'tbijiyf.9i'ifs'7ii At the annual meeting of the Men's Bowling Club, the following were elect- ed as an executive and will elect offi- cers in due course. Messrs. W. 1uror- house, R. H. Tier, C. Gm'lmtt, Prof. King, J. A. L. Macpherson, J. C. John- ston, Walter Moorehouse and Ed. Mix. The past year has been a most success- ful one, seven new members were add- ed and big-s things are anticipated for the coming season. Easter Sunday will mark the openv1 A euclwe will be held under the il11ti- l la: ing services of the Methodist Church pices of Queen St. Community 'Society/m and thy dedication of the new organann April 4th in the Community Hallunt At the People's Service on Friday evening the pastor will take charge. of the Devotional Hour and the study per- iod will be in charge of Mr. J. A. ll. McPhérion. This will be illustrated by lantern slides and will consist of an irtrl- drrss "Christ in Song and Picture." The Pastime Club held a most sue- cessful dance in the school auditorium, Miss Mabel Elford winning the baloon and Miss Margefy Tier the lucky waltz. The Ladies' Bowling Club held their annual. meeting this week and conduct- ed routine business, also elected officers for the earning year as follows-r-Pres., Mrs.,J. A. L. Maepherson; Viee Pres., Mrs. McAnish; Sec, Mrs. R. w. Green; Games See., Mrs. R. H. Tier; Exevu- ting, Mrs. Mix, Mrs. A. B. Anderson, Mrs. Holdsworth, Miss B. Evans; Re- frephment Committee, Mrs. F. Walsh and Mis.. V: Me, Skips; Mrs. McPher- son, Mrs. R. H. Tier, Mrs. Cln re Johns- ton, Mrs. Arthur Johnston, Mrs. E. Garbutt an'd Mrs. Ed. Mix. COLUMBIA-- CLEVELAND-RED, BIRD. MAssEr--PERFEcr "The Bicycles with the C. C. M. Triplex Hanger" Alfred Goullet, the Australian, now of New York, the greatest of all six-day racers, and one of the best all-round riders in the world,won the International Six- day Race at New York on a C. C. M. Flyer. ALP. GOULLET Champion Six Day Bicycle Rider A. Levinsky, U. S. National Road Champion, and many other American riders of note, burn up the ground on C. C. M. Flyers. And in Canada, the home of C. C. M. Bicycles, the 1922 Do- minion Championship Races for all distances were won on C.C.M. Bicycles. Frank Brown, winner of both half-mile and mile; Elson McKay, the fast young rider who won the quartet-mile; W. Coles, who captured the ten-mile; and Nor- man Webster, who won the five.., mile in 1922 and three Dominion Championships in 1921---a11 rode C. C. M. Racers. The C. C. M.F1yer is the choice of Champions, because it most perfectly meets their exacting WILLIE SPENCER speeded his way to the American Professional Cham- pionship on a C. C. M. Flyer Track Racer. Then he crossed to Europe and won fresh laurels for himself and his C. C. M. Flyer. ISLINGTON lg. 22% a; gii'Cijrhr-"g' <Df Bicycles Montreal. Toronto, WESTON. 0NT., Winnipeg, Yawning; Canada Cycle & Motor Company, Limited l On April 13th the choir ot'sthe Meth- fodist Church are putting on a musical festival. This will he given by all Jo- ?cal talent. j The friends are reminded of the big Idistrict rally to be held in Howard l Park Methodist Church on Good Friday ginorning. A representation from the 1Methodist Church will take part in the l servxce. Easter services in the Methodist Church will be held on Sunday morning and evening, with the pastor, Rev. E, R. Voting in charge. Morning subject will be' “Easter Lillies," and the even- ing, "He Loveth Best Who Loveth All." On Good Friday Holy Communion will be celebrated in St. George's Church at 8 a.m. Plans are now ready for the new rectory and excavation work on the cellar will be commenced shortly. The, campaign for funds has been most successful. Regular Easter Day services will be held on Sunday in St. George's Church. Holy Communion at 8 and 11 (mm. Rev. Canon Greene will preach at the 11 o'clook service. Evensong at 7 1mm, with the rector in charge. Special mu- sie by the choir. In the morning the service of praise will be led by the Junior Choir (our little human birds among the lillies. The Senior Choir will‘take charge of the evening service. . U. Etc u _l.hFl. b JC414d, "IL, 'LV'Y ACrrAVb+ N . the new rectory and excavation bum-me Easter service will be held : on the cellar w'ill be commenced at 5.45 n,.in., central standard time, :ly. The, campaign for funds has and will be broadcasted. At that time most successful. . in the morning it is doubtful if any ster SeNuces m the Methodist ther l ad . CM" F . " ' 'ch will be held on Sunday morning ". '.1 Jrott casting station In America evening, with the pastor, Rev. 1‘1me be on the air. It should come oung in charge. Morning subject gthrough to receiving stations here, as be' “Easter Lillies," and the even-lol-' as hell. ‘He Loveth Best Who Loveth All." _ The program will be sacred and will s-------)-------- fronsist of chime solos, songs solos, Queen St. geolnmunity sing, prayer services by {various ministers. The service, should euchre will he held under the 'rlltei- l last about one hour and a half, Time every , o n e a bicycle of C.C.M. qual- ity-built of the finest mater- ials with Watch-like' accuracy and care. All regular C. C. M. Models are equipped witlrthe famous C. C. M. Triplex Hanger-the three-piece hanger that turns so easily and smoothly and makes C. C. M. Bicycles so full of pep Whether for; Racing, for Pleas.. sure, for Riding to Work, for Light Delivery or Other Utility Purposes, there are ea- c. c. M. Models I ' to meet all tlk e needs. , " " Nts $33., And requirements. It combines won- derful speed with stamina. Willie Spencer says: "Every time I sit on it, I like it better." a“, Iianster Services Broadcasted by On Friday evening, March 16th, Mrs.l ONTARIO MUSICAL FESTIVAL Shields acted as hostess to a very sue-' q-r--.-.- cessful dance held in the Community; The executive of the Ontario Musi Hall. Browns' Orchestra provided thefcal Festival on March 12th came to l music and a most enjoyable time was] decision which may be of irnroortapo spent. to many who have delayed entries fo: on 400 meters Sunday, April Ist, 5.4.5 central standard. Palmer School of Chiro- practic ll PWEH Sli, Ill: MiiMilfp] See them at any C. C. M. deal- er's. Among them you’ll glimpse the Standard, the, Special and the new C. C. M. Sport Model, that everybody's talking about. A classy new model with a sug- gestion of the motorbike design, yet light and graceful. Prices so low you Cannot resist' buying--$15 to $20 less than the " peak " prices. The new models are snappier, neater, trimmer than ever. They are nickelled bright as sunshine and enameled to rival the sheen of a lustrous piece of silk. This season, all C. C. M. men's models (except raters) "are equip- ped with the new Gibson Pedal without extra charge. This classy pedal has scored a big hit with riders all over Canada. It has a silvery, rustproof aluminum frame---light, yet remarkably strong. The Hercules Coaster Brake-- "The Little Fellow with the Giant Grip"---" included, also, as regular equipment. ---and speed-and power! Prac- tically all racing men prefer the three-piece hanger, as do other experienced cyclists the world over. ' . THE TIMES AND GUIDE, WESTON THERE are over 1,000 C. C. M. Service Stations in Canada carrying genuine C.C.M.parts and giving C. C. M. service. Look for the above Sign. ': Niple Batter Pudding ( Peel, cure and slice three or four inpnlox Make a hotter of two eggs, WV?†beaten, one tablespoon of sugar, ILwo tablespoons of melted butter, one )nnd one-half Cups trf milk, a. teaspoon Inf vanilla and two cups of flour sifted with two tensnoons of hakino; poyrd"er', Dent thormmhly; hour over the apples, Menu] for 4,0 minutes and “We hot with swoc-tcnr'd cream or 3211100., _ l The executive of the Ontario Musi- ical Festival on March 12th came to a {decision which may be of importance to many who have delayed entries for ithe many classes in connection wit, lthat event. It was decided to extend ‘the date for the acceptance of entries 1at the original fee, from March 15th lto March 3lst. The first plan as _,a,nn.o,unted in the syllabus, was to dou- Hole the fee after March 15th to prevent lcongestion at the last. But since the 7“flu“ epidemic has delayed matters l . . C Fr . /ey1de,t?trs,,r for" Ty'? who‘expected'to (enter, it was decided to dispense with “his formality. i' At the offices of the Ontario Musi- lcal Festival Executive, Room 407 Ry- _ rie Building, Torontorthere has of late ‘heen a great demand for extra, 'applica- ltion forms, indicating a, large list of entires in many classes. The executive is still desirous of securing more choir entries, and as this section is widely (classified. a fair field for every entry is assured. f The Ontario Musical Festival Execu- tive is very anxious to stimulate en- tries in the hand and orchestra class- es. Oripsinallv, eight comnetitions were arranged under this head, so laid out as to equalize competition. At the re- quest of certain enquiries, an addition- nl class (93A) for Svmphony Orches- tras has been added, for which the Test Piece will be the First Movement of Schubert’s Unfinished Symphony in B minor. Class 74, of the Ontario Musical Fes- tival's competitions seems to be attrae- ting a good deal of attention. It is for violin players under twelve years of age, and the Test Piece is Raff's "Covotinn." Already two entries have been received of children as young; as six. One is Gertrude Vashinder, of Niagara Polls, Ont., a pupil of Miss Blanche Carter, and the other, Mark Peel, Toronto, a, pupil of his father. The Ontario Musical Festival Exeelt- tive has made an important rulinp: with regard to school orchestras entering: the various competitions in this branch. Orchestras made up of pupils from sev- eral schools in a given mnnioinalily or school centre will he eligible, as well as orchestras from a single school. This decision is made in the interest of the smaller towns of Ontario. WILLIE SPENCER United States Professional Champion HECTOR CHARLSEWORTH 201 The local boys featuring in the L'on- test are as followsr-Dick Baycroft, Aurora, 854, (high'man): Jno. Ken- nedy, Agincourt, 840, while the score of Hastings and Wilson topped the competition with 867 points. The York team was high in every class of stock except in sheep, which was a tie. OnVeturning to Toronto, the teams were the guests of the packers for a tour of inspection of Swdts' and for luncheon at the King Edward. Fol- lowing the presentation, the coaches, high men of each team and representa- tives of the abbatoirs and government were called on for speeches. Briefly reviewing the experience, the boys agreed that the trip was one of the best they had ever had, and recogni- tion was duly paid to the generosity of the Union Stock Yards for making the outing possible for the teams. The Grenville team judged at a dis- advantage in not having had such a wide experience with all breeds of live stock. They were certainly formidable opponents, true sports and cheerful losers. Mr. Croskery won this cup in The London district affords an ex- cellent opportunity to work on all lines of live stock. Mr. Finn, Agricultural Representative for Middlesex, had the classes all arranged for the teams and judges. On being relieved from Jury on Wednesday evening, Mr. Hastings joined the party and took Mr. Wilson's place foi- the remaining four ('lasscs. The results proved a safe win for York County with 217 points in the lead. The aggregate score of 2561 out of. a possible 300“) is the highest score ever made by a team in past competitions. During the week of March 14th andl 15th, the York County team was in-l formed that their old rivals, Grenville County, winners of the White Trophy at Ottawa, were on their way to I.on- don, Ont. At the eleventh hour the York team was confronted With a state l of affairs quite unexpected. Mr. Tom _ Hastings, of Markham, who had crle ranged for leave of absence from Jury in Toronto, was obliged to hear (iii-t dence on a case the following day. Lambert Wilson, of Aurora, was called I in as spare. He was in the act ofi shearing sheep and by making; some] quick moves he caught the train in To- I ronto hy a few minutes' margin. l 1lllWlllt SEEK" I JUDBWB WWW A brief history of the competitions may be of some assistance to the read- er who may not have had an opportun- ity to keep postd from year to year. There are two Judging Competitions for county teams, one at the Winter Fair at Guelph, at which the Eastern Counties compete, and the other at Ot- tawa, being; convenient for the Eastern Counties. York teams have won five out of eight competitions at Guelplr. In 1917 the Stock Yards and Packing Plants felt that there should be pro- vision made to have the winners of the two competitions come together and compete for premier honors. Realiz- ing; the importance of Live Stock judg- ing work among junior farmers, they offered to defray the expenses of the Eastern and Western teams if they would meet on central ground and judge the required ten classes of stock. To the winning team a beautiful silver cup was donated, emblematic. of the Provincial Championship. York County con claim the Cham- pion Stock Judging team for the pro- vince for the third time. This win entitles the Junior Farmers of York County to have permanent possession of the Union Stock Yards' Trophy, which has been in competition since 1917. York Junior Farmers Now Hold the Union Stock Yards Trophy From _ Montreal the Canadian Pacific Railway runs through a veri- table fishermans paradise in the Laurentians, and in a couple of hours after leaving that city one can arrive at. a fruitful stand;. but if a fishing; trip without the Li‘immings is desired, the waters of, Nathan Ontario, the 'Nipigon†district/ate- Tarts of New Brunswick are equalled on this con- Fishing in Canada fHONE JCT. 3744 WESTON 26 THE CHARTERS PUBLISjHING co.-" Princess Mary is shown here with her infant son/whose birth gydd,ty,/ei1 all England This picture, the first posed photograph of the royal msotilytrl and her child, shows the baby in his christening robes. ' "'7 l Further notices of ihis evént will ap pear in the press and also hy letters. 1921, while J. C. Sievklc; couched thc winning teams of 1918 and 1922. Junior Farmers Judging The Junior Farmers†Executive, in conjunction with Nr. R. J. Rogers, of Newmarket, are preparirig for the County Judging Competition and hope to hold it early in-April. The date should be before seeding; and after the roads are favorable for travelling. Al- ready a special rize has been donated and it is hoped that godd prizes and some new trophy will be offered this year. Through these competition York County is able to train young men who are qualified to go out and win Provincial Championships. Now is the time to oil the rod and look up the tackle because trout bite not only on the first of May-if the ice is out. Stephen Lea- cock says that he has come to the conclusion that black bass bite only at midnight. ‘He has never fished until midnight but he has .come to A cyclist was riding along an Eng- (BOOM for the town Iish lane. when his hat blew off. Al, Boost for the th passing countryman picked it up and iFor the chap that's took it to him as he circled round, snv- ( most round, ing him the trouble of getting off his) Is the booster ev machine. [ 9 PRINCESS MARY AND CHILD ARTICULAR EOPLE RACTICAL ENTERS C The Catch of the Nipigon Season, this conclusion because he was mivisr very successful before that hourd’mtr; as he also says, the bass is cun'ujq‘lgj, and one cunning bass is worth “Ven- ty of a more tame variety of ~thg; completely acquatio, Water breathing; craniate vertebratés. @- .1†for “I really must get some stringiég'l keep this bully hat on," rtmttereitit,"lij, cyclist, as he wheeled off witluriiti,tia word uf thanks. i The other's reply was short hut iiii'iiig pressive. "Get a nail, guv'norl'" u1l,%. Boost when the sun is shinihg, F, (ire] Boost when it starts to rain; (r, "ir"',:'), If you happen to full, don't Jieqr'i'tlr1iisti: and haw], Vr/t't','iiij'i: But get up and boost again. ji. I“? Boost and the world boosts with you: Knock and you‘re on the shelf', i For the world gets sick of the on; who kicks, qT 5 And wishes he'd kick himself. R. _,r'l'l Boost for the things sublime; 1:c, Ir the chap that's found on the top most round, , Is the booster every time. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 28, ierg, BOOST! drant'ement', AN'ON,