen & Victoria Sts) ' WESTON OFFICE 52 Main St. N. Opp Central Hotel Monday and Friday Evenings and by appointment 882 Bloor W, Mum, Ph. Col. I” EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Office: Bank of Montreal Bldg. Main and John St., Weston G. Howard Gray, LLB. Bank of Nova Scotia Chambers Phone 152, Weston Money to Loan on good First Mortgage Securities Dr. Harrison CRoos DENTAL SURGEON University of Toronto T l Toronto Conservatory of Mud; I vroLrNrts'r, Residence: 191 Main St., Weston. Phone 535J. _ , Studio: 2998A Dundas St. West; " ronto. Phone Jet. 6882. _ Concert Soprano 1 Teacher of Piano f 'J , and. Vocal . 1 Pupils prepared for Toronto . Conservatory Examinations ' STUDIO: 17 Joseph St., Westim ' Phone 228 J. 2922 Dundas St., West Toronto (Above Moon's Hardware Store) Real Estate Loans placed at 0-7-12t Margaret C. Newsom; Hours: Sto5and7to8and1Q appointment. Saturday 3 to 5 Phone Weston 482-J 20 Guestville Ave. Mt. Will so Any Place Drop a Cat] 378 Beresford Avenue, West Tommi.” Telephone Junction " I 25 I, Years' Practical Experience‘. Office: Main St. N. Phone 44.; DR. J. T. HACKETT Dentist Dr. H. D. Livingstone Teacher of Piano Lessons Given in the Homes T Phone 498 or Write King George Apts. 36 King St. WESTON Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public 5. Lorne Fraser, N. Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. JOHN T. ANDERSON LEONARD L T. liMMIr _"r Dr. Arthur Gum Consultations by Appointment IRENE LEE, A.T.J.C.M.,‘ Management of Property Secretarial Work Accounting VETERINARIAN Formerly IMwlees Veterinary Infirmary 01 Toronto 0. A. Foster, LY., k. Teacher of Piano Studio: Toronto Junction College of Music _ Phone Weston 216 T. ll. ELLIOTT, " J. R. Brown, M. F. B. EDMUNDS Current Rates Telephone Junction 991 Nil B. AYERS Piano and Organ Tutter Phone Weston 564.! CHIROPRAUI'OR 011101110 Diseases P. ll. RIGGS Wm, Phone June. I!!! Phone, 295 Weston by. $3 351

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