"i, To confirm and declare legal, valid and binding, according to the true meaning and intent thereof an Order _ made by the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board dated the 18th day , of December. 1922, in the matter of the application of the Town of Wes- ton for antie"kaiion to the Town of Weston of la portion of the Township ' (of North York, described in the peti- tion of W. G. Trethewey and an Order made by the Ontario Railway and Mfinicipal Board dated the 18th day of December, 1922, in the matter of the application of the Town of Wes- , ton for annexation to the Town of Weston of a portion of the Township of North York, described in the peti- _tion of C. C. McIntosh and others, and to confirm and declare legal, valid and binding upon the said Corporation and the ratepayers thereof-O) By-law ‘Number 174, passed by the Municipal ' Council- of the Town of Weston on the 21st day of August, 1922, being a By- law to provide for a fixed assessment of the lands and premises therein de- scribed, namely: ALL that certain parcel or tract of land and premises now situate, lying and being in the Township of North York, in the County of York, and Province of On- tario, and being composed of part of Block "A," according to plan M.30i, filed in the Office of Land Titles at ' Toronto and more particularly de- scribed as followsv-COMMENCING at the intersection of the northeast limit of the right of way of the Cana- dian Pacific Railway (formerly the V Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway) with the south limit of Dufferin Street (formerly Weston Avenue); THENCE ' southeasterly along the northerly limit of the said right of way one thousand feet,. THENCE easterly and parallel with the south limit of Dufferin Street, .aforesaid, one hundred and eighty-six feet and one-half inches (186'8%") to a point; THENCE northerly in a straight line seven hundred and eighty- nine feet and eight-tenths of a foot (789.8’) to a point in the southerly limit of Dufferin Street, being the northerly boundary of the said Block "A", distant eight hundred and two feet (802') measured easterly thereon from the point of commencement; †THENCE westerly along the last- named limit eight hundred and two feet to the point of commencement, _ ' containing ten acres, more or less (as l shown on Plan dated at Weston, June 27th, 1922, by John J. Dalton, O.L.S., thereto attached) subject to the ease- l ment referred to in a certain agree- ment, registered thereon, dated the thitty-first day of March, A.D. 1911, l and made between the Toronto, Grey hand Bruce Railway Company of the one part and one William G. Trethe- wey of the other part; TOGETHER WITH all buildings, stock-in-true, plant, maehinery,_fixtures and materi- als now or hereafter thereon, and all other personal and other assessable property of Canada Cycle and Motor Company Limited thereon (being the lands and premises of Canada Cycle and Motor Company Limited) for a period of fifteen years, from the first day of January, 1922, for all purposes . TAKE NOTICE that the Town' of vWeston intends to apply at the next session of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario for the pass- ing of an Act: N PAGE SIX IJI i) DAN“ WW NOTICE The Things You Need Every Day Around the Home 1 qt. 2 qt. 3 qt. 4 qt. 6 qt. 2869 Dundas St. Aluminum Sauce Pans with Cover size No. size No. size No. size, No. size No. '%ihfl-mll" HEAVY hUMNM FRYING FANS --bwial $1.19- '%ihfl-UW' ALUMINUM WlNDSOR KETTLES WITH COVER "It PAYS TO DEAL AT lilhf'i" -STEEL WOOL- For Cleaning Aluminum Rare. 2 Packages for 15c 60--Price .95 61-Price 1.25 62-Price 1.55 63-Price 1.90 "-Prite 2.35 ISATED this 15th day of January, A.D. 1923. THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WESTON. By C gether with all buildings, stock-in- trade, plant, machinery, fixtures and materials now or hereafter thereon and all other personal and other assessable property tof Moffats Limited thereon, (being the lands and premises of Mot- fats Limited) for a period of fifteen years from the first day of January, 1922, for all purposes en bloc, as follows-For the first five year per- iod, commencing with the first day of January, 1922, at $36,000; for the second five year period, commencing with the first day of January, 1927, at $45,000; for, the remaining five years, commencing with the first day of January, 1932, at $55,000, subject to the provisoes in said By-law con- tained. en bloc; as follows t--Iror the first five year period, commencing with the first day of January, 1922, at $50,000; for the second five year period, e0mmene- ing with the first day of January, 1927, at $60,000; for the remaining five years, commencing with the first day of January, 1932, at $70,000, sub- ject to the provisoes in said By-law contained. (2) By-law Number 181, passed by the Municipal Council of the Town of Weston on the 8th day of November, 1922, being a By-law to provide for a fixed assessment of the lands and premises therein described, namely-ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises now situate, lying and being in the Township of North York, in the County of York, and Province of On- tario, as set forth in Schedule "A" to this By-law, the lands described in said Schedule "A" to By-law Number Tht-‘Se 1s no work these days for Manhmem whose duties until a few mumhs 11gb “ere to care tor the 15') beauties. tr, the suittin's harem. Mchrned m1: new responsible for the sutcsgtarnirsg or thc. Wn'es and chndrex: ot Mohusnm.cd VI who tied Constantinople to Malta. v No. 132 holds 6qts From here a trip through the coun- try down to Smyrna told its own tale of the life of the people, as they work- ed the stony soil with the crudest of implements, carried their merchandise on the backs of donkeys or camels, and during the past few weeks the terrible carnage of the Moslem against the Christian. Here and there were to be seen bunches of refugees fleeing for life, leaving everything behind. Then into the city itself, with its streets and streets, row upon row of houses, noth- ing but charred, blackened walls, with here and there a jagged stone wall rearing itself from the ruins, only in- tensifying the terrible loss and suffer- ing. From here a trip to the ancient tombs, the pyramids, obelisk, and Sphinx, showed some of the wonders ji'llllrlilWl,lllll EASTERN LANDS Life as Lived in Palestine To-day, Told With the Aid of Lantern Slides _ ook, $2.60 (llMiA,Y _ "llBRtyllni3rliioRS Regular price of this set is $7.55 On $niatklihlli...:, "d : £1.98 Consisting of 1 No. 141 Double Boiler, 2 quarts; 1 No. (iii Shallow Sauce Pan, 1 quart; 1 No. (il Covered Sauce Pan, 2 quarts; 1 No.53 Lipped Saucepan, 2 quarts; 1 No. 123 Preserving Kettle, If) quarts. '%lhfl-filEll" ALUMINUM TEA KETTLES THE TIMES AND GUIDE. WESTON fl ' sue 1' $3.69 l Phone Jet. 138-139 Never explain. Your friends do not need it and your enemies will not be- lieve you anyway. of the dead and buried art of the an- cient days, when Greece, Assyria, and the other eastern countries ruled the world. Some of the interesting customs shown were the various water systems, in some of the cities a man travelling the streets with a huge water bottle and tray, carrying one or two glasses, and persons wanting a drink simply stop him. In others it is hauled through the streets in carts and the people se- cure their supply in this manner. One of the operating sources of supplies was also shown, this being large wheels with cups attached, and as the wheel turns the cups are emptied in- to the various channels, and in this manner carried to various sections in the city. Several slides showing the palm groves and other tropical trees, also one of the famous of cedars of Lebanon was thrown onto the screen, each one having its own individual his- tory and charm. A couple of violin solos with piano accompaniment by Mr. Wm. Haddow and Miss Haddow contributed an excellent musical pro- gram, and were much appreciated and enjoyed. At the close of the lecture a vote of thanks was moved by Mr. Pearson, seconded by Rev. Mr. Walwyn and tendered by the brotherhgd pes- ident, Mr. Nicholls, to the speaker, Mr. Bull, and to Miss Haddow and her brother, also Mrs. Peacock, who kindly presided at the piano during the opening number, and the singing of the National Anthem at the close. Huge mass meetings of Britain's unemployed are being held in Eng- land. Here is Wallace Hannington, organizer of the unemployed,' an. nouncing in Trafalgar Square that I if a peaceful parade failed to make gBonar Law meet the worker's com- ( mittoe, other methods may be tual, 5 Quart 'i'MreardjEhrer' Leads Jobless o HARDWARE Pine size No. 50-Price. . . . . ' . . . . .60 Quart size No. 51-Price.. . . . . . . . .70 1% quart size No. 52--Price. . . . . . .76 2 quart size No. 53-Price. . . . . .. .90 21/2 quart size No. "--Price. . . . .1.00 " LIPPED SAUCE PANS AR-EVER†AUMNM PHONES: WESTON 26 x Charters Publishing Co. . L I y ',j'gf2'i . ti Wi 'i'llifiaall 353 M“ Itil" Eaiit - -’:.. 5333;? ' A? 'ld ‘ bi.'iiilii"* , tat " ’3‘†A,†1itsi,1" all & Eifs WE ARE THE AGENTS FOR McCASKEY’S. THESE BOOKS ARE OF THE VERY BEST STYLE AND ARE TO BE DEPENDED UPON. BY ORDERING THROUGH THIS OFFICE WE HAVE A VERY ATTRACTIVE PROPOSITION TO OFFER YOU. _ 'x . 3 , fsitg'igb ' h tMI " . CALL US UP AND OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL SEE YOU. HOT GALVANIZED WASH TUBS Small......... $1.25 Medium ....... $1.35 Large $1.50 HOTPOINT ELECTRIC IRON LIMITED WESTON 1I‘WO PHONES, LOCAL OR CITY What About Your Small .... Medium .. large ... Com- T plete with cord 6.75 HOT GALVANIZED GARBAGE CANS WITH COVERS Prompt Deliveries Complete with Cord . . . . . .$6.75 Ahe New- _ HOTPOINT TOASTER Turns Bread without handling. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1928 West Toronto Guaranteed. JUNCTION 3744 DOUBLE SOCKETS Best Quality 59c Each $1.00 $1.40 $1.75