( £5? s' .:.is'.,i, ,0, L siiiri0iiiiiiiiiiii COAL ‘E " _ @‘unu'u‘l'n'uu"â€iIllIIn"!I!ll"IIEQIIUlllllllllIllllIl"I"IlllllllflllllnlII"Inâ€IllllllllllllllllIIlIllllllIlllllIllIlulllllllllllll‘ilflll ’IIIIIIIII“nunlulllnnIn:[InullulnulllullullunulnllullIIInInlunllnul"null.nullIn""quIllnflllilnllluululllfll‘lua 'I""0""!!!E"all"!llilllll’lfllllflll‘flflllllfllllllIllIllllllllllllull"In"IIIIIIIl-llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllIlllllllllIlllllfllflllfl‘ a . l special showing of‘thcse two lines in many delicate shaded, and in very serviceable quality. _ "The Dry Ggods Store Where Your Dollar Buys More." _ii#fif7'()fii COAL MI) LUMBER co. What is more important in a new spring costume than the correct corset? We are now prepared to offer yon that popular front lacing Gossnrd Corset, for which you have been lo,oking. _ _ This handsome material, so popular for bloomers, night- gowns and underwear. Comes in printed patterns or plain colors. Dainty shades of pink, mauve or maise, al- so in plain white, and the price is almost as attrac- 39 tire as the material itself. Per yard. .. _ ' . . . . . .. C ZEPHYR SATIN C Or Bloomer Cloth in beautiful shades of mauve, green ss and peaph-Per yard ."."........t......t..... C \ r/ This beautiful stocking is silk right to the top top at that. A quality and finish quite out the ordinary, and the price is very low at., """II'HIIIII."mummummmmmmnumnuuIIIIIuuIIInIInIuImmn"mmIum"munmumunmuuumgmnumma LADIES' SPRING UNDERWEAR A complete assortmenct of New Spring Garments ranging: from the 190. variety up to the filmy, $2 00 EACH silken quality. At 'r..'..........., o Colors black, white or suede. Excellent quality at a very F special price for Easter trade. $1 75 Per pair .e.... v............,...........:. o .~. V EASTER _ GREETING CARDS 10 MAIN ST. S. FUNERAL DESIGNS AND WEDDING BOUQUETS I rr)1,r::i,i'ii,i,," éT“;'\‘{£‘f1-3’f?ixg‘bgii‘iï¬iiyg‘aibï¬i t '"7" 'te W35“ f V L 1. 1" [SOIL ' (IVSOI'y ttHi' , I . . I)“; GWEN SPECIAL ATTENTION 323333;}; W. Peace, E. C. 1loy, Cl “'i -------- IONE 21 137 MAIN ST. N., WESTON 5“03353111;of???133035$3333333315i???iâ€3{“13Ԥiâ€Â§â€˜;3“mIZ'e‘ié'ï¬dk’E'é , 11 o'clock .w.ith the Eatlseoutrt Vets, ai Join] St. TiriiV (indené), I'""""'""""""""""""-""-------------" liieoUii division team, ', " T Harold Edwin. . _ WESTON VOLEME .ifrjTiririi- Office Phone 27 Eaéter Specials . E. Grosskurth 'or the Easter table setting. Your favorite pattern. ' F CEMENT IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES " . PROMPT DELIVERY A nice Assortment-L: up to 12c Each 'r', ' _ SILVER FLATWARE . E. BARTON BRASSIERES AND CAMISOLES Phone" 251 A smooth clean shave on Easter morning: ‘LE’TU‘s BALE YOUR HAY j',i;'r'_ [,2 AND STRAW Darker dk co. EAGLE AVE., near G.T.R. Tracks _ ", H. H. RUDOLPH, Manager, Weston SILK HOSE (Ribbed Silk Top) SAFETY RAZORS FOR MEN WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER [ WESTON THE PLACE TO PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR FUEL Please mention Times and Guide “Say it with flowers" GOSSARD CORSETS Useful as well as decorative. SILK HOSE (Clocked) . R. FREY CHINA-CUT GLASS (@V t “4% f4 "t S "f?slli?lS'htaSti'ttitt ENGLISH CREPE BOc TO $6.00 EACH 22 silk righ.t.to the top and; ribbed WESTON Night Phone 236 PHONE 30 If $2.25 PHONE 354 iirht iiilittp.tsi_)l; @uihe. The C.C.M. Athletic Association held theirVnnutrl elections last week and the following committee Pr?"' elected. y A musical programme had been ar- ranged for, and all those who were successful in getting inside the hall, thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Mr. W. G. Setace, First Deputy Reeve of North York Township, was the speaker (of the evening, and in a few well ehos- en words complimented the people of ithe district on their enterprise and pa- jtriotism. Among those who contribut- ed to the evening's entertainment were the following: Miss Ethra Wilson, who acted as accompanist for the evening, and whose efforts were highly appre- ciated; Mr. H. E. Coe and Miss Doro- thy Coe, who rendered very appro- priate and splendid vocal numbers. Mr., Walter Hayward played some popular:; land lively numbers on the accordion“ ,Miss Marian Gray and Miss Dorothy's ‘Smith, and also the Misses Garbutt,) iplayed pianoforte duets which were I each worth the price of admission. Mr. iJ. Rye, the popular secretary of the; i'rtutepayet"s Association, was very well‘ l received with his recitation, "The Night 11,v1te1teat1." Christmas." Mr. Harry! _ Catterall, with his vcntriloquist act, wusi " whole show in himself. Miss Laurai vSaddington showed remarkable talent ‘in her recitation, "Vive La France." Mr. Richard Rye, on the cello, and Mix. Hayward and friend, with their guitars,) were certainly very good. The boys midi girls of Harding Avenue each gave a chorus which showed the care andi training; they had received had good; effect. Mr. J. Fellowes rendered two buss solos which were of a very high‘ order. Mr. Jas. Hearn, the "Father 'ii) the Avenue," made a few remarks re the purpose of the community assoeia- tion, He stated that in the near future it was hoped to extend the hall another! twenty feet, as the present building is much too small. The final number on the programme was a humorous sketch, "The Harding Avenue Night School," written by Mr. W. C. Boddington, one of the residents of the district. The "boys" of the night- school very ably) carried out their various parts much to) the enjoyment of those present. 'ry) thanks of the committee of the associa-l tion is extended to those contributing" artists who came forward and assisted) so ably in the first concert ever held, in the district in the new hall. Every-I one of them certainly made a name fori themselves, and this event will long bet remembered by all who had the privi-i lege of enjoying the programme. " "rtiirirttiirwviihue District Holds Formal Opening and Concert The formal opening of the new com- munity hall, of the Harding Avenue Residents' and Ratepayers' Association, was held on Thursday last, March, 22. (illfl)fl,)h, (ll))) COMMUNITY HALL The president and officers of, the board dordially invite the Citizens of Weston and vicinity to a social eve- ning in the town hall on Tuesday eve- ning, April 3rd, at 8 o'cloek, when the prizes will be awarded to "the captains. No special invitations age issued. By our united efforts our influence has been mightily felt in the horticul- tural circles throughout the province. After extending our own field to in- clude New Toronto, Mimico, Mt. Den- nis, Woodbridge and other places, we have this year confined ourselves al- most entirely to Weston and the ipune- diate neighborhood. We congratulate the lady captains on their success. The standing; ir.--lst place, Miss M. MacFarlane; 2nd place, Miss Philida Chapman; 3rd place, Miss Lulu Posegiove;" .Uh place; Miss A Humphrey; EU] place: Miss G. Burgess Of the financial returns, one thou- sand dollars will be given back to the members in options to beautify their homes. It is hoped that more of our rhemhers will he led into community en- terprises in the years to come and that while our juvenile work has received a threefold increase in financial support, even greater things may be expected. For such splendid results, the board of our Weston Society desires to thank the five citizens, who, by their Jiberal- ity, made the campaign possible, also the citizens in general for their support, and also the lady captains and their workers for their magnificent achieve- meats. For the fifth year in succession the citizens of Weston and vicinity have placed their Horticultural Society in the front rank of the Ontario Assoeia- tion. When all the returns by the cap- tains were counted in the recent mem- bership campaign, it was easily seen that the. traditions of former years have been sustained. Returns from all available sources are not yet completed, and new memberships continue to come in. It is expected that before returns are made to the government, our mem- bership will be at least 1400. _ WESTON _llllli_l, SUI}. V S‘EDHES lllilW Miss Mable McFarlane LeadslFirst Easter Message of the Sea-) Secretary Gives Annual Report in Recent Membership ‘ son Given Thursday at ',' -Treasury Shows $25.00 Campaign _ Westminster Balance. C.C.M. NEWS EESTON. ONT. __ WEDyhys%ri'TWAiteiq 28,71923 WEST YORKS NEWSY WEEKLY KriLLoVA,Y--t?n wefysft.hpr, Max-.13 l The Election The election' of officers resulted as follows: Hon. President, R. J. Flynn; President, H. H. Rudolph; Vice-Presi- dents, D. Johnston, A. L. Coulter, J. M. Gardh-ouse, J, T. Farr, T. J. Ma- guire, T. Griffith, A. L. Campbell, Dr. J. T, Hackett, Hy. Cousins, Sin, Jas. A. Cameron, N. J. McEwen; See-Trias., F. W. Rowntree; Executive eoprised of all players; Management Committee, H. H. Rudolph, D. Johnston, F. W. Rowntree, L, McEwen, A. R. Smith; Delegates to the O.A.L.A. Convention, H. H. Rudolph, F. W. Rowntree, Train- er, W. Lee. Arrangements will be [nude to re-eniiage Neil Felker as coach. _ Hold Smoker Some time during April the Club intends holding a smoker in the Town Hall, when the proceeds will be turned over to the Amateur Athletic Club. A program is now being arranged. Two added features will be included when the O.A.L.A. medals, symbolic of the championship, will be preseted to each member of last year’s team, as well as n. n'ronp picture of the players. This will indeed be an interesting momenta for the boys., q _ _ On Thursday evening last, the Wesc ton Senior Lacrosse Club held their annual meeting and election of offi- cers. During the past year, the work of the plan has been attended with a series of success which resulted in the winning of the Cliampionship,.due to the proper management and good coa- ching on the part of Neill Felker. The team has co-operated and worked ma- chine-like, which contributed greatly to the ultimate success. Will Challenge The senior team will issue a challenge to the present holders of the Desbo- rough Cup, the games for which will be decided at a later date. This will, in all probabiltiy, result in home and home games and will be something new to have a few good games at the begin- ning; of the season. In view of the im- portance of the challenge, considerable enthusiasm will be evinced and much interest aroused. I l "Weston people are a music loving lu)c,puiave"---isras again demonstrated on it'l‘hursday evening byithe large number Iwho gathered in Westminster Auditor- ;ium to enjoy the 9ratoriot "Seven ’_\Vords of Christ," given by the choir lof Westminster, assisted by Mrs. Kirk- ‘.11p, of Toronto, and Mr. Alan McLean ",opti Mr. Dure, of Toronto. Owing to liliness, J. Earle Newton was unable to (he present, but Mr. Legge, of Toronto, lvery ably took his place at the organ, lassisted by Miss Isabelle Moffathat the lpiano. Too much credit cannot he paid (Mr. Legge for his masterful handling of the instrument on. such short prac- (tice, also praise is due Mr. Riggs, choir [,leader, and the choir as a whole for the excellent rendering of this most heauti- iii of all Easter selections. The tone, [quality and unit of voice in the chorus work was a delight, as was the soprano, tenor and baritone pa,rts taken by Mrs. Kirkup, Mr. McLean and Mr. Dare, ,euch one bringing toHhe hearts of the audience the full significance of the sacrifice made by the Christ for us as 'he hung upon the cross, forgetting self in his love and pity for the sorrowing lunother and weeping; women, also His tdivine words of forgiveness, amidst the jeers and taunts of the scornful crowd. (These artists have certainly won for “themselves a place in the hearts of Wes- ton people, and are assured of a warm welcome on any future occasion they may visit the town. Following the clos- dng chorale, "We do Adore Thee, o; Christ," Rev. Fvrbes.Rpbertson closed tith a short prayer. Following; the programme, refreshments were served (and at the. close Mr. Newman, of To- ‘ronto, gave a short address, in which; 'he paid tribute to the work of the chain with the statement that the work at" the chorale was' up t?) the standard If) anything done in Toronto by chureh) _choirs. Mr. McLean, also of TiiiiiiiJ/ complimented the Board of Manager“ on having such a splendid organization as the choir had proved themselves to be, and the pastor, in a few closing words, spoke of the Amity existing be- tween'himself, the choir leader and the chbir. ,' I WESTON Sl1iillE ELEM UHIBEHS Bass-Mr. A. SrThornas, Mr. A. Smith, Mr. S. Smith, Mr. F, Moffat, Mr. W. Scott, Mr. Wm. H. Leslie, Mr. J. Prentice, Mr. J. Brand, Mr. P. G. Riggs Lacrosse Off to a Good Start-- Herb, Rudolph Re-elected -eP, Chief Executive r'renor---Mt's. c, Hastings, Mr. Ddd- ley Ward, Mr. A. C. Kirkup, Mr. W. Newman, Mr. J. Saunders, Mr. A, Greaves. _ Personnel of Choir Soprano-Mrs, J, A. Meldrum, Mrs. A. M. Oldhafh, Miss E. Bondy, Miss K. A. Ingram, Miss F. Shaw, Miss E. Shaw, Miss C. Shaw, Miss K. J. Mac- Innes, Miss K. Meldrum, Miss E. Lind- .say, Miss E. Latham, Miss R. O'Brien, "Miss A. James, 1iii,,ii,ijii, Cameron, Miss B. Day, Mix. w. GEE House; Missa!, J., 'MacMurchy. , Alto--i1frs. E. F. Irwin, Mrs.. J, C. Irvin, Miss M, Martin, Miss A. Scott, Mrs. A. B. Lamont, Miss M. Irwin., '- WESTMINSTER (llllllfl Ill, l, l, (l, n _ : GIVESriUH‘ATIJHII] PIE-URBAN uni, iuitsu. ; _ ' . helioway, I‘Ar g), 'a son,r" I 'Tis sweet to know we'll meet COULTER--Jn loving memory of An. nie Johnston, wife of Levi Coulter wind departed this life March 27tlr, 1912. The audience then journeyed down- stair, where in each room the different lines of study curried on in the school were illustrated by the pupils. The people went from room to room and cveryhody was pleased with the exhi, hition given by the pupils. D. w. Campbell, chairman of the Board of Education, presided, and in his speech he showed the growth of the school during the past nine years. The attendance has increased from 99 to 400 pupils, while the county grant has grown from 82,197 in 1918 to $17,836 in 1922. Following his brief address, the diplomas were presented to the pu- pils by Professor Wade and J. A. Cam- eron, a member of the board. After the presentation, there were exhibition drills and fancy dancing, radio lecture by one of the pupils and experimeuls on liquid by the fifth forin boys, which everybody' thoroughly enjoyed. On Friday evening; the local High Schotil annual commencement exercise was held in the High School auditor, ium. The citizens were out in large number and they always have the stu- dents put on a good programme, and this year they certainly were not dis, appointed. Owing to the uncertainty of when the annual event could be held, no play was got up, and great credit is due the students and teachers for the programme they procured in such a short time. ..At the last regular meeting of the West York Royal Scarlet Chapter, the following officers were elected tor the ensuing yeatr--Wor. Comp. in C., J. P. Allan; Ex-Compo J. H. West; Comp. Chan, R. Cathcart,Sr., Comp. Scribe, p, Cathcart, Jr., Comp. Treasurer, Thos. Morrison; Sir H. at Arms, w. Dowdell; Comp. lst L,, H. Grenville; Comp. 2nd L., H. Robertson; Comp. lst C., Geo. Crisp; Comp. 2nd C., David Service; Comp. I. H., John Shirley. The Chapter will continue holding their re- gular meetings in the I.0.0.F. Hall, and on the next meting night, which will be Thursday, April 19th, several visitors are expected, who will assist in the work of the evening. Masters Adrian Louw and Billy Sainsbury are to have the honor of playing a comet duet at Mdsisey Hall during the week of the Ontario Musical Festival, commencing April 30th and ending May 4th. These two boys are believed to be the youngest comet players in Canada, being 6 and 7 years respectively. R. s. CHAPTER ELECT OFFICERS WESTON musmmms [, AT MASSEY Hm l About seventy-five members of the l meeting on Monday evening last in the "town Hall. While the attendance may seem large, it was comprised mostly of active members. The secretary, J. P. Allan, was called first to give his an- nual report. During his discourse, he hreifly outlined the work of the year front an administrative point of View. mentioning that the details would be given by the Chairmen of the various committees and the team managers. The president, Mr. Alex. Pearson fa- vored amateurism through and through but was strongly opposed to “Mongrel Amateurism" such as is being proc- tised today to no small extent. "It is clean sport that builds up and maintains the morale of the country," he stated. Mayor R. J. Flynn spoke of the work of the year and the progress in sports that had been made, also substantiating the president's address. Mr. Jas. Ca- meron gave a detailed report of the finances of theryear, which showed a credit balance of about $25.00. While the previous year showed a credit ba- lance of $2.82 it also showed a, note in favor of the Bank for $196.00. Du- ring the past year, this had been wiped out and a real credit balance shown. In furthering his remarks, the presi- dent also mentioned that it was not his desire that the citizens should be asked to pay twice to see the game played, He was opposed to approach- his the citizens asking for donations and then asking another charge at the gate. Messrs. J. T. Farr and Thos. Griffith briefly accounted their reSpe0- tive committee work of the year, and H. F. Jennings gave a short account of the activities of the Midget team, which had gone through the season with only one defeat and then only by one goal, The juvenile team was sup- ported by Arthur Mallaby, who so ca- pably guided it through the past SCft- son. The election of officers will be held at a. meeting to be called in April,. The following delegates were elected fr “tend the o.A.r,.A. Convention which will be held in the King: Edward Hotel on Friday next; J. P. Allan, A. Mallaby, T. Griffith, J. T. Farr, R. J. Flynn, Jas. Cameron. It was moved that the club operate a Junior. Juven- ile and Midget teams again this year. Weston to be Represented at the Ontario Musical Festival in May H. S. COMMENCEMENT IN MEMORIAM [x b',?iittii, Richardson's Drug Store h Cl d IlllllllfllllllllllllllllllIllIIIIIIIIIIlIll!"In!!!"llllllllllIllullllllllillllnnlIn!â€lllllllullllll"I“IIIIt.lIIIIllllllIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIW WESTON id} (lg/"1 I Argégwf tt-":tjf'i'i'(i"i'irhiiis HOUSE 41 Special Bodies and Cabs made to order from. $25.00 up General Blacksmithing QxyNrelding SIS to sas ft. The Cruickshank Wagon Works 1lliliil)ll HEIGHTS If you don't believe "it's fun," ask the hundreds who have relief through Chiropractic adjustments. Will call at your house if necessary'. 7 e) JUST EAST OF WADSWORTH PROPERTY IDEAL LOCATION Y--ou, too, â€may be young, O-ff with age. U-can hop, and skip and run, T---ake adjustments now, it's fun Ff-strc, and hold Your Health. Situated Between lhikitaltl and William St. T RESTRICTED PROPERTY EASY TERMS First' Mortgages arranged for this property. l, I L - - THE BEST IN DRUG STORE SERVICE i?" a owes" ""rHRootrH Yaw? I NF.R. v55 NERD TRUCK BODIES AND CABS Always in stock ready to Int on DOCTOR OF CHIROPA m =1... CAgaMN5N61lB' .._ -.E, .. r tgFEtt my»: &' was - by, " BilN may a; all “ tit s' grM ' 13'; 'eh, - $1; . FR , 'rt' arimt " " ttt " Mi "'RtBi? - - I q a: tN Il 1‘s: " IO , tl at " ' 'tmms ' “I. " r." ' K: " -, = .. - t Reartr86 wmk - r. IF' th' MB' - , M MAIN ST. NORTH, WESTON EXCLUSIVE AGENT Phone 251 Chiropractic and Youth 'TIE YEAR’S AT TIE SPRING†BARKER a Co. Let us Bale Your Hay and Straw WESTON BUSINESS 387 PHONE 110 Jr, o" . trg fl